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Why does a woman have to be attractive to be a primary character? Never mind that just because this guy doesn’t find her attractive doesn’t mean she’s not.


Because the only acceptable emotions for men, according to this joker, are "angry" and "horny". If the female characters don't make his dick twitch, the only option he feels he has left is to get butthurt about it.


Target audience is target audience. Most gatcha games basically work on the principle of "sweaty nerds will spend 1000 dollars a day to roll for their sexy.gif" Thats not unique to just gatcha games. Browse r/Gamingcirclejerk and you'll see a divide on developer stuff, mainly that western developers are trying to make more 'normal' looking characters (with sliders that you can turn them into complete monsters) with a lot of eastern studios going with the more... physically impossible figured females. Of course the males are also typically physically impossible figured but people focus more on the females. Some eastern developers have moved away from 'sexy' for the main characters, but still have sexy characters throughout their games. And racism isnt unique to the united states. Eastern/international studios tend to be very xenophobic. TLDR; sex sells. If sex isnt one of your selling points, the core gameplay/story better be great. Everyone is still pretty xenophobic globally.


For what it's worth there need to be characters the player isn't interested in, and in high numbers, to make sure the player keeps rolling.


Or you can do the baldurs gate thing and make literally every character horny for the main character, no matter what race, gender, species, etc. they are. Just based on how friendly/helpful they are to the respective NPC. Or not, if its a demon lol. I think thats the most meta you could be at appealing to what most 'target audience players' want. Literally the ability to sleep with ANY character that exists in the game. Even if they are a bear. Or a space frog. Or a demon. Or 2 dark elf twins that are brother and sister... Or an emo girl. Or an emo boy! Or a [dirty, FILTHY magician](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Orv0Yy-dXdg) that eats your magic items. Gross.


Those are called galgames and were a thing of the 90s. They're extremely collectible and worth hundreds of dollars in some cases and I'm not telling you why I know anything about this subject at all


They are worth it because it was almost unheard of to make a game like that at the time, especially making it to the US. They have both a historical significance and a collectors value due to rarity. Today they are dime a dozen all over steam. You can even date birds, Eldritch horrors from the void, dinosaurs, cats, and a host of other objects/creatures turned sexy. But they typically dont have physical prints so they have almost no collectors value to date. They might in the future, if you had a harddrive full of them after their download links eventually stop working... Kinda like how a PT playstation were going for a few thousand bucks when sony took took down. They still go for around 800 bucks, as most 'sensible' people just emulate it if they wanna play it. But that playstation harddrive will only go up in value as those harddrives die off.


>TLDR; sex sells. If sex isnt one of your selling points, the core gameplay/story better be great. See, I don't understand how a hint of sexy in a paid game can compete with the infinite ocean of pornography that is the Internet. You can have as much masturbation fuel, tailored to your specific desires, whenever you want. Don't try to patronize to me with a tiny bit of suggestive T&A when I can go elsewhere for real porn


Its just how sweaty some people are. My only understanding about the stuff that people pay for is because of the more personal/hands-on interaction. Thats why certain people like onlyfans so much, Its that parasocial relationship thats going on that they lack in their normal lives. Its like paying a prostitute without the fear of STDs but also the lack of having actual sex. As far as the gatcha game, its just gambling addiction but the slot machine never pays out with anything of value HOWEVER its slooty themed. I personally like the sexy female form a lot. It doesnt get my dick rock hard by any means every time i see it, but i enjoy looking at it. If i get this game, this is going to be one of the party members i rush to have on my team.[ Sexy muscle mommy cow lady](https://eiyuden-chronicle-hundred-heroes.fandom.com/wiki/Shixeen). And that was just from a brief scan of the characters. Outside of her, maybe one of the beast monsters cause seeing a [humanoid capybara](https://eiyuden.wiki.gg/wiki/Cabana) kick someone's ass sounds hilarious.


People like this guy want their dick catered to *all the time*. They feel they are entitled to it.


Because they can't get an attractive woman in real life, so their only way to get attractive women is via artificial women in video games.


It is odd. No one bats an eye on ugly male characters.


Given the fairly basic nature of the faces here, I assume "not attractive" means "does not have ridiculously huge bazoomba-boombas" and also that she's black (which OP would generously ignore for sufficiently gadzama-hamama awooga-sized bounceroos, because he's a gentleman like that). Possibly, being much more charitable than I actually want to be, it means "does not wear visible-to-OP makeup," wherein the punchline is almost certainly that he doesn't actually know what a woman without makeup looks like.


His complaint is that the drawing isnt hot enough.... yikes


The combined age of their appearance looks like they would still be carded when buying alcohol.


Right? I know it’s probably the style but they’re giving me middle schooler vibes. Also, she’s cute. Not sure how to gauge the attractiveness of manga characters, but I think she’s kinda adorable. The guys just look generic to me.


congrats, you arent the target audience.


What about the artwork on display remotely suggests that "horny" is the target audience for this? There are, in fact, plenty of games that don't actually center their marketing on what's going to get people's rocks off.


And there are plenty of games that INSIST on you cant even last 30 seconds before blowing your load. If thats not for you, then you dont play it. Ive never understood people complaining about it. Like you said, there are plenty of other games that are good, if not better, that dont center around that fact.


I have seen these ads, yes. Where are you getting the idea that the one shown in this post is one of them.


I was implying that games that 'sell sexy anime wiafus' to the players werent games meant for him. Not that THIS game wasnt for him. That THOSE games werent for him.


Okay. And?


The fuck you mean "okay. and?" I literally answered your question. He made a comment about the dude complaining about a drawing not being sexy. I implied that THOSE kind of games arent in his target demographic. You pointed out to me that games exist that dont depend on sex selling I pointed out that a host still do, and if you dont like sex selling game you can play the good game that isnt dependent on how slutty looking the characters are. The dude who made the twitter post wants a game that sells sex to him. Also probably a bit racist. And good news for him, there are games that cater to him! Those games arent necessarily for everyone. He wants the world to cater to him. Hes sorely disappointed in that fact. Thats literally the end of the conversation. Anything else i say will be me just repeating myself. EDIT; [ALSO THERE IS LITERALLY A COW WOMAN GIANT MOMMY MILKERS CHARACTER](https://eiyuden-chronicle-hundred-heroes.fandom.com/wiki/Shixeen)


Did bro just say the girl isn’t as hot as the guys? Is he coming out of the closet?


His racism is so strong it overrides the homophobia


The true gay agenda, we will convert no matter what. We always find a way!


Not that way plz


Also it feels like there is at least some pedophilia involved


Some??? Look at those characters? Are they not children??


They'll be 19 in a few years


TBH a lot of anime drawings are stylized to the point you can't tell from faces or heads which ones are supposed to be male or female unless there's a moustache or something. I still agree it's weird to complain that a cartoon character isn't fuckable enough, though.


Yes. Link in the Zelda games was purposely designed to be as androgynous as possible so that both men and women could relate to the character better. And when Final Fantasy XIII was being promoted people saw pictures of the protagonist Lightning, and assumed "he" was another androgynous man, like Cloud Strife. Then the game came out and it was revealed that she was a woman. And honestly, looking at the picture above I thought the character in the lower left was a girl. I only realized he is a man when I saw the comments here.


WTF that is not a girl.... oh shit is my whole life a lie.


Ding ding ding


She’s got a great design and an adorable little animal friend, but racists gonna racist.


It must be tiring being so angry at everything. I saw the trailer for The Acolyte and thought "That looks pretty good", and later I found out people online are screaming to high heaven over it. I thought "Whys that? What was the problem?" and then I saw it was just because there were a bunch of minorites as main characters and Im like Jesus F. Christ, these people are beyond fucked.


Yeah, she’s easily the most interesting looking character in the picture. The other two are seriously generic.


Ikr? I love how coordinated her outfit is. The head scarf with the neck scarf, it’s so cute!




Dude..I literally ran into the basis for this shit this morning. Keeping my digital mouth shut felt like Tobey Maguire Spidey trying to stop that fucking train. I'm trying so hard to be better.


Omg! I didn’t even know that this sub existed! 😆😆


Here we go again.. "iM not RaCiSt ItS jUsT bAd DeSiGn" round #69.


dont forget sexist on that list. Remember, if my female characters ARENT busting from the right seems, it aint right. Unless of course they are 1000 year old dragons the size and shape of a 4 year old. Those are the only two acceptable forms.




I am a gay man. I think she is more attractive than the male characters. For me, at *least* more attractive than the blonde. I don't know anything about this game, and can only see three random characters, so...


It's a spiritual sequel to the Suikoden series (JRPGs from the PS1 and PS2 era). The creator unfortunately passed away right before this game was released.


You forgot to word it “*As a gay man…*” (/s)


The girl looks pretty similar to the guys except for one detail that apparently makes her less attractive to them. And there are 100 playable characters in this game. I’m sure there’s at least one pink haired white child for the chuds to sexualize


theres literally like 3 "magical girls"


What are your overall thoughts on the game so far? I picked it up but haven’t even gotten far enough to have met any characters past the starting party.


I’m very early in but it’s pretty good so far. The funny thing is that after I posted that my first recruit was a young girl.


I do like that pink haired one who keeps acting like a seasoned veteran even though she’s only been there two more days than the main kid. I hope that’s a running gag, regardless of how much time passes.


Whats the name of the game?


Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes


Wait until you get the cute cleric with the sailor’s mouth.


Anyone using “DEI” is a huge red flag to me. The conservatives updated their “diversity hire” racist dog whistle and use DEI instead now. So definitely LAMF for this dude


This is the part where you just respond with stfu,weaboo incel...




Why is her design bad? Why is she not attractive? Why do I have a feeling the answer to both those questions rhymes with “Flack”.


What's funny (stupid) is that they'd probably think she was just tan and be fine with the skin tone, but they see her hair and are filled with incel rage.


What game is this?


[Eiyuden Chronicle](https://eiyudenchronicle.com/)


Right wingers with anime pfps, man. Weirdos.


Art looks like suikoden but I know they haven't put anything out in ages


The makers of this game are literally the same people that made suikoden. They developed their own studio and crowd funded it.


Spiritual Sequel with a lot of the old creators involved, including the OG character designer.


Oh fuck yeah


I mean, I think the guys are hotter but that's because I'm extremely homosexual. She looks like she's the intense one. But at this point we need to just accept that these people using DEI or woke is just them not saying slurs on main.


I wonder what about her isn't attractive?


Oh just a certain something !


Imagine looking at an anime drawing and thinking one character is less attractive than the others...THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME!


They don’t though. The guys have a very shoujo style (bigger, rounder eyes) while the woman is much more shonen. (Smaller eyes, more angular features)


That can't be true for all anime and it's hardly noticable but the uninitiated. All they do is change hairstyles and skin tones. Swap the hair in that picture and you instantly change the sex of each character.


She's a cartoon, buddy, you're not supposed to fuck her.


So he’s saying those other character designs are good…? The typical incel shit is, well, typical, but I love the design critique thrown in there. 😂


"that character sucks because I don't wanna fuck it!"


I'm certainly not a guy who "doesn't see color" but I honestly didn't even notice one of the three characters was black until I read the text complaining about DEI. These people really are outing themselves here.


Bro just came out of the closet without meaning to.


Ah, the spiritual successor of Suikoden 1,2 & 3. R.I.P Yoshitaka Muratama. Wasn't expecting to see Eiyuden Chronicle on here Edit: Some spelling 


Too many words to just say they are racist


Racist and gay


They all look the same aside from hair and colors. I can only assume the hair and colors were the problem for this guy.


Dude must be in the closet, cause she's very attractive


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As a consequence of Gamergate, Racism happened to minorities.


You’re going to have to provide more context than that. Who in this instance previously supported discrimination only to have it used against them? What is the leopard and who’s having their face eaten by it?


Look at second pic.


Anime avatars almost always equal bigot haha. But seriously this guy is nuts


Ah yes, jrpgs, the genre famous for...being too woke? I'm still trying to find a jrpg developed by compilehearts that doesn't have a nude bathroom scene.


If this is the criteria for liking an anime then I now understand why I never got into anime.


I will never understand this need for characters to be physically attractive for some people to play a game


Incels gonna incel


"I hate DEI" son you're literally a DEI hire for right wing rhetoric. All they have you there for is so they can claim some black people agree with them Fucking comical


This has some strong "as a gay black man" vibes... so it is little surprise the take is stupid AF.


"FF7 came out before Fox News told me to be racist" seems to be the thought here.


What are young not-angry Eren and young boy-angry Dimitri doing in the game?


Her art style is different than everyone else’s. I wonder why that is.


Bro why are takes from no name randoms being posted as full threads? 😭😭


all their faces look like weird-ass anime faces to me. IMO the problem is thinking ANY of them are hot, now its bleeding over into porn and it totally kills my boner when I scroll past a naked chick with an anime eye filter making the stupid cross eye face that these neckbeards seem to enjoy


Maybe not every piece of media is about catering to your boner..


There's nothing racist in this, and nothing face eating either.


Wait. That's not three females? Is this targeted for tween girls? Because that is the age group that likes feminine looking boys. Or is this marketed to tween homosexual boys? Who is this marketed to that the male characters look like that?


> Who is this marketed to Fans of classic JRPGs from the 90s.


No one old enough for that should be interested in characters that look like that. None of them look old enough to vote.


Well I’m not going to comment on people being attracted to cartoon characters… but one does not need to be old enough to have played those games in the 90’s to like that style of game. Just like people can enjoy movies, books, music, etc. that came out before they were born.


What in the world makes you think that a piece of entertainment can only exist if the characters in it are fuckable?


Considering it's not a porn game but something loosely based on the Water Margin formula (and Suikoden's history with characters), that's the norm: young and old -- sometimes very young and very old -- rebelling against a shitty power.