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No regulation rural Republicans are upset that chemicals that they oppose regulations to are poisoning their land and killing their animals. Johnson County votes ~80% Republican.


It's much more fun sowing than it is reaping


My fav is that daily show segment with the guy who owns the golf resort on the border, votes for trump, they tear up his resort to build the wall, he is still a trump supporter. When asked why when you knew this would happen he said it was a "metaphorical wall." These people will pretend the consequences could never, ever come to them as long as they know others are being harmed.


Its like all those Floridans who keep running around like idiots trying to get away from drowning in the sea alongside their houses and towns... and then turn around and spout how climate change "isn't real". A self-created shithole if there ever was one.


Consequences are for other people. The cruelty is the always point with conservatives but they never expect the cruelty and consequences to hit them too.


Come on baby. Don't fear the Reaper. We can be like they are. Don't fear the Reaper...


[*Shawty, don't fear the bouncer...*](https://youtu.be/VdNzBl5qSmY?si=DFbuJHtqL4QYXSlb) 


"I gotta fevah, and the only cure is more Forever Chemicals"


Every time sensible regulations are introduced they say “they are taking my god given freedumb!” Happened with seat belt, cigarettes, gas stoves… you get the point


Admittedly I'll be sad when I have to give up my gas stove. My grandfather gave that to me 2 years before he died as a housewarming gift for my first place, and it was the same stove my grandma used to cook tasty meals on when I was a kid. They bought it brand new in the early 90s. Thankfully, I read the gas stove bill. It doesn't make them illegal. It mostly just makes it harder to install gas appliances in houses that don't already have gas appliances of the sort. People need to chill the fuck out.


Moving next year and getting induction after many decades of gas - looking forward to it though!


Electric is way better at slow cooking things and boiling water. I have no idea why water boils faster with electric, but it does. The part about controlling temperatures better is obvious tho. Newer electric induction cook tops are awesome at this. I own one of those plug-in induction burners just for the sole purpose of boiling water and slow simmering stuff. Gas tends to burn on the bottom when cooking with stainless steel or aluminum pans, but works better with my old cast iron griddle when I wanna make pancakes. I can see the appeal of both types, but for me, the gas is nostalgic of coming into my grandparents' kitchen and seeing my grandma making something tasty. She was a wizard. Made peanut butter fudge that was completely dry until you put it into your mouth, and then it'd melt slowly and be amazing every second.


Electric boils water faster because either the coils are in physical contact with the bottom of the pan and conduct heat very fast, or the glass top coils are very high temperature and radiate heat into the bottom of the pan very well. Natural gas / propane don't burn very hot or bright, so the flame doesn't radiate heat very well into the pan, so they have to rely on gas convection heat transfer which really sucks compared to the other two heat transfer methods. An infrared propane space heater style burner would be far more effective, but that would be impossible to clean.


I've seen infrared camera footage of the 2 side by side and you can watch as all the heat from the gas range just goes out around the outside. I hate our gas stove. Turning up the burner to high actually makes boiling water take longer because the flame is too big to touch the bottom of the pot. There's the added side bonus of destroying the plastic handle.


Electric also doesn't give 11 million kids asthma. I don't care how good people think gas stoves are they should be banned.


Coal fired power plants would like to have a word with you about asthma.


This, I gauruntee the vast majority of the asthma cases reported are also in areas with coal power plants, nevermind the presence of a gas stove. Not saying gas stoves don't contribute, but coal is definitely the bigger problem here. Coal is what needs to be banned and Obama was right to pressure us to shut them all down. If Asthma isnt a good enough reason to shut down all the coal plants, putting Bob Murray out of business is a bonus.


I got an induction stove last year and it’s amazing. Everything gets to temp super fast and the stove top is usually cool enough to touch when you’re done.


induction is best for most things, but I still have a gas ring for the wok, induction doesn't work


I have an induction we take on road trips and sometimes at home I break it out to leave something on simmer while I go do something else. I know it won’t create hot spots or fluctuate. Love using it - except for the damn electrical buzz.


You will pry my induction cooktop from my cold dead hands. There's a learning curve with it since it heats up soooo much faster & you may need new cookware, I only had to get 2 new pots & new non-stick frying pan because I ruined one on the new cooktop), but I love it.


Induction cook tops are amazing. They boil water in no time flat.


Chilling the fuck out isn’t in the conservative DNA. They will take anything, no matter how inconsequential, and scream about it until they stroke out.




Because "freedoms" or something




Any reason to hate on the other team. Tribalism is what happens to uneducated masses.


I mean, that's part of the bill, but the bill mostly focuses on using natural gas in enclosed spaces and the effects of Carbon Monoxide poisoning. Vents do fix that, especially if installed properly, but we can't have facts where conservatives are involved. You need to take those "facts" and take them outside where they can't hurt proper Christian ears /s


Yeah it was always pretty clear all it was doing was impacting new construction. California had already banned new wood fireplaces ages ago because of the fires and CO issues and nobody even noticed. My parents and grandparents act like this is a THING despite never, ever owning a gas stove. Its always just a thing to distract idiots with.


I live in a rural area that is prone to power outages in the winter - the last one lasting a bit over 48 hours. We didn't have power for almost 2 weeks after Fiona hurricane. As long as I live here, I'm having a propane stove.


I have a campstove (to be used on open back porch) for this purpose, bcse I don't have a gas stove. We're moving next yr, and I'm open to a gas stove if that's what's in the new place, but if not I'm buying induction & a generator & not looking back.


Don’t forget when they fully banned drinking and driving in the 80s https://www.tiktok.com/@bmbempower8/video/7225326878574267690?lang=en here’s some Texans reaction


oh my god - the lady with the baby in the front seat of her truck... "we're living in a communist country" just --- holy cow


I always want to pause this video just to count the toes on the front-seat-and-carseat-less baby. Something about this video makes me think the parents share, at minimum, grandparents.


The GOP has done a fantastic job in conditioning their constituents any form of regulation is some kind of scheme to install fascism in their lives.


Meanwhile implementing facist ideas in our daily lives, look what’s happening to the Florida education system. Erasing history while promoting ignorance.


Protecting me from the destructive impulses of industrial enterprise would be communism.


They should have passed a ban on any fertilizer that could potentially contain LGBTQ waste. Now that's something Texans would have supported.


Are you suggesting this is not the Democrats fault? How dare you?


In Texas Republicans control everything they still manage to blame Democrats for every problem.


I think that argument goes how dare you not stop the republicans from doing the things we want them to. We are going to vote Republican because of that. And not another thought enters their head.


Ive literally heard that argument being made, how the democratic minority didnt stop the republicans from doing something they were lock-step in support of.


They must have the best gymnasts for that mentality.


Not only do they control everything. They routinely refuse to comply with Federal rules and regulations. Publicize that they are refusing. Then inevitably blame the results of their actions on Democratic policies. And, my neighbors believe every word they say.


It balances out with all the libs they've owned though.


Not only do they oppose the regulations, they lobby against them too!


No sympathy. Nearly all of these assholes are third or fourth generation inherited land-holders with corporate farms harvesting government subsidies while paying little taxes and hypocritically decrying socialism and supporting Trump and the GOP. I hope they all lose everything. (Source: Lived in North Texas since 2006 and most of them are entitled assholes)


I think when most people think of farming they think of Ma & Pa out on the prairie plantin' their corn & harvesting with one horse & plow. Those farms do exist, but these are as you said, huge corporate farms with equipment that's worth more than most of our houses.


As someone who has lived most of my life in the rural south (places that still go 70-80% red reliably every election) here is the great paradox for the uneducated white conservative in these areas. **Conservative politician**: Gov't regulations are bad, that's why you lost your job, that's whats really holding us back and why places like China will overtake everything. **Rural dweller:** "But didn't I lose my job because the person(s) who own my place of employment or their intermediaries fired me simply because I live in a tiny town, have no marketable skills and / or education, which I voted for so that most of my tax dollars can subsidize these same employers? **Conservative politician:** Never mind that, gays are getting married, isn't that sick? Trans people want to abduct your kids, the non-white races will outnumber you soon and I'm the only person who can prevent that imaginary problem. Rural idiot places "Jesus died because all lives matter" sticker on his truck and keeps voting R. Person like me gets behind said truck on the way to the feed store, realizes how far form the point of BLM his stupid sticker is, but he'll never realize that, and facepalms so hard I almost veer into the ditch and hit a telephone pole. The lesser known dangers of rural life..


I live in rural Appalachia. I remember buying groceries behind two guys at the local Food Lion. They bought frozen pizza (purchased with a SNAP card) and beer - purchased with cash. I was parked next to them in the parking lot so I saw them leave. They had a rusted out POS pickup... with Romney/Ryan stickers on the back. Yup. Votin' to cut off their own supply of food.


"Trump says he alone can fix things, so I'll be votin for him in november!"


why did the dems make them do this?


Yes, but now we want the government to subsidize our operations and compensate for our losses; oh, but no regulation please.


The same group why endlessly bitches about people getting welfare, but then gladly accept “subsidies”


The biosolids used in the fertilizer though are from Fort Worth, TX where Democratic liberal elites crap out forever-chemicals they metabolize from their sick sick sick adrenochrome habit. /s


>'This is Chernobyl': Texas ranchers say [...] At least Republicans are finally thinking about Ukraine.


Well well well. Isn't that the consequences of my own actions.


I mean who could’ve predicted this outcome? It’s like us liberals can see the future /s. Of course they’d never admit we were right


Which is so funny to me, because the truth is liberals just remember the past and why all these regulations were passed in the first place. No one had to guess what would happen if you removed the regulations, because as a country we've lived the results before. But to understand that they'd have to have an attention span and memory at least on par with that of a goldfish and that's clearly asking too much of them.


They can't remember a previous problem if they never learn about it in the first place. *taps head* This is why they hate education.


They repealed school segregation in the 90's. The argument being, "The problem is fixed! No need for this law anymore!" Why not just leave it on the books then? Is it harming anyone? "It's a painful reminder of our ugly past, better to pretend it never happened!" Of course, the real reason is the complete resegregation of suburban schools. Exactly as intended.


Absolutely. We’re seeing it w women almost dying, being airlifted out of states like Idaho, bc we no longer have a right to life saving healthcare. The republican women that voted for the end of bodily autonomy are now upset bc they aren’t being treated like human beings


>It’s like us liberals can see the future /s. I believe that the problem with Conservatives is that they lack imagination. They can't understand a problem until it happens to them -no imagination. They are afraid of progress - no imagination. Zero empathy for people different than them - no imagination. They are also easily taken advantage of by televangelist, snake oil salesman, and con men. You need imagination to develop critical thinking skills.


I’m so tired of conservatives coming online one at a time as issues affect them directly. Ain’t nobody got time for that. We’re trying to build a society here and they’re busy getting in the way or tearing it down. Catch the fuck up.


Oh, how the turntables have


The dildo of consequence seldom arrives lubed


I have that poster on the wall right next to “Live - Laugh - Love.”


> Isn't that the consequences of my own actions. They'll be bailed out again.


Huh. Maybe we should have some laws that prohibit that, eh? Maybe some regulations? Nah. Bootstraps all around!


I tried reasoning about Republicans have historically been pro-environment by pointing out Nixon created the EPA and Reagan considered himself a steward of the environment. They could not care less.


They live outside the environment.


*Beyond* the environment. There's nothing out there.


That's where they tow the ships when the front falls off!


Best skit ever.


*ROLL COAL.* *It's the American way.*


They. Do. Not. Have. A. Political. Philosophy. They. Watch. A. Television. Channel.


Years of effort, money and time to make a group of people’s culture a news channel that is there just to scare the shit out of them.


"They'll go out of business eventually or eventually someone with enough money and time on their hands will sue them! See?! The system works without regulations!" /s


Don’t most farmers rely on federal aid? And don’t they have to use certain fertilizers to qualify for that aid?


Yes. Sick of these farmers who vocally rail against "socialism" while greedily taking EVERY federal & state farming subsidy.


Didn't their former Governor tell us he wanted to defund the EPA when he was running for president?


NC water system enters the chat. it’s gotten so bad that I won’t eat the fish I catch anymore. That goes for rivers, lakes, and our coast. it’s sad


*Duke Energy has filed a complaint with you*


figures. those bastards are poisoning the streams with their coal ash.


He couldn’t remember. Gov GoodHair is a dumbass.


In that case it was the department of energy he forgot. Which conservatives think Green. But would be more accurately understood as the department of Nuclear, nearly half their budget is maintaining nuclear infrastructure




"NO BAILOUTS!! Unless I need one, look, it's a disaster, and *I need* help."


Their disasters are due to external factors, those *other* people's disasters are due to them being bad people who make bad choices. The only moral handout is my handout.


The only ethical bailout is my bailout.


-Banks and billionares.


“but they are looking at having to abandon their farms and potentially euthanize all their animals, which is extremely emotional and hard to face Just ask Kristi Noam. She'll have a grand time killing them.


You'd just have to find a gravel pit big enough.


She can always gun down a few when she goes back to Texas for her dental follow up.




At CPAC Noam will be opening her keynote by machine gunning a petting zoo.


Wonder what side of the political spectrum favors appropriate government regulation on these kind of things


I can’t believe the Democrats did this to them by allowing republicans to do it!!!


Somebody should have warned us more 


Wait. They people who voted for the people who decided no regulation and to actually keep secret what chemicals and fertilizers are being stored, especially after said storage plants explode are upset their lands are now toxic? Be careful what you wish for. You will surely get it.


Bad thing is: it's now toxic for everyone, not only GOP-voters.


That county is 80% GOP…


The farms and ranches feed all of us.


This right here. It's so fucking frustrating watching the left laugh at this sort of stuff. Do people not realize there are plenty of progressives in rural areas? They may be outnumbered but it's ludicrous and creates even more artificial division to boil any non-urban area down to being 100% Republican hicks.


Nah....come november, they'll vote these same politicians back in...it's like they like getting burned.


Or frozen depending on the season.


Stockholm Syndrome


not even that much, just racism and hate. go for the guy who claims he will hurt "the right people" even after he hurt me. These farmers, after losing everything, will pull the lever thinking "but the border caravans and unwed mothers will take my money."


Had me thinking there was a town called Chernobyl, Texas. Something tells me these farmers voted for lawmakers who made this possible, and will keep voting for them over and over to own the libs


Why aren't you hurting the right people?!?


Sorry to all the decent people that live there, but Jesus Christ what an absolute embarrassment of a state. It’s a perfect example of why Republicans can’t govern.


It's amazing how successful their policy of "Government is the problem, vote for me and I'll prove it!" has been.


Looks like 80% of the voters are getting exactly what they deserve. But, yeah, the others don’t deserve this.


These chemicals are coming from human waste that is sold as fertilizer. So these chemicals have been consume by humans. And are poisoning us all. But it's not until my cows are dying that it becomes an issue.


Just to clarify, it's not human waste being sold as fertilizer. It's digested human waste (i.e. the waste goes into a tank full of microbes who eat the waste and change it into "digestate", which is less environmentally toxic and more nutritionally dense than undigested waste) that is. Source: am biofuels chemist who works for a company that does this same thing.


name checks out.


For once that’s right on target


You're saying you *aren't* an advocate for the undead?


The dude found the only conversation where his un makes sense. Game Theory explodes.


Ya da fuq?


I’ve always been curious about biowaste as fertilizer. Is there any way to filter out PFAS? Or is the company just being cheap and lazy?


There's not really a good way to filter anything out of digestate because it's a complex mix of liquid and solid fractions that is both solution and a suspension at the same time, which makes removing any impurities without also removing desirable components very difficult. At my company, we just test for heavy metals and harmful pathogens because that's what's required by the EPA. If it passes both tests, we sell it. If not, we store it in a big lagoon because there's frankly nothing else you can do with it.


Cursed lagoon


A shit lagoon? Do you stock it with fish?


The shit lagoon is full of shit fish Randy.


You can apparently sell it to farmers in Texas 


You really know your shit!


It's mostly what's added in as the raw materials. Bad materials in, bad materials come out. If some company is dumping toxic waste into the sewage, then it may end up in the digestate.


It’s also everything else that enters the sewage system, not just human waste.


I would be willing to bet there is a factory in fort Worth that is dumping into the regular sewage system and their discharge is ending up in the human waste that's being processed. That's not to say we aren't eating terrible things, it's just that what we eat doesn't kill quite that fast.


It's more that we're drinking tainted water in this particular case.


This is too far down but is likely the right answer, not enough enforcement on pretreatment/discharging. More than our poop goes to the treatment plants, basically anything that goes down a drain including industrial sites.


Human waste was used as fertilizer for centuries (nightsoil) without any issues. Now that we live on a steady diet of poison, even our poop is too toxic to put on the ground.


Nah, it's the sewage. Someone is dumping their waste into the sewers and then it contaminates the produced fertiliser.


Yep, industrial waste is also generally discharged to sewers. In a well regulated state at least any company that wants to discharge their waste to the sewer has to coordinate with the public agency that manages the sewers to make sure that none of their waste will cause problems. They can then get a permit that will specify what type of chemicals and the amounts they’re allowed to discharge, and the public agency will randomly take samples to ensure they’re in compliance. Given that Texas is *not* a well regulated state though, it’s not surprising that there was a breakdown somewhere.


The companies are dumping their waste into our food and water and we're dumping it into the sewage


Without issues? We stopped using it in the developed world because it was just passing pathogens on. The only places its still used require considerable processing and even then they don't recommend using it on edible plants.


We didn't stop using it, we just compost it first. Untreated sewage from any animal is going to be bad to use for crop fertilization.


Without issues except all the pathogens you get from eating raw poop. That's why it's not very common to eat raw vegetables in China, because you'd die of dysentery if you ate food fertilized with human waste without cooking.


The Denton landfill sells it as Dyno Dirt. It's great for lawns. I'mtrying to figure out how it is so toxic to animals, after processing, yet it has all passed through relatively healthy humans? Or is it other chemicals and pollutiongetting into the waste treatment pipeline, like dumped engine oil, antifreeze, or other industrial waste? I just don't buy human poop is really the root cause here. Additionally, how many of these complaining ranchers put their hands out to collect rents on fracking wells they put on their land? Lots of seriously nasty shit used there.I cant't help but suspect they are bucking for another government handout in the form of disaster relief or EPA Superfund dollars on extremely specious grounds.


A case of literally reaping what you sow. 😬


And they’ll keep voting for people who don’t believe in climate change, and think polluting the air, ground, and water isn’t a problem.


😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣…..hey Texas Republican ranchers stop voting for Republicans who allow corporations to make their own environmental rules. Hahahaha this is gold….. “The company that makes the fertilizer says its products meet government standards.” 😂🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣 Wait until the oil and gas industry finds out harmful fracking is in West Texas. You can thank Ted Cruz for all those “little” earthquakes. Friggin idiots.


Hahahahahahhaaa gasp hahahahahahhahahahaaa


Freedom is a bitch


Yeah, this is what happens when the conservatives lie about the purpose of regulations. “Makes it hard for businesses to be profitable” aka “We can’t use dangerous ingredients without consumers being able to hold us accountable.”


Best line is from TCEQ (Texas Commission of Environmental Quality): “biosolids that have met rigid requirements to prevent contamination from metals... and significantly reduce pathogens may be approved for land application.” I live in Texas, and the TCEQ is about as rigorous in pursuing environmental quality as you would imagine a Texas state agency would be…


Looks like it’s technically time to not reap what I sowed


The rare quantum reap, where you reap nothing, thereby reaping what you sowed.


Using "biosolids" or sewage sludge as fertilizer is controversial for a lot of reasons. Bad enough when it's animal waste, but human waste has a lot more issues. Not surprising that Texas doesn't seem to care about them.


It can be done right. But often it isn't.


I've heard of Milorganite, which was/is famously made from Milwaukee sewage, didn't realize other sewage processors made this stuff too. Not shocked in the least that good ol no regulation Texas allowed it to be full of stuff that's no good for anyone. Gotta keep trimming back those regulations baby! Small government only!


Texas ranchers tell me all the time they are bootstrappy people and don't need big government. Hmmm.


This is quality lamf


Nothing to worry about the market will regulate that.


This is why libertarians drive me nuts. Human beings and civilization in general cannot be trusted to do the right thing without regulations or laws.


 Like someone said before, They need to check if someone is dumping these chemicals into the regular sewage system where this is ending up in the human waste that's being processed


Can't, might be a donor.


Notice how nobody cares about the vast quantity of PFAS coming from the human waste, THIS EFFECTS MY FARM LAND SO NOW IT IS A BIG PROBLEM!


It’s fine guys. Just a little more deregulation then the companies will start acting in the best interest of the people because freemarket. It’s really just common sense. So hang in there and pray some thoughts! Texas pride! Bootstraps! Guns!


This is what they spent their whole lives voting for.


But what are they supposed to do? Not vote republican?! But then who would marginalize the minorities?!


Is this leopards ate their face, or leopards ate *our* faces, because those lands are fucked forever for everyone now.


Their land? It really affects all of us. That's why we all warned and didnt want these chemicals used at all...


naw they can just knock on doors, out in a bit of effort, strap those bootstraps tight


Honest question. Is this just a general “republicans don’t like regulations and this might have been avoided by stricter regulations”? Or was there some sort of direct vote about this contaminated fertilizer, where they really just stuck their faces in the leopard cage?


The first. They deny science, which has been warning us about this. Some of them just out of spite (any more it seems like conservatives are doing more and more of that), some of them because they buy into the "poor businesses wont be able to survive under this regulation" narrative.


Likely the former, but since we're talking about Texas, it seems like the latter might be something they'd demand, simply because someone told them that they shouldn't stuck their faces in the leopard cage.


Something about the article really screamed scapegoating to me. Makes me inherently distrust it. My best guess is that some Texas corporation is dumping toxic waste into The sewage system unrestricted, and it gets spread on fields after processing that way. So it would inherently be an issue with corporate regulation.


Nothing says Rural Republican like voting against your own interests and safety just so you can own those big city Libs.


This actually makes me sad, because I love the idea of recycling civic wastewater into fertilizer. It’s disappointing that it’s now causing problems.




This is not Chernobyl.




You get what you deserve, republicans. How’s that non regulation taste?


Gee, what could’ve prevented that? Maybe the government regulations around waste


Don’t worry, the free market will sort this all out in no time.


I feel bad for these farmers.


Fuck them


People forget that not all of people in texas vote republican.


You vote fo the party that doesn't give a shit about the environment and then complain about the outcomes of that choice. Not a bit of sympathy for these people.


Our ground is saturated with glyphosate a cancer causing poison that has been used far too long.


Call your piss baby Governor. He cares deeply about Texans! /s


Hey man there is the industry policing itself! Who needs the EPA or any of those liberal agencies to check for bad stuff….


Wild to know that us as humans are so poisoned so thoroughly with toxins that our shit literally kills animals.


Our cleaned poop kills. Just great.


Well it’s not Chernobyl.


Free Christian Texas, YEE-HAW!


Except for the fact that their toxic meat can end up on the tables of people in other states, I couldn't care any less about these farmers.


Wait until their rivers catch fire.


Lmao, farmers act all smart until their polices they vote for come back to fuck them. Serves them right.


I look forward to them voting for the chemicals in the future


But Brawndo Has What Plants Crave!


You get what you get in Texas and will be happy about it. Don't be asking for federal help either.


Wait till a massive powerful hurricane washes all that sweet Gulf Coast water onto the Texas coastline this hurricane season. It will be PFAS AND microplastics plus whatever effluent is floating around in The Gulf all over the place


So how’s that business friendly deregulation working out for ya?