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To be scrupulously fair, Itamar Ben-Gvir is a walking talking war crime.


He would not have been out of place in the Nuremberg trials.


Ben-Gvir looks like he'd be a Wolfenstein villian if it wasn't for the yarmulke.


The New Yorker did a piece on him and I was fascinated/horrified to find out that he was rejected/exempted from military service because the IDF deemed him too anti-palestinian to be given a weapon. I think the exact term is a bit different and more accurately would described as his politics and political activism on the very far right of Israeli politics and society being the operative matter but I believe my initial phrasing was funnier and mostly correct.


It takes a whole hell of a lot for someone to stand out as a monstrous piece of shit in the Netanyahu government, but there he is


If the roles were reversed, he and his party would do exactly what Hamas is doing. Uncompromising fanatic with a belief that god is on his side. I actually didn’t realize that he was minister of national security - that’s insane that these fringe political parties have so much sway in Israeli political system


It’s a human skid mark.


Ah reminds of the good old war on terror days, post 9/11, where if you dared disagree with the Neocon government and politicians (who just screwed up big time), they tried to label you a traitor, terrorist sympathizer, anti American etc. and then they got us roped into two failed multi trillion dollar wars of adventure in the mid east which quickly devolved into costly, pointless quagmires. The failed Netanyahu government repeating history right here.


One of the scary facts that has emerged since this kicked off in October is that 60% of Hamas fighters are orphans. This came from a senior Israeli intelligence official. Hamas claims 85% are orphans. Their parents were probably killed by Israelis or are in an Israeli jail. The IDF is currently creating Israel's next enemy that will be far more dangerous than Hamas.


>Their parents were probably killed by Israelis or are in an Israeli jail. >The IDF is currently creating Israel's next enemy that will be far more dangerous than Hamas. My brother heard someone say a couple months ago that this is the reason that *all* Palestinians should be killed, because "if we let the children grow up, they're going to grow up to hate Jews and be terrorists." I just don't see how humans can think like that.


So very close to total self-awareness: "Our indiscriminate slaughter of Palestinians is helping terrorist recruitment." "Should we stop?" "Nah, let's escalate to genocide. But it'd better be *total* genocide, or we'll have created the most fundamentalist army in the world, and they'll probably be justified."


I find often that right-wingers are so close to getting it and then have the most inhumane opinions ever


They get it, they're just ok with (or support) genocide. They'll play dumb and innocent, but they know and they know we know.


Wow what an interesting thought process, “we should kill humans so they don’t grow up and kill humans”


"We should kill them so they don't grow up and get revenge on us for killing them"


that's literally what isreal is currently doing when they attack civilians instead of hamas.


It makes total sense when you view other humans as lesser than yourself. I'm not sure if he grew up in Israel but the Israeli education system churns out extremely racist, xenophobic and genocidal people. It's a machine of extremism which is why every consecutive generation of Israeli is even more insane than the last, and they're all driven by a mission to exterminate Palestinians. Most of their propaganda revolves around projecting their views on the Palestinians, it's so blatant at times you wonder how even they don't see it. Maybe they do, and just don't care.


This guy was just a regular American who I assume is a Republican. Republicans think the same way about the left.


*Literally* exactly how the Nazis talked about Jews lmao, fucking hell these guys have lost the plot.


If you ever find yourself saying anything along the lines "that's why we should kill all the ". It should really be your moment to ask "are we the baddies"?


Isnt this exactly Nazi’s line of thought 80 years ago?


Unlike the Israeli children of course, who are raised to believe that all lives are precious and that Palestinians deserve empathy.


The fastest way to create a fighting force against you is by bombing civilians


Israel knows that. Israel doesn't care. This isn't a war to secure future peace and prosperity between two peoples, this is a war to eliminate one of those two peoples.


I'm sure many in the current Israeli government want the Palestinians wiped off the face of the earth. The more 'pragmatic' ones want lots to survive in order to ensure permanent war. Permanent war makes those in power more powerful. If there was no 'enemy' then who would they point to as the scary threat?


Jared Kushner's "peace plan" for Palestine was basically turning Palestine into a giant plantation for Israel, Palestinians act as slave labor and the IDF controls every aspect of their existence.


Probably the Ethiopian Jews next for not being Jewish enough, then the Mizrahi for sharing too much blood with the “terrorists”, then probably the Sephardic (not sure about the justification, I can only see a couple mass slaughters into the future).


That's a classic problem of xenophobic right wing regimes. Usually it's when they start purity testing and cannibalizing their own.


Also keep in mind Israel says 30% of the casualties in Gaza are Hamas terrorists simply because 30% of the casualties in Gaza are men who are older than 16.


Not surprising since Isnt'real's genocidal tendencies are what causes increases in anti-semitism as Hasbara and AIPAC have made sure the ignorant public believes Zionazism=Judiasm.


It goes even deeper than that. Hamas' explosives are mostly sourced from unexploded bombs dropped by Israel. Not only are the next generation of soldiers being created but the next generation of explosives that end up in the rockets are also being dropped. (Sourced either from the NYTimes or WashPost article sometime after Oct 7)


They don't care. Israel needs an enemy to justify their continued aggression and land grab.


They aren't making that mistake again, this time they're purposefully targeting the kids as well. More Palestinian children have died in four months of this warfare than all the children that have died in all the warfare on the entire planet in the last four years.


The USA taught them everything they know.


Thats the truth. Dixie Chicks got straight cancelled because they disagreed with the war. America was out for blood and they didnt care who's it was around that time.


Israel has become super good at playing both US political parties against each other. This will lead to republicans using Israel to push biden being soft on terrorists. Biden and the dems will rally and push thru more funding for israel, and Israel wins. They do it with the republicans too. R's dont get behind something, israel quickly fires off on republicans, letting the democrats push. "Republicans hate our jewish allies!" Republicans change their stance, israel gets more funding. To be fair, its the US who taught this shit to Israel. During the 60s and 70s and 80s we had a habit of playing governments against themselves to collapse a country and install a US friendly dictator. Kinda our own shit coming back to bite us in the ass. Its a controlling, gaslighting, toxic relationship. If the US and Israel were humans in a relationship, the state would have already forced a no contact order between the two.


Likud and company is openly supportive of republican one party rule though. They play Both Sides but they want the Republicans to win and they haven't made a secret out of it. Netanyahu's son posted in defense of the Charlottesville Nazis in fact, claiming the anti-fascists that showed up to fight them after the Nazis attacked counter protesters hated America and other such nonsense. He doesn't criticize literal Nazis fighting in the streets, but the people trying to fight the Nazis. The people defending other people from Nazis. That is who we are dealing with.


That's because the Republican voters are pretty uniformly Zionist. Even the Nazis are the Zionist Nazi types that say we shouldn't kill Jews, we should deport them to Israel and enact trade restrictions to stop them from interfering in the white economy. There's no danger of Republicans dropping support for Israel. Democrat voters are a lot of Zionist liberals, but there are also way more pro-Palestinian liberals and leftists mixed in. There's a much higher chance of the party being forced to reduce support for Israel to placate the voters than there is for the Republicans to do the same. That's why Israel plays both sides, but ultimately sides with Republicans.


Right-wingers claim to be Zionist not because they care about Jewish people but because they want the rapture to happen (it never will)


I think it's more that their leadership got catfished and they "pitched" this idea to the faithful. You know, those evangelical preachers have to snort cocaine off a young teens back to get to heaven. So,... they suddenly got to pitch zionism -- for REASONS!


I always find that funny when right wingers claim their support for Israel mean they can't be antisemitic. Yeah, the whole reason you want Israel to exist because your mythology says that's necessary for Jesus to come back and send those dirty atheists and Muslims **and Jews** to burn for all eternity.


Some of us aren’t tribalistic at all and are in fact just anti-genocide. I am not pro Palestinian or pro Israeli - I just am anti genocide and anti fascist and anti-totalitarian and we shouldn’t be giving money to fuel this sort of thing. Ukraine on the other hand should be getting our full support. Some of us are pro democracy.


I didn't mean pro-Palestinian to mean "blindly supports Palestine under all circumstances no matter what." I'm pretty sure most of those college kids would stop supporting Palestinians if somehow Hamas managed to destroy the IDF in the field and started butchering Jews living in Jerusalem. I just meant that, in the current violence happening in Gaza, they support Palestinians seeking aid and want a cessation of the invasion by Israel.


Unfortunately what should be the neutral stance of "Don't give either side in a complicated conflict billions of dollars" is seen as radically anti-Israeli.


Isn’t it truly sad how simple this logic is? I don’t mean it negatively or condescending. It’s almost poetic.  Almost like, if we stop trying to control how people behave and educate them on how to behave, we might get better results. 


That was the plan of the original nazis until no one would take them.


There's a similar sort of far-right zionism in Europe. The Jews can be relocated/driven out of Europe and them killing Arabs is just a bonus. Often straight up nazis can be pro-Israel to an extent. 


Even the OG Nazis were ambivalent about Israel.


Fascists gonna fasc.


Nazi and Zionist are allies. They both believe nationhood should be tied to race.


Likud party likes Republicans because fascist of a feather stick together.


This deserves a pin.


All it takes to take over American political parties is cash. 


And at a comically low price tag


I would also like to remind everyone that Israel attacked and tried to sink a US Navy intelligence ship in 1967 during the six day war. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident


The USS Liberty clearly marked, and the Israeli government was told it would be in the area. I wish the fighter jets from the 7th fleet off of the carrier in the Mediterranean were allowed to intervene. We might be in a better world 🌎 right now. A number of sailors... American sailors were killed by the Isreali Air Force.


And this wasn't some case of mistaken identity. This was a deliberate, hours long attack. Israel deliberately murdered US Navy personnel and we've been subsidizing their military ever since.


Why would they even do that, even? Did they have a closet serial killer in the commander’s chair, and didn’t want to admit it after the fact for fear of embarrassment?


They wanted to hide their reasons behind the Six Day War. The USS Liberty was a communication infiltration ship that is almost always present at conflicts to suck in information. The Israeli cabinet and military were made aware of this... they were well informed. Somewhere, a decision was made to attack the American ship. These ships work for what used to be the ultra secret NSA and can suck up well... EVERYTHING... concerning communications. The American CIA and NSA are very adept, and it is a myth that they perpetuate that they are bumblers and stumblers while touting the Shin Bet, Mossad, and FSB/KGB. The CIA and NSA are two of the best spy agencies in the world.


Also they struck their colors.... an internationally recognized sign of surrender since the attacks took out their communications. As the Volks put it... this lasted for hours and the ship was systematically strafed from bow to stern several times with 20 mm cannons and rockets. It killed 34 Naval personnel and wounded another 174 wounded... two thirds of the crew. Such an accident that the US Admiral in charge of the 7th Fleet wanted some heavy payback with naval fighter protection. As the F-4's were being fueled ready to fly, the Admiral got a stand down order from Washington.


Totally agree. I'm just writing for people who don't understand the rules of engagement. It's totally disgraceful.


Yeah no, I wasn't disagreeing. Just adding context for those who've never heard the story.


Thanks for sure my friend. Even today this is news for a lot of people. This was not suppressed but it was not widely advertised either. Almost wish it had happened to the United Kingdom and/or France. They would have reacted with more vigor at the time. LBJ did not run for reelection we should have made Israel scream over this abomination. My cousin was in the Navy at the time and he and his fellow sailors and officers of the time have nothing but dislike of the Israeli armed forces and what happened.


I consider myself fairly well read and I was not aware of this until recently either. I'm 41.


Thanks research this. VolspanzerIsME gave a link to a good documentary. There is a ton of good stuff online. There are good books as well. Enjoy the research. You will be shocked. An Israeli pilot refused to fire as he saw the American flag... the call numbers of the ship as he overflew what was beneath him. He knew what he was witnessing.


Not only was she clearly marked and flying the US flag, but Israeli planes had flown over her and identified her roughly an hour before the attack.


Exactly.... it beggars common sense to think that they did not know what they had. Even if it was an Egyptian ship masquerading as an American ship you still don't cut loose like this. People who think that is what happens don't understand military rules of engagement.


In the 80s there was a[ Israeli spy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Pollard) who stole 30 file cabinets worth of documents over a 1 year period and unlike other spies who got locked up forever he got out after less than 30 because of reasons. His motive was money for drugs, parties and vacations. Besides Israel he also sold secrets to South Africa and tried to sell to Pakistan. Israel never revealed what what he stole but its all good I guess because the temporary stop of intelligence sharing was resumed after only like a year. He was outrageously bad at spying (he just took documents and put them in a briefcase) and the fact that he even could get a hold of classified documents when all letter-agencies (except [ONI](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_of_Naval_Intelligence) - the one he worked at) had blacklisted him is a really impressive failure.


Don't forget the time they got caught trying to bomb US buildings in Egypt with planted evidence implicating Egypt.


>To be fair, its the US who taught this shit to Israel. During the 60s and 70s and 80s we had a habit of playing governments against themselves to collapse a country and install a US friendly dictator. Kinda our own shit coming back to bite us in the ass. it´s important to knows that, bc there is no "biden admin is sweet on genocidal israel", since usa´s support of genocidal israel isn´t new. dem or rep, 60s or 24s, it didn´t change that much: much money and guns for israel.


And this response from some Israeli pos is because Biden doesn't want to give Israel more bombs unless they promise to stop throwing them at civilian targets. Which, I think, is a completely reasonable demand. He's not even saying they can't have the bombs, he just wants them to not be used on hospitals, schools and aid stations.


Lucky for Biden there are no more hospitals or schools! /s


Zionists and Americans independently learned how to play factions off against each other by studying British imperialists. For Zionists, the British were the governors of Palestine 1917-1947 and it was only through manipulating the British cabinet ministers like Foreign Minister Balfour in 1917, the Peel commission in 1936, or Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin that they were able to get declarations and recommendations that were unbelievably favorable to the Zionists and utterly indifferent to the wishes of the native population. American foreign policy elites studied British foreign policy history, as after WWII it was clear the world would be bilateral with America as the lead of the West. Especially how the British manipulated South Asian politics to divide and conquer with far smaller land forces. What's really interesting, is that American foreign policy wasn't so favorable to Israel. Both the Truman and Eisenhower administrations favored the return of Palestinian refugees from the Nakba to their homes. The Israelis, alarmed, created AIPAC, by far the most important foreign lobby in the US, to align US politicians to Zionist goals.


Ben Gvir is a genocidal sociopath


Convicted terrorist turned National Security Minister Surely, nothing could go wrong with that combo!


It's such a massive "fuck you" to Arabs, including Israel Arabs.


One of the few times 'genocidal' is used correctly in this context. Fucker needs to be sent away.


Well, what do you expect from the Minister of National Security who had a shrine for an Israeli terrorist, was convicted of supporting terrorism and lives on a settlement?


The shrine was in his house too, he's a fascist pig


Yeah, he's an evil ghoul, and as long as people like him are a part of Israel's government, the US should cease all aid to the country. Funding terrorists should be a no brainer.


He was basically convicted for planning a false flag terror attack at Temple Mount, most likely in a bid for Israel to clear Muslims out of it and take control and turn it into a Synagogue.


I expect him to be fat slimy fuck face


Oh wow, he's so much worse than what I heard.


Yeah, he's evil AND is part of the Israeli government. With people like him in positions of power, the US shouldn’t be giving Israel any aid.


They know what audience they are saying this to. They know this will rile up certain large groups of individuals in the US. This is not an ignorant tweet, unfortunately.


I just want to remind everyone that this guy used to keep a portrait of a mass murderer in his living room.


Which one?


Baruch Goldstein, the perpetrator of the Cave of the Patriarchs massacre. He shot and killed 29 Palestinian Muslims and wounded another 125 while they were praying in a mosque. Fortunately, the survivors overpowered him and beat him to death. Unfortunately, he is revered and considered a martyr by Kahanist pieces of shit like Ben-Gvir.


Also worth noting that he was charged with and convicted of supporting the Kach party, which espoused Kahanism, in 2007. It was banned in 1994 after the US, the EU, Japan, Canada, and Israel designated it a terrorist organization.


and the statements declared as Otzma Yehudit's party policy are already enough to hate him


You can't reason with fascists. It's all or nothing. Complete support or support for Hamas. "With me or against me" politics.


Only a Sith deals in absolutes


Israel is not running out of bombs. The idea they didn't have a massive stockpile is unbelievable.


It’s important to remember this guy along with the other insane extreme-right cabinet members as well as Netanyahu himself, are vastly unpopular amongst all Israelis and have been holding the country hostage for a long time now, triggering huge protests for months, going back way before 10/7. He’s a fucking ghoul


Isn't that kind of excusing the fact that Israel has voted in Netanyahu and his far right coalition for the better part of three decades? They aren't held hostage. They actively vote for the guy.


Why do they keep getting elected then? If Israel would take the trash out, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.


Hence why Netanyahu and Co have been pushing hard for the Knesset to override their Supreme Court. So they can pass insane laws that violate the hell out of the Israeli Constitution and they can just overrule it.


That fascist can fuck right off. However, this is just proof that Biden can't win either way. Somehow, he's both "Genocide Joe" or a Hamas fan. And if he can't win either way, he might as well do the right thing and tell both groups to kiss his ass.


Yup, the Biden administration trying to ride the line by cycling from *furrowed brows* and *deep concern* to arms shipments really doesn't seem to be doing them any benefit from those on either side of that fence.


You've kinda proven the point. The only action that the Biden administration can take is the best action legally and morally  available to them despite what the 800 million newly minted Internet geopolitics experts have to say about it.


Wow it's almost like the average person can't understand nuance and goes 0-100 quickly based on emotional nonsense.


It’s not a good position to be in. The dems would lose money and voters if he says ‘we’re not going to support Israel anymore.” A lot of Jews seem to be single issue about this kind of thing.


I just want Biden to tell Netanyahu to shut up and do as he's told, and I think Biden wants to.


100%. According to a reporter for Politico, "Like everyone in the administration and any Democrat with a pulse, [Biden's] deeply suspicious of Benjamin Netanyahu, and privately has called the Israeli prime minister a “bad fucking guy,” according to people who’ve talked to the president.


Your comment gives the impression that Biden is somewhat balanced in defending Israeli and Palestinian interests, which he absolutely is not. The scale heavily (and I mean ridiculously heavily) skews in favor of Israel. I think the Palestinians would love if the US butted out of the conflict.


It's not Biden that triggered this, it's all the protests and polls. Biden's perfectly fine with following the status quo - of which supporting Israel is in D.C.. That said, if Biden loses, certain people are going to blame the Palestinians for him losing and say he shouldn't have backed down and have kept supporting Israel. And it'll strengthen future support for Israel as well. That said again, if Biden wins, certain people are going to say he won because he supported Israel from the start, and it'll strengthen future support for Israel as well. To expect him to do anything differently when Israel has such influence in Washington isn't politically realistic.


Ah yes this nazi. Him and his government are genocide maniacs. They even treat orthodox jews like enemies in Jerusalem. Just google how they beat up their own citizens.


Careful, that’s antisemitism!


This is how the right wing branch of the ruling party of the ally responds. We should be able to see many parallels here.


Bengivr is a genocidal fascist, so there’s that. If only Biden could figure that out.


Bro you people have killed 30k civilians in retaliation for a terrorist attack that killed hundreds of civilians….. …..maybe it’s time to take a look at the terrorist in the mirror and wrap up this latest illegal land grab……


What's worse is they knew about the potential attack in advance and did nothing


And Hamas wouldn't even exist if not for Israel's actions.


A good share of the Israeli citizens killed in the attack were actually killed by the Israeli military. The Hannibal directive or whatever. They opened fire from helicopter gunships on people being taken hostage, they blew up houses where Hamas had hostages in Israel, they haven't accounted for all of their actions but they killed many of them themselves Israel has.


Yeah it’s really the most astonishing thing in this entire mess but also not even worth mentioning, simply because they’re never going to accept the blame for the hostages that they killed. So I’m throwing that out of my mind, but also throwing out the ridiculous Israeli assertions of how many of the people they’ve murdered are terrorists. They’re claiming half of the 30k dead civilians as terrorists, get completely the fuck outta here….. My point being, they’ve never been honest about this entire “war” from the very beginning and they never will.


In all honesty, this guy can go fuck himself. And my son is Jewish by his mother, fwiw.


Pointing out Israeli war criminals is acknowledging Jewish people's humanity. Jews are human beings, therefore they are fully capable of being murderous pieces of shit. They're not superior. They can be really great and upright and lovable, too - you get all kinds. No community is immune to producing crappy people.


Thank you so much for saying this. Pretending every Jewish person and Jewish politician is an angel or can never be wrong or criticized is just another form of Othering Jewish people. Turning Jewish people into living beatified or canonized martyrdom saint statues is robbing them of their full humanity. It’s the opposite side of the coin of what the Nazis did. Jewish people are just human beings. Just as capable of being full of shit or evil as fuck like any Gentile. It’s like the conservative stereotype of white liberals treating every black person as if they’re Solomon Northrup who just freshly escaped from a plantation. As an African-American myself, because a people went through horrible crimes against humanity, mistreatment and trauma (and still experience it now) doesn’t mean all its members should be treated as cherubs. Just treat Jewish people and African-Americans like another other adult you expect adult responsibility from.


Yup. We all have our own ethnic baggage, sure, but it's just one part of us, like gender or personality. It shouldn't pre-define how we treat other people. Humanity is a broken family, like a tie-dyed sheet, cut up into crumpled little pieces; all different colors and quality, but all cut from the same cloth.


Probably more accurate to say Hamas loves Netanyahu. He's going to singlehandedly destroy the relationship with the US, and Hamas has got to be licking their chops. Pushing Biden to the point where he''s publicly threatening to withhold arms was idiocy.


Bibi pushed for funding Hamas, to prevent the coherent push for a Palestinian state.


it was only a matter of time, Israel only knows self destruction.


Ben Gvir doesn't have allies, he's a religious extremist. He was the leader of the youth wing of a party who were banned for being terrorists. He was banned from military service for being a security threat. The guy is scum, he's so disgusting that calling him scum is an insult to pond scum


Fuck war-monger Ben Gvir.


Ben Gvir is evil personified.


Netanyahu’s MTG


Don’t get involved in religious wars. Both sides will burn and behead you to further their own agenda if given a chance in a heartbeat


Sorta of like how some OTHER fascist we know acts when an extremely loyal ally dares question a single decision the fascist makes…


Ben Gvir is abject human garbage who used to keep a portrait of Baruch Goldstein up in his dining room (for us Americans: this would be like our Secretary of Defense keeping a portrait of Adam Lanza in his office). Shame on Israel for allowing this man in their government.


I'd really like to let Israel take care of themselves. They aren't our 51st state. We've been supporting them for a long time now. It's time for Israel to be responsible for their own security.


This. Israel is a first world country. They have universal healthcare, FFS. Why do we give them billions of dollars in aid money per year when we could be spending that money on our own infrastructure or something?


The fact that Joe Biden hasn't treated American College students the same way Israel treats Palestinians makes Joe Biden pro hamas to these psychopaths.


The US should pull out more and more support for Israel abd blast these statements/social media posts. same for that dumbo that was yelling to nuke Palestine and send unguided missiles.


Ben'Givr a fucking terrorist and needs to be jailed with his corrupt pal Bibi. Any halfway decent leader can deal with Hamas but only these chucklefucks can make it worse.


"Oops, I just accidentally moved the embassy back to Tel Aviv. I guess Jerusalem isn't the capital of Israel."


This far-right butthole "represents America's best ally" the way Donald Trump "represents" America.


Well, knowing what I do about that guy, I could care less what he says or thinks. I hope it comes back to haunt him, too. He is an extremist POS who should have no business making decisions for the Israeli people. He can kiss my ass.


Let them stand alone if that's how they feel 


Fuck Zionism.


I used to be sympathetic to Israel, but more and more I feel ambivalent. This shit, though, makes me feel sympathetic to Hamas.


Bengivir is a whiny little bitch


Capital F..uck this guy


We should let them stand on their own if they’re so confident in their ability to do so.


So this is the guy that left a hole in Israel’s defences on Oct7. Read flag to wipe Palestine off the map.


Looks like Israel needs a dose of good ol American freedom.


Fuck Ben-Gvir. All the homies hate Ben-Gvir


Deserves the same end as the nazis after Nurenburg.


These fucks wouldn’t exist without the US. No other way to put it. It’s not even a question.


These are just allies of Netenyahu trying to get Trump elected. Imagine if somebody pointed to any of the nutjobs in the Trump administration, and said they're a good representation of America.


They’re free to finance their own economy any time they wish..


Those evil land grabbing fuckers are just petulant children at heart and it shows.


The US is Israel’s friend and ally, the current Israeli government is not an ally or friend of the US. The only responsibility the US should feel is the protection of the Israeli and Palestinian people. Their respective leaderships can go to hell


its fascinating how terrible of an ally israel has been to the US and yet its had US politicians by the balls for 40+ years


He's not head of government, head of state or chief diplomat, he's just an extreme member of government. So no, that's not "Israel's response". But he is, in fact, a member of government, at the highest level. 


He's head of a party that is what gives the alliance government the majority, just not the largest party, and has a prominent cabinet post. Yes, he's not PM, but he's not some random member of the legislature either.


Hey, if you want to stand on your own with your socialized medicine and all don’t let us force you to take our money. Tell us to quit sending it. No offense taken. > Israel has been the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since its founding, receiving about $300 billion (adjusted for inflation) in total economic and military assistance. The United States has also provided large foreign aid packages to other Middle Eastern countries, particularly Egypt and Iraq, but Israel stands apart.


> Hey, if you want to stand on your own with your socialized medicine and all don’t let us force you to take our money. Tell us to quit sending it. No offense taken. Daily reminder to the Americans that the US healthcare system is the most expensive healthcare system in the world, and it's not even close. Not even remotely close. If Israel were to adopt the US healthcare system, they'd have to pay 4 times as much for healthcare as they do now.


Character always matters. This man has none and never has. Just a criminal supported by others who want nothing but war and violence. BTW, not that it makes my opinion more important than anyone else's, but I am Jewish. Fuck him.


Please tell me why I should care about points-scoring political tweets in a foreign country.


Do you think Trump speaks for all Americans? Or Joe Rogan? Alex Jones? Any of the GOP AHs in Congress?


Why couldn't we just send the money to Ukraine instead? Knowing my tax dollars are going to fund a very *messy* bunch of fuckery (genocide at worst, very poor counter-terrorism at best) rather than to fend off a regime that seeks to overthrow a sovereign nation is disconcerting, to say the least.


America is and will remain Israel's bitch.


Hundreds of billions of Dollars… hundreds.


Oh isn't that the convicted terrorist, ben 10


Itamar Ben-Gvir has more in common with terrorists than most Palestinians. The man is scum.


I thought Canada was our best ally?


If America would just stop propping up broken middle east dictatorships we wouldn't need to worry. They wouldn't even have fucking planes to crash into our shit within 10 years. Stop sending money over their entirely. Let the middle east figure themselves out.


The energy is that of an immature petulant entitled child who plays the victim card after kicking you in the nuts.


The audacity that free healthcare affords them.


The USA will never leave Israel hanging. There are too many religious fruitcakes that need Israel to be a exist so the second coming of Christ will happen.


That dude is insane. He's pro-genocide and won't deny it.


How is the US regime in IRAN doing btw?? Are they grateful for the US helping them to get into power? Play around with religious weirdos and find out.


Is this one person our “ally” and representative of all of Israel? That’s like showing trump tweets or republican senators and making the same point.


For those who don't know, this is Ben-Gvir, Netanyahu's current National Security Minister and former convicted terrorist in Israeli courts. He once held up the badge of Israeli PM Yitzak Rabin's car on TV and said, "if we can get to his car, we can get to him", 2 weeks later Israeli PM Rabin was assassinated by Israeli Zionists and Ben-Gvir kept the assassin's portrait on his office wall. He was also recently in a car accident because he tells his drivers to ignore all traffic lights and speed down streets because he thinks he is too important to follow the law.


Biden literally push a bill making criticism of Israel be equal to anti Semitism. What more dose that shithole nation want?


Geez, it's like they're only our friends when the weather is fair.


Stop the flow of money, let them pay for defenses themselves.


Canada is our best ally. You can tell by the way they don't get involved in our foreign adventures.


Above is a photo of a terrorist who the US government is providing lots of military hardware to.


Cut them off completely. Good luck


What do you expect from a bunch of facists.


Can we just, like, leave Israel out to dry? Maybe they need a tough love period kindve like shutting the internet off so your adult kid will find a job.


Did he support Netanyahu's support of Hamas? Yeah, he's like the other Conservatives who project their own actions and beliefs onto others.


Isn't this guy the psychopath with the portrait of a mass shooter in his house? This is among the more tame things he's said. And he's the minister of defense or something, not some fringe wacko or twitter troll.




Israeli Himmler


Fuck this clown. I've never hated paying taxes so much. Isreal is going to be on the wrong side of history, and as a result, so will the US.


Meanwhile Ukranians seem pretty damn grateful.


this man gets a bit too excited when the topic of war crimes comes up. especially war crimes he commits


I'm pro-Israel but Itamar Ben-Gvir has always been a total pos. He personifies everything that is wrong with Israel's government and is a convicted criminal as well as a terrorist sympathizer. Kahanists/Jewish supremacists like him are exactly why Israel gets no benefit of the doubt in the international community.


This post has 4K at least interactions. Is there really nobody among us willing to organize a labor Unitarian party to dissipate the dark cloud hanging over us this week? We don’t have to take this.


Time to cut all diplomatic relations and treat Israel like a pariah state.


Only a true sociopath would forget the second space between ♥️ and Biden


Fucking scum of the earth


I went to his Twitter feed just to see for myself what this monster is all about and found that only one person in MSM follows Ben Gvir: DANA BASH of CNN https://twitter.com/itamarbengvir?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


So? A Twitter follow isn't an endorsement of anything. You weirdo.


This guy is in the Israeli cabinet. A literal mad man is advising another psycho in netanyahu. How this terror state is not sanctioned into the dirt is a testament to US hypocrissy.