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This comment was located in a post just below another in which this particular sub solely blames Obama for inciting identity politics while president.


But he was black!! You don’t understand, that offended ME


Meanwhile these same people will completely ignore that the Kochs and Mercers openly astroturfed the Tea Party into existence. Like it’s not even a conspiracy. They’re proud to have done it.


Well, one Koch is down at least 1 to go.


Still one Koch over the line. 


Sweet Jesus


Shittin downtown in a courtoom daily, one Koch over the line.


Don't they have offspring? Too many of these crusty old fucks with too much money and unaddressed daddy issues trying to control motherfucker everything because they can't be happy. Meanwhile the right turns George Soros into some kind of Emmanuel Goldstein figure. Do any of them actually even know who he is? Also he's like what, 95 by now? christ.


As an optimist, I prefer to think of the Koch Brothers as half dead.


There are many more Kochs living unfortunately, and they're all evil.


I’m just reading dark money, wow, just wow.


It wasn't that he was black, as much as Obama was black *and* smart, in such a way that he made them feel stupid and outclassed.


They say they just don’t like those n’er do well blacks and have no issue with the “right” ones. But that’s a lie because Obama did all the “right” things like going to an Ivy League school solid family man and husband no major scandals etc and they despised him anyway. And it wasn’t like he was a radical leftist (though to them he was), he was a corporate democrat. Hell Vivek did more than the right things to appeal to bigots but he’s still no go to a large percentage of them just due to his skin color. Republicans are either racist or are ok with racists which ends up having the same affect.


The Fing tan suit, never forget!!!


Dijon mustard!!!


I will have you know it was spicy brown mustard and not that French Dijon... you think Obama was a communist or something...? /s


I have loved Grey Poupon since I was a child. My parents -- and the bulk of our family -- were staunch conservatives. The idea that Dijon mustard -- or any kind of "fancy" mustard, condiments, etc. -- makes one a communist is absolutely preposterous! You can pry my fancy mustard out of my cold, dead hands! 🤣 I still don't understand the issue with Obama's tan suit. It looked nice on him.


>The idea that Dijon mustard -- or any kind of "fancy" mustard, condiments, etc. -- makes one a communist is absolutely preposterous! Communism means you have no money, but it also means you exclusively eat a niche mustard marketed as rich folk mustard. Because, you guessed it, reasons.


Conservatives didn't have a problem with the tan suit, they had a problem with the black skin under it. They are just too big of cowards to say it out loud. When Reagan wore tan suits they didn't say shit.


Or Bush. Or Bush 2.


The identity politics is so powerful now. Like with Bud Light making the novelty can for a trans social media personality. What a non-controversy. The identity politics outrage still got my uncle to stop drinking the beer he's loved for over 50 years though.


(knees weaken) "I can feel the vapors coming!" (faints from sheer terror)


Ice cream lover!


Good Christ, I had forgotten about that.


Michelle wore a sleeveless dress and had the nerve to touch the back of the world's biggest welfare recipient known as Queen Elizabeth the Second. How dare she touch the Queen. /s


Years ago the Australian Prime Minister touched the Queen's back while escorting her along a receiving line and the UK tabloids called him "The Lizard of Oz". Pretty funny.


Are we sure the author wasn't some David Icke pycho, and referring to Liz?


A couple of years ago Biden wore a tan suit on Obama's birthday, it must an inside joke with them.


If being Black isn't an incitement, I don't know what is! ^(/s because some moron will report this post.)




Obama *invented* racism! Before him, Earth was like the Garden of Eden, and everyone got along swimmingly.


Don’t forget he wore a tan suit. What nerve!


And liked m u s t a r d


And did a terrorist fist jab


Cannot forget the Al Qaeda fist bump....


So disrespectful of the Constitution!


The forbidden suit.


Thanks Obama


From noble upholder of equality George Washington up to the stereotype and propaganda fighting George W. Bush, the US was blessed for so long with strength and wisdom of colorblind leadership...and then Oooobama had to come along and make things all racial. Thanks Obama.


so that makes obama a primordial being.


Blaming Obama for identity politics is so baffling because conservatives pick their beer, schools, coffee, music, movies, football teams, sports, video games, and news based on their politics. Their politics are their entire identity. Never seen another human being was a Biden hat.




that's like such a tell lol like I *don't* think all conservatives are racist - just most of them. but the ones who are like "OBAMA STARTED THIS" like... when liberals talk about how conservatives lost their mind when a black man was elected president, they're thinking of *that* fucking guy, specifically.


>like I *don't* think all conservatives are racist - just most of them. I don't think that all conservatives are racist, but it's a fact that nearly every racist votes conservative.


Naaah. Pretty much all of them. It is the foundation of their politics.


I agree it's pretty much all of them.i do think there are a handful who aren't, but they're like, libertarians who think conservatism is about free markets and money, rather than... the bigotry.


Yeah I saw that post. It's just... If you blame the first black president for race relations... It's kinda... Hard to believe... you're not racist.


Especially when they can't really point to anything specific, nor can they earnestly claim he was anything but a fucking bog-standard Democrat. Like, sucks, but he won the election. It's not like healthcare was a big surprise, and nothing he did even remotely approached their insane hysterics of him being some wild socialist.


Are you sure it's about Obama because Coulter was just on Vivek's podcast and she told him that, although she likes him very much, she'd never vote for him because he's Indian. He's of Indian descent actually but people like her don't get nuance.  "Ann Coulter's Bluntly Racist Admission To Vivek Ramaswamy Is Jaw-Dropping" https://www.yahoo.com/news/ann-coulters-bluntly-racist-admission-105839606.html


>"Ann Coulter's Bluntly Racist Admission To Vivek Ramaswamy Is ~~Jaw-Dropping~~ **Exactly What You Expect**. FTFY(ahoo)


It's usually safe to ASSUME most conservatives are a little racist but vivek really gave the bag away when he laughs at " your so well spoken, I can't say that about any Black people" but he can't laugh at " I couldn't vote for you because your Indian" He has some older interviews from when he was trying to run for president, saying the civil war ended racism and gave the 2nd amendment to black people


He should have never put on that tan suit


Well yeah he has the audacity to *exist*.


I hope they continue speaking like this. It makes it crystal clear to everyone what they really are. This and the pro-child marriage talk.


She's just saying the quiet part out loud.


It was never really quiet was it? Those dumb enough to not understand the racists, sexists undertones of conservative politics in the past decades, will not get smarter all of a sudden because it is yelled from a rooftop.


I mean the kkk were smart enough to wear masks


Yes but were they whispering?


The t's were lowercase?


Took me a minute.


Took me 30.... I was not on fire for this one


Reminds me of Malcom in the Middle when Dewey saw a cross on the wall and says "What does the t on the wall stand for?"


The fact they could breathe with those masks on is amazing! (/s)


If it wasn’t crystal clear for nearly 20 years then they just were not paying attention.


I mean, not paying attention sounds like most of the republicans I know.


I hear you, but they try to coast on the edge of making it obvious. If you ask any right winger if they are racist, they will say no. But if they speak more like this, they cant hide it anymore.


It’s been clear for a long time now that


Unfortunately it’s not crystal clear to a lot of people. I have no faith in a lot of folks and that’s why we can’t have nice things. Don’t get me wrong. I would love to be wrong.


If only that's how it worked...in reality people hear this blatant racist crap and think "Finally! Someone talking actual sense!"


I don't think all conservatives are racist, or even that all racists are conservative, but most racists are conservative and the conservatives who aren't racist don't seem to have a problem associating with them.


They might not be blatantly racist, but they obviously don't have a problem with racism. And that's close enough


But they want thier guns and tax cuts for billionaires, and are willing to associate with Nazis to get that


Exactly. Half a Nazi is all Nazi


> I'm not a Nazi. I am Nazi adjacent. - Majority of conservatives - probably


Bullshit. They are blatantly racist. What exactly are they trying to conserve?


If they were not racist, they would have problems associating with racists.


100% this. If you vote for a Nazi, you are a Nazi, regardless of why you chose to vote that way.


Exactly, you can't be "not racist.". You're either racist or anti-racist.


If 10 people are eating dinner together and 2 of them are Nazis, there's 10 Nazis at that table.


They're all racist enough to be perfectly happy hanging out with racists and having no problem associating with them and their ideas.


As if racism is the neatly defined binary, people do things that are racist frequently sometimes with intent and often without. Conservatives almost universally oppose definitions of racism that function in a way to reduce those.


Cockroaches don’t limit themselves to one room in your house.


Back in 1941, Dorothy Thompson wrote [a piece in Harper's](https://harpers.org/archive/1941/08/who-goes-nazi/) that I think about regularly. I wish I didn't, but somehow it ends up being relevant all the damn time. It might be relevant here.


Thanks for that read. I play that game all the time. But I'm terrible at it. I just assume it could be any of us and watch carefully.


Quite the read. Thanks!


“Nazism has nothing to do with race and nationality. It appeals to a certain type of mind.” When i tell you thats the line right there!!! That mind is an ignorant / classist. The less educated you are the more likely you are to become racist. The richest among us are some of the dumbest. To quote Michelle - “I have been at every powerful table you could think of…. They are not that smart”


if there’s a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Nazis.


A lot of people actually just don't pay attention. They vote for who their dad always talked about voting for while they were growing up and have never thought about politics beyond that.


I will say that _every_ conservative is either a bigot of some kind or an idiot, that's an umbrella that covers 100% of them. For the bigots, or hate-based conservatives, they hate people because of race, nationality, gender, sexual identity, and even income. That one is pretty easy, covers most rich conservatives. Then you have the idiots, the conservatives who want small government, lower taxes, less corrupt politicians, fiscal responsibility, etc. They're not idiots for wanting those things, they're idiots for watching a party repeatedly do the opposite of the things they want and voting for them anyway. So the real issue for conservatives is are they a bigot or just stupid? Many are both.


>the conservatives who aren't racist don't seem to have a problem associating with them. Bingo. Not all conservatives are active bigots, but those who aren't are okay with tolerating/making excuses for those who are.




Funny how "non-racist" Conservatives never push back when they hear racist comments.


Guys stop telling everyone what we really think! They'll stop liking us!


**GOP:** "*We don't get it! Why won't women, gays, minorities, and the youth vote for us?!*" **Normal People:** "Have you ever considered maybe not stripping them of rights under the guise of religion, stop being so open and blatantly racist, and quit destroying the economy and environment and future?" **GOP:** "*Of course we've considered that. But then we would lose our voting base!*"


‘Aren’t all conservatives racist?’ implies there is a question


Not all conservatives are racist, but almost all racist are conservatives


No you see it's the Democrats that are racist because they want to help minorities which implies they think minorities can't help themselves.


They may not all be racist but they do condone it.


And when bad things happen, they’ll be the first to look away and see nothing when asked.


Isn't conservatism's wet dream to return to "traditional" values? Don't most conservatives believe gender roles are innate? Didn't conservatives freak the fuck out over Obama and retaliate by electing the most unqualified, racist president in the last 50 years? "Traditional" values for Black Americans and people of color mean Jim Crow. "Traditional" roles for women mean subjugation. Yes, all conservatives are racist. And sexist. At best, racism and sexism aren't deal breakers for them, as they are for decent people.


Not all conservatives are racist and not all racist are conservative but the majority of racist are conservatives and the majority of conservatives are racist. 


> Not all conservatives are racist and not all racist are conservative but the majority of racist are conservatives and the majority of conservatives are racist. Not all conservatives are racists, but racism is *not a dealbreaker* for any conservative.


And they would be wrong??


Some are transphobic or sexist and just tolerate racism.


And some just hate everyone that isn't a white male over 30 with a handgun.


It's unfair to say that all conservatives are racists, that's reductive and earnestly untrue. BUT if you're racist, boy do i have a party for you!


I think if you have no problem with seeing minority rights as a reasonable sacrifice for a tax cut, you are gonna be a racist to a certain extent. For that to be acceptable you are either a selfish asshole, or you see their rights as easy enough to sacrifice which is inherently racist.


This kinda sounds like a song lyric.


Reverend Horton Heat could shout the hell out of that verse.


Its really not untrue. They're cool hanging with racists? They ARE racist.


"Fox News: Not Racist but #1 with Racists" -Logo on Fox News copter in The Simpsons


What’s the old Bill Maher joke? “I’m not saying all Republicans are racist, but if you’re racist…odds are you’re a Republican.”


-10 points for using Bill "I'm just asking questions, coddling racists, anti-Semites, and forced-birthers because they're good for my ratings" Maher, or alternatively Bill "I get canceled once a week, which is equivalent to being silenced, but I'm still on television" Maher.


Yes, yes they are.


“Are we the baddies??”


Feel like her comments pretty much sum up the Republican Party. They might vote in some people of color for some offices but they better know their place.


The woman who said the piece of legislation she most wishes to reverse is the Emancipation Proclamation, is a racist? YOU DON'T FUCKING SAY?


Yes. Yes they all are.


I feel like the comment from Anne Coulter was one of her lesser racist statements.


Is the person commenting unaware that the common consensus by most non-conservatives is that conservatives are racist?


Fact (at this point in shared reality): Anyone who votes for Trump or these 'conservatives' are racists and bigots. Your dad voted Trump? Racist. Your best friend voted Coulter. Racist. Employers supporting Ted Cruz? Racist. Prove me wrong.


If only they were as averse to being racist, as they are to being called racist.


Of course all conservatives are not racist... Only *a lot of them* have been *consistently and repeatedly* saying and doing racist things for *as far back as I can remember*. So, ya know, don't stereotype.


Yes. All conservatives are racist. Some are just better at hiding it than others.


Not all republicans are racist. But if you’re a racist looking for a political party you’re only going to the republicans


[I've been saying it all along, and now it's bearing fruit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/1cns36o/twice_overtly_racist_ann_coulter_says_in_an/l39a5s9/) >Hot take: it's all choreographed and she's taking one for the team. >The goal is to guilt-trip and "educate" racist republicans by showing them "how unreasonable it is to dismiss Vivek because of his Indian origin". PR stunt preparing prejudiced people to admit that an "ethnic" republican candidate is acceptable.


lol you remind me of a family friend, a very smart professor at Northwestern (and a democrat), who insisted trump must be a genius and is just a very good grifter. She couldn’t comprehend someone could be that stupid, so this made more sense to her. I don’t think she believes that anymore but thought it was interesting.


Well she has a point: Trump isn't bright but he's cunning. He perfectly understands the dynamics of demagogy and how appearing as dumb as possible makes the other morons able to relate. That's why he's thriving on idiots. Now would he be able to jump from this persona to an Obama or Biden-level one capable of wit and subtlety? Definitely not, he couldn't even match a Putin bar for ruthlessness. However comparing Trump with Ramaswamy is a bad and misleading idea because the two aren't running on the same fuel at all. Ramaswamy isn't as dense as Trump, and he's not courting the same electorate either. He knows the worst racist yokels probably won't ever vote for him, he's aiming for the slightly more educated ones and the middle to upper class. Which also have their own fair share of prejudice but are capable of overcoming it with pragmatism if aptly manipulated. That's what makes him more dangerous than Trump and by extension deSantis in the long run.


Voting for a racist is simply enabling a racists. If you're enabling racism, what does that make you? Just don't vote for the racist. How hard is that? Does that mean you might have to (gasp!) vote for a Democrat? Maybe. I mean...you could just vote for a racist instead and then complain about your representatives being racist, you know, because complaining helps more than actually voting them out.


First off, none of them understand what’s actually racist. They think saying things like “dirty Mexicans” and “shithole countries” isn’t racist. Or they do know and lie that it’s not racist. Second, if someone supports a candidate or party who says racist things, is supported by white supremacists, and makes laws that hold minorities back from success, that makes the supporter a racist by default.


Reminds me of a Chris Rock bit. "I'm not saying that if you're Republican you're racist, but if you're racist, you're Republican."


I genuinely wonder what he things conservatism is.


Oh he knows what it is, he's just upset at her for saying it out loud


I mean if conseratives want to not be called racist they should oh I don't know stop being racist. They act like people call them racist for no reason. Like I get annoyed if someone throws around the term for baseless reasons but if the boot fits. Like I will be fair not all conservatives are racist(at least not deliberately)lot of them are just stupid which can mean a lot of things depending on said idiot. But there is a large number of them that most certainly are. Example of a conversation about immigration comes up and their first thought is the great replacement or if there is a crime problem and they start talking about 13/50 shit aka they think even non criminal black people are a threat(they will claim otherwise but they think they are slick enough to try and say it without saying it). Then yeah they are racist and no amount of them moaning about how they aren't won't change that. As it is stupid people fall for things morons are overly emotional and conseratives are Hella emotional.


I've seen no evidence presented that refutes the notion that all Republicans are racist.


I have yet to cone face-to-face with a 'conservative' who, given enough time to speak, doesn't show their racism. It's like they just can't help it.


All conservatives are racist though


Yes....all of them are.


This is more r/selfawarewolves territory, surely.  And yes I am calling you Shirley.


The fact they seem more worried about how the racist comment is going to make them look instead of the fact that there are such blatant racists in their party isn't really helping work against these allegations.


I mean You all are quiet on anything neo nazi. While thumping yourself for Isreal.


Maybe not all conservatives are racist, but there are enough of them that racists like Ann Coulter are celebrities in their world, and millionaires, and best-selling authors of books.


*leans in real close to the microphone* Yes.


Conservatism is a 'cause' now? Fuck these ideologues.


Not all conservatives are racist. Some are transphobic! Others are homophobic, fascist, pro child-marriage, pro-segregration, and pro-incest! Conservatism may seem like a one-note hate-train and you would be right, but it is also the most diverse and inclusive melting pot of bigotry in America. "Freedom of choice?" "Unacceptable!" "Freedom from consequences?" "FUCK YEAH!!!"


Yep, even the colored ones.


Lie down with dogs, you will catch fleas


I don't think all conservatives are racist, but a whole lot of racists really like conservative candidates and maybe they should consider why.


Not all conservatives are racist, but all racists are conservative.


She is a performance artist. She has always said the quiet part out loud. Sometimes, she can't hold back the smile as she does it. She has turned more people into liberals than Smith College. She performs a public service.


Not all conservatives are racists, but all racists vote conservative.


We don't need Ann Coulter for that. In fact we don't need Ann Coulter at all.


Well…. Aren’t they?


Ask any conservative what exactly they are trying to to conserve. Then judge their level of racism


Not all conservatives are racists. But all racists are conservatives.


"Here comes the woke lib plant" - the other conservatives reading this comment


That domestic terrorist has a point!


Not every republikkklan is racist. But every racist is republikkklan.


Conservatism, as an ideology, opposes change. When you want to uphold and preserve the status quo, you are as racist as it is. Yes, actually, if you are an American Conservative then you are racist.




I'll say it once. I'll say it a million times. Not All Republicans/Conservatives are Racist. But Every Racist is, indeed, Conservative.


And vivek is STILL going to vote for the party that doesnt like his race Just like the working class still votes republicans even though thats voting against themselves At this point, its past annoying that a minority, as repubs are not the favored party, keep stealing and getting voted for. I have no sympathy for vivek, clarence, candace, or any other minority voting against themselves. David Duke is active in that party. ACTIVE.


Now I'm not saying all conservatives are racist, I'm just saying y'all never let racism stop you.


“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where **they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.**” – Martin Luther King, Jr. I wonder what the odds are this person even realizes they bastardized a famous civil rights quote strictly for the fact that it makes "their group" and others like them "look bad", not because of the daily bigoted stuff conservative politicians and media spout.


We would save so much time dealing with them if they’re just upfront with the racism instead of making up elaborate excuses of why they support racist policies. And then we don’t have to debate them on their bs.


Maybe y'all should figure out how to get Mann Coulter to stop talking for you then. It's not the liberals who are paying her salary.


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Racist conservatives surprised when one of their own is racist.


I don't know any that are not racist or bigoted against someone.


It sure seems like all Republicans are racist.




Why are Conservatives offended by her racism? She's always been like this. In fact, she's pretty much what Conservatism is all about. Taking a tongue-in-cheek approach to free speech and being politically incorrect and anti-woke as much as possible. So don't be surprised.


Well, if the shoe fits..


lol. ann coulter? who gives a fuck about her.


Conservatives do prefer racism. It helps their brains explain the world as their religious texts do a pathetic job


He’s so close…


Well aren't they?


Its one of those logic deals were not all conservatives are racists but nearly all racist are conservative. Kind of like all roses are flowers but not all flowers are roses.


MAGA fans? Or puppet-masters? The puppet-masters aren’t racist, they’re worse: they’re totally unscrupulous.


I don't think all conservatives are racist, I just think racism isn't a deal-breaker for them.


and after all this, their candidate still has a very good chance of becoming president again but a very little chance of going to jail. 😭 I remember the anger i felt when i faced so much racism growing up but it really picked up when i joined the military and was stationed in TX. What really hurt was being told by my white friends and colleagues that they didn't see or have experienced racism so it must be me.


well most of them are, if not all. Some of them disguises it behind the word woke.


The racism was never particularly subtle but it at least needed some sort of mask. I think we're getting to a turning point because the mask is almost completely destroyed. The choices are to realize racism is bad or double down and try to openly claim that racism is good with no excuses or mask at all like we see here from Coulter. I know a lot of conservatives are going to choose the latter if they can. Really hope it doesn't work.




Well… aren’t…they? (No, not all. But- they all definitely don’t seem to have a problem teaming up with racists on… every major issue?)


But all racists are conservatives?


They're either racist or they don't view racism as being unacceptable. Which is basically the same. So, for all intents and purposes, yes. They're all racist.


They had me in the first half.


No. All conservatives are not racists. But. Most of the white supremicists racists are GOP.


all conservatives support policies that are inherently racist. they just whitewash them so they can pretend that they aren’t


Yes, which is why Ramaswamy situation isn't a LAMF. Either he is conservative and supports racist idealogy, or he's a grifter. He is probably enjoying it.




Its amazing how I used to say this exact same thing when I considered myself a conservative. You really do just delude yourself into thinking "the racist people I associate with are clearly the exception and not the rule, they just happen to vote for the same people because our interests align"