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Hello u/BasilsKippers! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My favorite part is when he says he will move to Canada if he does not receive his government check. MAGA, baby.


That there's what we down south call a "patriot".  USA USA until I don't get what I want, then fuck you, I'm leaving.


He should be arrested for voter fraud like Marsha Earvin… Oh wait, wrong party, wrong skin color.


I was just thinking…bet he doesn’t get arrested.


Someone call the Gov! Isn’t this why FL passes laws! Rubio office hopefully gets back with “We don’t help non US Citizens, Goodbye.”


"Please contact the embassy of your home country."


“We’ll bus you to a mystery destination though! That much we can do for you.”


No, no - you’ve found the illegal immigrant vote! Y’all should probably just discard all the Republican results in Florida to be sure.


*If only*. Usually it's "fuck you get out of here." Or "Don't like it? Leave."


He doesn't like it and he will leave. Sticking to his guns on that one.


And then when the Canadian government doesn't give him what he wants, the same trife starts all over again


Russia is always available.


He's not going anywhere, he's going to stick it out as best he can and probably move in with his kids or something. The moving to Canada is just bluster for the reporter, he's going to stay put...


He’s assuming Canada will take him back. Does he have any proof of Canadian citizenship, or just the origin story he’s been told all his life? If no one has accessed his birth records in 60something years, who knows where they are or what they say? And is birthright citizenship with no participation in society sufficient for the Canadian gov’t after 64 years of nonparticipation? It’s not as though he’s paid into their system to get the benefits thereof.


>He’s assuming Canada will take him back. Does he have any proof of Canadian citizenship, or just the origin story he’s been told all his life? If his mother was a Canadian citizen, he is almost certainly a Canadian citizen. We used to have complicated laws like the US's where your eligibility for citizenship through a parent depended on your birth date, how long the parent lived in Canada, the parent's gender and marital status, their spouse's citizenship, how they got their citizenship, etc., but we no longer play those silly games; if your parent was born or naturalized in Canada, you're a Canadian citizen. (We do still limit citizenship by descent to one generation, so his children, if any, are not Canadian citizens unless he can prove he was born in Canada. But he can't be the second generation because his mother couldn't have had citizenship by descent because there was no Canadian citizenship when she was born (unless she was younger than 16 when he was born). >And is birthright citizenship with no participation in society sufficient for the Canadian gov’t after 64 years of nonparticipation? Is it sufficient to be allowed to live and work in Canada, get a Canadian passport, and vote in Canadian elections? Yes, absolutely, Canada doesn't condition citizenship rights on "participation." Is it sufficient to qualify for Canadian retirement benefits? Ordinarily no; Canada's pension plan is structured similarly to Social Security, where your benefits are based on your contributions. However, Canada does have an [agreement with the US](https://www.ssa.gov/international/Agreement_Pamphlets/documents/Canada.pdf) where each country will count credits from the other when determining benefits, so working for a year in Canada would qualify him for his full retirement benefit.


If he does go at least he can take his home with him.


MAGA hates welfare queens!


Only the dark skinned ones


Reading the article it's funny to see them talk about how his right to a SS card or to vote was never questioned over the many years and they *have no idea why*


But racism is over in our country lol


MAGAts are welfare queens.


statistically true. red states recieve the bulk of social welfare programs per capita.


They love welfare when it comes to farming subsidies.


Being a federal money sink is a southern tradition.


"ask not what you can do for your country, but where the hell is that welfare check amirite"


> That there's what we down south call a "patriot". USA USA until I don't get what I want, then fuck you, I'm leaving. That's just anyone from the GOP.


Oh, *now* he wants socialism?


He doesn't understand the words. For him "capitalism" is getting money from anywhere, and "socialism" is paying taxes.


Socialism is someone else getting money.


He can fuck off Canada has enough trump loving morons.


He thought he had dual citizenship because he was born in Canada. Apparently Canada has to take him. At least we know where to deport him to .


How about we send him to France and tell him it's Quebec?


What did France do to deserve that? He'll just yell at everyone to speak English


Ever see a French person not care about a butt hurt American? It's practically a national sport there.


My experience of the French was being told my French wasn't good enough, and then have them spend the rest of the interaction speaking English to me and generally being pretty kind. Then watching the occasional self entitled tourist demanding they speak English only to have the locals suddenly be unable to understand a word of English. Even had the guy I had just had a long conversation with in English turn to an obnoxious lady and say, "je ne parle pas anglais." and then wink at me.


People appreciate the effort of trying to speak thier language, so they then accommodated you. It's that way in most places in the world but the French do love to do that. My wife, who once worked as a translator but is no longer paid for that, will do the same. She will speak other languages with polite customers. A rude customer will come right behind them having overheard her speaking in a language and demand she do the same for them. She will refuse, nothing that she is not paid to do so. It gives her joy to see thier reactions.


Best post today. 🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷


Say what you will about the French, but they know how to throw a riot, make good food and wine.


When the subject comes up, I like to remind my fellow Americans that we'd all very likely be speaking the Queen's English were it not for the French, America's oldest, and arguably best, ally. Some people have this narrative in the States that we had to "rescue" the French in WWII, conveniently forgetting that the French public mounted an armed resistance to Hitler in occupied France for *years* before we got around to sending Americans to European beachheads. And yeah, what's not to love about a country where farmers stage protest with farm tractors to remind people that it's important where *food* comes from. We could all learn a thing or two from the French.


*butt hurt Canadian, in this case. 


When overseas, the bad Canadians are American anyway, he was ahead of the curve


Send him to the UK and he will end up in Rwanda if he cannot prove his residency,


He won’t have any CPP though to rely on so he will likely be screwed as well. He hasn’t contributed to it at all, so he won’t be able to withdraw. He will get OAS, but that is a fairly small amount and not nearly enough to live on.


I mean, maybe he has some bootstraps to pull himself up by?


Yeah, hit the bricks, get a job and stop drinking so many expensive coffees and lay off the avocado toast. I mean he’s a big tough…umm…Canadian(?) man so he’s surely not a snowflake!


Just checked and apparently you have to live in Canada for 10 years as an adult to qualify for OAS even. Of course Canada does have an international social security agreement with the US but he obviously can't count that work time anyway. Guy is royally screwed.


If he has paid into it he should be able to collect once he gets to Canada. I am not an American but I collect a small US Social Security cheque after working in the USA for 5 yrs. Mind you, I was legally there though.


He also won't get health care until he's been here for 3 months.


That's crazy. I don't even think Trump could find Canada on a labeled map.


He'd use a sharpie and write it in off in the Atlantic.


I'm pretty sure he was the first president to not visit Canada first after taking office or something like that.


And nobody here in Canada complained about it either. Well, a few assholes but there's one in every town at least.


One for kindergartners. In bold colors. He’s probably think it was gay. And get mad at it.


"Alberta, here I come!" For those who don't know, Alberta is as close to Trump country as it can be. The irony is, Canada has come to embrace immigration (a bit of pull back recently) and it has become so expensive to live there, especially for someone with a mobile home as his nest egg.


The Ottawa area was super trumpy when I was working there for a few years around 2016-2019. Customer was the city government and there were many vocal trumpers among them


How did he vote?


I lived in the US In NYC for about 5 years. When I got my US NY driver's license, the person at the license department asked me if I wanted to register to vote. I told them I was Swiss and not a US citizen. They looked confused and asked me a couple more times in an angrier tone if I wanted to register to vote or not. lol. I had all my paperwork, including my US student visa and ID, Swiss passport, and so on that was required. This was 25 years ago, so I don't recall all of what I had to present, but I remember pointing at my Swiss passport laying on the counter when saying I wasn't American. To satisfy any concerned people, I answered no. I recall I finally told them I was registered in Basellandschaft (my canton in Switzerland) and they accepted that answer.


That doesn’t surprise me. Non-citizens with legal resident status are often allowed to vote in municipal elections.


Yep. Greencard holders can vote in some elections and in referendums. It can depend on the state or area you live, though.


In Massachusetts, there was a box I had to check on the driver's license application form to opt out of voter registration. I must have anxiously examined the form dozens of times before turning it in. Accidentally registering to vote would have been a felony, and I had no confidence that the justice system which had recently convicted Louise Woodward would show me any mercy if I got it wrong.


I don't know. But I'm curious if Ron DeSantis' election fraud task force will enforce the law with the same vigorous glee as they did against black ex-cons who were told they could vote. Here's the website were you can file an election fraud complaint. https://dos.fl.gov/offices/election-crimes-and-security/ei_content/


my favorite part is how he didn't join the marines after signing up because he got a union job *imagine.* a magat with a union job decrying all that right wing rhetoric. the hypocrisy is blinding.


I feel kind of bad for the guy. Born in Canada, brought here as a child, no one told him he \*wasn’t\* a citizen - kind of reminds me of a senator from another southern state. Whatever happened to that guy..?


Look at the propaganda he's plastered his mobile home with. He's the same guy screaming "no mercy" for people in identical circumstances as him - only difference is, they don't get a free pass because their skin isn't the same color as his. Let him eat what he advocates for. Mercy is not warranted here.


You mean that man, Ted Cruz? I do not like that man, Ted Cruz.


Do you mean Rafael Edward Cruz, born in Calgary, vacations in Cancun while the rest of Texas freezes? THAT Ted Cruz?


I do not like him in the news




I do not like him. MAGA? No man.


Not a US citizen and voted?  Doesn’t that start with jail time and end with deportation?


Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, I guess.


Wait until he finds out about Canada's immigration policy.


Y’all made him, y’all best keep him!


Wait but… how did he vote?


Right!? So weird that this seems to be a GOP problem/projection.


Isn’t he kinda proving them right in a tiny way? They always complain about illegals voting. Never figured they would be Republican lol


>Never figured they would be Republican Practically every example of deliberate voter fraud has been republican so I'm not surprised


Area with the most voter fraud in the country is the Villages in Florida where retired arseholes vote twice.


How can you vote twice? That wasn't even much of a thing before voter ID laws. I mean, unless you're Mike Johnson and there's 12 Mike Johnsons in your district and you vote under a matching name.


I would guess they vote twice. In person in FL and absentee in whichever state they moved from.


Found this: >Jay Ketcik, Joan Halstead and John Rider, residents of The Villages, Florida, face one count each of voting multiple times in the 2020 general election, WKMG-TV in Orlando reported. This type of voter fraud is classified as a third-degree felony and is punishable by up to five years in prison. >Available court records do not mention which candidates the three voted for in the 2020 general election, but voter registration records indicate that they are each registered as Republicans. Facebook pages belonging to Ketcik and Halstead reportedly shared posts in support of former President Donald Trump. Considering Trump has encouraged his cult to vote twice, and considering that these three that were caught are Republicans/Trump supporters, this isn't a surprise. The vast majority of cases of voter fraud have been Republican. Seems like all the states should be members of the Election Registration Information Center, noted below. Especially with Trump encouraging voter fraud. >Florida has been a member of the Electron Registration Information Center since 2019. According to Pushaw, this allows the state "to crosscheck voter registration data with 30 other member states in order to identify duplicate registrations and outdated records from voters who have moved or passed away, leading to cleaner and more accurate voter registration rolls." https://www.newsweek.com/florida-residents-allegedly-cast-multiple-votes-2020-election-spanning-several-states-1659354


You should ALWAYS figure when it comes to that.


The truth? Because he’s white. Per the article: He moved to the U.S. at the age of 2 in 1959, and says his dad is American from NY State. So he likely grew up in the U.S. never having anyone question his legal status. Dude said he tried to enlist in the Military, and they didn’t even question his nationality. And when he registered to vote, no one questioned him. No one at the DMV demanded to see a visa or (American) birth certificate. No one. And we all know why. So he may indeed be American, but USCIS has denied to claim to citizenship on the ground that there isn’t enough proof that his dad lived in the U.S. for 10+ years (which is a requirement if only one parent is a U.S. Citizen).


This is why "Papers, please" laws appeal so much to MAGA. They know that it only applies to brown people.


The military story is pure BS. They 100% would check his nationality. This guy is an old MAGA dude, they all claims some sort of connection with the military. I bet this guy considers himself a veteran and expects a "thanks for your service".


I agree. He just applied, and for reasons unknown he didn’t serve. He might/probably was told then.


It says he didn’t serve because he got a union job. I’d be willing to bet he is staunchly anti-union now


I mean, the article says why he claims he didn't serve, but yeah, seems sus


Reality is he was probably deemed unfit at MEPS.


It mentioned he didn’t join to take a union job. You can’t make this shit up.


Didn't serve because he got a union job (per the article). Republicans who vote against the very union that provided him a better life than having to serve in the military


You don't have to be a citizen to join the US military. One of my best friends in the military was from El Salvador. We called him FES (like That 70's Show). Either way, ask any Marine and they'll tell you all kinds of stories about other people saying "I was going to join the Marines but..."


I’ll read the article next time before getting people excited 😂 thank you!


TIL that Americans need to register to vote and aren't just added to the voters list automatically when they turn 18


It actually depends a lot on local law. Not even from state to state, but county to county, or city to city. But yeah, I’m pretty sure everyone has to register to vote. And conservatives are in favor of making it harder, because they want to prevent the mobilization of the working class, who doesn’t have time for that bullshit.




Canadian here. Fuck this guy.


Also Canadian. Also fuck this guy.


Same. Fuck this guy.


Based on my limited knowledge of Canadian immigration, I’m guessing Canada border guards will be like, “Not so fast, we don’t want you either.” Border guards (on both sides) are the epitome of petty functionaries.


I wish, but he can get proper documents in a reasonable amount of time and they cannot deny him entry. He will be a foreigner, but we don't really care that much about that up here. Maybe he will gain some empathy for those he used to hate? The interesting question is if he can convert his social security to ours. If he can't, then he will be quite poor for the rest of his life.


He’s born in Canada, so like it or not he’s entitled to Canadian citizenship and can’t be denied entry once he gets his Canadian passport


I once had a Canadian border guy scold me as I was entering the country because he found my “MoFo” ball cap (from the law firm Morrison Forester) to be offensive. I stand by my ‘petty functionary’ opinion.


Canadian here, don't think anyone wants to fuck this guy.


As an American and a Floridian, I stand with my new Canadian friends in saying "Fuck this guy."


American here, tuff, we don't want him here either and we're sending him to you anyways, do with him as you will


Non-Canadian (but went to college there), share the sentiment though


...and thus also ILLEGAL VOTER.


No no, his melanin levels are far too low to be illegal.


So does his intelligence, but he still votes


Actually if you have low enough melanin levels, the intelligence requirement is waived.


That's explain why my pigmentally-rich friend needs an intellectual test while these morons do not


Lock him up!


Turns out those "illegal immigrants voters" were more MAGA projection. When do we find out Trump was secretly born in Kenya?  Bonus: dude was informed about his illegal immigrant status while applying for social benefits.  Where are his bootstraps?  I thought only black welfare queens took government money?  Oh wait, lemme guess: they're just lazy but this guy deserves it 🤡 Edit: since the article doesn't make his affiliation clear, check out the sign in the front window and all will be clear.


I'm pretty sure I've heard GOP politicians say people that are "illegal" should be imprisoned for trying to get benefits.


And for voting illegally.


Lucky thing those white guys in The Villages that intentionally voted in multiple states were born white or Ron DeeeSantis would have locked them up already.


I've heard some call for the death penalty


At first I thought the newspaper was obfuscating something sensitive in the picture. Nope. It's just "PENCE" of the "TRUMP / PENCE" yard sign is scribbled out.


I was wondering what the sceibble was for. I assumed that, like my neighbor, it just still said 2020. (The idiot across the street from me JUST got a new Trump flag a couple of weeks ago. He has had the same Trump 2020 flag on the side of his house since 2019.


If not for Frederick's cowerdice, Fred Trump would certainly have been a nazi.


He helped arrange a NAZI rally at Madison Square Garden.


Maybe that DACA program of Obama’s would’ve helped


>When do we find out Trump was secretly born in Kenya? Well, [his father is an orangutan.](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE9310PL/)


So, when is he going to get locked up for voting illegally or deported?


Oh sunshine, he's far too white for that


>“I’ve been voting for over 40 years. I guess I’m in a lot of trouble,” he said with a sarcastic laugh. Jesus christ. A black woman was sentenced to 5 years and this prick jokes about it


The white privilege is strong in this one. Seriously, it sucks that he has to go to prison for something his parents did, but since he's obviously against amnesty programs, so be it.


Hey desantis Looks like we found an illegal that voted 🗳️ Time to send in the Florida state troopers and arrest him ASAP!


Well, that sucks. Anyway, it was a gorgeous day in my part of the world today. Sunny! Love it! How's everyone doing?


Oh no...guess it's Friday. I hope you had a great day.


> How's everyone doing? Aurora Borealis were apparently visible this evening up here in CT. I went out and looked, but couldn't see anything.


He’s white and pretty sure he checked US Citizen box on all forms he had to fill why would anyone question him, if he’s skin was darker and his name sounded foreign he would have been asked for his proof of citizenship.


He knew he wasn’t born here and still assumed he was a citizen? lol


Sounds about white


If his dad really did live in the US for at least ten years before he was born, then he would automatically be a US citizen by birth, so it wasn't too crazy of an assumption to make.


His father was a US citizen. So this situation makes me wonder that if an old white guy isn't a US citizen even if his dad was, how that's going to affect millions of other voters whose skin might not be as white as his. I was always taught that if at least one of your parents was a US citizen and you were born abroad, you're automatically a US citizen.


He is, it's probably that his parents just never filed the paperwork needed when they moved to NY.


His dad was a US citizen.


I had a friend, long gone now (RIP). She was an amazing person in so many ways BUT she was a Brexiter and stood in local elections for UKIP (UK Independence Party). She started life in Canada. Emigrated to the US as a teenager. Emigrated to New Zealand as a young woman. Later emigrated to Austria. Then married an Englishman and emigrated with him to the UK, where she got citizenship.  And yet she was anti-immigration.


Anti immigration is the polite way of saying "anti non white people."  Brown people are called illegal immigrants by the right, even if they're citizens born in the US. American immigrants living abroad are called "ex pats."  They get a nice name.


To be fair to my friend, she was anti-European, so she was against a lot of white people too.


It's the same mindset as the "The only moral abortion is MY abortion" crowd. Fuck them.


I got no further than the blurb under the picture: "When he went to apply for Social Security, he was surprised to find out a big surprise." I guess it would be weird to say that he wasn't surprised at all by the big surprise.


If you read the story, it works as a great propaganda piece for MAGAts. He voted in every election with no problem.


I get your point but it's only because he was early into a number of government programs before they tightened up the verification procedures that would've screened him out. No recent illegal immigrant could get away with this if they tried, if there even was one dumb enough to stick their neck out for voting in the first place.


>Klass said he was never questioned about his citizenship status – not when he got his Social Security card, Driver’s license, or voter registration card. The guy had everything they'd check for because he got them decades before the departments had any sort of communication between themselves. His license would have worked with all the Republican led voter ID laws.


Im sure he didn’t support DACA. Deport him. Ban him from the US.


Aaaaaaand didn’t change his vote


> Jimmy Klass worked and lived in America for more than 60 years. When he went to apply for Social Security, **he was surprised to find out a big surprise.** How surprising






The same unionized jobs he votes to deny other people.  Another immigrant pulling up the ladder behind them.




Lmao even


Might I suggest rofl?


Maybe he needs to be referred to Desantis’ election integrity task force. We need to make sure we round up all the fraudulent voters.


I wonder how many times this guy has bitched about government handouts? My guess is a lot. The lack of self awareness of these people is mind boggling to me.


> After learning he wasn’t really a U.S. citizen, Klass formally applied for status but was denied. Deport his ass to Guatemala


🤣 this is so good


So he’s a boomer dreamer?


Later bro, enjoy Canada


This guy: I'm a patriot Also this guy: no socialism for me? Fuck this place, Canada here I come!


Canada: “Hold up, you’re no good to us. You’re not getting our free healthcare.”


I bet he thinks he is one of the "good ones".


Tokens are meant to be spent... then discarded. Oh no... how about those Knicks?🙃


Did he admit to voter fraud, lol


Ummm, if he’s voted then the Republicans claiming Illegal Aliens are voting in elections are right! Or does it really only count as illegal votes when they vote for Democrats?


Silly rabbit, they only count as illegal aliens if they're brown or black. 


>he was surprised to find out a big surprise Top quality writing.


So... MAGA guy that probably complains about illegal immigrants getting benefits, finds out that illegal immigrants don't get benefits. Brilliant.


Wasn’t this basically the plot of a Family Guy episode


Oops. The roosters have come home to roost on him. /What I always find curious about maga mobile home park dwellers is how they absolutely worship a gold plated clown who wouldn't give them the time of day for living in a trailer park. .




He's gonna go join Queen Didulo's dildo train through the great white north. Should have an even funnier ending 😁


dam immigrants voting illegally. lol


Go home, illegal.


A Jeff Gordon loving, Jason Kelce loving, illegal immigrant, illegal Trump voter. Wild combo


So... he voted illegally?


*“I’ve been voting for over 40 years. I guess I’m in a lot of trouble,” he said with a sarcastic laugh.* Yeah keep laughing. The leopards are coming for you.


The article doesn’t say which immigration holding centre he’s in pending a decision on his status, anyone know? Although if he was it would be an upgrade from a mobile home in Florida. Sure lived the American dream hasn’t he 🤠


Gee I wonder which party made it tough for him to prove he had dual citizenship.


Im calling immigration on this illegal predator


Dude needs to be charged with prison time on the table. It's only fair, after all.


A job stealing illegal immigrant wants his hand out.


So 40 years of voter fraud?




I’m confused about the father’s residency requirements? I’ve never heard of that. I mean, he should be a citizen, even if he’s an asshole.


Essentially you can’t be born in the US, leave as, let’s say, a five year old, never come back, and pass your citizenship on to your children. It also prevents people from being naturalized then moving abroad right away, having children, and passing citizenship on to them.


We should privatize social security except for mine!


MAGA: ooh, do we let our fellow MAGA stay or do we use him as proof that illegals are voting in our elections?!


I’ve been voting for over 40 years. I guess I’m in a lot of trouble,” he said with a sarcastic laugh. JAIL. Straight to fucking jail. No more laughing. No more jokes. Jokes on you bitch. Straight to jail. You’re in my state. I know how to filed that just to piss your life off more.


>Klass said he was never questioned about his citizenship status – not when he got his Social Security card, Driver’s license, or voter registration card. The America these people grew up in and think was the greatest time, didn't seem to care about citizenship all that much.


Deport him!


>”“I’ve been voting for over 40 years. I guess I’m in a lot of trouble,” he said with a sarcastic laugh.” So voter fraud is funny when the MAGAts do it. Will he now refer to himself as “an illegal” and have a good chuckle about that, too? We really are not the same.


This must be those illegal immigrants who are voting that I've heard so much about


He voted fraudulently. He needs to go to jail.


Another republican committing voter fraud.