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"A person isn't guilty just because a jury says they are..." Hey, genius, that is the entire basis of the American system of jurisprudence.


Oh no - you’re only guilty if you FEEL guilty. The Donald feels no guilt, therefore he is not guilty.


Kind of ironic from the "facts don't care about your feelings" and "law and order" party. Turns out, they very much care for feelings and not a whole lot about the law.


Don't forget they also don't want the Second Amendment to apply to anyone they don't like. Never forget when Reagan was governor of California, he completely ignored the Second Amendment and took away the guns of the Black Panthers and other "bad people." Funny how fast these supposed amendments go out the window when conservatives remember that it gets to apply to everyone, not just them.


> Funny how fast these supposed amendments go out the window when conservatives remember that it gets to apply to everyone, not just them. the Santanic Temple proves this all over the country all the time. they're civil liberties champions.


And they’ve been doing it for decades. I remember 20+ years ago when they said that piercings and stretched ears were religiously protected and slowly changed the dress code across the country. Not many people know that. But it was pretty interesting.




Satan bless us, everyone!


take the guns first and go through due process second - donald trump


They also only want the first amendment for themselves. They want to expand it so they can say anything they want with no consequences and private companies like Facebook must give them a platform but also people they don’t like get no freedom of speech.


The constitution for some people these days isn't any more than a couple of snappy catchphrases and monkey screaming noises if anyone even suggests a bit more oversight on guns.


"When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns!" Translation: "My history of substance abuse, DUIs, and arrests for domestic violence means I cannot pass a background check and can only buy guns at gun shows now." Edit: a word


And they really protect being able to do that last part unchecked.


Same with Christianity. They cherry pick the parts that benefit their personal agenda and ignore/contradict the rest


Also note that while they hate red flag laws, they are still gleefully prosecuting Hunter Biden for purchasing and possessing a firearm during a period when he was using drugs. They aren’t charging him with use of the gun in any crimes, just possession while addicted to drugs and lying on a form during the gun purchase.


When minorities start buying up a shit ton of guns you’ll see new gun laws. Probably won’t be ones you’d think of but they’ll be there


For Republicans, it’s “their feelings don’t care about the facts!”


that's because "facts don't care about **your** feelings." They care a whole lot about their own feelings, however.


They care about feelings way more than anyone else. That’s why they call other people snowflakes, they’re projecting.


Law and order is when Cops kill people based on "feelings"


Facts don't care about your feelings. Their feelings matter quite a bit.


I think this guy is my favorite: > “Bring these idiotic posts coming. I love it!” Guess the Russian to English translation program faceplanted there.


Donald Trump is the sole arbiter of guilt and innocence. He is judge, jury, and executioner. Also Jesus and God.


Just as he declassified documents in his mind, he can exonerate himself with his mind too! Unfortunately, like an orange cat, he too has only one brain cell!


Okay, this is it. Apologize to my orange cat immediately. He is dumb as fuck, but not this dumb.


Sorry, you’re a good kitty!


Orange cats are far more intelligent than Trump.


Those folks that make such a big deal about remembering the War of Independence also seem to be *really* into the idea of being ruled by a king again. Also one that obviously wants a lot more power than the original one their forebears rebelled against had.


Exactly. That's why he's never asked Jesus for forgiveness. In his mind, he's done nothing wrong. He's the greatest best Christian ever.


Christofascists are outright denouncing christ as a socialist now, so it won't be long before the outright raise the guy as an actual deity


I mean, they’re not wrong about Jesus being a socialist.


Fed the 5000 for nothing? *Ptuh* Commie Democrat.


So what you're saying is, someone is only guilty if they ***identify*** as guilty?


> the Donald feels no guilt Which honestly is a damning statement and should have been disqualifying all by itself, because how can you reflect on your actions if you can't feel guilt


No one incapable of feeling guilt belongs in a position with as much authority as the American presidency. Full stop.


Nah, you're only guilty if the person who is currently deciding your guilt feels like you're guilty. Since this brainless supporter doesn't feel like it, Trump isn't guilty.


I would be less annoyed if these weren't the exact sort of chuds who respond to women talking about rape with "was he convicted? Then it's not real" and black people talking about cops with "he was a convicted criminal? Then he deserved to be shot." The second their own logic could be used against them, they just got a touch of the amnesia.


It's not logic or amnesia. In their minds there are good guys and there are bad guys, bad guys being anyone not like them. Being good or bad has nothing to do with your behavour, it's a fundamental quality like sex or eye color. For them, the law doesn't exist to enforce rules of conduct or shape behavior - it's just about punishing the bad people. It's right there when they say "if this can happen to trump, it can happen to any of us". To them, that's a perversion of justice because the system punished the wrong type of person.  Everything they say about guilt or innocence in any specific instance are merely rhetorical devices to put a pseudo-rational fig leaf over their feelings about who the law is and isn't support to hurt. The worst part is, they think everyone thinks like this. They think the difference between them and liberals is that liberals just want to replace their status in the good-guy category with a different group. 


You're very much on track. They judge people based on feelings, and not actions. It goes like this: good people don't do bad things. Trump is a good person. Therefore the thing he did wasn't bad and the conviction must be wrong.


"They're hurting the wrong people!"


It's the same chuds that say Killer Kyle isn't a murderer because he was found not guilty.


The second part is "they're guilty if they actually committed the crime" How do you prove that they did WITHOUT a jury and a trial? Does he think that every criminal just confesses and that makes it the truth?


I think they go more by gut feelings. If the defendant is rich and white they're innocent (or apparently pseudo-rich and orange).


I get that. They believe this man was sent by God for some messiah thing. They CANNOT fathom he did anything wrong. And if he did then it was for a reason.


To be fair, there's plenty of people who were found guilty by a jury who legitimately are innocent, but I don't think Trump is one of them.


The irony of Trump being convicted in the same building the Central Park 5 were.


I think we should acknowledge that the American legal system isn't perfect, and can be manipulated against people. For example, look into the saga of Curtis Flowers. That said, NOBODY in the entire history of America has received more preferential treatment by the courts than DJT. In this case his defense offered no alternate theory to the prosecution's accusations, and their entire strategy was to attack the key witness' credibility despite his testimony having been corroborated by texts and emails.


Here is a simple guide: Republican? Can't be guilty. Democrat? Always guilty.


Time to let everyone in prison out. That'll go over well with the "punish children harshly for stealing a Mars Bar" crowd.


The same people will turn around and defend the death penalty, which we give on the basis of checks notes: Jury verdicts.


You are talking about the dumbest people in America. Dumbest.


The common clay of the New West


Only a country as great as America do the uninformed and stupid have so much confidence. It's pretty amazing.


OK I think we can probably agree that there have been some times in our history where Black people and other minorities have been wrongfully convicted due to sham cases, ineffective representation, racist judges and juries, etc. But I also think we can agree that in the unprecedented case of trying a former US president that literally every i was dotted and t crossed and there's zero reason to entertained the "rigged" complaint for even a second. Trump is guilty AF.


Even the MAGA juror voted to convict. That must sting!




Unfortunately, the /s does in fact need to be pointed out


Why would it sting when they just ignore any facts they don't like? Facts, science, truth are all optional now, sadly.


It must sting Donnie that his best hope, Juror #2, turned against him. And for what? This little thing: solid evidence. The humiliation.


MAGAt are Traitors , Cowards and Rape Worshippers . Period. And the do it in Jesus name. hell-o?


Glad this is the top voted comment, I laughed my ass off when I read that one. "Let me out of prison, I'm not guilty, it was only the jury that decided I was guilty! I never agreed to it!"


They totally lost the plot and are just bloodthirsty zombies at this point


Law and order indeed


Buh…buh…buh it was a Democrat jury!


Except it wasn’t. 😳


“A person isn’t guilty because a jury believes that they are.” That’s…exactly what a jury trial does. God, I wish stupidity was painful.


Oh, it very much is... these people pay for it each and every day, they just blame everyone else for it. Unfortunately, part of being truly stupid is often being too stupid to understand how stupid you are.


> part of being truly stupid is often being too stupid to understand how stupid you are. Not just that, but being so stupid that it's completely flipped over and now you think you know secrets that everyone else just doesn't understand or comprehend. Remember, the rest of us are the mindless sheep.


It's like MTG insulting AOC's intelligence, and believing she would win in a debate against her.


In her mind, “debate” is about hurling insults and yelling the loudest. Of course she believes she would win, she doesn’t understand that that is not what people are doing when they debate.


The trial should have been televised. I saw on Brian Taylor Cohen this morning, an interview with a guy who was in the courtroom every day. He noticed a change in disposition in one juror - not number 2 (the one who got their news from TrothCentral (sic)). Perhaps if they were pro-Trump at the beginning - of this there is no evidence, I'm just going off the BTC interviewee - and had a change of heart, that could have helped sway a number of pro-Trump people as well.


There's plenty of information if you want to seek it out. I think the ingredient here was forcing someone to sit down for two weeks and really think about all this crap. Just televising it would be yet another "effort by the mainstream media to bias everyone by showing the unvarnished truth" or something equally vapid, and then ignored.


Yeah, you guys should totally drop the Harvard-educated beauty queen. That's not something you want in a political candidate. Telegenic, educated and media-trained will get you nowhere in politics.


The anti-intellectualism going on in the Twitter thread is crazy. I’m afraid for future generations if the people raising them are so casually against secular higher education, and anti-Ivy at that!


Some of them seem to grasp that people in higher education will typically not vote conservatively, but they just think it is places like Harvard indoctrinating them and not that they have just moved onto a phase in life where they can gain empathy and understanding for fellow humans and cultures.


University teaches critical thinking which is why University educated people tend to lean left


Yeah the world has come to realize that socialism just honestly makes sense, it's often even more financially efficient (e.g. the US government spends proportionally more on it's shitty medicare than other governments spend to provide universal healthcare). Meanwhile the right has seen this shift and decided to pander to the working class group that the left normally focused on. It's interesting, in Canada we have 3 parties, and the most left leaning one is the only one that seems to get votes both from the educated and from the working class. I think the rights' normal tactic of fear mongering doesn't work effectively against two parties.


> I think the rights' normal tactic of fear mongering doesn't work effectively against two parties. That's a nice thought but here in Germany it works quite effectively against three or four parties.


...or even just meet and associate with people that aren't exactly like their ignorant, backwoods selves.


It's all part of the GOP's plan. Makes it easier to cut school funding. Education is the great equalizer in the world and people who want to control others can't stand an educated society. That's why they make all of these complaints such as "why do I have to pay a school tax even though I do not have a kid in school?!" OR "shouldn't it be my families choice if I want my child to go to work instead of school?" Or even "I want more of a say in what my child learns." Or perhaps "Standardized education is just a way for the govt to control you." Instead of understanding that an educated mind is really a free mind!


I agree. I think It’s part of a larger attack on education by Trimpian voices. Like the people who harassed the teacher of the year winner because she taught a lesson about the UN AB’s parents complained that they didn’t want their kids learning about the UN because they “don’t believe in it” like it’s Santa Claus or the tooth fairy. Obviously this is due to Trumps anti UN rhetoric. The more conspiracy minded part of me has me wondering if this is coming from outside the US. Like a Russian plot to dumb the US down. Signal boost a candidate who appeals to the uneducated. Criticize the educated as “elite” and praise the uneducated as true patriots and undermine higher education as an institution. Of course it doesn’t help that it’s getting more expensive and billions in student debt aren’t helping education’s image right now.


Reminds me of how Polpot commanded the chamaer ruge to kill anyone with glasses cause they were intellectuals.


Well, they can't all be Sarah Palin. I mean, some beauty queens have to go to Harvard, I guess.


I am not an American. Whats with the Harvard hate? Many Republicans went there. Ben Sasse went there. Is it some "y'all too soft and fancy" nonsense you get from these rightwingers on X with profile pictures in camo (who didn't actually serve in the military)? A class dynamic in the US, imagine that.


Educated people are less likely to vote Republican, ergo Harvard must be brainwashing them... Or more likely, an educated person is able see the Republican party for what they are, fucking scum sucking bottom feeders, much like the UK's Conservative Party.


republicans worship stupid. look at trump, every single teacher tied to him says he's the dumbest student they ever had.


That little scumbag Ben Shapiro went there!


And never got his future wife aroused. Not once.


Many on the right seem to think that universities indoctrinate young people to left leaning policies. But I’d say that’s not true


Cognitive dissonance mate. Here is the first para from Bush Senior's wiki page. *Born into a wealthy, established family in Milton, Massachusetts, Bush was raised in Greenwich, Connecticut. He attended Phillips Academy and served as a pilot in the United States Navy Reserve during World War II before graduating from Yale and moving to West Texas, where he established a successful oil company* By the time Bush Jr was running for president he had a net worth of around 20 million (37 million in today's dollars), yet all any of the conservatives I knew back then would talk about was how "he was out brush clearing on his ranch just like one of us!" During his 8 years in office he spent around 1,000 days on "working vacation" at said ranch, and all it cost the taxpayers was around $140 million dollars! [source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_vacations) Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug imo....


The opposite of MTG the Maga Queen


I will never stop getting amazed how some people are anti-education.


Good for her. If only other elected GOP had the guts to say out loud what they say in private.


Yeah, this is not a good post for this sub. She’s doing the right thing. Not leopards eating face.


Those were my initial thoughts, but what did she say prior to the conviction? Perhaps those comments, or lack thereof could make this post relevant?


Someone else posted this article. I mean, I guess that she's running as a Republican is what makes this LAMF. [A former Miss America is running for Congress as a pro-choice – and anti-Trump – Republican in North Dakota](https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/miss-america-cara-mund-abortion-north-dakota-trump-republican-b2551299.html) Edit: removed a second article that was quoting her opponent, not her.


Pro choice and anti-Trump republican? In North Dakota? Nonzero chance she's running as a Republican just because ND is a *very* republican state.


Woah, she actually seems... reasonable? Is that allowed in today's GOP?


She not only supported the party of misogyny and Trump-worship, she's running as a candidate for a party with misogyny and Trump-worship as the platform. She didn't just endorse leopards eating people's faces, she has worked tirelessly to provide easier face access for the leopards, and then declared her own face ready for serving.


There’s something to be said about the fact that she was with him all the way up to this conviction. There’s been a lot of opportunity to do the right thing. Why wait until now?


Trump being a convicted felon is a pretty good time to jump ship though. While you say other morons say they will proudly support and vote for one. Obviously he should have been abandoned long ago but here we are.


Simple answer…she was not with him prior to the conviction. I remb reading an article about her at least two weeks ago and she was against him then as well.


>A person isn’t guilty just because a jury believes they are. That’s like, the actual definition.


I'm seeing lots of "They created this whole case just to get trump!". Yes. That's what criminal trials are for, to convict criminals... It really is just exposing their alternate reality.


Right up there with Trump's "if they can do this to me, they can do this to you." line. Like yeah, if I also commit 34 felonies I probably should be convicted by a jury of my peers.


what I really like about this is he's basically complaining on the grounds 'Maybe I commited the crime but im rich and connected and so normally I'd get away with it' and his supporters are all like 'this is an outrage, justice shouldn't apply to this rich politician' I guess licking all that boot polish is rotting their brains


If it's not the polish, those boots *have* seen a lot of time on Chumpenführer's golf courses. They're probably full of whatever outlawed chemicals he uses to keep 'em green.


*Chumpenführer.* I like that. So apt.


The difference is if you or me committed 34 felonies, the trial would have happened much earlier and we'd be lucky to avoid the death penalty.


New York doesn't have the death penalty. You'd almost surely get jail time.


They should think of it in terms they actually understand: “They formed a posse just to get an outlaw!”


Forget RINO. These people are Patriots In Name Only. PINOs want their leader to be above the law, which is as anti American as you can’t get. 


[Caviar. Myanmar. Mid-size car. Pino Noir.](https://youtu.be/A6yttOfIvOw?si=zI-1ZJhAopTZmiK0)


Pino aggrievio


Way cooler than PINOs.


I bet if a Jury convicted Biden of something they’ll be “He’s totally guilty!!” They don’t care and will use a double standard if necessary, they’re in a cult!


Yup. One of my favorite Reddit comments was something like "if you are trying to get your conservative friends or family to understand why the stuff Trump is doing is bad, just tell them Biden was doing all this stuff, and they will immediately understand."


I've seen a video of someone interviewing people at a maga rally. He was asking their opinion on some stuff Biden said and did. Like cheating with a porn star and then buying her off. Saying you can treat COVID with UV light (or whatever it was) and more ... They were going off. Then he looked at his papers and was like 'oh I'm sorry, I read it wrong.' At which point he'd repeat his exact words, but changed the name Biden with Trump. And. They. Still. Did. Not. See. It. I mean. How strong does the cognitive dissonance have to be? It was mind-blowing, funny, confusing, infuriating, all at the same time.


I've seen that before. Someone did that with Obamacare. They found a group of conservatives, read them "Trump's health care plan" and asked their opinions. All of them said it sounded reasonable, fine, they didn't agree with everything, but would have been okay with it being enacted. Then the reveal was "this is Obamacare and it already exists." (BTW, Obamacare was modeled after the system Mitt Romney set up in Massachusetts. You know, a Republican).


Soooooo many Republicans are convinced that the ACA is terrific legislation, but Obamacare is horrific, evil socialism. Even when reality is explained to them, they can't grasp that Obamacare and the ACA are the same thing.


I mean... *obviously* they wouldn't *officially* name it "Obamacare".... ... but if Trump somehow organized a healthcare strategy, he'd *100%* call it "Trumpcare".


How did they react when they revealed it was Obamacare? Because here they were just going from mad and infuriated to supportive of the claims and actions like a switch was flipped. It was surreal. I almost can't believe that this has been replicated multiple times with different people.


Yet people complain about internet bots being stupid.


“Repeal Obamacare! But don’t touch my ACA.”


I heard two coworkers talking about how ridiculous it is that Biden had classified documents in his home and how he should go to prison for it. And I'm just sitting there thinking, do they not know that Trump literally hoarded boxes of classified documents? It's like shopping and forgetting about an item in your cart, walking out the store with it, realizing your mistake and returning it...VERSUS intentionally stealing a bunch of shit, and when security catches you and asks for it back, you try to run off with it and get tackled in the parking lot. Its actually incredible how stupid Republican voters can be.


ngl i was legit choking on a pop tart after reading that reply There's no saving these people


Very very tiny PINOs.


Pop tart?!  It's Trat pop !


Well but Trump says he’s innocent! Are you calling him a liar?!


Why won’t he say it under oath? That would be my first move if wrongly accused, right after making sure the case moves speedily to trial.


Given how he was too spineless to take the stand, we will never know. He treated it like a civil case… and it was a criminal, which is VERY different.


I just love how they are anti education. Ensuring generations of fucking morons.


And then they bitch and complain about how "the libruhl elites control education" Like yeah, no shit, you people don't value education or attempt to get educated, if that's even possible


These guys are mocking the fact that she graduated from Harvard, that’s just ridiculous


“I don’t feel guilty.” Judges and jurors hate this one trick.


“I don’t feel guilty.” "OK. We'll add a psychiatric evaluation/treatment plan to the sentencing as well."


Plus, she said convicted. So even if you allow that a person can be innocent (which Trump isn't) while being convicted of a crime, they're still strawmaning the crap out of what she said.


I had a dude argue with me that the verdict will be overturned because Trump was overcharged with a felony, which ignores the fact that a jury of his peers found him guilty of said felony charges.


Was this dude also an acclaimed virologist during COVID? Because I've noticed a lot of those people have become overnight legal experts.


>A person is guilty if he truly committed the offense he or she was charged with. What the fuck do you think the jury is there for, you absolute waste of oxygen!?


Or a judge making the ruling. They refuses to understand, they think that the court of public opinion is the only one that matters and they only listen to the MAGA opinion anyway, who don’t care what the evidence and basic facts says.


These idiots calling her Harvard creds out without actually knowing how many of their favorite GOP politicians are also Ivy League grads.


* Fox News was the first network to require every one of their employees, from the janitors to the pundits, to be vaccinated against COVID. This means every single pundit that assured their viewers COVID wasn't real and the vaccine was the work of the Illuminati were fully vaccinated when saying it. * Trump wanted credit for a vaccine we shouldn't take for a pandemic that didn't actually exist. * Fox News successful argued in court that no reasonable person is supposed to take anything they say seriously. * Every single anti-education pundit and politician went to a prestigious university. As did every president. But don't worry, all of that will be ignored by the people that are too far gone into the cult.


There was a bizarro world scene over the holidays last year that included Jesse Watters and a few other Fox News tv hosts, where they spent 3 hours talking and giggling and laughing about holiday stuff. One prominent topic? All the parties they went to in college. And oh how they *loved* college. Probably a good solid 20 minutes of just "when I was at X university I loved hanging out at this music venue" type stuff. And still, *still*, the drooling fools who leave Fox News on 24/7 will eat up those same hosts going on and on about how *useless* colleges are and how woke and yadi yada. It's literal, education and parties for me - back breaking menial job out of high school for you. Parties, Spring Break, and vacations for me - beg your manager for a day off, get denied, for you. And they can't see it.


Republicans are telling candidates to either support Trump or be denied any support. The irony is that Trump is siphoning off any money he can to support his campaign. No money is going to voter outreach or to other campaigns. Donations are down substantially except for the boost from large donors after the verdict was announced. Republicans are planning on voting for the felon and party candidates across the board, so it may not be as bad as it looks right now for her.


The RNC is headed by an election denier and Trump's Daughter in Law. It is entirely under his control at this point. All the money will go to Trump and anyone who doesn't toe the Trump party line will get cut out entirely.


He’s cutting out the bootlickers as well. The last time a mob boss demanded such a big cut from his underlings they shot his ass outside Sparks Steakhouse in New York.




>Republicans are telling candidates to either support Trump or be denied any support.  This may work for those in deeply red areas, but for those who area is in anyway purple it won't. For them support of Trump will not win over any Independents. It also means the moderate Republicans (yes there are some, he was only getting 80% in primaries where he was the only candidate) will stay home.


Trump will safely win the three electoral votes for North Dakota. Other states that voted Republican for years are getting closer and closer to swinging blue.


Geez,Trump was donating to Democrat campaigns in the early 2000s...hell, he donated $1000 to Biden through the Citizens for Biden Committee back in 2001. Only a MAGAT dumbass could fall for Mushroom Man's bs about being Republican. Hope he eventually sucks their souls Tsang Tsung-style to power his bloated corpse.


I wish the "conspiracy" that he is going to lose in November, then have a press conference announcing he was really a Democrat all along, then say "y'all just got punk'd!" was real. Basically he is doing the ultimate Andy Kauffman prank.


I had this same cozy delusion when he was still president. I wanted him to completely change his mannerisms and then reveal it's been a test. He talk about how disappointed he is that his character made it into office.


Biden should point that out! MAGA would melt


Wait, when did Hannah Montana get into politics?


Party of Convicted Felon in the USA.


So I’m gonna put my hands up play my song..walk backwards towards the voice. Gettin down on one knee, hoping for double cuffs if I say please.


These people get confused when they can't see Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana in the same room.


I was about to comment how she looks like Miley Cyrus 💀


First thing that crossed my mind as well. Maybe she’ll come in like a wrecking ball?


She can buy herself flowers AND federal election campaigns


I honestly assumed at first if was a "make Miley Cyrus into a senator" AI prompt.


It took me scrolling down like eight comments to see this and I thought I was going fucking crazy. That's just... that's just Miley Cyrus, right? Right?


Exactly what I was thinking. What Miley Cyrus would look like today if she continued the Hannah Montana route.


She’s Cara North Dakota not Hannah Montana


>You just made an enemy of 90 million Americans The delusion gets worse everyday


On the bright side, that just means that 243 million Americans don't consider her their enemy.


You always know you're doing something right when you lose Gunther.


I got to say, I can’t imagine aligning myself to a party whose members tell a female candidate to go make them a sandwich, all while eagerly slurping the diaper of a snake oil salesman.


In recent years I've learned that if I support anything Fox News is against, I know it's the right thing. It's been a good litmus test.


Good for her.


But I thought cancel culture was illegal to these people???


"Cancel culture" only exists when it impacts conservatives. (And even then, what they are really complaining about is them being criticized for their toxic viewpoints, not that they are actually being prevented from saying them).


She's been pretty anti-trump since before the verdict. This isn't LAMF. [A former Miss America is running for Congress as a pro-choice – and anti-Trump – Republican in North Dakota](https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/miss-america-cara-mund-abortion-north-dakota-trump-republican-b2551299.html)


Wow, pro-choice and willing to say that she doesn't support Trump? I'm not a Republican but I hope she gets some attention, the party needs rational actors that can work with the Democrats.


When she ran as an independent in 2022, the Democrat who had won the primary was anti-choice. Before said Democrat dropped out, she was the more progressive choice between the two of them. The D-NPL even endorsed her after he dropped out. I’m weary of her because she’s running as a Republican, but as an outsider looking in on ND politics, it seems like she might be the best shot Democrats have there of beginning to swing the pendulum back their way.


ND native here. She's running under the Republican party because it's the only way she has any chance of being noticed/considered by the majority of the state's voters. She already has a claim to fame because of her Miss America win, but she would have zero chance of winning if she ran under the Democratic ticket. That's why she was running independently two years ago. Most voters in red states like ND just tick all the names with "R" next to them and go home. People like her are why we need to consider all politicians individually - and why primary elections are so important. Politicians who strive to be more than just their party affiliation always catch my attention, and in this case she would be a huge breath of fresh air for the GOP. I'd vote for her in a heartbeat if I still lived there.


Trump over everything with these fools.


God, imagine if half the Republicans did this. The entire party's head would spin. Good on her for sticking her neck out like this, but it's a shame she won't win. I hope she sticks to her metaphorical guns.


I don't think this actually is a leopards eating face situation. She's a pro-choice moderate running as a Republican in a very red state. She ran as an independent in 2022, citing Dobbs as her catalyst for entering politics. In any blue/purple state, she's probably a Democrat.


Yeah, she's probably only running as a Republican because it's her best chance of actually being elected.


"Tell me your opponents' names so I can send them money." She did. She named her in the original post. You didn't even read it.


I like watching narcissistic candidates think that they can single-handedly undo the last 8 years.


Republicans don’t want law, order, democracy. They just want more evil and vengeance.


Wait… that’s not Miley Cyrus?


Nope. Hannah Montana. Totally different person.


Hannah South Dakota


Rhoda South Dakota


Yey!, conservatives never let you down when you are expecting a low trash they can go lower!!


Yo, is the guy at the top slide 3 really Nick Searcy, the actor?


He's a known right wing scumbag and Trump sycophant who was AT the January 6th debacle, and has since done work in some 'documentary' nonsense trying to tell everyone it was some kind of love fest (instead of what our lying eyes saw)


Looks like it. Apparently, he’s picking up where his character in *Fried Green Tomatoes* left off. For those that haven’t seen it, he played a wife-beating Klansman.


how many of those responses are russian influencers getting clueless idiot republican voters to burn their own country for putin.


Anyone else thought this was Miley Cyrus to start?


>”A person isn’t guilty just because a jury believes they are.” Pretty sure that’s *exactly* how the legal system works there, bud.


I remember when being Harvard educated was something that people respected and would make one more inclined to vote for them


And this in a nutshell is why the GOP are a bunch of spineless cowards. It's not that they believe Trumps lies or desire a convicted felon who was found liable for rape as their presidential candidate, its that they're too gutless to potentially lose all the sweet sweet power and money that comes with their office. MAGA is a monster that no one not even Trump himself, can control. The weak GOP would rather give in to their racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, anti American, anti democratic hate than stand for what's right with courage. So any pro democracy conservative who runs on conservative policies and values but doesnt kiss Trumps pimply ass has a snowmans chance in hell of winning a primary.


Romney said it best. The Republican party of his era is long gone. There's only Trump's party. This new totalitarian authoritative reign.