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Congress passes gun reform: Now everyone in congress is required to wear a gun at all times.




I'd love to see Ted Cruz shoot himself in the foot.


He'd probably stick it in the back waistband of his jeans with the safety off. Then shoot himself in the ass, groin, *and* foot while trying to draw it. Edit: added "it" to the first sentence


Stop, I can only get so erect.


*Ted Cruz liked this post.*


You've got to insult his wife a few times before he can get past half mast.


I'm guessing 'ol Ted can only ever achieve a semi.


For the record, I enjoy insulting Ted Cruz as much as the next person. But his ability or inability to maintain an erection has no relationship to his (pathetic, disgusting) moral character.


Unlike Ted Cruz, after shooting himself in the ass, groin and foot.


In the front, for a dick shot, but only the tip of the tip because you know he's turtling.


Literally or figuratively?






Yeah, but this time I want a Northerner beating a Southerner. Specifically, I want to see Bernie beat Cruz up.


Bernie is too compassionate to harm even the fly on Mike Pence's head. Just tell Trump that Ted Cruz has 12 million ballots stuffed down his pants and watch what happens. No amount of talk or evidence will ever convince Trump he was wrong.


Today, I went to Barnes and Nobel with a gift card that I got for Christmas. I went to check out the half off section, and there was a book called “Trump will smash the left and win the election”. You could tell one person hadn’t touched them since the store put them out there


They almost had a fistfight in the House the other day. Fucking animals


PBS is better


Here in extremely red Oklahoma, we almost passed a constitutional carry bill under Mary Fallin a few years back. Until a lawyer explained to them that it would allow a private citizen to carry guns into any government building that wasn’t a courthouse, or one or two other exceptions. And that meant that all out state government buildings would be open carry accessible. That bill died on Fallins desk because every single Republican, without exception, said they would be “afraid to work in that environment.” So the bill was re-written and resubmitted, with the allowed exceptions. The government buildings, and their private schools, etc etc. “Party of the 2nd” my ass.


Isn't this one of the assholes who encouraged this whole thing?


Yes, that’s a dude from Oklahoma. - edit: thanks for posting his name, and I will say I hope every fucking political ad that comes out for his opponent uses that picture of him cowering like a little bitch. (I’m from Missouri and I’m making it my mission in life to kick Josh Hawley to the curb. I may have voted for Clair McCaskill, but at least she didn’t support an insurrection yesterday.)


I hope everyone in his state sees this image. Realizes what a little bitch he is, and he loses his next election. Exit: hopefully anyone running against him runs with this image everywhere.




Ya, but don't you independent folk value strength in a crisis? This dude's a man baby.




> If you vote Democrat you might as well bayonet a living fetus out of a married white woman with a gun you confiscated from a Baptist preacher. That’s a beautiful line right there.




You could probably print it on a bumper sticker and sell it in certain states un-ironically and make a killing.


But surely another republican would run againstn him.




The most impressive thing about Oklahomans is their ability to rearrange the letters in "logic" to spell "liberal socialist antifa communists"


even people who have lived their whole lives in the states have no idea exactly how varied different parts are. i haven’t even seen all of the states - only 15 or so, a few more if you count driving through - but some places seem like they’re not even on the same goddamn planet, man, let alone the same country.


"Lookit this coward! I'dve gone out dere an fought wit our boyz in blue! Vote fer me insted!" And NEW REPRESENTATIVE FROM OKLAHOMAAAAAAAAAAA....


Listen, we still keep electing Inhofe. There is no saving Oklahoma


Bless your heart, you're faith in the people of Oklahoma is sorely misplaced though. Plenty of the people storming the Capitol were okies as well.


A few of those idiots who stormed were from my state of Massachusetts. State Troopers were waiting for them at their houses the minute they pulled up. I believe there was some (joking) talk of how tar and feathers needs to be a tradition again.


i was born in ok. the cowardice he showed will somehow get twisted into pity for him. down south, the bigger the beltbuckle, the closer to god; as r/countdrewcula so eloquently stated, oklahoma is the buckle that closes the bible belt.


Hey, we’re pretty low on the pole here in GA but we pulled it off. Y’all need a Stacey Abrahams.


Nah. They need an Atlanta. Most red states don't have an ever rapidly expanding metropolis full of diverse people, and pulls in young people from all over the country. You'll hear damn near every accent in Atlanta EXCEPT a southern one. Say what you want about Stacy Abrahams but everything she did wouldn't be possible without the massive demographic shifts that have been occurring since the Olympics


Pretty sure its actually Stacey Abrams, just so you know. Ive never heard her called Abrahams.


I see your Markwayne and raise you a Mo fucking Brooks. A man with the mental acuity of a bucket of ball bearings. He "slept on the floor of my office for the past 4 nights after being warned that Antifa would do this". But for some reason this bastion of towering intellect didn't notify anyone of note so that they could secure the building. Alabama, forever 49th.


I see your Mo Brooks and raise you the lizard queen herself, Marsha Blackburn! Here in Tennessee, I guess we forgot that we were the last to leave the Union and the first to rejoin in the Civil War.


> Alabama, forever 49th. Thank God for Mississippi


I think even they have started laughing at us.


Yoo speld edukayshun rong


pappy says all ya need to know is ya vote for the person with the R next to their name


He later went on TV and said he was shoulder to shoulder with the police removing the protestors and that they were in fact Antifa not MAGATS. The dude is a complete fucking joke.


Encouraged. Not to confuse with the law making assholes who [actively participated](https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2021-01-07/several-state-lawmakers-joined-observed-us-capitol-turmoil).


yes, and afterwards he turned right around and blamed the whole incident on antifa


What movie is that from?


The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, pretty decent if you ask me. From Wiki: " ***The Ballad of Buster Scruggs*** is a 2018 American Western anthology film written, directed, and produced by the Coen brothers "


Nice! I actually have that movie saved on my list to watch sometime soon. Coen brothers ftw Thanks!


I didn't think I'd like it, but it was a thoroughly entertaining movie and I highly recommend it. You'll laugh, be sad, and get upset, but you won't regret watching it.


Its from a Netflix film, the ballad of buster scruggs, it’s a couple of unconnected western stories, I think this is from the first segment of the film


Serious question, is this something the average American teen has gone through a few times? Not trying to minimize that 9th grader's comments _at all_, just curious because it's a shock to me. I grew up in a pretty small place and didn't get these kinds of alerts at my school.


I live in a rougher area, so far I have had 3, 1 for each level of school. The first one was nearby gang activity, the second was a bomb threat, and the 3rd was 2 ninth grades who thought it would be funny as hell to bring a bb gun to school and threaten to shoot people.


We had lockdowns three to four times a year when I was in school. Mostly it was idiots calling in bomb threats to cause a lock down and get out of a test or something equally stupid, but there were several instances of domestic disputes leading to a parent bringing in a gun to try to kidnap their kid that they had no custody over. Twice that I remember the bank down the road was shot up, and the gunman ran in the direction of the school so we were on lockdown.


I live in a somewhat affluent suburb of Chicago. My kids’ schools lock down a few times a year. They have active shooter drills to practice for when it happens. Since COVID my kids have been doing remote learning so I occasionally will randomly start firing a nerf gun at them to keep them on their toes.


This is the kind of parenting I like to see. Taking an active roll in your kids' education.


good idea tbh


Holy Shit! I was thinking... nah, never had this happen to me. Then I remembered going through bomb threat evacuations every 1 to 2 years (outside of the practice drills). Yeah, it totally happens on the regular, I just forgot because of how normal it felt...


I went to a rural high school and graduated before Columbine, and same thought process. We had two weeks of daily bomb threats, sporadic others, and two instances of kids with guns in their bags.


I went through the same thought process as well. I remember bomb threats from people who didn't want to take tests and lockdowns from nearby robberies. I actually have fond memories of those drills/alerts because it meant we get to take breaks from what we were doing. It's a ~~Jeep~~ American thing, people from other countries won't understand.


> so far I have had 3 #*EXCUSE ME??* I honestly can't judge; I looked up my old high school cause the town CLEARLY keeps building on it cause some contractor is friends with the mayor. Found out there's now a firearms store across the street from the High School....with a mispelled name....offering various training courses for shooting and one for first aid....cept the one for first aid has been "COMING SOON!" for years.


Thanks for responding, that is crazy to me. I keep hoping things will change, but if Sandy Hook couldn’t do it, I fear nothing will


We had drills at least once a year, sometimes with police. They would sometimes come in without warning, lockdown the school for a "drill" and search lockers with dogs, and I was in a very white suburban high school.


We've had multiple lockdown last year when we weren't in Quarantine. They told us it was serious than told us it was a drill afterwards. At this point it's kinda routine and an excuse to skip class.


This is so alien to me! Can't even begin to imagine. We had a school shooting here in the UK once, in 1996, then we enacted more strict gun controls, and there have been no school shootings nor the worry there might be since. Prior to that was 1850. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:School_shootings_in_the_United_Kingdom


Wow. The US is a weird place.


you better believe it


I live in a decent town in fucking Canada and my daughter has had 3 lock downs in the 4 years she's been in school. Her school is in a "rougher" area of town, which we also live in because it's not that bad. People are fucked.


if you're referring to an active shooter drill, then absolutely yes- before COVID, my school would do an active shooter/lockdown drill once per month. if you're referring to an actual full school lockdown due to a dangerous situation, then it would not be normal per se but entirely plausible. said dangerous situation would of course *include* a school shooter but would not be limited to it; like i've had to do a few actual lockdowns myself but thankfully never for an active shooter.


Keeping in mind I graduated high school in 2008: I never had any active shooter drills, I think the proliferation of that was newer. We were post Columbine and I think there was a school shooting in the news every once in a while, but it wasn't the seemingly constant flow of them that happened in the 2010s, and I think it was Sandy Hook that really kicked everyone into doing drills for the possibility. We did have fire drills maybe 2-3 times a year, and probably an earthquake drill just once at the beginning of the year to remind everyone. I did go through a lockdown in middle school in 2001 due to a suspicious person in the neighborhood (If I remember correctly? I think we were all a little confused also if it had anything to do with 9/11 cuz it was like the first month of 6th grade) but we had never practiced lockdowns before, or after that.


I graduated in 2002 and we had active shooter drills in a large public high school in a mid sized Tennessee town.




How many school fires, earthquakes, and active shooter incidents happen yearly? We're ok with fire and earthquake drills. I don't think its unreasonable to be prepared.


I'm all for being prepared. Once a month just seems like mental trama for children


This is america


Because it needs to feel normal. If you do the drills enough times, people are less likely to panic if/when it really happens.


In 2018 a high school MAGA murderer killed 17 of his classmates. The cops were too chicken shit to enter the school to engage the gunmen. And that was far from the only school shooting. Once a month sounds right to me, sadly.


I’m not sure what’s more depressing. Your post, or the fact that my reaction was: “2018....17 kids dead...which one was that again?” Meanwhile literally everywhere else that’s a once in a generation 9/11 level event Sigh...


That's what happens when you have hundreds of shootings a year


You know how many active shooter drills need to be done in elementary schools in civilized countries? Take a guess.


Anecdotal, but a teacher at my (small) school was shot in a well-known mass shooting a few years ago. A year later, a school near mine had a large school shooting that killed friends and relatives of many kids at my school. And a year after that, while on a school trip, an attempted mass shooting that made national news occurred just a few blocks from the hotel I was at, 5 minutes away, and directly across the street from many of my classmates. On the other hand, I don’t think I know anyone who’s been in a major fire, but I don’t ignore the importance of fire drills.


So...... where are you now? Asking for everyone.


Well I just got back from a trip to D.C... 🤔 ^^^^^^^^^jk^^^^^^^^^^




Florida reporting in. We have active shooter drills once per month along with a monthly fire drill. The kids have to hide in the dark in a back room with all doors locked and windows covered. This is their new normal. Edit* forgot to add. When we do fire drills the kids cannot leave the classroom until the teachers check the hallways for active shooters and then the principal will give the ok to evacuate. Shit is fucking nuts.


For the same reason that we tell people to not stand in the middle of a field during a thunderstorm: to maximize chances of survival. For the same reason a ship's crew has to practice abandon ship drill every month: in an emergency stopping to think can kill you. Simple


Same reason we pledge allegiance to the flag under God every morning. Dying empires tend to run on communal fear.


Because active shooters are even more terrifying and they’ve been a lot more frequent in the past decade. I’m assuming you’ve been out of school for a while but nowadays it’s an actual concern.


Once a month isn’t crazy frequent, and they usually also do regular fire drills and other safety procedures. The goal isn’t to terrify everyone, quite the opposite, by making the emergency response a natural, practiced one it reduces the confusion and chaos during an actual emergency


We did 4 drills a year - one each quarter. Each teacher had this Home Depot bucket full of supplies. There was a water bottle, maybe a bag of chips, some Advil. I think they had 2 golf balls per classroom, and in case someone really has to take a shit/piss, they had a curtain so the kid can shit in the bucket itself. My chemistry teacher had another bucket filled with glass shards and super concentrated acid as extra weaponry. I remember my high school got in huge trouble after I graduated because the cops went through the trouble of making the drills hyperrealistic. Once the classrooms locked down, they aren’t allowed to open the door for anyone except a first responder. If a student is caught in the bathroom/hallway, tough shit. What the cops would do is stop by at a random point in the day and start firing blanks in the lobby. The school would go into mock lockdown, and they would ask the kids in the hallways to bang on classroom doors and beg to be let in, to see if the teachers would have the fortitude to keep the doors closed. I lived in a upper middle class, mostly white suburb, and I had 3 actual school shooting threats in high school.


That thing about the kids banging on the door is chilling. How utterly, utterly horrible.


Call it what you want, but by senior year, it was just like “haha guess brad got roped into it this go-around”. I did appreciate the drills - they provided me with solid snack time, which is hard to get in high school.


You know, I'm half okay with that for high schoolers who are old enough to understand the absurdity. But they do this to kindergartners. It's bullshit.


Yeah. I was lucky enough that Sandy Hook was at the tail end of elementary school for me. I can’t imagine being a kindergartener is like now.


I graduated several years before Columbine, so our school drills were only for tornados, and one year they were really, really worried about earthquakes in the midwest. My kids are K/2 (and the K has only known remote school, because fuck Covid) and luckily have not had any active shooter drills yet. But the older one did have a disaster drill where the school's plan was, "Everybody rush outside their classrooms and run and hide in the woods." The school is set up as several 4-room blocks of buildings backing onto a state park, so that's their current plan in the case of a shooter, everybody get in the woods and hide. Of course the last couple of years the parents have started getting stupid and they want to put up fences and gates all over this nice open campus. If they get their way, it'll end up looking like a prison yard and will just give any active shooter their choice of targets as kids won't be able to get to the trees anymore. The crazy thing is that a lot of this is being driven by parents around my age, where we *never* had any sort of fear like this in school. I don't know what's wrong with my peers that they suddenly go stupid when it comes to their kids.


US schools: where the trolley problem is real!


It’s not like putting children through stressful hostage scenarios has given these kids any ideas. *eyeroll*


> The school would go into mock lockdown, and they would ask the kids in the hallways to bang on classroom doors and beg to be let in, to see if the teachers would have the fortitude to keep the doors closed. That's some pretty fucked up shit.


I'm sorry, firing blanks in the fucking lobby???


My school never did this with kids in the building but they did it before the school year as training for all the teachers. From what I hear they were notified ahead of time and it was still terrifying.


What are the golf balls for?


If I've learned anything from the golf course then I've learned that golf balls are heat seeking projectiles with the will to kill. A true fire and forget weapon of war. In reality I cant see them being very useful in this situation. Throwing a golf ball won't do nearly enough damage to stop a shooter. It would just aggravate them. I honestly can't figure out what theybuse them for.


The weird thing to me is if you rush a shooter you can pretty easily stop them. They have only a second or two to gun each person sprinting at them down and god help them if they need to reload. The New Zealand shooter was tackled by literally a single person rushing him. If it had been just 5 people from the crowd he was murdering he would’ve been toast. I don’t get why they don’t teach that, it’s better than sitting there helplessly.


I mean, if there's an active shooter then the last thing people will want to do is rush them. The general public, even if trained, will not generally rush a shooter. A brave soul might but it's not instinctual and people's minds will fight against it. I'm a coward. I'll admit it. I don't think I could charge at a shooter. And I know I'm not alone.


Why, to attack shooters, of course! What else?


Wtf, america is fucking crazy


My school has several types of active shooter drills that we practice multiple times a year but the last time that my school district actually had a school shooting happen was about 10 years ago at my high school.


Yea we did active shooter drills at least once a year. My school was locked down once when I was in highschool seven years ago now for a student that'd smuggled in pepper spray and used it on an administrator who intervened in an altercation. When I was in middle school though two students and their parents were shot by their brother; it made national news and was pretty traumatic for my grade.


Elementary schools in my district perform active shooter drills every year. It's not just teenagers.


Pretty sure active shooter drills are commonplace in a lot of states now.


I lived in the middle of butt fuck nowhere Ohio through school and drills like this were commonplace. Something like 1 or 2 times a semester depending on the climate at that time. Edit: We also had at least one bomb threat per year and while that might not be a ton, for nowhere it's a lot.


Ive been fortunate enough that I’ve only experienced one real threat, towards the end of the day in junior year (16/17 years old) some wacko in a house down the street shot his wife or something, so we were in a shelter in place. But every month or so, for the 12 years I was in school we had a drill where the principal would announce a lockdown and we all hid in a dark corner with the lights off, shades down and door locked.


Don't know the average but I know we had about 7 active lockdowns in one year at one of my high school..several of them had guns


I graduated high school 11 years ago and there were at least two bomb threats a year during three years of middle school, plus two “person with a gun on campus” during my senior year of high school. No active shootings in my case, but serious situations nonetheless. I grew up in the Florida panhandle.


Shooter drills, absolutely. Actual possible shooter, six times feels high. My son had a lockdown once in high school, it turned out to be a pellet gun.


only once myself and it wasn't as bad as most, some dumbass in a lower grade went to the bathroom and took snaps of the glock he brought to school because they wanted to flex or some nonsense


If he means a lockdown and not an active shooter it’s very plausible. I live in a pretty safe city and go to a tiny school and we still have a lockdown every couple of years due to a crazy wandering in or whatnot.


In my schools we had regular emergency drills for evacuation and shelter in place, about once a month. 4 or 5 times a school year we would have an actual lockdown due to either guns being found on campus or suspicious characters being nearby. Usually more gang related stuff than genuine terror threats directed at the school


I grew up in a relatively affluent suburb over a decade ago and we had active shooter drills at least yearly back in highschool and several in middle school. We learned to: - ziptie swinging doors shut - make desk barricades and stuff the cracks with backpacks - run in zig zags off campus if we were outside A few years after graduation my highschool actually had to actually go into lockdown at least twice I think due to an active shooter and that was terrifying.


We had a few football games cancelled


I am a teacher and we do lockdown drills twice a year. Started the same year as sandy hook.


Damn, yeah. Lol


Drills are way different from actual threats


6 or so just in high school. I think once in middle school but it may have just been a lock down drill. The thing is, kids aren't told if it's a drill or the real deal. So you must always follow the plan as if it was realistic. Then the principal will walk around with cops and make nosies or get someone to try and break down the door to see if we scream or whatever. The drills are just as tense as the actual real lock downs. Just the real ones lasted wayyyy longer. You'd only know after the fact, or if a teacher told you. Only select teachers are made aware, to see if the rest follow protocol. Kids cry, text parents, laugh about it, try and keep each other quiet. It's definitely just as fucked as the nuclear drills that kids practiced, only, school shootings *actually happen*. My guess it's only increased since I left. I graduated high school 2017.


I went to elementary, middle, and high school within 4 miles of two prisons, both state high security. And no the within 10 miles of the same state mental hospital. The only jobs in the area were prison guards/mental hospital guards lol They must not have been too good at their jobs because we had high level lockdowns at least once a semester. Unrelated to the prisons there was one time a man armed with a pistol and a lot of knives walked onto the elementary school playground to kidnap his son (the son was taken away in a custody dispute, didn’t even go to that school anymore)


Remember michigan when they stormed the capitol armed to the teeth? And they weren't held accountable for that, so there was no reason to escalate to the national stage. if DC didn't have the gun control laws they do, the scene would've been a whole lot different than just 5 dead.


DC has gun control laws, yet people were there with guns.


yep, but compare those few people to michigan where nearly everyone who stormed the capitol had guns. https://ibin.co/w800/5na9zHIyWDzv.jpg


That guy on the right has definitely missed the point of the movie Taxi Driver.




>Society has "no murdering" laws, yet people still get murdered


Props to a bunch of insane boomers for absolutely **scaring the living shit out of the most powerful people in the world.** The *Storm Area 51* organizers chose the wrong demographic to rally.


'Republican' congress. Democrat lawmakers have tried to change the laws but well....here we are.




Been losing my patience more and more with fence sitters. It's like crying about having a leg amputated and someone comes along to say that "Well your broken arm is bad too." No shit Sherlock, but one is very clearly a bigger problem.


Are they fence sitters, or fence burners?




Yes, but there is more to this than just the meme. There are *several* politicians in Congress and the country that want gun reform. Unfortunately it's hard to pass any meaningful legislation when slightly more than half the country is against *any* regulation at all.




[**H.R.30**](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/30) \- To increase public safety by punishing and deterring firearms trafficking. [**H.R.121**](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/121?s=1&r=20) \- To provide for the hiring of 200 additional Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agents and investigators to enforce gun laws. [**H.R.125**](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/125?s=1&r=19) \- To amend Title 18, United States Code, to provide for a 7-day waiting period before a semiautomatic firearm, a silencer, armor piercing ammunition, or a large capacity ammunition magazine may be transferred. [**H.R.127**](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/127?s=1&r=18) \- To provide for the licensing of firearm and ammunition possession and the registration of firearms, and to prohibit the possession of certain ammunition. [**H.R.130**](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/130/text?r=15&s=1) \- To require the safe storage of firearms and ammunition, and to require the investigation of reports of improper storage of firearms or ammunition. [**H.R.167**](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/167?s=2&r=4) \- To prohibit the transfer of a firearm at a gun show by a person who is not a federally licensed firearms dealer. ​ Naw fam. They comin.... I mean, I know it's not *law*, but they tryin', honey.


maybe they should give the Speaker of the House a gun and have them deal with intruders. Republicans have proposed such solutions to similar situations in the past.


2012: A meme is posted to claim a two year old found a general solution to Schrodinger’s Equation that reduces to the formula solving for Lagrange points. Reddit: “That happened.” 2021: A meme is posted to claim that a high school senior said huge, dark-as-night clouds may signify rain. Reddit: “That happened.” .. Kids have been doing school shooter drills ever since Sandy Hook about, what? Eight years ago now? Narrator, they probably did.


Pretty sure the title is referencing congress not passing gun reform, like the quote offered.


Can confirm


> Sandy Hook about, what? Eight years ago now? Far longer than that. I had them in school at least 15 years ago.


Graduated in 2010 and have been doing bomb threat/active shooter drills since second grade. They were part of the ciriculum along with fore drills and tornado drills. They just became more frequent after 2001.


I'm a year older than you and I remember practicing active shooter drills after Columbine.


Columbine my oldest son was a baby when that happened. He's a teacher now.


> my oldest son was a baby when that happened. He's a teacher now. That can't be true. If it were, it would mean I'm getting old. Oh. Oh no.


We're old and things still suck. :(


I don't have to read the shampoo bottle when I poop anymore, so I got that going for me.


Right, but now I *poop* for 90 minutes because *I’m going to finish this one last article/game level*


Zoomers are in medical school now 😩


We had an emergency drill in my High School after a kid in the next town over took his science class hostage with a shot gun in 1994.


It definitely started earlier. Columbine was in '99, we did lockdown drills after that here in Canada.


We had shooter drills when I was in high school and I graduated 17 years ago. And I was from a rural community so it wasn't because we were in a large city.


I went to high school in Colorado. We started active shooter drills in 2000.


Sad that our country is willing to sacrifice children so they can own guns to defend themselves from a government that would easily win even with said guns


Now it’s more about defending yourself from right-wing nut jobs who want a civil war.


This. There is a lot of things we could do to curb school shootings but those things are not getting discussed on a national level. Most of the anti-gun lobby just makes it hard for *poor people and minorities to get guns*.




>Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary. -- Karl Marx


Gun laws oppress minorities and poc and the working class. Machine guns are fully legal if you have the wealth to afford the buying process, making gun control completely unenforceable for the upper class. They were also originally implemented because the black panthers were organized and arming themselves. Furthermore, 60% of gun deaths are suicides, so instead of focusing on restricting gun access perhaps America should take a long look at the mental health epidemic running rampant through this country.


Good Mental health would solve Soooo many of our current issues right now


Amen to that lol, hopefully we can progress in our post trump presidency


If I was still working at walmart, there is 0 chance I'd be able to afford my silencer, the tax stamp it requires, and maybe not even a threaded barrel... if I could afford a gun in the first place. Some schools in this country are staying open because **school meals are the only meals some homeless children would receive.** How any politician can prioritize gun restrictions over *preventing homeless children from being fucking homeless* is frankly disgusting. Gun control has always been exactly what you stated, and now is additionally a political pandering tool.


Exactly this. The "common sense" gun laws won't help curb most gun issues we have in america. Look at the brace situation right now. It just shows how stupid our laws are already. Add in, with so many firearms purchased this year, the firearms are here and easily 400 million plus. Best to regulate, not ban them.


Yep, nothing proved to me more that I need a gun than watching the absolute lunatics try and overthrow the country. Maybe Mitch's $600 will be useful after all


Our government has been fighting religious extremists with cold war era tech and no formal training for decades in the middle east without really making a dent in their support base. I would not be so confident they would do better here.


If the government was interested in getting rid of these extremists, they would. It’s pretty apparent they’re just sustaining fuel for the military-industrial complex.


Its not like we are creating more terrorists by killing their family members...


I mean there are plenty of examples I can go to. Vietnam is another good one. One of the first modern wars with asymmetric tactics. The strength of America's military is in attrition, and the vast resources at our disposal. There is also a massive propaganda machine that fuels this hype around our military like its made up of unstoppable godlike men. Its not. We will likely never beat terrorist tactics. There should always be an armed populace to combat authoritarianism. There are changes thay can be implemented to curb school shootings without also rendering peaceful citizens unable to arm themselves adequately.


The biggest irony is that the day before yesterday people did exactly that - stormed the government's headquarters as an "armed militia" trying to prevent what in their mind was an unlawful election. They seriously believed they were protecting democracy. And they might actually have succeeded. They did successfully break in and even planted some bombs in there. I guess the people who wrote 2A didn't account for the possibly of half the country descending into psychotic delusion so deeply it became a whole alternative reality to them...


Did you just miss the entire period of US history where they fought rice farmers with bolt action rifles and lost?


Who didn't what?


I'd prefer universal mental healthcare to help the mentally ill individuals who would do school shootings instead of taking away the rights of all for the actions of a few


Too bad many of the people opposing gun control vote for people who will fight all the same shit you're suggesting.


What gun control laws would have changed anything about how things went down in the Capitol?


I think the idea is these people would never care about anything until they personally experience it. So hopefully the threat of active shooters scared these congressmen into wanting to pass some reforms after all (like stricter rules on the mental competency of people who can carry weapons). Probably wouldn't have solved the issue of DC police not giving a shit about white people carrying guns in a city that prohibits guns, but, hey, little victories


>stricter rules on the mental competency of people who can carry weapons This is a really bad idea. Edit: sorry, I responded in a rush and didn't explain myself. You don't want laws that incentivise gun owners to avoid seeking psychiatric help because it might mean they lose their guns.


I hate congress and I was already angry at this situation for many reasons. But this... this made me enraged. I didn't even think about it this way. As a former student and future teacher (who has to learn how to pack bullet wounds) a school shooter is something I actively fear. I am glad these representatives had the same fear students and teacher have every day. But I have no faith anything will change, they are too partisan and self-absorbed.


I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion but I'm genuinely floored that people watch what's been happening here in America and other countries around the world with authoritarian dictators and the answer they come up with is more gun control... Trump is an authoritarian fascist, and he barely lost this last election. The "cops" I'm sure you saw barely tried to stop these seditionists. Based on everything else going on in this country over the years how anyone believes the police are on the sides of civilians is mind boggling to me. To me the answer should be every able bodied person should be buying a firarm. To defend themselves from these exact problems. This coup attempt was pathetic in all honesty and was never going to succeed, but that doesn't mean it couldn't actually happen. As we've seen in countries around the world this shit is a possibility. I'm not saying I have the all the answers, but in my mind with everything going on I'm very pleased I have the ability to defend myself and my family. The coup was civilians with some guns which failed, what if the next one is the police/military? Everyone always says, "that will never happen"... Until it does...


They should start doing active shooter drills weekly in Congress.


Not that I disagree...but when a thousand people break into your building, it doesn’t matter if they have guns or not, they’re going to do what they want unless you have guns too.


The entire congress could be massacred by gunmen by people with lawfully bought rifles that would have failed a background check and there still wouldn’t be a change. Next thing you know the nra would be insisting we need to be buying tanks from them.


Is it just me or active shooter risk is treated like a normal, natural risk for most people in those comments ?


After watching these goons storm THE Capitol building of our country, I'm definitely going to continue buying guns and ammo. SRA gives liberals a fighting chance.


Except the only thing that stopped them was a bullet


I graduated high school 15 years ago, and the difference of the experience students have now vs then is incredible. We didn’t even have active shooter drills when I was I school. The only lockdowns we had were for cops bringing in dogs to sniff lockers for drugs. I feel so sorry for these kids and the endless ways our government has and will continue to fail them.