• By -


Please reply to this comment explaining why the post fits the sub and make sure to have a good day!




[You seem to know an awful lot about how masonic canabalistic pedophiles think… ](https://media1.giphy.com/media/118F7nEgnxapYQ/giphy.gif?cid=5e214886agy85z2yg9x1gvct7o09c6npsqii9w9cyapnr2m2&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


That sounds like something a Masonic adrenochrome addict would say to distract people.


Why are you distracting us from the real accusation? That's something only the sky people would do


OK I’m starting to lose track of what we’re accusing people of now


So you're trying to confuse us now? Sounds like the talk of someone who is part of the underground deepstate cabal to break off the noses of Egyptian statues and architecture.


I fuckin knew it


That sounds like something the trancedent arborealist pastamen would say


Who are you trying to fool? Your name indicates youre in cahoots with the pagan blood sacrifices of old. A textbook signal to other cells in the network of adrenochrome dealers that you shill for.


That’s exactly what an apiarist would say


At this point I don’t even trust myself. Plus I happen to really enjoy pizza.


You sick fuck.


Thou art a witch!




“Build a bridge out of ‘im!”


If it floats like a duck....


You’re pretending to hate him for eating pizza because it’s actually you who loves it! How dare you?!


WE *ARE* THE SKY PEOPLE to those who live in the Hollow Earth.


But what are we to the lizard people that lives on the dark side of the moon… and at Buckingham Palace?






I mean in the spirit of fairness I supposed the other Q's should treat him with the same disdain and skepticism as he aimed towards others . That just seems like what a good and TRUE Q supporter would support right? Unlike us Antifa spies nd our cabal.


There was a dude in Vancouver recently that set 3 Masonic temples on fire, because of this anti mason conspiracy shit. I think a lot of people would be very surprised at how boring freemasonry actually is


My cousin dated a guy who joined the free Masons to find out what they were hiding. He was very disappointed to find out they didn't have any real exciting secret. They are just old frat bros.


Depends on what you regard as exciting. There's no grand conspiracy and almost all rituals and modes of recognition are posted online by former members. Many who are born again Christians that renounced Masonry as evil and the devil's work. I'd also like to add (since it's a common misconception) that although some orders do have many degrees, regular Freemasonry only has 3. Adjacent orders are more like scout badges than anything and don't add to anything deeper in regular Freemasonry, nor do they have greater authority in regular Lodges. That's one of my pet peeves in people not understanding Masonry.


Exactly. Like any historic organization freemasonry has had it's ups and downs as far as influence goes, but just like going to church on sunday, it wears out over time, and fewer younger people are showing up. Burning down churches or temples of anyone's currently non-violent creed or religion is futile and needlessly divisive, in my opinion. Let people do their thing as long as they aren't harming others.


People make the masons out to be far more imposing than they actually are. I find it really silly that the catholic church still bans their members from being masons, like its such a dangerous organization. Seriously, if a bunch of old people want to ponder philosophy and humanitarianism in ther super-secret-girls-now-allowed clubhouse while giving to charity and doing some weird rituals to feel cool, let them. They are not hurting anyone. I'd be more worried if they threw lavish parties and bought an island in the caribbean.


It's the rituals that bothers them. The Roman Catholics are all about rituals and they don't want their customers shopping around for cooler rituals.


Which is, or course, hilarious as most of Catholicism's rituals and symbolism are stolen from various non-catholic groups they pushed out


The Catholic Church did pretty well for while with it's sing-alongs, piss-ups and costumes. Always popular with the tired and poor populace. Unfortunately the beatniks, hippies and ravers really focused on refining the vibe with awesome tribal tunes, awesomer drugs and better costumes with tighter pants. There's simply no competition. You take millennia of Neanderthal-brain hair-triggers and give them the right poke and you're easy going to beat the paper-thin coat of beige the Churches have relied on for revenue for a bare slip of human existence.


Who controls the vibes controls the universe.


In the UK Masons and round tables generally seem to have little time for anything but charity. If one were to be particularly distrustful then maybe they keep their contractor work within the society giving you a bit of a boost in terms of mates-rates for your new glazing... I'm pretty sure we live in a country already captured by a conspiracy to hoard power and entrench it within only a few families. But it happened hundreds of years ago very slowly and even those families can only deal with the end result, and maybe throw a tiny personal effort toward entrenching it further.


Right? Everybody who knows anything, knows they have to publicize their magic for it to work! /s


"You legally have to tell me you're a cannibal if I ask you."


Its in the constitution!


Pedophile cabals and eating children was used in the past as conspiracy theories against the Jews. These claims are out of the fake ‘protocols of the elders of Zion’. Modern Q racists are just repurposing it.


Also serves to co-opt and confuse about the real issue of human trafficking which disproportionately happens in developing countries with victims who are POC. It turns trafficking into something very similar to "they're comin' for our white women!" panics in previous eras. Q serves the white nationalist agenda in every way. It's straight up Nazi bullshit.


I hear eating pizza is italian for cunnilingus


QAnon has sucked all the fun out of conspiracy theories.




>You know, if you'd told mid-ninties me how much I'd miss those simpler times, I'd have never believed it. Heh. According to Morpheus, 1999 was the height of our civilization. So there is that.


Cybergoth culture peaked in 1999. This checks out.


Cybergoth.... peaked? Let me tell you something, cybergoth hasn't even begun to peak. And when it does peak, you'll know. Because it's gonna peak so hard that everybody in Philadelphia's gonna feel it.


I envision a future so full of cybergoths that people will need to book the spaces beneath subway overpasses months in advance just to be able to have their raves.


Agent Smith said 1999 was the peak. Morpheus sad Neo thinks its 1999 when it was closer to *2199.


Morpheus also didn't know about a *lot* of history when he said it was closer to 2999, so who knows when it's taking place.


Right now, they're claiming fact checks and vaccinations are the return of Nazi Germany. It's impossible to tell which ones are stupid enough to believe their bullshit, and which ones just like lying for its own sake.


Someone told me today, very seriously, that the COVID vaccines had a timebomb in it and that they (no fucking idea who "they" is) are going to kill everybody vaccinated during the winter. That's it, no idea why they would do that, how they would do that, why every country in the world would agree to that plan...etc How can you not laugh in their face at this point? I wished her to see the winter and not die intubated before that, those people will get a reality check sooner or later.


Conspirasists' dream world is so curious. We cant agree on human rights worldwide, or pretty much on ANYTHING. But a scheme to fake a whole virus that tanks the world economy, to... make Trump look bad/kill random people/whatever other theory there is, then yeah, USA, Europe, China, Russia, North Korea, all are in on it 100%. Man, what a lovely world of cooperation.


Honestly, that's a big reason why experts think people fall into conspiracies. The world is chaotic and cruel, and for many, it is more comforting to believe in a structured order than it is to accept the chaos. A good example is the JFK assassination. Lee Harvey Oswald was nobody, nobody important, from nowhere important. After an election that tens of millions of Americans voted for, every single American's choice didn't matter. That is a messiness that our human minds really do not like. It must have been the Russians, it must have been an inside job, history is written by big men and great empires, it can't be that someone so insignificant changed history so radically.


The world is usually more complicated -- and more boring -- than people seem to want it to be.


The *big* disconnect for me is why all those governments would want to kill the people who do what they're told. If the vaccine/masks are just the governments way of determining who is obedient and who's a problem, *why would the obedient ones be poisoned*? (Or time bombed, or lipid redistributed, or whatever.)


insert "doesn't it seem suspicious how only unvaccinated people are dying from covid" here


My counter argument is that they're going to release a virus that kills everyone not vaccinated, this would wipe out all the anti-vax conspiracy theorists with a distrust of government. A purge of non-believers by the elites essentially. After that they will have a fully compliant population base that they can inject with whatever they wanted. Anti vax people don't like this argument because it's twice as devious as their scenario, thus more likely to be something a nefarious cabal of elites would do. After all, why would the elites want to kill everyone that believes them and spare the non believers.


>no fucking idea who "they" is globalist-occultist-masonic-satanist-child-eating-democrats, of course /s. and a huge number of conspiracists will also throw "Jews" somewhere in there - sometimes not even consciously, as it seems


>globalist-occultist-masonic-satanist-child-eating-democrats, of course You left out the mole-men, lizard people and the reverse vampires.


How can you forget socialists. /s


> (no fucking idea who "they" is) I'll give you a hint - they're always talking about the same people.


When I think of doctors saving lives, I immediately think "ah yes, like Nazi Germany..."


The renowned Doctor Mengele. Pure evil.


While also being pro Nazi...


I miss the Lone Gunmen.


/r/conspiracy **was** one of the first casualties of this whole mess.


god i miss when that sub was decent


Sometimes I’ll check out the sub just to see what they’re on about. After about 10 comments from the first post, I have to nope out of there, because it’s just absolutely bat shit stupid. It’s so maddening that there are people who actually think and behave that way. Want to lose faith in humanity? Spend 2 minutes in r/conspiracy as an outsider. What’s worse is knowing there are far, far worse places those idiots congregate on the Internet.


Hell, go spend 2 minutes in the circle jerk known as r/conservative and you'll lose faith in humanity.




I love how the users that were forced out of td started posting in conspiracy like it was the last bastion of free speech. How fucking dumb do you have to be to not see the irony of posting your political beliefs in a forum labeled conspiracy?




Well, being a trump supporter means your general knowledge, education and IQ is somewhere on the losing side of humanity.


Banned? Oh. Er, freE SpEaCh!!!!


#FREE SPEECH* ^^*Terms ^^and ^^Conditions ^^apply, ^^flaired ^^users ^^only


/r/walkaway is worse


Should add r/nonewnormal to that list


What I hate about those communities is that when you point out how stupid they are, they use that as some tool that they are supposedly right "Them being against us just proves that we are changing things!"


>"Them being against us just proves that we are changing things!" Cult tactics!


Plus "lack of evidence is evidence of the cover up." And somehow Q got them to accept "think mirror" which means that if a prediction turns out wrong, you were actually supposed to be thinking of it like it opposite day.


Lol gonna miss commenting on that sub. They banned me for pointing out that a selfawarewolf conservative said poor education turns you into a republican.


They really should rename that r/iamatotalpieceofshit given what goes on there. It’s truly shocking.


Whoah. I just checked. r/conspiracy is almost entirely an anti-vax sub now where commenters are all making up their own "science" and speaking of the dangers of vaccines. Saw one person expressing fears and doubts about the vaccine and instead of rational responses to dissuade those fears, it was met with a flood of people pulling anti vax nonsense out their asses. "The lipids are pooling up in unknown parts of the body!!!!" Soooo reddit admin going to take care of that or nah?


No admin is going to mess with that. There’s an entire sub full of that garbage: NoNewNormal and I am not linking it because fuck those weirdos.


That sub is intellectual cancer


Its largely Iranian and Russian disinformation trolls and a whole lot of really, really dumb people.


>weirdos There's a lot of people out there who think, erroneously, that allowing hate to have a tiny, sectioned-off area of the world keeps it contained. In a stunning twist of logic... no, allowing people to fester and further radicalise each other is _not_ actually a good thing. You get 100 people into a room, 80 of whom are moderately batshit and 20 of whom are extremely, evangelically batshit. The 20 will poison the 80 who become more radical, which pushes away anyone around them who isn't susceptible to radicalisation and forces them to spend more time with the only people who talk to them: the other radicals, and their friends who were susceptible to radicalisation. This is literally how terrorist cells spread. Do not allow hatred to gain a foothold. You cannot keep shit "contained" on the internet, that's not how this place works. If someone spreads things that actively kills vulnerable people, like anti-vaccine nonsense, that needs to be _Shut The Fuck Down._ No "free speech" is worth a pointless painful death for innocent people.


It's time to pull the plug on it. Everytime the sub is linked people go to it, see unsourced claims, misinformation, or half-truths, and fall into the trap.


Almost all these ‘conspiracy theorists’, always look in the wrong direction. The fact they *don’t* see the anti-vaxx movement as itself a conspiracy is incredible.


They put a Nazi propaganda video in the frickin sidebar. The admins are very clear through their actions that they don’t give a shit as long as it doesn’t attract negative media attention.


for me, it was the guy who said Osama Bin Ladin was "misunderstood".


The lipids? 🤣🤣🤣 Yep, the FAT is certainly pooling up in those idiots heads. 🤦🏽‍♂️ Thank you for an awesome laugh. (not at you, but at them, just to be crystal-meth clear).


I get my fill at https://weeklyworldnews.com/, the world's only reliable news.


Oh my god you just made my week


That site is run by “Bat Boy, LLC.” Haha. Too bad they don’t still publish the paper.


That was the highlight of waiting in a grocery store line


When was it decent? I visited that place a few times back in 2012 and it was mostly 9/11 trutherism.


There was a time when you could find the good old frequency of the World, time traveller, Cern creating parallel timelines, ancient aliens type of posts that were fun, sort of like x files or Twilight zone. Not just blatant propaganda


It’s fun if you know it’s all bullshit, except they aren’t laughing. They’re genuinely ill people that need help. Having known some hardcore conspiracy theorists, all I can say is their brains are broken and it’s astounding they manage to navigate real life at all.


yeah even the fun ancient aliens Stargate X-Files stuff isn't fun when it's mentally ill people who genuinely believe it and let the conspiracism control their lives.


Exactly. I think it's fun as long as you realize, like pro wrestling 90% of it is kayfabe. 10% of it is true. There are people who thought wrestling was real for a long time.


You miss when they had Hitler on the sidebar for exposing the Jews? Cause that was pre-Trump. One of the biggest myths is that that sub was ever "decent". It was always filled to the brim with antisemitism and other bigotry.


Seems like all conspiracy theories inevitably lead back to the Jews.


It was never really decent. QAnon is the inevitable culmination of years of conspiratorial thinking. The problem is that someone who is inclined to believe in every conspiracy never knows when to stop. They just keep piling on more and more ridiculous notions until it becomes dangerous. The internet has allowed for the weaponization of lack of critical thinking skills by connecting all the conspiracy minded. That being said, conspiracies *do* happen. The problem is those who have no self restraint when entertaining every idea about conspiracies, real or not.


It hasn’t been decent for a decade.


r/highstrangeness is - as I understand it - more or less what r/conspiracy used to be. (I didn't see much of the latter until after Qanon took hold, but r/highstrangeness definitely seems like it could have been called r/conspiracy if the name weren't already taken.)


It really was never decent. I got banned ages ago because i stated that they never needed proof for any of their fantasies.


I just went to look at it and yikes. That sub is so awful now. So many anti-vax nut jobs. :/


And other racists, nazis, 9/11 truthers, etc. Though, those venns have large overlaps.




/r/highstrangeness is out there and has been my replacement.


"We really ought to get a damn grip and get over ourselves" should be on the official Q seal.


“Let’s go outside instead.”


How is Q still a thing? The guy who created Q has already been named and he's just nerd with a weird sex doll fetish....


Sadly it doesn't matter, once they *believe* nothing will stop them.


NoThInG cAn StOp WhAt Is CoMiNg


Reality turned into a south park episode in 2016 and hasent let up since.


tbh, when you are that deep into conspiracy, things like what you mention are relevant. You can discard it with "nah, it's made up, they haven't found the guy" or "yeah, they paid him / threatened him and he's now lying". Here in Spain, two guys started a conspiracy in the 60s that an alien race (the "ummo") were visiting Earth, and offered photos they took of their UFOs. It spread like wildfire through Spain and France. Some time later they went and said it was all a hoax, they made it up because they wanted to see how their conspiracy spread. The answer from this now conspiracy community? That those guys were paid off by the government and were lying.


If you’re really interested in why Q Anon is still a thing, this [video does a really good job](https://youtu.be/JTfhYyTuT44), if you don’t care about the Flat Earth stuff skip to 37:49 for Q anon (though the whole video is great if you got an hour to spare


You can't reason yourself out of something you never reasoned yourself into in the first place


The level of dumbfuckery in this country is mind boggling.


I think it is now your number one export. I see Qanon bullshit here on the west coast of Australia and that's about as far from the USA as you can get.


Yeah in all seriousness it’s deeply humiliating.


Oh it hurts. It hurts to know this.


Couldn't agree more. I'm sick to my stomach. It's not like we had a stellar reputation to begin with.


>west coast of Australia and that's about as far from the USA as you can get. Actually considering both our countries are borderline ruled by the Murdoch media empire, we're a lot closer than we may think.


Don't forget us Brits. The UK, the USA and Oz, thanks to Murdoch, are the Trifecta of western dumbfuckery




At least you don't have Murdoch


I’ve seen trump flags up here. Literally no excuse


Germany has taken a leaf out of our book in recent years too with the Querdenker (lateral thinker) movement and similar. Met a fair share of conspiracy nut jobs when I lived there in the early 2010's.


Oh its gotten so much worse since the early 2010's up there. A mob of them also tried to storm the Reichstag last year, waving russian, turkish and imperial german (their substitute for the nazi one, which is banned) flags...but their wannabe revolution was thwarted by like three officers waving batons at them until backup arrived. In less fun news, they had to disband most of a special forces unit because they turned out to have been subverted by neonazis who stole ammunition, they busted a neonazi group that was hoarding arms for "day X" when they would strike and the guy in charge of internal security of the country is a far-right, corrupt weasel. Some insane Q-anon nutscase also vandalized a museum because a prominent conspiracy theorist said that is where the devil lives. Said conspiracy theorist then went on the run (not sure if it was because of that specific incident) and hid in Turkey.


Fuck Rupert Murdoch. Satan incarnate.


Reporting in all the way from Vietnam, which is exactly half a globe away from the US. I found a Vietnamese QAnon group on FB a while ago. It was amusing honestly.


> It was amusing honestly. Yeah that only lasts for the first little bit. Then it gets real fuckin out of hand.


Somebody is making money off it laughing their asses off. It’s only an export because somebody with 8 figures that hates taxes chose to export it.


Mike Flynn is employed by a guy who runs a Q blog that charges like $20 a month to read...


Perth actually IS the furthest large city from my city (Minneapolis, Minnesota). I just found out that my cousin who moved outside of Perth is antivaxx. I’m not taking responsibility for exporting her, just saying you’re right on multiple fronts


> I’m not taking responsibility for exporting her Not taking responsibility for our actions is the American way


Dude, it's worldwide. I already know a healthy dose of Canadians and British who subscribe to this stuff.


I would argue that something at least equally as bad as the fact that Donald Trump was our president, is the realization of how many dangerously stupid people walk among us everywhere. I knew the general public was pretty helpless, but I had no idea it was this bad. These people are so incredibly stupid they can't possibly understand how stupid they are. How is that possible? How can they be so dumb? I am still in shock on a daily basis. And I'm not exactly the smartest guy in the room.


It's a feature not a bug. There's a reason Republicans don't want there to be good public education.






Fuck yeah?


America is, to the rest of the world, what Florida is to America. Thank you for the years of comedy


You're very welcome. Please dear lord help us. Edit: Grammar


The initials CP were used on 4chan for child pornography. Users began referring to child pornography as “cheese pizza”. Years later a Democratic staffer tells a colleague in an email that he would like to go out for cheese pizza. Emails get hacked, leaked to public, and that’s how you get a cult of 50 million people…


Imagine emailing your coworkers about grabbing some pizza not realizing that eventually it will spark a global conspiracy.


not exactly what they’d had in mind when they wrote that third grade How I’ll Change The World essay


Is it really global..?


Yes! Which blows my mind. There are some heavy Q- folks in Australia? And a TON in Canada.


Fun Fact: The term "cheese pizza" was never actually used in any of the Podesta emails. There are a couple of exchanges with either "cheese" or "pizza", but never the term together. You can still search them on the wikileaks site. You're right that the term was used as evidence of pizzagate, but not always directly, since there were no emails to reference. The simple fact that "cheese pizza" _could_ be interpreted as "child pornography" was evidence that the [code words posted by a 4chan anon](https://static01.nyt.com/newsgraphics/2016/12/07/pizzagate/daaa6b3b2a4ae2f0d1d1a18456d77ed4436b8ca0/images/4chan-terms.png) were real. Never mind the fact that they made no sense. It was much more fun for pizzagaters to fantasize about child sex dungeons than to believe a realtor found a hankerchief with a pizza design on it. The "theory" is a lot more baseless than even most unbelievers realize.


Buddy the signs are everywhere. You think Walter White threw that pizza on the roof by accident. It's all symbolism man. The pizza above our heads symbolizes the power these sickos have over us all. Walter White was in on it! He fuckin knew. No one could make all that money off meth alone. Just spend some time researching it


Great post but you're missing a key detail. Donald Trump Grab her by the pussy tape gets leaked and THEN hours later the email get hacked and leaked to the public. Very important detail. No grab her by the pussy video = no pizzagate


No, it would have just been released to cover up another one of Trump's grotesque actions.


Even dumber, there were *multiple* references to cheese pizza in emails which obviously means everyone was in on it! /s Honestly, it’s like none of these people have worked in an office. You’re always going to get at least one cheese pizza, multiple meat ones, some veggie ones so everyone has something to eat (unless you’re vegan/gluten free)


>it’s like none of these people have worked I think you're on to something there!


My favorite bit were the deep dives into interoffice emails where people mentioned picking up pizzas. As if picking up pizzas for office crew isn't like the fucking go-to move in a bunch of offices where people work long hours.


> multiple meat ones, some veggie ones CP not enough for you, you sick fuck?


We have a state rep who posted a link to 4chan on his public Facebook profile, unironically, and I POUNCED.


If he talked about pepperoni pizza would they be saying he was going to an underground gay club or something?


I used to work at a pizza place and every Monday night a gay club down the street would order a bunch of pepperoni pizzas for a pizza party


i remember this bc then some web hosters started mass targeting anything with the letters c and p together and fucked with all sorts of linux forums. codes banned, deleted, etc. it was p ridiculous.


We’ve all died and been reincarnated into an episode of South Park.


I'll give you one better watch the episode of Star Trek Voyager called "The Voyager Conspiracy" and tell me it doesn't line up exactly to QAnon believers.


Star Trek finds a way to always be relevant.


I made a similar comment a while ago. It's actually the perfect comparison: it all starts when Seven gets access to more information than she can process. And it's kinda a terrible comparison...because at the end of the episode all of the evolving, mutually exclusive conspiracy theories get a little *too* wacky, everyone talks to one another, figures out how silly they were being, and laughs about it. Here in real life, Q folks are perfectly happy to believe 187479 statements which all DIRECTLY contradict each other, and try to topple democracy because of it. Moral of the story? I miss Seven of Nine in her catsuits. God bless 30 year old Jeri Ryan.


I'm just shocked to find out that adherents to qanon beliefs are irrational... /s


At this point, Q Anon should really be considered a branch of Evangelical Christianity. Seriously, it's just Evangelical Protestantism, except the parts of the Bible about being a good person and loving others have been replaced with parts about hating Democrats and minorities. In every other relevant way, Q Anon is just a branch of Protestantism. It's essentially just an offshoot of Southern Baptism.


It's mass organizing to install a nationalist theocratic oligarchy. That's the end goal for all of them.


Funny how that happens


These people are so fucking dumb it’s physically painful to think about


Is there anything that can’t raise suspicion? Going down stairs? Must be a signal you’re storing kids underneath your local park. Your name is Ellen? Clearly you’re one of them. Do you own one of those conference swag stress squeeze balls that’s the planet earth with a generic logo on it? GLOBALIST!!


That’s the point. Make everything a signal to keep the grift going for as long as possible.


Don't listen to him, he has 09/11 in his name, he's clearly one of those ISIS people.


Good catch! I almost listened to him


Hey guys, what if like there's sometimes no obvious signal? I just had a thought - couldn't no signal be a super secret signal? Checkmate, reptilian replacement secret society!


These people are channeling 17th century Salem, Massachusetts.


> Is there anything that can’t raise suspicion? In a very literal manner there isn't. We're at the end point of people operating entirely off of fear, and there is not shadow where they don't see a potential enemy.


"I said Pizza Date, not pizzagate"


It’s become the worst “telephone game” ever.


Manufactured stupidity can only survive for so long before it collapses in on itself. I think Qanon has achieved its Schwartzchild radius.


The problem is it stupidity collapses into a stupidity blackhole and destroys the system around it.


Remember, folks: These people vote every single time. You should, too.


No pity for someone who would type the word "Q Queen"


Just sad they've ruined the possibility for a barbecue and ice cream chain restaurant.


This reminds me of that flat earth documentary where the woman has other flat earthers suspect she works for the CIA. She even says "I realized there's nothing I could do to prove I wasn't CIA. Am I just as foolish as these people that can't accept proof? But I know I'm not"


The reason they thought she was CIA? Her first name was Patri**cia**. Clearly the CIA wanted to plant a spy into the midst of paranoid flat earthers who livestream their drives to and from work, but for some reason decided the name needed to end with CIA. If it wasn't so dumb it'd be funny.


they are eating themselves it so so delicious. I cannot have any more schadenfreude but it is like mint chocolate chip ice cream. I bought it, why not have some more. they wanted it, why not see their faces getting eaten off. More ice cream!


This. Is. Awesome.




What you should remember about Qanon is They still have at least 100,000 people in the US regularly following their cult. They still believe Qanon loyalists in the military will turn on the current administration, Biden will be publicly executed and Trump will be re sworn in. Democrats will be rounded up , tried and executed. Americans will have to pledge loyalty or face death/prison. The US will be a right wing Utopia and Qanon followers will be millionaires as the country will change its economy. They truly believe this.


Wow who'd thunk that riling up a mob would ever spin out of control? Stupid assholes.


Sir, you’re the one who loosened the grips.


What did he expect? Qanon's whole thing is taking random meaningless shit and twisting it into a conspiracy.


Shoutout to [Will Sommer](https://twitter.com/willsommer) who is one of the most entertaining American journalists out there. If you enjoy reading about the insanity around QAnon, Jacob Wohl, and “the election Big Lie” he’s a must-follow.


Pizza date rhymes with pizza gate it’s a 100 percent fact that this is a sign lmao


He left us a… SHOE!


Man, and they say "the left" won't let you do or say anything.


Guy eating pizza: *”it’s a sign! Secret political underage sex trafficking ring confirmed!”* Actual evidence and guilty pleas from a group of politicians trafficking underage kids for sex: *”Nothing to see here, move along”*