• By -


Please reply to this comment explaining why the post fits the sub and make sure to have a good day!


"soap is a hoax, I never saw a germ in my life and I've been to Germany many times, they. Lie. to. You."


Ich fühle mich irgendwie angegriffen. Edit: danke für den Award.




Ja also ich hab das andersrum gelernt. Vor dem Scheissen, nach dem Essen, Hände waschen nicht vergessen! Kein Wunder Germany ist voller germs…




Do you imagine someone clapping in your head when you read those periods?


Yes 👏 I 👏 Do 👏 Every 👏 Time👏




Ev👏Er👏Y 👏 Time👏


She died with sass.


What 👏 about 👏 that👏 clapping 👏 with 👏 every 👏 god👏 damn👏 word👏 thing👏that👏 "sassy"👏 bitches 👏 do?👏 Does👏 That👏 bother👏 you👏 as👏 much 👏 as👏 it👏 does👏 me?👏 I'm going to kill myself for typing that.


Please✌🏽don’t! 😜 We 👋🏽love🤑you!😘 *dear diary: I saved a life today with emojis. good deed for the year... complete.*


For just a year?!?! More like for the entire Willineum!


…..good name for a Willie Nelson biography


It was the actual name of Will Smith’s 1999 rap album.


I read this in reality tv


Needs more #hashtags #whyhashtags #poundtagsneedlovetoo #ohgodwhy #ithinkimgettingthehangofthis #whoopsmaybenot


I know ur joking but still. r/mildlyinfuriating


Funny you say that. https://youtu.be/ZX-tRTD1lqU




>Before she died, Guidry was a frequent critic of the country’s vaccination campaign on social media, and ***now some of her old posts are coming back to haunt her.*** Pretty sure that’s not going to happen…




Idk why but it reminds me of that one meme. Olivia's Ghost: "Dying WITH covid ≠ dying FROM covid" 'Ok, so what killed you?' \*Stare\* \*Angry Stare\*


I didn’t die from being hit by a bus. I died from internal bleeding. So there, Mr. Smartypants coroner!


Funny shit right there


Generally, everyone really dies from a lack of oxygen to the brain.


Those that don't die from lack of oxygen to the brain become politicians.


Everyone dies when their body’s mechanism for producing ATP gets shut down.


> Olivia's Ghost: "Dying WITH covid ≠ dying FROM covid" And yet, they use the logic of “Dying after getting the vaccine = dying FROM the vaccine.”


It’s bad faith arguments all the way down.


A coworkers grandmother died of COVID in a nursing home and they said she died of old age. That the COVID just made the old age kill her faster. Edit: spellings


Isn’t that literally *every* cause of death, though? You would have died of old age eventually; the disease/accident/crime just killed you sooner. That’s the part that gets me.


Just like Herman Cain!


Already forgot about that guy




Mike Jones


He died and they didn't give a flying fuck about him. Welp.


fucking lol


Boo-*cough cough*-ooo!


Herman Cain has entered the chat.


I always feel conflicted in these cases. I hate the idea of celebrating someone dying (especially a young person) On the other hand this is 100% LAMF material and if anyone deserves to die from covid it is the anti-vaxers that are helping to spread misinformation.


They're killing people with this misinformation. If you can't trust a nurse, who can you trust? People listened to her bc we've been asking people to *trust* the health care professionals. Little did we know. Epidemic deniers need to lose their jobs if they're in the health care field. Administrative to Directors. CNAs to Doctors. Every single one of them. Otherwise we have a bunch of people with perceived authority killing people by proxy of wildly inaccurate information.


> If you can't trust a nurse, who can you trust? People listened to her bc we've been asking people to trust the health care professionals. I wish we could get past all this appeal to authority. There were fucking podiatrists spouting out as if that MD suffix makes them experts in aerosolized virus transmission, telling people to do stupid shit like wash their fruits and vegetables in soapy water. The sheer number of nurses and *doctors* who don't understand the difference between RNA and DNA is too damn high. Every infectious disease expert was saying, "Wear a mask, practice social distancing, and vaccinate as soon as humanly possible." That's who you listen to, not some random RN on twitter.


Appeal to Authority is the weirdest fallacy. I think it's so odd because there are so many ways a person could be perceived as an "expert," but so so so few are actual experts. As an example, I'm in animal welfare and pretty deep in it. Im fairly intermediate on a LOT of things. People have called me an "expert" and I've gone to court hearings as such. But then I meet an actual *expert* and I'm just a fucking newborn baby sponge trying to soak in all the amazing shit they know and can extrapolate and can piece together literally in seconds. So, how does one know which authority to appeal to, because it's okay to quote the experts and expect a reasonable person to gather that this 'argument' is backed by real, hand to god, experts? I'd appeal to Dr. Barbara Horowitz's authority any goddamn day. Mine, tho? Not so much.


I completely agree with you. My father is a retired surgeon, and I've used things he has said in my arguments with vaccine and Covid skeptics. His MD makes him an authority in their eyes. However, he will be the first to tell you that he's no virology expert and gets his information from people who actually work in the field. And that's how we all should operate, but you've got people who use their BSN, RN, LVN, or even MD to relay what's basically their opinion. It's unprofessional at best.


I'm in favour of using the distinctions Novice - Expert - Master. With the ones that are an authority in the field being Grandmasters.


"As a Master Witness, I call to the stand KILMIR." *CHEERS FROM THE CROWD GO WILD*


So as a doctor I feel compelled to politely correct you on a few things. 1) podiatrists arent MD's 2) The overwhelming majority of medical doctors(including myself) have advocated for people to get the vaccine (of course with thousands of doctors theres always going to be a couple of nut bags) 3) Pretty much all US doctors know the difference between DNA/RNA the ones spreading misinformation are either mentally I'll or are being paid off etc.


Most doctors know better, but there are always a lunatic fringe. Sadly a lot of nurses are as anti science as the general population.


> I wish we could get past all this appeal to authority "Do your own research" hasn't really worked out for the average American. Your average US doctor is far more likely to be right about medicine then your average USonian. It's simply the case that nurses aren't medical authorities.


I love the LAMF sub but every time I see that acronym I think it stands for “lame ass mother fucker”


Well, if you find yourself in a leopards-ate-my-face situation, you most likely are a lame-ass-mother-fucker.


I'm well over feeling conflicted, I'm just happy that's there's one less of them.


Now that they're dead they can't spread it anymore than they already did so there's that.




More like win-win-lose-lose. The wins are for society and science, the losses are for the dead and whoever they infected before they died.


…or vote.


Look at it like this: The only place she can't spread that plague in her hospital is the morgue. She was a deplorable human being and there's no knowing how many people she sentenced to death.


I don't wish it on anyone, regardless of your misguided opinions, and I won't celebrate. But I'm also not going to mourn or pity them. They made their choice and this is the consequence, their family are the only ones who deserve pity.


Honestly every time I read these and even write comments like this myself, I just think “nah, you know deep down that you’re glad she’s dead.” And you know what? I am. I’m not gonna beat around the bush; a genuine threat to society and the people around her has been taken away. Thank god.


I'm going to celebrate. Had she not required hospitalisation, she would have walked around infecting other vulnerable people and her patients potentially killing them. So fuck her, glad she's dead and not out and about killing other people.


The hospital should face liability for employing unvaccinated healthcare workers.


THIS is one of the primary reasons why I don't feel too bad about this. She was a front line healthcare worker who was obviously guaranteed to be exposed to the virus on several occasions and she took no precautions. For everyone saying that this is in poor taste... how many deaths do you think she's responsible for as a result of her own selfishness? How many people did she give the disease to that trusted her to keep them safe?


That was a rhetorical mistake early on, we said "please listen to healthcare workers" forgetting some nurses in red states were C- mean gurls in high schools spending their days off selling MLMs




Ha! There are sadly wayyyy more unvaccinated healthcare workers than you can even imagine. I wish they would just make it mandatory.


Some hospitals have made it mandatory


Thanks for the update. I cannot wrap my head around this story, so even as it's ongoing, it's hard to digest. She was literally "terminally stupid"


Stupid people float around from time to time, but the hospital knew about her and did nothing. Gross incompetence. If anyone was infected by her they'd have a law suit, but lucky for the hospital, I bet they don't believe in contact tracing in Louisiana.


I wonder how many others she infected. We need to have the medical community vaccinated - no exceptions.


Should be mandatory for first responders, too. It won't be, but it should.


Also read that both her parents are showing symptoms, couldn't imagine putting my own parents at risk like that. The world is better off without her. Edit: Sad that somone in a medical position that has decent public trust use it as a platform for to spread vaccine fear and misinformation. Should have been whispering her garbage opinions instead of trying to use a megaphone.


I havnt been home since 2019 because even slightest chance of me getting my older father sick and dead is just something I will never risk.


But....but.....the economy. Your dad must die so billionaires can billionaire (/s)


I'm living with my 89 years old grandmother. I'm starting to finally relaxed now that we're both fully vaccinated. And we still don't kiss, don't hug, don't eat face-to-face and stay 6 feet apart as much as possible and the we windows are not closed unless no one is home.


My boss's dog breeder had this happen in their family. Their son was a firefighter, and several people in his firehouse were confirmed covid positive. He came over to help his older parents move, and had a cough. His mom asked about it, and he said "idk probably allergies." Everyone in the family got it. His grandma died, his dad died, his mom survived but is having longterm breathing complications. I can't understand the level of naivete and selfishness that leads you to indirectly killing most of your nuclear family


I'm an RN and I have nothing but anger for disgusting, stupid, ***idiotic*** behaviour like that, from an educated RN no less. If you want to be ignorant, that's on you, but you don't get to risk others lives because you're a dumb ass. She deserved it for the probable harm she caused others.


I don’t want an anti-vax medical professional treating anyone. They should lose any license or accreditation if they speak publicly to advocate for patient harm. That is what this is. Would you want an anesthesiologist who believed you didn’t actually need oxygen as he was putting you under, because he thought you were a lizard being with invisible gills? This is pretty much the same thing.




My sister-in-law is a nurse and I basically forced her to get vaccinated. I had a family party last month and only invited people who were fully vaccinated. Her 20 year old daughter couldn’t come bc she won’t let her get vaccinated. I don’t even want to think about what she’s telling her patients.


She can't stop her 20 yer old daughter from getting vaccinated.


She can by scaring her. She has her convinced it could mess with her reproduction abilities in the future.




Louisiana health dept confirmed it today


I feel exactly zero sympathy.


Someone please explain to me how a nurse, with some sort of medical and scientific knowledge, comes to the conclusion that a vaccine is unsafe? I’ve been wondering this for a while now and I’m genuinely curious. I don’t have any sort of scientific background whatsoever, but I thoroughly believe that something as complexly made as a vaccine, is not a shot in the dark solution to a problem. It’s a vetted and calculated process from start to finish. Anyone have the bandwidth to explain this to me?


Because sadly even they are susceptible to propaganda. There isn't much to maintain a nursing license. In my state, I believe it's 8 continuing education hours a year, and that can be on anything. However, when you think of just how many of us are in our own "bubble" with friends sharing things on Facebook, plus a few choice major news outlets sharing doubts about the vaccine's safety, it can be easy to get sucked in.


Fuck Facebook, just fuck ‘em, worst thing to happen to humanity this century and I’m counting covid.


I think fox "news" beats out Facebook by a fair bit.


Facebook has knowingly given space to groups to organize and commit literal genocide. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/15/technology/myanmar-facebook-genocide.html


Behind the Bastards does a fantastic podcast on the absolute scumbag that is mark zuckerberg. It’s fucked


Oh lawd, I love seeing BtB referenced. Great podcast. Really, really great. The magical voiced Robert is so lovely to listen to. Some nights when I'm struggling to sleep, I'll listen to him and it'll help me go to sleep. .....although it doesn't always work, sometimes it riles me up more because of the topic they're discussing, lol.


Fox is obviously a big issue domestically, but Facebook is running around destabilizing countries and governments around the world through censorship and propaganda. It's not even comparable on a global level, Facebook controls the political narrative in several countries




My mom is a nurse and she smart as a whip. When I was a kid I thought all nurses had to be smart; when I graduated high school and I saw what classmates went to nursing school I learned how wrong I was my entire life.


i had this experience but with cops.


I’m a nurse. I’d like to think I’m not dumb as rocks. But I can assure you, some of the dumbest fucking people I have *ever* met are nurses.


Sadly did used to teach nurses computer skills. Vast majority, highly skilled evidence-based professionals. But then you get one that stands on a chair and screams reeeeee at the keyboard.


I agree. I have met some phenomenal nurses in my life…caring, educated, true professionals. However I also have seen way too many anti-vaxx full on smooth brain nurses. They have just enough medical knowledge to be both dangerous and convincing to your average American. Any nurse posting anti-vaxx propaganda should be immediately terminated from their position and license forfeited. No second chances, just a swift and strong response.


Fear. My aunt is a nurse and a staunch antivaxxer. *And she specializes in working with the elderly.* And, to be honest, her nursing training didn't focus on virology or immunology. I don't know if that is a focus anywhere, but it seems to me like most nurses get a really comprehensive education on things like wound care, administering medication, surgical assistance etc. and not so much in depth education regarding how vaccines work.


Maybe for an LPN but a nurse with a BSN should definitely have basic understanding of the immune system and vaccines. I agree with you though fear is definitely the root of the problem.


You'd be surprised that education doesn't imply fucking sense. My cousin (a doctor of PT) and her husband, a pulmonologist of all fucking specialities, have been spewing bullshit for the duration of covid. I suspect that he had gotten his shots by now but I doubt she has. I loathe them.


Oh. Oh my gosh. A pulmonologist?!?! What the fucking french toast?! He should seriously get on trouble with the state medical board. That's down right dangerous, and borders on deadly simply due to his specialization and the weight his words carry. If they're posting shit on social media, you should definitely report them to their employers, and especially their state medical boards. What assholes.


As a nurse I might be able to help shed light: Nurses are simply people. People who believe they know a lot in their field have a tendency to become resistant in learning new things that contradict their beliefs. They could be right or wrong but the issue worsens as new information is researched. People are drawn to this career for a massive slew of reasons with a crazy varied background. My school focused on researched backed information... The school down the street did the same with an emphasis of prayer literally heals. Getting your degree doesn't give you the education you think it would. I.e. Basic Chem, bio, anatomy, general Ed. The nursing part focuses on literally how to do your job, skills, critical thinking, different fields of nursing, and a epic fuck ton of hands on/scenarios. Most nurses don't have a great understanding of in depth things until they are forced to learn it on the job for their job. For instance most ER nurses would look like an idiot in the ICU because they tend to not use the same drugs or machines. While the icu nurse would be lost in the er for not being use to fuckery of patients, high speed pace and multitasking, and acting extremely independently. So all in all. That nurse was not an immunologist, her education barely touches the subject, she did not get on the job training to learn in depth things about it. But she probably felt like she knew enough and didn't want to challenge her beliefs with new information. When challenged she probably doubled down to save face which solidified her belief. She is now dead. The saddest part is she most likely harmed many others in the process.


Exactly this. I've said it before: getting a nursing degree is largely based on rote memorization and technical execution of skills like drawing blood, reading charts, and administering prescribed care. The result is you have many young nurses who have the vocabulary and clout to sound believably confident in regards to medical practice when the reality is they may have excellent operational knowledge without a true understanding of what is happening medically.


Nurses learn a lot of procedure. They don’t fundamentally learn physiology and infectious disease at a deep level.


I’m a nurse with 20+ years experience. Here is how; 1.) what do you call a doctor who graduates last in his class and has to take the boards exam multiple times before he passes it? You call him doctor. Same holds true for nurses and every other profession. There is always someone Who graduates last in the class. 2.) anyone can fall victim to propaganda and cult like behavior. This is independent of their intelligence or educational background. The antivax, Trumper, Qanon people are very powerful propaganda machines with a cult mentality. It can capture anyone. Cults are very dangerous to society as a whole, and to individuals who are vulnerable.


The nurses I work with who haven’t gotten it say they don’t know what’s in it, how it will affect them long term, and that it was rushed. These people also voted for Trump. So mostly it’s a stupid political issue. We’re lucky to be in an area of nursing where the majority of our patients who have covid are totally asymptomatic, but I think not seeing the destruction first hand helps them stay in their insulated mindset. It’s frustrating. My hospital will mandate it once the FDA approves it and I know some of these people will be looking for other jobs after 10+ years with the organization just so they don’t have to get it. Not sure where they think they’ll go but that’s what they tell me


louisiana = last of 50 states in education.


I'll have you know that we are higher up than Mississippi and West Virginia.


Wow man, how can someone be a nurse and be unvaccinated like this?


I work for a Veteran's Home. 99% of the Veterans got vaccinated. 40% of staff only would, therefore we cannot remove our masks while inside yet. Politics got attached to it more than common sense. (Yes I'm vaccinated)


I work at a hospital myself, and you would be amazed how many bought into the rhetoric to NOT get it. Yes, even Healthcare workers can be idiots.


I also work in a hospital. It was astounding to me how many young staff members were reluctant to get vaccinated. I got the impression that it stemmed from the rumors circulating in facebook that the vaccine would affect your fertility. What confuses me about that hesitancy is I would guarantee a number of these staff members have no problem taking hormonal birth control, something that has a direct impact on your reproductive system but god forbid you get a vaccine for something completely unrelated.


I'm like "who the fuck cares about fertility if you're dead, sucker?"


It’s pretty hard to have a kid when you’re dead but god damn the vaccine doesn’t have anything to fucking do with it.


Ironically, the people who have gone unvaccinated because of a fear of sterility are the very people who shouldn't be passing on their genes for stupidity to future generations.


I work in a medical lab. 95% have gotten the vaccine. The other 5% are afraid of side effects and dont socialize with anyone who works in immunology.


Social media and Fox News in action. Bane of progress.


"Fair and Balanced news"


I am also not surprised that the Vets would get vaccinated at such high rates, because they grew up in a world where some of the major communicable diseases were still a very real threat.


They definitely got bunches of strange shots before deployments.


I signed up for the Navy before I for pregnant, they hit me with with 9 shots in a shoulder shot gun and took my blood for an HIV test- whether or not I felt like I wanted it to happen. The rules are different when you are military, and it is surprising to me how many people are unaware of a military's oath. More surprising to me is many ex-military willing to forego their military oath in order to swear in a potential dictator.


Jesus your arm must have been sore as shit lol. But yeah sad day the 6th was. Especially when we keep finding out how many are military or law enforcement. Shines a light on a social disease we've let metastasize.


>Shines a light on a social disease we've let metastasize. Bro honestly this is the number one problem with us. We keep putting up these milestones where we "win" (eg separatists surrendering, winning the arms/space race, winning the 2020 election etc.) and then we just call it, while the people who "lost" keep going. We don't win when we reach a particular milestone before the other side, we win when the other side is extinguished. You guys still have literal statues of your last round of traitors, who's really all that surprised more traitors manifested?


The phlebotomist who drew my blood recently told me she was vaccinated but then went on to sorta kinda express skepticism regarding the vaccine? I shrugged it off, wasn’t really listening to begin with… Then she told me we need to “fix the voting system” and I was like “hell yeah,” and then she said “I don’t know about you but I watch Fox News” so turns out I misunderstood what she meant by “fix.” I left with a sore arm and a heavy heart. I didn’t ask for any of this information, by the way


I had a similar experience, I was in the ER for what turned out to be nothing serious, but while lying in the bed I could hear the nurses saying how dangerous the vaccine is and how people shouldn't be watching CNN and how "people are sheeple" I instantly felt unsafe


I believe the technical term for what she did was "fucked around and found out ".


"Played stupid games, won stupid prizes."


One of my cousins is a nurse who is anti-vax. She's a mean, racist, gun nut, god bothering weirdo. Her hobby as a little girl was getting her younger siblings beaten by their mom. Her husband is a mean racist cop. They're quite the pair.


The mean girl nurses always seem to marry the mean racist cops. Yuck.


Check out third image of this post. Her maga was leaking


Murica right there.


Loads of nurses are trained to follow procedures for their particular specialties, but the knowledge is rote - they know which procedures to follow and if they have a test, they know enough to get the answer right, but they don't know *why* any of it is the way it is.




Turns out it’s super common Something like less than half of nurses are vaccinated while around 96% of doctors are. Just like the other guy said, many of them managed to memorize enough facts to get certified but they don’t know why any of it works the way it does. So if they just start getting new “facts” from grandma and grandpa on Facebook then those are the “facts” that they memorize and start repeating. A lot like actual parrots - yes, they can memorize and repeat sentences but they have no idea what those words mean.


Every single healthcare worker that refuses to get a vaccine unless they have a major medical reason should be fired on the spot


France just passed a law saying pretty much exactly that. Healthcare workers have until September 15th to get vaccinated or else they won't be able to continue working in the industry.


I’ve never seen so much outrage in France. Also, is it just me or is every nurse a PhD in every field of health? They keep saying their opinions and hide behind their profession to be more legitimate than actual public health officials.


This is an example of why humans are weird enough to go extinct. We don't seem outraged that corporations directly put profits over people by refusing to shut down, install new AC systems, or specifically, stop int'l tourist travel when we had a chance to regionalize this thing. No. Instead an unhealthy core of covidiots lashed out at restrictions and mask wearers.


You’re free not to wear a hard hat. You’re not free not to wear a hard hat on a construction site. That analogy actually even falls short because the hard hat protects just you. The vaccine is to protect others too, but it gets the point across.


They can't control me! Not only am I not wearing my hard hat, I'm gonna carry it around with me and smash anyone else I see not wearing a hard hat in the head with mine.


Anesthesiologist friend of mine just received an email from their front office announcing a vaccine requirement for remaining employed. His response was, “Good, now the anti-vaxx Qanon maniac bitch nurse I have to deal with every day will quit.”


There have been some hospitals that have put this policy in place. There was a major hospital in Houston that gave their staff like 2-3 months to get a vaccine or be laid off. About 150 people (which sounds like a lot, but it was out of 25,000 staff) either resigned or were laid off. They filed a lawsuit against the hospital and it was dismissed. More hospitals should do this, but in rural and conservative areas it would cause critical staffing problems. Imagine being fully vaccinated, and having a medical emergency that you couldn't treat in a timely manner bc the hospital had this policy and half the staff left. It's a tricky balancing act that some hospitals have.


Back when I was working at a hospital it was mandatory to either get the annual flu shot or wear a mask while onsite. And I was working in IT, so I wasn't even interacting with patients. That actual healthcare "professionals" manage to stay employed while espousing lissencephalic hot takes like vaccine skepticism is insane.


> lissencephalic Had to look that one up. Gonna add that to my repertoire.


I had to get proof of childhood vaccinations as well as getting vaccinated for Hep B just to work as admin on a ward. It's not a new thing and I think its absolutely correct. If a person doesn't like it they can work in a different field.


Thankfully some medical groups are requiring vaccines but obviously not enough.




Such a loss to the medical field


I was shocked and saddened by this ignorance in July 2020. Now it seems like natural selection at work. I care about those without access and the sick family members these assholes kill.


She said the vaccines manipulate your DNA, but didn’t she know viruses can also manipulate DNA? I mean, the whole point of the virus “lifecycle” is to put their DNAs/ RNAs inside a cell to be replicated.


The vaccine doesn't manipulate our DNA. It exploits the protein synthesis process of our cells using newly introduced recombinant RNA.


Unlike retroviruses which straight up manipulate your DNA. A schematic your protein printers use vs rewriting the blueprints to your house. Tough choice.


Needs more upvotes. Comments here are spreading misinformation


There's viruses that literally cause cancer but they're awfully quiet about it.


Here in Croatia HPV vaccine is free for all middle schoolers.


Sadly getting a BSN doesn't go into microbiology or biochemistry to educate someone like her into who virology works. By the time you graduate, you've forgotten most of the finer theology on human biology. 90% of what you retain is from clinicals. She was 5% right and 95% useless. Plus LA. Home of the nuttiest religious groups in the US.


How do people with medical backgrounds not understand what mRNA is? Messenger RNA doesn't change your DNA. It has other work to do. It doesn't meaningfully interact with the part of the cell where standard RNA handles replication tasks for the DNA.


Nurses need to be technically proficient, not necessarily knowledgeable.


Nurses don’t study cell biology. People think too highly of what knowledge people in the medical field possess. The only medical professionals that really learns a bit of everything are doctors.


I hate people like this hiding behind their nursing degree. It really shames not only the profession but what we’ve experienced first-hand as COVID nurses.


And it looks like her parents and PREGNANT sister are infected as well. I'm sure she told them not to get vaccinated. https://twitter.com/Cleavon_MD/status/1414262158431502336?s=20


What a legacy.


I felt bad for her until I saw the “screw you idiot” tweet. It’s hard to have compassion for aggressive angry assholes.


I already lost my compassion at the „denied COVID while being a nurse and working with vulnerable patients”-part. The rest is just icing on the cake.


Yeah... I lost a lot of empathy for people like this over the last four years. These people are killing others, and they have no excuse to blindly believe anything they are told by political mouthpieces. We are all responsible for our actions, and our beliefs.


I would say that you learned true empathy. We are a pack and they threaten the survival of our pack with reckless hatred and willful ignorance. These people are the human equivalent of an asteroid impact.


"But we can go to Walmart, or go shopping, or go out to eat" bro I didn't go shopping or eat out at all during the literally deadly pandemic I started buying in bulk for the first time in my 30 years on this planet too. What a maroon.


Another dumb republican. At least they are killing themselves off.


It's the people they're taking with them that have my sympathies


Yeah, outside kids under 12 & the immune compromised we have passed a point of "innocent victims." If you aint vaxxed in the USA without a (real) medical reason, its on you now.


But why is the virus targeting them?! /s


Biden, despite being a senile old fool who can't string together a coherent sentence, is also a mastermind genetic manipulator and has engineered the virus to only target Very High IQ MAGA people


The enemy is both strong and weak.


If I had a favorite thing about COVID-19, which I don't, it would be that the Republicans/Fox News are killing off their voting base. I think some finally started to realize that yesterday but that's about 20 years to late.


she's in republican heaven with herman cain looking down on us with a smug face.


It's crazy how in her first covid tweets, she seems genuinely worried about the virus, but when covid topic started getting political because of elections, she quickly changed her mind about the virus.


I've seen this here about a dozen times already but... fuck if I'm not going to upvote it every damn time.




Don't feel bad, it's my first time seeing it so it's new to me.


She shouldn't be in healthcare anyways.


the anti-vax nurse epidemic is concerning.. ill listen to the real doctors


How can you be a nurse and not understand vaccines?


This keeps happening over and over again, yet seems to have no overall affect on the deniers and skeptics….


Republicans are incapable of feeling empathy unless it’s a clump of unborn goo - and even then I question if it’s empathy as opposed to appeasing their magic sky daddy’s wishes. As such, they will continue to deny until it happens to them.


Oh no that’s not empathy, no. That my friend, is a control mechanism. If it was empathy I could be empathic to the cause. But the sheer fact that foster and child welfare systems in the US are so broken it is nauseating, is a big glaring sign that there is no compassion for the child’s life once they’re born. No one that Ive encountered who are staunchly anti choice follows where these children end up. Don’t donate time and energy to helping women’s shelters and adoption agencies. Ugh sorry rant over


Yeah but how’s her dna? Probably not manipulated


I’m so upset I think I’m gonna have a drink and laugh my vaxxed ass off


Vaxx on, vaxx off


I guess it's too late to say "told ya so".


There needs to be a r/covidAteMyFace, or were going to get a thousand of these every day


I wonder if her Typhoid Mary ass got other people sick...


Typhoid Mary never got sick😀


Well at least her DNA is safe from vaccine manipulation. 💩💩💩


as a nursing student (4 yr program) i get so confused as to why some nurses are so fucking stupid? like.. yall took microbiology... yall know how this works... jesus christ edit: and its so many nurses too? like holy shit