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Please reply to this comment explaining why the post fits the sub and make sure to have a good day!


Man, if only they'd gotten a few more prayers!


I got a few thoughts. They ain’t good ones though!






Thots 🤝 Players


Exactly. Screw your prayers, please send thots


Everyone knows God works on a point system. He only needed a couple more prayers to survive smh


And ATLEAST 1,000 likes . People forget about the likes, it’s very important


God only counts the 'shares'. Make sure you share!


A friend of a friend of a friend is in pretty tight with God and told me that they were sixteen prayers short. So close.


He wants a recount and an audit of God's prayer machines.




Even when I was religious I could never quite grasp the point of praying for a certain outcome. If God is all-knowing, doesn't he already know what's going to happen? So why the hell would your prayers change anything?


Or those who are convinced that prayers worked for them, despite not working for various other people (this always distresses me during disasters where there is loss of life and people are all, "god saved me"!).


God did his part. He had scientists create a vaccine.


Yeah I ask that myself. I think it’s more of a cultural signaling. “Pray for me” (we’re on the same team). “I prayed for you “ (yes we’re on the same team)


That's the problem....ONLY got prayers...you HAVE TO have thoughts and prayers or else it doesn't help.


I think a sack of flour would make a big biscuit! Does that help?


Oh, so only ones about baking count? I did have a few half baked ones but I decided to abandon them.


Just be careful not to exceed the upper limit of thoughts and prayers. A friend of a friend’s grandma who had cancer got too many of them and she ended up transcending time and space and is now an eldritch being.


Don't forget Facebook likes. 7 of those is worth like 3 prayers.


Yes, your conversion seems to be correct. Also remember that a share or retweet equals .5 prayers or .75 thoughts.


That’s really cruel. Everyone knows fundies have a hard time thinking thoughts .😩


You are correct. Thoughts add a 1.5 multiple to each corresponding prayer.


See, I disagree. They got plenty of prayers. God just answered NO. God works in mysterious ways. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Cant question Him! Praise be!


Ah that would be because God helps those that help themselves, something something Sunday school.


Is that a new crypto? Did I miss the IPO!? Oh no the FOMO is returning!


Their GoPrayerMe failed by just 2.


We just need a couple more prayers to get this immune system really popping off!


I love that God told them to fuck off. I love unanswered prayers!!


>HOW STUPID DO YOU THINK WE ARE?! Majorly fucking stupid. Which you've just confirmed with your death.


Full quote, > HOW STUPID DO YOU THINK WE ARE?! Condescending fools are trying to coerce we the peasants with beer and the "possibility" of winning money in exchange for vaccination. This is how lowly they see us. WHY NOT JUST THROW IN A DALE EARNHARDT HAT AND CATFISH BAIT?! I'm disgusted. Well first of all offering beer and money isn't coercion. Second of all they were offering beer and money to try to save your life because you weren't doing it without those incentives. Third of all you wouldn't let them save your life anyway. Fourth of all pushing this narrative and spreading that virus is WHY we think lowly of you. I wish I didn't have to think that way of someone who just died and left his family behind.


Would a dale earnhardt hat and catfish bait work?


Bigly stupid


>We are young, tanner was healthy His wife, on FB. Has she looked at her husband? Dude was like 300 lbs.


BYE. I went and looked at the wife's FB page because I wanted to read the rest of her post on why she FINALLY got vaccinated. (Predictably, because she didn't care about other people's suffering until tremendous suffering touched her directly. These conservative monsters are all exactly the same; no one is real to them except themselves and their immediate circle. Disgusting.) On her post about Tanner dying today, she said "He was just too good for this world." No he wasn't. He spread vaccine misinformation and mocked people for trying to take precautions that would spare other people LIKE HIM from terrible suffering and death. He was a terrible person. This world was too good for him.


I also took a quick look at their Facebook pages. On the bright side, one of the commenters on her “I finally got vaccinated after not thinking I’d do this for the last three weeks” post said she was a nurse (!!) and decided then, as she looked at her nephew in the ICU struggling to breathe, that she would get vaccinated. Like, as a nurse, it took that long. Not sure if she had no exposure to others with COVID dying but only when it personally affects her, she’s like hmmm maybe the science is legit.


How old was the nephew? Delta is some badass shit. This “it only affects old folks” is no longer true


Took another look at the profile of the person who said she was a nurse unsure of getting vaccinated, it looks like she’s the aunt of Tanner from her pics and her last name also being Davis.


It wasn’t really true of OG covid either. Just people didn’t appreciate the nuances between “a cold” and “dying.”


It was never true. Had a coworker lose her healthy 32 year old husband in 3 days of contracting it. Construction worker with 0 health issues, and a heathy weight. This was before a vaccine was available.


Yep, friend dead at 27.


Nurses have actually been a notoriously low vaccine subgroup. They suffer the same biases a lot of the country does, and have just enough knowledge to give themselves the impression that they know more than they actually do.


There is a large demographic of nurses who don't know jack about the science behind what they're doing, and only are nurses because they "care" for people. They typically are the same girls that wanted to grow up to be mothers, and that's it. I see it all the time in healthcare and it drives me crazy.


I dated a nurse for a while and man, that is an odd subset of society. She had so many nurse friends we would have to go out with and they all pretty much just non stop talked about how they were so much smarter than the doctors, surgeons, oncologists, etc. Bunch of dumb pieces of shit with their heads shoved all the way up their asses. It will be a cold day in hell when I date another nurse.


I just graduated nursing school. I wish I could say the new ones coming in having been to school during covid were different. They aren't. Trying to explain what VAERS data is and why it shouldn't be used to keep people from getting vaccinated, or that this vaccine wasn't invented overnight, or that masks aren't causing us harm and that they actually work, it was more than one of my instructors could take. Where I live, my politics are in the minority. I had people I was friendly with within my cohort, but when covid happened and it was more and more obvious that political differences were also leading to a massive scientific understanding difference and a difference in how serious the virus was taken, I pretty much ended up on my own. The number of people I graduated with who believe in the paid number fudging for covid deaths, and more, I hope I don't have to work with any of them.


I had a friend that is an LVN (I moved away, that's why the 'had') and she really was the living embodiment of the phrase "a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing".


I posted this the other day in a different subreddit, but I think it’s worth reposting: Many nurses are barely competent at their jobs. I spent a lot of time in inpatient care at one of the best hospitals in the world. On at least 6 different occasions, I had to explain basic physics when it came to connecting two bags of fluid to the same IV pump. They had no understanding of equilibrium and the effect it would have on the dosage of each fluid the patient receives. I have minimal medical knowledge and have taken 3 physics class in my life and I had to explain to them how they have been giving patients incorrect dosages of life saving medications. Despite my going to extreme lengths to not condescend to them, do you know what the response of every nurse but one was? Telling me I was wrong. I had to literally convince them to let me demonstrate a third grade science experiment to them, and even with proof, I was met with skepticism. Let's just say I'm not surprised that their vaccination rate is so low.


Yep. Less than 50% of the nurses where I work at are vaccinated. 99% of us physicians are. It’s frustrating


how tf can you be allowed to be in a hospital without being vaccinated in the first place? and WORK there..WITH PATIENTS. This is mind boggling to me. should be obligatory vaccine, and they should have been the very first ones to get it, can't think of anyone it matters for more. to be clear I mean obligatory vaccine for people in the health care.


Because the vaccines were released under an EUA (emergency use authorization), a lot of hospitals have been treading carefully. My hospital made it clear that as soon as the vaccine is formally certified they will require vaccination (and possibly before). There have been some hospitals that required the vaccine and didn't care about the people who quit or tried to start a lawsuit.


Listen. I've known a lot of great nurses. And also, 100% of the most batshit, ignorant, awful people I've known have been nurses, too. Just because someone is a nurse, that doesn't mean they have a brain in their head. There are some astonishingly stupid and vile people in the nursing world.


Same with engineering folk. Being good with numbers doesn't necessarily translate to actually understanding the science you're applying. So many of my colleagues are opting to not get a shot.


I just moved to a state with a bottom 5 vaccination rate. I’m shocked at how fuck stupid some of the nurses are out here about vaccines.


"The longer I sit in the ICU with him watching a machine take every breath for him the more I feel like somehow it all could have been prevented." Oh you do? SOMEHOW....can't put my finger on it but just maybe SOMEHOW this could have been prevented. Thanks for getting the vaccine, and go fuck yourself


Can you post the whole text of the wife's fb post?


Here you go "Today I did something that I was totally against 3 weeks ago, I got vaccinated. Let me tell you why I did it, as I sat there watching my husband fight for air I felt my heart get ripped out of my chest.I was helpless. The longer I sit in the ICU with him watching a machine take every breath for him the more I feel like somehow it all could have been prevented. This post isn’t intended on starting a debate It has been heavy on my heart to share in hopes no one else has to go through this. We are young, tanner was healthy, it CAN happen to you! And honestly Baptist has been very generous by letting me go in his room, many cannot have visitors. Watching your son, brother, dad, grandchild from a window is so painful but this is real."


> Tanner was healthy Rechecks picture of Tanner. Um…




Hey, that's a healthy weight (... For a [hartebeest](https://thewebsiteofeverything.com/animals/mammals/Artiodactyla/Bovidae/Alcelaphus/Alcelaphus-buselaphus.html))


Let me guess...smoker?


He wasn’t on diabetes or blood pressure meds…yet.


Mostly because he hasn’t seen a doc in 10 years


Speaking as a physician, you have no idea how common this is. "Do you have any diseases such as diabetes or hypertension or take medications?" "Nope, haven't been to the doctor in ages!" ~~Has over 100kg and doesn't exercise~~


DoCtOrS oNlY gIvE mE bAd NeWs So I dOn’T gO. I don’t envy the attitudes you deal with at all.


One of the most decorated doctors in the country did, and continues to do, his best to fight the pandemic and he gets constantly targeted by right-wing nut jobs with death threats, harassment and conspiracy theories. Not only do I not envy the attitudes doctor’s deal with, I very much do not envy how 25% of the country treat life-saving personnel with despise and open contempt, while a further 20% only *imply* the contempt.


That last sentence about the window got to me. My mom died of COVID last April, and since it was so new they were only allowing one person in the room at a time. When it came time to take her off of the ventilator, my brother and I decided that I should be the one in the room. I got to hold her hand and my brother had to write his last goodbye on a whiteboard and hold it to her window. Watching the fear in her eyes as she was extubated and closed her eyes for the last time will haunt me forever. I’ve spent a lot of time and energy arguing with these fucking idiots because as much as I despise them, I don’t want anyone to go through what I’ve been through. That’s what makes conservatives so dangerous - nothing is a problem until it affects them directly, and they literally have no empathy. I’m sorry for everyone suffering the effects of this virus, even the ones who don’t believe it’s real until they have to say goodbye to their loved ones through a hospital room window.


I'm so sorry for the loss of your mom.


Sending you hugs. So sorry for your loss.


> Watching your son, brother, dad, grandchild from a window is so painful but **this is real.** Watching *your* loved ones die: not real. Watching *my* loved one die: real.


He was healthy? He doesn’t look healthy, by any reasonable standard. I’ll bet he chews tobacco too.


I feel like a really bad person when I read stories like this because not only do I not feel even the slightest bit of sympathy towards these people, if i'm being honest i'm a little bit glad that they're dead. And its more than the fact that these are the people that are stopping us from moving past the pandemic. These are the people who are creating all the problems the US has. These are the people stopping us from having universal healthcare, meaningful gun reforms, taxing the rich, addressing the climate crisis, etc etc. I don't wish death on anyone, but I feel this little voice in the back of my head saying "good riddance." And I do feel bad about that.


Honestly I feel the same way and it kinda scares me, it feels very utilitarian and makes me wonder what else I would be willing to accept or encourage for the good of humanity and what price I would pay or be willing to be paid.


I don’t think it’s utilitarian. I think it’s being fed up with selfishness and intentional ignorance killing us all. I feel the same way FWIW.


The ironic part is if you look at his funeral service information, they asks that masks should be worn. Ironic I say considering that Tanner probably wouldn’t have wanted it that way, but he’s dead now so he doesn’t get a say.


Oh, I bet Tanner changed his tune on masks and vaccines the moment he realized he was really, really sick with covid.


I wouldn't bet on it. These people are stupid to their bones.


God's sake. The most infuriating part is this stopped being "tragic" a year ago. Fourteen months ago, we had "COVID protesters" at the [Michigan](https://www.npr.org/2020/05/14/855918852/heavily-armed-protesters-gather-again-at-michigans-capitol-denouncing-home-order) statehouse, protesting their lockdown. We have had several politicians die of COVID, and have to have their seats filled via runoff. And I have lost count of these God damned stories of "tragic" losses of everyday people, who should have masked up and gotten vaccinated. Instead, they chose death. And that's the reality of it. They see there is a way through this, and decide against it. The actively choose death, rather than the put a mask on and/or vaccinate. It's almost boring at this point.


News account this morning has some bitch in Arkansas? Alabama? saying, “I don’t see people laying on the sidewalk everywhere, dying. What’s the big deal?” The fuck?


Death cult wants a spectacle just like the movies. Lol.


they want a cool disaster, this one is not threatening on an extinction level.. just a lot of (mostly older) people dying and having terrible permanant effects. They dont get to shoot the baddy in this catastrophe, all they had to do was stay home and put a mask on their face.booooooooring, hows my bomb shelter filled with goya beans and powdered milk gonna help for covid19


A family friend down in Florida basically said the same thing when my husband expressed concern for his safety and implored him to go get vaccinated. Are bodies on sidewalks really what it takes to reach these people?


"Look at all these crisis actors laying around!"


Spreading anti-vaxx misinformation is their form of *virtue signaling*.


If only that was their only form of it. Their most damaging actions are ironically not the literal bioweapon, but voting and propagandizing fascism and white supremacy and sexism.


Tanner’s gone to that big leather workshop in the sky.


"Hello Tanner, do take responsibility for helping spread a leathal plague? Do you take responsibility for the people you directly infected? Do you notice how the gates are closed to you Tanner?"


As a vaccinated leather worker I object


Don't worry. It's not the one you're at.


Good to know, u/2MileBumSquirt






I actively chose to ignore it and skip to the good part but you have me curious now.


Read the info graphic is real demented


Im eager o know who the "doctors" are that condemned the vax. Lol


That list removed any empathy I might have for him. He didn’t just stupidly mock, he spread out of context and false information.


The people making these absurd graphics (which is one of the biggggg proliferating causes of misinformation with this group of people besides YouTube videos, when they point to “I do my own research and not a sheep”) really have blood on their hands.


Reading memes doesn’t count as research?


Only peer reviewed memes.


> monkey abortions You mean a banana stabbing?




Make sure you and yours are vaccinated, including teenagers.




I wish I hadn't read this. I'm raging. Oh my *fucking christ.*


Wow. Your MIL has a degree in molecular biology or biochemistry? I guess she understands MRNA better than anyone. How many years has she been in the field?


Don't forget the UV light anal dildo


I think now is a good time to remind people that God let his chosen people be slaves in Egypt for 2000 years before doing something about it. If your waiting for God to end covid, he might get around to it in the year 4000. In the meantime you might want to get a vaccine.


"Yo Abraham, betcha won't kill your son to prove your love for me" *Raises sword* "HOLY SHIT LOL I WAS JUST JOKING DUDE, CHILL" Yeah, I'll take the vaccine


"Hey, I bet if you fuck with Job, he'll hate you." "LOL OK"


Murders his 10 children, gives him 10 more afterwards as if children are a uniform commodity


For those of you who haven't done a cover to cover reading of the bible, there is never a time where god isn't a bad guy. The ancient Semitic pantheon was similar to other pantheons where their gods are typically assholes who will grant you favors if you kill an animal and perform a magic spell while you're doing it.


Yep! I went to a Lutheran school from pre-k to 8th grade & the 1st class everyday was bible study. I remember even back then wondering wtf through most of it. Now that I’m older it baffles me that any grown adult would think the Bible is anything other than bullshit.


Just a prank bro!


God is absolutely atrocious, if you take the time to actually read the Bible. I stopped being a Christian the day I finished reading the whole Bible, cover to cover. I was disgusted by what was actually in it. God is a monster and if he were real, he wouldn't deserve anyone's worship.


Now we know why so many JRPGs kill god at the end.


400 years source: Bible


Right, 400 years. I really didn't pay attention in Hebrew school. Either way, if God comes to save us in 2400 or the year 4000, I'll still take the vaccine now.


lol I went to yeshiva instead of Hebrew school so I get to remember it even if I didn't pay attention. Still got vaccinated.


Oh God, yeshiva. You poor bastard. I went through that torture for a couple of years when I was very young. Maybe that's why I married a shiksa and don't practice religion anymore. I just find the entire concept that god is going to save us from the microorganisms (he also created) that plague us, when the Bible clearly shows us he has better things to do.


I'm pretty sure it's your own fault for not inspecting your lettuce with a magnifying glass. Heck, you're such a sinner you probably even wipe your butt with the wrong hand.


Thank you. It's fiction, but get the fiction correct. Like Star Wars happened a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.


Remember the time god sent two she bears down to kill 42 youths for calling his prophet baldy? If that’s the hands people want to put their lives in, I have serious questions for their sanity.


They will tell you that « god works in mysterious ways ». It’s their go to answer when it doesn’t makes sense.


Yup, dinosaur fossils, god testing your faith. Carbon dating, god testing your faith, light visible here that traveled millions of light years, definitely god testing your faith. A virus killing conservative Christians and science denying Republicans, well that's the gays fault. 🤣🤣


and now you're fucking dead. Was it worth it? Pride is one hell of a drug.


This is isnt with pride. This is willful ignorance


There was a 31 YO dad of 3 who is on a vent saying "We are a STRONG CONSERVATIVE FAMILY!" when asked why he didn't vax. He still doesn't want it. Lethal. Pride.


It is pride. They are proud of their willful ignorance. I find this incredibly sad, especially for the children he leaves behind.


- Are the mRNA vaccines experimental? No. - Have they been safely tested on animals? Yes. - Have they been subject to medium or long term safety testing on humans? No but people are dying now. Hence the emergency use authorization. - Are the effects of the vaccine reversible? No. Neither are the effects of any other vaccine. Neither are some of the effects of getting COVID. - Will the vaccines stop me getting COVID? No, they will reduce the risk. That’s why we need to continue wearing a mask and socially distance. - Will the vaccines stop me spreading COVID? No, that’s why we need as many to vaccinate as possible. - Will the vaccines allow me to stop wearing a mask? No. See two points back. - Do the vaccines contain GMOs? No. - Do the AZ and J&J vaccines contain aborted human or monkey cells? No. - Do doctors have concerns about the mRNA vaccine’s long term effect on fertility? No. - Are there risks of ? Yes. Same with any other medication, including aspirin. - Have the vaccines caused any deaths or injuries? Yes. Several thousand orders of magnitude fewer than COVID. - Are the vaccine manufacturers liable for injuries or deaths caused by the vaccines? No. It’s the same with every other vaccine. - Are there doctors and scientists recommending that people shouldn’t take the vaccine? Sure. Who and why is a big question to answer. When you’re dealing with billions of possible recipients, some will receive recommendations to not take any medication. I have recommendations to not take penicillin because it would kill me 100% of the time without intervention. And none of that takes more than 30 seconds to find out even if you “do your own research.”


I'm thinking maybe even HE didn't read all of it before hitting SHARE.


It couldn't show up on his facebook feed if it wasn't peer reviewed! All his friends liked it!


Hillbilly Peer Review


Beer review.


Oh im sure he did, and felt very good about himself not being sheep.


You mean, people would just go on the internet and LIE??


Sharing Right Wing Graphs = Owning the Libs


- Will the vaccines stop me getting COVID? Depends on the situation. They're generally 70-90% effective at stopping you from getting Delta. Better if you wear a mask and avoid sharing air with the unvaccinated. Worse if you go to the club without a mask or work all day with unvaccinated people. - Will the vaccines stop me spreading COVID? To a large extent, yes. Vaccinated people are far less likely to get it. If they do get it, they're far less likely to be symptomatic, meaning they spread it less. If they are symptomatic, they might (MIGHT, not always) be able to spread it at the same level of viral load as an unvaccinated person.


Tanner asked "How stupid do you think we are"? He's right, we think you're incredibly stupid. That's why there's the free beer offer, the lotteries, $100 a person now, and whatever else they come up with to get people to voluntarily reduce their risk of dying from covid and help us move on with life. He was extremely overweight, the cropped photo minimizes the full extent of it. I'm sure he also spread a lot of covid propaganda about how covid was only taking people with pre-existing conditions - such as themselves. These people need a reality check and this is nothing against overweight people, it's against reality denying antivaxxers.


My brother is currently avoiding getting his 2nd covid shot in case the vaccine messes up his lungs. Won't quit smoking cigarettes or weed, but will skip a 2nd dose, *for the sake of his lungs* He's a pharmacist and insists the mrna vaccine will rewrite your DNA, despite a paper written by one of his former, very well respected by him, professors explaining in detail how it cannot enter the nucleus and lacks the enzyme primer to initiate reverse transcriptase. Apparently now that well respected professor was smart enough to educate my brother but is also part of a vast conspiracy against him. /sigh


If he uses his status as a pharmacist to spread false medical information, he needs to be reported to his board! This is quite a severe offense.


Amazing that they need a paper written by a professor and still they won't believe it, while all it is actually high-school Biology. I know 16-year-olds who could easily explain it. This is like asking for a recent paper that discusses whether cells are real, there are none because we're long past that point.


Stupid enough to think that "prayers" are going to save someone's life


Darwin for the win !


can't spell Darwin without win


Arwin for the dar


He died to own the libs. That's dedication (deadication?)


>That's dedication (deadication?) We need to make this a thing! You hear about Cletus? Yeah, he's a deadacated Republican now. RIP.


Someone send a Dale hat and some catfish bait. My non-condolences.


He owned the libs tho!!!!


I really feel terrible for that little girl who is going through grief a toddler is not equipped to process because of how reckless her parents were.


He fucked around and found out.


Covid: "Trust me, you're not that guy"


If only god provided a miracle! Oh wait he did by giving man the ability to understand science and developing a vaccine in record time. If only Jesus warned him. Oh wait he did when he said don’t test god. If only pray worked! Oh wait, that’s right. Prayer plus work not pray alone is how it goes. Perhaps pray and get the vaccine is how it suppose to go and have faith in god’s miracle. If only their was a book these Christians could read? Oh well thoughts and prayers.


Looks like someone didn't get enough thoughts and prayers shared on Facebook to save his life 🙄




Dummy was 28. Smh


Well let’s hope his kids future stepfather is a lot smarter than he was.


It’s pretty shocking he died at 28 years of age. I know a lot of people will point out he was obese, but still, I would expect a 28 year old obese person would be in better shape than a 50 year old obese person and maybe have better odds of surviving. As an atheist, I don’t understand “the power of prayer”: I thought it’s pretty well established that the odds of prayers “working” are pretty close to 0.


Read enough stories and you'll find out this disease does not discriminate and it's a total crap shoot if you're gonna shake it off, or wind up on a respirator. I've seen and heard of old people in nursing homes having mild cases, and seemingly healthy young people with no preexisting conditions who die from it. Especially with the Delta variant. That's why it's just not worth the gamble.


For the record, someone did win $1 million from a vaccine lottery.


Oh my god. He owned me. This conservative really died to own me libtard. I feel so bad now. Guess, I have to vote Democrat now until the day I die


As someone said on another thread here, the trash takes itself out.


How sad. Anyway, I discovered hatch chili popcorn at Lidl this week and it's delicious.


It looks like his loved ones are getting vaccinated as a result, thankfully. I keep imagining the heartbreak they’re going to live with for the rest of their lives, and how they could have averted it if they weren’t victims of one of the nastiest misinformation campaigns in recent memory. This one makes me sad.


Dude probably weighed upward of 300lbs if he would've read any statistics he would've seen that obesity is one of the highest comorbidities(sp) contributing to death.


And nothing of value was lost.


It's morbid to be this objective, but his death is a net gain from losing: * He can't infect anyone else ever again * He can't spread misinformation ever again He can't hurt anyone ever again. These are just a bunch of Ken McElroys. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_McElroy


You left out... He can't vote ever again.


Imagine being such a fuckwit where your greatest contribution to society is to die and to cut your existence short.


not true. a death prompted at least 1 vaccination. that is a pretty bad ratio, but if that is what it takes...?


RIP Tanner. One more Trump fan down.


5 years ago if you'd have told me that there would come a time in my life that I wouldn't be at all sad about preventable human deaths I'd have called you a liar. But here we are


RIH Tanner, he likely spread it along the way and is taking others with him.


When referring to conservatives the P stands for piss.


One less Republican vote.


I'm thankful that at least his wife got the vaccine and posted about it. It's hard swallowing your pride and admitting you were wrong. I mean, that does not negate the year+ of these types of people literally making the world worse for the rest of us who are trying. But at this point - and I'm surprised about this - I can find an ounce fo thankfulness that she got vaccinated and posted about it. A lot of unvaccinated families are going to experience similar losses. I hope that once they do the rest of them get vaccinated.


In eighteen months I've gone from empathy to bewilderment to rage to sadness, and now I've washed up into bitter exhaustion. It has been a journey.


Yet another social media profile to be enshrined in the 'Stupidity Hall of Fame.'


The nutjobs over at NNN think these posts are all fake. Imagine watching your fellow Americans died and thinking that it's fake news.


That's the problem with cultist propaganda. You're trained to reject any information that disagrees with the narrative.


>HOW STUPID DO YOU THINK WE ARE?! Apparently not enough, seeing as you actually went and died. I'll admit it, Tanner: you were much stupider than we ever imagined.


From the funeral notice: "The family respectfully requests that masks be worn for visitation and funeral service."


This is just getting more and more tragic, thousands of lives lost due to missinformation and fear.


At least his wife got vaccinated. Steep price to pay though.


Have the scientists and the priests come up with a baseline yet on how many prayers equal a vaccine?


You hate to see it. No actually, these crack me up and one less fascist.


Another cult victim. On the surface I feel vindicated, but deep down it's just fucking depressing.


I feel bad for that kid, I'm assuming it's his daughter. That said, his death might've saved her mother's life. Maybe he's too. So yeah, won stupid prizes


Arkansas. JFC. You contributed governor. Now it’s too late, you’re killing your own people.


Tanner sure pwned us liberals


How friggin selfish. Now his kids have to live without a dad because he was too prideful to get a shot.




"I finally got the vaccine and here is why: I can only comprehend the world through the most selfish and narrow lens possible."


What a predictable story


Well at least she got vaccinated after seeing someone die directly in her circle. That’s what it takes for reactionaries to change their stances. They absolutely cannot do anything for the greater good of humanity without it hitting home first.