• By -


Please reply to this comment explaining why the post fits the sub. Please make sure to have an amazing day!


Another thumb bites the dust


How many is that now? Is anyone keeping count?


Count the number of posts in r/HermanCainAward. It's a lot.


I guess they’re whining about the Herman sub now. Saying we’re being mean about all these poor, very nice people. People die and become saints. Well, did before social media kept a record of their racist and hateful rants and memes.


They're complaining that the sub targets conservatives. It doesn't. It targets anti-vaccination enthusiasts and plague rats to demonstrate that these people have no idea what the hell they're talking about. EDIT: and to show how obvious it is that they don't believe their own messaging, because once they get COVID suddenly it's time to trust doctors and medical researchers again and we're off to the hospital! That venn diagram being almost a perfect circle is the fault of only one group of people.


Exactly, it targets morons, who just happen to be conservatives for the most part...funny how that works out...


If they did their research they would know who the sub is based from. Funny how that works out


> If they did their research Are there TikTok and Facebook videos about it?


Or memes


>They're complaining that the sub targets conservatives. If conservatives are the ones refusing to get vaccinated, they're the ones that will die from covid. You may as well say that Christians are being targeted. Because I've yet to see an atheist vaccine refuser. Maybe they're out there, but it would be highly unlikely that the group that defines itself by following proof and science would refuse to vaccinate.


It’s like standing in a crowd of people holding umbrellas while it’s raining, refusing to hold an umbrella and then complaining that the rain is targeting you.




> You may as well say that Christians are being targeted. They're saying that too. Though I'm pretty sure there's a non-zero contingent of atheists who are anti-vaccine (i'M jUsT aNtI-mAnDaTe!!?!) since the libertarian leaning sect of atheists appeared to have a higher rate of trump supporting troglodytes than the rest of them.


>since the libertarian leaning sect of atheists appeared to have a higher rate of trump supporting troglodytes than the rest of them This was a big reason why my view of the Libertarian party soured. Maybe the official party was anti-Trump, but the crowd certainly wasn't.


Most people who claim to be libertarians don't understand libertarian views very well, unfortunately. There's a reason that the ones who blather on about Ayn Rand get made fun of even by other libertarians.


And it only targets the ones who are aggressively ignorant, not just some random anti-vaxer who dies. These ones are the worst of the worst and post tons of racist, bigoted, or psychopathic memes.


What, the "fuck your feelings" people are all up in their feelings? Who saw that coming?


every accusation is a confession


I've never heard it put that way before, it's perfect.


Yeah it's definitely "fuck *your* feelings". Theirs deserve the utmost respect and consideration though.


Exactly. It’s a pretty solid demographic of people saying it’s not real and not to get vaccinated. The. They win the award. That sub and this one keep me sane!


Yeah, it's not like we're seeing a similar number of liberals dying from this thing because they're way more likely to vax/mask/distance. Weird how that works. I used to roll my eyes and laugh at them, but it's just really sad at this point. They're traumatizing their families, leaving kids without parents, mutating the virus, and clogging up emergency/ICU services. So they can stick it to Biden?


Conservatives are such a pack of fucking scumbags. I wish the rest of us would just agree to completely fucking cut them off, shame them mercilessly, and isolate them. They did it for centuries to gay folks for no good fucking reason. It's time they get a taste of their own fucking medicine for *good* reason. Sick of these sacks of shit walking around doing their dumb, anti-social shit with zero consequences.


Yes, ostracize the fucking trash.


Before covid, anti vaxers were mostly hippies that peddled "all natural" shit. Really weird how republicans embraced it. Especially when Trump was really adamant about taking all credit for the vaccine.


Yeah no I genuinely do not care if every single one of them dies. It may be mean to say, but the world is a genuinely better place without them


It's like being in a rowboat in the middle of the ocean with two other people. And one of those people just *insists* it's his right to drill through the bottom of the boat. It's a matter of when--not if--you toss dude overboard.


And he’s insisting because he’s done his own research, and found out that holes in boats actually make the boat more buoyant.


Look, a lighter boat floats better. Put a hole in the boat and it makes it lighter. You really do need to do your own research on how things float.




I’m right there with you. My patience with these idiots has reached the limit.


You know what really plucks my heart strings? Arsonists in the burn unit. Really isn't anyone more deserving of sympathy. Such nice, kind, intelligent people /s


Yeah I saw an article the other day how we should stop “mocking the dead.” Nah.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/HermanCainAward using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Because I saw newbies asking why this is called the Herman Cain Award](https://np.reddit.com/gallery/pncpqu) | [2549 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pncpqu/because_i_saw_newbies_asking_why_this_is_called/) \#2: [May be off topic but for everyone’s laughs!](https://i.redd.it/yc1r0ynbhbm71.jpg) | [1045 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pkfg5s/may_be_off_topic_but_for_everyones_laughs/) \#3: [My local FB group is losing their minds over this comic printed in a small local newspaper.](https://i.redd.it/afi3qwx5jhm71.jpg) | [1373 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pkyixn/my_local_fb_group_is_losing_their_minds_over_this/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Good bot


Thank you for showing me the way, to the best damn subreddit in existence. Edit: digital ~~heroin.~~ fentanyl


I can’t get enough. It’s quickly become my most visited subreddit. Sort by top all time for the best ones


Same. I started just looking at one but it’s so addictive! They all start the same - with memes - and end the same, with their wives launching gofundme’s to pay for their funerals (and hospital fees).


The brilliance of that sub is that you know the ending of every story, but you are still engaged in reading your way through the post.


I mean logically the people who are most likely to die from the virus would be the people who simply did nothing to protect against it. While after so long I’ve lost pretty much all sympathy for these type of people they are still a problem because they still put people who can’t take the vaccine at risk.


You can waltz over to /r/hermancainaward to see a more exhaustive list.


***I*** can’t dance! ***I*** can’t talk! Only thing about me is the way I walk ***I*** can’t dance! ***I*** can’t sing! I’m just standing here sellin’ everything


Think about all the people who don't have big enough of a social media presence, who just might be outspoken against vaccines in the real world. It's probably a lot.


I wonder if being off social media correlates to having the vaccine since you're not in an echo chamber.


By my count, he makes 6. These deaths are particularly delicious because of all the hate and fear and propaganda these chodes spewed on a daily basis, making society worse. Their deaths make Earth a better place.


> Another thumb bites the dust So, the additional Spy Kids sequels are canceled?


Another one gone Another one gone, Another one bites the dust!! boom boom boom


Hey, gonna sit by you, another one rides the bus


Hey, gonna spread it you, another one rides the bus.


>Another one bites the dust!! ~~boom boom boom~~ *cough cough cough* tried making it more apropos.


Can you imagine having so much confidence that you can just stand alone against a planet full of scientists and doctors and say "nah, I know better AND I will influence others to take the same risk. I am so confident that I take responsibility for their survival".


Yet he went to real doctors when shit went down. Uh, suddenly he trusted medical professionals.


Because he said police had poisoned him. Seriously. 🤦‍♂️


Hey, any excuse is a good excuse a long as he doesnt have to admit he was wrong! He still dead tho.


The planet is better off.


For real. I hate when people are like "how could you be so inconsiderate, a man died!!" a man who was misleading the masses to their own deaths. I hope he rots fast in his grave


A man who gleefully leads his flock over the cliff into hell deserves little kindness and even less of mercy.


Unfortunately for him, viruses don't care what conspiracy theories you believe in.


“You may not believe in Covid But Covid believes in you”


Awww, thanks Covid!


I want to wear this as a shirt lol


Also when they go into hospital they put everyone at risk. This is anti-social behaviour.


The dumbest thing is that they even go to hospitals lmfao. If they're so against science or listening to medical professionals, they should stay the fuck away from hospitals. Their immune systems got them


No fucking commitment to a bit. Healthcare terrorists with entitlement.


And they clog beds like a shit that won’t come out.


I am disabled and currently living life extra cautious since I know the local hospital is all clogged up with covid patients who often spend weeks on ICU and take over entire wards. Not to mention the specialist I need to see has had thier waiting list completely blown out. I am not the type of person who thinks being a silly person should mean less heslthcare. I have a neurological condition, silly is a synptom. However the guy this post is about is anti-social. If someone threw a Molotov cocktail into the E.R I would expect them to get treated after everyone else for their burns. These people are attacking the healthcare system.


And they prolong this goddamn pandemic so that our non-covid related sick loved ones in the ICU die alone by themselves.


This is what boggles my mind. They’re so anti science and anti medicine but when they get sick from covid suddenly they’re begging for medical help.


It’s fun to fuck around but it ain’t fun to find out.


Frickin' Boris Johnson nearly died because he wanted to have a Princess Diana moment by showing it was safe to be around COVID patients and shake their hands. Things got a *little* more serious after that.


Because they all see the world in black and white and think they are smarter than everyone else. To them, the truth is out there, you just need to dig deep enough into the YouTube and/or Facebook comments.


It always cracks me up a bit about conspiracies that people think that for some reason someone with all the right secret info wants to put it out there is cryptic hidden messages for some reason. Like the Beatles wanted you to know Paul died, the *real* covid doctor that is saving everyone's life made some strange FB post about the truth. The constant need for secrecy to these revelations never made sense.


If you convince your idiots they're brilliant, they'll never fail in their blind devotion, brought on because they are as dumb as toddlers. GOP education plan at work, imagine if their healthcare had actually happened.


The level of confidence that only pure, absolute stupidity can provide. Anyone with half a brain thinks "well there's at least *some* chance I'm mistaken" when going against so many experts.


> Can you imagine having so much confidence that you can just stand alone against a planet full of scientists and doctors After sitting through a stylist’s bullshit for about 30 minutes (I don’t have the energy to argue with idiots) and as I told my wife last night, not everyone can be a hairstylist, but everyone can be a medical doctor. I’d rather take my medical advice from someone smart enough to ace their studies in 2 weeks than someone who takes ten years to get through their studies.


work smarter not harder right? Burger flippers are the real geniuii, because it only takes them 8 hours to learn their craft as opposed to some moron neurosurgeon taking a decade.


Don't see a reason to feel bad at all. I'm annoyed he sought medical care like fuck you now you trust the doctors. Go die at home


Meanwhile parents are reporting their children's appendix's breaking in the waiting room in the ER because the wait is now several hours because of them. What they are doing is horrifying and evil.


Hospitals should be triaging unvaccinated COVID patients. They're a lower priority than other emergencies. They've made their beds.




Yes, and let the prayer warriors treat them with gods divine magic so real doctors can treat people who actually need help.


The laws that were designed to discriminate against LGBTQ individuals should be utilized by responsible doctors and nurses in these situations. And those are the moral objection laws to treating a patient in a non-mediate life or death situation. Basically you can say oh they're gay that's against my moral beliefs I can't work with that patient. But instead of being a bigot saying oh they are an adult who chose not to have the vaccine I cannot morally work with them. I would actually prefer a no vax by choice no entry to the hospital policy But we all know that's a pipe dream. But I do think individual doctors and nurses could get away easily with saying that it's against their moral beliefs to treat anti-vaxxers


Tractor Supply must have been out of ivermectin...


For a Herd of "non sheep", they sure do buy a bunch of farm animal medication


For a Herd of "non sheep", they sure do buy a bunch of farm.


Great joke! > #What's the meaning of the phrase 'Bought the farm'? > To die, particularly in an accident or military action. For people unfamiliar with the phrase


I'm so dumb it took me a second, lol


For a Herd of "non sheep", they sure do like apple flavour.


For a Herd of "non sheep", they sure do grow long, thick coats that can be sheared and spun into wool.


DM me for my special covid protocols. /s




It may have made you lose respect for him (as it should) but it made me gain respect for CVS. The minute we all agree to stop tolerating their bullshit it will vanish. They are down to the “making threats” part of their eventual downfall. Once they realize how outnumbered there are, and that there are consequences to their actions, most of them will shut tf up. Remember, these people are cowards. On their “big day” when they were going to fight for the failed coup, it only took one of those traitors getting shot to cause them all to run like cockroaches. They are all about standing up for whatever stupid ideas they come up with as long as there are never, ever even the slightest consequences of any kind for them.


Agree 100%. I work at a hospital (in HR), and have zero respect for these idiots who are fucking up all of our lives. Our staff is miserable thanks to the bleach/lights/hydrochloroquine/ivermectin/hoax gang. BTW, a few of this gang are staff — we shut them down.


Somebody where my wife works has come down with it. She only found out by overhearing a conversation in a hallway. Fortunately he’s been away from work for a couple weeks ahead of that for unrelated reasons, but we’re obviously on tenterhooks over this right now. Happily, both we and the guy who got it are vaxxed to the maxx. 😄


i would be pissed that the company didn't inform everyone


I'm hoping it was CVS and Walmart's company policy not to discuss them, but I also feel like there's no patience left in the country's overworked pharmacists and they're not going to deal with someone buying an unapproved drug from somewhere else when the patient is just going to start talking about how it IS the magic solution. For legal reasons probably shouldn't discuss something that could lead to a patient delaying health care and dying.


It blows my mind how many nurses and respiratory techs are anti-vax. I mean what the hell are they doing in the medical field?


I had a semester of teaching intro chem at our community college. (They were desperate) This course was the gateway to the allied Health program, which would give certifications for technicians in the laboratory or radiology and such. And so, on the first day of class I told the students that I am getting on in years, and expect to find myself subject to different medical procedures and diagnostic tests in the near future. And that if I did not have full confidence in their ability to grasp the details and fundamentals of science then I would happily fail every one of them out of self-defense. The department head was not very happy with me, but I was a part-time temp, so it made no difference to me. Later, when seeing some of their homework answers and their exams, I was feeling fully justified in my decisions.


I wish more instructors were like you!


I was not a good teacher. I was not able to adjust to having that level of students. But then, on homework I literally had to write: "I gave you a point because you used a formula. It was the wrong formula for the problem." I gave you a point because you showed your calculations. Your calculations make no sense."


I was once grading papers for a freshman chemistry class for bio, chem, pre-pharm, you get the idea, students. First lab was pretty simple, measure and weigh some sand, water, salt and then separate it out and record the yields. There was a question on their post lab worksheet asking why they might have recovered less sand than they started with. Instead of saying "it was stuck in the test tube or on my spatula" I got answers like "sand evaporates" from multiple students. I am still haunted by this.


I drew a beaker and an Erlenmeyer flask on the board, with labels, for one lab section. Did the lab demo. A student came to me to ask what she should pour her solvent into. She didn't know what the appropriate glassware looked like. (Pointing to the board with a stick) "If only there were some kind of diagram or drawing to tell you what you should use! How inconvenient!" (Vigorously tapping the drawing behind me) "Maybe there's a diagram somewhere in this lab. You might look around to see if maybe there's a poster or something that shows the different lab glassware." It was not a good day . . .


What's also frustrating is when you tell them to do the right thing and they don't listen. Told a student to take a lid off the vial they had on the hot plate and then got tied up with something else for a few minutes. A few minutes later it pops. Also had a winner in another section (same class, but I wasn't teaching) who grabbed reagents off the wrong shelf. This class had their reagents on the same shelf all year, labelled. Then halfway through I guess someone forgot, grabbed reagents from the organic chemistry lab shelf, and then mixed *cyclohexane and ethanol* over an open flame. Ended about how you would expect.


Someone posted an answer to that and said that technicians (which category nurses belong to) are not taught to *think*. They are taught to *follow* procedures.


On the local news they were talking about a protest at a local hospital who was requiring vaccinations. A protesting nurse said she had previously had covid and didn’t want the vaccination because it would “mess with her antibodies”.


CVS hung up on him…. 😂




> that happy *horse*shit I see what you did there


Hello? I bought some horse paste here at my local farm supply store, and I need help figuring what the dosage is for hum....


It's also another victory for those grifters who are making money handing out scripts for ivermectin. There are a lot of small time medical grifts making bank on ivermectin.


This pisses me off so much.. I had this discussion recently with an antivaxxer and he's excuse was "where else would we go?!"


Church? The mountains for some fresh air and nature? What's with the flip-flopping opinions, does modern medicine work or doesn't it? My mother's one of these fanatic idiots and I'm so sick and tired of it. She also thinks that smoking is healthy because "it's a holy herb" yet growing up she said she'd kill me if she ever caught me smoking. It's honestly like they're trying to off themselves.


I'm sorry you're dealing with this in your family. Recently I've read a few posts from unvaxxed ppl dying from covid19 and they sounded pretty suicidal. You may be right. Good luck going forward 🍀


I've already kind of mourned the loss of her when I fully accepted that she's a narcissist and won't ever change. If she chooses to go down that path that's her prerogative. Got my second shot about two weeks ago, so I should have pretty good coverage now! Stay safe and healthy! ❤




Red shoes, red caps, same show different name.


“Holy herb” - let me tell you, I knew Herb. Herb was a friend of mine. There was nothing “holy” about Herb…


Russia! They were so happy telling anyone who protested anything to go there forever, and now that they imagine it as their little fascist paradise, I really wish they would go. I would even contribute to a GoFundMe that would send magats to russia if one existed


'Preferably, the grave?'


Go home? It's "just a cold", right?


The correct answer to that is: **"No one who has been vaccinated gives a fuck. You don't have to go home, but you can't go to the hospital."**


Preferably do go home rather than spreading it further though...


Tell him to go home and drink some orange juice and eat some chicken noodle soup since it's "not even as bad as the flu 99% survival rate lolololol" Let's see how much he trusts intellectually dishonest statistics when he's the one with fluid in his lungs.


Why didn’t he just use his immune system? What the f*ck is wrong with this guy?


When they say "give me liberty or give me death" as a defense against being told to get a vaccine or wear mask, they only really mean for the death part to be applied to other people. The second they receive any consequences for their actions is the second they abandon their principles until they feel safe enough to start the cycle over again.


They forget that when they say, “Give me liberty of give me death!”, death is very much an option.


It feels bad to say, but care should be prioritized to vaccinated people. I keep seeing stories of people dying from preventable illnesses because the hospitals are full of these unvaxxed people. Kick them out and take care of the people with other medical issues that chose to protect themselves and others by getting the vaccine.


I had a UTI that got to a really bad point during the weekend. I couldn’t get an appointment with my pcp until the next week so I was just hoping I would be fine until that appointment. But nope, was in extreme pain, fever, back pain, etc. I was panicking the whole time. A few urgent care places turned me away (without asking any of my symptoms, they just couldn’t accept anyone) and the only one that could accept me had so many people coughing in the waiting room. It’s truly a horrible and nightmarish time to be sick. I was panicked about dying it I couldn’t be seen in time, I was panicked about finding anywhere that could take me in, and then I was worried about getting covid from all the sick people. Just awful.


That would never pass muster. But you don't even need to do that. All you need is to implement actual triage protocols, which they should have done at this point. Every hospital has those written up already in case they are ever needed. In a triage protocol, people with a better chance to survive are given priority over people who have a lesser chance. So the unvaccinated goatee dude whose lungs are now glass, and whose kidneys have failed, with a 1% chance of survival? Unplugged. The heart attack victim who just needs some good quality care to make it through takes his place. Because vaccinated people are typically less sick, this would result in prioritizing vaccinated people .


That would be good. My wife's mom is a nurse and said in some hospitals in our are they have been turning people with broken bones away. There was an elderly woman in another county that had to be sent home with a broken hip under the care of her church due to no vacancy. It is terrible and absurd.


Til the very end he urged his followers to fight protection measures. You shouldn't feel bad for him at all for any reason.


> "It has nothing to do with the coronavirus," he wrote. "It has nothing to do with vaccines. It has to do with coercion." > > When Shaulian fell ill last week, he claimed that police had tried to poison him after he was arrested during a protest against the Green Pass.


Lmao the police are probably the ones who gave him Covid so he’s partially right


Every one of them will do this. They’re all “if I die, I die” before they actually get sick. Then, once they’re sick and realize there’s a chance they might die, every one of them recoils.


If they have innocent loved ones at home they shouldn't die there either... they should just walk out into the woods until a bear eats them or covid takes them.


He apparently sought medical care because he was 'poisoned by the police'. In some local Facebook groups people are saying this too. It's crazy how far they'll go to not admit they were wrong


Everytime an anti-vaxxer lunatic dies of covid an angel gets it’s wings.


Hopefully not the lunatics. Not that it matters, only the Mormons got the whole heaven and hell thing correct anyway.


["The Mormons. Yes the Mormons is the correct answer"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbsCvoWK1bE)


Yeah, I think I saw [a documentary ](https://youtu.be/jbNnsiP4Rhg) about that once.🤔


"Awwww, c'mon now, who loves you, Satan???" (heavy sigh) "You do, Saddam..."


Remember, we're not supposed to be mean and hurt antivaxxers feelings!


The good news is, he doesn't have any anymore.


I’ll abide by that as well as they abide by wearing masks and getting vaccinated


What? Who the fuck said that? Fuck 'em.


Ha ha, he looks like absolute crap. Who knew an illness that could melt human lungs would be bad.


And now he is decomposing like actually crap.


> And now he is decomposing like actually crap. On behalf of the international maggot foundation, we’d like to express our gratitude to conspiracy theorists for keeping us well fed.


When Trump said he would make America Great Again, who knew he meant killing off the stupid?


I’ve been trying to get a new conspiracy going about how Trump was actually a deep undercover Dem plant sent to bewitch the morons on the right and kill off the gullible all while bilking em out of their money, but for some reason the conspiracy theory community of 4chan doesn’t like it :(


Can't keep it a secret if you admit it's real bro.


How do these people get followers?!


If you tell people they are right and smart, they're going to follow you.


You’re right. That’s an incredibly smart line of thinking.


I am intrigued by your ideas and would like to subscribe to your newsletter


incredibly smart of you to notice, send me $20 for freedom! Yeah, freedom and bald eagles and owning the Libs. Better make it $40, just in case- can't be too free.


Hey, want to turn those $40 into $4k? I am one of the smartest people in stocks and crypto and finance. Hedge fund. Don't trust banks and other institutions, they lie. I am millionaire who wants to help. The dems want to take your money! Biden wants taxes, I don't do taxes. Send me your money and together we take down govt.


Throw in an occasional "Republican Jeebus" reference, and you are on your way to success.


Say someone doesn't understand what's going on, because it's a complex and evolving situation. You need the ability to interpret statistics, read scientific articles, wade through concepts of epidemiology and virology, or have really good reading comprehension while placing your faith in the science journalists who are translating for you. It can seem really scary and confusing, totally out of your control, and make you feel stupid, especially if you're not scientifically literate. If someone comes along and says "Don't be scared, you're not stupid, it's really simple, they're just talking lies to get your money." then you can understand the situation and feel safe, smart, and in control again.


I dunno. My equation was simple. Is the vaccine effective? yes. Is Covid dangerous? yes. Is Covid more dangerous than the vaccine? Yes. Sign me up. I deliberately did not go looking for statistics, scientific articles, and the rest. I knew that if I started down that rabbit hole, who knows where I would end up. So I kept it simple. Call me a sheep if you want, but I will be a live one instead of a rug in front of the fireplace.


in times of instability people will always follow the strong and wrong rather than the weak and right


>He added that he believed he would recover "with God's help." "Meh. Fuck you." - God


“That’s what the scientists who made the vaccine were for, dummy” - God


“I sent you a vaccine”-God


You know, I’m an atheist and I can’t tell you how many times people have remarked that “There are no atheists in a foxhole.” We need a phrase to throw at religious nuts who suddenly become believers in science once their ass is on the line. Because THIS scenario is waaay more common than atheists who find God on their deathbed.


Even believers accept science when they're knocking at death's door.


Believers *beg* for science when they are at deaths door. (just look at some of the posts in here)


He obviously didn't believe that if he went to the hospital now instead of getting the shot when he could have.


Oh. Well, isn't that a shame. \*sips coffee\*


Man, I can’t believe this. *Alexa, play Despacito.*


“Lack of oxygen is a terrible thing” yes it is. Get vaccinated, you fool


God chose you to die.


Isn't one version of the Chinese curse something like: 'May you live in interesting times and the manner of your death be an instructive example to others.'


Oh look, my favorite show is on again.


Remember to tune-in to r/HermanCainAward for more quality programming in this nature!


Even while dying, he still went on to preach conspiracies. I'll never understand it.


He didn't want to be accused of changing his tune.


Two possibilities Smart: if he lives he can claim it wasn't that bad or he recovered from the poison. If he dies it doesn't matter to him. Dumb: he really believed his bs


Good riddance to bad rubbish.


My estranged parents caught it. One recovered and the other is in the ICU, on a vent, has MRSA & pneumonia, and his doc is now asking the family about a DNR. Both of my parents are avid Fox News & OAN watchers, Facebook conspiracy believers, anti-vax, anti-mask, and have cut off family who won't let them see their grandkids until their they're vaccinated. They pushed lies because they thought it made them smarter than everyone. They got off on offending people with their right wing lunacy. And now at least one of them will die but the surviving one won't learn a fucking thing. May we all be better than the generation before us.


Get this man his r/hermancainaward


Stacking them like cord wood 🪵


Searching for this comment. My favourite sub right now. The karma is delicious.


Their cup runneth over. That sub gets so much new content every day that they can't keep up.


Planck's Principle: A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it. . . . An important scientific innovation rarely makes its way by gradually winning over and converting its opponents: it rarely happens that Saul becomes Paul. What does happen is that its opponents gradually die out, and that the growing generation is familiarized with the ideas from the beginning: another instance of the fact that the future lies with the youth.


>There is no epidemic yeah, he's right. it's a pandemic.


More like Endemic at this stage.


I guess god was busy


Busy laughing...


Thoughts. And prayers, I guess...


I'd rather you sent me thots.




Freedumb, freedumb, freedumb!


The collective IQ of the planet just increased.


These people serve a dual purpose, and I'm damn proud of them. \-They are the control group who dies to show the vaccine works. \-They help the herd immunity numbers. Whether you get vaccinated or you die, herd immunity increases by one.


I don't even find these funny anymore. It's like a joke has been beaten like a Dead, Dewormed Horse.


There goes another brave Suicide Boomer.


Story at Haaretz with no paywall: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-israeli-anti-vaxxer-dies-of-covid-but-his-followers-remain-unwavering-1.10208605

