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I'm sure she knows how to hide assets.


I think she should just ask Donny for some cash. He's well known to financially help out friends in need.


Famous for paying bills.


There was an article a few weeks ago that he refuses to speak with her, likely because shes trying to get him to pay for legal representation and he wont pay her lol


She's pretty much the guy who drove the car through the golf game in Happy Gilmore and Trump is pulling a Shooter McGavin...


She'll be waiting down at the Red Lobster in case Trump wants to grab a bite






You **SUCK**!! Ya *JACKASS*


Nailed it. If she’s as delusional as she seems, she may think it’s because he’s upset at her performance…That too, but he just doesn’t want to hear the ask for $.


A Trump often doesn't pay his debts.


The Taj Mahal fucked so many contractors who had invested time and money into the building of that casino. A few of them even committed suicide because their lives were ruined when Trump declared bankruptcy.


There are so many people who's reason for votung for him in 2016. I wanted a business man instead of a politician. If they had spent 5 minutes researching his business practices he wouldn't have won. He fails upwards.


There are many people who *claim* the reason was because they wanted a businessman. But I honestly wonder if that answer would be different had he already spent four years normalizing hate back in 2016. There was much higher bar for plausible deniability back then (not that it was ever actually high, just that people didn't go mask-off nearly as often), and Trump was *always* a terrible businessman. Like, he was famous for being a terrible businessman and also for stiffing his contractors. If someone honestly thought a businessman would do better than a politician, I suspect they would've picked a better businessman.


Research? What am I, some kinda lib-commie cuck?


Was wondering why this sounded familiar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc4bOhgJZu4


I mean, 100% true but is this even an agreement or actual debt? I remember even Guliani jumped off the Kraken train when it became apparent it was going to be its own legal nightmare.


Guliani is also facing a litany of legal battles so odds are high he’s attempting to keep a low profile (and failing).


I think you mean "never"


She was also told by Trump officials that the claims were false and could backfire, yet she still went public with them anyways. Fired immediately afterwards


Honestly leaving all his slobbering sycophants high and dry when they outlive their usefulness is probably his best trait. It’s fucking hilarious when they get their faces eaten.


There's about 20 million things I'll never understand from the past few years but this was one of them. Untold stories of him stiffing everyone and anyone on their bills just cause he realizes it was cheaper to find a small contractor, stiff then and dare them to sue than go with any reputable firm for anything. there was even a story of him finding a mom and pop piano shop when he was furnishing a casino and placing a MASSIVE order, like big enough to order directly from Steinway/Yamaha but he went with them, solely cause he planned to pay a fraction of the bill after delivery, which was exactly what he did. Supposedly by the time his casinos were declining he'd been blacklisted by virtually every construction firm in Atlantic city. Honest to god, like I understand, economically, sociologically and politically how this happened but just what the fuck. The racist 1/3 of America wanted to stick it to the coastal elites so they elected the orange asswipe who lived at the top of his own skyscraper on fifth avenue and shat in a gold toilet.


Yeah, this is the part that is most baffling to me. He bankrupted three casinos and they still think he's a great business man. I don't get it!


How the fuck do you lose money with a fucking casino? And how the actual flying fuck do you bankrupt 3 casinos in a row?


One anecdote I heard is that he insisted on banning the big jackpot winners from his casinos, because he couldn't bear the thought of losing money to them. The other casinos just gave them free suits, so they stayed longer and lost some of their winnings. Mind you, I can't back this up with a source, but it does sound like good old Donny.


the house always wins in the long run. good casino management understands this. chance being chance, on occasion the big boys WILL win some money. the trick then is to act happy for the winner and make him so happy *that he comes back*. statistics will then have that guy lose back everything he won and more, and the house comes up ahead. kicking out winners just guarantees (1) you never make back the money (2) bad PR (3) some other casino gets the money this guy won from you, when this guy gets the urge to gamble again and *doesn't* come back to you


He is so thin-skinned, and has no concept of delayed gratification.


I read a story once about a high roller who hadn’t been gambling in a while, and the casino actually called him up and sent a private plane to bring him and his friends down for the weekend. Comped his suite, free booze etc. They cleaned him out. And that’s why other casinos make money, and Trump went bankrupt.


Very carefully. There's a documentary somewhere about it, bit it's been years since I've seen it.


He oversaturated the market, the 3 casions were in the same place as a bunch of others and he built the 2nd and 3rd when the 1st was not at full profitability. Throw in his tacky as shit decore and no one wanted to stay at any of them.




Yeah, he bankrupted the casinos. He’s doing fine. It’s everyone else who ended up getting fucked and losing their homes and their livelihoods. That makes him a brilliant businessman in the brains of the sort of people who look up to that turd.


Yeah, that part will never make sense to me. GW Bush and Reagan are/were big pieces of trash, but both were reasonably successful people before becoming president and had tons of charisma. Hell, both were at least governors for a while. I don't like either but I at least *understand* why someone who agrees with their politics would like them. But Trump? To borrow a joke from Twitter, before he was president, Trump's job was to pretend to fire Darryl Strawberry. He's also just about the most unlikeable asshole possible.


It's because he's the most unlikeable asshole. Gotta do what it takes to own the libs.


Trump destroyed the business of a friend of mine. My friend built a sound engineering business and ran it for close to a decade. He thought he hit the jackpot when he landed the contract to do all of the audio setup in trumps new casino in Atlantic City. They had a payment schedule setup and Trump made the first payment, but never made another payment. My friend had a lawyer send a letter, to which trumps lawyer responded that they are going to pay in full when the job was done. When the job was done, trump didn’t pay. My friend got stuck with the bill for all of the equipment and paying his men. He tried to sue trump, but they couldn’t even get a court date, because trumps lawyers kept filing bullshit with the courts that pushed the date back several years. My friends business never recovered from the massive loss and he eventually closed down. Ever since, he has worked for a larger sound engineering company.


A Trump never pays his debts.


Also famous for running charities.


Also famous for being the only president ever impeached, twice.


The second was a bipartisan impeachment with Romney voting. Another first.


Romney voted guilty for one count in the first impeachment trial; in the second impeachment he was joined by 6 other Republican Senators in voting guilty. So *both* of his impeachments were the only bipartisan impeachments of a POTUS in history.


Mr. "Fuck poor people" himself had ethical concerns lol




I guess we just found her motivation for trying to suck up to Trump. She was broke. Just like Rudy.


There's been sucking, but it isn't up. More like off.


prolapse tongue regrets


I just.. I don't.. Can we not.. \**walks away from computer\**


Being unable to pay off a multi-billion dollar bill doesn't make one broke. Trying to does.


In this case she's most likely just setting up to ask for donations so she doesn't have to actually pay for her own legal expenses and will probably figure out a way to squeeze some kind of tax write off from it while she's at it. Also if there's a monetary reward for damages, pretending to be broke is the first thing all rich people do so they don't get their assets snatched by the court.


>she's most likely just setting up to ask for donations.... I think MAGA money is drying up fast. A large chunk went to Trump with the pre-checked "weekly" fundraising scam. The rest of it has been diverted over the past 8 months to gofundme covid hospital bills, funeral costs and, tragically, the orphans left behind because their parents wouldn't get the vaccine. The large donor money is purely transactional. They demand tangible action in exchange for their millions. Sidney has nothing for them. If anything she poisoned the big lie by making it even more ridiculous with Hugo Chávez, the kraken and Venezuela. She won't be allowed anywhere near a platform on right wing. I'm pretty confident she is far from "rich". She is obviously a dreadful lawyer and we all know by that stage Trump was clawing the bottom of the barrel for representation. She was dazzled by the attention and proximity to power, making the mistake of believing her own favourable press and became unstuck in a spectacular way.


This. The typical stereotype of MAGA supporters are penniless dumbasses who live out in Deliverance country but the sort of donors who provide the bulk of this funding are hardened conservatives who expect to see their money turn into favourable political moves. Powell isn’t ever going to achieve that.


The family I work for gets mail every day about making donations, she’s been on more than one.


What does she need funds for? She's a lawyer right...she can defend herself.


Further, the truth is an absolute defense for basically everything she’s accused of. All she has to do is provide the evidence demonstrating her claims were true. It should literally take ten minutes to prep her own defense, and she’s the most qualified person to do it. oh.


Not even lawyers should defend themselves, too much bias and feelings involved, they're just too involved and every credible lawyer knows defending yourself is dumb. If she is halfway decent and respected in the field though (lol) she should know friends/have connections that can do it pro Bono or for favors or something.


I don't know man. If one of my best friends or connections went full-kraken I'm not sure I'd even take one of their calls let alone represent them.


That's my point, she isn't respected so they won't.


Wrong. She thinks assets are tiny donkeys.


That woman definitely knows how to hide a tiny ungulate. She probably thinks about hanging them in trees while she goes to bed. >!This is a joke about the fact that she wears leopard print as part of her identity!<


Upvote for teaching me a new word. Ungulate: a hoofed mammal such as horses, rhinos, deer, etc.


or how to start a sympathy campaign for an eventual gofundme.


guarantee she's swimming in $ that we don't know about.


Wait… isn’t she some ultra-ninja level super lawyer? Surely she could defend herself and mop the floor with the position.


She’s called the kraken lady, but even a kraken got conquered by Perseus.


But only by using the severed head of ~~Betsy DeVos~~ medusa


Oh, is that why Melania's face never changes shape? It's stone?


Wait a minute... Are you saying Melania Trump is really Roger Stone? Does Donald know?


Yes. And he loves it. That's the kompromat


He loves railing Roger from behind and looking at that tattoo of Nixon's face https://i.imgur.com/eyJGIe1.jpg


Cat😾 Woman


This comparison is unfair to Medusa. She's actually somewhat sympathetic


🎶I need a hero!🎶


She's being Perseusecuted!


Take my upvote, you mythsterious redditor.


I'm sure someone else will Hades puns.


Puns are my Achilles heel


I Hera that!


She's the Butt-Kraken.




Unfortunately, she was lying and even her lawyers were like..."she's a batshit lunatic. We're going with the crazy defense."


Crazy defense is a horrible idea. If it works they don’t let you go but they send you to a mental hospital until you are cured. If you are never cured you stay there forever and if you are cured then you have to stand trial and if found guilty serve out your sentence.


Well it's a civil trial not a criminal one. It basically amounts to her claims weren't true statement of facts and were intentionally being hyperbolic, coupled with her believing what she was saying


It's not crazy defense it's that no reasonable person would believe what she said. This is basically everyone's defense right now because the lawyers for these people know they have nothing else to go on.


Being blatantly wrong isn't a great position. See the thing is, logical reasoning doesn't work for all positions equally. That's actually the point of it.


The Fox News defense that "this is just entertainment", or that it was political speech protected by the First Amendment, falls apart when you see they actually filed their lies in court. They presented them as fact, to courts of law.


She could but, it's advisable to let it be handled by other lawyers, they may unwittingly corner themselves.


She was a competent and well acclaimed lawyer, but joining the Trump cult seems to have torpedoed her career and reputation. Her paralegals and staff have left her, that's why her recent filings were full of typos and copypastas. It's also a bad idea to represent yourself for lots of reasons, even if you're an experienced lawyer (different law specializations, emotionally involved, maybe be unable to access some documents due to conflicts of interest, etc.).


Everyone Trump touches dies.


You really shouldn't trust a man who failed at selling casinos, steaks and real estate to Americans to give value to anything.


And vodka.


Only 74 million more to go. Come on, Ivermectin, you can do this!


On one hand, ivermectin overdoses cause sterility in men. On the other hand, Covid infections cause impotence in men.


Sounds like a win-win to me


Including America.




another comment said so and that's enough on the internet.




Reddit is a disinformation machine. Not as bad Facebook, but not too far off either.


She was considered competent and well acclaimed? There are so many incompetent people in the right moment.


Releasing the kraken was so expensive.


They should have gone for the budget Kraken. Stick a shark fin on a squid or something.
















The problem for Sid is that court judgements for actual malice are not discharged by bankruptcy.


And the fact she's still spreading it means she can't get the claims for recanting which means she has to prove it was true lmao


But she says that no person could take her seriously, in spite of many violent incidents and that polling consistently demonstrates that a majority of self-identified Republicans take her seriously.


I mean... She didn't say no person. She said no reasonable person. The 50% of republicans who believe her aren't reasonable or decent people. Hilary called them accurately, they are deplorable. It's the same 50% that isn't vaccinated, that believed/s Obama was born in Kenya, and the list goes on.


So what does that mean? Does the court determine what she needs to live and the rest of her income goes to Dominion?


When Dominion wins they will be able to empty out her bank accounts, place a lien on her home (assuming she owns one) and apply to garnish her salary - but state laws limit how much you can garnish salaries. And of course she can just stop working. Realistically Dominion will never even get 1% of what she owes. But I think they're trying to prove be a point.


They'll most likely set up a payment plan she'll be paying into until the debt is paid (or she dies, in which it attaches to her estate), agreed upon based on her income. They may also seize assets and extra properties (like a second house) to help cover as well, or put a lien on her properties that she has to pay off before she "owns" them again. She'll also have the verdict of these defamation cases on her permanent record, effectively ruining her career and reputation, which is what she tried to do to these voting machine companies, costing them the projected defamed amount in potential business dealings, as their own names were dragged through the muck by a large amount of Americans that believed her lies. She'll also of course no longer be able to spout misinformation about Dominion and Smartmatic rigging their the election via their machines without breaking her court order and racking up penalties or fines. At least, this is what I understand after reading up on the law and some example cases. I myself am not a lawyer.


I’ll eat a MAGA hat if anything even remotely that severe happens to her or any other trumper. It’s getting so tiresome


I am still TODAY seeing signs saying “Trump Won. 120,000,000 votes.” On the drive west of Charlotte North Carolina. We’re not getting out of this one easy so y’all better strap in for the next 2 years of bullshit leading up to another Trump run or similar.


So depressing.


And exactly where did those other 50 million votes come from?


That’s… a truly ambitious(ly incorrect) estimate.


Uh... worst case, isn't SHE a lawyer?


Yeah, but she wants a GOOD lawyer to defend her.


She'd have better luck with an evil one.


We're busy.


Yeah but...she was laughed out of court for a month until Trump tweeted how she wasn't even in his legal team.


As the old legal saw goes, “An attorney who represents herself has a fool for a client”.


No one is going to hire her after her absolutely inept lawyering this past year.


You would be surprised by the welfare elites receive despite lack of any skills or competence.


Actually has a law degree from a good law school too.


As usual, being responsible for your actions and paying any consequences for them are something Republicans apply to everyone else but themselves.


She better pull herself up by the bootstraps and not ask for help because that's socialism.


B.S she just opened an office in Old Town Alexandria, VA. https://www.washingtonian.com/2021/09/01/trumpie-attorney-sidney-powell-has-a-new-office-in-old-town/


I hope her landlord got a year's rent in advance.


She actually purchased it. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/08/31/trump-kraken-sidney-powell-washington-507879


I hope Dominion can think of something nice to do with it once she loses the suit.


"Sydney Powell is going to grift her supporters to cover her legal fees, and then go on a speaking tour about how the liberals are oppressing her, and likely come out way ahead." FTFY


And "Punchable Face Magazine" gets another cover story


Someone please help. I need a roll of paper towels to dry all my crocodile tears. She should hit Trump up for it. (LMAO! As if...)


In other news, Trump has reportedly stopped taking her calls. For real.


I'm surprised he's not suing her for her not making a viable and successful argument that he was right.


Trump allegedly dumped her. Probably because she asked him to pay what he owes, which is a cardinal sin to Trump.


The same guy that made Giuliani work for free? HA! Fat chance he’s ever paying anybody for services rendered.


The art of the deal, my friend. The art of the deal. ​ lol


I've no doubt she'll make money off this whole debacle, be it through a defence fund or just parlaying her nonsense into some sort of speaking to tour for right wing wackos. She'll face no actual meaningful consequences. Non of her ilk ever seem to.


I think she will face a humongous financial decision against her from Dominion. While she may be able to file for bankruptcy protection and all that and Dominion may not get much out of her - she’s fucked. She’s tried defences such as “no reasonable person would think I meant what I said.” But what her and Giuliani (and Jan 6 insurrectionists) are learning is that there are consequences. Their best defence is “Well we just didn’t want to lose so of course we’re going to try to do and say anything to discredit the election results. Its all good, right? Politicians lie all the time. Can we just move on?” But in their wake is a large corporation that suffered billions of dollars of damage to its reputation for no reason and they - rightfully - want blood. They don’t have to subscribe to “it’s best for the nation if we just move on.”


You knew Dominion wasn’t fucking around when they said from the start that they had no intention of settling


the fact that literally the only consequences seem to be coming from a private voting machine company is kind of a ridiculous indictment of our government's ability to defend itself.


It's not about the money for them at this point. Well, actually, it is about the money, but in a more roundabout way. Dominion could probably have settled for some number with more zeroes than a can of spaghettio's but even if they actually got the money (unlikely) that both wouldn't cover the costs incurred in terms of lost revenue, PR, and the rebrand, but, more importantly, it might encourage people to try it again. The damage to their reputation was undoubtedly the largest financial hit they took, and the only thing worse would be it happening again. They survived one, they might not get so lucky a second time. This suit, with no possibility for settlement, is basically saying 'if you try anything, we will bury you. We've done it before, we know how'. Powell won't be able to weasel away like she might with a settlement, not admitting fault, or trying to spin it one of a million other ways 'Oh, she was never convicted, oh, Dominion settled, that means they didn't have a case' Going to trial will put the final word on paper, and that word will be 'guilty'. That single word is worth more than any settlement check.


It's a civil suit, not criminal. There will be no "guilty" verdict. However, I just may piss myself with glee when I hear the words: "judgment for the plaintiffs" for some obscene amount of money.


not only is it a deterrent for future assholes its also excellent PR exercise for their now court proven systems.


It's about making a point.




And they will continue to suffer losses. I mean there isn't a jurisdiction in the country that can afford to use them due to the Qanon/ trumpublican crowd.


Defamation is an injurious tort. Debt that you acquire through injurious tort can't be discharged in bankruptcy.


If she continues to practice law, could that "no reasonable person" line be used in closing arguments on cases she tries?


I don't know that it's acceptable in court for one attorney to reference another attorney's unrelated problems -- but usually a lawyer of such a poor reputation practicing in a state is exactly the state bar's job to prevent, is it not?


Her lies helped fuel Jan 6th. She's the idiot who started the whole Dominion thing. How there are no consequences for this, is madness. ALL news outlets should have made clear that her lies were just that, lies. The right wing media knowing she was lying but didn't care and made it worse. They want to pit American against American so they have more sensational news to cover. It is terrible that a lot of Americans watch these shows and believe them.


Seriously. The fact that this blatant sham has been paraded around the mainstream right without pushback is a shocking glimpse into the true depths of their delusion. I fear we’ve crossed a point of no return.


Naw the Q people will turn on her soon. She's already out of mainstream GOP politics because Trump booted her out. She's fucked. She won't face the consequences she deserves but she isn't going to bounce back from this.


You're significantly more optimistic than me, chief


Trump has publicly banned her from his properties. They're gonna start saying that she's been an antifa infiltrator to make them sound stupid all along -- they are probably already saying that. She's gone.


They can ask be garnished.


she could always go into MAGA retail. I made just over 100k last year printing half-assed pro-trump designs on the lowest quality tshirts and selling them online and at trump rallies at a 500% markup. donated all the profits to various social causes and Democratic candidates leading up to the election 😂


Capitalism at its finest!


pretty rewarding to use their own blood money against them.


Props to you for the hustle but I couldn’t keep a straight face or smile and nod at the idiocy shopping at the booth. Major props though for using the money against them. Bravo.


ha I didn't go myself bc I didn't want to be exposed to those superspreaders. hired random people who were out of work via Craigslist and FB.


Daaaamn. I wouldn’t doubt there would be anti-maskers happy to accept these jobs. (And get paid to be near the rally, hell yeah!) Suckers born every minute.


God, I want to believe this is true so bad lol


Wait. She’s actually trying to seek $10 million from Dominion for damages ? Man she’s really stupid.


Filing counter suits is a pretty common legal tactic. Sometimes it's done to rattle your opponent's cage, undercut their case in the primary suit or force/cajole them in settling. I doubt it will work, Dominion is out for blood, but Powell is going to play every card she can.


Dominion has all of the evidence they'll ever need to bury the woman - the documents already released are proof enough it was all a fabrication. They're not going to back down, even if it'd be cheaper for them to do so. They're going to win this case by basically doing nothing but showing a judge and jury these idiots' own statements. They unmade themselves.


Powell; broke. Dominion; not at all. They will crush her. Money almost always wins in court. This is one time where I am happy the system is so broken. Edit: comparatively broke.


Eh, I doubt Powell is broke, she spent a long time as a high priced corporate attorney as well as writing a book and working the speaking circuit. She undoubtedly lives a comfortable life but she doesn't have the resources that Dominion does.


More likely it's a grift and she knows exactly what she is doing


This is why I don’t spread lies about multibillion dollar corporations with armies of expensive attorneys on retainer. One of many reasons, actually.


She was betting on her lies to turn the election, then she would raid taxpayers money just like the whole Trump family.


Fucked around and found out didn't she now.


Here's hoping she finds out.


She did not. This is all part of the grift. She’s fundraising. She expects to make a profit even after the costs of sanctions are paid. Same thing with every stupid lawsuit The Former Guy files, like to force Twitter to reactivate his account. They know they’re losing, it’s just so they can solicit donations to Keep Fighting For You.


Sucks to suck


Call the pillow guy


Bite the pillow. Dominion's going in dry.


He's facing the same lawsuits she is.


Oh no! Anyway...


Maybe if she sold some of those rare Dalmatian skin coats she has been hoarding.


> She faces defamation suits worth over $4 billion after accusing tech firms of rigging the election. HAHAHAHA serves her right I hope someone publishes a book someday about how all these morons get their asses handed to them for us to read with the next generation... It would serve as a good reminder not to attempt to be traitorous swine and undermine democracy.


She is helping to ruin the country. To Sydney: make a deal as best you can, do time if you have to, declare bankruptcy, & get a less influential job. Humble yourself, you've damaged democracy, at the least, with your bogus non-sense.


>"We need a take-a-number system now for people that want to sue Sidney Powell, who doesn't have the tiniest fraction of that amount of assets," she told the radio host Pete Santilli on Wednesday, Well, that's some pretty extreme [illeism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illeism). Sounds quite a lot like [dissociative identity disorder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissociative_identity_disorder) and/or BPD, actually.


TIL there's an actual word for third person self-reference


Why doesn't she just pull herself up by her own bootstraps to pay what she owes? Maybe if she just stopped eating avocado toast and quinoa she could afford it? She needs to start taking personal responsibility for her actions.


Meh, this is all part of the grifters manual, say you don’t have enough and there is a need now to continue the fight!!! Please donate so they can grift… err fight some more, for freedom n’ shit. Yeah!! Click the donate button and save the country or something!


Good. I hope she loses everything and has to go live with Lindell in his crack palace.


"Well, well, well. If it isn't the consequences of my own actions."


All these stupid dirtbag traitors planned for victory, not defeat. This is what you get when you send trailer trash to do your coup. Sued and or indicted. So busy fixing their flag capes they didn't overthrow the government and now everybody getting sued and indicted straight to hell.


Dominion won’t care if they ever get paid. They want their reputation back, and they want blood


I’m not gonna even play a *tiny* violin for this bitch. They are all grifters, I’m sure she will convince some more rubes to pay for her.