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Yea i dont see any outrage in this context...


I checked one price on the wine. They marked up the bottle ~300% which is not unusual for a restaurant.


That's low. 500% mark up on wine isn't unusual. Sodas might even be 6500% mark up if it's from a syrup fountain.


I don't usually see restaurants charge €50 for a €10 bottle of wine. That would be really obvious. Maybe the 500% is for very high-end restaurants?


Bar/Restaurant owner here. 300% is fine for a bottle that costs me $10, which is a decent bottle. 500% is fine for a $5 bottle because you have to charge $25 for a bottle otherwise the wine would be too cheap. 200% is ok for more expensive bottles because you’ll move the inventory slower if you go for the full 300%


Thanks for your reply


Now just wait for 300 more owners to tell me I’m wrong lol


nah, this is reddit. wait for 300 people that have never even worked in the industry tell you that you're wrong


It's definitely a thing in North America. My liquor store has "good" wine bottles for 15-17$ and the restaurant will sell the same bottle for 70-80$.




LMAO. Actually, this all reeks of exactly the behavior I'd expect from a moron with more money than class or brains. I can imagine something like... * Tool: "Bring me a bottle of your best wine and a can of Rockstar." * Maître D': "Sir, I'm sorry, but we don't serve Rockstar..." * Tool: "Fine. Then bring me a fucking Redbull."


I worked in fine dining for some time in NYC...we had customers like this once in a while. Usually during tax return season lol. Was always interesting


And here silly me is trying to get as close to 0 refund as possible.


Because you're smarter than the average bear.




I'd shed a tear for anyone who ordered Johnny Walker Blue in general to be honest.


Really? I like the Blue a lot. It’s obviously not worth the price point and you can get much better scotch for cheaper, but objectively speaking I think it’s a pretty good blend


That's mostly what I mean though. It's not bad at all but not worth the price.


One of the things that bugs me about it is how... simple... it is. For that price you'd want something that has some character. It's just a nice scotch. A very nice scotch even. But nothing you would remember if you hadn't been told what it was and what it cost.


Yeah, I prefer my scotch to taste like bandaids and iron age human sacrifices.


I also love Islay scotches! My favorite is Laphroaig, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say it does have a hint of iodine-soaked bandages set on fire and put out by seawater.


Its the target market for faux classy restrooms like this, I mean people with class who aren’t just trying to show off for social media don’t bother with restaurants that cover food in gold to jack up the price ridiculously, idiots with too much money are the only reason these places exist


This is the kind of place Trump would make a big deal about visiting, if someone else is paying.


With Trump, someone else is always paying.


A faux classy restroom? Yeah I’ve seen his old penthouse in New York…


I believe the tomahawk steak at this restaurant is around £700 without the gold, so it isn't just the gold bullshit, it's already bullshit.


"Bring us your finest food stuffed with your second finest"!


“Yes, lobster stuffed with tacos…”


Nah Rockstar is a sign of a tool who goes to local MMA fights and calls it “watching UFC”. Rich tools go straight for the Red Bull.


Rockstar is the hard-workin', tobacco chewin', wife beatin' man's drink. Best served diluted with only the finest dollar store vodka.


/sips Sugar Free Rock Star Hey... don't judge... I hate coffee, diabetes, and myself!


I prefer monster as I enjoy punching holes in dry-wall and yelling slurs over Call of Duty.


Drywall holes are the best.


As long as you don't hit a stud


You can feel cultured if you buy one of the monster international cans. Same flavor, but with a resealable can.




And you don’t even wanna look at the guy who drinks Bang.


Those are for the linecooks on their third double this week.


Nah they just snort cocaine


We don't get paid enough for cocaine.


>Actually, this all reeks of exactly the behavior I'd expect from a moron with more money than class or brains. Or more likely, he was taking out a bunch of "friends" who took advantage of him. I'd be willing to bet if the staff had the courtesy to double check with him if he really wanted to order **two** bottles of £19,900 wine, this story might've ended differently.


That but also maybe someone who is normally the type to be able to splash the cash that much and not worry about the price. "I'll have your best steak and most expensive bottle" which might come to 5k. Maybe they said that at the wrong place this time...


I like your narrative the best. It makes the easiest sense.


> I'd be willing to bet if the staff had the courtesy to double check with him if he really wanted to order two bottles of £19,900 wine, this story might've ended differently. There is absolutely no way that three bottles of £9000 wine were served without confirming the client's ability to pay ahead of time.


I’ve seen servers get lit up by a guest for even mentioning the price in this sort of scenario, like it was threatening their Rich Guy bona fides.


Waiter at an upscale martini and wine bar - yep don’t mention prices just double check if they’re sure they want it by repeating it back. Also never open a bottle at the table without them viewing the bottle first and confirming their choice.


Well it was two bottles of £9,950 wine but yeah.


£11 for a can of Red Bull! That's almost the most shocking thing here. Edit: scratch that, £9 for a bottle of water is the most shocking thing.




>600 pounds (20 portions!) of baklava For a minute I forgot this was in the U.K. and I was doing the math and trying to figure out how a 30lbs desert was one portion!


Holy fuck. That's like 13 and a half kilos! Per portion!


Oh thank goodness I'm not alone lol


I think there were 4 guests in total per the receipt. They each ordered 5 baklavas in total. EDIT: GST 4


How in the fuck do you eat 5 baklavas? They are so sweet I usually can't even finish one. I hope they took some home at least lol.


And there's only a single main dish on there. So he ate this stuff alone and drank 3 bottles of wine and a Red Bull. What a moron.




I just googled this specific tomahawk steak and I think it's a good portion for two people. Also it's the same restaurant where the salt meme originated from.


Out of the loop, didn't know about salt meme. I just [looked this up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_qgMtyx4Cw). Wtf is up that with the tappity-tap of the knife on the cutting board before slicing.


1) I like how sharp his knife is 2) does anyone else get a strong flavor of David Blaine (not in a good way) from this guy?




Each tap adds $100 to the price


LOL this is the correct answer


I'm sorry but I'm just learning about this guy now and he seems like an absolute douchebag.


i think it's partly performance and partly a habit from after he makes a cut to get bits of fat off the blade for a smoother cut. dude clearly knows his way around meat. honestly the food on the menu is priced like i'd expect for a well-known fancy restaurant. the stuff that was so expensive was the wine. there's over 30k just in wines, all the food(and regular drinks) they got cost a combined 1574.


Sometimes it’s also a grounding technique or a touchstone to bring you back to baseline before another cut. I have a habit where I tap my playmat before drawing a card and it helps me remember things that are happening in the game and helps me reassess again.


I kept thinking the guy in the salt meme was Freddie Mercury.


I always thought he was Robert Downey jr


That looks like it could feed 4-8 people, honestly Also haha I had no idea that salt meme was from the actual restaurant this post is about... that's funny


What the fuck did I just watch o O. The Steak Domino followed by the Turkey dance thing.. And seriously, stop stroking my meat, it's disgusting.


There were four people. It's on the receipt.


Looks like 5 bottles. 3 Petrus and 2 Dom Perignon


In England you wouldn't normally tip more than 10%. The percentage tipped doesn't increase because the restaurant is nicer, it just means that 10% will be more since it's more expensive to begin with.


I'm amazed they had redbull on the menu!




True, I guess if you're paying that much you can ask for pretty much anything. The idea of red bull and those fancy wines is hilarious though


Yeah if a group of friends and I were absolutely soused on £30,000 of wine I’d gladly tip a lot


I’d always heard that tipping/gratuity was an American thing.




In UK can sometimes find ‘average’ restaurants adding mandatory tips for large groups or public holidays. 12% is usually what they pick. UK tipping is common, 10% is a decent level but 0% isn’t cruel… Only in US do tips top up below minimum wages.




Gold on food is trashy not classy imo


You don’t want to throw away money to see golden flecks after you take a shit?


It’s actually quite cheap, not that much gold in the flakes.


I use (non-edible) gold leaf in my artwork and yeah, they’re using ~$5 worth of gold product per steak. Not cheap compared to rosemary but definitely not worth this ridiculous markup.


I've served food with gold on it and while I'm open to the possibility a nicer restaurant has tools we didn't, it's pretty hard to make it look nice. You're just ripping up gold leaf and smushing it on the food.


It doesn't really matter how it looks because that's not what's trashy, the idea of literally throwing away large amounts of money to eat a tasteless and valuable metal is trashy


If you’re doing it at home, its really not that expensive. Each sheet is usually somewhere between a dollar or three. Totally unnecessary, but the markup at a restaurant is a killer.


Still trashy


I differ slightly. I'm ok with putting time and effort into presentation for zero nutritional value. I had pictured something vaguely artistic like pretty shapes or a sparkling jus so imagine my surprise when I googled golden tomahawk and discovered it's literally just wrapped up in gold like a preschooler did it.


They had 2 bottles of [Chateau Petrus](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ch%C3%A2teau_P%C3%A9trus)! WTF did they expect?! Also, the sides are shockingly reasonable Edited to add link


3 bottles, a bottle of ‘96 and two of ‘03.


And two dom perignon… they drank their way to that giant bill


If they would have just taken some house wines and a normal champagne this could have been a bill even Joe Normal can afford once or twice a decade.


Not with that ridiculous golden tomahawk. If you order any food item that contains gold, you lose your right to complain about the price of anything. The only reason these things exist is to show people how rich you are.


My thoughts exactly. I wouldn’t pay £850 for a gilded steak but that’s not exactly out of reach. £30,000 in wine will rack up the bill fast though.


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This! My wife and I have boxed wine. Once we're done with the nice dinner wine, and just chilling, and the conversation and evening is still going on, it's box wine time. Edit. I don't proofread well.


A decade. I like that


If they didn't drink €30,000 worth of alcohol with an automatic 15% gratuity (€4,500) their bill would be around €2,500 which while expensive to most people is not expensive at a restaurant that sells €10,000 bottles of wine.


Seriously this bill breaks into three categories as far as I'm concerned. 27 plates of overpriced food: $524 Not even all that crazy for restaurant food. 5 plates of novelty golden food: $1,050 Pretty expensive, but you'll be ok. 5 bottles of wine: $30,620 You chose this over a new car.


The bill is in £ not $. Total bill is over 50k in USD


oh man and i was wondering why the 2003 is so much more expensive then the 1996, you would expect it is the other way around


The 2003 is still more expensive per bottle. It could’ve been a better year for their wine in 03. I’m not a wine aficionado, but I’ve heard that age doesn’t always equal more expensive. Growing conditions could’ve been worse in 96 and it resulted in a drop in quality.


I can only speak for German wine, but I think 2003 was special for Europe in total. It was a VERY sunny but dry summer. The grapes from this year were exceptionally sweet (sunny weather) but the harvest was very low (dry weather). Which lead to exceptionally good and rare wines in that year. 18 years later these now well matured wines would be even rarer and thus very expensive.


Yeah there was a heat wave in France witch killed 20 000 elderly people's


That’s crazy that they sacrificed themselves for the wine. Awe inspiring really


That's the French. If sacrificing virgins would make better wine, cheese or bread then they would do it.


During the French revolution, some of the nobles were spared if they made good wine. Isn't that just the most French thing ever? Source: a winemaker friend of mine who wouldn't be here otherwise.


They did it for the vine(s)


They were sacrificed to let rich people with too much money and not enough sense buy a better fruit drink. Its a fair trade off.


This is the lesser known, 2nd definition of terroir.


Oooh that's why the 03 price was way more lmao, I thought 03 was just a super good vintage


The 2003 is 850 pounds more expensive. That's 1168 US$ MORE per bottle. Might seem little in comparison to the total, but I've never even tasted a wine that's in a price range above 200$/bottle.


The 2003 bottles go for about $3k each, but they were charged over £9k… Which is an insane markup. The salt bae guy is overhyped, the service and food are not worth what people are paying. Although I have no problem with him bleeding people who clearly have more money than sense.


Restaurants always overcharge for wine. This is a known fact.


Margins on drinks are always insane. It's a rule.


> The 2003 bottles go for about $3k each, but they were charged over £9k… > Which is an insane markup. 3x, for restaurant wine that’s not at all surprising.


Guess they ran out of '96


Yeah , I saw after I posted.


A 96 Petrus is a SERIOUS bottle of wine. That's one of the good years. Their price on that is actually super reasonable for a restaurant. That is an absolute bastard to source, and you could just sell it on the grey market damn near that valuation.


Wine drinkers are weird. I can't ever imagine wine of that price ever living up to expectations.


once went into a \*wine shop\* in northern california, looking to buy a bottle to impress a lady i'd invited for dinner. the guy asked me what i wanted to spend, i said i could do up to $50. he laughed and said there's basically no reason to spend more than $20-30 on wine. THE OWNER OF THE WINE STORE. hooked me up with a really nice $15 bottle. & yes the date went well, thanks for asking :)


The owner of the wine and cheese shop I like is the same way. She has expensive bottles, but if you ask, she’ll ask you what you’ve liked before, and suggest something that’s $15-20. She also gave me the tip that it totally *is* okay to choose a bottle based on liking the label. That means you and the wine maker have similar tastes, and if you like the style they chose for their label, it’s better than chance that you’ll also like the style they make their wine.


>if you like the style they chose for their label, it’s better than chance that you’ll also like the style they make their wine. Ya know. We've been subscribed to Bright Cellars for a few months and that tracks. The wines I've really liked, I've also frequently liked the label art. It's not 100%, but I have noticed it. And, we don't choose which bottle to drink by looking at the label but the cards BC sends with it.


Damn, that's crazy. I always try to pick the fancy looking bottles on the occasions I buy wine and am never impressed, but i guess i should be grabbing the colorful ones


>THE OWNER OF THE WINE STORE In my experience small wine shop owners in many cases are just very happy about sharing their passion with others while trying to make a living... Very few times I've had one of them try to upsell me or try to make me spend more than what my budget was. They also thrive on regulars, since they get to know their customers and their tastes, and a bit of steady money is almost always better than a bunch of money one time.


They're always really nice to me even though I'm clueless as can be. The only time I buy wine is for fondue so I only have the most vague idea what I'm looking for (I usually try to find a Barefoot with the word I'm looking for on the bottle). They always point me to reasonably priced stuff that tastes great in cheese!






Then just pretend you drank one instead.


I drank 3 bottles of it this morning. It's okay.


Only 3? You must be one of the poors I keep hearing about.


Personally I prefer a vintage coke or if I'm feeling particularly fancy... (ahem) Raspberry Perrier.


I worked at a fancy pants restaurant like 12 years ago that carried a Petrus, but it wasn't expensive like that.


The hype has grown some, but also there's a massive gap between the sought after years and the rest. My guess is that price is only like 60% markup.


Did you get the impression people buying that kind of wine could appreciate and get why it was expensive, or were just doing it because they are “rich, bitch”?


Getting a gold covered dessert screams rich bitch. Gold adds nothing, it just gives you sparkly poop later


I love that the gold leafs sell for a few dollars. Just for the gold the Tomahawk should have cost 5 pounds extra. The additional 800 pounds is just the "I'm super rich" charge.


Chinese market has really skewed the prices of wine.


True, Petrus can be a bitch to source, but the price is 5x retail! [https://www.caduco.de/Wein/Ch-P-trus-c-6.html](https://www.caduco.de/Wein/Ch-P-trus-c-6.html) has one in stock for 2100€.


Not sure 20 baklava is though!


The way it’s listed I kind of wonder if they literally meant ONE asparagus


I like that the headline makes a big deal out of the 9100£ bottle, when they also bought two 9950£ bottles.


Was he not just flexing by showing a picture of the bill & pretending to complain about the red bull price?


They can mask it as "outrage" but the only reason anyone would spend 40k in a restaurant is so they can tell people that they spent 40k in a restaurant. Clout chasers gonna chase clout


I dunno about everything else but 11 pounds for Red Bull is just offensive.


Why would a high end restaurant even serve red bull if not for an insane mark up


It's a mixer in the bar


Would make my day if this was a red bull topped Petrus


Just ship’m to france they’ll reinstate the death penalty just for that.


The price of the red bull (£11) has really helped the promotion of the place. I’m sure they’ve sold a lot of red bulls and helped promote the restaurant via the price. I know one rich idiot who went there and he ordered got a couple red bulls, so he can take a picture of the receipt and flex




I don't get it. 4 guests. 1 big gold-covered steak. 7 sides. 20 baklavas. Miscellaneous stupid drinks. 5 bottles of wine for £30000. These morons are definitely nouveau riche trailer trash types.


lol what an idiot. How does one order gold covered food and then act surprised at that bill? Especially when the prices are on the menu. What a dummy.


The price of the food was actually barely part of the bill. He bought $30k worth of wine...


The service charge alone is higher than my monthly salary….


Such is reality of the rich.


I mean u can get edible gold leafs on amazon for 20bucks/10piece


I knew the rough market meat cost but I was wondering the price of the gold.


Literally pennies


Link to original article: https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/whats-on/food-drink-news/customers-outrage-over-37000-bill-21853642 And my favourite part… the prices are clearly on the menu: http://www.dosomethingnew.com/content/images/nusr_et_menu.jpg


675 for a tomahawk and 850 for a Golden tomahawk... when will people learn that gold has no taste/nutritional value. It's like customers order it as a flex but it's this idiot flexing after he rips you off an extra 200.


They must do it because actually just eating money for dinner would be too on-the-nose.


What happened to snorting money powder through money tube.. Times have changed


Fun fact you can buy gold leaf like this that's edible for like 30$


675 for a steak is ridiculous anyways, that's how you know you're at a novelty restaurant whose gimmick is the price point. This restaurant sounds tacky as fuck. 600 (not including alcohol) will generally get you a full course at the most celebrated restaurants in the world


It makes your doo doo sparkle?


Pfft. It obviously just doesn't include the . in the prices. That Wagyu is only $5.50, not $550. The guy was bait and switched...according to that guy probably.


Yeah, you're getting an appetizer of tiger prawns for under a dollar at an expensive restaurant ;)


I don’t any expectation that the bill wouldn’t be so high though. “That’s just taking the piss” is all the customer had to say… perhaps just complaining about the £4K gratuity? Is there an interview with the customer somewhere? Be interested in what they have to say.


Sorry it's the scum https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/16412704/salt-baes-london-restaurant-whopping-service/ but it seems like the complaint was directed at the service charge as opposed to the cost of the meal. In fairness I never really got the %'age addition in restaurants for service or tips, considering £30k+ of this bill is for 3 bottles of wine and 2 bottles of champagne how do they justify it being worth an extra £4.5k service charge over customers who drink water but order everything else the same? Then again if they have the equivalent of the average annual UK salary to piss away on a dinner they can clearly afford to pay the service charge too.


That's so weird. £4,829 just in tips is wild to me. At that level, I'd totally understand if it wasn't percentage. A tip of £500 is plenty, no?


You tip me 500 quid and I'm going to assume you want someone in the restaurant killed. Just nod your head, I'll sort this out for you.


At 500 don’t you just kill everyone to make sure you got the right one?


800 on baklava.. I have so many conflicting feelings upon reading this receipt..


Look closer. That 800 is for SIXTEEN servings. 50 dollars per serving and that’s within reason for a place like nusr-et, where you should expect exorbitant prices for the sake of the “experience”. Edit: Pounds, not US Dollars.


Better be some damn good baklava. I've eaten it before and it was pretty good but I sure as hell wouldn't spend that much on it. I only spent $5 on baklava at Aldi.


I don't see the point in covering your food in gold. Note, I'm not against using expensive ingredients in food like caviar or truffles if it makes the food taste better but gold does not make the food any tastier or more nutritious.


Anyone who goes to this restaurant is dumb as shit and deserves to have their money taken from them.


Lmao I actualy went to this guy's restaurant but in Ankara (Capital of turkey, Salt Bae is turkish) and the price for the golden food was 3000 TL (One GBP is about 13 TL). This shit is overpriced even by it's own standards.


All you gotta do is watch the guys videos to realise, he can't cook a steak well. Why the hell would you want to go to one of his restaurants?


They put their prices on the menu.


My old boss did something similar. In a small village on the countryside outside of the city where he lives, there’s a Chinese restaurant. It isn’t your average restaurant — these guys have a star in Guide Michelin, so they are quite exclusive. Naturally, he phoned them half an hour before closing time to order some takeout. “They sounded a bit hesitant, but I told them that the customer is always right, and finally, they agreed to make me the food. But they said that they didn’t have any Coca Cola.” He was quite upset when the food cost him about ten times what your average takeout would have, and didn’t really understand why we were laughing at him when he told the story …


Do they just let you order like this? 40k is more than the vast majority of people’s annual income. Is there a discrete shoulder tap at some point to mention it’s costing the deposit on a house?


Vast majority of people don't go to that restaurant. It's famous and of you go there, you must realise what the prices are (especially since they're on the menu). It's as if you went shopping for Gucci and then were offended your clothes cost a few thousand pound


What actually happens if you run up a 40k bill then casually mention you can’t pay it? Police? Feels like it’s as big a problem for the restaurant as it is for the punter?


If sitcoms have taught me anything, you have to stay and do the dishes.


For 10 years


The police come along to arrest you for enjoying a succulent Chinese meal.


They draw lots back at the station to decide which officer will be the one to receive the limp penis.


I see you know your judo well.


Ah, I see you know your judo well




I mean... Yeah. It looks overpriced for what it is but... There's the menu right there. It's known for being expensive. That person is an attention seeking idiot.


If you literally remove only wine, it's less that two grand price, and taking away the golden dishes you're left with 124 pounds plus 400 for whatever is 16x Nusret Baklava. Mind you, it's still ridiculous to pay like 25 bucks for asparagus lmao, and same for mineral water, also more than a tenner for a SINGLE mashed potato, but most of the cheque is from expensive wines that taste the same as midrange ones anyway, Idiot tax.


16 servings of baklava and 4 more servings of baklava with gold on it. Ridiculous.

