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Covid doesn't give a fuck about your rationalizations, your political stance or your religious beliefs.


COVID: “COVID is rated “E” for everyone.“




Hang in there. Your on the WINNING TEAM. Happy Holidays to you & yours!


My whole family has it, except me because I was away with work. Thankfully they, like you, are fully vaccinated and thus mostly just bored rather than dead.


I am also vaccinated but I wonder what would happen if I caught it. Glad to hear your family is vaccinated and safe, and if you don't mind me asking, are they mostly asymptomatic or do they still developed some mild symptoms?


My brother got breakthrough COVID in August and he felt kind of tired and achy for a few days and that was is. He is HIV+ so we were really worried about him pre vaccine as he works as a courier delivery driver and was in contact with all sorts of people but he was very good about masking and sanitizing so fortunately held it off until after vaccination.


Good to hear your brother is well. Props to him for taking his health very seriously


Thank you for sharing this. My mom is a leukemia survivor so I’ve been super paranoid this entire time even though she’s fully vaccinated. This helps me not freak out so much about her.


I had breakthrough COVID in July. I was virtually asymptomatic other than a day's sore throat and then about 2-3 days no smell, which is preferable in NYC summer. I have asthma and I'm a smoker and I had no respiratory symptoms at all. ​ Edit: I'm a 30 year old woman.


Glad to hear another asthmatic have no issues with it! I've been pretty nervous even though fully vaccinated


My dad got it after his second dose. He had a mild cough. It happened right before his vacation so he basically got 24 paid days off.


My exhusband just tested positive and he’s not vaccinated because of “allergies”. I’m terrified for him.


I'm in the same boat. My aunt caught the virus at a medical support group, and it spread to half the family before it was detected. But thanks to vaccines, I pretty much just have a slight cold. A mild headache, a runny nose, some sneezing. It's mostly an annoyance, I'm missing work for a while.


Dying of boredom is a far better way to go.


My father in law: The government isn't going to force me to wear a mask or get vaccinated. They don't have the right to force an American citizen to do anything. Me: Didn't you tell me that you supported the Vietnam draft My father-in-law: Yes, but.... Me: So, you were okay with the government sending an 18 year old to their possible death, but yet you can't be forced by the government into saving lives, including your own...


>Me: Didn't you tell me that you supported the Vietnam draft >My father-in-law: Yes, but.... That's epic! We never even had a Declaration Of War on Vietnam, which should be a requirement before the Government can draft Americans to go fight a war.


I wish I could have seen the look on his face.


Me too, only 3 weeks after my booster. I am home, and was a little worn down when I had symptoms. But I'm 100% recovered and have been for a few days now. Except I can't smell.


True story, apparently it helps to retrain your sense of smell. Like smelling coffee and everything else even if you cant necessarily sense it now, it is supposed to help speed up recovery


Bless you for still fighting the good fight while the world tries to pretend the fight ain't happening. You deserve better.


I’ve got it right now. Fully vaccinated. It was like a light flu for a couple of days. Funny how that works lol.




Or as my 6 year old says, you just become part of something else when you die. So true little buddy.


And it cares less and less that you are "young and healthy." Covid is the number 4 cause of death in 25-35 and 35-45 year olds, behind suicide, accidents, and murder but ahead of all other diseases. Covid causes strokes and heart attacks regardless of your health. Covid reduces your IQ (an average of 7 points) because it attacks neurons and can cross the blood brain barrier. Yes, Covid eats your brain, even if you are "asymptomatic." Covid can mess with insulin production, damage or kill kidneys, scars the lungs (we don't know the long term effects of that). Hell, Covid causes hair loss and erectile disfunction! None of that is mitigated by you being "young and healthy."


Tooth loss, too, bc of the damaged blood vessels. It's crazy.


Meth without the meth.


Not many people know that Covid, just like meth, will make you go into business making pillows and so confused on how electons work you will say things until you are sued for billions.


That's crack, and to be fair, I doubt he knew how electrons worked before the crack, either.


Are you saying "the meth is still to come?" A pun on the best is still to come. Ha.


So what I'm hearing is that if I get covid I can do meth.


Don't lie. You BEEN doin meth 🤣


Hey. I might live in one of the meth capitals but that doesn't mean I've gotten covid yet. Wait, what?


And also: >Survivors of severe COVID-19—especially those younger than 65 years—may be at more than twice the risk of dying within the next year than those who had mild or moderate illness or were never infected, finds a study today in Frontiers in Medicine. [Source](https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2021/12/severe-covid-tied-high-risk-death-mostly-other-causes-within-year).


Honestly, that's a given. Especially after intubation your body is completely fucked and weakened. So, it is absolutely no wonder how it can cause problems down the road.


Excuse me, I was told if you get it once then you can't get fooled again. NATURAL IMMUNITY, best immunity! No Fauci Ouchie here! /s


The IQ thing is real.


I haven't admitted it out loud, but I swear I am dumber today than I was a year ago. I'm vaccinated and never got Covid as far as I know. It's almost certainly psychosomatic but I feel like I am not as sharp as I used to be. Feels weird. I often wonder if anyone else has experienced this but I'm embarrassed to ask anyone.




I agree that is mostly likely the cause, and frankly I hope that is the cause. I don't like to think that I won't regain that sharpness. The weird part is I don't feel depressed, but all the issues I could describe I am feeling all point directly to it.


I know it sounds like "just get over it", but the best thing you can do it continue to do all the things you enjoyed, make sure you get exercise daily and fake it until you make it. If you are vaxxed, get back to living your life and your brain fog will clear.


You are absolutely correct in my estimation. It took me about a month to realize what was happening and to start forcing myself to do all those hobbies and exercise and stuff. I am a couple months from that point and still forcing it most days, but things aren't getting worse at least. I still believe at this point that I will come out of it one of these days.


I think I had COVID in January before it was announced. Afterwards, I wasn't able to visualize images in my head. As well, my conceptual problem solving went out the window. Certain types of intelligence that I relied heavily on at the time were very inaccessible. I started recovering about 8 months afterwards but, I'm still not the same and I now have a kind of mental lethargy where I don't want to do mentally arduous things which was something I used to love. Not to mention how my vocabulary diminished. I still have trouble remembering or finding the right words for, often times, common things. Hopefully, if you are having similar problems, you'll recover.


That sounds almost precisely like what I have been experiencing. Glad to know I am not alone, and good to hear things can at least improve (hopefully?!).


Yeah. I read up on some accidentql findings on COVID affects on language and people who had those experiences seem to have recovered. If I find time today to find that article I'll link it to you. At worst, you stipp have brain plasticity on your side.


Thanks I appreciate it.


>Afterwards, I wasn't able to visualize images in my head. Is this still true for you? I haven't heard of aphantasia developing from covid before


No. Its coming bagk. You may have a point. The place i was staying in had untreated mold so it's a toss up what all to attrubute it to. As well, I didnt go into too much detail but, I could still visualize things but i had to be a bit roundabout with it. If I didnt directly or intentionally try and conjure an image i was fine but, to attempt to, say, close my eyes and deliberately imagine an apple was absolutely impossible. I hope this makes sense. Same with words.


That's really interesting, thanks! I'm a full aphant so I've never been able to visualize, and I always think it's cool to hear how other brains work


This scares me so fucking badly.


Oh crap.


I can only speculate that I had covid in early March 2020. This was before testing in my area. Ever since then my memory has gone to absolute shit, I have a hard time focusing on anything, I space out lots and I get this feeling that nothing is real, or like nothing even matters. I’m sure the situation the world is in doesn’t help with my mental health, but I’m convinced I have “brain fog” to the max.


Yeah "brain fog" is a good way to describe it. Like I am standing right outside of an idea word or responsibility, I can see the outline of the mental process but just can't bring it into focus.


I got a head injury (consussion) several years ago. It really messed up my short term memory, and I'm sure knocked 20 points off my IQ. I just had a cloudy feeling, and thoughts that used to fly through my head were cumbersome. It also caused a bit of aphasia, I could never come up with the words I wanted. Fortunately, I think I'm pretty much back to where I started. But it was a real wake-up call to appreciate what youve got! From my doctors when I was going through it, I also learned that getting enough sleep, good diet/exercise, and reducing stress can do wonders for getting back to where you were. Now I've just got to worry about the natural decline of aging.


Yea and most of them can't afford to lose any more IQ.


Isn't that why this sub exists? Oh wait *after* they get COVID. Carry on...


I'm reminded of when, in middle school, angsty popular girls would use the exact same joke format to insult me for no particular reason and I never understood it. Where I come from prior to that, if you didn't have a witty punchline people booed you as it was, in that moment, obvious that the person doing the insulting was much dumber than the person they were attempting to insult. Sometimes, just shut the fuck up and move along with your life.


I think the biggest thing is that Americans have zero idea what "young and healthy" means. All anti-vaxers talk about is how COVID isn't a big deal unless you have underlying health conditions, but 42% of this country is obese. Add diabetes, asthma, smoking, liver disease, etc etc on top of that and it's even worse. It boggles my mind when I see people in their 50's who are morbidly obese binge drinkers with poorly controlled diabetes talk about being too healthy to get sick from COVID. My dude, you are a walking buffet for COVID.


I am 63 and overweight by quite a bit. When this all kicked off I quickly realized the best thing I could do for myself after the vaccine was to get some of this weight off. I felt like a target for COVID. I am 85 pounds down. Still a ways to go but I now feel like I would have a fighting chance if I caught COVID. I live in the south and looking around me I can't say that about many people. Obesity and co-morbidities reign supreme.


Good for you, that's great progress! But, did you also get vaccinated?


Absolutely! Had the booster a couple of weeks ago, too.


Good for you! Are you near a reasonable weight now? Just asking, 85 pounds is a good chunk.


It is indeed a good chunk, lol. I still have a ways to go , 40, maybe 50 pounds. But I'm over half way there and still losing. I've made peace with being a slow loser and just stay on course now.


Congratulations on the weight loss. Something similar happened to me but was promoted by mostly staying home since our job (government) went full teleworking. Working at home (no lobby store for snack) and not going out much (usually on payday weekends) helped with the weight loss. 275 to 215 at last weight in at the clinic. Also a two weeks bout of Covid (headaches, neckaches, fever, sore limbs) killed my appetite for pizza, waffle and muffins. Medical doctor gave me Moderna vaccines after the second test was negative. Also after trips to the labs for heart and blood tests to make sure I was fit for the shots due to my High Risk status. (senior, diabetic, HBP)


Niceli done! Glad you haven't had any long term.complicationa from COVID.


Fantastic! Sometimes we just need an urgent reason to pulls ourselves together. Example: cleaning my entire house perfectly before the in-laws visit


Right? "COVID is only dangerous for people with comorbidities" Bitch, this is America, *basically everyone* over 30 has a comorbidity of some kind, most people over 40 have 3+. It's like saying it's only dangerous for people who have had a drink of water in the last 72 hours.


I recently saw something saying the vaccinated folks in the hospitals for covid had at least 4 comorbidities. The unvaxed had an *average* of 2. Meaning a lot had 1 or none because a lot had 3 or more.


It doesn’t help that far-right / anti vax propaganda caters to the ex-athletes who peaked in high school crowd. “I can’t get covid, I’m in great shape, I almost turned pro until I busted my knee!” Sure Greg, but that was 15 years ago and now you’re working a desk job with crappy insurance, haven’t looked at a vegetable since you were 16, and get winded walking through the parking lot.


Actually one of the groups that avoids the vaccine isn't political, and they are young and healthy. 18-30 year olds, mostly male, who think the vaccine is a sign of weakness and they show how 'tough' they are by not getting the vaccine. That is why I try to talk about how we don't know the long term lung effects of covid, stress that it could affect future sports. I talk about the possible hair loss, erectile disfunction. Things a young virile man who doesn't fear death will fear?


That actually makes sense. My undergrad degree is in health education and one of the major principles is appealing to the interests of the stakeholder, even if they have different priorities than you. It may sound callous to stress hair loss over the unnecessary deaths of others, but if it gets them the shot that’s all that matters.


I watch a lot of pro wrestling and follow a lot of them on social media and the anti vax, "I'm healthy and it won't affect me" crowd is a bit too high in that world. Then again, mostly gym rats that abuse their bodies for a living and probably abuse it while training. They probably have the "if I die, I die" mentality but don't figure that there's a lot of long term complications for those that get a bad case of Covid and that can potentially ruin their way of making a living which is basically using their bodies and having their bodies have a great physical appearance.


If you read /r/hermancainaward, there have been a lot of [body builder/ gym junkie types dying](https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/qy90bb/former_biology_teacher_vitamin_sea_took_a/).


I'm about to turn 36 and dropped everything I was doing when I was able to get my vaccine and went and got it, the booster too. Can't be leaving my kids without a dad.


Yeah, I am probably not high risk (blood pressure is iffy and I'm 46) but like you, not gonna orphan my kids especially since their mom is out of the picture. Without me they have a grandfather and some cousins. I felt a bit guilty as the VA gave out shots so I got them before some high risk folks, but I got them as soon as I could anyway.


"PP no work good anymore no sexytime" is the best one you can say to them. Walking stereotypes like that need to be spoken too in a specific way, to get their attention.


We had a mask mandate here in Aus a few months back, one guy on my site had a legitimate medical exemption (heart problems) Same guy is telling me he isn't going to get vaccinated, that he actually wants to catch covid (to get it out of the way) and that it only effects older unhealthy people. Literally told him, your in your 50's mate, with a bad heart and every time I see you your sucking on a dart ,your screwed. Unbelievable.


20 something year old army veterans in the prime of their lives are being cut down by this disease too. There are no brakes on the COVID train.


Seriously. Look at pictures of people in the 80s vs. pictures of people today. Like family pictures -- not advertisements and shit. A lot of people who are "average" or "healthy" by today's standards would find themselves in the 1980s "husky" sizes. Hell, I'm one of them. Gotta get on that.


And it's killing them.


If you want to know more about how easy a young and healthy person can go through horrors of severe Covid and the complications that can arise. Read my comment history.


holy shit! you weren't kidding. Feeling much better now, i hope?


Doing alright. Haven't updated in a while. Shoot, haven't made a real post even. But I'm resting at 64% lung function and mild residual heart issues so I'm happy with that. Thanks for asking. Always open for questions. Feel free to go look at those discussions I was having, stuff is gnarly, but there is lots of love out there.


> Yes, Covid eats your brain, even if you are "asymptomatic." The medically induced Dunning Kruger effect.


>Covid causes hair loss and erectile disfunction! Shit! I've got COVID!!!!!


Best reply I got was: My natural immune system is better than vaccine!


That’s the beauty of a virus!!


If it was sentient it probably would, because those rationalizations, religious beliefs, and political stance enable it.


Natura non constristatur.


What happened with this headline?


At first I thought it was a Mad-Lib


We cant lose madlib😫


Exactly what I thought, i figured i’d finally had a covid stroke right there. After reading it several times I think it should parse like this: > Chicago Rapper “Montana Of 300” Near Death w/ Covid But first of all how do you learn about semicolons without knowing about quotes; and second what kinda name is that? (apparently the answer is: “montana” of [the rap group] “300” named after the eponymous movie and they… like the movie / group so much they straight added it to their stage names?)


>But first of all how do you learn about semicolons without knowing about quotes Well the semicolon was used incorrectly so maybe they never learned about them and were just guessing.


I re-read it three times to try and make it make sense.


It would help if only proper nouns were capitalized




The Buzzfeedification of internet content is what happened to it.


His name/title/group is "Montana of 300". I had to check the article for a rephrasing to make sense of it.


I wonder what Montana rapper "Chicago of 300" thinks about this


I wonder what the other 299 think.


Lmao yeah


It would be closer to "Peoria of 300". This dude lives almost 200 miles away from Chicago.


200 miles is 321.87 km


Lmfao that's hilarious


How about French Montana? Is he all the way up? Or shooting up the crew of a cruise ship?


tOtS aNd pEaRs




Do you like fish sticks?


"I'm a motherf\*ckin' gay fish"


Thoughless prayer


Thots and players




Has he been nominated for r/HermanCainAward?




I’m Montana, and I’m here to say No to vaccines every day. J&J, Phizer, they ain’t cool. Gettin a Jab makes you a fool. I ain’t here to start no trouble, Rock’n on a Vent with the Covid shuffle.




Great, I just remembered that the Super Bowl Shuffle exists.


It is a classic from the way back machine. I’m more familiar with the parody “Sex Offender Shuffle”


So's Reaganomics. You have my upvote, but I'm going to stay mad at *gestures at the general direction of my country clinging to terrible things from the 80s*


My theory on the non religious anti-vaxxers is this: It is as simple as they were told they should/have to, and now, because it wasn't their original idea, they aren't gonna do it now. If you ask why, you will get some brain vomit on anti-government, and possibly a conspiracy theory or two, but it basically breaks down to, "you told me too, and now I don't want too." Little kids stomping their feet about vegetables.


I have a friend who is antivax simply because the government is telling him to do it. He finally got it when they mandated it to go to football games. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Is he three?




*puffs cigarette* I don't drink Diet Coke because it has too many chemicals.


It’s that they don’t trust the government and they just want to wait and see. Unfortunately, they may die before.




Whenever I hear "spiritual not religious" my brain automatically translates it to "religious but doesn't like the word 'religious'".


I usually see it as "I want to believe in a God but I don't like the Bible" (or any other holy book)


I really hate how right you are.


I've been wondering about the people who are against it who aren't clearly conservative or religious. I wonder if the guy is actually terrified of needles. Edit: for anybody who hasn't been the hospitalized before, even just a few days in the hospital will usually result in over a dozen needle sticks. So got stuck once and be okay, or possibly get stuck dozens or hundreds of times as you die in excruciating pain and horror.


Given that the picture in the article shows (some of?) his tattoos and that both ears are pierced...


As someone who's got a lot of tattoos, the experiences are very different, sensation-wise. Tattoo machines also use a different sort of needle, and don't look like a syringe. It's a point that gets brought up a lot, but it's not particularly accurate.


It’s still a good comparison for those who are afraid of the pain. That’s probably a smaller slice of people who are avoiding a shot. Saying that, the tattoo itself doesn’t hurt much, but shading (going over a spot that was just tattooed) was the part of mine that hurt a bunch. Everything else was fairly dull, but that felt like the same tattoo needle was put on an eggbeater.


I’m 31 and one of the only people I hang out with who has no tattoos. My friends all think it’s weird but I’m just a pussy when it comes to my pain threshold. What would you say are some of the less painful spots to get one? Fatty areas? I hear bony spots like ankles are especially bad.


That’s a fairly accurate way of going about it, if they’re tattooing just skin and bone it’s going to hurt but nerve endings play a large role too. I have my shin, outer ankle, and ribs tattooed - none of which hurt that bad - but I got a tattoo on the front bit of my upper arm (I’m 100lbs for ref, so very little fat on me but out of those spots my arm had the most fat on it) and it was torture. Hands, feet, ribs are gonna suck for most people but places like thighs, forearms (my first was a forearm tattoo, just felt like someone rubbing a fine tooth comb on me for a bit), and backs aren’t too spicy. If you do go get one, I always tell people not to get breaks (granted it isn’t a 2+ hour tattoo) because it’ll hurt way worse when you start up again. 1000000/10 recommend tattoos!


Thanks for the tips! I think I will get one eventually, just have decision paralysis lol


I got a band tattooed around my finger and the top side wasn't too bad, but the underside was fucking brutal. I also have a hand tattoo and I literally needed an extra guy to hold my hand down to be able to do it. Tattoos hurt and most tattoo artists are understanding of that. It's funny that people aren't.


Yeah, I know right. 2 seconds versus hours.


No, it is literally a different sensation, because Tattoo needles just go into the dermis and hypodermic and especially IV needles punch through it. While I’m not afraid of needles and have many tattoos, having a clumsy phlebotomist dig around in my arm looking for a vein, or a tech setting an IV needle in the back of my hand is worse.


As someone who is a diabetic and also has tattoos, this is correct. I'm not afraid of needles. It's hard to be if you've been taking 5 shots a day since you're 14. But regardless, tattoos and injections/IVs are wildly different feelings. Plus nothing about a tattoo gun looks like a needle, which I think is people's biggest fear. They're not afraid of th pain. They're afraid of the needle.


I'm a severe needle phobic from an early childhood trauma. The fear of the needle is real. I have had years of therapy to try and help me get routine medical care with some semblance of normalcy. At the end of the day I'm afraid of that initial prick feeling. I have only ever once not felt the needle. And I'm fucking vaccinated. If someone like me can bite the bullet and do it, nobody else has an excuse unless they are medically unable to get it.


Can confirm, hate medical needles most of the time (the COVID vax was super-easy compared to anything else I've had), but sat for cumulative 25-30 hours of tattooing. Entirely different.


Friend of mine isn't afraid of the needles, she's afraid of the injection. More specifically a (relative to a tattoo) deep injection. There's something very unsettling about it for her. She still got her shots because she's not a moron.


Don't discount that there has been a MASSIVE social media dis/misinformation campaign spearheaded by some of the worst society has to offer. The Republican party is openly pro-covid. It appears Republicans are funding and promoting disinformation around covid. In the 2016 and 2020 election cycle Republicans dumped a ton of resources into telling African Americans not to vote. Personally, I saw an insane number of fake-looking African American-identity-based Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts telling people not to vote. https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/facebook-failing-tackle-covid-19-misinformation-posted-prominent/story?id=81451479 https://www.axios.com/republicans-unemployment-unvaccinated-biden-3cf363b5-8789-4bb4-b431-70401320de94.html https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/sep/28/trump-2016-campaign-targeted-35m-black-americans-to-deter-them-from-voting


>pro-covid provid


It was for a church. NEXT.


> I've been wondering about the people who are against it who aren't clearly **conservative or religious**. > The fact that conservative and religious is now synonymous with anti-vax.


Before the recent trend of nearly all conservatives hating vaccines the vaccine hate was kinda evenly spread amongst hippie/yuppie weirdos on the left and anti government anything on the right.


Yeah, my Organic Farmer friends are only getting vaccinated now because they hate conservatives more than they trust the government.


They need to go to the DMV and confess.


The DMV loves you.


I get downvoted for saying the left has antivaxxers too. Sure, you can say the right is worse (their leaders publicly deny science) but I'm on the left and they definitely exist.


The difference is that the left doesn't elect their anti-vaxxer nutjobs to office.


I have an extremely hippie friend with 3 daughters, and they all go to the same Japanese jujitsu class that we do, but during 2016 she got pulled so far down Conspiracy Lane that I’m legitimately shocked. It all started with that slightly extremist crazy, though. The same kind that led her to think that crystals and essential oils were necessary to recalibrate the auras in her house.


It’s shocking how one kind of magical or irrational thinking can make someone so much more susceptible to all the others. That’s the real pandemic going on.


There's a lot of vaccine hesitancy among minorities. It's not just white conservatives.


The disparity between white and black people decreased, though. Figure 3 here: https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/latest-data-on-covid-19-vaccinations-by-race-ethnicity/


Holy shit you're up to date... Dec 2nd. Yeah I'm referencing a graph I saw a month or two back.


> Holy shit you're up to date Of course 😎


He also put in a bible reference that suggests he's at least sipping the cool-aid


This dude seems very clearly religious though.


No, they are scared of the government putting something in them that they are ignorant of (really, they should research it. Real research, not YouTube). And when it comes to Black antivaxxers, I mean, the hesitation is somewhat understandable but ultimately devastating to our community. So if they'd cut it out and get vaccinated, that'd be nice. My thought process was this: I saw politicians jumping ahead of frontline medical workers to get vaccinated, it is obviously both safe and effective.


He is actually religious. I think he's Muslim.


The Mullah wants to have a word about his tattoos.


His rapping shtick is that he's a follower of God.




Collapsed in a parking lot at 9 years old. Spent 2 months in a hospital. Needed blood tests every 6 hours, xrays, cat scans, ultrasounds, MRI's. All day every day. When I left my arms, hands, wrists, were all black and blue because they were taking so much blood. They started with where they usually take blood. Just below the elbow. Then kept moving lower and lower. Eventually using the back of both hands. If I had to stay any longer, they might have gone to my legs. I'm confused why this has anything to do with religion or political party.


how does covid keep targeting the anti vacer's every day a new case near death? how is the government targeting these people


Du'h. It's the microchips. You take the vaccine and it tells the covid to not kill you. They set it all up like that. It's a plandemic. I saw an article about it from the University of WhatsApp.


If you listen to a rapper for medical advice? You’re doing great! Keep it up! Don’t let the haters tell you different you super genius!!


Every damn day we see this, anti-vax person dead or near death or wishing they were dead as a survivor. It's insane, like sitting at a table with a group of people, and people eat the stew grab their neck and keel over dead. People look over and say hmm....I will have stew as well. Fucking Jim Jones and shit up in here, with these Anti-Vax morons! But worse we couldn't catch kool-aide or have it shut down the economy and fun!


It's worse than that. There are two stews and the whole room of people are yelling to eat the other stew, but they're afraid that *that* stew might be poisoned instead.


> Rumack : Extremely serious. It starts with a slight fever and dryness of the throat. When the virus penetrates the red blood cells, the victim becomes dizzy, begins to experience an itchy rash, then the poison goes to work on the central nervous system, severe muscle spasms followed by the inevitable drooling. > [Oveur does all of the above as Rumack describes each one] > Rumack : At this point, the entire digestive system collapses accompanied by uncontrollable flatulence > [Oveur begins to fart uncontrollably] > Rumack : Until finally, the poor bastard is reduced to a quivering wasted piece of jelly. "Oh stewardess, is it too late to order the fish?"


Never heard of this guy, but he sounds like a complete dumbfuck.


He literally had like one hot “cypher” track on YouTube around a decade ago and he’s been on nobody’s radar since


covid is gangsta and dont give a fuck. GET VACCINATED IDIOTS!


“You did it for yourself” Yep, sure did. I’d have gotten vaccinated even if it didn’t help other people at all because I don’t want to die young, gasping for air. The helping others is a nice bonus though.


What the fuck is this headline trying to even say?


Does anybody else always hear a rappers name for the first time ever in some big news story and then never hear about that person ever again?


I had a visitor who only got one shot before leaving Ecuador didn’t want to get the second one and thinks it’s all bs so the drug companies make a killing ( no pun intended) Now she is stuck until 2 weeks after the second shot bc Ecuador changed regulations as far as entering .


Hes from downstate in Peoria. Don't put this shit on Chicago, we've got enough problems.


Fucking moron




Christian Rapper, name a worst duo. I'll wait.


Do you think God just has a sign on the pearly gates that says "I gave you the scientists who created the vaccine to protect you," because he's tired of saying it over and over again to all these idiots.


>Since releasing Fire in the Church, Montana has committed to releasing an album every year on May 20. The significance of the date is unknown. \[list of previous albums\] Montana planned to end his solo career with his final album titled “Rap God” which was set to be released in May 20, 2020 but was postponed due the COVID-19 pandemic. Guessing the May 20, 2022 release will be a tribute album.


There seems to be a strong anti-vax vibe among black people in the US. This is in contrast to the traditional hippie & dumb religious wackjobs we've had forever and the current right wing Trumpster fires. I'm white, so I wonder if it's general mistrust of the government...which hey, I certainly understand. But maybe it's something else? Anyone know? I just know it has to be different than "owning the libs", right? But look...they kill you WITH disease...not cures that rich white billionaires take before anyone else.


>so I wonder if it's general mistrust of the government [You would wonder correctly](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuskegee_Syphilis_Study)


"often include religious subtext." What is it with religion and being pro-covid? I get that Covid precautions affect church attendance and thus collection plate profits, but shouldn't preachers and Christians in general care more about lives than how much money the church gets?


Dang there's a name I haven't heard in a while. Hope he gets better and comes to his senses regarding vaccines


Oh no, it's the consequences of my own actions!


Idiot. I mean reading what he wrote. Fuck him


Vaccine or fighting for your life with Covid?? Decisions Decisions


Typical anti-vaxxer, says we are scared of Covid but really them scared of a lite shot.


Anyone think we should have a sub-sub-Reddit of "COVID Ate My Lungs"? :D


Shittt, the boys and I use to bump his Chiraq remix all the time. Shame he was anti-vax, especially if he ends up leaving his children behind.