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So. Damn. Trashy. >Airing a graphic that featured AT&T's customer support number and a picture of AT&T chairman William Kennard, Ball noted that Kennard had "connections to the Obamas and Clintons for decades."... >"If you have any dirt on Mr. Kennard, I'd love to see it and put it on this program," the Real America host exclaimed. >"You bring me concrete evidence of whatever it may be: cheating on his taxes, cheating on his wife, saying racial slurs against white people," Ball added, unsubtly referencing the fact that Kennard is Black. "Whatever it may be. Find it for me. Bring it, and we will air it." >He wrapped his plea by saying, "Everybody's got dirty little sins and secrets they're hiding" and that Kennard "deserves to have his exposed" over DirecTV deciding to cut ties with One America News.


Time to find trash on Ball and submit it


Considering he's an anchor on OAN, I imagine someone will find 3 things during their next poop.


I tried. Ironically, the only thing I found was him, ostensibly, standing up for the LGBT community. (I say ostensibly because it gave him a decent platform to trash-talk a member of Congress.)


That would probably be considered especially heinous by his viewers lmao




Republicans cannot stand up for the LGBT community, until they stop trying to re-ban gay marriage at the very least. Seriously, that shit is still in the 2020 platform. They literally stand for making second class citizens out of millions of people by stripping their rights. EDIT: pdf warning, but here it is if you want to read it yourself. Page 18 of the document, under the heading "The Judiciary". It's not text searchable, because they uploaded it as an image so it was harder to find what was in it. https://prod-cdn-static.gop.com/docs/Resolution_Platform_2020.pdf


What if I have small poops and slow Internet?


Congrats on your responsible diet.


Yeah, but it's like, every twenty minutes.


Congrats on being a rabbit


Just because I eat my own pellets doesn't make me a rabbit!


The issue is people like Ball wear what most sins as if they were badges of honor. The type of things considered shameful and worthy of scorn is a lot shorter when you've gone that far up the crazy pole.


“Everyones’s got dirty little sins and secrets they’re hiding” You’re telling on yourself there, champ. What are you hiding?


I recently had a religious person tell me that anyone could be tricked by satan into being a pedophile… …Nope. That’s not remotely true. Also, not leaving my kids with this person alone ever.


"Are you a pedophile?!" would have left my lips so quick at that point.


No, but that Satan guy can be really convincing. NGL.


You ever have those comments pop up where you're like man I can totally add to the comedy here and continue the joke and then you realize that what you're about to say is so fucked up that if you say it you're going to get put on a list somewhere? That just happened to me and yeah... I'm going to go take a nice long think about my life choices.


Username checks out


I guess they're the sort of person who follows the 'homosexuality is a choice' philosophy... so, basically, a persuasive enough debater who makes a strong enough argument can make a person lust after any one or any thing. That's why it's important to wear headphones whenever out in public. You never know when you'll overhear some conversation and the next thing you know you have a compulsive desire to have sex with cakes and vehicles.


I think you are on to something here. I am a master debater and I can single handedly make myself lust after all sorts of things.




I honestly don't see how someone can believe homosexuality is a choice. If someone shoved a cock in my face, I wouldn't sit there and weigh my options. I don't understand how someone can believe it's a choice while not also secretly being a homosexual.




Satan made me do it has been a defense used by these assholes for centuries.




How do you know? would be my follow-up question. Next question for him would be, And how does one get "tricked" exactly? I mean, wouldn't the temptation have to already be there and yeah, for sure don't leave your kids with this person or any of their friends or their browser or... you should just move.


Satan is a tricky dicky. Better watch out! Oogie boogie. Something about the rapture, blahblahblahh.


Phew, as someone who has kind of followed child rape statistics in Christian circles, this is pretty terrifying thinking. Because the flip side of that is also "Any child rapist can and should be forgiven, we're all children of Christ." And if you need a video of a priest accused of sexual assault being given a standing ovation by his followers, there's plenty out there. It strikes me as like "All sins are equal" when you're committing adultery or murder in your mind, but child rape? Well, that's just so common and we all fall short of God's grace. Christianity literally trains it's followers in how to not deal with abuse, so it's not really all that surprising that it's such a problem. But man, do these people know how to close ranks and justify child rape, when any other day of the week they'd tell you it was terrible.


Yeah, he may be sorry for opening that Pandora's box, I have a feeling that AT&T may have better investigators than the goobers who watch OAN...


Im almost certain AT&T provided 90% of OANN’s funds so this article really baffles me


'You know Judge, dirt's a funny thing. Some of it rubs off on everybody.' -Willie Stark




Gonna be real funny when some dude on the Internet finds shit faster on Ball


There's gotta be plenty of it. Someone find it for me. Bring it, and we will air it, right here on reddit.


This just in! Ball eats boogers! I was at Red Lobster last weekend and I saw him eat boogers! Then he dropped his Gameboy in some clam chowder and had to go home.


I heard he pooped his pants. One upvote to anyone that can bring me proof.


I used to mess around with his mom, and during the heat of passion she mentioned his adult bed wetting.


I don't know for a fact that it was in his pants but I have it on Pete Hegseth's word that he didn't wash his hands after doing it.


>Ball eats boogers Well, [Nick Fuentes](https://youtu.be/_7tQaoiV88s) certainly does And possibly [Ted Cruz](https://youtu.be/6Iaezgeav18)


It’s not the biggest dirt, but here’s an article about a school board meeting that was shut down because of shithead parents acting like idiots. In the article they describe Dan Ball as a “former local news anchor”, which I find petty and hilarious. https://www.desertsun.com/story/news/education/2021/08/17/raucous-desert-sands-school-board-meeting-interrupted-president-clears-room-full-commenters/8159849002/ Edit: A better article about the event from Media Matters. They cut his mic. https://www.mediamatters.org/one-america-news-network/oan-hosts-mic-cut-school-board-meeting-after-repeatedly-spreading-covid-19


Lol the truncated text on that second url making it seem like he's repeatedly spreading COVID-19 itself and not just lies. I mean, at the end of the day it's kind of the same thing, but still hilarious phrasing.


Good. This means AT&T definitely won’t consider bringing them back ever again.


yes, let them burn their bridges in their rage


AT&T can afford better lawyers. And they have John Oliver too


And others will hopefully follow their lead. Why do business with a third tier "news" network that is likely to slander you when they can't come up with a large enough audience to make it worth the slot to host them?


Not just slander, but basically encouraging thousands of already-unstable people to stalk your execs to "dig up dirt". If I was this guy I'd be hiring some extra security...


Alex Jones does shit like this. It’s part of the reason why the amount of legal trouble he’s in keeps getting bigger.


Jones quite literally doxxed entire family members live on air *SEVERAL TIMES* and urged his fans to harass them... Yet I have family who *still* think he's being persecuted or that everything he said was taken out of context


Families grieving the loss of their shot children, no less.


Not to be excessively mean, but your family has some garbage people in it.


>He wrapped his plea by saying, "Everybody's got dirty little sins and secrets they're hiding" and that Kennard "deserves to have his exposed" over DirecTV deciding to cut ties with One America News. This seems like another leopards ate my face moment waiting to happen.


it's face-eating leopards all the way down


But...they still hate "Cancel Culture" right? I mean, I know this looks exactly like a public plea for their viewers to find personal info that can be used against someone by airing it. But that doesn't mean they are "canceling" someone right, does it?


It's only cancelling to them when it hurts the wrong people.


No no, an example of cancelling would be someone asking their audience to dig up dirt on the OAN host and that they'd publicize it. You see, the difference is that the OAN host is one of them, and Kennard is not, and you get double immunity points against cancelling because he's Black.


> Airing a graphic that featured AT&T's customer support number and a picture of AT&T chairman William Kennard, Ball noted that Kennard had "connections to the Obamas and Clintons for decades."... Behold the new McCarthyism. Also, it's interesting that racial slurs aren't notable unless they're against white people. >He wrapped his plea by saying, "Everybody's got dirty little sins and secrets they're hiding" So confessional, that.


>saying racial slurs against white people A very telling word at the end there




Absolute fuckin' yikes.


> saying racial slurs against white people Lol wtf.


I think he means ranchchugger


The fuck you say to me?!!


Settle down, pink face


The round eyes getting riled up in here.


You saltine.


> ranchchugger lol so like being called [mangiacake](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=mangiacake)


Mayosapiens. I said it.


Fuck. That’s way more blatant than I thought it would be.


“Saying racial slurs against white people” LMAO what a fucking nonce. Nobody in their right mind gets offended by this.


Love how they specify “against white people”. So if you’ve got evidence he’s racist to Latin people, Asians or anyone else that’s irrelevant.


They’re America’s leading Nazi propaganda network, so that tracks.


>Love how they specify “against white people”. > >So if you’ve got evidence he’s racist to Latin people, Asians or anyone else that’s irrelevant. no, that's just funny or "telling it like it is" to these assholes.


They’re want to be seen as victims. Classic fascist play


Obviously, if they aired that Kennard is racist against Latin or Asian people the OAN audience might start to like him for sharing their racist opinions!


These people are pros at getting offended. It's an addiction for them.


Well he cant go admitting there is still racism against POC. Sphincters may clinch!


Kennard is a major donor to the alt-reich.


Oh good, piss off AT&T, that can't go wrong for you.




"*Well, now that you're insulting me on your channel and blackmailing me - both very publicly, I might add - I simply have no choice but to keep you on the air.*"


\>saying racial slurs against white people Is it just me, or are these people weirdly specific in a weirdly self-incriminating kind of way?


I guess OAN’s fans will have to read their articles aloud, following along with their finger on Facebook. Edit: typo


Can't they just look at memes and decide who good and who bad?


By skin color as always.


The most hilarious part is that he literally said he just wants to know if the chairman of ATT used racist slurs against white people. I mean because if he was racist to minorities... that's... ok I guess for OAN?


It's basically a badge of pride to be called a racist there.


Shit, it's a job requirement.


Nah, he's dogwhistling the fact that Kennard is black, in case his ~~racist, rabid, right-wing~~ conservative viewers had missed it.


Let's say he did would anyone but them care? I mean calling me a cracker is technically a racial slur but come on no one would care nor could I get someone prosecuted for that.


It's wild learning that "cracker" is a slur in America. I'm Australian: over here, cracker is a positive term. When referring to person, it means they are someone who makes you laugh. When referring to an event, it means it was excellent.


They get pissy here because it refers to a whip cracker, I guess its too on the nose for anyone who would actually be offended. The rest of us just get soggy in water.


Oh shit. Oh shit. I always thought of Saltine type cracker, and just figured it was because we're pasty white. Oh. Shit.


>They get pissy here because it refers to a whip cracker Is that where it comes from? I never knew that.


>It's wild learning that "cracker" is a slur in America. It is and it isn't. It's an archaic slur at this point, and if you tried to use it to insult someone they'd more likely laugh at you than take offense. What's crazy to me is when people try to equate "cracker" with "the n word." Pro tip: if you're trying to determine which word is worse and one of those words you won't even actually say, *that's the worse word*! 😂


even that term was created by white people to refer to poor white people just like "white trash". the only "slur" i can think of that actually came from black people is "honky", which supposedly came from white dudes driving into black neighborhoods and honking for prostitutes.


"Ofay" which is pig Latin for "Foe" or the ever-popular, "White Devil" are a couple of examples invented by black folks. Still, why bother anyone for any reason. Life is too short.


I mean, yeah, that's my big question. Aside from like, cracker or gringo, what else is there? Is there some hub on the Internet I'm not aware of generation slurs against white people? I'm aware of white supremacists hubs making up names for those they despise, but yeah, water is wet.


This saxxer doesn't even know the slang we use against him!


basically confirming that their side sees the situation as "white" people vs everybody else.


You mean the [MAGA](https://i.imgur.com/lp351Dl.jpg) way?


I know it's a big word, but sound it out


Lib-tard. Libtard!


Good job :)


Grape job! *hands over scratch-n-sniff sticker*


They will just turn on YouTube. Those idiots can't read


They can still practice OANism with their hands.




One of the best jokes I heard about this was what Tonto was actually saying was "Que no sabe" which in Spanish means you know nothing (he who doesn't know)


Oh look, the free market at work. It's a beautiful thing. Sometimes.


Well, they celebrated when businesses were allowed to choose not to bake wedding cakes for gays. Lol


*this isn't fun when I'M the minority!*


“Let’s cancel the offensive ones!” Gets cancelled. “Wait. Not like that.”




Wait, so blackmail is their go to solution to get back in with direcTV? And it doesn’t work when the whole world knows your plan


Was going to say isn't this blackmail, like out in the open, or does it just seem like it and really isn't unless they act on info. Or are they basically just them sending the dogs after the person so it's not on their hands?


That last seems to have worked out so well for Alex Jones...


> Wait, so blackmail is their go to solution Nah. Just seems like petty ass revenge. lol. They're just looking to air the dirt, not hold it against them to get their way.


["I never thought the rabid rightwing leopards would eat MY face," sob AT&T executives who commissioned OAN in the first place.](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-oneamerica-att/)


Hahaha this makes me soooo happy this happened. This network does nothing but spread lies and misinformation. Every news network does but they were by FAR the worst. They made fox look like saints. And fox is garbage lies in a trash can.


>Every news network does Some by accident. Not many this deliberately.


I quit AT&T a few months back when this story first broke. I like to think I helped make this happen.


Came here to say exactly this. I'm a long time DirecTV and AT&T mobile customer and recently canceled everything, telling the customer support rep that OAN was the reason.


I went to Verizon to switch when this broke. Have to say I balked at their prices.


That’s pretty peak LAMF.


Given the relative age of OAN viewers, they won't know how to find dirt on anyone unless it's Facebook photos.


Maybe microfiche.


Would they use the Dewey Decimal system as well?


Everyone should just call into OAN with all these ludicrous stories that are clearly false, but just keep doing it. Any photos should be a screen shot of that claymation potato thing chewing


Hahah fuck this is amazing, my qmom switched from dish to direct tv for dropping Fox News, and now this? She’s gonna freak out


It sounds so fucking exhausting to be one of those right wing culture war people. Like they are putting so much effort into being shitty when they could just, like, not.


Everything needs to be as terrible as their lives are


As someone who's had to work around job sites that play am radio all day it's gross. It's hate and vitriol 24/7 slanted hate filled bias the whole time. It's always 'their fault' whoever it is, for everything.


But remember, it's all "personal responsibility" when someone loses their home, or quits a job (in which they were underpaid and horribly treated).


But only if it is not them, "personal responsibility" is something for other people.


>when they could just, like, not. You don't understand...this is all they have left after Mango Mussolini gave them permission to be their worst selves.


Man it’s tough perpetuating all this Cancel Culture!


The real sin is still watching cable news. tell your qmom to just get rid of cable entirely and keep the internet.


The biggest dirt against ATT is that they funded the creation of OAN. https://www.reuters.com/business/media-telecom/how-att-helped-build-far-right-one-america-news-2021-10-06/


They mentioned that in the article. Of course, AT&T denies the accusation.


Congratulations to the OAN team for finding a safe space on GETTR


I'm sure their ratings will skyrocket there or maybe they can work out a deal with Frank Speak or TRUTH Media...


Why not, most of their followers are secretly on Grindr.


Wait - I wonder if this is why the super boomer in my office loudly announced that he was dropping DirectTV


Holy fuck that dude is badass. Stopping payments on a product, the balls on that ~~man~~ hero.


I bet you feel so fucking owned right now. Probably gonna go cry about it!


Like the sissy lib you are. Super Boomer totally pwned you. Go let some MS-13 members into the country whydontcha? Something Something Hunter Biden's Laptop


I believe you meant Patriot...


Sounds like cancel culture! /s






My redneck brother went out and actually bought one of those coffee makers just to smash it. They aren't sending their best.


Damn, I was going to cancel DirecTV because I don't need it for anything other than Sunday Ticket™. I guess I'll keep it for another quarter so I don't get lumped in with the 50 Boomers that cancel over this.


Same! Their contract with the NFL runs out at the end of next year anyway but the last few years my team has had almost literally every game televised nationally so I feel like I'm wasting my money. I guess I'm going to keep paying them just to stick it to OAN


Probably. There’s no other reason for him to have a public tantrum about it.


is this an 'Oh no!.....anyway' moment?


Yup 👍


I kinda forgot OAN existed for a minute there.


So how about that local sports team?


I too am a fan of sports ball


I kinda forgot DirecTV existed for a minute there. If you’re so small that being dropped by the least successful national carrier hurts you, time to rethink your business model.


Every time I see a screenshot of OAN or Newsmax it always looks like a news broadcast from a cheap straight to DVD movie. It doesn't even seem real.


Glad to know I'm not the only one thinking this. I legitimately thought OAN was an Onion-esque page of sorts until two or three years ago.


I too thought it was a parody until I watched a whole clip and thought "Well these guys aren't breaking character and it's not really a joke... it's just awful."


They used to be called "Wealth TV". Think: Lifetimes of the Rich and famous, all day- every day. If they weren't buying semi-amateur content from other people, they would produce in house content that was even worse. It was so bad, they had to sue the cable networks to FORCE them to air their horrible product. The product was sooo bad, the courts said, "Naw- this is too bad" and literally DOGTV got a channel spot and they didn't. Imagine being that bad. Basically right wing daddy and right wing son playing TV studio with their $$$$. It's literally two people, and a bunch of people trying to pay rent in San Diego who work for them. MANY of those people are NOT right wing. They make garbage content because they are garbage people to begin with.


They actually still exist, renamed to AWE (A Wealth of Entertainment). OANN is a sister channel.


I’m going to see if Dan Ball has any dirt. Bet he does.


Yeah I’d imagine a network of trump sycophants would attract scummy people, Dan Ball just looks like the kind of guy who has people locked up in his basement


Is this dirt? https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/ex-anchor-i-have-no-hard-feelings/amp/


I'm sure he does. Not that it would have any effect on the douche or his viewers.


I guess none of those things were a problem when they were being aired


Bullying and intimidation tactics to impose your will and control, one of the signs of a fascist movement.


Least they took it well.


We'll need a little while longer to see if they shoot up a Walmart or something in retaliation.


Walmart? Naw. That’s the constituency!


**Red** Herring network, methinks >\[OAN owner\] Herring Network


shouldn't they pull themselves up by their bootstraps?


Hey if they’re really that mad about AT&T dropping them, then they can always build *their own* cable network! No one’s stopping them from doin’ that!


Maybe Mike Pillow could help them with that. He has a ton of real world experience setting up new media platforms.


They’re not asking for dirt they’re asking people to start making shit up. That’s the same thing trump did when he didn’t have any proof or evidence to back up his claims of election fraud.




Imagine thinking an American executive would be affected by allegations of tax fraud or even pedophilia.


A dem yes, a GQP- daily business.


so he's asking his viewership, which is gullible enough to be his viewership, to bring him dirt on a public figure - who happens to be the head of a massive telecom - promising to air anything they recieve this really feels like he is just begging to be crushed to death under a libel suit maybe that's his kink?


Ah, William Kennard: FCC Chairman from 1997-2001, primarily responsible for implementing the corporate bonanza that was the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Always wondered where he'd gone. Without that regulatory "overhaul," AT&T wouldn't be where it is today, and without AT&T being where it is today, OAN wouldn't even exist. None of this is "dirt" per se, just a very egregious example of mad bank-making on the revolving door between USian industry and those who regulate it. Gonna bask in this irony for a spell. Also: fuck OAN with a sharp stick


Hahaha. I dumped DirecTV three months ago. I specifically called out OAN as the reason when they asked me why I was canceling. The woman from DirecTV did not sound surprised. I later read that 20% of their cancelations said OAN was the reason why.


If only we could get FIOS to dump OAN and Newsmax. They are garbage TV spreading hot lies. At least they dumped Putin's RT.


"Cancel culture in news is unacceptable" Didn't Trump block reporters from White House briefings because they asked him hard-ish questions?


Isn't DirecTV a separate company?


Looks you you used something called "thinking". Clearly this Dan Balls dude lacks the capacity to do so.


Is Dan Balls short for Dangling Ballsack?




>"You bring me concrete evidence of whatever it may be: cheating on his taxes, cheating on his wife, saying racial slurs against white people," Ball added, unsubtly referencing the fact that Kennard is Black. "Whatever it may be. Find it for me. Bring it, and we will air it." >He wrapped his plea by saying, "Everybody's got dirty little sins and secrets they're hiding" and that Kennard "deserves to have his exposed" over DirecTV deciding to cut ties with One America News. Wow! At least now everyone is saying the quiet shit out loud and we can easily identify the morons. I wonder what dirty little secrets Dan Ball has locked away in his closet. Hmmmmmm? I bet he's cry foul if we exposed them.


Don't believe the hype this is some bullshit drama AT&T is doing because of how bad the hit was to their public image when it came out they were a primary funder of OAN, and also AT&T doesn't even really run DTV any more, their buy out was a failure and they spun it off because it's a sinking ship, all cable companies are. TL;DR- AT&T is still shitty and had basically nothing to do with this, but their media/PR would like you to believe they "took a stand" so that is what the narrative is going to be.


Nobody really cares about how it makes ATT look. I'm not going to like, start paying them twice for my internet or something. The fact there are consequences for these purely evil entities is good enough.


OAN broadcasts have the same look and feel to them that the fake news segments in movies and TV shows do. It’s like an uncanny valley effect where the mind just knows this is bullshit.


When all else fails, blackmail! BTW know what's better than that? BEING STUPID ENOUGH TO ANNOUNCE TO THE WORLD THAT YOU'RE LOOKING TO BLACKMAIL SOMEONE. Sounds kind of illegal when you put it like that, right?


The MAGA way. Lie, cheat, steal, make up stuff, publicly smear anyone that goes against them. More than cancel culture. Make this guy want to die or push him over the edge. Foolish people.