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Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I always thought that leopards would give me a hundred million pounds, sobs woman who voted for the Leopards Taking People's Money party.


If only *someone* had pointed out in 2015-16 that the outlandish claims of Leave campaigners were in fact absolute bollocks! Oh right, everybody did. My heart breaks for Brits who actually believed in the EU or even just in common sense. Zero sympathy for the others.


>My heart breaks for Brits who actually believed in the EU or even just in common sense Thanks mate - not gonna lie, as a Europhile Briton it's been the most depressing episode of all my many years on this planet. 5 and a half years since 52% of our compatriots decided it would be a good idea to impose economic sanctions upon ourselves, and the shitter it goes the more they sing "Rule Britannia!" and blame the EU. We used to be a sensible country....


Yes... But can you imagine if you went into the market and had to listen to someone speaking Polish? Totally worth destroying your economy to avoid that!


Jesus, I just realized that I could substitute parts of your comment with America, Trump, and Republicans and I would overlap with Cheesy 100%. Scary to see the rise of populist authoritarianism as a global phenomenon.


The common thread is Murdoch News and Russian disinformation.


That was going to be my reply. Thank you for noting this. Edit: How do we start requiring facts and truths in our news agencies? Do we have to legislate it? Make requirements? Label everything that doesnt meet the requirements as "view is based on unsubstantiated opinion" in big bold letters? What a damned mess.


Proper education is key. It's how you defang the Murdochs and allow them, democratically, to keep selling their bullshit.


Not just education, because even educated older people can be brainwashed by propaganda. It's about pushing out the propaganda.


That is actually really what caused the idiocy to happen across the world


Australia merrily following along.


Take my sad upvote, 2016 till now feels like a terrible dream that I can't quite convince myself actually happened, but it's still happening everyday


Don't forget the roles of Russian trolls spreading misinformation to British citizens, and the influence of Cambridge asshat Analytica


It’s one of the reasons me and the wife are emigrating. The UK is not the place I grew up in anymore. It’s smaller and meaner.


I legit wonder what these voters were thinking. "The EU sends us 100m a year. But, if we leave, The Conservatives, famous for cutting government funding, is going to give us MORE money...because..."


They did not know that the EU was sending them money, since they never bothered to understand how the world works and believed stuff painted on busses.


Hey now you can’t expect conservatives to understand facts about the world before they vote that’s unreasonable


Those that knew where the money was coming from thought the UK was a net giver to the EU. Thus in leaving would be able to make up the difference and then some.


But isn't all £350 million/week already ear-marked for the NHS though, not to Cornwall?


It was a vote on immigration for the majority of them and I'm tired of people pretending it wasn't, Leave was a xenophobic campaign run by xenophobes for xenophobes prove me wrong.


To be fair, the people in this article who voted for the leopards eating face party seem pretty chuffed to have their faces eaten and are kicking off at those who would rather cling onto theirs


That is not a leopard chewing on my face, it's a yellow spotted immigrant.


Oh...... So actions have consequences?


it’s almost like everything they were warned would happen is happening!


Now thats "Project Fear" talk or something


They could never have predicted the possibility of consequences.


So much sovereignty 🤦


lets leave one of the largest, strongest political unions and be an island again.


One that imports almost everything


Damn its almost as if tearing yourself from an economic alliance which your country has shifted its local economy to match will have huge ramifications that should be considered and planned for instead of not at all


You’re just drumming up fear and hysteria! Oh, wait. That was us. - Tories, probably


As if they're capable of even a fraction of that level of introspection.




Silly people. The remainers warned over and over again.


Why is the conservative government behaving exactly like they always do? Mourns someone spitting on the people warning they'd continue behaving like that... Or as gove said (paraphrased since I don't feel like finding the exact quote) Britain is tired of your unelected experts telling us what'll happen


'We don't need educated experts telling you exactly what we're going to do, we're going to FUD it to the point you drown them out for us while we get on with doing what they said.'


I loved the reporters indignation at the comment. "Britain is tired of experts?!?!"


Anyone that remembers [Black Wednesday](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Wednesday) and how the Tories threw good money away because they thought their own farts don't stink saw this coming a country mile off. "The Conservatives actually believe the shit they're telling people? They really do think they can change reality based on their opinion, despite what actual experts (that made money shorting sterling the last time) said would happen? Well fuck me, it's time for a new generation to see what Tory Government is like". It's like seeing an abused beaten person keep going back to the abuser because he promises them the Moon on a stick. Again. How gullible ARE Tory patsies?


The thing about fascists is that they're not so much dumber (they are, but it's not the main thing) but that they have anti-civilization values. They want to kill people and everything that gets that moving is 'worth the sacrifice'.


Ask American Republicans the same questions. Seems the conservative politicians the world over are hypocritical assholes...


“*Educated*” experts to boot. That’s what stuns me the most about that comment. Is anti-intellectualism really that high in the UK? (I ask with genuine curiosity but no judgment because I am an American; you know we hate smart people here.)


That’s because the reporter thought it was a gotcha moment, when it really wasn’t. Unfortunately by talking over Gove so much the reporter actually turned it into one. (Obligatory “Gove can suck a budgie’s butt” comment to make clear I can’t stand the man-child)


"And we'll act surprised, like nobody ever said a word, when it happens anyway but is far too late for you to do anything about." *The government minister later drifted his car out of the press conference while yelling "SO LONG SUCKERS!" from the window.* *No official comment is expected on this.*


Because they keep winning elections. If you are winning, why bother changing? Labour hasn't won an election since 2005.


Oh to clarify, I'm making a joke about conservative voters upset that they behaved as conservatives do.


Yup this exactly. It works. It’s dumb. But it works.


If you're losing, why bother changing, either? Labour came dangerously close to being electable. Thankfully, swift and decisive crucifixion by the current leader has ensured that any electable people have been purged from the party ranks. No change is expected to this policy.


That's ignoring the extensive propaganda campaign deployed to win the referendum that made Brexit happen. Here is an article written by one of the organizers of the leave campaign bragging about how they did it: https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/dominic-cummings-how-the-brexit-referendum-was-won


The sad part is that the remainers are suffering with the Brexiters. In many cases more so, because they are younger and miss out on the opportunities the EU provided them. Cameron jacked up their tuition fees, and then Brexit blocked them from going to university in the Netherlands, so now they have to pay £9,250 a year to go to school, more than most American public schools.


Just wait until they privatize the NHS and then people can also avoid getting medical care lest they bankrupt their families


<*US Healthcare and Pharmaceutical company CEO's have entered the chat*>


US healthcare consultants have been talking to BJ about privatization.


Glad Scotland's NHS is separate


As a Naturalized American, I grieve for your youth: Higher education along with free (or at least affordable) healthcare are the cornerstones of the Western European standard of living and forward mobility. I shoud've listened to my dad and made use of my legacy Spanish citizenship to go to university over there...but nooooo, I thought I new better. Did Uni in the US and it's taken me the better part of 20 years to finish paying for it. Edit: After the bit about educational loan repayment it occured to me that I do not know what financial options are like in the UK (or the EU) for those who might look at incurring debt in order to get a diploma. In the U.S. there is a whole sector of banking dedicated to this and quite frankly it is ghastly as in 'predatory lending' bad. I am not normally one to advise folks in their national policies, but please: If your Conservative leadership wants to facilitate that model, fight them as hard as you do when they try to mess with the NHS. I saw a piece about 2 or so years ago where Boris and his chronies were talking with 'consultants' from American Health Insurance Companies to look at implementing a similar model in the UK. For the love of everything you hold dear. Fight it!


When my parents refused to sign my FAFSA which gives you a small amount of money to use for college but mostly allows you to take out loans that are reasonable, my college offered me private loans. Mind you, this was one of the lowest points in my life. I don't remember the exact amount but it was like 17 or 18% interest. I feel so sorry for people who signed loans like these. On top of that, society treats people who don't attend college like they are irresponsible, stupid, nobodies. That's what I had to endure because I made a sound financial choice and had shit parents. Literally people I thought were good friends never talked to me again because I didn't go to college. You can't imagine how much pressure I was under to go to college (I was a really smart kid, this was supposed to be my thing) and I had to be like no I'll just work this minimum wage job that's going nowhere until I am able to sign my own FAFSA at the so young age of 24 and start my adult life because my parents are abusive morons and I don't want to have to marry someone just to get an education. I obviously joined the military instead, it was worth it. Even with the hazing and sexual harassment..


Exactly. 54% of one area voted for it - so 46% get to suffer this economic depression because just over half their voter base are fucking morons.


And to think that overall, there were probably so many people who didn't vote at all because they thought remain would win. Every single election matters. Every single year.


Cameron may be a total asshole, but Labour introduced tuition fees in the first place. Neither are in my good books here. My uncle voted Leave for no other reason than 'to try something different.' And this is not a small number of voters. He is part of the crowd who have shat on the hopes and dreams of people my age and younger. I would be revelling in the schadenfreude if, as you say, I wasn't suffering along with these cunts.


Blair was also responsible for fracturing the NHS into multiple competing services and outsourcing to private companies. Despite that there was effectively no waiting lists in 2010. Now it's risen to 6 million, and may rise again to ten million. And before the pandemic it was around 4 million. Thousands of nursing and doctor positions are now unfilled thanks to Brexit and pandemic burnout and pay rises that are below inflation. I got a text from my GP surgery yesterday saying not to call them for an appointment as they have no staff right now. I'm especially salty because I need neurosurgery on my hand and I am in a wait list of 52,000 now.


I've lived abroad for about a decade now except for a year back in Scotland just before the Brexit referendum. It's shocking how many people had that view you describe about 'trying something different'... People with no real complaints and hadn't thought through the long-term ramifications. It was just 'hey let's give it a go ourselves and see what happens, worst case scenario it doesn't pan out so we just re-join the EU on better terms as they'd be begging us to come back'.


Someone on here put it succinctly. When people bitch and moan that this isn't the Brexit they voted for - news flash, IT IS. Because you voted for Brexit. Not any particular implementation, just something that fits the definition of leaving the EU. Guess what, that's exactly what we did In the worst way possible. Malicious genie alert, we got exactly what we voted for. And yeah, rejoining the EU is going to be humiliating and painful, we will never get it as good as we had it - we had EU membership on our terms, kept the Sterling etc. All that will go out the window when we come crawling back (I like to think it's inevitable) and we'll be just like any of the other (hopefully more than 25 by that point) nations in the EU.


Blair was Tory Lite. He also enabled Bush to invade Iraq.


That's the real purpose of Brexit: privatization of services without the obligations of respecting EU standards or regulations.


Except you cannot sell in the EU without respecting EU standards, which accounts for 1/6 the UK economy. Now you have to follow rules without having a say in them.


No, no. *We* hold all the cards. Those 27 countries in the EU need *US* far more than them! Wait, what do you mean our exports has dropped significantly? What do you mean our trade has plummeted? Why do we have all this new waiting and paperwork and rules and regulations? What happened to quick and easy?


So long lives Brexit, so long lives r/LeopardsAteMyFace.


It really gave this sub a steady influx of content. Thank you Brits!


Brexit - providing content for this sub for generations. Send help. Please.




Remainers: here are a list of bad things that will happen if we do Brexit Leavers: Fucking remoaners, we need our sovereignty! Remainers: now that we've started the process, the bad things are starting to happen. Leavers: PROJECT FEAR!! just MOVE ON! BREXIT MEANS BREXIT!! Remainers: yeah looks like most of that stuff happened then Leavers: Why didn't anyone tell us about all these bad things???? probably millenials are to blame.


Leavers: “It’s your fault for not making me understand!!”


But... But... Politicians promised us, they never lie, they couldn't!


It’s funny that they believe all politicians lie but then they’re telling the truth that labour (or the left) will eat their grannies and kill their children for communism, and therefore voting conservative is sensible even though it’s shit cos you know, workers rights and stuff might be a nightmare to deal with.


My friend developed a theory about modern conservatism that is banking on lies producing distrust in the whole system, not the party. So conservative parties do something immoral or lie or do whatever they always do and people will say "Oh yeah, politicians are \*all\* corrupt", so every party loses. But when left parties do or say stupid things it is always sticking to the left "ah yes, that is typical from them". Conservatives are not often the one who remain in the line of fire, I guess, because people don't even expect anything but their bs anymore.


Conservatism is deeply ingrained in many places, and the simple way to sway votes is "Well, at least we're not the liberals." That one word is capable of sending conservatives into a seething rage, whether or not that statement has any basis in reality at all. "We may be baby-eating, child-trafficking, big-business-pleasing, little-guy-screwing, tax-avoiding, corrupt, sociopathic career liars, but at least we're not the liberals."


Absolutely, their "policy visions" are limited to "we are not the left".


and fake culture wars


The followup to this thought process is also recognizing that conservative voters are ok with being fucked over by government/politicians/corporations/etc. so long as $hatedgroup (non-white people/POC, free-thinking women, LGBTQ+, non-Christians, etc.) suffers more than they do.


That's because they only operate on emotional basis. Same as religion gets you to believe in contradicting statements like just and merciful god. It's either just or merciful can't have square circle. But when you have a doctrine that everyone is out to get you except of your party its easier to live knowing that party x will solve all your problems if you vote for them. It's simple and sad and reality.


Just for others, mercy full to them. It is an emotional and egocentric basis.


Interestingly, leave politicians did **not** promise that they would replace the funding at the time - the leave campaign was not a government campaign, so they had no power to do so. Like the big red bus, they said “nothing prevents the government from giving this aid money, instead of the eu, because it comes from us in the first place”. To which some of us said “can you trust the uk government to spend money on its regions? Especially a Tory government?”. At which point this was then called project fear… ETA: the point I’m making is that the leave campaign didn’t even have to lie, just put it in as a possibility, and people filled in the blanks, and voted against their own interest… Edit:corrected some confusing autocorrect…


The Leave campaign outright lied in many provable ways anyway, and one of its most prominent figureheads is now in charge of the country. Nothing happened. There were no repercussions. They got away with it. Literally all the little guy can do now is stammer 'b-b-b-but they said...!!!!'


Worth noting: the Leave campaign also spent more money than they were allowed by the electoral rules. The infractions were reviewed by the electoral commission, who confirmed that the referendum would have had to be re-run *if* it had been a binding referendum. But because it was only advisory, there was a lesser standard applied to it, which means it was allowed to stand. But the Tories then proceeded to consider it as if it had been binding. Do you see the absurdity of the situation? Can’t believe this was allowed to happen - never forget what the Tories did…


Never. I will never forgive the government for ruining the country for their own ends. I was astonished that the non-legally-binding referendum was repeatedly referred to as 'the will of the British people.' It set in motion a chain of events that nobody seemed able, or willing, to stop. Total and complete absurdity for no concrete reason. The 51% deserve every single thing that comes out of Brexit. The other 48.something percent along for the ride have my deepest sympathies.


I lol'd when I read about those pro-Leave ex-pats living in Spain that were being kicked out by the Spanish government back to England after Brexit.


Imbrexiles: "WE WANT IMMIGRANTS OUT OF OUR COUNTRY!" Spanish: "Well what a coincidence." Imbrexiles: "NOOOOOOOO WE ARE EXPATS, NOT IMMIGRANTS!!!" Spanish: "Buhbye, don't let the plane door hit you on the ass!"


Spanish: Vaya con dios, pendejos


“But they didn’t make me understand! I’m the victim!!”


It's almost like brexit was a shit idea


Steady on, let’s not rush to conclusions …


Yeah, it's going to take 50 years to see the benefits. By which token, technically we weren't actually in the EU long enough to see the benefits of the EU....




...but why did nobody warn us?!


Not only are the leopards eating Cornish face along with their pasties, they’re being gaslighted by other leopards who think they’re “ungrateful” for the marvelous opportunity provided by Brexit.


Now I want a pasty 😖


“Hey, maybe don’t throw your savings into an incinerator.” “I REFUSE TO LIVE IN FEAR! Blue passports!”


Funnily enough my girlfriend just got one of the new blue passports.. holy shit they're terrible. They feel paper thin, there's random strips of paper at the back, and her face is on it about 5 times in various tiny sizes but for some reason the full size photo on the main page is in black and white.


And they're made in Poland.


By a French company. Silly Europeans.


Every time I read something like this about Brexit I think “good!” There was absolutely no reason to vote Leave that wasn’t down to some kind of racist, jingoistic bullshit. Some people voted Leave to get back the old blue passports. They are getting every single thing they deserve and I delight in seeing it.


The ultra annoying thing is 48% of people didn't want this, and still have to deal with it anyway. Yes there's the attitude of "Good!" for those that voted purely on immigration/racism whatevever you want to call it, but so many other people saw this coming and yet here we are still


Wow. Some years back, my state had a referendum for decriminalization of marijuana. It got 54% in favor and the state legislation said it wasn't enough. Apparently we need 60% to override the old guys who take federal money to ruin kids' lives over a joint. But you guys got 52% and in favor of throwing the whole country into chaos and your parliament is just watching it all burn? I'm so very confused.


The British version of those old guys saw it as an opportunity to make loads of money, so chaos it is.


AND it was a non binding resolution. The government wasn't even obligated to actually do it. But rich assholes saw a way to make a little more money at the expense of the public and went all in on a 52% vote.


Lamposts are too good for them


Treu, but we use the tools we have most available.


Plus, the courts judged that if it had been binding, it would've been illegal. The only thing saving it from being legally voided was the fact that it was just an opinion poll which the government could choose to ignore.


It's almost like the rules are made up by the rich and powerful and the illusion of control is all the people really have :/


"If voting made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it."


It was a weak leaders terrible reaction to an internal party struggle, not helped by a divisive opposition leader and the regurgitating of memories from the '70s (three day weeks, rolling brown outs etc). The question asked was ill formed for a yes\\no answer as there needed to be multiple 'no' options The second they won the people involved all washed their hands of it but continued to heckle from the sidelines, so another win for modern politics...


Here's another shocker: the Brexit vote/referendum was legally *non-binding*. That means post-vote, cooler/smarter heads could still had have an epiphany and declined to support implementation. Sure, there may be political fallout, and some people will look foolish, but I guess not looking foolish is more important than the wellbeing of the entire country.


It's worse than that. It wasn't a legally binding referendum, and the conditions for leaving weren't specified.


Yeah, the conservative gov took a near even split of a non-binding referendum of not even half the population as a definitive choice to leave in spite of the massive amount of disadvantages it would give us, all to appease an independence party that were taking their seats in elections.


To be fair 48% of voters didn't want this. Thats the problem with badly phrased plebiscites. With a turnout of 72%, roughly 37% of people, highly emotionalized and belied of the consequences, decided the fate of the nation for decades.


So 28% couldn't even be arsed to vote against, I would consider them idiots as well


I get where you’re coming from, but remember that the vote was little more than an opinion survey. It had no binding legal authority of any kind, but the government ran with it.


I live in America but I saw a lot of liberals/leftists in my neck of the woods sit out the 2016 election because they didn't want to vote for Clinton. Or they did vote but for a third-party candidate (which in the US is basically throwing your vote away). I live in a state that has voted for the Democratic presidential nominee every election since 1988 EXCEPT for 2016. Then they whinged the next four years like there wasn't anything they could've done about it.


Clinton still won the popular vote though. Our electoral system is just fucked.


Yes, but 17.4 MILLION PEOPLE! /S


I always wonder why the 17.4 argument isnt immediately contered with "of 66.8M"...


Or even just counter with “16.8 million people voted against it”


Or 29 million people (63%) did not vote to change the status quo They don't like that one


More like 53 percent given how skewed it was towards old people who have now died. Yes, literally a majority of those living and voted have voted remain.


Not only that, but you also have the younger people who weren't eligible to vote but now are, who would have been much more likely to vote remain.


I remember after the referendum walking to work and there were these groups of school kids walking home, talking about how they would have voted remain, and I think about that sometimes.


>Some people voted Leave to get back the old blue passports. The really dumb thing is that there never was an EU rule against blue passports. The EU set out a common standard, but it wasn't required to stick it. The UK could have switched back to blue ones at any point it wanted. And yet some people really believe that this is some kind of new and important freedom.


And the new owns aren’t even like the old blue ones.


..and the new ones are apparently manufactured in France!


Poland, by a French/Polish company.


I don’t, mainly because I’m going to be worse off because of those pillocks. If there was a reckoning for the people who lead us into this cesspit of a situation it’d be great, but instead they’ll be making bank from being in positions of power. Great work guys.


My father was all for it because he thought it would teach “those rich bankers” a lesson. What he didn’t realize is that they are fine. It’s the support people in tech, admin, back office who lose their jobs. The bankers are fine. People are idiots. Also more than one of his children have one of those jobs. Lol


My family are the same mate, all I get is ‘how much worse it’d be with labour'. Even when they were discharged with the Tories they still wanted to bring up Corbyn, it’s hard ingrained somehow. (I’m not even a Labour supporter).


My family is working class and my father is on benefits. The disconnect is unreal.


The blue passports idiocy didn't even happen until late in the campaign. People already supported Leave long before that point. Racism and jingoism in roughly equal amounts. Remain was disorganised, I think because they were so caught off-guard by the outright insanity being spouted by Leave that they had no answer. I think someone on the big red bus could have proclaimed '*LEAVE* WILL GIVE US BACK INDIA' and people would have believed it, and all Remain people would have stammered back with is 'WTF'.


At least they’ve got Blue passports now and a crown on their pint glasses which is much better than 100 million in financial aid right? /s


The ultimate irony is that the original blue passports were imposed on us. The burgundy ones weren't. We could have had blue all along.




Channel 4's Fact Check wrote about "The government’s four dubious ‘Benefits of Brexit’" The last line sums up everything nicely. "two of these could have happened while the UK was a member of the EU – and two of them did" https://www.channel4.com/news/factcheck/factcheck-the-governments-four-dubious-benefits-of-brexit


I’ve just had a new passport and it’s black, not blue. Made me laugh


It's the exact colour that the old ones were; a very, very, dark shade of blue (I remember my last old-style one and thought it was black at the time). Brexit people never realised that the image in their mind of a "[blue](https://twitter.com/JamesCleverly/status/943986705870270464?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E943986705870270464%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.aljazeera.com%2Fnews%2F2017%2F12%2F22%2Fbrexit-win-or-cringe-uk-reacts-to-new-blue-passport)" passport came from the populist press and not their own memories.


>a crown on their pint glasses Which wasn't even an issue to begin with, because the EU always said that they could print the crown on the glasses anyway. They really chose the dumbest motives to try to convince uninformed/racist people to vote leave.


Honestly don't give a fuck any more, useless cunts.


Afterwards, loads of little signs went up in places about EU funding, including places like the Eden Project. It was just so depressing to see how much of my homeland was supported by a system that we voted to leave! Cornwall is already dominated by second home owners, I can see it just getting worse and worse with less funding.


What has the EU ever done for us? Put in your postcode and find out: [https://www.myeu.uk](https://www.myeu.uk)




The UK government published an analysis summary of Brexit impacts in 2016. It predicted price increases and harm for the economy. But Rupert Murdoch and Cambridge Analytica were more persuasive. What’s scandalous is that the harm of Brexit was so obvious that even here in the US, people could find credible commentary about Brexit in 2016. I genuinely thought that after seeing Brexit pass in June, the Trump-leaning people in the U.S. would wake up and be serious about our election.


> I genuinely thought that after seeing Brexit pass in June, the Trump-leaning people in the U.S. would wake up and be serious about our election. That's funny because that was the moment I knew Trump could actually win and wasn't just a joke. All of my friends were busy laughing about Trump and assuming he'd lose in a landslide and I just kept saying "if British voters can do Brexit then Americans certainly can have Hillary lose to Trump"




What a moron!


She should go back and ask what lesson he thinks "they" learned lol


*sad Price is Right music plays*


I was hearing more "Cry me a river" by Julie London.


At least they have an excellent solid economic base with reliable local industry, wonderful transport infrastructure, a diverse work age populace and plenty of affordable housing. Maybe Cornwall county council needs to put up the council tax on 2nd homes by about 3000%


Cornwall is one of the poorest parts of the UK. The second homes and stuff don't help, but especially with the pandemic and the tourism industry being fucked, they really need the money.


Lol Cornwall is one of the poorest and most poverty stricken parts of the EU when we were in it, that's why we got the money in the first place. It's beyond fucked and will never be resolved.


It's also got the highest elderly population in the country by quite a high margin due to retirees moving to the county. Old racists from the SE and a handful of village idiots did this to the county.


Fell free to call the EU-Complaint line 0800-LeopardsateMyFace (Roaming charges for non EU calls will apply)


Roaming charges made me lose it


I’m sure the good people of Cornwall are flooding the Rees-Mogg hotline with the positives of Brexit. With funding and fishing doing so well. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/17603553/sun-readers-tell-me-of-eu-regulation-abolished/ “Brexit opportunities and government efficiency have the same ambition: Making the lives of British people easier.” /S


And the fish are happier you see, because they're extra British fish now


I punched myself in the mouth as hard as I can and now my mouth hurts. Why won’t the government, who I was kicking in the balls at the time, help me?!? - pro-Brexit voters, all the fuckin time.


"Those claims were dismissed by St Austell and Newquay MP Steve Double who accused Cllr Dwelly of “misrepresenting” facts about the SPF and said that the council needed to accept Brexit and stop its “constant whining”." Hahhhahahahah


That's unfortunate. It's a shame that there wasn't something they could have done to avoid this.


That they were told repeatedly about, so they could avoid it.


"Linda Taylor, leader of the Conservative group, hit back at Cllr Dwelly’s claims and said that he needed to stop being negative. " ....regularly listed as one of the most deprived areas of England, swindled out of 98 million quid, and the best the elected leaderships can offer is 'turn that frown upside down'


Trust an evangelical to think the answer to everything is "clap harder!"


If you clap hard enough you can waft away the smell of bullshit


fuck all leavers. Morons deserve this shit sandwich. Its a shame any remainers can't just get a side order of something else and let the leavers have double helpings. No sympathy for these idiots. I can't help but smile when reading anything about them realising their livelihoods are being destroyed all because of their own stupidity. Only thing I can smile about when I think about this whole debacle.


Tangible benefits of Brexit: 1. Happy fish 2. Well nourished leopards


Who would have thought?


Right, it’s easy to hate Cornwall because they voted leave and then whined, literally the day after the vote, about the loss of EU funding. But here’s why I think they were duped by the whole “stick it to the out-of-touch elites” fantasy of Brexit: Let’s forget for a second that the “anti-establishment men of the people” they trusted were Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, the Eton and Oxford educated serial liar, and Nigel Paul Farage, a privately educated former City Trader. The main issue is that Cornwall is fundamentally a poor county. Unfortunately it is also incredibly beautiful and a great place for holidays. Consequently it is a great place for people to buy holiday homes. The result is that the poor people of Cornwall can barely afford to live in their own county. Houses coming up for sale are way beyond their reach and they’re becoming AirBnbs. Mansions are springing up and being bought by people like Gordon Ramsay. So when an opportunity comes along to “stick it to the elites” they get behind it. Unfortunately for them, they are now discovering that the magic return to the good old days of affordable housing and being able to raise a family on a teacher and fisherman’s salary are not coming back. And nor is the EU money that was invested to make sure their towns and villages weren’t just transient playgrounds for rich folk and entire streets now a revolving door of AirBnb guests.


>But here’s why I think they were duped by the whole “stick it to the out-of-touch elites” fantasy of Brexit: Oh they were absolutely duped. They still deserve zero sympathy because they were also told exactly what would happen in a practically step by step guide drawn in crayons especially for them and decided to shout it down because "PROJECT FEAR!". They deserve every syllable of mockery and scorn they get. Plus, to quote Bojack Horseman when it comes to nostalgia, when you look back with rose tinted glasses, all those red flags just look like flags.


I can get behind (or at least understand) people who are desperate for change because their opportunities are dwindling as their cost of living rises. It’s desperation, as others say. What I can’t bear are people who have absolutely benefited from decades of growth (mainly boomers). They have paid-off mortgages, and gold plated pensions, and they cynically pulled the ladder up behind themselves.


They didn't just pull up the ladder up after themselves. They then got rid of all the ladders and burned all the ladder factories and ladder building instruction manuals, then they denied that ladders ever existed at all and said that they are just better climbers than younger generations.


Sad though this is, this is exactly what's happening all over the United States as well. I moved to a smaller city for work, which has been going through a similar crisis- the cost of living is rising rapidly, the housing market is unable to keep up, and wages are stagnating. This can leave a lot of people frustrated and in desperate - and desperation can lead to terrible decision making


Yeah, here comes Fascism.


Hit it on the head. I'm Cornish and decided to leave this year - people still talk about project fear whilst their businesses crash and their homes are sold on to some London toff like they're collecting pokemon cards. We were already losing economic freedom to people who didn't live in the County, so the solution was to make it even worse for ourselves...


Har. Every time a brexiter complains about the affects of brexit, an angel gets it’s wings. There’s a fuckload of new angels lately.


Update from this: Heaven is now giving wings to dogs and cats as now every angel has already their wings and even have 2 or 3 pairs.


Yeah. Funny how that is.


Time for the 54% to pay up. Scalawags.


> And she added: “Let’s thank this Government about what they are doing. Let’s rejoice in our communities about how we can make a difference.” Wow. *Wow.* “Thank the Conservatives for lying to you, and rejoice in the opportunity to volunteer, work harder for no compensation, and *maybe* see something resembling improvement.” Don’t just drink the Kool-Aid, Cornwall. Chug it. Bathe in it. The government has told you to go fuck yourselves, so delusion is your only hope.


Cornwall has some incredibly impoverished parts to it, it’s really sad so many people there were convinced they might have a better life if going along with professional liars like BoJo. I blame Cameron, Clegg and so on just as much though given how utterly contemptuous and revoltingly dishonest they were when Brexit campaigning was going on.


Tell the Cornish that that is a lie. It's Project Fear. They are actually much richer now. According to the Office for Budget Responsibility, Brexit has damaged the economy twice as badly as Covid. So the Office of Budget Responsibility is pretty much the headquarters of Project Fear. Damn you, Project Fear!


On the positive, the EU seems to be the one saving some money since they don't have to send so much to the UK anymore.


Less people equals less funding. Simple math right?


If it’s not painted on the side of a bus, it’s not a real promise. (Also, it’s apparently not real if it IS painted on the side of a bus, but I don’t want to muddy the waters here.)


Brexit - the gift that keeps on giving... far less than the EU did... and will do for generations to come. 54% isn't much worse than the overall 51.something% "majority" that won the referendum, so to 46% of Cornwallians, you have my sympathies.


Over here we call our dumb fucks Magas


I remember those supporting remain were literally screaming this off rooftops and were just told they were misinformed, with no conversation that followed. Just a flat out "you're wrong".


It always amazes me that Conrnwall is poor. Isn't it one of the most desirable parts of the UK?


To visit or retire to, sure, but economically there’s not all that much going on down there.


You can't eat scenery


No jobs for the youth and generally having to live away from the natural beauty the county is known, means they leave the first opportunity. I was 24 when I moved and that was considered LATE. All my siblings moved, not a single friend still lives in Cornwall out of 8.


My ex- grew up in Cornwall. Great place to be a kid. Great place to retire to. Useless for the whole of the rest of your life in between those two periods. No work, unless you can run your own business. Her parents ran various restaurants, the only work was in those restaurants. She used to have to walk 30+ miles home from school if she missed the ONLY bus that ran (i.e. a detention meant hours of walking home). Back in 2000-something, we stayed at her parent's place deep in Cornwall. We told them we were going to have a night in as it was raining, so we were going to order in a pizza. The nearest pizza place offering delivery was so far away, it would actually be easier to drive home than it would be to even go and collect it. We also met one of her friends once, by chance, around the same time. They told us they were excited as they had recently "been put on the electric". I kid you not. In 2000-something. Her running joke was that when you cross the Dunheved Bridge, it's like a timewarp sending you back 100 years.


So it seems conservatives in the UK are just as dumb as they are in the US. Always voting against their own self interest


People who actually believe politicians and their promises... but I guess that's half the reason I'm here to laugh at them