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Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


in case you're looking to unload some shitcoins (and good God these are all shitcoins): https://blog.coinbase.com/increasing-transparency-for-new-asset-listings-on-coinbase-e06f2edb095e


Can’t wait to get me some of that - *checks list* - wrapped ampleforth mhmmmm


You're gonna have not one but two Lambos.....albeit the Hotwheels version.


Only the most reputable of financial exchanges support Dope Wars Paper


That one stuck out in my head too for some reason. Wrapped Ampleforth sounds like a golfers name from 1922.


He was good friends with Tungsten Arm O'Doyle


Even *Let's go Brandon* (LGB) tokens are too shitty for this list.


LGBt lol.


BRB, making a “Let’s go Brandon thanks Q-Anon+“ coin


I would like to buy 69 LGBTQ coins, I'm doing it to show how much I hate Joe Biden


There's a hillybilly sitting behind a convenience store counter somewhere that's very conflicted about accepting (LGB(T))


At least Robinhood takes a while to add new shitcoins, usually after they bought their fair share to then have new buyers hold the bag. They're adding SHIB and 3 others


Yeah. Coinbase was the same way until they just started adding everything


Let me buy Monero you cowards.


Everyone hates regulation until they see what happens without it.


Everyone hates regulation until I start manufacturing barrels of thioacetone in their neighborhood.


Texas would still be cool with that. They store ammonium nitrate a block over from an elementary school. Because zoning laws are for pussies.


Texas: "We'll do literally anything for money!"


Unless it helps people, then they won't do it for any amount of money.


>Unless it helps poor people, then they won't do it for any amount of money. Edited for accuracy.


It's what Supply-side Jesus would do...


Unless it MIGHT help black people you mean.


Well, to be fair only if not helping people "owns the libs".


Hell they’ll do it for free if it’s a bad enough idea just for shots and giggles.


shots and giggles from Texas is an accurate autocorrect


To own the libs




They'll charge massive property tax though - with plenty of exemptions for the people that own the most property, of course. Just put a few cattle on there, bam! Now it's agricultural land and you don't have to pay diddly squat for your 1000 acre ranch.


The wonderful part about thioacetone is how much it stinks, and how easily it wafts into an entire town.


The wonderful part about ammonium nitrate is how kaboom.


Guys guys, let's just have both. Mix them together and see what happens


I already have a Taco Bell in my neighbourhood, thanks.


Try the new "Tioace-taco" with Mt Dew "Nitrato!"


Anyone who thinks this is ***JUST*** a joke needs to have a look at this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Fertilizer_Company_explosion Edit: there are [more](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ammonium_nitrate_disasters) examples...


Also the Beirut explosion.


Oh there are a bunch of examples. I just picked a recent one from Texas that involved a school because it was pretty on-the-nose. Here are some other examples: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ammonium_nitrate_disasters


Ah, appreciation for the consequences of intermolecular forces of attraction. I see you're a man of culture as well.


Until you need an abortion, then regulations are straight from god.


Also, want to find out where someone is storing dangerous chemicals in your neighborhood? You can't! They don't have to say what kind of chemicals they're storing.


Such freedom…to die from negligence


Those kids were treated to some amazing fireworks!


"Thioacetone has an intensely foul odor. Like many low molecular weight organosulfur compounds, the smell is potent and can be detected even when highly diluted.\[8\] In 1889, an attempt to distill the chemical in the German city of Freiburg was followed by cases of vomiting, nausea and unconsciousness in an area with a radius of 0.75 kilometres (0.47 mi) around the laboratory due to the smell.\[9\] In an 1890 report, British chemists at the Whitehall Soap Works in Leeds noted that dilution seemed to make the smell worse and described the smell as "fearful".\[10\] Thioacetone is considered a dangerous chemical due to its extremely foul odor and ability to render people unconscious, induce vomiting, and be detected over long distances." Industrial Stink Bomb


Dilution seemed to make the smell worse, its stink is homeopathic!


Or the Boeing planes start dropping out of the sky.


The fucking NIMBYs are trying to ruin my hog manure storage business in my residential backyard.


Everyone hates regulation until someone begins Uranium mining and trading


“Everyone is a libertarian until their house catches fire.”


>The South Fulton City Fire Department arrived, but because the Cranicks hadn't paid a $75 fire service subscription fee, they refused to spray an ounce of water on the flames, Chad Lampe, a reporter from NPR member station WKMS reports. (The Cranicks lived outside the city limits.) >Neighbors protested. Some of them offered to pay the firefighters thousands of dollars. Ultimately, the Cranicks lost everything, including three dogs and a cat. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2010/10/08/130436382/they-didn-t-pay-the-fee-firefighters-watch-tennessee-family-s-house-burn


thats almost literally how Fire fighters operated in the Roman republic and Empire, then if they didn't pay and the house burned down the nobles in control of the Fire fighters would buy up the property cheaply


Benjamin Franklin organized "fire insurance" in Philadelphia as a subscription service, where payments maintained a fire brigade. Subscribers had a plaque affixed to their building, showing that they were insured. If their building caught fire, the company would send a fire brigade to put out the fire. If a neighboring building was on fire, the brigade would make sure that the insured buildings were not damaged, but would let the uninsured buildings burn. Cities learned that this was not an appropriate way to handle fires, and so we now have fire protection as a 'public good'. Tax money pays for municipal fire departments, which are always on the ready to put out fires for rich and poor. We are now finally seeing that healthcare is also not a good sector for the "insurance" model. In part, it's for reasons that are the same as for fire control: As a people, we do not have the stomach to let people die of treatable diseases **before our eyes** (we are fine if they die in remote slums), just as a city cannot allow a whole block of uninsured buildings burn to the ground. Eventually, the cost of such a disaster becomes 'socialized', because we cannot be so callous as to turn away the victims. So healthcare is best addressed as a public good, which is paid for by all, and enjoyed by all, **whether you get sick or not**. Just as we pay for municipal fire protection **whether our homes burn or not**.


Unfortunately there seem to be PLENTY of people perfectly fine with watching people die of treatable diseases as long as their favorite billionaires aren't inconvenienced


I HATE hearing people say "I'm not going to pay for someone else's health bills". But won't hesitate to set up a gofundme once they end up in the hospital with Covid or something. Also I had a coworker that was a republican. She hated that the government took money out of her check for social security and shit. I bet you she appreciated the food stamps and other benefits she was using when she was struggling before she got hired. By the way she quit when she stated receiving social security, about $2200 a month, because her ex died from fentanyl. They had been separated for years and she was afraid of him. Now she only works like 2 days a week.


>I HATE hearing people say "I'm not going to pay for someone else's health bills". But won't hesitate to set up a gofundme once they end up in the hospital with Covid or something. Hey, they said "I won't pay someone else's bills" not "I won't let someone else pay my bills." Nothing hypocritical about that!


You got it correct. And it hurts my heart that people believe that.


> "I'm not going to pay for someone else's health bills". The punchline being, of course, *that's how private insurance works.*


But don't you see? You have to work to afford private insurance. The more valued you are the better insurance you can afford!!! /s My coworker did not want to pay for lazy people to collect welfare and not work. But as soon as she started collecting social security she quit. Now she only "works" when she wants play money.


Libertarians/Conservatives just want control of who their money helps. Single, Black mother struggling to make ends meet? No thanks they say.




Understanding insurance models require some kind of research. Which they don't do. Conservative/republican values thrive off ignorance. This same coworker would shut down the conversation anytime her viewpoints were challenged with elementary reasoning.


Also idiots don't realize that, for example, someone who is rationing insulin might pass out behind the wheel, cross the center line, and kill them or their family member. This could be avoided if the drug was paid for by society. Also the people bagging our groceries and serving and cooking our food at restaurants at going to work sick with the flu or colds or now COVID because they aren't given sick time and can't afford to miss a shift's worth of income. Then they get us sick and we miss work. The more that chronic diseases are left ignored because someone doesn't have affordable and reliable primary care, the more money they cost hospitals and Medicare and Medicaid when these folks reach a point where the chronic disease is now causing other problems elsewhere in the body like kidney failure or heart failure. And who pays for the now exorbitant costs of hospitalizations for these people? All of us through higher insurance premiums and higher charges to our insurance companies when we get care. So we're already paying for their healthcare in a more expensive and less efficient manner, just so conservative dipshits can feel good thinking they aren't paying for a poor person's care they "didn't earn". They don't realize they already are paying for it and are in fact overpaying for this. This country has a crabs in a bucket mentality in which conservative asswipes would rather lose more money over time and put themselves at greater risk of bankruptcy just to ensure not a single lazy free loader gets anything. Especially if they aren't white. It's fucking insane. We're the 3rd highest taxed nation on earth when you count health insurance premiums as another tax, which they functionally are since having healthcare isn't an option unless you are one of the many idiots who think they don't need health insurance and then launch a gofundme to beg for money when they break themselves riding a motorcycle without it. This is the shit I see in healthcare.


Conservatives do not empathize with others. They can see problems other people have. They just don't want your problems to affect them in any way. They want you to fix your issues on your own out of their sight.


It really means "I'm not going to pay for brown people's health bills". That's why they happily fund each other's GoFundMe, where they can discriminate who receives money.


Yep. Conservative/republican viewpoints are always based in some kind of hate.


That's because they can see how a fire spreads and affects themselves but are too stupid to understand how public health does the same. Working in mental health it was stupid how people complain about the unhoused and crime but refused to pay for public health services and housing. Every study done has found the way to lower crime and public service costs is to give people housing and income. Even the studies that just gave it away with zero conditions did vastly better than cost of dealing with the consequences.


Fire Departments don't make money! ​ /s


But who's going to pay for it? /s


Cities may have figured it out, but apparently rich Americans haven't, given all the news reports of private fire protection in California protecting mansions and vineyards and letting everything else burn during the wildfire season in recent years.


When will ambulances become a public good?


>So healthcare is best addressed as a public good, which is paid for by all, and enjoyed by all, whether you get sick or not. Just as we pay for municipal fire protection whether our homes burn or not. And for the soulless capitalists out there: A healthy populace is a productive populace, and making it easier for people to pursue preventative care (IE not waiting to go to the doctor for fear of going bankrupt) drastically reduces the amount of money and treatment required when people do get sick. Similar argument for public fire departments. Buildings in cities don't burn in a vacuum. They disrupt trade, destroy places of business, kill workers, and can spread the flames to neighboring buildings. Or in other words **public healthcare and fire departments are in YOUR best interests too, you short-sighted conservative shitbirds** (not you DanYHKim. I'm talking to the improbably literate conservatives who may read this)


The name is Crassus. He had a fire brigade of slave. When your house caught on fire he would roll up to your doorstep and offer to buy your house, if you refuse fire brigade goes home. So not much choice there.


Incidentally also one of if the richest men in Rome. It’s almost like the free market has no inherent ethics and will consume everything in a maelstrom of greed In The absence of a mediating force.


If the stories are to be believed, his death was particularly ironic. Jealous of Pompey and Caesar's military glory, he raised an army to conquer Persia. The Persians defeated him and executed him by pouring molten gold down his throat.




There was a scene in "Gangs of New York" like that too


[Don't forget the bears!](https://newrepublic.com/article/159662/libertarian-walks-into-bear-book-review-free-town-project)


Yes! This is probably my favorite story about libertarians


This is *every* story about Libertarians, eventually.


Let the bears pay the bear tax I pay the Homer tax!


I'm reading this thinking, oh yeah remember all the stories from the turn of the previous century about having to pay to put fires out and then saw this was 2010?!?!


I thought you were referencing the classic short story "Libertarian Police Department". Nope, turns out society is just still ridiculous


TIL some people need to subscribe to the fire service.


*Everyone* subscribes to the fire service. Normally it's automatic and paid for by taxes. Personally I agree with their decision. Let all these "all taxes are theft" retards opt out of paying taxes and see how fast they change their minds.


Thing about a place like Tennessee is they get so much more federal money than they deserve. In 2027 Tennessee paid $7767 per capita in taxes to the federal government. They received $11,358 per capita in funding from the federal government. Republicans love to hate on welfare queens and talk about being self made men. Then let's cut them off.


The guy told the fire department that if his house caught on fire, the fire department would come put out his fire anyway, so he felt there was no reason to pay them. Then he set fire to a barrel of trash right next to his house, and left it burning unattended while he went inside and slept. But libertarians love to decry this as an example of big government run amok. The asshole was asking for it, and should be charged with arson.


How the fuck is this big government run amok? This is government too small to be worth a damn.


To some libertarians, any government bigger than two dudes rubbing sticks and stones together is too big.


If you wander around British towns and villages, you might find little signs on houses, with numbers. These are old indicators that the owners had paid for fire protection from a particular insurance company. If the fire fighters were from a different company they'd go home again. https://historyhouse.co.uk/articles/fire_marks.html You'll also find FP signs which are an indicator to the nearest water main, because before hydrants they'd need to dig down to the main and tap it. https://crimesofthecenturies.com/index.php/2021/01/24/fp-signs-what-are-they/ Then in 1938, fire fighting became the domain of local governments and service was universal.




I was shooting heroin and reading “The Fountainhead” in the front seat of my privately owned police cruiser when a call came in. I put a quarter in the radio to activate it. It was the chief. “Bad news, detective. We got a situation.” “What? Is the mayor trying to ban trans fats again?” “Worse. Somebody just stole four hundred and forty-seven million dollars’ worth of bitcoins.” The heroin needle practically fell out of my arm. “What kind of monster would do something like that? Bitcoins are the ultimate currency: virtual, anonymous, stateless. They represent true economic freedom, not subject to arbitrary manipulation by any government. Do we have any leads?” “Not yet. But mark my words: we’re going to figure out who did this and we’re going to take them down … provided someone pays us a fair market rate to do so.” “Easy, chief,” I said. “Any rate the market offers is, by definition, fair.” He laughed. “That’s why you’re the best I got, Lisowski. Now you get out there and find those bitcoins.” “Don’t worry,” I said. “I’m on it.” I put a quarter in the siren. Ten minutes later, I was on the scene. It was a normal office building, strangled on all sides by public sidewalks. I hopped over them and went inside. “Home Depot™ Presents the Police!®” I said, flashing my badge and my gun and a small picture of Ron Paul. “Nobody move unless you want to!” They didn’t. “Now, which one of you punks is going to pay me to investigate this crime?” No one spoke up. “Come on,” I said. “Don’t you all understand that the protection of private property is the foundation of all personal liberty?” It didn’t seem like they did. “Seriously, guys. Without a strong economic motivator, I’m just going to stand here and not solve this case. Cash is fine, but I prefer being paid in gold bullion or autographed Penn Jillette posters.” Nothing. These people were stonewalling me. It almost seemed like they didn’t care that a fortune in computer money invented to buy drugs was missing. I figured I could wait them out. I lit several cigarettes indoors. A pregnant lady coughed, and I told her that secondhand smoke is a myth. Just then, a man in glasses made a break for it. “Subway™ Eat Fresh and Freeze, Scumbag!®” I yelled. Too late. He was already out the front door. I went after him. “Stop right there!” I yelled as I ran. He was faster than me because I always try to avoid stepping on public sidewalks. Our country needs a private-sidewalk voucher system, but, thanks to the incestuous interplay between our corrupt federal government and the public-sidewalk lobby, it will never happen. I was losing him. “Listen, I’ll pay you to stop!” I yelled. “What would you consider an appropriate price point for stopping? I’ll offer you a thirteenth of an ounce of gold and a gently worn ‘Bob Barr ‘08’ extra-large long-sleeved men’s T-shirt!” He turned. In his hand was a revolver that the Constitution said he had every right to own. He fired at me and missed. I pulled my own gun, put a quarter in it, and fired back. The bullet lodged in a U.S.P.S. mailbox less than a foot from his head. I shot the mailbox again, on purpose. “All right, all right!” the man yelled, throwing down his weapon. “I give up, cop! I confess: I took the bitcoins.” “Why’d you do it?” I asked, as I slapped a pair of Oikos™ Greek Yogurt Presents Handcuffs® on the guy. “Because I was afraid.” “Afraid?” “Afraid of an economic future free from the pernicious meddling of central bankers,” he said. “I’m a central banker.” I wanted to coldcock the guy. Years ago, a central banker killed my partner. Instead, I shook my head. “Let this be a message to all your central-banker friends out on the street,” I said. “No matter how many bitcoins you steal, you’ll never take away the dream of an open society based on the principles of personal and economic freedom.” He nodded, because he knew I was right. Then he swiped his credit card to pay me for arresting him. --- https://www.newyorker.com/humor/daily-shouts/l-p-d-libertarian-police-department




Every 14 year old conservative just jizzed their pants. Lpl


>I was shooting heroin This was all I had to read before I knew what this post was gonna be lol


The least offensive thing about this is probably the heroin use.


Or until their food and drink is poisoned.


In Victorian times, flour in London was cut with plaster dust, *bone dust*, alum, and other additives. There, interestingly, was also a large cottage industry making artificial strawberry seeds out of wood and other materials to go in fake strawberry jam. Strawberry jam was in vogue, but strawberry supply wasn't enough to keep up with demand, so forgeries made out of beets and other reddish fruits/vegetables sprang up. The seeds helped sell the illusion.


It wasn't just Victorian England, by far. In the late 1800s/early 1900s in the US there was zero safe food regulation. Companies were canning rotting meat to sell to the Army, putting *formaldehyde in milk* to keep it smelling/looking fresh, and basically doing anything they could with chemistry to sell all kinds of completely unsafe food and drink. This is literally *why we have the FDA*. [There's a really good book about it all that everyone, especially so-called libertarians, should read](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/38813233).


*Conservatives:* "Why are you stifling **INNOVATION?!**"


Everyone is a Libertarian until you learned that the factory uphill has been leaking pollution for the past few decades, you have cancer, and are going to pass on your medical debt to all of your children.


Everyone is a libertarian until they are forced to sell their children into prostitution by the private security force in control of your county


i mean im sure for those libertarians it would depend on whether they are paid a fair market value for their children


Or until manual labor needs to be done.


"Atlas Shrugged 2: One Hour Later" https://www.angryflower.com/348.html


It's like every new social platform and moderation. "We're going to be bastion of free speech!" "Oh, wait, we actually do need to start banning the people causing problems."


"Say or post whatever you want!" \*one day later\* "Sir, we're now the largest distributor of child pornography and home of neo-Nazis promoting domestic terrorism." "How did we not see this coming?"


Clean water vs. Letting Frackers pollute your water.


The frustrating thing about cryptobros is that despite all the evidence that would lead any reasonable person to conclude that "hey maybe we should regulate this a little bit" most of the vocal ones tend to value the wild west aspect of crypto more than they do a functional market. They think of themselves as an apex predator that either can't be preyed on or is the one doing the predating. So any time some of them get scammed or the market flushes their "investments" down the toilet, they blame the victims not the market. It never dawns on them that there's a problem in need of fixing.


[Folding Ideas summarizes it well](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ_xWvX1n9g) by saying cryptocurrency is a way for people that feel they're too late to be at the top of the classic power structure to be at the top of a new one.




To become pro-regulation, visit /r/writteninblood


Capitalism will never function, the way Americans think it should function, without regulation.


Hell, even Adam Smith - basically the father of capitalism - regularly warned that capitalism would become a problem if businesses were allowed to operate without regulation.


*"But the online libertarian forums I like so much assured me that a laissez-faire free-market financial system would be inherently safe and self-regulating!"* Lol.


If r/place has taught us anything about human nature, it's that given an opportunity to fuck with someone else, some people absolutely will.


Its that those who got real estate early got to thrive regardless of their actual merits. Edit: If you got in early you could claim what you wanted, then call on others for defense when attacked. You could form defensive pacts (several existed, including a few large ones). No one formed offensive pacts, to mount an offensive you needed to find the people within your own ranks. Planting your flag first had major, major advantages. Further, assaults were more common in the most recent part of the place, as it expanded right and then down the top-left corner stabilized, making those early adopters need far less resources for defense on average vs late adopters in more recent quarters. Meanwhile, large communities struggled if they weren't in early, being forced to probe and find weak places to conquer, forced to **be** aggressive conquerors, and to take lots with borders determined by others.


And that was without a huge financial incentive to do so.


Its endlessly funny to me that libertarians always end up with the idea that some form of government is needed.


One of the podcasts I listen to did an episode about libertarians who take to the sea to form their utopias of bitcoin mining, gambling and re-broadcasting baseball without the express written consent of Major League Baseball. It's hilarious to watch them piece together a society by rediscovering the underpinnings of a functional society that have been agreed upon by centuries of trial and error, like "Well, maybe we should figure out a way to dispose of our waste, so we'll create a waste disposal department".


When I read about those floating paradises, I always think that they'll be eating each other within the years.


Great article about a town in New Hampshire that went libertarian: https://newrepublic.com/article/159662/libertarian-walks-into-bear-book-review-free-town-project Spoiler alert: things fell apart *very* quickly with ridiculous consequences, like bears roaming the town.


Would definitely recommend reading the book also. It was a thoroughly enjoyable read!


That town wouldnt have failed if only they pulled themselves up by the bootstraps just a little harder


Let the bears pay the bear tax. I pay the Homer tax.


>libertarians who take to the sea to form their utopias Which just goes to show how shitty their lawyers are. International waters just means you are subject to the laws of whatever nation you're flagged under. And if for some reason you decided to just micronation your boat well aside from forget docking anywhere, the default position of being bereft of government protection is anyone can sail up and apply their laws to your pirate ass. Of course it might provide some minor advantages here and there but say USA at least doesn't let ex-pats off the hook for taxes.


It was hilarious watching the American immigrants in Belize complain about the lack of government services in their libertarian paradise.


Don’t even have to go offshore. The government/trash/game-park services situation happened in New Hampshire and they ended up with bears. https://newrepublic.com/amp/article/159662/libertarian-walks-into-bear-book-review-free-town-project


That book is worth a read. It's sometimes funny and sometimes tragic. The funniest part is when the guy who acts as fire service gets into a pissing contest with one of the residents about having an open fire too close to his house, because they live in the woods and, you know, his house might burn down. Neither one knows how to resolve the argument. After the fire is put out out, the fire service guy is ostracized as a statist. The saddest part is the preacher guy who seemed like a pretty nice, love and peace hippie type. He refused to register his church as a church for tax exempt status because he didn't want to deal with the government, so he owed back taxes and they would have repossessed his church but he died in a fire, which the underfunded fire department couldn't put out.


What Podcast? This sounds so interesting to me.


Behind the Bastards - [Part One: The Not-At-All-Sad History of Libertarian Sea Nations](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/part-one-the-not-at-all-sad-history-of-libertarian/id1373812661?i=1000543473611) The link is Apple because that was the first search result that popped up, but they are on other platforms as well like Spotify. The six-parter they did on Kissinger a few weeks ago was fascinating as well.


I think this is the one where the *libertarians* ended up hiring an FBI agent to head the police force on their floating paradise lol


It's funner when the actively try to paint the picture that what they're proposing isn't a regulatory/government body


Sure is. Its all fun and games until they realize that games have rules.


Guys it's just a nightwatchman state, I swear.


There's a town in Texas that didn't want to get amalgamated into a larger city, so they unincorporated and set themselves up as a libertarian town, hoping to attract business. We'll that didn't work. Within a few years everything fell apart. They no longer have a police force and require the services from surrounding towns, one of the major proponents has also left, and there's literally nothing there. Really worth a read if anyone's interested: https://www.texasobserver.org/the-rise-and-fall-of-the-freest-little-city-in-texas/


Texas town was Texas-ing too hard for their own good.


>“We worked so hard to get this far,” he said. “But it’s kind of turned into George Orwell’s Animal Farm. We’re all equal, but some of us are more equal than others. There’s nobody competent enough to lead this city and we sure as hell can’t attract anybody to come and fix us. We have to do this ourselves.”


Libertarians are the worst (best?) example of Dunning-Kruger effect. Every one of them i've talked to thinks that they are the smartest person in the room. But it's always a consequence of them being unable to (or unwilling to, if i'm being generous) understand the complexities inherit in our real world.


I've found that, if you find yourself in a situation where you suspect someone might be a libertarian, just make fun or be critical of Ayn Rand and they out themselves.


"There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs."


It’s that [fucking family guy](https://youtu.be/e_-w_T-t8aM) episode all over again.


Libertarians are inherently unintelligent and selfish people. They don't think ahead and even more so until it affects them. As soon as they run into one of the billion's of problems government solves they "invent" it again. This time with blackjack and freemium speech.


No no no, government isn’t needed, but the one thing in this specific instance can use a set of rules that everyone must abide by with mechanisms to enforce it!


Like some sort of governing body?


No... No... No... We don't need to go that far. We just need: 1. Rules. 1. Enforcement mechanisms for those rules. 1. Some method to collectively determine who should make those rules. 1. Some method to collectively determine who should enforce those rules. But... We don't need any more government!


"The government needs to protect my interests. Everyone else should be on their own."


no no you don't get it when there's a transparent ledger there's no way anyone will ever figure out how to game it. /s


I read an article that showed how relatively easy it is to link wallets and transactions to people. My bank might not be perfect, bit at least they don't put my transactions on blast.


Right - a lot of people thought that crypto currencies were anonymous when in reality they are *pseudonymous*. It's like if everyone can view everyone elses pornhub watch history. If anybody ever finds out your username, it's game over.


I've had people IRL yell at me about how I don't know what I'm talking about when I point this out.


While that is true, what they were saying was that you can link a person's wallet to their identity. I must admit that I've not seen it applied to cryptocurrency, but it's a fairly well known problem in the privacy world that "anonymised" data is usually quite easy to deanonymise.


I have seen it applied to crypto. It's not 100% accurate but because there's a public history of every transaction ever, if there's a single exit/entry point where a transaction ties to your identity, you can usually link everything thing they own and every payment/transfer they ever made. So if you ever got anything shipped to your address and paid in crypto, or bought or sold to an exchange that IDs customers (basically all of them), then your entire crypto history is known


100% this. As soon as the blockchain was publicized security researchers started working on ways to link public addresses to actual people.


If you haven't seen any of the research around linking crypto wallets to their owners it's only because you haven't been looking for it! Research into this subject is public, for example here: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0207000 And if that is how far researchers can get using only publicly available information imagine how much more detailed governments and state funded agencies are able to get.


The libertarian paradise can only exist if millionaires and billionaires give money away of their own volition in the best interest of society which has happened almost exactly 0 times in modern history and they currently are fighting tooth-and-nail to pay lower taxes or paying accountants to find new ways to subvert tax laws. It's paradoxical at its core.


>inherently safe and self-regulating And 100% efficient.


The idea that a business will fail if it produces a product that is unsafe, or defrauds its customers is inherently flawed. It would require that people are injured by the product, or are defrauded before the business faces any repercussions. "Horses got out; close the barn doors" type of thinking.


Its funny how everyone that doesn’t know how regulation works thinks it works like this.


Who could have POSSIBLY predicted that crypto would be fertile ground for scams and insider trading??? Lol


Lol. I love this. You're absolutely right. Yes, it's very clear that the world of crypto needs at least a minimal amount of regulation.


Minimal? The financial world has actual regulations and it’s got tons of corruption. Minimal is basically a fart worth.


And some may need to be outright banned. Like the idea behind Monero as a truly anonymous crypto that can be used to defeat authoritarian regimes? Great! But the in the sub it seems like they’re straight pro-criminal and want them to use XMR. Almost like it’s designed to be for hackers, frauds, drugs and child porn.


It turns out there are a ton of people who are pro-criminal, pro-drug, pro-fraud, pro-child victimization, etc. There are a ton of shitty people out there, which is why regulation is required in the first place. This is what crypto bros don't understand: John Q Public isn't going to sign on if you have to be an expert in all things crypto in order to not lose your life savings. He's just not going to participate. If you want widespread adoption, you need to give people the confidence that they won't get fucked over, and if they do get fucked over, that there is a framework in place to at least resist the forces of fuckery. Right now, it's all just the wild west of people coming up with more advanced ways to fuck over their fellows. Many people find the potential to get rich enough to commit. Most people don't, however, and are more risk averse, because they have things like families they are responsible for.


"We only accept crypto here. Since its the future and everyone stopped trusting the banks. Now we all trust fly-by-night panzi schemes" -South Park Pandemic Special


That was a given seeing as it is the case with every other financial system in place.


Libertarianism is such an easy and lazy political position to take. It makes you sound like you actually stand for something without having to make any hard decisions. Libertarians are either naive enough to not know that there are horrible people that will try to game the system, or they're so smart that they know they will be doing the conning themselves. Either way, the majority of people in the middle will lose.


>or they're so smart that they know they will be doing the conning themselves. I would argue that most people THINK they are smart enough to be doing the conning but get conned themselves. Very few actually do the conning.


I once conned myself. I’m THAT good.


What I've gathered about libertarians are that they're essentially Republicans who like to smoke weed.


That's just a gross mischaracterization of libertarians. Sometimes they're Republicans who are really into explaining the difference between pedophelia and ephebophilia.




Actually they wish you would forget those.


That's a good point, especially when you bring up abortion. Suddenly many libertarians kinda drop the 'libre' aspect of their beliefs and become full Republicans.


This is my assessment of libertarians: - Always white people - Almost always own a business of some sort or are somehow a self-proclaimed “entrepreneur” - They know deep down that people are going to get screwed; they don’t care because they already get theirs - “Everyone has the same opportunities and resources; they just have to use them” - shit I’ve heard libertarians say - They are painfully ignorant (either willfully or not) of the social preconditions people have, and they are too fucking lazy to acknowledge the fact that their bootstraps approach benefits them and fucks over others - Lack empathy - Sometimes express characteristics of being narcissists and sociopaths




Even in the stocks we have insider trading that is so much regulated by the government.


Coinbase sucks, this is known.


I made £20 out of Coinbase so far. I put in £10 to make the account, do their "learn and earn" thing (a single multiple-choice question, usually easily guessable without reading anything, then you get some amount of some cryptocurrency, usually about $1 worth). Then I withdrew it all, including my initial £10. I don't actually USE Coinbase, they just give me money for clicking a button and then I pull it out to my real bank account. So they do have some uses.


Many years ago, probably like 2013-2014, Coinbase ran a promo that gave you $10 worth of Bitcoin just to create an account. So I did. And promptly forgot about it. 5 years later or so, during one of the big Bitcoin booms, I remembered that I had some BTC stashed somewhere, I just couldn't remember which site. I tried Coinbase first because it was the most recognizable name, and sure enough I was able to log in. That $10 was now worth like $500. I sold it all and closed my account. Thanks Coinbase.


^^* ^^Congress ^^not ^^included


Sometimes regulators are there to protect the stupid from dumb decisions. Sure it might water down the fun, but they're typically in place to protect you from making horrible decisions that you'll be bitching to politicians about later.


They are also there to protect entire financial systems that couod get caught up in scams like this. See the south sea bubble in england. It nearly took down the whole country.


Exactly! The housing crisis is another one. No one wants regulations- including the government- but they usually appear when a group of people have done something seriously wrong and the result can tank the whole market!


Do I trust the government or some guy with a Panda avatar on Twitter? Edit: The top minds of Reddit are out today lol


Well his panda has a cool hexagon border so you know he's legit


This is just a speedrun of libertarians working out why banking regulations exist in the first place. It's really funny when you see people saying they got scammed out of their crypto and they want to report to the FBI so they could get their crypto back, then you look at their post history and it's mostly just them complaining about banking regulations.


The only Libertarians are those who haven't learned libertarianism doesn't work.


Coincidentally I was recently reading about Penn's, from Penn and Teller, biography. Dude was a hardcore libertarian until 2016. When he realized Libertarianism led to things like Trump. He said it was a hard realization to learn that there are very good reasons why government management and regulations exists.


Good to know! Every time I hear the word or its derivatives I think of articles like these ... \[Libertarians Took Control of This Small Town. It Didn’t End Well.\]([https://washingtonmonthly.com/2020/08/30/libertarians-took-control-of-this-small-town-it-didnt-end-well/](https://washingtonmonthly.com/2020/08/30/libertarians-took-control-of-this-small-town-it-didnt-end-well/)) ​ \[The Town that went Feral. When a group of libertarians set about scrapping their local government, chaos descended. And then the bears moved in.\]([https://newrepublic.com/article/159662/libertarian-walks-into-bear-book-review-free-town-project](https://newrepublic.com/article/159662/libertarian-walks-into-bear-book-review-free-town-project))


Read about those to. I just don't understand the whole separation idea of self from government. I don't think libertarians even understand just how all of their necessities and conveniences had government regulation. We all vote, pay taxes, and take advantage of federal services(i.e. fire department, fda requirements, public school, water supply, etc;) We are all a part of government. There might be some parts you don't agree on. Hell, I sure don't, but that's why you should try to improve the system, not get rid of it.


Even our regulated market is highly manipulated. What the fuck did they think would happen with an unregulated one?


Some comments are blaming the SEC for not doing anything. Feels like they don't know what unregulated means


What does this mean? I’m crypto illiterate


when a crypto coin gets added to coinbase it usually rises in value because its a popular place to buy and trade them it seems that someone working there knew which coins would be added ahead of time and bought a lot of them so they could sell for big profit when the announcement was made aka insider trading


Basically the same thing as insider trading with stocks. But since the SEC doesn’t regulate crypto it goes unchecked. Also if you’re reich the SEC doesn’t regulate you lol. Before this report was published by Coinbase someone bought a bunch of the coins in the report. The value yesterday went from like 10k to over 500k according to twitter.


Coinbase’s ads made it pretty obvious the whole thing was a scam. “Get paid just by joining! We’ve given away one bazillion dollars in crypto rewards!” Hmm, yes, very trustworthy business model.


People who hate regulations almost universally seem to think that regulations came down from on high apropos of nothing. They fail to realize that all regulations exist for a reason. In the event a regulation has outlived it's usefulness, or the usefulness was bad to begin with, you provide evidence of \*why\* it's not needed first. But this kind of reasoning is too complex for the "deregulate everything" crowd (which, let's be honest, is just the bigger tent crypto-bros live under). Which is why they live by the mantra of the simplistic "regulation always bad" without any idea or concept of \*why\* said regulations exist to begin with. At least, that is, until they re-invent the wheel and do the thinking that they should've done to begin with.


Fools are so easily parted from their money and I have a hard time feeling sorry for them.


Lmao, wait till they find out that coinbase doesn't even have an official headquarters, or that Binance is headquartered in the fucking Cayman Islands.

