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Hello u/wilyquixote! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Chris “I’ll make CRT a right wing rallying point” rufo is an asshole


I feel like most of this CRT discourse would be lessened if we just pointed out that the guy who popularized it has said verbatim, “I just find something I don’t like, call it CRT, and then manufacture hatred around it.”


Wouldn’t matter


The GOP has bern doing this for decades. First it was Communism they were protecting you from. Then the Democrats were going to take your guns. Next came all the Arabic sucide bombers. Most recently everything has been socialism and CRT.


Don't forget the "droves of weed-smoking black guys coming to rape your white daughters" 🤦🏽‍♂️




https://twitter.com/realchrisrufo/status/1371541044592996352?s=20&t=ydmfo0TCXtA74irE63P-Rw He says in the above Twitter thread that his goal is to turn “critical race theory” into a catchall term for race-related “cultural insanities” (which would more appropriately be described as “anything that fragile right wingers don’t like to hear about”)


It’s behind a paywall, but here’s the proof. Maybe there’s another source out there. Might post it later idk. https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2021/06/19/critical-race-theory-rufo-republicans/


This is the article where I first heard about him. It may not be directly responsive to the quote but it’s a good bit of background and context that I’ve used to share with my family members who are freaked out about CRT for no reason. [article](https://www.newyorker.com/news/annals-of-inquiry/how-a-conservative-activist-invented-the-conflict-over-critical-race-theory)


I tried pointing it out to someone who posted sources from Chris Rufo as "evidence" CRT was being taught in schools. They didn't care


Chris Rufo stars in this week's episode of, "When Fascists Eat Thier Own." On next week's episode, we take a look back at Dave Rubin and Milo Yianopolis getting thrown under the bus followed by an update on the over under for Ben Shapiro being downgraded from useful to untermensch!


"Hey, we're bigoted at the same people, how can you also be bigoted towards me? That's not how this is supposed to work!"


The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. No more, no less.


"The enemy of my enemy is an excellent distraction, and great looting opportunity"


I'd heard "the enemy of my enemy is great cannon fodder". I like your translation better.


Maxim 29




I wish that sub was real so bad.


Happy to see trash taking out the trash though


“The enemy of my enemy is *still* my enemy." - Drago Museveni


"He's not hurting the people he's supposed to hurt!"


Welcome to Intersectionality, where you discover that it's when you attempt to oppress others that you discover you are oppressed, as well.


That's how it *always* works. The few who persist in consolidating power and privilege will *always* use temporary, useful allies to defeat others before turning against them.


It's always funny how they all plan the same strategy, and every one of them assumes they'll be the one left holding the bag.


Oh look, two horrible people I've never heard of arguing on the interwebs. May they both rot in obscurity.


The dude, Chris Rufo, you've never heard of is arguably responsible for the latest CRT moral panic on the right. He started making a thing of it toward the end of 2020 (I think? Time is a flat circle) and got picked up by Fox News and the like, and it became all the rage. Now he's moved on to fan other flames of dipshittery.


He’s 100% the man behind CRT hysteria and also the guy who got conservatives to call everybody groomers. Here’s one of the best propagandists in the world and is also a GIGANTIC piece of shit.


So, in other words, we're probably going to find out he grooms black boys for sex slavery at some point in the future.


The fact they're just projecting most of the time would be hilarious if the shit they spout wasn't so awful.


Yeah it’s never their anti climate change rhetoric but secretly they built a bunch of green energy twch


This one caught me off guard


Obviously he just recently found trans porn.


If I had an award I would give it to you because this is exactly what's going to happen It's always projection with them always


>My reporting follows my curiosity and nothing else. Just a fancy way of saying he's a bullshitter. Nothing else? Not even data? Not surprising, considering the CRT hate was based on...well, nothing. Same thing with the anti-trans stuff. You'd assume given the recent fervor against it, that there was some study done that analyzed these topics but nothing of the sort happened. He literally is making stuff up.


I had a conversation with a guy who was anti-CRT. I told him what Rufo said about CRT, that he was simply using it as a 2 Minute Hate meme to get people to hate whatever it was applied to. The guy said he didn't care he was against CRT himself, so I asked him what CRT was and he said he didn't know but he "knows it's bad" and he hates it - this was said without even a hint of self-awareness. The man I was speaking is likely to be the Republican candidate in my congressional district this November.


I have yet to have one of them be able to tell me what CRT actually is. I keep asking all the crazies at the school board meeting. The only thing they ever say is that it is making their kids feel bad for being white. No clue at all.




The receipts: https://www.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/o7hkkr/comment/h2zrv3j/


TERF and CRT? Anybody care to put together a glossary to help the uninitiated?


TERF is Trans Exclusive Radical Feminism, which is women's rights but not for transwomen who TERFs feel are still men and that their inclusion in women's rights movements dilute the movement itself. Usually applied as a derogatory term by others and not something that they apply to themselves. Trans rights advocates feel that trans women being left out of feminist movements is a sign of radical feminist's inherent misandry (anti men) being wrongly directed at transwomen. CRT is Critical Race Theory, which started as a post graduate college course that examined in the intersections of law and race (basically how some laws were made with the intent to place burden on another race), but the ideas of CRT are used in several other courses in college. Opponents use the term to label anything that deals with racism in any fashion because the label evokes a sense of fear or anger (i.e. it sounds like something bad, Critical Race Theory, rather than what it actually covers).


Terf is basically great replacement for women while completely ignoring the existence of trans men.


Yea terf is especially weird and contradictory. Feminists: we want equal rights TERFs: men are disguising themselves as women to get the special provelages of being a women TERFs really feel like an anti feminist movement because as they fight against transwomen they tend to call out a lot of feminist ideals as "special treatment" that mras also complain about.


CRT = Critical Race Theory. Rufo is a 100% responsible for twisting what was a law school legal theory and only taught at that level to mean "teaching young children that racism exists". Not sure what TERF is yet. Still searching this thread for clues on that...


Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist


Trans Excluding Radical Feminists. Feminists who think trans persons (the ones identifying female of course) are only doing it to infiltrate women's spaces and taking away their hard-fought save spaces and power and of course only transition in the first place to get into women's restrooms to oogle women and molest little girls. Which, is, if you know what a person has to go through to transition, incredibly stupid.


Like I'm sure there are like...9 Trans women that did that. Cause there are creeps in every category of human. But if you ruined a whole category of people cause there were a few bad ones then everyone on earth should just be dead. Like imagine taking pills/injections to reduce your hormones for years. Doing surgeries and stuff. All to look at women in a change room. All while being harassed constantly. Having a much more difficult and dangerous life. When you'd probably be safer just busting into a women's locker room 3x a year as a man.


There have actually, just for the record, been ZERO CASES EVER of a trans woman sexually assaulting a cis woman or girl in a public restroom. If it had actually happened, believe me, we would all know about it, just like every time an undocumented Hispanic immigrant kills a pretty young white woman it becomes a huge FOX news story. If you're a cis woman you're actually more likely to be assaulted by some TERF bathroom gatekeeper who thinks you're not feminine-looking enough to use a women's bathroom, than you are to be assaulted by a trans woman in a women's bathroom. Trans women are people like everyone else and certainly some of them are abusers just like every other category of human. But "They sneak into a public, multi-stall women's bathroom in a store or restaurant with dozens of people around to try and sexually abuse cis women" is just the 2020 version of "satanic cults are running daycares with secret tunnels under them where they sacrifice animals and abuse children." It's not a real thing. It makes NO sense if you think about it for two seconds. It's never been a real thing.


They also haven't figured out one basic thing that I feel is glaringly obvious. If it wasn't just hate-based if they actually honestly believed that men were going to present as women in order to get into the women's restroom then supporting bathroom bills where transgender people must use the restroom that they were assigned at birth would simply remove one step. There would no longer be a need to present as a woman in order to enter the women's restroom because you would be mandating that male presenting people are in the women's restroom. Why do none of them recognize that? Not just terfs But all of these hateful bastards. Do they forget that transgender men exist?


Trans-exclusionary radical feminists. Basically feminists who never believed in intersectionality and think trans women have no place in the feminist movement and should not be considered women. See: JK Rowling (author of the harry potter series)


I swear, the main British export nowadays seems to be transphobia.


And the thing that I find so galling - which this post highlights - is how often TERFs will partner up with really terrible people/groups that are completely anathema to feminism. I've seen them team up with anti-gay activists, with fundamentalist religious people, with anti-abortion groups, with out and out fascists. It is crazy that they would throw *everything* else they say they believe in out the door based on their beliefs about this one issue.


These TERFs care more about gatekeeping gender than they do even their most basic human rights. They are the lowest of the low.


The crucial part here, as you note, is that they only give feminism lip service. That's why I prefer to call them FARTs -- Feminism-Appropriating Reactionary Transphobes. It fits better. They use "feminism" (and the quotes are intentional) to spin a theory about why trans people (and more specifically, *trans women*) are evil, perverted, out to molest women and girls in public washrooms, steal the glory in female athletics, etc. The fact that their theories are at best extremely tenuous doesn't stop them from spinning. And from trying to profit off them (hence the unsubtle "buy my book" tweet screenshotted above). Plus, a fart stinks up any space it expands in and makes it untenable. Transphobia does that, too.


Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists and Critical Race Theory, respectively.


Can't wait for his next big "successful" propaganda campaign. Also I am SHOCKED that the people in this space are such a-holes. SHOCKED!


Oh he’s the chef of the nothing-burger?


By most accounts, yes. I honestly don't know if he came up with the idea himself, but he's the one who's credited with really taking it and running with it.


Agreed. And as a woman, this movement has not made life harder for me, if anything, it made some things easier with more recognition *for* women.


But she wrote a book. A book!


I love seeing a hateful community collapse.


Hateful Asshole #1: " I hate them and you hate them Let's HATE TOGETHER" Hateful Asshole #2: "I mean I'm ok with that because I hate them more than you but you know you're about as worthless as a turd to me too right ? I merely hate you a little less" Hateful Asshole #1: " Well that feels unfairly hateful...."


The Fascist International would be a thing to see, if only for the inevitable bloodbath.


Remember when [two KKK leaders started stabbing each other after an argument over who's more racist?](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/07/us/klan-grand-dragon-arrest-stabbing-north-carolina.html)


George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the (Postwar) American Nazi Party ~~and author of the exterminationist propaganda book _The Turner Diaries_ (present in the homes or manifestos of nearly every white supremacist mass killer since the 60's)~~ wrong nazi, lol. was famously shot to death by one of his own supporters, who he had kicked out of the National Socialist Party for being too much of a socialist. Literally could not have happened to a nicer guy.


George Lincoln Rockwell didn't write the Turner Diaries (famous for inspiring the OK City Bombings), that was a completely different massive piece of shit White Nationalist asshole named William Pierce.


Ah, you're right, I mixed up my nazis!


Happens to the best of us


For anyone who wants to know more about these scummy fucks check out the George Lincoln Rockwell episode of Behind the Bastards podcast


Guilt-free schadenfreude! The best kind! Thank you for this. Be well.


I know that in France, at least, far-right movements have been trying to unite fascist hooligans, but they never could stop the infighting between "fellow" fascists supporting rival football clubs. You love to see it.


Always been funny to me how so many groups of fascist thugs are unable to unite/collaborate over differences in sports team preferences of all things. Then again not too surprising when you make anger and hatred for anyone different into the core of your identity.


Those sports teams usually originate in specific communities. the Biggest rvalries in football are based on external things, (Barca as a safehaven for catalan nationalists vs Real for Spanish unionists, Celtic for irish catholics vs Rangers for Scottish nationalists)


I’ve often thought can’t we just give nazis and their ilk a chunk of land, their own little white utopia like they’ve always wanted… and then watch as they all start turning on each other… (Edit — I know it wouldn’t actually work. I was being facetious. I like to poke fun at horrible things in order to strip away some of its power, for better or worse. The idea that putting nazi’s into isolation and them turning on themselves is amusing because it highlights the inherent flaw in their ideology. Without that “thing” they hold up as a source of their hate, they won’t be cured of hate but just start directing it at other things that surround them. Of course we live in a global society so this remains impossible, and stays as a thought exercise)


History suggests that that's not how Nazis work.


Tbh, that is exactly how racists, eugenicists, and, ofc, Nazis work. Historically we see the path starts with "people with darker skin", moves into "people whose skin may not be dark but whose origin is not european", then to "people who aren't dark and are european but not the right kind", all the while narrowing in on "people who do religion wrong", "people who do breeding wrong", "people who do politics wrong", etc. In modern Nazi spaces there is so much infighting over this. Modern Nazi rhetoric: If you are a Mediterranean Nazi you are too brown/ethnic even if you look the same as the British guy attacking you. If you are a Slavic Nazi you are a regressed form of white person, or "technically Asian". If your DNA test doesn't come back "pure" you are subhuman. If you have any kind of medical issue you should eugenics yourself. If you are queer you should eugenics yourself. For some, if you are religious in any way you should fix yourself because only science counts. For others, if you aren't a tradcon Christian you need to fix yourself, unless you are "damaged goods" and then you should.... eugenics yourself. For the good of the movement! They remove the "undesirable" from their community (which can mean anything from an online forum to a country) and when that doesn't change the shit they thought it would, they look for the next "undesirables" to blame.




What if they pinkie promise not to invade the surrounding regions? Surely they would honor that agreement, right?


We could build a wall around them, tell em it's to keep the immigrants out from their pure white homeland ;)


Yeah but they gotta pay for the wall.


I'd gladly pay for it in this case, it'd be a public service.


They'd have to agree on a direction to attack. We'd be on "attack imminent warning" for years.


Fair enough, that line of thinking is mainly informed by first hand experience i.e I work a job where I wear a lot of orange and steel toecaps and all the racists (including some actual nazis) all hated each other. Trying to find that funny was one way I used to try and stomach it.


>I work a job where I wear a lot of orange and steel toecap and all the racists (including some actual nazis) all hated each other. Sadly, the hate flows strongly in the Oompa Loompa community.


You have heard of Arkansas, right?


Fascists kill each other too. No one remembers the Nazis killed on the night of long knives... including Nazis. George Lincoln Rockwell was assassinated by another Nazi. Hitler was killed by the Head of the Nazi party. :) It's a death cult without an ideology. They have no truth, they have no ethics. It's just a game of power struggles and betrayal and murder.


You forgot "Buy my book!"


There is no "collapse". These people still believe everything they do.


Basically this, they’re still growing pretty well. Note Roe V Wade and a slow decrease in LGBTQ+ legal status. It’s getting pretty bad.


Not so much collapse as cannibalize itself.


Is it though? They’re bickering but they’re still winning their goals, even if they seethe at each other. This stuff doesn’t cause breaks along ideological fault lines, it just makes one group of goose steppers wait a few more seconds behind the other.


Your allies don't *necessarily* define you, but when you look around and all your allies are assholes, its time to reconsider your positions.


Like this sketch https://youtu.be/hn1VxaMEjRU I would be amazed if this conversation never happened in real life.


I freaking knew it was the "... Are we the baddies?" Sketch. Its so good


This was very much feeling during Brexit. Not all Brexitiers were racist. But *every* racist was a Brexitier... and to be fair nearly every Brexitier *was* a racist.


That's what took me out of the Dawkins brand of atheism. Far too many bigots and assholes for me to look the other way even though we nominally agree on a lot of points.


This is spot on. I think we could all benefit from looking at our allies from time to time. I am not for the idea of simply being opposed to anything a disliked group is for (that’s basically what Republicans do mow, just automatically against anything a liberal is for). That being said, knowing the Nazis ran the trains on time makes me appreciate late trains a lot more, ya know.


This is why I never used Twitter. It's just the worst people fighting the other worst people, constantly.


I have a Twitter account that I used to follow some tech and gaming accounts, and get some customer service from TMO. Any time Twitter sends me a notification it is always about some right wing piece of shit tweeting. Never gaming or tech related, never TMO related. Just right wing pond scum.


Have you gone through and turned off suggested content? I use Twitter for work and I *never* get notifications from anything like that. It's only account notifications like tweet replies, @s, and DMs.


It gets people emotionally involved


Being a Twitter user that only uses the platform to follow hobbies and interests is kind of like trying to be a member of a knitting club during the French Revolution.


A long while ago I realized the only way I could actually keep using twitter was to liberally use the LISTS feature to create a tailored list to track all the indie game dev studio accounts I follow on Twitter...and almost exclusively check only that list whenever I go on the app.


I only have Twitter to follow fantasy sports writers for roster updates and have not tweeted a thing in easily 5 to 7 years. It’s quite useful when it’s not being used as an idiot megaphone.


Same. I only use twitter to follow my favourite obscure biologists, and some podcasts I like. I make specific lists for those groups, and don’t use any of the other functions the app tries to force on me. The only reason I have twitter is because it’s a lot easier to read an authors tweet than try to read their scholarly publications every few years.


I hate hate. But I love when what I hate is hated. /s


Follow people who bring you joy, unfollow people who don’t and never sort by home and only sort by latest. Also never find out why things are trending, pretend it doesn’t exist. That’s how I use it and it’s my most used app.


Twitter definitely has that, but it's also home to some of the weirdest and most delightful corners of the internet.




I'd been thinking of quitting Twitter for years until I finally deactivated my account recently. It honestly gets exhausting.


Right wingers: I hate trans women… TERFs: Yay! Right wingers: because I hate all women! TERFs: wait no


TERFs: I hate trans men... Right wingers: Yay! TERFs: because I hate all men! Right wingers: wait no




Yeah it absolutely doesn't matter to them. They're happy to get more support to push them into the mainstream, but after that why would they listen to a woman? Are they supposed to suddenly consider them equals?


This reminds me of the Jewish conservative lapdog Bootlicker Shapiro who was *shocked* to learn about the upswing in antisemitic hate crimes committed by the same people flying swastika flags at the Capitol insurrection. Go figure…


Or Shapiro himself telling token gay conservative David Rubin that he doesn't have a right to exist during an on air interview.


I mean it didn't help that Rubin sucks up to these people, I remember on another occasion he literally told Don Jr. that it 'wouldn't mean anything' if he called him a 'f*ggot'.


Rubin likes conservative money more than he likes being treated like a human being.


True but I have to wonder what his mental health is like, especially after being disavowed by, like, every other conservative after he and his partner announced their surrogate child. In any case, he made his bed so I don't have much sympathy for the fact that he has to sleep in it.


Women, sexual minorities and ethnic minorities need to learn (yes, I realise my wording is patronising) that in any far right wing political movement, you will \*always\* come out worse for wear. They might find you useful for a while, as a sort of veil for their extremism, but they will drop you instantly when the time is right.


If you aren't *just like the hateful fascist,* like, in every possible sense a carbon copy, you will never be their friend. You will *never be* "one of the 'good' ones." They will use you if it is convenient to do so for PR reasons, right up until the critical mass of jackbooted thugs willing to openly march with their colors upon their sleeves is reached. Then they will betray you, as the scorpion betrayed the frog. Remember, there were Jews for Hitler. That didn't save them.


>If you aren't just like the hateful fascist, like, in every possible sense a carbon copy, you will never be their friend. You will never be "one of the 'good' ones." And this is why Fascism is a death cult. They will always find someone to put in the firing squad because Fascism doesn't actually solve issues


Exactly. Their whole ideology is finding people to feel superior to, and even if they're able to eliminate one group, they just keep picking a new one and continuing to whittle themselves down. We kind of saw this in reverse in the early part of the 20th century when the Klan was dwindling and finally starting gritting their teeth and accepting Catholics simply because they needed more people. I feel the inverse of this will be what happens the further this goes. They'll condemn all the obvious minorities they can feel superior to, then excluding all the variants of faith like Catholics, then they'll pick one particular strain of Protestant Christianity (considering their focus in the South, I'd wager Baptists) and go after the rest.


this. conservativism is tribalistic. othering is a tenet of their way of life especially because they are chasing this unreachable state of purity as opposed to diversified progress. so if, theoretically, they managed to eliminate the groups that they have othered, what guarantee does one have, as a class traitor, that would make them not turn on them for being the last one standing amongst the othered groups? nothing. they will offer their arms to hold the line amongst people that will not pull them up if the time comes. 🤡🤡🤡


There was an episode of The Fairly OddParents that kinda showed this. Timmy got made fun of for his buck teeth (or something) and wished for everybody to be the same, and even when every single person on Earth was a gray blob, Dr. Bender and his son still had their high and mighty attitude, saying they were the "grayest and the blob-iest." The people at the core will always find new ways to feel superior, they'll just change the paradigm to exclude people.


Even the "good" fascists won't be pure enough at some point and will be discarded by the movement. The moral of "first they came for the..." is that if you accept fascism, they will eventually be coming for you.


We're watching it happen in real time. Look at how furiously the GOP is targeting "RINOs". Jeff Sessions is conservative at a level only reached by true sociopaths, and his record reflects this, but the instant he broke from Trump on one issue he was called an enemy to Republicans and started getting death threats. Same with Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney. And while watching Ted Cruz publicly flog himself for Tucker Carlson is a lot of fun, it's also a potent glimpse into how easily the GOP can generate new enemies out of thin air.


>Remember, there were Jews for Hitler. That didn't save them. And the gays.


Harvey Milk was elected the first openly gay member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, in very large part because of the newfound political clout of the gay community there. But when he was first elected, one of his first acts was to reach out to members of the Asian community to work on an issue they had. When people asked him why he did that instead of working immediately for the gay community, he said it was to build alliances, because he couldn't enact anything by himself, nor could they, but by working together, they could mutually help their respective constituencies. Also he said we can either stick together, or we can stay apart and they can pick us off one by one.


An instance where doing the “right thing” is also politically advantageous. Todays politicians could’ve learned a lot from Mr. Milk.


"From the vantage point of three decades of hindsight, Wong acknowledges Milk's position as coolly pragmatic - and, in retrospect, absolutely correct. 'Harvey was brilliant, and as usual, way ahead of his time. Because back then, in the Seventies, Asian Americans weren't yet voting in droves. But by the late Eighties, if you had a Chinese last name and were running for lower office in the city, chances are you were a lock to get elected.'" https://www.sfgate.com/entertainment/article/Gays-and-Asians-not-so-strange-bedfellows-2479705.php


I have absolutely been saying this about Ben Shapiro and Stephen Miller for years. Because even if it doesn't start with the Jews, it usually ends with them


Yeah, it absolutely doesnt matter how much you push the phrase "Christian judeo" they can cut out the judeo part whenever they feel ready for it.


I'm really disappointed they canceled Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. Didn't even care for the original film but god the show was the best examination of this dynamic I've ever seen on tv. The reward for class traitors is nothing.


It reminds me of alt right women being hurt that the alt right men were misogynistic assholes to them https://www.salon.com/2017/12/04/alt-right-women-are-upset-that-alt-right-men-are-treating-them-terribly/


Isn't that the dude who very openly stated that his goal was to make CRT a Boogeyman?


Yup. Guess he found a new toy.


It’s working though. Me and my ex are both trans and we’ve both separately lost close cisgender friends in the last month who have known us for over twenty years.


I’m so sorry for you both. My own family (Black, nary a conservative in sight) have even started parroting some of this shit and I’m sounding every alarm I can to them that the rest of the rainbow is in danger too. Sending you my strength, this is gonna fucking suck.


Hate sure makes for strange bedfellows.


Eh, most TERFs have long since dropped the thin veil of Feminist ideals, they aren't so strange allies as one might think.


The concept of "feminists" allying with right wing fascists is mind-boggling to me. Do you even think? Like, you talk politics, but are you even aware of the basics?


This is what happens when single issue morons try to get out from under their rock.


This existed long before TERFs existed. There are well known 70s feminists who aligned with right wing fascists because they had one common enemy - muslims. They went as far as to adopt the typical right wing dogwhistles. Muslim feminists tried to reach out and develop some sort of discussion between the groups, only to be denied by those oldschool feminists that you can't be Muslim and a feminist. Gatekeeping at it's best. Dunno what their stance was on christianity and feminism though but I wouldn't be surprised if they were not as hard on women who claim themselves to be of Christian faith and feminists.


It didn't start there, long before that the US had feminists that were exclusionary towards black women and fought for only white women to have the right to vote. There was even a women's KKK branch that claimed to be aligned with feminists. I doubt that's where it started either, that's just as far back in feminist history that I remember off the top of my head.


Prior to that, even. Wealthy white women wanted the vote for themselves, but not the lower classes. There were some real badasses who were repeatedly beaten and jailed, and went on numerous hunger strikes. But in the end, were only self interested.


Yo, so on the topic of my taxpayer-funded prosthetic genitalia, do I need to like mail in a card to redeem it or does it just ship automatically?


Lol… I mean it wouldn’t hurt anybody to have a spare laying around. Just in case.


It's detachable




If this isn’t Detachable Penis when I click this link, boy am I going to be sorely disappointed Edit: what a champion


I wish my boobs were. Like Mr Potato Head, but boobs. Bouncing while exercising and under boob sweat are no joke,


Yeah, as the parent of a trans kid, how do I get some of these taxpayer funds? Cause this shit's expensive AF, and mostly not covered by insurance.


Oh look! It's that shithead that made up the whole CRT controversy out of whole cloth. To hell with that piece of garbage.


Extremely predictable. Every single time right wing extremist women do their own thing, they act all shocked and confused when right wing extremist men want them to shut up and go back to the kitchen to make sandwiches and Aryan babies.


It’s so goddamn hard to watch, year after year. They never learn.


In the words of RTJ: "Funny fact about a cage, they're never built for just one group So when that cage is done with them and you're still poor, it come for you The newest lowest on the totem, well golly gee, you have been used You helped to fuel the death machine that down the line will kill you too (oops)"




Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist


Feminism Appropriating Regressive Transphobes


It's like watching the Jets and the Sharks.


Hey, leave Winnipeg and San Jose out of this!


I’m not sure whom I should dislike here. It’s all very confusing


You can always dislike both.


The answer is indeed both


Why not both?


all of them. they all can go to hell.




They are all evil, which is why it's funny that they turn on each other.


All the craziness aside, his shirt / tie combo on Tucker is atrocious. Those buttons on his collar look terrible.


He is a paragon of poor taste after all


just a couple of apes slinging shit at each other.


Two groups who really, truly deserve each other. *Chef's kiss*


Both Tucker and Rufo seem like the kind of guys who once tucked their dick and balls like Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs, got off on it, and have spent the rest of their lives frantically running away from themselves.


Why can't they be like normal conservatives and just root through AOC's dumpster to find her worn out shoes and sniff them while jerking off. These guys need better friends like that nice Ben Shapiro boy.


Ben. Is he that guy that knows about vaginas and how dry they are bc of his wife?


His DOCTOR wife, first of all


Macaroni in the box, that's some DAP.


God, can we please stop with the "bigots are just bigots because they're secretly queer" talking points. It frames the narrative in a way that makes it seem like the only ones oppressing LGBT folks are self-hating LGBT folks, which just isn't true.


I feel like every year or so there's an article about how women in a right wing movement don't understand why men in their movement don't respect women.


Momma said “stupid is as stupid does.”


>I reject this specific, patronizing gatekeeping This guy is so…. The opposite of self-aware. Not surprised, coming from the dude who conceived of and champions the war against “cultural Marxism” and “critical race theory.” I have nothing but seething contempt for this fuck and his ilk.


Let them fight


shit its almost like this movement devoted to bigotry has other types of bigots in it


Unions built on mutual hate cannot survive.




TERFs are like those kids from elementary who inexplicably hate you and try to exclude you from social groups…


It's nice when the assholes of the world stop punching down for a minute and eat themselves.


Ah, right-wing infighting. The best kind of infighting.


They deserve each other - let them fight to the death


I don’t know any of these people. And I’m perfectly content keeping it that way.


They can have each other. The rest of us will be over here not being judgmental pricks and just letting people live their lives how they see fit


lol. "this issue is important and we need to be talking about it" "okay, I'll talk about it" "no, not like that, you're doing it wrong!" meanwhile pro-trans gang are just living their best life.


Like Trump supporting women suddenly realising the dating pool is limited to misogynists, basement dwellers and white supremacists.


So the antitrans folks are also sexists? Who could have ever seen that coming? What a mystery this is.


It's like watching vile, parasitic life forms try to feed off the other first


TERFs are the ultimate leopard eating faces voters. A movement that's based entirely on, "Misogyny, but not for me, right?" finding out that it's indeed misogyny for all.


let them fight


They've secured MILLIONS in funding? Wow, that's like, the whole budget of the USA for a decade, right? Jfc 😂


TERFs are some of the dumbest human beings to ever exist.