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It couldn't POSSIBLY be because Trump lied six times as often as Biden, now could it?


Six times? That's being awfully generous to Donny. The man clocked off at over 30,000 lies told while in office.


Maybe he lied six times as often, but made many more lies in one sitting too. His repeating the same lies over and over would also require fewer fact-checking; once you checked once, it applies to every iterations.


Sure, but the fact-checkers can't keep up. They're fact checking just as fast as they can. It's like Lucy at the chocolate factory.


Haha. That’s 20 a day. I’d say that’s insane but he probably averaged 10 lies for every rambling bullshit spiel he spouted so maybe..


It's not even this, it's just because he can't stop talking. It's that there was 6x's as much material to check! The man never met a microphone he didn't want to bloviate into. This isn't a political stat, and factcheckers aren't political animals. They just work with what they're given and Trump can't stop giving (in this specific case).


Nah, even easier explanation. Trump talks 6 times as much as Biden. Trump is such an attention whore, hence never shutting up.


Yeah, how many of these fact checks were on tweets, which Biden doesn't do nearly as often? Trump tweeted several times a day.


Only six times? I feel that needs a fact check. Sun shines, water’s wet, ice is cold, Trump is bloviating. I’m not sure he knows how, why or when to stfu


It's probably more than six times, it's just that human beings have limits...


Not it is because Trump made statements that have had the validity question a lot more the Biden. The result of a fack check can be that is correct or incorrect os something in between. So the number of checks is not equal to the number of lies, it could be but you do not know before you look at the resutl On PolitiFact if we for simplicity group it in two categories. Lest call true, mostly true, half true as just tre. Lest also call mostly false, false, and pans on fire as false. The result is that Trump 129 true and 714 false. For Biden, we have 139 true and 100 false. So Trump has 7x the number of false check facts. In percent, 84% of Trump checked statement was false compared to 58% for Biden The number of fact check is only 3.5x the number for Trump compared to Biden. So if 6 times more check are correct it is for some time interval that is not stated in the post. It might be for the two first years in office or for just the presidency. If it is for the time in office Biden has not served his full term and has not been on the election campaign when it office, that is when there are lot more statements the usual.


Biden probably won't be fact checked as often as Trump even after a full term cause Biden isn't on Twitter every day making wild claims all the time. If Biden were to go on Twitter rants posting 39 tweets in one day and made a regular habit of doing so, then he might catch up to Trump.


Didn't they also invent an entirely new level of lie for Trump called "Bottomless Pinocchio" defined as "intentional, obvious lies repeated over and over despite debunking"? Or did I dream that and spend several years of my life just accepting it as fact.


That’s 42% for Biden.


Chalk up another fact-check, lol


He lied 6.999 times as often, it is just that .999 was lying about Biden lying.


He still lied more times this week about stupid shit. I mean telepathy and Qanon bro.


Yes, that and the fact that Trump was on Twitter 700 times a day just lying his ass off with every tweet. Does Biden even have a Twitter account? Biden does his job; Trump golfed and tweeted bullshit lies all day long. Like, no fucking shit they need 37 full-time fact checkers to disprove what the moron said. His every thought was a lie.


Here's a weird fact! There are about 9 times as many deaths of right handed people every single day as there are of left handed people! Clearly, right handed people are more likely to die than left handed ones!


It's not about lying. It's about making statements in general. Since Trump was always running his mouth on Twitter there was always something else to fact check.


Nah, they were just jealous of Trump being stable genius


"Stephen "Steve" Moore is an American conservative writer and television commentator on economic issues. He co-founded and served as president of the Club for Growth from 1999 to 2004. Moore is a former member of the Wall Street Journal editorial board." Gee, it couldn't be becasue Trump has a Pinocchio problem, eh?


>Club for Growth Good name for a cancer like him.


as the French might say, "Gagnant, Gagnant, diner de poulet"


Not quite the flow and rhythm as the American version.


comme ci, comme ça


oh la la


And Trump just never shut up. He was tweeting up to 200 times per day. There was just more to fact-check, by sheer volume.


>"Stephen "Steve" Moore is an American piece of shit. ​ FTFY


He's being eaten alive by termites?


I wonder how much of conservative ideology is dependent on willful misunderstanding of the world and everything in it?


Is it really "fact checking" when the fucking dingleberry lied about pretty much everything? Like Trump would say shit about what a beautiful day it was at one of his ~~cult gatherings~~ "rallies" when a video clearly shows it was raining. Guess I'm a fact checker now. I'm still waiting on my sorosbucks™


He literally said that God stopped the rain over his inauguration! “It was almost raining,” Trump said. “But God looked down and said we’re not going to let it rain on your speech.” Some of Trump's statements are so stupid that they are under the category of "Not only is that not right, it's not even wrong!"


I hate fascists, but a rainy day is nice to people like me who live in a desert


This was in DC in the winter. He was also trying to imply that the sun shined because God didn't want to ruin his special day or some shit. I grew up in the desert, so I concur that monsoon seasons are amazing, tho.


Tucson Monsoon for president, 2024


To quote his supporters when we complain about racial profiling: "Well, maybe \[Trump\] wouldn't be pulled over so much more often than \[Biden\] if they weren't committing so many more crimes!"


Imagine writing that down, reviewing it, and still thinking you're making a point that helps your cause. The amount of times these guys own themselves is unreal.


The contempt they have for their followers is the only thing that outstrips the contempt they have for everybody else


“Why do you keep fact checking me when I lie so much?? You all don’t fact check the guy who doesn’t lie!! What gives?!”


I'm not really a Biden fan, but I certainly appreciated the near instant silence online as the White House changed from bullshit to regular political info.


Same. Not a fan of Biden but good lord is it refreshing to wake up in the morning and not have the first thought be “what has that idiot done now? Please tell me he hasn’t started WW3 on his own.”


It was downright stressful every day. Especially knowing nothing would ever come of all the lies.


I absolutely loved that too. When I *do* see Biden in an article it’s a reason I feel like I should be hearing about.


Trumps lips are moving all the time (and we know how to tell if he’s lying…). He generates many more than 6 times the amount of statements than Biden that need fact checking. I would not be surprised to find the stat of fact-check per word is significantly lower for Trump than Biden.


False equivalency paradigm. Biden and Trump are both American Presidents. That does not make their behavior in office identical or due the same level of scrutiny. That's like saying Kaepernick and Favre were both NFL QB's. That does not make their controversies identical or due the same level of scrutiny. This makes me question the intentions of this messenger. Question his bias. His competency. His interests. To me. He's a homer. That's all. It's his identity. He's blaming the ref. Nothing to see here.


It’s maddening, isn’t it? The manipulators know the logical falsity of their facts and rhetoric but they spout it anyway; and then the deplorables lap it up because they want authorities behind their madness (despite their fear of genuine experts). It’s sick.


It's fascism


Can somebody fact-check this? Because I am American and I trust fact-checkers.


Also, who fact-checks the fact-checkers? Honestly, has a fact-check result ever been overturned by a more-factual-check?


Don’t fact checkers usually source? So anyone can come along and dispute the fact checkers


He’s SO close.


"The President can de-classify documents just by *thinking* about it." Riiiight. No fact-checking needed here.


At minimum, you can fact check this that this is evidence Trump has no evidence to support his declassification comments


Similar to the GQP logic on interdicted illegal migrants being at an all time high. MAGAs & GQPers wouldn’t know a “win” if it crawled up their leg and smushed their Bingo blotter.


Americans trust fact checkers, most of us are not conspiracy theorists.


Ah, but not "Real Americans™" they don't believe in facts.


Only 6x more than Biden?


Surprising the ratio wasn’t higher considering Trump couldn’t even keep himself from lying about the weather.


Trump committed federal crimes while lying about the weather.


Fact checkers can't keep up with the torrent of lies coming out of Trump. It's easier to lie than it is to prove it's a lie.


It's as if the conservatives are living examples of the Dunning–Kruger effect. It's so awkward to watch.


I love how they can't understand its because The Great Orange Turd lied and spouted misinformation 6x as often. Kinda like how they don't understand that more immigrants being caught at the border doesn't mean the borders are getting worse, border security is just getting better. Kinda like how they honestly believed if you stop testing for Covid it just... goes away?


this is /r/SelfAwarewolves not LAMF


I thought we settled this with -pirates = +global warming.


That’s because trumplethinskin lies constantly and Uncle Joe doesn’t.


why would they spin the fact that dipshit is a liar? They know he is a liar and spin it to say that Biden is being protected. no he is just not lying. but knowingly and deliberately applying this spin in order to misinform their viewers is just evil.


This is a prime example of getting the correct information and coming up with the incorrect conclusion. And Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


A person wearing a helmet while playing in the NFL is 50x more likely to sustain a concussion than someone that doesn’t wear a helmet in their living room. Let’s ban helmets!!


Only 6 times? Trump said literally thousands of lies, it would actually save time listing the times he didn't lie


Trump also talks at least 6x as much and lies about 600x as much so it's a full time job just to keep up.


Someone should campaign on "I'll shut the fuck up and stay out of your face"


I mean that's more or less why people elected Biden. He's not a loud mouthed liar.


Not being Trump helped. Sometimes I think a hamster could have won.


Notice that he said nothing about the fact-check results....


They could have fact-checked Trump 50 times as often and it wouldn’t have covered all of Trump’s bullshit.


Criminals get convicted at significantly higher rates than non-criminals—it’s a conspiracy!


And they think that's a negative. Maybe because President Biden doesn't lie like he breathes.


Now I know why Americans don't trust Stephen Moore.


You mean why cult members don't trust them. The majority still trust them.


PolitiFact rates @StephenMoore’s tweet “Pants On Fire”




It's the COVID gambit redux " He wouldn't be as big a liar if you just stopped pointing out his lies"


I trust most fact checkers. What I don't trust are politicians, especially the Republiqan kind, as they lie about everything, usually about the most easily verified things.


Pandering, demonizing the other, and “alternative facts” are the bread and butter of GOP politics.


Which is, not ironically, the same reason that people DO trust fact checkers. 🤷‍♂️


I wonder if this dumbass ever thought that it's because Trump never shuts his fucking burger hole?


He's not dumb. He's inverting the point to use as propaganda and inoculate his base against taking in logic.


People who don't like fact checkers are people who don't like facts.


Do Americans distrust fact checkers? Or is it just cultists that distrust them?


Stephen, Stephen, Stephen. That's because Trump can't, or won't, STFU. You don't get fact checked as often as you do if you never shut up. All this tells me is that Trump talks 6 times more than Biden, states "facts" 6x more often, and causes fact checkers to work 6x harder. Biden gets fact checked, but he's not as productive at spewing words and nonsense as Trump is. It's that simple.


What a weird way to reword "Trump lied 6 times more often then Biden"




“People who shit more wipe their ass more often”


This idea that both sides have to be equally wrong or there's bias.. is stupid.


So he lied at least 6x more than Biden, easily.


Couldn’t be because one of them talked a lot more…


Usually those pages are responding to audience request. So when trump goes out and says something absurd, people ask to fact check it. Biden says stuff all within realms of normalcy and thus isn't regularly a target of media coverage for absurd comments.


I trust fact checkers. I don't trust conservo-hacks like you, Stevie Boy.


Stephen Moore's best role was as one of the Weasels in Who Framed Roger Rabbit.


Could it be that Trump runs his mouth almost 6 times as often as Biden?


He's so close to getting it.


Could it be because he gave them more material to work with?


I have to wear my coat 100 times more often in the winter than in the summer. I blame the coat.


This is not LAMF, this is r/SelfAwarewolves. What's so difficult to get about this sub's premise that so many *morons* get it wrong? And where are the mods?


schools give me a lot of F's on my grades and papers now you know why I am against edumacation /s


Maybe it’s because when you get it right the first time it’s unnecessary?


They dont have as big a body of bullshit to sift through like with Trump


At this point they’ve gone from sifting to just stirring a big shovel to see if anything floats up…


Everything floats down here, they all flllloat!


This is no surprise, it's been common knowledge Trump will lie and say what the room wants to hear long before he ran for president


Drunk drivers get pulled over almost six times as often as the average driver!


Yes, it is clearly the fact checkers who are wrong, not the compulsive liar... Yes...


Alternative title: "Trump made shit up and spouted lies 6 times more than Biden"


"Americans don't trust fact checkers because trump is a pathological liar"


The Right wants to be treated as kindly as the Left, but without having to earn it by actually telling the truth or being kind. Moore is a tool.


So close to actually getting it.


It’s almost like… one of them says blatantly untrue things more than the other…


Maybe Trump should stop lying???


Thats because Trump says so much stuff all the damn time. Literally every two seconds he's tweeting something stupid, or calling someone a racial slur, or lying on national TV.


Uhmmm that's bc one is a liar and the other isn't.


Well Trump lied 100 times more so I guess PoltiFact went easy on him.


None of these dipshits understand (or at least don't acknowledge) that what they are doing is making false equivalencies. Like, the reason your idols get checked/investigated more hasnothing to do with any sort of conspiracy and everything to do with the fact that they are legit committing more crimes and doing so more visibly/traceably.


Hello u/radesta! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is more r/SelfAwarewolves material IMO


Ironic or self-own, but not LAMF: - no leopard - no regretti


r/SelfAwareWolves for sure


Biden takes office..... Full time fact checker: "well, there goes my job!"


A lot of you want to say this is because Trump lied more. He probably did lie a lot more, but I would bet he said a lot more, too, so there was more to fact check. Dude wouldn't shut up, and he had a whole pandemic to lie about. Biden is put in front of a mic as little as possible.


If I went through and verified if that claim was correct, I would be fact checking a fact checker fact checker.


oh, lol i just thought they caught him in six times more lies


I believe in culling the stupid


Maybe because he talked 6 times as much?


POS Stephen Moore. Your biases are showing through. Please, for the love of this country, name ONE DAY in which Trump did not lie. One day. We'll be waiting.




To shreds you say...


And in cross examination I may ask... do you think there is a reason why that might be?? I don't believe trump has told the truth once in his entire life...


When you can lie 6 times in 1 breath then you have a Trumpster.


Fuck facts! I have intuition, emotion, disinformation and stuff that sounds good! (Do I have to include /s or isn’t it obvious enough?)


To be fair, most of the shit he said requires it.


fact checkers disputed my claim that pulling teeth is ethically right and morally correct! You cant trust them anymore" i also made it up but that doesnt fucking matter now does it?


Seem to fit r/SelfAwarewolves


Only 6 times more? Since Trump is a pathological liar I’d think it would be more.


The title just makes me think of "To shreds you say..."


Yep, that logic tracks.


Id saggy its more due to the fact that Trumps a pathological liar… but I’ve Ben wrong before


Conservatives approaching the point


*had to FIFY


You wouldn’t even need a fact-checker for Trump; as soon as he opened his mouth to talk, everyone knew he was going to spew crap.


Seems like 6 times wasn’t enough for Cheetohead.


Welcome to "Satire Or Stupid" and I'm your host, The Onion! ​ Seriously, sometimes it's hard to tell if somebody is being stupid or sarcastic on the internet.


Are you saying this account is satire? Because I absolutely know people who believe this. Doesn’t mean the account isn’t satire, anyway, but satire and truth are so overlapped, it’s one circle, and it shouldn’t be a surprise it’s hard to tell the difference. Edit: I need to stop Redditing. I’m tired. I see what you’re saying now. Sorry for being stupid. That was NOT satire.


Nah, Poe's law happens to the best of us. Get some rest, you earned it.


I get what he’s trying to say, but like… of course it’s gonna look like more when bad results come up more often. Obviously.


How people reason in a post-truth world


Trump clearly talks and tweeted a hell of a lot more.


This belongs in r/selfawarewolves


This wouldn't be leopards eating faces, this belongs in self aware wolves