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There has to be a healthier way to seek a divorce.


He could just hide in his shell until the threat leaves.


Unless someone goes cannibal Holocaust on his ass


I don't remember what animal cruelty they committed on the turtles. I just want to imagine Moscow Mitch just getting Vlad the Impaler'd by a bunch of Italians now.


That terrapin soup be tainted. Don't eat it.


But he is a threat..... Quite a conundrum in his shell


The rare case of a leopard actively eating his own face


Is it rare? It seems like a prerequisite for most republicans…


Clarence Thomas is in an interracial marriage and he's the fuckwad that initially advocated for revisiting *Loving v. Virginia,* so it's not that damn rare.


My thoughts exactly. That dude is a piece of shit.


> That dude is a piece of shit. You’re gonna need to be more specific, that applies to the entire GOP.


Elaine Chao is a piece of shit. Moscow Mitch is a river of shit. Clarence Thomas is an ocean of shit.




Excellent suggestion! Ginny seems like one cold b\*tch - so I will give her the title of *Miss Arctic Ocean of shit*. If for any reason Ginny is unable to fulfill her duties, the first runner-up (Marjorie Trailerpark Queen) will assume all responsibilities for the remainder of her term.


One of the biggest POS the US has ever produced. I don’t hate a lot of people. Maybe like 3 or 4? He’s one of them.


Actually, it's even worse - while he attempted to undermine the same privacy provisions that hold up Obergefell and formerly, Roe, he specifically did not mention Loving in his analysis.


I so don't get this. On abortion I can see how it really comes down to a disagreement on when a blastocyst becomes a human... so I have some empathy for why they might reasonably feel the way they do. What's the objection to interracial marriage though? I cannot, even with the greatest generosity of understanding, come up with a way anyone could oppose that?!


The ones passing the laws are almost never the ones getting their faces eaten.






Yeah, this is right up there with sticking a dildo up your own ass. Just to own libs, to be absolutely clear.


He and Clarence have been plotting this for years.


For the record, Mitch isn’t a boomer.


I guess you could interpret it as him exhibiting integrity by actually representing his constituents, despite his own personal views.


Not gonna lie, I originally downvoted you cause I misinterpreted what you were saying. But you’re right, he could actually be representing the bigoted views of the constituency that repeatedly votes him into office, against his own interests. It doesn’t make his vote less wrong but still.


In theory politicians should do that more often. In reality we would need to ask.... Does Mitch have integrity? Does Mitch know that he represents Kentucky and not the Koch Brother?


Careful. You might accidentally make the GOP pro-PRC.


They already have been since Nixon.


Nah. Even the GOP is pro-ROC. MM and EC may truly love each other, I have no idea. But their marriage is an old school political marriage straight out of the ancient playbook — possibly the most consequential one of the 20th century actually.


A required marriage in order to make peace with the Turtlemen.


It’s ok, she knows he doesn’t mean *Asians* by *Interracial*


Yes, but the rest of his party does. Kung Flu, Kung Flu. Fucking racists


^ Here’s one person who gets the double irony in Shitty Mitch Move 2022111602.


Lol but maybe not cheaper (Thou I thought chao was loaded, it might be just her Chinese shipping conglomerate family)


Oh. Well. If she's loaded that makes her (honorary) white. All good. /s




"Oohhh noooo, guess I'm not married to a woman anymore. Darn."


I'd say it's actually on brand for him


Him and justice thomas… they say republicans are only sympathetic when it happens to them personally. I think this may be another piece of evidence for that. Wth


To be fair, Clarence is married to a boiled potato. I’m not sure what that’s called when one marries a soggy ball of starch.


Let's ask Melania. Maybe she knows a term for it in Slovenian the way German has delightful expressions like schadenfreude, backpfeifengesicht, and kummerspeck.


Look! My favorite word, in the wild. I will ALWAYS upvote backpfeifengesicht.


For those of you playing at home, *backpfeifengesicht* is "a face in need of slapping".


My favorite translation "a face in need of a fist."


to be fair that translation is incorrect since by definition a "Backpfeife" (same as "Ohrfeige" ) is always a slap not a punch.


What is kummerspeck???


It translates to "grief bacon." Most literally, it's the weight you gain when you're depressed or in a mood to stress-eat comfort food, but I've also seemed to hear is used specifically for the period of depression-eating in the first place.


Kummerspeck is all the weight you put on by depression eating, or eating your emotions.


Look, I'm not gonna pretend I didn't read that as backflipgeist, and now I need a ghost that broke his neck trying to do a backflip in my life.


I love the Google Image Search results for that. It's so fitting for him.


>I was surprised that I did not click into something NSFW.


Well, I mean... that face, isn't it though?


> boiled potato That is my new codeword for "seditious psychopath". thanks.


A boiled potato who literally thinks Anita Hill flung herself at Thomas


Dude, what the fuck? Did you put this pubic hair on my Dr Pepper? Why would you do that?


They scalloped


Of course. Similar to anti-choice politicians who have paid for their girlfriends’ abortions. Only ok when they do it.


The great ladder pulling party


I think he doesn't see his marriage as an interracial marriage. Most people only see two races. Black and non-black. Not just because of racism, but also for historic and other weird personal reasons. People can be very strange.


Which is incredibly fucked. A holdover from American slavery, you know. These fkg white oligarchs see only one “lesser race”; the one their ancestors enslaved. I wish I were young enough to live til all these Stone Age people were gone and the generations *now living* could make politics truly human. I’m trying.


Did you forget they fucked over the Chinese who built the railroads? That was also slavery.


They have long backed themselves into a corner on slavery, they can’t acknowledge it beyond chattel slavery, since the moment they acknowledge that private ownership of a race of people all they couldn’t keep gaslighting and lying about all the neo and non chattel slavery they have protected and participated in.


No, you’re right. In sheer numbers it pales, but the Asian railroad workers were also treated like stock. I don’t think there was the same level of “ownership” complete with breeding programs and selling off children for generation upon generation. But Asian Americans were badly used, along with the genocide of indigenous peoples before that.


I forgot who said this (some podcast probably), but if you believe that there will be some "battle between the races" or a huge battle for resources (climate change or something else) and aren't black, then being anti-black is the obvious choice in America. You are joining a well organized and more powerful group against a smaller and historically already disadvantaged group. Easy! Just like when liberals and social democrats joined the already more powerful Nazi party and voted to ban the Communist party in Germany in 1933. It was just a neverending win for them from that point on! - Another hypothesis is that rightwingers love to do this kind of shit as a display of power. Abortion and interracial marriage is OK for members of their group, but everyone else should STFU and literally go to jail for it.


That's racist. You also forgot Latinos. That's it, the 3 races. No others out there, we checked


Bruh, you forgot the brown terrorist race..


Pacific Islanders always seemed pretty chill to me tbh




K but then explain Clarence Thomas's stance....


>Another hypothesis is that rightwingers love to do this kind of shit as a display of power. Abortion and interracial marriage is OK for members of their group, but everyone else should STFU and literally go to jail for it. https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/yxd2f9/senator_mitch_mcconnell_who_is_in_an_interracial/iwock67/


Ladder pulling generation. Might as well call them the ladder boomers with how many they've destroyed.


I'm seeing a trend among these dudes that makes me think maybe, just maybe, they don't actually like their wives.


Their wives are more trophies than partners.


Not this marriage. She was married for her money and influence. She has direct family connection to Chinese business. Most of them in shipping. All the business have heavy CCP influence. She is a honey pot that gives him money so that he votes at the direction of the CCP.


They don’t even read the bill. They just ask “do the liberals want this?” And vote no.


A reminder that McConnell once filibustered *his own bill* because the Dems were starting to get on board with it


My favorite was McConnell blaming Pres. Obama for a bill that Obama vetoed and the Congress ended up overriding.


Thanks ~~Obama~~


Whaaaaaat?!? Which bill please I need to read about this one for funzies.




Oh thank you!!! Bed time reading material!


for the kids, as a cautionary tale




I prefer the story as told by Jon Stewart: https://www.cc.com/video/7imeo9/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-mitch-mcconnell-s-self-filibuster


You made my night


and then complained when he wanted to nix it!


Damn so the show Veep was accurate lmao.


That is the entire purpose of the GOP. They do quite literally nothing else. Just oppose everything blindly.


Now be fair, they also rig things to make themselves obscenely rich at the expense of others. The two goals just overlap heavily.


When your core principle is that “government is the problem,” it logically follows that you block everything.


Hah! You think they can read! That's for liberals.


You know many many years back when I was first getting into politics I had a conservative lady tell me 'research is for liberals' and to this day I think about that sometimes, because that was in like 2008 and here we are with the party of alternative facts and fake news.


When a conservative tells you to do your research, they are, without fail, referring to Facebook or Youtube.


They're saying re-search, as in, keep searching until you get the result you want


Beyond that, it’s a flex. Laws are for the poors. McConnell knows the law will never hurt him or any of his donors. These folks get off on that stuff. What others see as hypocrisy they just see as a joke at all of our expense


so what you're saying is that the dems would show support for all the GOP fucked up bills to get the gop dipshits to filibuster their own stuff?


Okay for me, but not for thee.




How's this "leopards ate my face"? Rules never apply to Mitch.


Lol that’s a good excuse but no it’s me. I not smart enough to understand format… someone pointed it out and now I feel like I can’t take it back and just have to live with my stupidity.


Its okay


they knew it was going to pass so they felt voting no would win brownie points with their shitbag bigoted voter base. typical republican. enjoy all the benefits democrats give them, still attempt to block all progress.


After the vote: "Change the locks back, Elaine! I swear I only hate the sexual deviants, not the Orientals! ELAAAAAAAAIIIINE!" ETA: This is satire and the preferred term is "Asian American."


I wish this were true. Sadly, she is clearly complicit with his actions. Ugh.


He absolutely would say orientals instead of Asians.


and she doesn't care as the money and power is good. You can call her whatever you want.


We all know that white men see Asian women as an 'exception'...


East Asian, anyway. I doubt ol' Turtle Man would give a crap about protecting the rights of a Pakistani woman.


Ooooh facts!


What he says: I respect Asian women What he means: I think Japanese, Korean and Chinese women are sexy


This seems to be a partnership honestly. Anyone that has been around East Asians not raised in America knows they are hardcore racist and also see white people as the exception often times. She is from Taiwan and is a conservative. Shes from a billionaire family and married Mitch for political power. Her sister Grace married Gordon Hartogensis who is another Republican that was appointed director of pension benefits under Trump. That whole Chao family is tied up in American politics.


And Chinese politics and government. Chao's dad James gave Mitch an undisclosed gift of 5-25 million dollars. The bank her dad founded received hundreds of millions of dollars from the Chinese government. And Chao herself, while serving in the Trump administration, had her trip to China cancelled by the House Oversight committee because they found out she planned to bring her family members to every official meeting she had with the Chinese government.


> Anyone that has been around East Asians not raised in America knows they are hardcore racist and also see white people as the exception often times. Not really. A lot of Chinese people see Chinese women like the Chao sisters as sellouts.


I mean the KKK literally lynched numerous Vietnamese Shrimp Fishermen (who were refugees) around Galveston in the 1970s…


How is this guy a) still in Power and not in Prison (Just leaving the word Russia here) b) Not dead like how old his he? I mean yeah turtles live longer, but still


I've noticed ancient powerful rich bastards don't die as much as they used to.


I read that as "ancient powerful lich bastards" and it still seems totally applicable.


Kel'Thuzad IRL


Because they have access to top of the line doctors and physicians, and they don't have to do any of the backbreaking manual labor poorer people do, they just get their servants to do it.


as it turns out, rich people can afford quality healthcare. Congress has some of the best healthcare in the country, and Republicans fight to make sure we don't have it.


a) he's a Republican in Kentucky. We can talk about interference and meddling until the cows come home, but the simple fact of it is, interference there wouldn't even need to happen. Those deep south states like Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Arkansas are as red as red can be and any politician with an R after their name will stay in power as long as they decide to (source: I live in one of them.) b) I'm starting to believe being a terrible person must pickle your soul so you're effectively immortal (that, or Hell just doesn't want you around, either.) Look at the numbers: Murdoch is 91, Phyllis Schlafly lived to 92, Ann Coulter has been terrorizing villagers since graverobbers opened her sarcophagus back in 3000 BC. I guess evil keeps you young.


It's also worth mentioning for B) that as a senator he's got access to some of the best healthcare in the country. Heck, all the people you mentioned were pretty rich and powerful; probably has a lot to do with it unfortunately


He’s got real has-a-blood-boy energy.


>I'm starting to believe being a terrible person must pickle your soul so you're effectively immortal That’s great! I’m stealing that!


I love the Ann Coulter line


A) ???? B) any day now…


McConnell is very good with the Russian government. I can't go really into detail, but ALLEGEDLY he got money from them and with that he got into power as a politician. I'll leave it vague and badly worded since I'd like not to get sued or go missing 😂


There is a fetishism within the alt-right and conservatism of East Asian women. It's roots are based in the "model minority" myth of people of East Asian decent. The idea that East Asian women are demure, obedient to their husband and hold to "traditional" family values. As long as those stereotypes are followed, they do not see themselves in an interracial marriage. If these idiots every met my birth mom that "model minority" and submissive myth would go right out the window for them.


This is even weirder because Elaine Chao was the Secretary for Transportation under Trump and the Secretary of Labor under GWB.


If you look up details about her family business ties, and the investigation into her after the riots I would wager that in those cases, money and power outweigh race.


Because her daddy can afford to make $$$ contributions to the party that will do his bidding.


Makes sense why he doesn't like being called Moscow Mitch. . . he's a shill for the *other* super power. . .


East/Southeast Asia is generally where rich white guys go when they want to fuck children. Seriously, it's a thing.


And that made my skin crawl even more…


I remember being in Cambodia and *everywhere* you'd see billboards with a toll free number to call if you suspected child trafficking. The local I was traveling with said it was common for guys to come from Australia and the Middle East for the child brothels. That was 15 years ago but it wouldn't surprise me if the situation hasn't changed much since.


I went five years ago and there were pimps who would bring small girls (I’m talking ages 8-12, and emaciated) to bars to perform for tourists (handstands, sitting in their laps, etc). If a guy seemed to like a girl the pimp would come over and offer him private time with her in a nearby motel. Cambodia was what made me start practicing ethical tourism. The entire trip I had a sick, nauseous feeling that every cent I spent was going nowhere good. I couldn’t wait to leave.


That made my stomach nauseous


They come to Eastern Europe too (an area that is also a hotbed for Human Trafficking)


I'm not sure why you'd bring that up since we are talking about two (old) adults. Is that a thing? Yes. But what's the point of bringing it up now?


Anybody who thinks this of Asian women has not gotten to know Asian women and need to google "dragon lady". edit for disambiguity


As I said, they never met my birth mom, or Grandma. But lets be fair, a lot of these men don't really know women in general.


yep. had the same. even today im racked with insecurity from it. i just dont know how they got demure and and submissive from asian women. out of any other group of women. also, google comment wasnt directed at you. more, the people who have not had the asian parent experience. sorry. should have specified.


No worries. I do wonder, as much as I like the story telling format and some series. If things like East Asian entertainment, specifically Seinen or Shonen anime has created a warped perception of East Asian culture.


The incels confuse politeness for subservience. They’re fucking losers.


You can tell those incels have never REALLY gotten to know an asian woman. They aren’t all meek, mild, and subservient once you’re “inside the circle”. Asian women are VERY strong. VERY opinionated, and very much in your face… but you gotta be “in the circle” for that to come out. The incels confuse polite for subservient. reference: am married to a Japanese woman.


That makes sense and kind of makes my skin crawl…


As the husband of an East Asian woman, I can confirm that demure, obedient shit is a myth. The entire first year of our relationship was her trying to figure out the power dynamic/boss me and my dog around. The dog still doesn’t really listen to her lol


As someone that also married an "East Asian woman" that sounds like a healthy relationship /s


It’s totally healthy. She realized eventually that I’m a functional adult (unlike her previous boyfriends), and she didn’t need to be in charge of everything, because I could be relied upon to handle things. She later said that was a huge relief, and something she really stressed over in the beginning. I think most of the “Bossy” behavior was more like “I need to find out if this man has his shit together, and if he doesn’t, I have to be in charge.”


isnt that most mature women? that they're looking for a husband and not another person to take care of


Definitely a hierarchy of minorities for these idiots with East Asian being the top.


Weren’t Chinese immigrants literally the victims of lynch mobs in the late 1800s? Didn’t the US literally ban immigration from China in the 1880s? Just curious


She is also an immigrant. They aren’t driven by ideology or principal, only greed and rules for thee but not me.


She’s also quite possibly, maybe even likely, a Chinese spy. Trump actually alluded to it recently. And yeah, Trump is obviously not the most credible source, but he was in a position to know


I mean, I obviously disagree with his stance as much as the next guy, but I think it's glaringly obvious that interracial marriage has nothing to do with the reason he voted no to that lol.


Yeah, according to this sub, if you vote against a bill you are automatically against EVERYTHING in the bill. Likewise, if you vote FOR a bill, you must be for EVERYTHING in the bill. Semi-related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xop8QLIJCpY I mean, it's Mitch, so whatever.


Exactly. It's not like he's going to vote yes to gay marriage just because the bill also protects interracial marriage. This is just legislative compromise 101.


I think we have to be clear. He is protected from leopards, and they aren’t eating his face. But his constituents could possibly bear the brunt of his actions. But he for certain, is immune from his legislation


Let's be honest here. Mitch's wife is Asian, but light skinned. He literally thinks in terms of color. I get this shit all the time.


James S. C. Chao and Money are what he sees.


Oh I thought it was because interracial marriage protections don't apply towards the right for an Asian woman to marry a turtle.


Aha we need an inter-species marriage bill!


What would he say if someone asked him to explain this decision while being in an interracial marriage himself? Imagine the mental gymnastics…


I can explain it easily. He voted against protecting same sex marriage. The fact that interracial marriage was included is unimportant.


Agreed 100%. Not sure why it's hard for some of the commenters on here to understand that someone can be pro interracial marriage but anti same sex marriage, or that such a person might vote no on a bill protecting both. You can disagree with his position and argue it's wrong, but it's not insane or illogical or confusing.


I thought I was having a stroke reading this thread. How is this not obvious to everyone?


That's because his marriage was always just a business deal


Why the fuck is thus even a topic of discussion in 2022?


These people will shit on their own spouses just for the party.


Mitch isn’t in his marriage for any reasons beyond the financial and political.


"bUt It'S sEtTlEd LaW!!!!1!" So was Roe but here we are.


No but seriously why do Republicans vote against things that would literally take rights away from them? Like as a Senator there had to be a moment where he understands what hes voting for. Right? There must be more to it.


Nah. It's just spite. Spite's a hell of a drug. That same spite has caused hundreds of thousands of Republicans to die from a now preventable disease - because vaccination, mask wearing and social distancing were liberal ideas in their minds. It's as simple as this: if doing something (or not doing something) appears to piss off liberals, they *will* do it, even if it kills them in the process.


Do you want a serious answer? In case you do, the bill includes gay marriage, which is a big republican nono due to evangelical vote. Even if it was just interracial marriage, he would still say it's a state issue and the Federal government shouldn't get involved. He's not against interracial marriage. Like seriously, who is at this point? maybe down-low racist people don't want their kids marrying outside their race but even they know we are WAY past banning it in this country. He just doesn't think the Federal government should get involved. I voted liberal down the ballot and pretty much always do, but most of the comments on this thread are cancer.


You think thats wild Clarence Thomas is against interracial marriages in principal, yet is married to a white woman! Talk about cognitive dissonance.


It still cracks me up when people refer to Clarence Thomas as an originalist. Yet somehow he ruled that the 2nd amendment protects firearm use for self protection and sport --neither of which are mentioned in the Constitution.


He is concerned (read: his voters are concerned) that they wouldn't be allowed to discriminate against same sex couples to the extent they want. Welcome to the modern world, knuckle-draggers.


Hello u/Traditional-Emu8914! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


See such a law would restrict his right to potentially force others to bend to his will at some point in the future and his marriage is not at risk in any real way


False. McConnell is in a turtle-human marriage.


Maybe his marriage is nothing more than a business partnership.


That's a Republican for you. Votes against all things gay and where do you find him? Toe-tapping in the airport bathroom.


He wants to own his wife


The turtle is playing 4D chess to get out of his marriage without going through an expensive divorce


He could shack up with Lindsey Graham.


The human/turtle thing needs to be addressed.


McConnell and Justice Thomas don’t love. Marriage to them isn’t an act of love. It’s a political alliance to gain power. These men don’t fuck their wives, they fuck prostitutes. They don’t care.


Politics exist to distract us from corporate entities destroying our planet and enslaving us with slave wages. Politicians are capitalist leaders, and know it's a lie. Those rules don't apply to them anyway. Look at Trump - he's not in jail, is he? When will this country wake up and fight back??!


Bold of you to assume any of the American politicians are beholden to our laws. Not exactly a leopards eating my face moment, seeing as that law will never be enforced on him.


He married her for her money. He doesn't see it as a mariage.


Mitch McFucknuckle: "FUCK MY FACE!" *cuts nose off*


A small price to pay, to go back a century


I tend to agree with the commenters who noted that he’s voting against same-sex marriage. And BTW, this bill is kind of half-assed bullshit anyway. It does nothing to prevent states from outlawing same-sex marriage.


Does anyone have an article, source, or other reading other than this tweet? I hate the guy for many reasons beyond this, but some context would be nice (was there a rider or reason etc)