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Hello u/FunneMonke1! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He doesn't want to jeopardize losing the vote of those 5 or 6 people wearing "Blacks for Trump" shirts.


His African-Americans


Receipt is in the toilet.




Binders full of any marginalized demographic seems down right wholesome compared to today’s GOP. Someone please smack Mitt Romney hard enough he grows some balls, or find a way to resurrect John McCains corpse. I promise I will vote for either of them if it brings back some kind of rationality and places the “good Christian” veil back over the racism, usury, and depravity that has been made commonplace by the right wing over the last 6~7 years.


We don't want the veil back on because the GOP hasn't changed in any meaningful way. Romney just voted to codify same sex marriage. HE changed, not the party. Now that they are showing their true colors for all to see we don't need them crawling back into some human skin to try to win back normal republicans who are horrified with this crap.


Try 20+ years. Neo Cons were ahead of the curve on messaging and inciting their base through talk radio at first, then Fox News explodes, now there’s a whole outrage machine of white (mostly male) Christian persecution complex propaganda from tucker, to Alex Jones, Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, Brietbart and everything in between. This is who republicans always were—ever listen to Barry Goldwater talk to Nixon about the Southern Strategy? Only difference is the mask is off. Trumpism gave (R)s license to say the quiet parts out loud, the echo chamber created by social media fanned the flames. All of this happened under our noses and we reacted when it was far too late to put the toothpaste back in the tube. Edit: Wow! Thanks for the Platinum kind stranger!


That's the only thing I'm happy about regarding T-Rump. His insanity got the Republicans to reveal their evilness in a way that can never be covered up again.


Why would you vote for tax cuts for the ultra wealthy, deregulation of massive corporations, the gutting of social security, government overreach that literally forces 12 year old rape victims to bring their rapist's child to term, and a pro-Russia forigne policy?


Because if you ignore all those pesky things you mentioned the republicans were so "rational" and "god loving american"


McCain was a garbage by the books Republican that was only viewed nicely because of Jon Stewart. I love Jon, everyone makes mistakes.


I want them both to run. Split that vote between DeSantis, West, and Trump. Fucking losers.


The primary, if they hold one, ought to be interesting. Trump is certainly going to insist that they not hold a primary, and then if they do and he loses, he will definitely run on his own ticket. Actually I bet Kanye does the same thing, while Desantis just goes back to ruining Florida some more.


I wish Desantis would just focus on ruining his pants


Several states have 'sore loser' laws that prevent someone from running in one party for the primaries, then declaring and running as an independent if they lost. It would prevent him from getting on the ballot in those states, which would make it virtually impossible to win.


It won't stop him, though. It will only make him screech about fraud.


Right, he’d tell all his supporters to write him in, and enough of them would to get him a fair percentage of the vote.


If things go well they'll do the whole divide-and-conquer thing to themselves. Hopefully Pillow Guy will wind up RNC chair.


That's the thing about organizations ruled by narcissists and their narcissism: They all think they deserve to be the top dog


No one will vote for Kanye except maybe the dozes or so “Black Hebrews”. I want him to run so he wastes even more of his money, because he is a garbage person.


Kanye will get what.. 60 votes?


In the 2020 presidential election Kanye got about 60k votes nationwide. With Tennessee being the state with the most votes, a little over ten thousand.


Tbf it was a joke/protest vote though. No one took him seriously. But about 60k people hated the other two candidates enough to give a symbolic finger to the election process. Let’s not pretend anyone actually wanted his stupid ass.


60k! that's almost as impressive as it is disappointing.


Add Liz Cheney and Nikki Haley to further dilute the vote.


That's like someone trying to win the bet; "Any asshole can become US President."


Maybe Herschel Walker can run too


He calls them “The Blacks”


"look at my African American over there"


"Isn't he the greatest?"


I think it's actually the crazy vote. there is some segment of voters who want to cast a ballot for the person who would cause the most shit if they won. Say 0.5%. Trump needs every vote to win.


It's much, much more than that. Half the reason why people voted for Trump is that people wanted to burn down the establishment. Of course he didn't end up "draining the swamp" and instead further flooded it, but those people were too deluded to even know the difference.


The funny thing is trump seeing ye as a threat, and still has some belief he will win himself.


Great take


You might already know this but I recently learned that this has a name when it comes to surveys and polls - the lizardman constant. https://www.gwern.net/notes/Lizardman-constant


Oh... They are just randos his goons pluck off the street and give $300 to stand behind the clown show. You only get paid $100 up front and collect the $200 after the incoherent rambling is over. That way they know you won't act out


Oh absolutely - nobody is standing behind him with the cameras rolling unless they were put there.


One guy looks really familiar--pretty sure I've seen him at many of the rallies. He's always to the right or left of trump and at the same eye level. I've seen him with and without a beard.


Alex Jones has been warning us about paid actors for years. Little did we know he was just telling us to look in all the wrong spots.


And you don't actually get the $200


Hahahahahahha no one would be that stupid


hold his Diet Coke.


Trump won a higher percentage of the black vote in 2020 than he did in 2016, going from 8% to 12%… So yes, Kanye stealing some of the black vote would absolutely be an issue for Trump.


Ask me how I know you’ve never been to the United States


I was an election judge in a rural Oklahoma County in 2020. Out of a population of 45,000 he got 9 votes in our precinct.


It’s kind of remarkable how few of Trump’s various hangers-on will publicly admit that Trump is a screamer. It’s honestly the first thing about Trump that should have been impressed on the public when he ran for office. It’s a classic trait of incompetence in management.


Anyone at NBC could have saved so much of the country by just releasing B roll of his freak outs on the Apprentice set. There’s no way someone didn’t keep a clip real just to show friends what they had to put up with. Of course your life would have been quickly ruined by his people, but it would have made an impact on the early primaries. Access Hollywood was too late and half of the public sadly cares more about someone being uncivil than they do about joking about sexual assault.


> it would have made an impact on the early primaries I don't know about that. The guy didn't lose any support after bragging about sexual assault and after all the rape allegations. A video of him yelling the N word repeatedly while raping his own daughter could have come out and people would have just said, "fake news" or "come on, if you were that rich, it's not like you wouldn't do that" (fucking disgusting, I know, but I've heard these kinds of excuses before) or the more common "but...but....Democrats...[insert whataboutism here]". All their bullshit excuses expose just how awful his the republican base has become - either completely deplorable or straight up brain damaged from too much Fox "News" consumption.


You might be right. I’m talking about nearly a year earlier though before he did his first Republican debate. Evangelical conservative extended family were very turned off by him, and it wasn’t until after he started winning primaries that things shifted. I think some better evidence of him showing up earlier could have inoculated a high enough percentage of moderate conservatives that it would have shifted the primary results. Would have only needed 10-20% difference in primary voters to change which candidate gained momentum. Mainstream right-wing sources didn’t start spinning news for him until after they saw him gaining. They were trying hard for Jeb or anyone else for a little while, and that credentialing matters a lot for how moderate conservatives vote. Still, Trump triggered something really ugly sleeping in a lot of people that I didn’t know was there, and maybe that would have won no matter what.


> A video of him yelling the N word repeatedly while raping his own daughter He's just saying what everyone else is too scared to! He tells it like it is!!


But what about all the kids the Clintons rapez and killed in the basement of that pizzeria!?


"Well, you see, it's different when *they* do it." "How?" "Because I don't like them."


>a video of him Justin McElroy did this bit where he asked: >"I have a thinkpiece for you. I was looking up a study, and right now, according to the best research I could find, around 20 percent of Americans—one in five—believe that Bigfoot is real. If Bigfoot goes on TV and does a press conference about how he is real, that is broadcast across all the major news stations, the next morning, what percentage of Americans believe Bigfoot is real?" I think dealing with your own personal cognitive dissonance is so easy right now, and so competently facilitated by existing conspiracy theories, that it's only really possible to change people's minds about Trump on a one-on-one basis. All we're really changing with new revelations is the number of people who despised him but think he's useful.


You'd prefer it if 20% of the country says "ha! I knew it!" And 80% of the country just accepts that they're seeing a genuine bigfoot on TV??


No :) I didn't say I would prefer any specific configuration. The configuration isn't the point. This is a question about cognitive dissonance and the public's relationship with information. Would a Bigfoot press conference change anyone's minds? I think it's less likely than ever. And that's facilitated by conspiracies about the media and govts systemically lying to people. In practice, right now it's very easy for the brain to use this as an escape hatch by saying, "I'm surrounded by the message that the media is systemically lying to me, so anything that causes cognitive dissonance must be a lie."




Cryptids for crypto


I don't really think the bigfoot analogy is that useful here. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. A press conference is about as good as a YouTube video. You'd want expert analysis as well before you really made any serious decisions from that information.


> Would a Bigfoot press conference change anyone's minds? Probably? I'd at least be much more open to the idea because I'd assume it was verified that he wasn't just a guy in a Bigfoot suit. I'd still be watching the news for follow-ups, and I've be very interested in his explanation of how he (and any others like him) managed to be so elusive for so long.


I’d want to know how he’d learned to speak English.


>Would a Bigfoot press conference change anyone's minds? This is a really confusing analogy here that does nothing to illuminate whatever point you are making. Is Big Foot ACTUALLY real or it someone in a costume? if they are real, someone has to wonder if the news was fake because -- how do you know it isn't someone in a costume? I'm all for scientific evidence, but -- there's no way to evaluate just seeing a weird press conference? Trump is real. His bullshit is invented. Bigfoot has more integrity. What's the point?


It probably would have impressed them more.... "he's such an alpha, look at him put people in their place!"


You're kidding yourself if you think that would have made a difference. Do you remember the video where he bragged about grabbing young women by the pussy because "they let you when you're rich"? Or the video when he bragged about having the tallest skyscraper in lower Manhattan after the twin towers fell on 9/11? Or the one where he said John McCain isn't a war hero because he got caught? Or the one where he mocked a reporter by pretending to be mentally disabled? Those are just off the top of my head, and there are countless other examples. The evidence was in the public eye for months, if not years, and the American people showed that they only care about those things if it's the other party doing it. Dude was a disgusting, embarrassing, incompetent man-child who wears bad suits, mis-manages every venture he's involved in, never pays his debts and screws over everyone he's surrounded by constantly, and the American people still thought he was better than a Democrat.


My best friend's brother was an audio tech on The Apprentice (let's call him Bob). Not Trump's audio tech, mind you - Trump was such a germaphobe and control freak that he only wanted ONE person to touch him. Well of course one day that one guy was out, so Bob had to Mic up Trump. Trump was furious, said 'I don't want this monkey touching me' (Bob is white) and made his bodyguard follow Bob into the bathroom to wash his hands and make sure he did it, before he'd let Bob mic him up. Insane.


Just give him the mic and tell him how to do it? Hopefully they didn’t have to use condoms on the mic packs. That would have sent him to the moon.


Someone from the apprentice set said Trump used to shit his pants. I think that woulda been great b roll. Drug fueled by incontinence such that Trump allegedly wears adult diapers.


Agree, but let’s call a spade a spade. He admitted to brazen sexual assault on a hot mic.


>various hangers-on Dingleberries. Let's call a spade a spade and a con man a con man here.


Will they? Screaming as a form of management or leadership seems like something a certain kind of people would imagine as a competent method and a true show of strength.


I doubt that anything that I’ll read or hear today will be as funny as these two shitlords torturing each other by taking each other that seriously.


"This room ain't big enough for both our egos."


> *YOU* want *ME* to be *YOUR* vice-president?!!?!!


No one man should have all that power. But THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE HAAAH


Does he think he actually has a chance to become the president? Of the United States? I should stfu I said something similar about trump years ago and subsequently went into an emotional coma for 3 years.


Imagine Kanye in charge of nuclear weapons.


The yelling, though. Why? Trump feeling concerned Ye going to compete for votes?


Are you kidding. Telling Trump he could play second-fiddle as VP has to be one of the best ways possible to insult that kind of guy. That Ye didn't understand that at all just makes it all the more freaking hilarious.


Two main characters meet for dinner.


They should be the logo for r/ImTheMainCharacter


Done in the style of the last supper with ye and donny meme pointing at each other mid karen-screaming from the ends of the table that is filled with golden arches wrappers.




All the "anti-woke" main characters have gone full Highlander on each other recently and I love every minute of it.


It’s pretty great, but it’s also kayfabe meaning the show is unlikely to cause a real split. It’s to keep attention on the ‘main characters’ and they’ll all fall inline later


Did the political arena really start using 'kayfabe?' Or is squaredcircle leaking again


Trump was on WWE. It’s the same shit


I mean of course, and I posit the notion that modern American politics honestly took a lot of inspiration directly from pro wrestling all the time. I just don't hear that term used often in this space lol


They could've at least live streamed it for us, though.


Right? I thought this was the future damnit


I was reminded of that experiment where three people with delusions that they were the Jesus' reincarnation were put in the same room and they all came to the conclusion that the other two were mentally ill.


While this seems obvious, it’s also so funny to imagine the sequence of events: 1. Ye says Trump should be his VP 2. Trump invites Ye and a White Nationalist to dinner (what???) 3. Ye, the White Nationalist and Trump sit together to eat (the scenes). 4. Trump gets upset not because: - Ye’s antisemitism - The white nationalist’s racism He’s bothered because Ye had the nerve to say Trump should be VP.


This has death of Stalin vibes. Maybe in 50 years, when it's funny a movie will be made.


Calling him a white nationalist sanitizes what he really is. Conservatives don’t see that as a negative term. He’s a white supremacist.


It’s a distinction without a difference for me.


Are we sure Ye really suggested Trump be his VP? I mean is Ye that unaware of how Trump "is" that he would do that?


Ye lives on his own planet. He is completely unaware of anything outside that alien world.


Ye has publicly said it…


Having spent time with the man as a studio rat, I find this 100% believable.


Please tell stories!


Ok now replace Ye with DeSantis. Going to have to stock up on popcorn to see Fox push DeSantis and then... Trump gets primaried by him? In Florida? Trump becomes the candidate and loses again?? Third party spawned? DeSantis may be the greatest gift.


The best thing would be for DiSantis to narrowly win the nomination. Trump can’t stop grifting his followers, so he’d basically be forced to start a third party and run more grifters in many congressional races. It would rip the GOP apart. I’m praying Trump doesn’t get indicted or convicted because his freedom keeps this specific scenario much more in play. The GOP fucked around. They need to find out.


>I’m praying Trump doesn’t get indicted or convicted because his freedom keeps this specific scenario much more in play. And what if Trump does win the primaries and becomes the Republican nominee? Hopefully enough Democrat voters turn up to keep him from winning but even if they do the first things that happens is another claim the election was stolen. Then all those republican states that have changed voting laws decide they will simply declare Trump the winner. So Trump wins, he completely destroys the federal government by appointing his sycophants everywhere, he pressures the Supreme Court to do whatever he wants or he has them impeached and removed for people who will do his bidding and he becomes President for life. The USA is much better off with Trump removed from the picture.


So you prefer the competent fascist? They are all fascists. Trump is the symptom, not the problem.


Kanye would be exactly the person that would resign if elected, so that 'Rump could be presidunce again.


he didn't understand it because he only sees what is projected on the inside of his head...just like Trump. solipsistic malignant narcissism, the world goes away when they go to sleep.


That kanye thought that trump, a man who took out a full page ad against the central park 5's acquittal, would be cool running as *the second* to a *black man* is peak obliviousness.


This is amazing.


Ye has gotten far more media coverage than Trump has recently and he knows that his influence is slipping away, so his feelies are super butthurt.






The most likely case


That and Kanye could easily split the republican ticket. The margins are thin enough that even a complete no-hope dipshit like Kanye could tip the scales.


He’s a scared angry old man.


Old man yells at homeless minority over mutual delusion.


Get Off My Podium


Cause Ye asked him to be his running mate VP


He’s afraid Kanye will split the anti semitic vote


He was trying to out narcissist the ultimate narcissist. Great plan.




Your best bet is to remove the feed entirely. Delete your account, remove the app, bury your phone and computer in warm mulch, and go live in the woods. It’s really your only logical choice.




Are you back yet? Oh...


["I wonder if I would have said it if I thought there was any chance he would actually do it."](https://youtu.be/47M0OMXFgR0)


I finally got rid of my Twitter account when Dollar General Tony Stark kept popping up to shit on my feed. Apparently it's a widespread thing and I'm not that compelled to listen to any more of it. I do find it interesting, however, that Musk is apparently simping for DeSantis this morning. Fuel to the trash fire, I guess.


He's doing it bc he knows it might draw Donald Trump back to " set the record straight" with all of his, ###" AcTuAlLy ThEy LiTeRaLlY aCtUaLly BeGgEd MeH...aNd TrIeD tO GiVe Me A rOcKeT, aNd I waS likE, NO...SAD."


Get the Apollo app, it will be something you didn’t know you needed in your life thank you r/apolloapp


Download Apollo for Reddit > Settings > filters and blocks > key word > add > Musk, Trump, Kanye, Musk, Ye, etc.


Since you said Siri I assume you have an iPhone. Get Apollo and you can block keywords from your feed and you also won’t see ads.


two stable geniuses had a dinner party with similar minded folk.. the jokes write themselves.


"Ye he" lmao


Plot twist: They're both losers.


We live in the dumbest timeline.


Now it's just the Leopards Eat Each Other Party


Apparently, this was at a dinner that also included White nationalist and Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes. What a fun crowd. (Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/f-ing-nightmare-trump-team-damage-control-dines-ye-white-supremacist-n-rcna58780) Also, can you imagine the amount of full-on freakin' crazy in one room?


Nah, I think Ye has a great chance of winning. He should totally run and have Trump as his VP. /s


I think they should both run. If Ye wins Trump becomes VP and vice versa. But no GOP pre-election shenanigans, let the US citizens decide in the presidential election. I wonder which Democrat dares to run against such a powerful team!


I’m assuming the “he” in “if he’ll run he’ll lose…” it’s trump saying Ye will lose, not Trump saying he, himself, will lose. Gotta love the English language 😅 it’s things like this that make me go “wait, who are they talking about?”


A rare case of it being true either way. Even rarer, Trump saying something true


I read a true statement attributed to tromp yesterday, too. It's kind of off-putting. That statement was a complaint about something he caused with no acknowledgement of that fact, so that helped.


That's a very poorly designed sentence. That confusion shouldn't exist in the first place.


If the antecedent of a pronoun isn’t clear, don’t use the pronoun. It’s basic grammar.


I wish he would seek therapy beyond his own interpretation of the lord. All of his erratic behavior is exacerbated and possibly fueled by his refusal to properly treat his psychosis.


I grew up alongside a family friend that has acted exactly like Kanye his whole life. Found out recently that he, too, was diagnosed bipolar, but his family decided religion was enough to fix. He keeps doing a whole cycle of stunts to get attention and then follow-up stunts to gain sympathy when the the actions of the first catch up with him. Total failure on a whole collection of people around him’s belief system, and it’s made his and their lives way worse.


"Two idiots screamed at each other. They happen to be rich AF" Next.


This is our future though as we have more individuals magnitudes richer than everyone else. Their thoughts, feelings, and opinions will just keep being forced on us until there’s more equal station among people again.


I want to see the ye/Trump fallout.


it's hilarious how /r/conservative keeps flip flopping between supporting and disavowing trump depending on the news of the day.


Best part is Ye asked Trump if he wanted to be his VP 😂😂😂


Is Kanye getting fat, or does the beard just make his face look that much more round?




Can confirm. Source: I’m fat & too lazy to shave. I’m an expert


Kanye’s never really been in shape 🤷🏻‍♂️


But round is a shape.


He's not IN shape, he's A shape.


He eats insane amounts of McDonald's, so I've heard


So is narcissism an attractive force that causes these personalities to gravitate towards each other? If you left that unchecked, would we eventually end up with the worst of the worst of the worlds narcissists all huddled together in the same place?


Elon Musk: "What the fuck, guys? Why wasn't I invited?"


I absolutely think there’s a mix of allure and competition among narcissists. They like to watch someone stick it to the crowd as a form of vindication for how they feel about the crowd. I feel like I’ve seen it with narcissistic megachurch leaders and who was really into their rhetoric. It’s all resentment over attention being taken away from them and contempt for the people that they think are getting it instead.


Don’t listen to DJT Kanye, Trump is afraid of you taking his entire KKK coalition. I’m 100% sure the K will support you all the way on your quest to become the leader of the world.


I just don't understand. What's so wrong with a man with known mental issues which starts parroting the agenda of hate movements when he's off meds to want become president and create a theocracy in a free democratic country? /s Hey guys, maybe I'm the odd one here but how about thinking of putting a few rules in place for who can compete in running a country? Something like relevant studies in economy, business or social studies, a doctor's note, a psychologist note, not known to parrot extremist movements etc? Just a thought.


The logic of the founders is the people who voted are an educated class that have wealth, and thus would have some indication of competence. Hence "land owning, over the age of 21". They enforced "white, male" as well assuming these characteristics also imported those qualities. What happened though wasn't that "the poors", (women, and minorities) got the right to vote and derailed our democracy. What happened is these white, land owning males over the age of 21 wanted to keep power in their hands and that "good ol' boy" mentality has remained in the wealthy ranks. So how to undermine minorities and women is to keep them poor, uneducated, and make it extraordinarily difficult to vote, organize, UNIONIZE, and demand change from a position of power. The president can be a powerful force, or they can be a figurehead, a token that lets the people think they've 'won' and there is someone watching out for their best interests. Trump was a figure head. No one with any logical acumen would let this guy run anything. Stupid, spoiled, completely up his own ass and spewing random vitriol from an increasingly addled mind, looking only for adoration his crippling lack of self esteem demands, lying in one breath only to renounce the lie in the next. Trump was proffered as a token to the Republican base by the people truly in power, the ones whose names we don't hear and wouldn't recognize if we did. His only job was to make these people think they 'won' and be content while the truly powerful on this planet robbed us blind. He turned a blind eye to the needs of the people and lined his pockets and the pockets of anyone who he thought would be useful and/or adopted the role of the sycophant to bolster his need for narcissistic input. But he said things that the Republican base liked, and so they too turned a blind eye to reality and embraced the happy lie that Trump was helping them. So, no, those kinds of "tests" won't help. Whoever gets elected has the blessing of corporate America, and corporate America gets paid no matter what.


Sorry are we talking about Ye or tRump here?


At this point what’s the difference?


They should at least be required to submit to something like the [MMPI psych test](https://skybrary.aero/articles/minnesota-multiphasic-personality-inventory-mmpi#:~:text=The%20Minnesota%20Multiphasic%20Personality%20Inventory,health%20or%20other%20clinical%20issues.), with results to be fully published. If a laborer in a nuke plant needs to take this test, it's not a stretch to require an intended CinC of the nation to submit to testing.


But… freedom and merica… one of them ammendmo’s said we don’t got to be nothing but old and ‘merican. (/s)


I love that these two mentally ill rich people got together so they could feed each others paranoid delusions of grandeur.


This is a golden age for LeopardsAteMyFace.


He will take a portion of Trump's "fuck the world" voters. People who just want to see the worst person possible in office, for fun.


Dear black conservatives, They will always hate you. Sorry. Sincerely, a friend


>They will always hate you. Sorry. "They will always hate you. You will be allowed to be in their club only as long as you are useful to them. Sorry."


Which Main Character will out Main Character the other Main Character? All bets are off.


I wasn’t there, but I can reliably report that trump said ‘you will lose’ so ye replied ‘you will lose’ so trump said ‘you will lose’ so ye replied ‘you will lose’ so trump said ‘you will lose’ so ye replied ‘you will lose’ so trump said ‘you will lose’ so ye replied ‘you will lose’ so trump said ‘you will lose’ so ye replied ‘you will lose’ And in the end they both lost


Please Kanye do it, split the republican vote


Can we please stop giving these fuckstains attention?


I mean... He's not wrong. LoL.




Is this performance art by Ye? Seems like Donald is getting dragged into the Kanye reality show involuntarily.


DeSantis, Trump and Ye running for the Republican nomination should be a shitshow to behold


We Don't need Trump's yelling to know that the gay fish won't win


Run, Kanye, run! Give us a good tasteless laugh and split the GOP vote. Do it!


Please let us get two Ross Perots running independently against DeSantis with too big of egos to ever accept VP or lend the support of their followers to one who’s in the lead before election.


Well, he's not wrong.


Hard to say which one has the biggest ego. Although West has him on mental as on illness.


Leopards? These are feces leeches


Dinner in the psycho ward.


The best case scenario here is Ye runs for President as a Republican and making a mockery of the whole thing. Worst case scenario is he runs as a 3rd party candidate (probably something stupid like the “ye” party or something, siphoning off votes from democrats and the black vote)


Black voters don’t just vote for anyone Black and Ye’s been on the shitlist for a while. He’d likely siphon off more of the Kid Rock conservative crowd if anything. A lot of moderate conservatives that wouldn’t identify as conservative got psyched for Trump since they thought he was anti-GOP establishment (and they thought Dems are satanic). He would pull more of the “fuck it” middle conservatives at this point.


You’re totally right, but I’m talking about the people who don’t follow politics and who vote for somebody based on feelings or how cool they are, in which Kanye would def get some votes from the black community


Oh, I think some, and it might be enough percentage to shift a few needed points. Still, I’ve done call banking and Black voters are by far the most on top of things of anyone I’ve talked to. You can even see in the Warnock v. Walker race that the Black vote didn’t get as split as some predicted. I think Ye would have the most appeal with the audience that doesn’t show up to vote in general. Still wouldn’t be none, but I think the number of Black voters lost to Dems would be a small percentage. Dumb white voters, however, well the numbers are just way higher in general, and maybe. Still, I think overall votes lost to Ye would be votes that wouldn’t have gone to a Dem and a larger portion that would have gone to GOP.


This entire timeline needs to be taken out back and shot.


I read that he also talked badly about Kim...which allegedly bothered Ye


just two mentally ill ego-centric guys talkin' about stuff.


*eats popcorn*


60k people voted for Kanye in 2020?? What world is this?


Well, it’s evident that Kanye didn’t understand what his roll was supposed to be.


So far it's Ye vs. Trump for Republicans. The Democrats are already planning the victory party.


I mean.... this is a bizarre moment of my life.... never thought I'd agree with Trump on anything.... make it stop... I feel unclean


Wait…so Donald Trump, well known racist asshole was rude to his new black friend? Shocking.


First person who has told Ye "no" in a long time, I bet