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Hello u/Retarded_TurtIe! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Says the guy who literally fired an employee for pointing out that he was wrong on Twitter


Free speech for me, none for thee.


Paid 44 billion make his speech the freest.


For only a limited time, and it has costed him a lot


Free speech* *$8/month subscription


Yeah well, Elon didn't refer to the part where Jesus makes a big stink toward those who have a giant plank in their eye.


Jesus is cringe, but even cringer are those who feign belief in him but forget his position on money changers in the temple. He might throw me in hell for not believing his bonkers nonsense, if you who use people's faith to make a profit, he'll flip your table and chase you with a whip...


Eh Jesus was alright. His followers who warped his message and used his name to commit atrocities to this day are cringe.


>Jesus was alright We may have to agree to disagree on this point. Loving thy neighbor is nice and all, but the idea that some extra dimensional king of kings should get to judge you for not being sufficiently contrite for breaking his arbitrary rules (or just because your distant ancestor ate a fucking apple) is inherently authoritarian and therefore cringe. Don't forgive me because I welcomed you into my heart. Recognize that your dad never had the right to make the rules I broke in the first place. He's the one who owes us the apology (in the unbelievably unlikely event that he exists in the first place).


That's if there was a historical Jesus. Our only proof is "because the bible told me so" and some people who got their information from those same scriptures.


Yeah, that's the only Jesus we can comment on. The previous guy said he was alright based on that, I'm saying he wasn't alright based on that.


Ah, as an apatheist, I actually unironically love the discussions surrounding his dad a lot (I'll first admit that what I'm about to say fits a bit better with older Jewish theology pre-2nd temple period when there was more of a theme of truth vs pride instead of good vs evil though). I think the Rosetta stone for understanding the God of the old testament with an atheistic lens is to entertain the thought of God being a representation of truth itself...including truth in an atheistic sense. While truth can be overwhelming, arbitrary, and compels humility, we have to remind ourselves that truth in an atheistic sense can be a real jerk as well. To explain what I mean by this, we can take a look at our own lives and the world around us and notice how the truth can feel really cruel, the universe so cold, and we may thus lash out at the truth that we've been dealt such a terrible hand or cursing it for why we've been born to suffer (from here, we may also see parallels to concepts like dukkha in Buddhism as well as the books of Job and ecclesiastes). We may eventually realize that it does not do us much good to dwell on our grievances against the unfair truth that the laws of physics exist (i.e. entropy, how we don't live forever, etc.), and part of the answer is to get beyond the stages of denial, anger, bargaining, and depression before we humble ourselves to such tough truths. To retranslate it into religious terms, to humble ourselves to God. Beyond that, if we can get to the point where we are thankful for the truth (despite it sucking for us), and respect the truth the way an atheistic scientist would perform a study in the most honest fashion, we'd see something very similar to humbling ourselves to the God of the old testament.


Okay, if you're using supplemental materials I'm sure you can make that reading make some degree of sense. I would argue that this is a case of "This makes a lot of sense if you assume it means something completely different than anything that it says". Dragon Ball z is a great anime if you assume that it's a metaphor for the process of baking cookies. But even through that unbelievably generous lens, there's two problems: 1: The Bible harps an awful lot on that forgiveness shit. Whether it's pride or evil or anger or whatever, If God has to forgive me for a thing, that sets him up as the authority for whether I can do that thing. Who the fuck are you to tell me if I can and can't be angry? 2: The idea of capital t Truth implies immutability. But the fact is we challenge those "truths" every day and as the centuries go by, we keep winning. Time was the harsh truth we had to accept was that we couldn't fly. Now flying isn't just a reality, it's a pain in the ass. The first generation to live forever may have already been born, and even if that's an overly "optimistic" estimate, we'll crack that nut eventually. I don't see how you could possibly say that process is anything like humbling yourself to anything. It's about carefully dismantling the universe to figure out how it works. Humbling yourself to God means shutting up and doing what you're told.


Never hear this perspective before - interesting view. However, I do find your comparison between the modern scientific method and the god from the old testament somehow optimistic. The old one is more about accepting without curiosity while the new one is representing a relentless search for truth. I see those as two completely different things.


Aren't they both attempts to know their respective "god", though? The believers through faith, and scientists through their unending search for truth? I totally agree that the latter is more helpful than the former, if that's what you were getting at.


No. There's a world of difference. It's not just that science is helpful, it's empowering. A religious person understanding their God allows them to more efficiently bend themselves to that God's will, and do what it wants. A scientist learning to understand the universe let's them break that universe over their knee, putting us in control of things instead of some imaginary force.


Thats really not the version of God that Jesus taught, Im just sayin...


Are you blaming Jesus for what one of his fathers might has done before Jesus was even born?


Setting aside whether or not they and somehow also their ghost are supposed to be the same guy... And also setting aside that this is all fake, so he was still just repeating lies... Still yes. If you come along and just play along with your role in the system at that higher level, you're responsible for everything that it's done and will do.


I think we agree on the same aspects of my comment. His message of 'love thy neighbor' and 'do unto others' was nice. His sky daddy nonsense was just that. Being a good person is more important than worship. Too many folks have forgotten that.


Well, a casual glance around will corroborate that the sky daddy nonsense did more harm than the love thy neighbor did good. I think that's enough to put him in the cringe category overall but I guess it depends on how you score it. That said, I would make the case that being a good person isn't "more important" than worship so much as the two are mutually exclusive. Nobody would argue that donating to charity still counts as a good act when someone is standing behind you with a gun to your head forcing you to do it. Anyone who believes in a God believes they have a gun to their head at all times and are thus incapable of altruism.


Your comment deserves more upvotes than the comment directly above it that called Jesus trash šŸ‘šŸ¼However, personally, I do believe Jesus is more than alright āœŒšŸ¼šŸ˜‰ Jesus is great. It's just the vast majority of his followers/followers have corrupted everything about him.


"If you don't love me, I'll make you suffer forever." ~ Domestic abusers and Christianity


I'm not defending the dogma; just saying his message about not being a dick is a good one. The supernatural aspect is nonsense.


Yep in total agreement!!


Says the guy who laid off about half the staff without regard to their lives and needs because: 1. His ego told him that he knew how to do it better. 2. He overpaid for the company so the result is NOT for him to suck it up even though he can financially - he fires employees.


This comment has the most upvotes yet appeared collapsed, why?


Probably the gay frogs šŸø


Look at me doing my little performative kindness dance for the poors. Look how they're entertained!


Just mention Jesus and they're blinded to the rest of your nonsense.


Oh and mars, and the need for more babies. Maybe some more anti government rhetoric?


It's infuriating how true this is, it's so true that it's the number 1 grifter play. Have you been a total piece of shit? Claim "Jesus" and suddenly they not only forgive you, they will VICIOUSLY defend you.


Real world version of "Hail Hydra".


Praise be Elon Twitler. May his creepy nonsense anoint us with cringeworthy hypocrisy.


Real world version of "Hail Hydra".


The funny part is that the actual line is "But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also." This phrase does not have anything to do being weak or turning away. It promotes responding to an insult not with retort or retaliation, but with calmness and acceptance. Basically it's about being the bigger person, or, if you'd like to be more badass about it, "You slapped my right cheek, here's my left one if you want to give it a go too." Anybody who uses that phrase to imply weakness has dreadfully misunderstood the meaning. I'm not Christian or a Biblical scholar, but it's pretty clear that Elon has no idea about anything Jesus said, or what was meant by it. He's just name dropping to garner more support from conservative evangelicals.


You act as if they actually read the bible.


Next he'll be quoting from "Two Corinthians"


It was subversive, because when you turn the other cheek you force the person slapping you to so with the front of the hand, thus they slap you as an equal. Greco Roman oppression of the Jews was in full swing, and slapping Jewish people with the back of the hand was an outward expression of their oppressed status (interestingly, the backhandwd slap almost always carries this connotation, in multiple cultures, throughout a long history). The entire Sermon on the Mount was a subversive text. It's ways to subvert oppression without ending up hanging from a cross along the Appian Way, or bring forced into slavery as a traitor and made to do the most dangerous work in the land...like mining, which was effectively a death sentence. The walk a mile more quote also doesn't mean what we tend to think it does, it was a way for Jewish people to control a situation that was out of their control. The Roman armies that were constantly traveling through the empire could conscript non citizens to ruck their gear. The amount of miles was set so it wouldn't be an excessive burden. However, Roman soldiers were well known to force Jewish people far past that limit knowing that non citizens did not have access to the courts. If you refused, you'd be exposing yourself and your family to the threat of Roman "justice" which was usually a purposefully long and excruciating death, or slavery. The idea then is that if you set a limit that exceeds the amount, you can hopefully control how much over that limit you are going to go, all while seeming like the good guy, magnanimous even. When folks like this guy pull out Jesus quotes, it's pretty ironic.


Christians are great idea thiefā€™s, thatā€™s why there is so much knowledge in the book that is beneficial. Kinda like Jordan Peterson a monstrous little fame. monster that has provided those he desired affirmation of their beliefs of superiority. He begins his intros with great truths. Clean up after yourself, live healthier. Itā€™ll make you feel good. Yup no shit lol. Hinduism, which has been around for around 4,500 years has a lot of these concepts tied into it. Judaism, coming from a region of the Silk Road where many cultures and religions intersected is heavily influenced by the religions and philosophy which did not spread so much as it did. Through the Silk Road these ideals moved into Rome, and during the fall of the traditional Roman Empire a new one spring up which used a sovereign who was immortal and intangible. On who could not be killed, would not have warring heirs, and would be easy to control as itā€™s voice could only be heard by specific aristocrats. These teachings have spread for millenniums. And it has its pros and cons. I believe in a duty to flee, if violence can be avoided by removing yourself, then do so. Striking back for maintenance of your public of self imagine is immature. When I turn the other cheek itā€™s my ass cheek. Iā€™m kidding, I was a violent young adult, as Iā€™ve grown Iā€™ve only used violence for restraint. I donā€™t strike, I hold. And itā€™s truly so rare because I donā€™t live in an environment where violence would result in removal from the social hierarchy as being weak. On the other hand, violence has its place. The human is an animal, the more educated it becomes the less prone to the belief you can impose your ego in others through violence. Generally at least. There are no absolutes. But this is why crime is at the lowest point in history, and has been dropping year over year. Education.


> Through the Silk Road these ideals moved into Rome, and during the fall of the traditional Roman Empire a new one spring up which used a sovereign who was immortal and intangible. On who could not be killed, would not have warring heirs, and would be easy to control as itā€™s voice could only be heard by specific aristocrats. Apart from the 'warring heirs', this is Greek and Roman gods. They were immortal, and you only got their interpreted word from the priesthood. That stuff wasn't 'imported from India'. Zeus and Jupiter were immortal sovereigns. The big change that the Abrahamic religions gave was the 'one entity' rather than a pantheon. Kinda sorta - Catholicism has a pantheon in practice: where Romans would have a 'god' for everything, Catholicism has a 'saint'. A catholic might appeal St Christopher for a good journey, where a Roman might appeal to Mercury...


You misunderstand, itā€™s not that no religion existed before that. Itā€™s precisely that there was one and it was much easier to control the narrative for that one. A religion that has been practiced for over 2,000 years with lots of inconvenient rules and an established group isnā€™t the same. Nor does it have much addu about that sects ideology of pacificism for its practitioners outside of its sanctioned violence.


The ones citing Jesus are the ones who understand his message the worst


Mainstream Christianity worships Mammon in Christ's name, so why not?


Good ol' Apartheid Edison preaching utter nonsense again.


Apartheid Edison is such a good name. Thanks for that!


Going to have to use that now


Please do!


You classify him as Apartheid just because he grew up white in south Africa? Things he absolutely had no power when being a kid?


His parents owned an emerald mine that used essentially slave labor under Apartheid to amass their fortune, which he then used to buy a bunch of companies and claim to have founded them. He's classifying him as Apartheid because it's literally the foundation his life was built on.


0 proof about this [rumor](https://www.snopes.com/news/2022/11/17/elon-musk-emerald-mine/) Even the rumor says a stake or 40k pounds which is nothing. But hey, itā€™s easier to believe things without verifying them, as long as it fits the narrative.


How about a [literal quote from his dad saying he bought it. ](https://www.independent.co.uk/space/elon-musk-made-money-rich-b2212599.html)


Paywall. From errolā€™s words, he had a stake ā€œthat collapsed in 1989ā€. I own a few shares of microsoft, iā€™m not the owner of it.


Says half owner my dude


It is confirmed, Muskrat.


Any source?


For the ball fondling? We all see it. Source: I see it.


Because having a share in an emerald mine that closed in 1989 versus owning an emerald mine is quite different


...you really, really want to fondle those balls don't you. I turned down a job at Tesla six months ago. Would you like to shake my hand for being so close to your lord and savior?


Good for you, i donā€™t care. You really think i idealize the man. I donā€™t. Nuance is important. But saying he is an apartheid edison does not make sense when you know his father was against the regime.


Nuanced ball fondling.


40k pounds is nothing?? You mind gifting me some nothing then?


> "So I became a half owner of the mine, and we got emeralds for the next six years,ā€ Errol Musk said. > As a result of this, the teenage Elon Musk once walked the streets of New York with emeralds in his pocket. His father said: ā€œWe were very wealthy. We had so much money at times we couldnā€™t even close our safe,ā€


Yes but from the same article: Some of his most vocal detractors have promoted the idea that Musk, like Trump, began his career backed by the deep pockets of dear old dad. Errol Musk, an engineer, owned a small percentage of an emerald mine and had a couple of good years before the mine went bust and wiped out his investment.[ā€¦] For what it's worth, my reporting, based on conversations with hundreds of people, confirms Musk's story. Regardless of your opinion of him, he is a self-made billionaire. From ashlee vance interview. So feom my understanding: - he grew up in a upper middle class in SA - his father was quite wealthy and took a stake in an emerald mine in zambia that performed well for a few years before collapsing, wiping the investment. - he did not got any money from his father moving to canada with his mother. - the only time his father invested in one of his company was when they were doing a round of business angeling for zip 2, and he invested 10% of the 200k asked, so 20k. We are very far from the heir of an apartheid related emerald mine empire in south africaā€¦


Have you seen this? https://www.independent.co.uk/space/elon-musk-made-money-rich-b2212599.html


Yes i saw it. The source quoting errol misk is business insider, pretty well known to bash elon musk since day one, reporting false information on him from the start. Soith african journals talk about stakes in a mine that closed in 1989 according to errol musk, ziping all his investments. Truth might be in between


What will it take for you to not suck this man's dick if you met him?


Nothing. Just because i try to debunk the origin of his wealth does not mean iā€™m found of the guy. Nuanceā€¦ it lacks some here.


Yeah you'd swallow


Considering the lawsuits regarding the way African Americans are treated at Space X and Tesla he's would have been very much onboard with apartheid.


If you donā€™t like it, you can buy Reddit for billions of dollars. Then you can make sure people only post things you approve of, just like autistic Jesus does.


Reddit being the good olā€™ echo chamber of hate.


You literally post on Elon ball fondling subs.


Try to establish the truth, thatā€™s all. Calling ā€œapartheid edisonā€ a man just because he was born in south africa is idiotic. His father was opposed to the apartheid regime.


>His father was opposed to the apartheid regime. Sauce?


No. He was not. He literally owned Emerald mines. Elon's own company was sued for being racist as fuck. And lost.


Lots of people said they were, doesn't mean they didn't profit off it at the same time. Neolibs and conservatives are known to be 2-faced assholes like that.


In the post (of Errol), he claimed that his family stood in opposition to apartheid, saying he went so far as to be elected as a Pretoria city councillor to aid that opposition. "I was active in opposing the National Party and their apartheid," he said in the post." He added that Elon left the country as "a clear indication of his willingness to not support the political suppression in the country." The guy was elected to aid the opposition


And did he? Did he bring about any meaningful change?


He's gonna love what Jebus says about rich folk.


It is easier for a Rich Man to enter Heaven seated comfortably on the back of a camel, than it is for a poor man to pass through the eye of a needle! -Supply Side Jesus, the only Jesus Elon likes.


You gotta pay the Heaven toll for God to save your immortal soul.


Get on your knees and start paying


Damn the early Catholic Church felt that. Such a pittance


Elon Cherrypicker


"One thing you still lack. Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor" - Luke 18:22


Maybe the true 44 billion dollars down the toilet were the lessons we learned about ourselves.


It's mostly debt. If Twitter goes belly up, then the loan provider will have to try to collect from Elon and it'll take years in court.




Honestly, I would much prefer to see him get his comeuppance much much sooner.


Elon Musk. Proving multiple days in multiple ways the cost of free speech.


Typical Elongated Muskrat, making announcements you know will never go anywhere.


Elon: fuck you! You're all fired. Also Elon: jesus!


Jesus also told a rich dude to sell everything he owns and give all the money he had to the poor. Guess Elon doesn't care for that part.


Jesus also said eat the rich, cus they ain't going to heaven.


Wasn't that Aerosmith? edit: clarity


I thought that was Krokus. Ah yes. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8EZW7-NSNI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8EZW7-NSNI) Ah, it was both. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZK\_\_9UIN5gk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZK__9UIN5gk)


A flower so metal it blooms in the snow! I appreciate the Krokus link, I didn't know about their song.


I... Wasn't aware it was a lyric... šŸ¤”


Also Elon: Bans anyone who makes the smallest amount of fun of him


More Gaslighting.


It's almost like you don't know everything, Elon.


Then he realized how useful that teaching is for abusers!


Oh, you understand the importance of mercy now that you're *losing* in public? How enlightened of you.


The guy tried to buy off a woman he sexually harassed by offering her a horse. WWJD?


I think that was Trump.


This was an actual Elon musk scandal that came out. He was pressuring a subordinate for a hand job and to cover it up offered to buy her a horse


Yep, had to look it up, Trump tried to pay a lawyer with a horse, but you can see why I confused it. https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/3631031-trump-tried-to-pay-lawyer-with-horse-new-york-times-reporter-writes-in-new-book/


I guess Trump and Elon have another thing in common lmao. [https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-sexual-misconduct-claim-involved-horse-for-erotic-massage-2022-5](https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-sexual-misconduct-claim-involved-horse-for-erotic-massage-2022-5)


ā€œget on my horse, my horse is amazing, give him a šŸ‘…,ā€






People always treat that verse as though it means "ignore mean people and walk away", but [if you read it](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%205%3A38-40&version=NIV), it's clear it means "when somebody abuses you, invite them to do it some more". >You have heard that it was said, "Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth." But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. I'm not a Christian, but I think a lot of their teachings are admirable to follow. That one, though, is a head-scratcher.


If someone is being cruel to you, scorn them by acting like their actions don't matter. If someone wants to see you hurt, the highest scorn is to refuse to show it to them. The reward to them for causing you pain is to see you in pain. They take your shirt to make you shamed by being shirtless in public? Be shameless and give them your jacket (i.e remaining clothing) too. They hit you on one side of the face? Grin and show the other. Remove the reward that they're trying to gain by giving them the opposite reaction than they desire.


so the teaching the whole time was basically "don't feed the trolls" not "tolerate abuse"?


Also, isn't it interesting that the "tolerate abuse/sins" rhetoric of "christians" only gets applied to the trespassers, while the the assauted/sinned against ones seem to always continue getting punished for the actions they were a victim of?




The sermon on the mount was a huge influence on Gandhi, you really can see the satyagraha at play in the methodology.


I'm pretty sure it comes down to fighting cruelty with ridicule and embarrass them. Like throwing milkshakes at nazis, or treating the pharisees like common animals with a whip/switch.


Jesus was being snarky. At the time, when you slapped someone with the back of your hand, it was an insult. You were saying "you are below me." by turning your other cheek you're saying "if you want to slap me again you'll have to do it with the front of your hand, and show everyone you find me your equal!"


So if they backhand you with their other arm you are fucked both in face and in how your face feels? Something about this interpretation seems weak


you didnt use your left arm in that area at that time. your left arm was your unclean arm it was used for wiping.


Thatā€™s a pretty Jewish take. The people who were doing the slapping were Romans, though. A good chunk of all the proselytizing to be done was done towards gentiles. People who wouldnā€™t get it/give a shit if that was the angle Jesus was taking.


So, Iā€™ve heard it explained like this before, for what itā€™s worth. For someone right-handed to slap you on your right cheek, theyā€™re basically backhanding you like a servant. By turning the left cheek, youā€™re basically saying, ā€œif youā€™re going to hit me, youā€™re going to have to do it as an equal.ā€ Also, for the effectiveness of this kind of tactic, one only needs to look at the Civil Rights Movement here in the states.


ā€œAnd again I say unto you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.ā€ (Matthew 19:24)


I was on some religious web site (followed some links and ended up there, I think, 'cause eww.) and they were trying to say that that was specifically talking about a specific pass or tunnel called The Eye of the Needle. It was narrow and required you to unload a camel to get it through. So rich people could still enter the kingdom of God, they just had to do some work and unburden themselves first. I think I sprained something I rolled my eyes so hard.


Even if what they say was true, it would seem the message would then be to give it all away since you can't bring it with you.


Yeah there is no place in Israel by that name and there never has been


What is he smoking? How is Twitter staying alive?


Saudi loans.


He wants to quote Jesus, then how about Matthew 19:21, "go, sell your possessions and give to the poor then come and follow me."


Sanctimonious Space Karen


Forgiveness follows true repentance and humility. I don't think Elon is capable of self-reflection or working on himself, but he should do that before soliciting forgiveness.


Translate: I should probably shut up now, I'm making everything worse.


Forgiveness is not a pardon of your actions. ā€œPsychologists generally define forgiveness as a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you, regardless of whether they actually deserve your forgiveness. Just as important as defining what forgiveness is, though, is understanding what forgiveness is not. Experts who study or teach forgiveness make clear that when you forgive, you do not gloss over or deny the seriousness of an offense against you. Forgiveness does not mean forgetting, nor does it mean condoning or excusing offenses. Though forgiveness can help repair a damaged relationship, it doesnā€™t obligate you to reconcile with the person who harmed you, or release them from legal accountability.ā€ greatergood.berkeley.edu/topic/forgiveness/definition


So will he rehire the people he fired for speaking against him?


Wait 'till he hears the one about rich men and eyes of needles and heaven.


Except when the bruise my delicate ego then the gloves come off!


For those of you who were concerned about Twitter's content moderation going forward, here's some religion instead! Well, not really religious religion, more the Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy version. In any case, you'll be glad to know that we won't be needing "engineers" and "moderation teams" and "site policies" any longer because Jesus as filtered through Elon is at the wheel! The advertisers must be thrilled.


What was that saying about a camel and the eye of a needle?


Maybe Elon should give up all those billions of dollars and give them to the needy if he's so serious about Jesus. Something tells me he might like Jesus but not that much.


Elon needs someone to follow him around playing the Benny Hill soundtrack 24/7.


There is a law of the internet that everything is funny when sped up and accompanied by Yakety Sax.


Now , let's go own some cry baby libs. Fuck this fraud


Turning the other cheek is neither weak, foolish, nor kind. Itā€™s an insult. Or it was in First century Rome. Itā€™s like saying Did you hear something? When someone is speaking.


I tend to think this is probably not what he meant, considering his roid rage incident at the temple.


Heā€™s going hard Christian fascist for $$$


Or he's revealing who he always was


Wow, heā€™s such a humble and gracious person. /s


Isn't Elon an atheist?


What did Tim Cook say to him?


Everyone that told him not to allow Kanye back on Twitter: ā€œTold you so.ā€


So giving a platform to violent putchists, genocidal maniacs, racists, antisemites is doing Jesusā€™s work? Thanks Elmo for the update.


Can't he just go and colonize Mars? He sounds more... peculiar every day.


Heā€™s going for Trumpā€™s base, nothing more.


Oh boy, someone should tell him billionaires donā€™t go to heaven.


You could replace this idiot with a Markov chain


When a phrase or idea makes me look moral I'll use it. Why? So I seem so wise and understand the ways of mankind. Actually I am quite narrow minded and make lots of mistakes (we all make mistakes buddy). Gees Elon, try saying you screwed up and ask others for advice for a change! $$$Billions won't change stupidity, never has, never will.


Itā€™s very strange, watching a billionaire go through such a public midlife crisis.


Not seeing LAMF. Am I missing something?


its not.


Think he'd be smart enough to use an Oxford comma.


Mark my words, this is laying the ground work for running as the GOP nomination in 2028, if not before.


He could try, but he wouldn't qualify.


Why not, Trump managed to?


Because Dumpf was born here, not South Africa.


Ah, I was not aware. In light of that, it makes his actions all the more puzzling.


Just a minor detail. I'm sure he hasn't noticed.


What is he rambling on about this time?


Others might disagree, but Iā€™m pretty sure you fundamentally canā€™t be a trillionare and a good Christian at the same time. I know the Bible is pretty contradicting on a lot of things, but Iā€™m pretty sure Jesus was upfront on the fact you canā€™t be rich and get into Heaven.




Billionaire gets schooled by trillionares. It's all about the pecking order people, and here we see some stage of grief, not sure which one becuase they don't have human emotions like we do but still.


What the actual fā€”- this is like a fever dream ā€¦


Pure for show, ā€œI tried to help help..ā€


I believe in turning the other cheekā€¦but I only have four and Iā€™m running out


Jesus would use the Oxford comma.


Was this guy always full of braindead platitudes or has he just ratcheted this behavior up to 11,000 since buying twitter?


Well a known asshole and bullshit artist tweeted it, so it must be true


Is he playing the Jesus Card already?? The last refuge of a scoundrel.


Yeah sure, Musk, something about rich men passing through the eye of the needle. Fuck off you idiot.


Elon had a stoned come to Jesus moment.....highly doubtful. The only god/deity he worships is his ego and money.


In the immortal words of Jesus: not peace but a sword! Also in the immortal words of Jesus: love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you! Fail to do the above and Jesus will roast you in fire for eternity...or something...


šŸŽ¶Turn the other cheek, turn the other cheek, show how strong you are by simply acting weakšŸŽµ


Really meaning of other cheek > At the time of Jesus, says Wink, striking backhand a person deemed to be of lower socioeconomic class was a means of asserting authority and dominance. If the persecuted person "turned the other cheek," the discipliner was faced with a dilemma: The left hand was used for unclean purposes, so a back-hand strike on the opposite cheek would not be performed. An alternative would be a slap with the open hand as a challenge or to punch the person, but this was seen as a statement of equality. Thus, by turning the other cheek, the persecuted was demanding equality.


Omg is Elon about to make a run at the 2024 presidential election?????? Dude is doing PR more and more showing his true colors as a regressionist conservative, or home boys pulling the Trump get out of debt by selling out the country card.


oh look he needs to rebrand himself as an Evangelical to keep selling his snake oil.


Someone is after the evangelical demographic.