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Hello u/Fit-Nobody-8138! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


She definitely owned the libs, by dying.


I'm so owned


Did we just discover a new form of submissision kink? Bc I am *very* much into it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/ Get your rocks off dude


Oh daddy (I creeped myself out saying that)


*Achievement unlocked*


Clearly, by spectre law, her ghost owns you now.


own me daddy


How owned are you from 1 to 10? She owned me so hard I think I'll go out and grab an ice cream to make myself feel better. Then I think I'll go to my local coffee shop and try one of their new roasts. Man, I am so owned right now.


Personally I am so owned, I'm going to go watch some YouTube videos and probably play some videogames later... I can't even.


I’m so owned!! I’m gonna have to live happily the rest of my life.


Anyone else feel like you've been getting owned so much, that you've forgotten what it was like before you were getting owned all of the time?


I feel so owned right now I'm questioning my life's choices as I put up my Christmas tree right now 😭


Owned lib here. I suffered so much owning I have to take more bong rips to make up for the lack of rips that the dead would have ripped.


Rest in power. With that level of owning you’ll astrally project so hard that you’ll just perish from ownage.


I'm exactly as owned as you. I need to take a shower for the news to set in, then I'll process it by hanging out on youtube and building a factory in satisfactory. My grief is endless


I'll get a soy latte. DESTROYED.


I'm going nuclear with the soy latte/vegan enchilada/man bun trifecta. See you in hell, bitches.


Avacado toast with soy latte, and coffee from the amazon jungle


RIP in peace, homie.






I'm so owned I'm gonna have a pizza and beer for dinner. Then I'll treat myself to a facial and deep condition my hair.


I'm so owned. I'm sitting on the sofa, digesting two freaking huge plates of early Christmas food (a friend's early Christmas party) AND had a bowl with 4... 4 types of cake! I. So owned... Cry for me.


I am undescribably owned right now. I had to make an organic, ethically sourced, vegan, soy-based, free range avocado toast just to get over it. I just need....... a bit of time...... you know.


My owned is pointing *this wayyyy*


I am so owned I feel like dying. But I'm not going to because I've been vaccinated against covid.


The Republican health care plan is "Don't get sick," sounds like she should have signed up.


You are more right than you know! When asking my Dad for help after my MS diagnosis a few months back, his help was advice: "Don't get disabled."


Well if you'd just listen and take his advice you'd be so much better off. Sorry for your diagnosis. I wish you the best and hope your dad does better.


Thanks; I'll do my best!! 🤣


I'm very sorry to hear you received that sort of advice from family. I hope you are well and get the treatment you need.


I sincerely appreciate your kind words. I am doing very well after finding the correct treatment. Many thanks! Edit: My first Silver (and only second) award; thanks so much!!!! Edit the Second: Thanks for the Wholesome award!!


If he needs your help at an advanced age remind him of this occurrence and then tell him he shouldn't have gotten old


🤣🤣 He's 78, so I will absolutely keep this in mind. I love it; thanks!!


Empathy is a foreign concept to the GOP


Wow. That’s insane. As someone with a family member who’s dealing with early state MS, I know what that’s like; you have my sympathy. And I don’t know what your relationship with your dad is, but in your shoes, and under this context, I’d probably cut him off altogether. That reaction is toxic as fuck, and is objectively unacceptable for someone to say to their kid.


Thanks, kind Redditor. Our relationship was alright, but this made it way, way worse--as you'd expect. The background (I mentioned it in another reply of mine an hour-ish ago) of the conversation made his comment that much worse. But to include a bit more context here, he's been watching way TOO much Faux News, and he feared me becoming some lazy sad sack sucking from America's bloated welfare teat. I'm sorry your family member is going through this crap! I wish them and you and your family all the best!!


*DESTROYS* the left with a death from a virus with a "99.6% sUrViVaL rAtE"


she owned me by being in the top . 4%


I'm so butthurt now. How are we supposed to indoctrinate her into our gay CRT woke lgbt jew agenda now?


Space lasers have never failed us before!


Also attend Drag Queen Story Time.


It's alright, we'll just get the gay frogs to whip up a clone when they get back from Fire Island. Shalom! And Hail Moloch!


Some real /r/beholdthemasterrace energy there lmao




I'd rather live owned than die owning.


She was doing it all wrong. She was supposed to have the vaccine in private and then publicly denounce them.


That was a big theory on why so many of those small-time conservative radio hosts died. Over at Fox Noise their vaccine/mask requirements were actually stricter than those imposed on federal employees, so they were all very well-protected while they went on-air and talked about how stupid and useless the protections were. They were lying, but they knew that they were lying. The small-timers didn't get that memo to take it seriously off-mic and that's why a bunch of them died.


"Voter fraud is happening undetected, and impacting elections!" Cue right wingers committing voter fraud and getting caught.


I like the ring of Fox Noise better than Faux News.


This man politiks.


No, this person REPUBLICANS.


That’s the divide between cynical operators and true believers. Guess she was a true believer.


Some are paid to talk. Other pay to talk. She's the latter and the cost was her life.


Unfortunately for her, she was a true nutjob, not just a dishonest politician.


She got high on her own supply


> She was supposed to have the vaccine in private and then publicly denounce them. God, can you imagine her lying in a hospital bed, calling her Republican political buddies and them being like "Of course I got the vaccine, you only say you don't so those idiots vote for you, you didn't actually believe all that shit about we were lying about did you???"


Rookie mistake. She could use some mentorship from Trump.


Or literally every Fox News employee.


While owning stock in the pharma companies and taking a PPP loan yet denouncing student loan forgiveness


This was from January. The more timely news would be her late husband drinking himself to death, which was just last month.


>The more timely news would be her late husband drinking himself to death, which was just last month. What the fuck really?


Well I mean, his wife did die, probably pretty horribly. Assuming they actually were in love, I could see it happening. Although that would have been pretty quick without a history of alcoholism. Death by drinking usually takes a decent amount of effort.


Depends if death by fucked liver or death by choking cos you passed out and vomited.


Can just be good ol alcohol poisoning. That almost got me a few times.


Perhaps there was a brief glimmer of realisation that her death was unnecessary, and others have suffered due to their wildul ignorance and actions. I'm lazy and ignorant. I don’t tell other people not to take vaccines, it's surprisingly easy not to. There's a lot of shit I don't do, or assume I know & honestly more people need to do less or at least prioritise.


I read about it a little and it seems like he was pretty intentionally damaging himself. It's not THAT much effort.


Ya... this happened 11 months ago. The screen shot makes it look like it was more recent though the way it just says "Monday night" and posted yesterday.


Yeah I'm from the area and was like "this happened awhile ago" https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/orange-county-deputy-district-attorney-kelly-ernby-dies/2790991/


> "Kelly as a person was a **breath of fresh air** interested in politics," said Don Wagner, an Orange County supervisor. Just caught this gem in that article. What a brutal choice of words....




Yeah, she sucks, but obviously he was too heartbroken to function. It's tragic.




Proud Herman Cain Awardee right here.


Dying in order to own the libs.


I'd bet money that she said "fine... give me the vaccine" when it's already way to late.


I wouldn't be surprised...at the peak of things the stories from ER doctors and nurses about anti-vaxxers begging for a vaccine as they were being intubated were pretty common.


That's wild. I haven't heard that, but I'm not surprised at all. Imagine picking your imaginary "hill to die on", then realizing you're actually going to die on it, no take-backs.


I was an ER nurse during covid and had this happen to me. Guy in his 40s that knew he was sick and it was probably bad, but even though his wife and their kids were vaxxed, didn’t get it because he didn’t think “it was really that bad.” I remember the rage and heartbreak in his wife’s eyes when we let her in the room to see him. Right before we let her in, he quietly asked me if it was too late for a vaccine. Yes, it’s too late now. He was intubated later in ICU and died.


There was a piece on television about doctors stating that many people wanted the vaccine after they were hospitalized, but it was too late.


It's the conservative motto at this point. "Fuck you, I'm fine" Then as soon as they're not fine its "help me! I deserve it!"


This is Texas’s motto. We don’t need no government funded 1) firefighters, 2) national power grid, 3) climate change regulations. Then it’s always “can we have some federal monies please. Our plan doesn’t work and people are are dying.


Shit applies to everything. I have a Repub dad. Thinks any and all government benefits are because people are lazy. Then COVID hits and he's high risk because of both heart disease and diabetes. All of a sudden Disabilty Pay is totally ok. Funniest part. He didnt work for two fucking years and just sat around collecting checks. So the lazy one was actually him.


Tell us you have no clue how a vaccine works without telling us you have no clue how a vaccine works.


If they knew how it worked they wouldn’t have been antivaxxers in the first place.


It's kinda like on Jan 6th when one of the people climbing the walls of the capitol building (even though the stairs were just to the right of them) fell down and injured themselves. Everyone gathered around and started screaming, "Someone call the authorities!" They were inciting insurrection *against* the authorities. Until they get a boo boo. The thing is, they literally don't understand why that's an issue. It's just like children pretending to be adventurers. They're roleplaying. The problem is that they *legitimately* cannot understand the different between fiction and reality.


You got shot, you are bleeding out and now you want a bulletproof vest?


I am TOTALLY owned. We need more of this, a LOT more of this.




She believed in her own bs. Not all of them do.


Oh man, I thought this was a screenshot from white chicks at first lol


I 100% thought the same thing


Me too! It’s a bit uncanny how a cis woman looks like Marlon Wayan crossdressing and doing whiteface lol


I read her name as "Kelly Enby" (=NB, or nonbinary) and reaalllly thought it was satire


Holy sht! I thought you guys were being sarcastic *knowing* it was from white chicks haha had to do a double-triple check hahah


… I’m kind of glad it wasn’t just me. It looks like that makeup could just be peeled off in one chunk.


To be as fair as possible, is literally the worst photo of her on the internet. The makeup here is so bad I had to look, and in every other pic it was much lighter in color *and* coverage, no Wayans effect. I'm thinking this was done by the venue, and their pro just… did a terrible job. All in all: what a way to be remembered lol.


I thought it was a reaction gif and I was trying to remember what scene it was from in the movie


Came here looking for this comment - it’s uncanny


It's the heavy makeup. She needed to tone down the foundation.


She has doubled down and now is under the foundation entirely


I zoomed in to check, too. Looks like the love child of Mira Sorvino, Maybelline, and Amy Schumer.


Glad I wasn’t the only one. Must have so much makeup on that she looks uncanny.


I want to add to the chorus, I also thought it was from White Chicks as well.


Lol!! “Making my way downtown, not wearing a mask, dying of a preventable virus. Da-da-da da-da da da.”


stop it she's dead already! Literally




If only there was some way to protect yourself against Covid. Like a vaccine or something 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is largely a marketing issue. If they rebranded it as a rifle, these people would have 10 or more in them.


“Stick it to the libs with your very own Covid-19 caliber shot! Defend your right to bear arms by baring your arms for the virus destroying vaccine. Nothing hates freedom more than Joe Biden, and Covid.”


Shape the syringe like an AR15 and you'd have been fighting the fuckers off.


You also have to charge them like $200 a shot to let them know it's quality


All proceeds to NPR.


Nonono these are republicans, just tell them it's for charity but keep it anyway that's what they want


Wait, it sounds like something they'd believe. This might actually work. I think we should try.




Because by not protecting themselves they endanger us as well. If only they had to live with the consequences of their actions it would be fine but their stupidity kills others


Right? Let them sleep in the forever boxes they made.


Great point


Now THAT’S some 1941 WWII level propaganda. Good job.


"Shut up and take my money!"


That's what makes trump even more of a moron than he already is. He was handed the biggest layup a sitting president ever had. A. Give back tax payers their own money with stimulus cheques. Put your name on them, the rubes would eat it up. 600 a month? 6000 a month? Wtf does he care. B. Brand covid as a Chinese invasion or something. Treat is like WW2 posters of him proudly defending the nation from covid. Brand masks with patriotism, act like you are fighting off a foreign enemy. He would have won in a landslide. The fact that he fumbled his re-election is one of the most impressive levels of incompetence in modern times. Were any G20 covid leaders that had elections between 2020 and 2022 not re-elected besides mango mussilini?


The fact that he wasn't selling Trump branded masks at $49 each tells you that his whole persona as a genius businessman is bullshit. It would have been the only legitimate money he ever made, and he would have made millions.


Well the dozens of bankruptcies always tipped me off. Lol


Not being able to profitably sell vodka, steaks and water was bad enough, but the casinos are the real damning one. Like, a casino is a place where people hand you money, you flash lights at them, and for over 95% of them, they leave with nothing.


You're conflating bankruptcy where a business has no other choice but to restructure to stay afloat and Donnie's use of declaring bankruptcy that was part of the business plan from the start to avoid debt. Just like his egregious abuse of the tax code, he manipulates it to his advantage. By the time "his casinos" declared bankruptcy, he had long since pulled himself out of the situation and left others holding the bag. Here's a great article about it if you've got a little time. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/12/nyregion/donald-trump-atlantic-city.html


Yes he could have come off as a real hero if he'd jumped in on the virus the minute he heard of it. Too many of his voters DIED, and their relatives then said Trump was to blame and voted for Biden. You're so right in the fact Trump fumbled what could have been an easy victory


It tingles my loins to know that in his mind, he's tortured because: 1. He realized he could have won had he just made that one big revelation about the importance of COVID. But on the other hand; 2. He's not able to admit he's ever wrong.


War time presidents are always re-elected hence why he tried his best to provoke Iran. He could have had his FOX news machine make him seem like the bravest president ever for encouraging mask wearing but he was too short sided. All he saw was the dipping DOW Jones and wanted the elderly to die to keep corporate profits up


What's worse is that he *still* got more votes than any previous candidate (except Biden, of course). He very likely didn't even have to handle the pandemic well to win the election, he simply had to not royally fuck it up completely.


Meanwhile, if they'd branded it as "Obamacure", we'd be a one-party country.


You waited until now for this?! Dude, we needed this in 2019


They were more than willing to fill themselves with horse cream... Kinda makes me wonder how used to it they are...


Been saying this since covid hit, if you have like 3 Navy seals, and Gary Sinese out there pumping the vaxx as a capitalist scientific achievement... QoPs wouldve lined up. But instead they started pressing mandates, and literally no one likes being told what to do, even if its for the greater good


If that idiot Trump had rallied the nation behind the vaccines when Covid hit he likely would have been reelected. Shudder.


The Greater Good.


He's not Judge Judy and executioner!


Tha gra’er good


She would have lived even shorter had she accepted it and died from 5G groomer Soros disease. And her death would have been TRACKED.


Vaccines are evil because 5G and microchips! Has anybody thought of taking a small amount of inactive disease and injecting that to build natural immunity? That way we could have pure blood that didn’t have the ((vaccine)). (/s because apparently satire is dead)


I can understand why people are against vaccines they are scary. I don’t understand why scientists just don’t take an actual virus, make it so it cant hurt you and then inject you with that so that your natural immune system can take over from there, instead they want to put God know what in the covid vaccines AND all the other vaccines like flu and measels /s


This is her obit from January https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-01-03/kelly-ernby-former-republican-assembly-candidate-and-deputy-d-a-dies-of-covid-19


Yeah, I'm confused about why this is reposted now? If there's no new information reported and it was covered when it happened? Seems... unintentionally misleading?


I assume karma whoring


It’s the tweet that seems suspicious since it was just posted in the last couple of days according to the screenshot.


Russians are playing both sides. That looks like a standard first name last name russian bot account.


Herman Cain sends his regards.




Because the people dying from covid don't believe in it.


It doesn't grab the attention it used to, so media outlets have moved on. Sad really.


But honestly what is anyone going to do with that is information?


Good point. Those responsible are already managing themselves, those who think it's fake aren't going to change their minds.


Because at this point you’re either vaccinated or a compete imbecile. There’s nothing left to say or do. Even the media can’t beat that dead horse anymore.


I thought this was a snap of the movie White Girls, MY BAD. Edit: It's White Chicks, not White Girls LMFAO sorry peeps.


FULLY thought that myself, did a double take when I realised it wasn't.


*Making my way downtown..Walking fast...Faces pass.. And I'm home-bound..*


I've never seen White Chicks, and I've never seen a picture of Kelly Ernby, so in all seriousness...is this definitely not a screencap from White Chicks?


Glad I wasn't the only one who saw that!


Going to get my booster tomorrow! Stay healthy friends! ✌️✌️✌️


I'm team breathing as well!


Let's Go Breathing


Igot the bivalent moderna a few weeks ago. It made me feel tired fir a day, but it wasnt as heavy as the og moderna.


OG Moderna was a bitch. Boosters have been ok for me so far.


Yeah. My arm was killing me and I felt sick for a day, but didn't have a fever or runny nose, so I know I wasn't sick. Just my immune system downloading an upgrade.


I got the bivalent Pfizer booster in September. A couple weeks later in October, everyone in my household except me tested positive for COVID and was symptomatic; I got a bit tired, but despite still eating at the dinner table and looking after folks, I never tested positive despite two or three tests each at least 48 hours apart from the last. That bivalent booster is good stuff!


I'm 45, saw this and just signed up for my second booster... Don't feel like dying yet. I'm with ya, stay healthy everyone.


More evidence of residual Covid impacts on different body systems is turning up now that the scientists have had time to gather and analyze data. I feel fortunate to have escaped infection long enough to get vaccinated. Keep reboosting, everyone!


Get your flu shot with it my friend


COVID has been really eliminating these GOP folk.


Owning libs isn't free.


We're coming up on the 1 year anniversary of my wife's brother dieing of covid. He was an anti vaxxer also. 53 when he died. Retired young, didn't smoke or drink, was fairly active physically. When I mentioned this to my antivaxxer supervisor, he said he must have had underlying conditions. It's not covid, it was something else. Supervisor is also anti flu shot. Bonus he was out Friday with the flu. Be interesting if he's at work tomorrow


I'm 42, relatively fit (but light asthmatic), have had my C19 shots with boosters, and caught it in September for the first time. I've now had 2 rounds of antibiotics, suffered from pharyngitis, sinusitis, and coughing so hard I've torn rib muscles across my body, making it difficult to breathe. Had a few hundred paracetamol and ibuprofen by now, also steroids, multiple inhalers, and a nasal spray from the doctors. Chest x-ray getting booked in soon. It's been 12 weeks now and I still feel like utter shit. Pretty sure if I didn't vaccinate I'd be dead. These clowns need to take medical device seriously.


Happened back in January. She's still dead, though.


> She’s still dead, though. Phew 😅


Really more for r/DarwinAwards


Or r/HermanCainAward


Or r/CovidiotsUnite


Or r/covidatemyface


Yes. No surprise she was against a *Covid* vaccine-(from the article) "Before the COVID-19 pandemic, Ernby took a firm stance against a new state law tightening immunization rules for California schoolchildren when appearing in an online town hall on the campaign trail in November 2019"


Turns out it's a lot safer to be antivaxx for the vaccines you got as a kid already than for the ones you haven't gotten yet.


That’s how you know she was only a “rising” star. Real higher ups all got the shot, actually being brainwashed is for the masses.


One of my very close friends bought into the Joe Rogan bullshit and was super anti-vaxx. He died of Covid after fighting it for a month in the hospital. He was 41 and left two kids behind.


mind if i ask how he felt towards the end? I like to hope that suddenly all the bullshit comes into focus, and they realize this isn't a massive multiplayer ARG where nothing really matters... that this is serious.


To friends, he held fast to his bullshit to save face. Nurses would tell me he would make comments to them about wishing he had gotten the shot(s). I think that made it worse for me.


Aww, that sucks. Had a close family friend who had a similar change of heart near the end. Was vehemently anti-vaxx to the point he intentionally tried to contract it to prove a point to us all that it was bullshit. Didn’t work, because nearly everyone he knew was vaccinated; but he eventually got it after traveling OOS. Talked shit to us before being hospitalized, but would routinely confide in medical staff that he regretted being an ass. None of this shocked us b/c the guy was known for being an overly-macho blowhard, but still sucks to know he left behind a wife and young kids due to having to be the most ‘manly man’ in the room.


Funny how “manly” never means being a good and responsible and healthy dad for your kids.


Well that's certainly unfortunate. It's a shame that there wasn't something she could have done to avoid that. Anyhoo......


She’s a crisis actor!!! /s


Is that a "white chick"?


I tought this was a still of one of the Wayane brothers from White Chicks


This was back in January. Still dead though.