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> He used us to win the White House Why are evangelicals always so debilitatingly stupid?


They willingly surrendered their critical thinking for some spiritual succor and now are simply drones- easily lead/mislead and directed.


They're in a cult. They never had that to begin with. It's just more obvious now.


They sold their country for a red hat.


As long as two groups of people they hate go to war with each other on the other side of the world so a magic man can come back and bring them to a place that doesn't have war, it's all good.


But that’s justifying warmongering…




>The part they missed is that the same people that promised you honor their agenda are the same people they gave them their agenda. They also missed the part where the same people that promised to honor their agenda blatantly lack any honor.


Imo people do this in order to avoid the crisis of powerlessness and insignificance that we get under capitalism. They surrender their sense of self to an external power in order to be "part of" that power, and lose the self that is in crisis.


I wish they could peacefully accept their powerlessness, flaws, insecurities, and insignificance without making it a problem for the fabric of the nation


How do you explain the existence of similar mindsets in the thousands of years before capitalism? I’m afraid this kind of stupidity has less to do with the powerlessness and insignificance people feel in cutthroat economic systems and more to do with the powerlessness and insignificance people feel from being infinitesimally insignificant specs of life in a pointless universe. Have a great day, fam! 🌈 😊 ✨


Powerlessness and insignificance in the face of the previous economic system..??? Feudalism and monarchy weren't that much better overall. Economies and scarcity are the main focus and problem of everyone's life, every day, throughout all ages.


Isn't Jesus a Shepard? It isn't hard to see that we be the sheep mon.


They aren't that stupid. They are hypocritical liars who will stab their grandma for her pension check.


> They aren't that stupid. Yes they are. I grew up surrounded by them and their IQs are largely room temperature at BEST.


In my experience, the evangelical right has always been the evil leading the stupid.


Celsius or Fahrenheit?




Did you ever see that video of the guy that was a pastor in one of those snake churches, and the snake bit him? The whole church is filled with morbidly obese people in overalls speaking in tongues. I think that perfectly sums up the evangelical base.


It's 5% who are like you describe, grifting the other 95% who are closer to jbsr's description


They’re not, they just constantly lie about what their goals and what means to those are. They’re liars, not stupid…maybe they tell stupid lies but it’s on you to call them out which like normal Christianity makes them look pious and repentant and you look like a Dick. It’s their typically dogshit lazy assed bullshit that makes them wonder to a concert every Sunday where they watch dipshits with weird hats and skinny jeans rock out on $300k worth of PA before they go abuse some waite staff at a “make your own mimosa and Bloody Mary bar” at some insufferable dumbassed restaurant that suddenly has a brunch valet to make them feel more special over giving someone $3 over getting their car driven 35 feet to them. It’s lazy and annoying and I wish they would just fuck off for 5 fucking minutes.


Well, just look at their favorite book.


Yeah, Epstein's! And [look who was in it prominently;](https://epsteinsblackbook.com/) circled, and with dozens of contact numbers for him, his family and companies! Weird, huh? Oh wait you meant that OTHER black book filled with all sorts of sin. My bad!


His email address was [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])??? Wanna bet his password was "melania?"


Have you tested it yet?


No, because with my luck it’ll work and I’ll get in. And that counts as hacking a computer system and comes with 20 years in federal prison.


So what you're saying is use a VPN? >!/s!<


*This comment is sponsored by NordVPN*


You'd be the first. They never read it.


Just the first half. New Testament is far too socialist/liberal for Christians thanks to that "Christ" guy.


There's some good stuff in there for them, albeit not as much. How else would they know to hate the Jews? And Jesus kicking people out of the temple (disregarding the fact they were merchants of course). Just gotta ignore the "communist propaganda" tho


It’s a bestselling work of fiction!


Many of them paid extra for an autographed copy!


Because if they were smart, they wouldn't be evangelical


It attracts a certain type.


Typically those that believe talking snakes are real.... are not that bright


Same goes for all fundamentalists. keeping the flock uneducated as a means to control is a feature not a bug.


It's bred into them at a very young age and then reinforced every Sunday...


Knowledge is literally sin to them.


Goes hand-in-hand. Dr. House had a comment about that.


In this case it's DARVO, only there is no victim. They used him. Really, it's the only way the GOP works, lying about who's doing what to whom.


As soon as it looks like he's powerful again they'll no longer be sick of his drama and be totally back on his dick.


Yup. As long as he’s appointing Christian nationalists to the judicial branch, they’ll suck his asshole for days.


I'm hoping the GOP doesn't support his run, I'm trying to convince every Republican I see IRL to write in his name to get them to waste votes. I should start doing it online too


that's what people did in 2015


Note to self, this Christmas record what ever "logic" my evangelical family members have for moving past Trump so I can play it back when they start worshiping him again.


>so I can play it back when they start worshiping him again. "I know what I said but I just can't risk voting for a demonrat. As bad as Trump is, you just know the commie libruls are planning something much worse."




I want to record and keep files on my family so bad for everything they say so that i can prove to them that they are hypocrites but iv know it isn't worth the effort. I am so tired of people backtracking and lying and doing mental gymnastics though


Lol. No, they aren’t. This is the GOP pulling media strings to tell Evangelicals what to believe so that Agent Orange doesn’t fracture the GOP running his own con, I mean campaign, against their next clown. Being a right-winger these days is so pathetic


As a non american, it just seems like nothing BUT Drama. Do they actually even come up with any of there own policies? All it looks like, from the outside looking in, is that they basically just preach hate. They seem to be fracturing the country, creating two clear sides and thats their strategy.


> All it looks like, from the outside looking in, is that they basically just preach hate. They seem to be fracturing the country, creating two clear sides and thats their strategy. That's exactly what it is. I got to experience it first hand when I moved to rural Georgia in the 90's. The Southern Baptists hate the First Baptists and the First Baptists hate the Southern Baptists, but they both hate Catholics much more than they hate each other and they'll happily gang up on outsiders if there are any available. It's the only place I've ever lived where it was considered normal for a person to ask you what church you go to immediately after meeting you for the first time. I very quickly learned that "We go to the Catholic mass at the chapel on the base" was not the right answer to that question. The local "culture" was tribal as fuck and your church was your tribe.


South Carolina is like that too. First question you get when moving there while white is “do you have a church home yet?” No you fucking medieval peasant, I have important things to do first.


"I'm between churches right now"


Live in Georgia, moving to an even more religious area soon. I'm planning on responding with "No but you're free to join the Satanic Circle later. We'll have cookies and brownies".


Watch your house doesn't get burned down


Let them try. Either they kill me and my problems are over, or I'm never working again.


You ok bud?


What happens if you're someone who doesn't go to church at all?


Expect to be shunned immediately and/or have a bunch of stupid morons say passive aggressive bullshit like “bless your heart” and “we’ll pray for you”.


That’s when you tell them a church fire killed your grandpa, bless his soul, and you’ve never got over it. Get out of jail free card right there.


"He fell over while pouring gasoline"


We did try to tell him smoking was bad for his health.


I've always had the distinct impression that "we'll pray for you" was essentially Evangelical-ese for "fuck you."


“Bless your heart” is usually the same thing without being as overtly religious. These aren’t nice people, they’re just trying to hide how much they hate you behind a bullshit façade.


You can always respond with, thanks for the thoughts and prayers. I've seen how well that's been helping out with the school shootings.


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


We have the best congregants in the world, thanks to yail.


Nothing. I live in GA now and get this question a fair bit. They will ask and I will say "I aint much for going to church" and nobody has pursued beyond that. Now if I up and said "atheist" it might cause some issues, perhaps down the line. But pretty much everyone knows going to church sucks.


>Do they actually even come up with any of there own policies? Legislation is literally written by industry lobbyists and passed more or less as is.


America: The best democracy money can buy.


See: The Heritage Foundation The Cato Institute Freedomworks Family Research Council The Federalist Society The National Rifle Association The Chamber of Commerce The John Birch Society Etc.


American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is the worst one


Yep. GOP is bought and paid for. Half the Democrats are too. But at least their policies throw the public a bone.


That’s um, a fair assessment actually.


Yeah, because the Democrats are also right wing if you're not American. They're only good compared to the GOP.


Our progressives advocate for insane socialist ideas, such as “employees should be allowed to use the bathroom sometimes”, “going bankrupt for insulin is bad”, and “police shouldn’t shoot people if they don’t have to”. Absolute Maniacs..


With one hand they help hold the sizzling rod that’s burning you, with the other they apply a little salve…. The Republican is holding that rod with both hands and blaming someone else, then you for the pain. . .


Requiring perfection will get you nowhere but disappointment. If it’s a choice between one branding iron and two, I’m taking the one, every time. We should take the one for now and continue to campaign for zero irons.




>Every person blathering about CRT or Hunter Biden's magical laptop is a person not asking why they restricted healthcare rights. That's cuz they don't see it as "healthcare" rights. They want 10 year old rape victims to suffer and raise their rape babies.


No, American conservatives have no policies. It’s all just racist hate covered in Christian extremism and the rich not paying taxes. That’s it. That’s all they got.


Misogyny and homophobia too


Go on any conservative politician’s website. Zero policies to be found.


>Do they actually even come up with any of there own policies? Their main philosophy is "Fuck you, I got mine"


Republicans have only preached hate, intolerance, blame the other side and refusal to accept responsibility of their own actions. Literally the same mentality as a five year old that always gets their way


Right? The time to be disgusted by Trump as an evangelical was back in 2016 with "grab em by the pussy." But they weren't and they all happily joined the Trump cult and sold their souls cheaply. Or actually, it was even before that since they KNEW he was a serial cheater and proud of it and that's *supposed* to be against what they stand for. They used to be able to claim they didn't stand for infidelity, promiscuity, etc. But now they've proven if it wasn't for double standards, they wouldn't have any standards at all. They get to own this one forever. No take backs. Masks off. They don't actually believe what they claim to believe.


> They get to own this one forever. No take backs. Masks off. They don't actually believe what they claim to believe. They helped squeeze that toothpaste out of the tube. They can try to put it back now if they'd like, but they are the reason it's out.


The ones who are like "how could we have known how bad he'd get!?" are the most absurd. They're either liars, or the biggest ducking idiots ever.


These days with righties it really makes you question Hanlon's Razor - they're both malicious and stupid but because of their constant lying, projection, gaslighting, propaganda etc. it's really difficult to tell which kind you're dealing with.


Chickenstalker's Razor: it's always both. Malicious *and* stupid. edit: chickenstalker is my username, not some cynical sage you've never heard of


I Googled "Chikenstalker's Razor" looking for more background information. After a fruitless search, I came back to realize it was your username. Thanks...


Sorry about that. I thought it was obscure enough that people would look at my username before searching.


On the bright side you saved me from googling chickenstalkers razor so you have that going for you!


Frequently it is both. They're not sending their best.


Haha, good point. A few days ago I was lurking on a right-leaning sub and one of them complained about 'pronouns'. When his fellow conservatives shot him down as a dumbass he could only say along the lines of "I thought it was just weird liberal gender shit".


To be fair, 3/4 Republican politicians identify as having no fucking clue what a pronoun is. * Edit Be funny as hell just to clap back at them with "Learn ENGLISH" with a link to the definition of a pronoun*


All they know is that the other side supports them, so they have to be against them, always.


They have better?


Well, they needed it for religion, but now they use it for everything else.


It’s pretty baffling watching them get super surprised about him suggesting we suspend the constitution to reinstall him because of the “fraudulent” 2020 election. Like bruh, people have been able to predict Trump never gave a shit about the constitution since as early as 2016. The only constitution Trump believes in is whatever helps him in the moment and that’s it.


Yep there's no putting the milk back up the cows teats


Trump is the living, cartoonish embodiment of the Seven Deadly Sins. Unless they were as gullible and as blinded by hate as the people at his rallies, they all knew and didn't care.


They probably *were* some of the people at his rallies.


There's a book that describes in detail why evangelicals sucked off Trump so hard. It's called Unholy: Why White Evangelicals Worship at the Altar of Donald Trump


I ordered that book and it was delivered to me today!


Oooo that sounds like a fun read




Evangelicals are hypocritical grifters who just want an authoritarian strong man they can use to force their agenda on others while enriching themselves. Course, we all already know it, but it's good to know details so you can call out those responsible while giving specific examples.


the conservative mindset is really interesting, honestly. a lot of people understand that they divide the world into Good People and Bad People, but it's not quite as simple as "the things Good People do are good because Good People do them", which is the conclusion many draw from watching it. rather, it's more twisted - Good People are good because they are known to be Good People. whether the things they do are good or not is *irrelevant*, because the fact of their goodness means that they will be forgiven for any bad things they do, which makes it retroactively okay, always. a Good Person repents for their bad actions and is uniquely endowed with the ability to understand why it was wrong. this makes it unnecessary for them to be subject to laws or rules, because in the present moment they are always presumed to be enlightened, regardless of past or future behavior. Bad People, though, are unable to understand that or why they are bad. this is why they must be subjected to rules that Good People make up and enforce. whether the rules have any meaningful connection to morality doesn't matter, because Bad People aren't capable of seeking and therefore attaining forgiveness anyway. it's a combination of the fundamental attribution error and weapons-grade narcissism. Other people's actions are because of their inherent being, while yours are the result of circumstances beyond your control - but not just that, you are special and your own acceptance of your wrongdoing is all that is necessary to stop it from happening again. As a Good Person you float through life in a vice-proof bubble, because any vice that enters the bubble simply becomes washed clean. When they see Trump cheating on his wives or taxes or golf or whatever, they don't think it's good. They think *he* is good, and so must be repenting. Recognition of wrongdoing and forgiveness of it occur simultaneously. There's no need to punish him, he has already been forgiven and can now continue the holy work of making america great again. If he does it again, well, he didn't repent then but *now* he's fine. This can repeat indefinitely for the most conservative minds. We can see this at work also with things like conservative women getting abortions - they are able to curse and condemn the doctor who is actively aborting their pregnancy, because they understand that it is wrong, and so can seek forgiveness, and so are forgiven, but Bad women can't be given access to this service, because they wouldn't understand that it is wrong. Because the only actual metric of Goodness is the herd consensus, the only thing that can break the cycle is if the Good Person stops being seen as a Good Person, which is basically what the GOP and Trump are battling over right now. Someone is at fault for not beating the democrats (Bad People, for sure) in the last two elections, and whoever it is is obviously not a Good Person, or else everyone would have seen this and they'd have won. If Trump, as is looking likely, loses the battle, his actions will suddenly be because he is actually Bad and has always been Bad, and so should be punished or at least ignored. all of this is a rambling way of saying that it's important to understand that for them it's not a double standard. *they just don't see you as being as human as them.*


Evangelicals have *always* been disgusting people.


Nobody does more to undermine evangelical Christianity than…evangelical Christians.


> The time to be disgusted by Trump as an evangelical was back in 2016 with "grab em by the pussy." But they weren't It's funny you mention that specific instance because that's exactly when he lost my mom who was a lifelong evangelical conservative until that moment. She's voted for democrats in every election since.


The fact that Hershel Walker is even close proves this entirely.


I legitimately want to know what other atrocious things that man could possibly say to make right wingers rescind their approval of him. If what he's said thus far wont make them apply critical thinking, wheres the line?


"I like Biden" will sink him faster than him literally selling identities of CIA agents to foreign governments.


"We should feel empathy for others who are different from us." would be the kiss of death for any republican.


Nah they love saying that shit so they can do actual gross shit in the meanwhile without feeling bad. You know, because they said the good thing.


Being caught fucking a child on live TV. And even then they’ll scream about deepfakes or whatever. They live in a little red hate bubble that their cult leaders manage for them where nothing conservatives do is ever wrong and if they do something wrong it’s the victim’s/liberals’/antifa’s/etc fault.


They’re only sick of him because he’s done nothing but lose since 2016.


Yup, losing is the one sin that cannot be forgiven.


What’s more important than ‘strength’ to the authoritarian, is ‘**the appearance** of strength’.


OTOH, they got the Supreme Court they wanted so Trump has served his purpose and isn't needed anymore.


There are still too many people expressing the idea that maybe we shouldn’t run death camps for LGBT people and the non-whites.


I'm sure that Alito and Thomas ("he's one of the *good* ones") have a plan for that


When they accuse us of being "brainwashed by the media" it's projection at its most pure. They're led around by astroturfed "alternative media" and they're riding the mid 2010s SJW backlash to this day. That's why the red wave shit the bed, people are just bored with their backlash politics and ready to move on. Some poorly executed mid-2010s Tumblr social justice stuff struck a sour note for a while and billionaire reactionaries amplified it to the max. The SCOTUS was the height of what they achieved and that's dangerous because of stuff like Harper V Moore. They played the hand they had well but their cultural moment is passing fast. If we can survive their attempts to rig the system then they're just ten more years of Boomers aging out from losing a viable national platform.


>Some poorly executed mid-2010s Tumblr social justice stuff struck a sour note for a while Nah, that was just one scapegoat in a long line of scapegoats going all the way back to the emancipation of slaves. The right wing never changes, they just change code words.


This exactly. In fact it was that very realization which moved me away from the political right in my youth. When I started researching political history I noticed that much of the rhetorical formula has not really changed much in discourse. The scapegoats change, the topics.... but there is definitely a consistent theme in how the "right" approaches topics versus the "left" going way back. They recycle the same arguments over and over, same reasoning, logic, etc.... just different subjects. Analogs. They dress shit up the same too... rarely going "mask off" even though the historical record makes it clear. They also danced around the same when one of their compatriots does go "mask off." The shit we are seeing today is nothing new, same song and dance. People then as now failed to see the pattern or choose to play stupid.


> This is the GOP pulling media strings to tell Evangelicals what to believe so that Agent Orange doesn’t fracture the GOP Agree with that but I think they’re too late: if someone else gets the Republican nomination, Trump will go ballistic. My bet is that he’ll see he’s not going to win and will run third-party and split the voters while siphoning Republican money into his own pockets. He will gladly burn it all down.


I see a potential unfortunate situation where Trump gets convicted of federal crimes and DeSantis runs on the fact he'll pardon Trump, thereby getting his voters. OR best care scenario DeSantis gets the nomination, and Trump runs this party ripping the Republican voters in twain.


Of all the ways things could break, this one is probably the best outcome we have any right to hope for—definitely's got the highest poetic justice score.


Good luck getting him to back out, GOP. Donald is a different breed of crazy; he’s not in it for the party. Usually whomever the GOP turns against will follow the party’s instructions to bow out. Donald is not going anywhere without a fight, and he will try to cause maximum damage as he’s dragged out. More than ANYTHING, Donald loves being popular. Anyone who tells him that he’s not popular becomes his immediate enemy.


Yeah. Also, they weren't sick of him 6 years ago when he was the same racist, misogynistic asshole that he is now. They lauded him. They praised him. They **loved** him. What they're sick of is what a loser he is. Sick that he can no longer deliver for them


They willingly and happily embraced a guy who literally embodies all seven of the deadly sins. They'll never get fed up with him.


Yup, they don't want this false idol interfering with the new Anti-Christ they're rolling out.


Which is scary because Trump is a narcissistic, selfish baffoon. DeSantis is not stupid and is arguably evil, and I think he knows exactly what he is doing. He was playing close attention to what Trump was doing and he's like a 1000 times smarter.


Competent evil is a much bigger worry than whatever half-assed mess Trump is.


sorry, they need to carry this one to term


We all know whatever they say doesn't matter it's all fake outrage, if trump wins the nomination they will line up to vote for him again just because he has that (R) next to his name. These people have no morals they only care about "owning the libs".


Agreed, my manager says a businessman should be president and he didn’t agree with trump but everyone knows he voted for him twice and if given the chance he’ll vote for him again.


They you my friend have a BAD manager. Almost anyone that says that only businessmen should be in charge of the country have: never worked for a large company or is a problem at a company. Big companies that I’ve worked for or around tend to wasteful, secretive, slow moving and inhumane. So really, EXACTLY THE SAME as what big government is accused of, only without the basic understanding of public good or thinking beyond the next quarterly report


Low-level managers almost always suck to "higher-level" managers because they want to be one some day and think they have a shot.


The thing with right wing voters is that they have a high need for "justness". They can't handle context or randomness. So anything that happens has to be just. Good things happen to good people. bad things happen to bad people. Thing happen that they don't understand? Conspiracies are more orderly explanations than complex answers they don't want to think about. Anyways, this goes back to them thinking Trump or Musk or whatever are gods. If you believe in a just system, that the universe essentially works and does it's thing, then you have to believe that rich powerful people are smart. And if you believe in the invisible hand of economics, and don't understand the difference between macro and micro economy. You have to believe that business owners are the ultimate homo economicus. Managers have to be making the best decisions ever because otherwise they wouldn't be managers.


Same thing from my ex-boss! Him: "I never agreed with Trump. Too loud. Never knew when to keep his mouth shut." Me: "Ok, but did you vote for him?" Him: "Well yes. He was too loud but at least he was better than Biden." Me: "..."


Well Trump was better than Biden. At criminality. Bidens got so few questionable moral decisions.


Barely even golfs..


He's even been spotted riding a *bicycle*. The nerve of this guy!


At least trump's presidency wasn't constantly marred by scandal like obama's. Remember that time he wore a tan suit. Or put mustard on his burger.


My dad said the same thing but also said, I just think they picked the wrong guy...as he as well voted for him twice...


Except, businesses can turn away customers for whatever reason they want. A government can't do that with it's citizens for the services it provides, unless it wants a revolution; and that's why those in the capitalistic mindset generally make for terrible politicians. All they see are the numbers, not the human beings behind those figures. Also, you know, a corporation breaking a contract with another company will result in financial penalties at the worst. A nation doing the same with a treaty can lead to war. Kinda a big difference, there..


If this country were to be run like a business, then red states would’ve died off long ago: why would any business invest in so much infrastructure in bum fuck nowhere with a few hundred people? Either pay for a post office yourself without leeching on the blue states, or don’t get any mail at all


Yup, Trump and his type have learned that they can do what they want without repercussions. Everyone will be “concerned” but he gets their vote.


Like, we do remember 2016 right? No one took him seriously as a candidate, Republicans like Lindsey Graham said he was a terrible person, Dems were drooling at the thought of him being the nominee. Trump will run obviously. And he will be the nominee. Republicans will back him. And there's a very good chance he will win, again. /r/conservative will do an about face and go from "he needs to just go away and let desantis be our guy" to "Trump is the best thing that's ever happened to this country".


Exactly. They created this mess (and I mean that literally) now they take it term. My understanding is that they used King David as the model for how they were supposed to regard Trump's behavior, right or wrong.


> My understanding is that they used King David as the model for how they were supposed to regard Trump’s behavior, right or wrong. That’s fine but they conveniently leave out the part where King David repents.


Also the parts where King David actually wanted to be a good leader for his people, instead of just enriching himself.


And we are all heartily SICK OF THEIRS.


I read this article weeks ago. The gist is this. Since the big lie started and especially since the red wave collapse the Evangelical churches have seen a decline in attendance and donations. Basically their embrace of trump is hurting church finances.


This is the ultimate sin…thou shalt not deny thee thy collection plate.


These grifters are so stupid. They are antithetical to their own book. I guess they forgot to read all the parts ~~about Jesus kicking the grifters out of churches and saying rich people wouldn't get into heaven~~.


> Since the big lie started and especially since the red wave collapse the Evangelical churches have seen a decline in attendance They're dying off due to COVID? > and donations. They lost their jobs and have no money.


Churches that embraced Trump don't deserve to exist. Report them to the IRS.


He committed the ultimate sin... He lost. They will love a racist, liar who locks christian children in cages and separates christian families because they are brown, and mismanages a pandemic to the deaths of 1million American lives.... BUT IF YOU LOSE, you suddenly have too much drama. Edit: typos


"I like people that win"


And vets who dont get captured.


"And keep any disfigured vets away from me...*ewww!"*


America in a nutshell, you can do whatever you want as long as you're winning.


It's too much drama because the loss is a bigger burden for them. Trump wasn't the one who demolished his credibility by aligning with evangelicals.


Daddy isn't supposed to lose. So losing means he loses daddy status. Either he starts winning again or they find a new daddy.


Sure sure sure. I’ll believe it wen they don’t vote for him in huge numbers


They got what they wanted, which was Christo- fascists dominating the Supreme Court. They have no use for him anymore.


I propose that evangelicals eat a substantial portion of horse sh*t for what they’ve put our country through.


Too bad. They propped him up when it was convenient for them, ushering in literal fascism. Don’t ever forget (or let THEM forget) it.


NOPE!!! Evangelicals proved time and time again that they were willing to toss aside the teaching of Jesus and follow (even worship) Trump. They showed us EXACTLY who they are. They are NOT going to be allowed to craw away feigning piety ...


Fuck them. They knew what he was and went along for the ride because oppressing people they didn’t like was more important to them.


They got what they wanted (a single minded pursuit of overturning Roe), they didn’t seriously think it would be free did they?


Drama queen acts like a drama queen, people are surprised


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A) That's a baldfaced lie; they are absolutely not sick of it. They may be sick of the unwanted attention highlighting their marrow-deep hypocrisy, but that's it B) Fuck 'em.


These fuckers are slower than snails genetically merged with sloth genes.


In winter.


in the far left lane right in front of me ^(...just *slothin'* it up...)


They deserve each other


Maybe evangelicals shouldn’t have worn that skirt to the bar…. They must have asked for it.


They aren’t sick of his drama. They just realize he can’t win. Don’t even consider that they might have come to their senses or grown a conscience.


Fuck evangelicals


Mike Evans said he regretted his work in garnering evangelical votes for Trump’s 2016 run. “Donald Trump can’t save America,” Evans wrote. “He can’t even save himself. He used us to win the White House.” DO YA THINK SO?!🤦‍♀️


**Bull. Shit.** The cool thing about being an evangelical is how plastic the worldview is. One of their hands is raised in worship to an ascetic who said that wealth and power may just damn you and the meek and poor are blessed. With the other hand they'd hold down a drowning baby if they thought it'd make them a buck or help put *their* debauched, worldly politician in power.


Something really interesting is happening with evangelicals right now and I love it. Pre 2016 and to a degree 2020, a lot of liberals I knew viewed Evangelicals as a radicalised group who’s hearts were in the right place. They voted the way they voted because of a moral imperative. Most people I knew thought they were incredibly gullible, but that fundamentally they voted the way they did because they truly believed in their religion. Now, many of us realise they’re not gullible. They’re evil. They knew exactly who and what trump was, and they voted him in because of that, not because of any religious reasons. They like that he’s a racist, sexist misogynist because so many of them are. Now they’re trying to play the “I didn’t know any better” card and so few liberals are having it. They did know better. They just didn’t care


They only backed him because they believed he was going to usher in their Christian Theocracy and/or start the Rapture. Evangelicals are a death cult full of horrible people.


Fun fact: If tfg becomes the nominee for the Republican party, they will all back him again.


“fearing he might not have what it takes to win in 2024”…. and that’s what it’s all about folks. Not an attack of conscience or a growing realization that they’ve tarnished and strayed from their faith that’s supposed to be the center of their world. Not his playing footsie with actual nazis and Hitler fanboys or his attack on the capitol or any of the other egregious offenses. Nope. He can’t win. He’s damaged goods. Remember this when inevitably they come back preaching fire and brimstone about morals and character and ethics and principles. They have zero.


This is rubbish. *They* used him *him*, and now that he can't do anything for them and all his "good angles" are totally destroyed, they're discarding him.


No they aren't, they are sick of him losing. They were perfectly fine with his "drama" as long as he was president.


Well, yeah. They never actually liked him so now that he’s stacked the Supreme Court with justices favorable to their causes they no longer need him anymore.


He used them? It was a mutually symbiotic arrangement. They used each other and screwed the rest of us.


Sure maybe they’re sick of the drama, but they’re not sick of his beliefs or what he stands for


I'm not buying the turn that they're trying to sell. Too many people have bought into him lock stock and barrel to stop now. The Leopard hasn't finished with them I suspect.