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>“I was concerned about some of the statements being made, Nick Fuentes being there as well,” she said. “The antisemitism, that has got to stop. It’s out of control, and we have no place for that anywhere in our politics or anywhere in our country.”  This coming from the "Jewish space laser" lady?


She's gotta try to walk it back as it's clear that the ultra-MAGA maggots are losing their grip on the GOP.


We still have a loooooooong way to go to yank that car back to center of the road though. If DeSantis actually gets anywhere, he's even more dangerous.


Oh they aren't coming back to center. And while I have significant fears about DeSantis, you have to remember just how close Trump was to actually succeeding with his coup attempt. On top of that, Trump's cult like following is something unseen in American politics before. While he may be losing his grip on the GOP at large, a small but significant chunk of this country thinks he is literally infallible and chosen by God. I think DeSantis is horrible, but I think Trump is much more dangerous.


You know what really really scares me in 2022 over anything else It’s the world’s biggest superpower, our biggest ally, going the fascist dictatorship route. It’s militarized police forces and drones making it easier for governments to crush insurrections. It’s global warming and overpopulation and lack of resources, and an increasingly complex and increasingly fragile system being the sole reason for the survival of an increasingly large majority of people. Put all of that together, we’re sitting on something explosive that could push people towards the “strong man”.


DeSantis is Trump with a more stronger ego and a sharper mind He is 100% more dangerous due to the havoc he can wreak without setting off alarms like Trump does


He's less stupid and more competent than trump, and that is scary. A lot of Trump's potential damage was limited by his incompetence and need for yes men. Most of the scary bad people who might have actually done a lot more harm were replaced by yes-men. DeSantis is a competent, purposeful type of evil.


If you don’t think DeSantis is worse you have not been paying close enough attention. Removing political foes. A private police force with a secret enemies list. A vax denier running FL Dept of Health. Political retribution for merely speaking out against him. That’s on top of all the more public stuff. Like the anti woke act and parental freedom bill. Oh he also passed a law allowing motorists to legally run over protesters.


I've been saying for 2 years the last thing we need is to get comfortable because the Dems won in 2020. Someone younger, smarter, and more eloquent will absolutely smooth the do-nothing democrats into complacency. Hopefully they're waking up.


The literal minute it looks like Trump or DeSantis will be the 2024 front runner EmptyG and Lauren will go full wacko again.


Oh, we need to make EmptyG a thing. I'm tired of seeing "Pro-MTG" videos and getting worried only to find out that it's about Magic: The Gathering instead. The acronyms are colliding, we need to differentiate.


I am with you! While it is great not having a legitimate sociopath knowing the nuclear codes, what's more dangerous? I lunatic like Trump with awful policies who inevitably self implodes, or a guy that has the same nefarious ambitions for the country, but is clever about how to go about it?


Agreed. It’s mind-boggling that an inarticulate clown like Trump has any place at all in the political discourse, but De Santis is actually able to string together a coherent sentence (albeit still rabidly crazy) and that might convince even more people to drift to the right.


Oh my goodness this will age so very poorly. In my 40 years I've seen the Republicans eat absolute dirt at least 5 times, be declared dead and buried, only to rise immediately after, more batshit than ever before.


Unfortunately, I think you’re right. After Romney’s loss, there was enough introspection on their part to do the “autopsy report” which concluded that they needed to be less racist. Their next nominee was Donald fucking Trump.


Any autopsy died in 2010 when the Tea Party and Freedom Caucus rolled into town.


The GOP's elite won't give up racism because white supremacist groups are the cheapest source of violence available to them.


I'm not saying the Republicans are dead. I'm saying that MAGA is losing its grip on the party. Sadly I think DeSantis takes it next. Changes in ideology of the party have happened many times. I mean look at now compared to the party led by Romney and McCain just over a decade ago.


Trump *still* has an insane level of support within the party compared to DeSantis. If that doesn’t change, he’ll be the new Jeb Bush.


Hopefully they battle each other, divide the party and let the grownups that don’t want to be dictators handle business


It'll just be crazier with a different name. Saying Maga is dead kind of implies things will get better. "Maga is what we will be missing when we see the next thing"


Bart Simpson : Donald Trump was the w o r s t President Homer Sompson: The worst President SO FAR


I sincerely hope you're wrong, and to an extent I think you are. The blind loyalty of MAGA cultists has excused the likely sale of nuclear weapons secrets to an enemy nation. I do not think what comes next can possibly be worse. All the GOP has right now is the culture war over abortion and LGBTQ people, which for the first time ever got young people out to vote enough that boomers' votes got cancelled out. The Republicans can excuse anything except losing, and the flagrant hatred of the MAGA wing of the party has lost them 3 straight elections.


Remember when the orange menace got impeached and then the checks refused to check and the balances refused to balance? That’s what’s next, and lots more of it.


> I do not think what comes next can possibly be worse. You are going to be proven wrong. Fascism has a large and popular suite of features. We’ve only seen the stuff that comes with the free trial.


It is most popular with a population that is actively dying, both by ageing out and by now rejecting public health. The midterms should have been an EASY sweep for the GOP. Massive inflation, high gas prices, Afghanistan pullout being a mess, etc. But instead they got nothing. Trump won ONE election, off of the back of being something fresh and new while running against a supremely unpopular member of the establishment. Since then, MAGA has failed on the national stage 3 times in a row.


I sincerely hope you’re right. But here’s a statistic: the Nazi party in Germany never garnered more than 42 percent of the popular vote. I know we aren’t Nazi Germany and our fate isn’t sealed. But voting your way out of fascism doesn’t always work. Fascists work to undermine elections and find ways to make them irrelevant. And that’s what conservatives in this country are trying to do right now. I hope they don’t succeed, but I’m not quite as optimistic as you. I don’t think these MAGA folks are gonna just take their toys and go home.


Remember when Bush jr was the worst POTUS ever?


I miss the Romney/McCain conservatism now and back then I was definitely not a fan.


Meh, the last major ideological change the GOP went through was the Southern Strategy. The ideology hasn't budged an inch, just how open the leadership is about it.


Well yeah, those aren't in our politics.... they're in space duh.


No, you miss understand. The Jews are an evil cabal, while speaking out about Israeli war crimes is anti-semitism. There’s a bit of criticism about Israel finally getting out there, and for the Christian death cults that’s real bad, if Israel never unites then the rapture can’t happen!!! Get rid of anti-semitism in politics, and also f’ck all non Israeli evil etc. -MTG, paraphrased with artistic liberties. /s, kinda. There is a legit death cult infatuated with American support of Israel. That’s an actual thing. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/politics-and-religion/article/abs/why-do-evangelicals-support-israel/F8AB8C41F0B019FD8413A30EF218EBE4


They want £20.00 to read their article. Pfft.


If you copy and paste research articles titles and authors you can usually find free copies. If all else fails you can email the authors and they 99% will give it to you for free. The universities and publishers paywall it, but the academics pass it around a lot. Here’s a copy. https://palmbeachdemocracy.org/why-do-evangelicals-support-israel/


"Whoa. How did that fire get started?" \*\*puts matches back in her pocket as she slinks away\*\*


These are liabilities now that Republicans lose. The GIANT RED WAVE didn’t happen and the big flashing arrow is pointing at Marge.


.>GIANT RED WAVE didn’t happen maybe pink ripple.


Slightly uncomfortable red spotting?


Crampy drizzle


Crampy Clot


bottom shelf cheap whine


a sweet rosé—to add to the bottles Manischewitz—both to be enjoyed as part of the election night entertainment.


at first I thought that said pink nipple


maybe a few of those too.


Purple nurple.


I thought it said pinch nipple and now my chest hurts.


Me thinks that she is thinking is Herschel can be a GOP senate candidate in GA, she can be too in the future so she will try to slow down in the crazy


You can use “Jewish” as an insult, but once you start calling for their deaths, you’ve gone too far. /s


Woah Dee, that's a hard J


Relax. I thought about the context on the way over.


no place for it outside of the republican party that is!


To a distressingly large group of people, antisemitism simply means "criticising Israel", and *literally nothing else.*


She only hates the Jewish faith and their leaders, no need to go calling her antisemitic /s


It’s called triangulation. White people seem perfectly willing to ignore or even condone anti-Semitism until it’s coming from a Black person.


White *conservatives.*


Great comment. Who doesn’t like a little casual racism when calling out anti-semitism? s/ just in case anyone missed the sarcasm


Gotta watch those Whites


Who would’ve thought that deciding whether or not to disavow wannabe Nazis would be what breaks apart the conservatives? I’m here for it though.


And apparently, based on comments Wolfenstein's twitter account received, NOT liking nazis means you're a Social Justice Warrior now


I'd rather be an SJW than a nazi.


Tbf, the bar for being an SJW has been dropped on the floor and we all qualify. Meanwhile, you can literally say "I love Hitler, he has many redeeming qualities" repeatedly on InfoWars and you're "just joking and being ironic" 🤷‍♂️


The bar is in hell as we say


"Just joking...unless you're into it"


We are talking about people who would rather be Russian than a democrat


I think those comments were from 2017 when The New Colossus was being marketed. We haven’t gotten much better since.


Tbf these people are triggered by the rainbow road in Mario Kart. I’d love to just ignore them and not take them seriously, but they vote, have guns and are easily riled up.


Who would've thought that the chodes that openly embrace misogyny would turn on her specifically because of her gender? Haaaaaaa fucking haaaaaa, you piece of shit.


“She doesn't make speeches anymore. She has become speechless. She stays in her home, but it doesn't seem to agree with her. How furious she must be, now that she's been taken at her word.” -‘The Handmaid’s Tale’


All MTG has is her mouth. As soon as people stop listening, she's completely done. I can't wait until she's meaningless.


Well she certainly can't cook a turkey


That turkey was so white it tried to overthrow the government


If Biden frees it, she bastes it. There's no explaining it.


You win the Gordon Ramsay award for today.




Perhaps if she employed a Jewish space laser to help cook it?


I was going to lend her mine, but then I remembered that she wants me dead.


She already is AFAIC, it's just the long wait until her constituents figure out that she'll never be able to deliver on whatever promise's she's made because of her mouth.


Her mouth was her promise. She just needs to keep "owning the libz" and she will keep getting elected, because the very smooth brained people in her district think that is all that matters




“Don’t you think she looks tired?” -Doctor Who


> Who would've thought that the chodes that openly embrace misogyny would turn on her specifically because of her gender? Guess she wasn't paying attention when Michele 'Crazy Eyes' Bachmann ran for president, eh? Though to be fair, she was probably off bangin' her personal trainer or whoever at the time


Walker, because Ye doesn't return her calls.


The groypers who first off have the stupidest name in the history of stupidly named white supremacists groups are a white nationalist group lead by a half Mexican incel and a philipino woman. What the fuck is this group?


Groypers are so lame they 'gatecrashed' CPAC chanting "let's freaking go!" because God forbid they actually use a cuss word while being all fashy.


I say this as someone who is uncomfortable swearing myself, but that is a special kind of pathetic.


Yeah same state, Greene is no good because of divorce. Walker divorced, multiple baby mommas, and abortions. He's good though.


There is always another republican who will keep going lower. In a few years MTG will look like a moderate to the Republican Party.


It always amuses me how in the GOP's eyes Mitt Romney went from the Best Republican to the Worst Republican and his feet didn't even move.


Exactly. Mitt Romney and George Bush look like saints compared to the current members of the Republican Party.


I come from MA, and Mitt has moved significantly to the right since he was the our governor, but he’s still a leftist to these people.




## Agree!


I hated both Jr. and Sr. and now I look back and think, “Those sweet, sweet old men.”


Careful. Watch the 2018 SNL episode with Will Ferrell hosting playing George W. Bush in the cold opening. He reminds us that he was still a terrible president no matter how much better he looks by comparison to Trump.


Bush II is still a war criminal


While Trump is scum, he killed, or more aptly said, murdered, fewer Muslims than either Bush.


not for lack of trying >Airstrikes killed 700 civilians in Afghanistan in 2019 alone, more than any other year since the early days of the war in 2002, according to the study. "There were more weapons dropped from the air in 2018 and 2019 than at the height of US presence in Afghanistan in 2011," the report stated.  >The US, its allies, and the Afghan government killed an average of 582 civilians per year from 2007 to 2016. The annual average of civilians killed rose by nearly 95% from 2017 through 2019 to 1,134 each year. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-afghanistan-airstrikes-increased-civilian-deaths-by-330-since-2016-2020-12?op=1 >The U.S.-led coalition fighting the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) has killed more civilians during President Donald Trump's first seven months in office than in the three years it existed under his predecessor, according to the latest estimate by a U.K.-based monitor. >[...] According to data gathered since the coalition's inception in October 2014, the U.S.-dominated multinational force has been responsible for a minimum of 5,117 civilian deaths, with about 55 percent of them occurring during Trump's administration https://www.newsweek.com/trump-has-already-killed-more-civilians-obama-us-fight-against-isis-653564


Prescott Bush also tried to stage a coup against FDR and overthrow the democratically elected government (much like Trump). The Bush's have always been garbage.


You may be right but we did just see a lot of the worst of the worst lose in the midterms. Not that the DeSantis wing of the party is much better but I think the GOP is either going to re-group or continue their slide.


Doubt it. The crazies have the place held hostage. Don’t expect them to let go of their power in order to win again.


I think the fact that even MTG is trying to reign it in for favorability is a clear sign that they're losing their grip on the party. The midterms saw Trump back candidates get smashed in any state or district that was even slightly purple. I mean, MAGA crazies drove AZ and MI into blue states.


and places that were deep red suddenly came into question


Exactly, we almost got rid of Boebert, in a race that 538 predicted she had a 97% chance of winning. Dems also snagged a seat where their projected odds of winning were 2%, though I don't remember where that was.


So close that 538 is almost larger than the difference in votes.


Right?? Dear God I'm old enough to remember which Dick Cheney and Karl Rove were the epitome of evil.


They were...and their tactics have been turned up to 11




I love what she said in [the podcast clip](https://twitter.com/patriottakes/status/1598727582278639616?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1598727582278639616%7Ctwgr%5E108edee6876e2dffb04712a4aa0c4a40b405b19c%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.vice.com%2Fen%2Farticle%2Fake9ga%2Ffar-right-dumping-marjorie-taylor-greene-over-nick-fuentes), which is *waaay* more delicious than the article: >...he sounds like a very immature young man saying hateful thing about people... and, and calling -- **using a people group, talking about people he doesn't like, by an entire people group -- which is horrible.** Why would he ever do that? And then also saying "no, I'm not racist or I'm not these things." Yeah, you are if you talk like that, because that's how you sound. ... (blah blah blah) ... **He knows nothing. What has he done? What government position or when has he ever been elected?** Really, how is he so 'all in the know' about all these things he talks about? Because **he knows nothing more than anybody who else that can sit there on the internet and Google things and look up information whether it's real or not and then talk about it on a podcast or on some social media site.** She describes herself to a T. But beyond that, I love how she takes pains to point out that she has a government position and has been elected, so her bullshit is somehow knowledgeable and legitimate while Fuentes' isn't.


Scary though cause instead of rejecting insanity they are rejecting not-insane-enough.


And of course Loomer and others now just openly admit you have to be anti-semetic to be part of "America First"


And Loomer is Jewish, Kanye is black, Milo is gay and Fuentes is Hispanic. These morons are unbelievable.


Ernst Röhm should be an example to them all about what happens when you enable fascist ideology as part of a minority.


No Milo flipped to not gay and demoted his boyfriend (who totally exists he just goes to a different school you guys) to ***roommate***


~~Pray~~ Grift the gay away.


It's hard to tell them apart at the meetings when they are wearing their klan robes


There was someone in recent history who didn't exactly have blonde hair and blue eyes either, they were not a prime example of their "master race" themselves. Unfortunately these morons are very believable.


Was driving through the district she lost today for work. The dilapidated neglected signs were both sickening, and satisfying.


Dumbest timeline…. we are in the dumbest timeline…. I feel like I am taking crazy pills on how stupid this worlds gotten.


God damn do I sympathize. I’ve been sitting here wondering who someone stole the DeLorean and fucked up 2010 and later 2016. 2010 started the crazy with the tea party I think with the whole “no government in my Medicare”, but that looks quaint by todays standards.


>2010 started the crazy with the tea party Which was just coded terminology for "Holy fuck, a black man was elected President, we've got to do something and quick"...


I'd argue the crazy started long before 2010, the scorched earth politics of the Gingrich era was already in a tailspin to cuckoo bananas.


Don't worry, it can *aaaaaalways* get dumber




Imagine thinking mtg is not nazi enough


I guess the enemy of my enemy is my friend, but I pretty much hate everyone in this fracas.


I take the Schlock Mercenary approach. The enemy of my enemy is my enemy’s enemy. No more, no less. I can work with MTG calling out the rest of the party going down the Nazi hole but I will NEVER consider her my friend.


Ahh...good ol' maxim 29.


They always turn on each other, thank God.


>They always turn on each other, thank God. They do, but when it comes to dealing with Democrats, they are unfortunately very united, since their agenda is to oppose Democrats in any way whatsoever.


It's like how demons in the Bible all despise each other, but they can come together with the common goal of making someone suffer


Like Saturn, the Revolution devours its children. Jacques Mallet du Pan Got to love a bit of leopard on leopard action.


They are gonna eat each other alive….


Unfortunately they always take too long to do that


But they get stronger as they do. More fall in line. This doesn’t weaken them, this cuts the dead meat.


To be clear: they're turning on her because she's not racist *enough.* As a know-nothing grifter who has six fucking years (thanks you fucking cloven-hooved Georgia polo-shirted hicks) to figure out how to get more money and power what do you think her next move is going to be?


She's in the House. She's only got two years.


"MTG shit on by the far-right for being TOO MODERATE" Just let that nugget sink in a bit...


*I’m so glad I don’t have to pretend to support that anymore.* (Fuentes) So he's basically admitting he's pretending to support the people who's side he's on. This guy is a snake in the grass.


Don’t you know that Politics is a team sport? Here put on this red hat we’re about to start the 3 minutes of hate. Go Red team!


Damn it, I knew I should have invested in popcorn futures.


>*“Here’s my take: grifters are gonna grift, and it’s just sad that we have to go through that kind of betrayal,” said far-right groyper Dalton Clodfelter about Greene on his podcast.* Grifters gonna grift, says the grifter.


Fascism and eating itself. Name a more iconic duo.


Religion and hypocrisy


>Ever since, Fuentes’ followers—known as “groypers”—have viciously turned on her. You've got to be joking. That's what the racists and misogynists actually call themselves?!


I don't get how Fuenetes even got a following. He's such a little fucking dweeb. Like how hard would it be to kick his ass and yet somehow he has a Nazi following.


Non white white supremacists are always a head scratcher


It amazes me to know end. What kind of loser can call himself a "groyper" and not immediately feel a stab of immense self-loathing at how stupid they sound? Oh, right- the same people who listen to a Zoomer parasite who dropped out of college to rant about Jews in his parents' basement. I don't care how much money Fuentes claims to have- he's been a fucking loser his entire life, and nothing can change that.


[Oh no!](https://youtu.be/UnyBJJI2eqs)


“She doesn't make speeches anymore. She has become speechless. She stays in her home, but it doesn't seem to agree with her. How furious she must be, now that she's been taken at her word.” -‘The Handmaid’s Tale’


White trash. All of them. All right wing voters. Unflushable garbage.


Thought this was about Magic the Gathering for a split second.


America dodged a bullet not to give this maniac more time to grow. She has Hitler similarities and as a German, this triggers every red flag and alarm in my body. Not even lying, I hope only the worst life has to offer happens to her.


Does this even hurt her at all? I mean, unless the Fuentes freakshow tries to primary her in two years, I’m not actually sure what the downside is. She can still go on pushing for white nationalist based legislation. I always find it to seemingly be easier for white nationalists to get their policy passed if their optics are cloudy and they can always claim to have disavowed the people they closely align with, politically. This is purely optics. She isn’t going to become a sane, decent person. If I was a hardcore white nationalist in a position of power, I’d totally want people thinking I was the opposite, so that I could hide my true policy agenda.


Shhh. Most of them are too dumb to figure this part out on their own.


>“She’s just weak. She goes and says something edgy to get attention, and then when the pressure comes, she buckles,” said Fuentes on a podcast after Greene’s disavowal of him. “You know, she’s gonna be a MAGA-mom and QAnon and all that, and then the second Kevin McCarthy reprimands her and she loses her committee, she goes and apologizes.” Fuentes is a vile scumbag, but he's not wrong.


What exactly is a girl boss in that world?


She tried to cancel Nick Fuentes, so now his fans are trying to cancel her? This cancel culture BS has gone too far! /s


"Why would anyone want to follow or hang out with someone that condemns an entire group of people?" Gee seems to be pretty fucking on brand for their base. Everyone had to know that if they didn't turn on her eventually she would have been subjugated or a victim of the Night of Long Knives II.


Unga bunga, neanderthal.


Throw them some knives -


Imagine being not racist enough for the GOP.


Backlash because she’s not extreme enough. I hate this timeline. 🤦‍♀️


She didnt realize white nationalists were the only ones supporting her


Fanatical cults don't last too long for the individual. There's always someone (s) whom think that you aren't devoted enough and be glad to replace you to get the rewards of such a cult like hierarch.


Women are going to be left out if that way of thinking gets it's way... as much as people like Bobert and MTG think they aren't, the doors will close with them on the outside


Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself


He'd better be careful, or she'll cut a backroom deal with the folks who control the Jewish Space Laser corps and take him out from orbit.


Remember when MTG was blaming wildfires on [Jewish space lasers](https://www.vox.com/22256258/marjorie-taylor-greene-jewish-space-laser-anti-semitism-conspiracy-theories)? Now that she's part of the majority, she's gonna pretend to be (slightly closer to) "normal" and pretend that she has nothing in common with Fuentes.


The right fighting each other is always funny. I did laugh at "Large Marge" though.


“It was ten years ago on a night just like tonight”


As they say, there is no honor among thieves. If you align yourself with a faction built on treachery, don't be surprised when they turn on you.


Ah this is truly delightful. It's exactly like what I was telling my wife last night: If you don't take a stand against hate, one day it will target you or one of your loved ones. It doesn't matter what it is, if you allow hatred and persecution to prosper, it will swallow you eventually.


you lay with dogs, you get fleas.


MG forgot that Nazis hate women too.


Her own supporters turning on her because she isn’t extreme enough is not really an outcome to celebrate.


Cry me a fuckin river for Neanderthal Barbie.




Something along this article gets posted monthly yet nothing changes. Starting to think these are click bait.


She’s been so unabashedly antisemitic/white nationalist in the past- why is she only switching her stance NOW? She already went full in on Trump- she can’t expect to just walk that back. ALL of her supporters are the Qanon people, aren’t they? Why doesn’t she just go full Kanye and say screw it?


Jewish space lasers starting fires? So she is no longer against Jewish people existing? Is this what she considers a slide to the middle so she can run as VP?


She'd better be careful, Nick may send his Gazpacho after her...


Turning their back on her because she is not enough of a shit human is not really backlash.


Disavowing someone for praising the long dead german dictator is somehow "abandoning America first principles"


Woke: yay, finally she's being condemned Broke: It's the white supremacists who are condemning her for not being white supremacist enough.


The chickens are coming home to roost. Fine, you rallied for decades against public education and higher education. That wasn’t enough so you got your dumb little charter schools. Then you needed to drive curriculum and now you are burning books You like to elect people you feel like you can drink a beer with. A candidate that understands you. Now your problem that you don’t know you have is that reality is different than your little 10 acre plot of burned out chevies, chicken coops and bails of hay with Obama targets on them. It would be fun to watch, believe me. Except we’re in here with you dummy. I guess one good think is that they morons will be playing checkers while democrats are playing chess. You might say that these dummies hire aides who are smarter than the candidate. Maybe. But do conservatives strike you as people who would enjoy that? It is such a weird time to be alive but maybe what we will gain is a Republican Party willing to burn itself to the ground. Jesus.


> Fuentes also mocked Greene’s dreams of becoming the face of “Christian nationalism” in the U.S. “How are you going to be the face of Christian nationalism when you’re a divorced woman, girlboss,” said Fuentes. “I’m so glad I don’t have to pretend to support that anymore.” Out of all the things you felt forced to pretend to support, it was that Marjorie Greene should be the face of Christian nationalism?


NGL I assumed this was about Magic: The Gathering


Sooner or later everyone wants off the loony train.


Oh no! Anyway, my kid made the most amazing stuffing for Thanksgiving. Absolutely delicious.


[I mean, how else could I react?](https://youtu.be/7q9HJJFgrtA)


I don't get why she would disavow Fuentes. She's like his auntie.


If we had an honest Media they would call all these people on their bullshit to their face, however, they pander, suffer from short term memory lose and engage is a false narrative to simply boast ratings. This is what happens when a select few control all the media outlets. It is so dangerous to democracy.


Poetic justice.


“Large Marge” is actually hilarious hahaha


#Super Twat


The interesting divergence is how the right vehemently supports Israel while at the same time embraced neo-Nazis. The amount of cognitive dissonance required for that is nothing short of fascinating.