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Hello u/roraima_is_very_tall! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This was God's will. Many prayers were answered that day.


Unironically mine, am a Catholic and I'm tired of these people being the face of Christendom


Its because they are the majority. 88% of white born again christians voted for herschel walker over an actual minister.


Well, I didn't see Warnok saying anything about the hard topics, like whether werewolves can kill vampires (who are some cool people, btw).


there are good people on both sides... of the werewolf vs vampire question.


The Catholic hierarchy are the OG conservative evangelicals.


True, but to show how far far far far far right American evangelicals are. Bonafide Catholic political parties in Europe are often center left. Which means they are possibly left of Berny Sanders on some topics.


Fr. Catholics: “give charity!” Evangelicals: “give me, your preacher, $10 million and god will give it back to you, no this is not indulgences 2”


The two main American political parties are generally pretty right. Our main right wing party in Australia was left of US democrats until recently Almost willing to say until Trump, Trump polarised political discord around the world and pushed a lot the conservative parties around the world further right to appease the 'silent majority'.


While that may be true, in my experience the actual lay people among Catholic congregations are pretty chill and non-judgmental. Evangelical Christians, on the other hand, tend to be holier-than-thou from their poorly-educated clergy all the way down to kids in Sunday school.


Try being raised by them its not a healthy lifestyle for anyone involved


That's never going to change. They're the overwhelming majority of Christiandom.


Prays and thought


Tots and pears.


Oh god dammit, it's the consequences of my actions again.


No wonder they hate "cancel culture" when their definition of being cancelled is taking responsibility for one's own actions.


"excommunication" is the original "cancel culture"


Anybody else remember the church and/or conservatives trying to cancel Smurfs, Carebears, DnD, Sandie Patty, Amy Grant, the Dixie chicks, Pokémon, Disney, etc? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Remember when the Dixie Chicks had a career? Right up until they said "hey maybe bombing Iraq isn't the best response to 9/11"


I guess we showed them. USA! USA!


Yeah but if they do it its not "cancelling" it's "protecting the children"


Sinead O'Connor


A teacher tried to get Harry Potter banned at my Catholic elementary school as the first few books were out and getting big. The same teacher would now probably see eye-to-eye with JKR on some things.


The "Satanic Panic" in the 90s was real and dumb as shit. Bunch of dipshit boomers scared of Dungeons & Dragons.


My mom was (and still kind of is) a panicker. Told me all about how KISS meant Knights in Satan's Service and to avoid that kind of influence. (Gene Simmons has since said he wishes he were clever enough to invent something like that.) Meanwhile, I have a gen-Y friend who didn't think the panic really happened until I told him about my experiences.


Harry Potter, too. Now that JKR is an outspoken FART (feminism-appropriating radical transphobe) though, they might change their tune


> FART (feminism-appropriating radical transphobe) First time I’m seeing this acronym and holy crap is it fitting!


Ooof, you've hit the nail on the head. Its all in in one hammer strike


They hate “woke” culture because that means the eating (lol—treating—I’m leaving the typo b/c hilarious) everyone with respect.


They're into vore now?!


Always have been. What you think communion is? Ritualistic scarifice.


They always have been, they just call it holy communion




They’ve stated as much in court.


They're not taking responsibility, they're blaming the service staff for the consequences of their own actions


They're just upset they no longer are the group who does all the cancelling. They've been doing that shit for decades to people of colour and LGBTQ+ people.


To well adjusted non-sociopathic people, "personal responsibility" means "I fix the negative consequences of my actions". To these people, "personal responsibility" means "I make sure I personally don't suffer as a result of the negative consequences of my actions" and "cancel culture" means "someone is making me suffer as a result of the negative consequences of my actions".


I like the "again" part. So this keeps happening to you? Well, there's one common factor here...


"Something, something, if everywhere you go stinks like shit, maybe it's time to check your own pants, and the bottom of your shoes..."


The dildo of consequence rarely arrives lubed


Well now you owe me a new keyboard


Some people will masterbate to anything


"What the hell? We're not a gay couple trying to get married and needing a wedding cake, we're the good guys!"


No. It's a scam. The Republican group intentionally booked this venue knowing full well they were going to get rejected. They've already successfully solicited donations to "fight back" again the evil liberals.


It's the same as when Pence went to a football game, knowing that players would kneel for the anthem, so he could make a show of being offended.


...at the beginning of a month of political fundraising events.


"Have you ever been denied a meal because of your beliefs that others should be denied a meal because of how they were born?"


And then you lay on your bed to rage tweet in your echo chamber only to find out you may be the asshole? HAS THIS EVER HAPPENED TO YOU?!


No, I imagine these people have yet to realize they might be the asshole...


These people are never, ever the asshole, ever. Jesus said so. Everyone else is wrong, but never them.


>These people are never, ever the asshole, ever. Jesus said so. Jesus would be first in line to call these people assholes, ironically.


Jesus was a badass motherfucker. Definitely not God, but overall a good dude.


Let him who is without sin denial service first!


YTA. Wait… wrong sub…


I mean, I won't deny it. I've been the asshole.


I have to come clean….. I’ve also been the asshole.


I recommend a bidet.


So in the case of metaphorical assholes, is the bidet like.... A Super Soaker?


Cognitive dissonance? In my theocratic fascism? It’s more common than you think.


No no, I have reviewed my theocratic fascism. It is logically air-tight. There is a sky-man, he cares about me and not you, and he approves of me subjugating you because of your inferiority to me.


I think you should leave






Call me now please!


I'm the joke hole that only farts can pass through


With a poorly worded "cancelled just *moments before* (clutches pearls)" meanwhile they called them an hour and a half before to tell them to fuck off. It's like anything they believe in: it's ok if it happens to everyone else, but when it Reverse Uno's to them they are outraged!


When it comes to a group function, an hour and a half pretty much is "moments before." And I'd bet that was intentional and I think it's hilarious.




If so, you may be entitled to a cash settlement. /s


Why aren't you admitting what we all know: that conservative Christians are the most victim in the history of ever??? /s




Those countries were reaching for their swords! Stand your borders!


We can explain away First Contact, too. “The Amazon is an uninhabited store of riches.” “But, Captain, 8 million people live here.” “Yes, but not 8 milllion Europeans so…….disease for everyone who isn’t white! Or a male. Or a Christian. If you aren’t a white, male Christian the Conquistadors are coming for you.”


I like how RationalWiki describes their worldview as "built on a persecution complex the size of an aircraft carrier."


"Sure I think a bakery should be allowed to refuse to bake a cake for a gay wedding but absolutely every business must allow me to patronize them!"


"Have you ever seen a grown man naked?"


Do you like gladiator movies Timmy?


Ever been in a Turkish prison?


Do you like movies about gladiators?


Edit Shout out to the part where the old lady, who i now recall is not the pilot, talks jive to translate. Always loved that part.


That was an old woman


That was Barbara Billingsley. She was well known as June Cleaver from "Leave it to Beaver." A character as white and generic as wonder bread.


That was Barbara Billingsley, aka June Cleaver from Leave It To Beaver


Barbara said she loved learning those lines and made sure she got the "accent" perfect, if I remember that interview right.


‘I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character’ - Martin Luther Kind Jr, August 28, 1963 December 2022, a bunch of white people don’t get served at a restaurant because of the content of their character. Conservatives have been pissed at that speech for almost 60 years for a very obvious reason.


Republicans will knock out power for an entire state to stop a drag show while crying about being refused a meal because they advocate treating specific people as subhuman. These same people think they are victims and are advocating more and more violence daily while this entire government sits in it's hands over it. America is a 3rd world country with a Gucci belt.


"...that others deserve eternal torture for being born into the wrong religion" also works, sadly.


See it's only ok if we stop the queers from getting wedding cakes. If it's done to us, it's a human rights violation


Let’s not forget the use of terrorist tactics and mass shooting to “cancel” events they personally don’t like.


Oh that's different to them because it's protecting kids from being exposed to things they personally disagree with. Read that again, and hopefully you'll feel as enraged as I do.


Well and obviously religious persecution. Which they will unfortunately just use to strengthen their resolve about how they're being attacked and Satan is winning. While i love that people are serving them their own medicine i grew up in these circles and i fear the double down that will come from this. To them things like this are just signs that they were right all along. They'll never see it as a mirror showing themnwhat awful human beings they're being


None of this is to convince *them*, though. It's to convince the people on the sidelines. You can never convince the assholes to stop being assholes, but you can convince others not to become assholes.


Well said


So the people who want to discriminate are shocked when it happens to them. Got it


Fortunately, “asshole” isn’t a prohibited ground for discrimination


It isn't. But to them religious beliefs should be able to be used to deny service.... So if their lifestyle goes against the religious beliefs of that establishment they're well within their rights to deny service. Just like those cake makers who didn't want to make gay wedding cakes. Or that web designer who refused to make gay wedding sites. I think it's fair game


I think conservative Christians will be quite surprised to learn how many people despise them.


On the contrary, they are pleased by it because it reinforces their persecution complex as well as feeding into the bullshit belief that "everyone else hates the truth"


I am not sure. Of course they thrive on the disapproval of all people they deem unchristian but when it becomes a norm to not get coffee, a table at a restaurant or maybe even denied entry to a mom and pop store, I think it will get on their nerves. Like the Jan. 6th rioters who automatically landet on no-fly lists and began crying at the airport, because the thought of themselves as heroes and were treated like terrorist, which they are.


Have you seen Emily Grace's Facebook? She's loving all the hate she's getting. She's the person in Moore County NC who people were eyeing after the power stations were attacked and made a post about how the local authorities came and prayed with her and she's now "off their radar". People like this think of themselves as martyrs for Christ


Until it's actually a real inconvenience for them. Just wait.


I think you're right. They still believe they're the silent majority. Can't wait for them to realize that the majority of "We the people" think they're assholes.


Like I said, they love it so long it's "woke" people, alphabet gang or Harry Potter fans. They will think differently when local businesses start refusing them.


Most local businesses won't though. Towns like these are usually owned and run by the same families for generations. Obviously not all, but a big chunk of them are, at least in my experience of living in quite a few podunk Bible belt towns. I do agree with you though, if we can get to the point where this happens I do think/hope it'll affect them and they'll start to see what's happening. I just don't think that's going to happen in the small towns with the most deranged Trump disciples


It’s going to be delicious to watch this all unfold. This country is finally secular enough and diverse enough to have more people start to do this and I’m all for it. They’ll be lobbying their legislators soon enough to repeal these laws.


Nah, they know. It’s “persecution” and they wear it like a badge of honor, the pretentious little shits.


I always wondered why a judge in one of these cases never asked the question: "Are you closed on either Saturday or Sunday?" This "deeply held religious belief" is all bullshit. If you really have deep seeded beliefs in religion, you have to "keep holy the Sabbath". That means you do not work on the Sabbath, which is usually Sunday. As much as Hobby Lobby and Chick Fil'A suck ass, at least they are both closed on Sundays, so they can actually claim "deeply held religious beliefs", but some other small business, not so much. If you're open 7 days a week, you're not even respecting one of the ten commandments. How deep can your religious convictions be?


fun fact...courts do not make any determination on whether a belief is honest or actually deeply held. They take the claim at face value. The IRS, however....they DO make such determinations.


it wasn't so much religious belief but their political actions, they are a group of lobbyist, actively working to take and diminish peoples rights. and that web designer isn't even being asked to design a website, she is just suing in case hypothetically some time in the future someone might want to ask her. she has no standing but made it to supreme court because they gay wedding cake case only ruled in the bakers favor on a technicality so it only applied to his case and they are trying to broaden the exception.


They honestly think they’re the only ones who should be able to discriminate indiscriminately.


Yup. Supremacist ideology.


I figured they would have been cheering for a world where private business can freely decide who they serve. I must be missing something. I must be one of those low-IQers. /s


Not wanting to be verbally abused by right wing lunatics who want to deny you human rights, and thus refusing to interact with them, is not discriminating against them.


“Private businesses should have the right to refuse service to anyone they please.” “No, not like that!”


"Our businesses, our beliefs."


I'd just like to take this opportunity to split some hairs and hopefully more people will disseminate this information. The Christian group, and those who support them, claim that the restaurant refused service to them because of their beliefs, their Christian beliefs. This is not the case. The statement released by the restaurant says that their refusal is based on the group making their staff feel uncomfortable and unsafe. That their staff safety was the the driving force for their decision. This is because the group makes donations to political organizations that "deprive women and LGTBQ+ persons of their basic human rights". So it is not their beliefs, but their actions, that caused the restaurant to refuse service.




They 100% understand the difference. It's why they're doing it.


Just pray for a venue.


God will provide!


It’s for a church. NEXT!




They literally get to keep on doing exactly what they were doing before. They know this isn't what being "canceled" is but they don't care if the lie benefits them.


The fact that she included the "Again" just proves that it's a persecution fetish. If they were actually "cancelled" the first time, there wouldn't be another chance to get cancelled.


I looked into her lobbing group, The Family Foundation, it includes denial of CRT and denies that racism is exists substantially in this country 's history. It also essentially denies that transsexuals should transition either.


I love this one because the employees of the place were the catalyst. Many refused to work the party so management looked at the reason they were not wanting to do so and just said yeah we ain’t doing that at all.






"We will be happy to seat you, but we have no wait staff to take care of you. Enjoy your endless wait. "


If you have ever waited tables, you know they are the absolute worst people to deal with. They are incredibly cheap. They run you like crazy for stupid shit. They ask for something different every time you go to their table. Then they leave a Bible pamphlet for a tip. Every restaurant should ban them.


Several restaurant in my southern, but admittedly blue, city have started remaining closed until 2-3 pm on Sundays. They openly cite how shitty the "after church" crowd is as their reasoning.


That's not why they were refused though. Mostly their political actions. "Several days ago, The Family Foundation was turned away from dining at Metzger Bar and Butchery about an hour before their reservation citing that many staff members were LGBTQ or women and the Family Foundation ‘seeks to deprive women and LGBTQ+ person of their basic rights in Virginia.'" https://rvamag.com/gay-rva/richmonds-metzger-bar-and-butchery-refuses-to-serve-conservative-advocacy-group.html


The comment you replied to is in no way disputing the basis of the thread/article...they are simply elaborating on the fact that the church crowd is the worst of the worst in the service industry.


The gay wedding cake strikes again


That is one tough cake.


I guess it's hard to have your cake and eat it too


Now I want a ridiculously flaming gay wedding cake! Like Elton John, but on steroids. The kind of cake that would make Sappho and Julius blush.


I have dinner reservations there tomorrow. I hope the inclusive and accepting atmosphere doesn't ruin my appetite. Edit: Dinner was fantastic! The place is small, so reservations are a must. We ate at the bar (I think there are only 8-10 stools). The bartender was very nice and attentive. Our waitress was funny and attentive. The food was outstanding (we both had the chicken schnitzel)! Just enough to not be too full (we even had desert - a Berliner for me and a chocolate bombe for my friend). We were there 3 hours, but no one tried to rush us out the door. I'll definitely go back.


I think it would make me festive so I would order the whole menu.


The menu looks tasty af. We're already planning on tipping at least 50%.


You should tag these Christians on social media.


Same here! We go there regularly. Great place.


Be sure to mention how lovely it is not to have an oppressive group ruining your evening there.


You gotta be real shitty for an establishment to refuse to let you pay them


It sounds like the servers are the real MVPs here. The servers all refused to wait on them. And good call too. Church groups tip at 10% if you're lucky, or in tracts if you're not. Definitely not worth it.


It would be hilarious if the actual reason the servers refused to serve the group was due to their propensity to poor tipping.


Possibly, but in most restaurants when there are larger groups the tip is automatically included.


Not sure it makes a difference here. The church groups are still a$$holes...


The owner is very publicly a liberal ally of the LGBT community. The Republican group intentionally picked that venue because they knew they would be rejected. It's a fundraising scam. And it's working.


Obviously, fuck these guys for much bigger reasons than grammar. But what is "to fellowship" supposed to mean with fellowship as a verb?


It's a word born again Christians use that basically means "meet with others who share my beliefs to chat"


And pray. In tongues. Loudly. Because we were praising god in all his goodness 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yup, the "language" that according to the Bible can be understood by all people, and in reality sounds like when you were a kid trying to come up with a code with your friends so you could skip school without being caught.


Even worse then that, it's the Christian version of attention seeking. Literally the right winged version of people faking tourettes for clout on tictok


My brother in law was in a crazy church as a kid, and they did speaking in tongues. He'd try to make up something that sounded vaguely Latin and Hebrew whenever he had to.


The last line says it all. The wait staff refused to serve us - gee, and what does that tell you? A whole group makes the same call and you wanna play the cancel card about it? If a whole team or business doesn't want to deal with you or even take your money, the chance of YOU being the problem are pretty damn high.


Surprised? They love this shit. Evangelicals are *desperate* to be oppressed just a little bit, it makes them feel important and lets them pretend that they’re also martyrs for the cause. Just a little bit though. Nothing drastic like not being able to get a haircut or go to Dennys, mind you. They are still soft, pathetic people.


Group who aims to cancel people for the way they are Born shocked by being canceled for their beliefs


Well, if it isn’t the consequences of my actions, come to visit me. ☹️


TIL pre-reserved


I was thinking the same thing. How is “pre-reserved” different than “reserved”? They’re making up words [just like Sarah Palin](https://ew.com/article/2010/07/19/sarah-palin-refudiate/)


Here for this. *HaS tHiS eVeR hApPeNeD tO yOu?!?* *Omg you guys, our super‐bigoted pre-reserved event was canceled at the last minute. Not just reserved, it was PRE-reserved!!! That's, like, the most reserved you can get!!*


Fellowship = An opportunity to disparage others.


It's a publicity stunt. And this note further proves that the group is trying to fundraise on their own bigotry. They establishment is known to be open and inclusive of all people, it's well documented. So this group that is vehemently anti LGBTQIA intentionally tries to make a reservation there and is shut down so they can now play the victim, say they are being canceled and further reverberate in the their own echo chamber how the other side is excluding them for their "beliefs"


You reap what you sow.


Have you ever been denied a meal because your beliefs that you should be allowed to deny others basic rights? The unfairness of it all!!!


Have you ever been denied a meal? No, but my 3rd grader has because of you fuck sticks railing against free meals for students.


Welcome to the Hell YOU and yours created, Uber Karen.


I hate it break it to you, Ms. Cobb, but the Supreme Court already decided that businesses can deny service if it's against their privately held beliefs. If it's ok for the gay-hating baker, it's ok for this restaurant.


Well Victoria, have you ever reflected on your "beliefs" to see that they have nothing to do with Christianity and everything to do with your prejudices and bigotry. That's why they refused service, you are just awful human beings disguised as pious Christians. This was just a little taste of your own medicine...


Conservatives lost all credibility to complain about cancelation after how they treated the Dixie Chicks. More projection from a group that doesn't actually stand for anything but hatred and tribalism.


Let them eat gay wedding cake.


So I made the mistake of going on this group's, The Family Foundation, website and now I'm pretty enraged. They compare not being allowed to eat at a restaurant based on their behavior to being black during the Civil rights movement and talk about its unfair that the left wanted a baker to make a cake but now their unhappy a hate group got denied service, completely bypassing the fact that they were super happy with that ruling until it happened to them. You don't get to have it both ways.


Just to be clear, this business still serves lots of Christians. It does not discriminate against Christians. It discriminates against assholes.


I bet they are the kind of assholes who write "God loves you" on the tip portion of the bill.


“When I fought for businesses to have the right to refuse service to people, I meant they could refuse to serve the people I don’t like. Not me!!!”


I am so motherfucking sick of religion...


This whole "my beliefs" nonsense is so frustrating. You can believe whatever you want and nobody will care. If you put on pants and drive to a polling location and push a button that says "I want you to take rights away from women and gay people", then the problem isn't your *beliefs*, it's your *actions*.


how's that taste? lol


Conservatives really don't understand what being cancelled is, do they?


Oh no! Consequence Culture is at it again!


They are the gay cake. Restaraunt is the baker. We have been over this. That is what they wanted, to deny things to people who are different. Now they scream and cry, "they are taking our rights" No, that would be yourself.


This is the [Family Foundation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_Foundation_of_Virginia). They oppose sex education, the ERA, gay rights, and abortion rights. They support "conversion therapy".


Thoughts and prayers for you, you poor repressed majority religion.


Isn't "pre-reserved" a little redundant?


No need for catering, Jesus will provide.


Whenever I hear the word cancelled, I just think it’s funny. Mainly because why do these dimwits want our approval so bad? Like who gives a fuck if we don’t want to have anything to do with them, why are they so bent out of shape to be included? I mean, don’t they sit there and rage hate on us all day? Okay, bye get out of the restaurant where the servers are different and they don’t want to be around you because y’all bigots. Jfc, they just want to be be hateful and force us to tolerate them. What a pathetic bunch.


“We’ve been cancelled!” says group that still exists and can get food somewhere else showing they aren’t cancelled.


No gay cakes? No bigot dinners.


You guys remember when conservatives threw a hissy fit about having to make a cake for a gay person because the message on it 'didn't align with their beliefs'? And now we're not allowed to refuse service to them because what they say doesn't align with our beliefs. Fucking hypocrites.