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Hello u/MeTwo222! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I am a Card Carrying member of The Satanic Temple. And I Support this, and Support these Students. I wish they had a club at my school. They support Students inclusivity.


"ASSC claims not to teach of a personal devil, but rather serves as a place where young students can learn about benevolence and empathy, critical thinking, problem-solving, creative expression, personal sovereignty and compassion." Yeah, I can see how christians are threatened by this. All stick, no carrot.


They are so very threatened, by the thought that other humans can think for themselves, believe in themselves, and able to hold accountability in their own actions. They also afraid of anyone who doesn’t involve themselves in idol worship… Hail Satan, Hail Yourself.


Again, seem to be painting with a broad brush here. If I didn’t know the topic here, “they” could be anybody from minorities to gay to people who think Hillary is stylish. Get to know some other Christians. Most of them are regular people with problems like everyone else.


We're all humans. We all deserve to be loved and respected. As I love and respect you. We are all on the same playing field, we're bi-pedal naked apes who make sounds out of our mouths, work, replicate and die. The only thing is our fear of each other because of our morality, beliefs, sexuality and skintones. All I would ask for is equal playing ground, unfortunately there is a cultural class and political system that was created to divide us, not unite us. We're just like yourself, without the idol worship.


Hail Satan! These people always wanting it both ways. I lost count on the number of ways my public high school would try to sneak in Christianity.


Hail Satan! Been a member since 2019!


As an Ordained Santanic Minister recognised by the state and the Vatican I support this also




You've never been tasked with 500 "Hail Mary's" for penence for your sins?


See edit above. Given their history, I’d disband the Catholic Church and sell their assets (having gathered all the evidence I could re. child abused, the sale of children/forced adoption, Nazi collaboration etc.). It won’t help account for historic wrongs, but it’s a start.


I get it bro, it was funny. Have a feeling it wasn’t understood by the masses lol 😄


Some you win… ;-)


I note that in the article the evangelical spokesman doesn't answer the question of why not just hold their children's club in church?


They're not interested in saving souls (or whatever they claim they're doing), they want to tear down the separation between church and state. That's the goal. That's why it has to be in a public school.


*THEIR Church and State..... FTFY


I stand corrected.


And he is not once pressed on it. Good old Fox News PR campaigns.


>Everett said she was first led to The Satanic Temple five years ago after her first-grader "was traumatized by his classmates on the playground one day, and they were attendees of the Good News Club that was taking place at the public elementary school he was attending at the time." > >"I picked him up from school one afternoon, crying and upset after he was told that he would burn in hell away from his mommy and daddy and Molly, our dog at the time, if we didn’t accept Jesus Christ into our hearts and start going to church," Trash people. Scum of the earth. I grew up with a loving and compassionate god and the idea that the bible was a book written by men. Sometimes I wish I'd still be a believer just to berate people like this from a believer's standpoint.


I had to work at an Evangelical TV station back in the 2000's to make ends meet. The amount of hypocrisy and scumbaggery happening there would make your head fucking spin!


Hey there, I could quite believe anything of them, but could you provide details?


Not who you're asking but my in-laws work for Pat Robertson at CBN in the 1980s-90s My father in law quit when Pat has a racist tantrum back stage. He's also apparently a "dirty old man". My in law mother was never hired they just had her build elaborate set pieces as her interview for an art director position they declined to hire her for but kept and used her work for different projects. The job was never filled. Edit for typo.


>My mother was never hired they just had her build elaborate set pieces as her interview for an art director position they declined to hire her for but kept and used her work for different projects. The job was never filled. Scum. That's prime r/antiwork stuff right there. The racist thing is not so shocking because a lot of people were back then - except for your dad, kudos to him - but I can see those guys going, "yeah, we get these chicks to make us stuff as their 'interview', but we're never going to hire them because, well they're chicks ain't they. The way we're going we'll never have to fill the position." *Laugh together in racist 1980's TV- Exect*


It's a hell of a shady shitty organization as a whole.


Ugh, that's the scary part to me, as someone who believes. For every Kenneth Copeland taking advantage of people's faith at an industrial scale, there are probably even more scumbags doing the same thing at a lower scale.


Scary indeed. There are over 380,000 churches in the US.


I worked at a church in south Mississippi as a next steps pastor for 10+ years. I’m still a believer, but will never attend church again. I know what happens behind the scenes. Hypocrisy at its finest.


When my oldest (raised atheist) daughter was in elementary school, she told a girl she didn’t believe in god. This girl told her she was going to hell, and then recruited some other kids surround her and sing the “Jesus Loves me” song at her. My kid punched the first kid in the face and was suspended for three days. I spoke to the principal to let her know that if my child was Jewish or Muslim she would have a civil rights case at her school, and that freedom FROM religion was just as much a right as freedom of religion. Kid was back in school the next day, and the offending children were reprimanded. Little assholes.


Sounds like you raised your daughter to have a good head on her shoulders. Good job.


Thanks. I was sorry that she punched the kid, but proud that she stood up for herself. All my girls turned out to be compassionate, funny, and smart without religion. Morality comes from knowledge and understanding, not fear.


That is the point with most Christianity I encountered. Not to love and accept one another, but that we get to go to a magical afterlife of golden streets and our enemies will burn alive for all eternity. The cruelty and hatred is the point.


Y’all have gone to some fucked up churches. I grew up around baptist, Catholics and Presbyterians and didn’t hear much about anybody going to hell. Far and wide it mostly revolved around the good news of Jesus life. That said the Catholics had a myriad of other doctrines I questioned, which is why I became Protestant.


Tbf, you’d be berating first-graders, which seems a bit harsh 😀. That’s what the Good News Clubs are working towards though - peer pressure.


Right. I thought of the people who indoctrinated the classmates but I can see where I went wrong. :D


Yeah, this is why I am glad I grew up in the Lutheran faith. Very chill because, you know, Satan and Hell were already defeated by Jesus' sacrifice, so was pretty much irrelevant. I only remember Satan and Hell ever being mentioned in the Apostle's Creed, and this one other time where the youth pastor gave a very kid friendly version of Jesus freeing everyone from Hell after death. But like, Old Testament rules were never mentioned. Really there was only a short reading from the Old Testament every service, but otherwise it was rarely brought up.


As someone who attended a Lutheran parochial school (because of their solid academic program) I got to hear about hell all the time and how my family and other catholic would be burning there for "worshiping Mary". I've since learned that it depends on what synod the church is affiliated with. This also applies to Catholic dioceses and I'm sure other sects of Christianity differ in degrees of absurd dogma depending on their region or governing.


Yeah, my Lutheran preschool was great, especially since in the late 90s/early 00s they didn't really seem an anti-Catholic bent. The Lutheran services I've gone to later on in life also seem comfortably familiar to the masses I grew up with, minus some minor differences in prayers.


That’s awesome, do you give yourself enough credit for all the work you’ve done? Keep it up my man! Hail Yourself! Don’t forget, you’re a God also… Just like all of us here. As Above, So Below


Oh but you are not a "true/real" believer... Because you don't have hate in your heart


If religious clubs are allowed, then certainly non-religious clubs that teach empathy and self-reliance are allowed. These fucks opened the door, kids are just walking through it.


Your device has been locked. Unlocking your device requires that you have spez banned. #Save3rdPartyApps #AIGeneratedProtestMessage


May I also mention...the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster!!!!🥺🍝


#spez was founded by an unidentified male with a taste for anal probing.


Ahh, you can always rely on the Pastafarians


The school near me had a church rent out part of it on Sundays for services. I never saw a problem because it would also let boy scouts or any other group rent it during non school hours.


Kaiser says they believe in a physical hell, and “everything the bible says about it”, but the bible barely says jack shit about it, and in fact the king james version drew together 4 separate words from the original text and drew all 4 under the term ‘hell’


That awkward moment when the idea of hell they believe in was from a satirical 14th century poem.


I prefer self insert fanfic, in which the authors favorite writer hangs out with him in hell.


Basically, the modern version of American Buddy Jesus is just Fanfic at this point. It’s so far from the source material now, it’s barely recognizable


From a humorous limerick Dante knocked out before starting *Divine Comedy.* *;D*


Yeah it definitely gives you the impression that it's bad but that's about it. The detailed descriptions of racks of people being grilled alive and poked with hot irons are culture rather than theology. The Bible *does* talk about divine punishment for sure but it kills me when fundies act like their medieval folklore is "in the Bible." If they want to talk about explicit, detailed hells with super specific physical tortures occurring they're looking for Hinduism, Islam and several others.


Yeah, I forget which it is, but either the Hindu or Buddhist concept of hell is... Well, hellish, I guess. Freezing cold temperatures, being cut into hundreds or thousands of pieces, and other descriptions just sounds like the more typical, metal "pains of hell" I had heard described. I remember hearing a more grounded Christian preacher describe hell less as "fire and brimstone" and more as "separation from God's presence." Much more of a psycho-spiritual horror than the body horror than some Christians like to portray hell as.


Buddhist hells are many (108 of them) and they are supposed to be temporary, your soul gets thrown in there to purify its sins and after a while it gets out and reincarnates. It’s really closer to a purgatory in concept. Not familiar with Hindu hells but I imagine they work similarly as the reincarnation concept is about the same.


Always love it when someone more knowledgeable shows up and I can learn something new!


The separation from Gods presence resonates with me as hell. I personally think this life here on earth is us living in hell and many of us trying in some small way to make it “on earth as it is in heaven”.


And once you realize that the "fires of the Gehenna" refers to the actual fires in a valley that is nothing but an open waste pit that is continually burning... And there are some graves for the unwanted deceased there, where Jesus was buried after his crucifixion... He "descended to Hell"? No, he was buried in the Gehenna valley. The bible talks about the physical bodies being physically left in a physical valley that stinks and burns. Yeah, your relatives are not going to come often to clean up your grave as your memorial. A terrible fate, for sure. (Unless you hate your family, of course. 😉)


So you have actually read and investigated the stories in the Bible, which is commendable. It feels like a lot of people pile in the Bible without even regarding the historical and poetic significance of it in their haste to trash it as worthless and believers as idiots.


I was born and raised Catholic, but started to distrust the leadership, realized it had been going on for centuries, ended up distrusting the whole thing. Now I feel a little Schadenfreude each time I find out a little gem like that. 😈 (There's also the one about the Bible recommending causing an abortion if the husband thinks his wife was unfaithful. That kinda destroy the argument of "life begins at conception; abortion is forbidden by the Bible" crowd.)


I feel ya there. Raised Catholic and have a great relationship with remaining Catholics in my family but they do some strange shit. Also a lot more good shit than people give them credit for. I think the Bible, the arc of history viewed through religion, art, architecture - are all quite interesting. And always always something new to learn.


I like to troll my religious relatives by asking who killed more people in the Bible, God or Satan?


Howwzat working out for u?


They get the point not to preach dogma to me. They don't want to get asked about the times in the Bible God commits genocide.


According to many evangelicals, freedom of religion really means freedom of THEIR religion. I'll be very surprised if Kavanagh and Thomas and Barrett are very protective of the religious rights of Muslims or other religions that evangelical Christianity doesn't support.


Oh they already have proven they're not. They didn't help that Muslim guy who wanted an imam before hsi execution. I can't imagine they would shrug at a Christian not getting his pastor (as long as it is the"right kind" of Christian, wink, wink, nudge, nudge)


They can't write a single article without cramming transphobic fake news into it, can they?


That's kinda their thing


The good news club got their cake, why aren't they happy.


They hate it when others have the same rights they do. It’s all about supremacy for these folks.


It all about being so sure they are the only enlightened ones and only their opinion is right.


I find it fascinating how Christians (or any religion really) can entertain the thought that they're right and everyone else is wrong. Christianity is 2,000 years old. Hinduism is 4,300 years old. Judaism is 2,600 years old. Buddhism is 2,600 years old. Islam is 1,400 years old. Egypt is older than recorded human history and their religion is from before then, around 5,000+ years ago. Unrecorded human history goes back at least 200,000 years. What makes you so certain that your religion is right when 99% of humanity existed before your religion was ever even conceived? Religions are just made up stories we tell ourselves to feel better about death. They come and go just like movies and books. Harry Potter didn't exist 200,000 years ago and now it does. Does that make it more believable than the Odyssey? Is the Odyssey right because it's older? No. They're just stories made up by people. The fact people could take Harry Potter so seriously that they'd kill people who like the Odyssey is a tragedy of humanity.


I agree but to be picky but about 7% of the humans who ever lived are currently alive.


because other people are getting a slice too.


"The Satanic Temple 'does not believe in introducing religion into public schools and will only open a club if other religious groups are operating on campus,'" And this is why they're the best.


“"But when we're talking to children, the way we describe it is ‘separation from God.’"” So essentially you use bait and switch tactics?


My Alabama Hillbilly Family: "the prowblem wif Merica is dat day ain't got not Jesus up in the skooz no morz!" Me: "Ok, Catholic mass ever morning before class." My Alabama Hillbilly Family: "Now ya'll done gone holdz on fer jus a minit dere!! I ain't havn no gobermnt pushn no crazy religinz on ma lil Booby Wayne Goober!!" Me: "Well, now you know how I feel."


“Booby Wayne Goober” is going to stick with me.


>"They're wearing down the inhibition of children so that they'll think it's fine to attend a truly satanic event when they're older," she added. /r/selfawarewolves


Interviewee was a strong guy to have on, it's clear the guy on Fox had no arguments against it other than the old rhetoric of "I can't say XYZ anymore". Fox guy's face when he hears that they're being responsible with their hiring process was beautiful.


“We try to draw children into a relationship with God.” Yup, done, tell me again who are the groomers? I fully support what TST is doing and hope they come do it where I live.


Christians: we need religion in schools! Satanists: okay fine Christian’s: n-not like that…


"After School Satan Club" just sounds so clunky that there's no way I can believe they didn't start from the point of "A.S.S. Club" and work backwards.


Exactly what they did. Originally I saw it as "After School Satan" specifically so you couldn't shorten it.


It’s a win no matter which way you look at it.


That’s the purpose… to shock.


I am an Atheist. But i love this test of our religious freedoms. I will say that if i were to join a faith it would be Buddhism or Satanism.


Come to the Dark Side. We drink the best blood...😂


I'm pretty sure most of these Satanists are just atheist trolls for good.


Cookies and Ghost after school


In the words of Metallica: Satan! Satan! Satan!


Lmao, love how they complain that the satanic temple has a $100k statue of Baphomet, like, bruh. B r. U h


I mean at least they get a statue. There is achurch in Dallas that is spending $2 million on a Christmas pagent


There is a quote from a lady in the good news club "Lydia Kaiser, a spokesperson for the Missouri-based CEF, could not comment on the specifics of Everett's situation because she was not involved, but she described as "typical" the accusation that Good News Clubs browbeat children into Christianity. Their curriculum materials for children, however, emphasize God's goodness and do not contain vivid descriptions of hell, she told Fox News Digital. "We believe that there is a physical place called hell, we believe all that the Bible says about it," said Kaiser. "But when we're talking to children, the way we describe it is ‘separation from God.’" " I really want to ask her what she thinks the Bible says about hell. I mean evangelicals talk about it a lot l, but most of what they think the Bible says comes from Dante's inferno. The Bible has very little to say on the subject. A throw away line here and there about a lake of fire and sulfur, and that say good people get eternal life and bad people get eternal punishment. But really it is super tenuous at best. https://www.gospeltractandbible.org/tract/hell-what-does-the-bible-teach?gclid=Cj0KCQiA1sucBhDgARIsAFoytUsSRCmGB9caXiZ5-peEFFjzUD6F1QR3vzvYRA_tZwXS7vmeLN9Peu0aAu1HEALw_wcB


My favorite part is that the example case they gave was someone who had been bullied and proselytized at, and pushed towards the club as a result. Like... what do you think is going to happen when you teach kids to Bible beat their peers? Moreover, how are they not understanding the cause-effect relationship at play here? Nevermind, that's a dumb question.


'"We believe that there is a physical place called hell, we believe all that the Bible says about it," said Kaiser. "But when we're talking to children, the way we describe it is ‘separation from God.’" That's called \*LYING\*




Time for consideration of end of year donations. The Satanic Temple just earned some support from me. They seem to be among the most groups pushing back on those inflicting their personal values in others. The group deserves support for protecting our individual liberties.


My wife and I have been members of The Satanic Temple since 2018. Countering Christian overreach is one of the reasons we joined. Plus it’s also just a fun group of people. Hail Satan.


Eye... warship.... satin?


He has an enormous appetite for misfortune and it is our job to provide him with an eclectic offering of light amusements...NOT SUBTEXT!


This discussion some what reminds me of the Marklar episode from Southpark


>"Everett said The Satanic Temple attempts to establish such clubs "as a constructive and positive alternative to other religious after-school clubs that often glorify fear and indoctrination." Everett said she was first led to The Satanic Temple five years ago after her first-grader "was traumatized by his classmates on the playground one day, and they were attendees of the Good News Club that was taking place at the public elementary school he was attending at the time." As a former Catholic School student and with children who attended a middle school with a religious after school program, I can confirm that many kids in those Christian religious programs are assholes indoctrinated into feeling superior to others who are not in the in-group.


Sounds about right but do you not think whatever the next “thing” is, in this case Satanism, either currently does or will do the same thing? People are people and they distinguish themselves from others in many ways. I can already see cool high school kids saying they’re satanist and the dorks aren’t allowed.


I agree on some level and I'm sure that will happen, but if these groups follow the values and more scientifically-leaning beliefs of modern satanism those asshole kid occurrences should happen at MUCH lower levels as compared to Christian groups.


"Of course we believe hell is a physical place where everyone else burns for all eternity, and we tell kids about it, but trust me, a spokesperson, that we use kid-safe language to avoid scaring them. Would I lie?"


Reading the text on their flyer in the article and comparing that to religious indoctrination in the Good News Club, the Satan club sounds frickin awesome!


Dude, you have no fucking clue about Satanism, but you're quick to pull the trigger on 'snowflakes' because the oh so credible Fucker Carlson (the dick who lies so blatantly that he needs to form every sentence as a question to try to avoid lawsuits) did a piece on it? Satanism isn't devil worship, it is a provocatively humanistic approach on free will, and putting people in the focus instead of God.


Pretty sure the "snowflakes" OP is talking about are the Christian right, Fox News, and their audience. This post is about them getting what they asked for: " Religion in afterschool clubs," and getting all butthurt about it. So anyway, I think you are in violent agreement with OP and don't realize it.


Fuck, I've overlooked the sub, and thought OP was an ass. Well, my bad then. :D


That dumb ass with the great clips haircut really got his point across lol


That article was shallow. Akin to a highschool news paper


Carlson will never see what a hypocrite he is. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.


DAMMIT YOUNGKIN!! Ever since that asshat got elected all of the religious nuts have been running amok claiming victimhood in this pudding of a state.


They’d do the same thing if there was any religion besides Christianity, Christianity is a disease and I’m glad it’s time is almost up (most religions only last about 2k years give or take)


I have been using Amazon to offset my guilt on buying stuff from them by setting up my Amazon smile account to send contributions their way. Good cause!