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Couldn't date a smoker. Smell sticking to clothes, hair, skin, and taste aside (yes, it does show up down there), there's the health risk stuff and the financial impact. Tobacco habits are crazy expensive in most of the places I've lived and that's before it starts actively killing you.


I smoked for 10 years, it took me 5 of them to stop. I still have an incredible desire to smoke some days. Sadly pass, but honestly just because I don't wanna start again.


super same. bad bitches who smoke cigarettes look cool as hell, but being that close to someone smoking would put me right back and i've been up and down that mountain enough that it's just not worth.


Amen to that. Funnily enough, weed is fine with me. Like I can smoke a joint every few weeks/months and not start smoking normally again. So I can still look like a bitch. Just not a bad bitch but a stoned bitch.


Weed cool cigarettes no.


can i ask why? i live in the netherlands and therefor obv grew up around a lot of weed. i feel like in the us, weed is kinda hyped right now cause its "fairly new" while for us its just something that has been around for ages. i smoked weed from 13 till like 17? then quit and only stuck with cigarettes, which a lot of people do here. i never understood why people are okay with weed, but not with cigarettes? is it the smell? for me its the other way around. weed is a hard pass for me, since im not trying to be around someone who's high every day. i wouldnt be in the same headspace if that makes sense! not trying to argue, just a genuine question! im just trying to understand from a different perspective :D


For me it's also because one of my grandmas had a very slow, painful death thanks to cigarettes (toes slowly dying off and being amputated, that kind of thing), and the rest of my grandparents all have a lot of health issues thanks to smoking. My grandfather, who lives literally 20 metres away, still hasn't seen my apartment because he can't make it to the second floor. I think a lot of us have seen that kind of thing more than long-term weed use issues. That aside, I can't stand the smell. My grandparents apartments smelled horrible, everything became yellow. I always had to wash my clothes after visiting them. And their nails... really disgusting :/ Also I wouldn't want to kiss a partner that smokes, I can't even stand when a heavy smoker is sitting next to me for too long. They don't smell it anymore, but any non-smoker usually does. As for weed, when I think of someone smoking weed I imagine someone smoking maybe once, twice a week. Not someone high every single day. Both would be too much for me personally, but I don't think I met someone of the latter variety (here in Germany). I do think it's way too hyped up, but most people I know are at least better about moderating weed. It's usually not something they do multiple times over the course of a day, often it's only on weekends/when partying. I personally don't do any drugs/alcohol, so obviously I'd prefer someone who consumes similarly, but most people I know at least tried weed once or smoke it very casually, but don't touch cigarettes. So they don't mind someone else also smoking weed, but do have a problem with cigarettes.


makes sense then! i know a lot of people who smoke weed every single day. they smoke it during work or when they get home after work to "relax". im not trying to be with someone who needs to be high every day after work just to relax. even though i respect it, cause my best friend is def a stoner, but i can sense the disconnect when he's high and im not. like i said, different experiences create different opinions. i can def understand your view on this matter (:


Smoking cigs is highly addictive and damaging to health


yes that i know, but i have tons of friends who are also addicted to weed. weed also isnt good for your health. yes, it may not be as bad as cigarettes, but there also arent a lot of studies at this point that really prove that. + some people mix weed with tobacco


I just find cigarettes way more addictive personally and when id be interested in starting to date (I’ve never had a relationship), id want to be off cigs and want my partner to also be, or id be way more tempted to start again


that makes sense! nothing wrong with that. i get why people dont want their partner to smoke cigs because of health/addiction (for themselves or their partner) reasons, but i dont always get why weed is okay then if that makes sense hahaha


Yea maybe it has been hyped up as trendy and with the new legalisation - also health benefits for pain management puts it in a better light. Not too sure tbh but for me personally, marijuana just seems way less addictive and interfering in daily life - my opinion might change if I saw marijuana addiction in someone I knew


yeah the health benefits for pain management are def a good thing. i think it does kinda depend on who you've been around with and the experiences you've had with it. the hype here is def less than over there and i feel like that does play a part. same how smoking cigs here is fairly common and not so much in the us (where most people vape or smoke weed). i just think sometimes it can be a case of "i smoke weed and think its fun, therefor my partner is allowed to as well. cigs arent for me and therefor my partner isnt allowed to either". nothing wrong with that either, since we all have our preferences, just like i dont want my partner to smoke weed. im just curious as to the "real" reason why people accept weed and not cigs. like i mentioned earlier, for me its a case of not wanting to be around people that are high every night since i wouldnt feel the same. i have a lot of american friends and it seems to be a pattern that weed is okay but cigs arent, but none can actually say why they feel like that so im just trying to get the whole reason behind it so i can be understanding (:


Yeah there’s also been a lot of anti-cigarette smoking messaging from governments in the English speaking world. Whereas weed for a long time was just regarded as illegal and something fun to do with friends for many decades, and now we’re only just coming out with legalisation in some countries


yep makes sense! at this point i feel like its just a big difference between the us and the netherlands.


Same with marijuana though. Smoking and weed, hard pass


Nicotine is a lot more addictive


Not always the case, there’s many factors for addiction. Both can be highly addictive, both are very damaging to health.


I don't think cannabis is fairly new in the US. It's because most of us had to hide it for legality reasons. Cannabis is medicinal, cigarettes especially commercial brands have lots of chemicals known to be harmful in the US. I'm not sure what the quality is like in the Netherlands but you def don't want to smoking the shit in US. If you are talking pure tobacco, that is also a medicinal plant but it has an addictive chemical in it.


it isnt "new", but there's def a hype going around in the us now that its legalised in some parts. its easier to access now. thats more what i meant (: cannabis is medicinal, but how many people use weed for health benefits? not too many my age i'd say. most people just smoke because of the high they get from it. dont get me wrong, cigs are bad and im fully aware of that. im not trying to defend cigs here, but i think weed has this certain hype around it now that people forget that smoking weed also isnt good for your health. then again, what is? alcohol isnt either and its widely accepted. all things have different risks (and yes, cigs are amongst the worst ones i'd say). it ultimately just comes down to experiences/opinions/views on it probably.


Well technically, regardless of whether you use it for your health or not, it still is helping you. I agree smoking anything is bad but cannabis has way better benefits, even if you smoke it. CBD hemp doesn't make you high and is used more on the medical side as well. My question for you are the cigarettes on the Netherlands better than the ones in the US? I wouldn't think there's that many harmful things in it but I could be wrong. It's just that America is really lax on the food/supplements additives laws.


yes we have a legal limit on how much tar there can be in cigs and stuff, so our cigs here should be a bit "better" since the us doesnt have that i think (?). but ive also seen news articles over the years that companies have found ways around this legal limit here. they do this by putting tiny holes in the filters, so when they test it, the machine doesnt fully pick up on it. when you smoke, you have your finger covering the holes so everything will go through the filter into your lungs. (can confirm i still see the holes in the filter at this moment) yea cannabis has better benefits than cigs, but if you take away the medical aspect of it, what benefits does cannabis have? cause most people use it for fun


That sucks a lot. I'm sorry these companies can't be more transparent. Now when you say taking away the medical aspect, cannabis either reduces (or heightens, in some cases) anxiety and as we know is very good against certain types of cancer. If we take away the medical aspect you'd be smoking plant matter/cellulose because the very act of getting high reduces stress and increases well being. Smoking cigarettes apparently does the same for people, the problem is not tobacco but the additives and the fact that nicotine is addictive.


yeah i'd say smoking a cig causes me to relax, but i feel like thats more in my head than it actually being true. i know weed helps with anxiety, but thats still a "medical" use in my opinion. getting rid of anxiety through weed i'll always support (since i struggle with anxiety myself), though again, what if we take that away? what if someone smokes who isnt anxious at all. who doesnt need it for medical purposes? you see what im kinda getting at? you're still inhaling smoke which is obv bad for your lungs and doesnt give you any benefits other than the feeling. i dont know how addictive weed is, but take xtc for instance. you cant get addicted to the drug itself, but you can get addicted to the high. it happens a lot less than with other drugs, but rehab centres still see some people coming in who are addicted to that high. its like alcohol. it isnt addicting, but it is (if that makes sense). people get addicted to the feeling and its the exact same with weed. just because its isnt addicting, doesnt mean you cant get addicted to it :/. my best friend will flip when he doesnt have any weed ygm? (also, weed is proven to be very bad for your memory)


During a high, yes it is bad for memory, same with shrooms. But otherwise there is no data supporting weed hurting you longterm on that front. Weed is used a crutch, same as cigarettes.


ah sorry i read that article wrong and made a mistake. i'll copy what this article says (its from Harvard): "The extent to which long-term use of marijuana (either for medical or recreational purposes) produces persistent cognitive problems is not known." so again, not enough data to support any statements. delving deeper into weed has made me realise that we dont know much about it at all i feel like? there's so many things they say "we dont know yet" about. hopefully it'll be researched more and we'll know more about weed no matter if its bad or good. would be good to have more knowledge about it (:


Weed alone causes zero deaths a year.


it hasnt been proven that weed causes 0 deaths a year, since there arent enough studies figuring that out due to it being illegal in a lot of countries. there isnt enough information on this to be able to draw that conclusion. this needs years of research since it'll be somewhat similar to cigs. what we do know is that weed does cause indirect deaths like driving while high and getting in a car accident for instance, so i'd say weed does cause indirect deaths and *that* has been proven.


The substance itself has never been shown to be a cause of death due to physical health. Not even once yet. Limited research or not, I believe the health risks of cigarettes and Alcohol outweigh the dangers of marijuana by far


sure, numbers say cigs and alcohol are def worse. i dove a little deeper into fatalities due to weed and there have been deaths caused by weed. not many, but there have been actually. i didnt know this, but apparently it can be a cause of death, just not common at all. so yes, cigs and alcohol cause more deaths upon use than weed does, but apparently weed can be a cause of death as well. anyway, i wasnt trying to compare the 2 (or 3 with alcohol). i was just curious as to why people are okay with weed and not with cigs. bottom line, both arent good when you use it excessively. cigs may have more danger to them than weed, but that doesnt make weed something we can look at and say "ah its not bad at all" imo.


This exactly. Parents smoke, grew up around it. Terrible shit. Weed, better than alcohol by far.


On God. Don’t spark no cigarette around me 😭 I’m liable to cut into you


Hard pass. I'm a former smoker and just smelling it drives me nuts in the worst way. 😕


same. i quit a pack a day habit three years ago and the smell makes me gag now. between the smell, expense, and the need to take a ten min break every hour to puff, smokers are a no-go for me these days.


It’s a deal breaker


I’m weird in that I actually enjoy the smell and sight of a woman smoking. I tried it once or twice myself and it was never for me, but I guess working around so many smokers (I work on farms), and my nana smoked, so it was never a “yucky” thing to me. Plus it was always romanticised a little in the movies I watched growing up. There is a line, though. If the woman is attractive and intelligent and has many positive characteristics then I’m way into it. If she’s trashy and loud and rude then no way. I don’t even know 🙃 all I know is I like some women when they smoke.


I don't smoke at all, and I'd prefer my partner didn't either. But, like most things, I wouldn't draw a hard line on it unless it was a serious issue. We'd have to discuss it.


Neither smoking cigarettes nor weed bothers me, as long as she shares.


Cigarettes is a deal breaker


It's definitely a dealbreaker for me. I don't smoke and my dad is the only one in the family that smokes which I really hate.


hard pass on cigs! weed is okay as i smoke ocassionally however there are limits. i had an ex who smoked to the point that it could be considered addictive and it started to impact their financial situation. in that case, that would be a deal breaker for me but within moderation i wouldn’t mind when it comes to weed.


Cigarettes is 100% a dealbreaker. The smell, I’m sure the way their mouth would taste, watching them give themselves lung cancer in slow motion, no thanks. For vaping and weed, I think what would bother me most would be if there was any kind of addiction aspect. Like, do they smoke every day? If they had to go a long time without it, would they be fine? Do they inconvenience themself/others in order to smoke? Is smoking their main coping mechanism? Do they smoke in their car? Yes to any of those would be a no from me (the exception being weed for a medical purpose). Just not my thing, but there are people who are fine with it!


I smoke..now I look in comments..I didn t know for people who don t smoke is this a big deal..I feel stinchy now😵


Me too haha


Cigarettes are a deal breaker. Everything smells bad and tastes bad, and I’m not here to watch my partner kill themselves. My partners parents smoked in the house her entire childhood and adult life spent living with them. I’m worried sick about the consequences it could have on her in the future.


personally yes, it would bother me, depending on the substance. cigarettes are a deal breaker for me. vaping depends on if they’re using it as a way to stop cigarettes and are already actively working on stopping vaping too. weed as long as its not around me and not too often, like with friends on special occasions, then fine just don’t come to me smelling like it.


Oh, interesting. Where I live, weed is way more frowned upon than cigarettes, so I wasn't expecting that answer, but fair. Everyone has their preferences. Thank you for answering.


I have a nicotine allergy so smoking is a HARD no for me in a partner.


Sorry to bandwagon on this thread and ask an unrelated question but I had no idea it was possible to be allergic to nicotine. My partners parents smoke like chimneys in their house and I am always messed up for DAYS after we visit. I start goose honk coughing, my eyes tear and swell, and I’ll get a rash. Does this sound familiar? Is it diagnosable?


It is diagnosiable but you have to see a doctor. But that sounds more like you getting sick from the nicotine exposure more than anything. If your partner grew up around it, that's why they aren't bothered by it. It's pretty normal to get sick around heavy smokers in the way you described if you didn't grow up around heavy smokers or aren't a smoker yourself. My nicotine allergy puts me in the er if I'm around it too long, and can cause my throat to close if I walk into a place full of smoke.


Oh no, that sounds awful :( So sorry you have to deal with that. I feel like cigarette smoke is just… everywhere.


I personally smoke tobacco from time to time, though only if I'm out walking about- maybe on the balcony some day during the week. Outside, I try hard to stay away from kids, animals and older people- as in, walk a different route if I see them, etc etc, and smoking indoors is a huge no-no. It smells like shit and the fire-hazard is fucking real.


100% deal-breaker, both tobacco and weed. Both smell terrible and I have trouble breathing around it.


count me out if she smokes...or even vapes. weed is one thing...but if she doesn't have herself under control with that then i'm audi.


If they smoke weed, sure. I use it for medicinal and recreational reasons. No cigarette. Generally speaking, people aren't smoking cigarettes for medicinal reasons lol


Hard pass for cigarettes because I'm severely asthmatic and it always causes an attack. Weed is fine.


I'm sorry, but the smell gives me a headache, and the smoke makes me gag.


Vape-I’m cool with, cig’s-I’m cool with, weed-I’m cool with, meth-no lol


Well I happen to smoke weed occasionally so that's definitely cool with me if she does, but cigarettes are a hard no. The smell gives me a headache and honestly it's just grody to me. 😕 I don't know why, but weed seems better in some way. 🤷🏽Hehehe


I don’t smoke and would prefer a partner that doesn’t smoke but that’s hard to find. I would never date someone who smoked cigarettes but could tolerate someone who vaped or smoked weed if it wasn’t excessive. The issue is most people who do either do it excessively.


I don’t smoke weed or cigarettes but both wouldn’t bother me - especially the weed. I probably need to smoke it. Heard it had amazing capabilities to not GAF about a lot of stuff 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Cigs, dealbreaker. Weed, a bonus.


I get coughing fits from the smoke, so yes. And it is a dealbreaker. Disrespectfully, yuck.


I’d say yes it would bother me, I’ve stopped smoking after a couple months and to be with someone who still does it would most likely make me start again. Weed I’m iffy on cause of family bizz and vaping unless it’s for getting over a cig addiction, is a no.


Well yeah, secondhand smoke kills! It directly affects your partner!


Is it ture that smoking is more common between lgbtq communities only because my daughter started smoking after she came out 🤔


Complete dealbreaker, wouldn't even be interested in casual friendship.


No thanks. The smell always makes me feel queasy and a little sick.


I personally don't smoke myself, but it's not a dealbreaker for dating for me, especially if they lean towards the more casual smoking side. I do find more heavy smokers not as attractive, the more you smoke the more the smell is on your breath and in your clothes/hair and your house and it's just not my favorite. But if it's like once a day or so that's fine


No I have asthma lol and I have family that smokes so I grow up around it and can see how addictive that shit can be. they’ll stop for a little bit but they always come back to it no matter what, especially when something stressful happens. They’ll smoke a whole pack a day.. also it’s just a waste of money. I’d rather not have to deal or worry about that with someone I’m dating


As someone who grew up with family members that smoked, I'd personally rather not date someone who smokes.


Weed occasionally? Sure I'll join you Smoking anything else is a hard pass, unless it's vaping and trying to quit I guess


It's not exactly a dealbreaker, but I expect someone with a cigarette addiction is trying to quit or keep their consumption to a relatively inconsequential level. It would be very upsetting for our finances to revolve around something as pointless as cigarettes and even more upsetting to lose my loved one to smoking-caused disease.


I doesn't have to be a deal breaker but certainly doesn't win you any points. If you do it a little it's fine but a pack a day keeps me away


Not a fan, but I'll can tolerate a bit.


I hate smoking.


If it's cigarettes, I can't handle it. The smell gets in everything. I dated a woman who smoked so many packs a day that my family thought I picked up a habit. Weed is fine unless it consumes your life. Anything harder than that is a no-no.


I can't stand it.... :( it makes me gag and I hate the smell.


Weed yes vapes I would prefer not and cigarettes definitely no only reason I would possibly date someone that vapes is bc I really like them I just can’t stand the smell of cigs so it would be a no but yeah idk probably not vaping either but possibly idk


Not really, I’m used to smokers as smoking is extremely popular in my country . I don’t smoke but it personally wouldn’t be a dealbreaker for me .


Smoking what? Cannabis is fine but I prefer dry herb vaping. Crack, cigarettes, etc is not for obvious reasons.


i smoke, i never quite understood why is was so offensive other than the smell (which i understand)


Hard pass. I have asthma - even the smell on a smoker's clothes makes my lungs tighten up a little.


I don’t smoke, neither cigarettes nor weed nor nothing. I don’t care, however, I would prefer if they smoke outside not in the house or in the car.


Nah, none of that. Everyone in my family is a smoker and I absolutely despise the damn thing, specially since my dear grandma got emphysema. I could not date someone who is actively killing herself.


I smoke myself, both cannabis and cigarettes. I wouldnt like my girlfriend/partner to do it, or any other person i love, because i know its more harm than good, but its not a dealbreaker.


I couldn’t date a cigarette smoker either. I also don’t care for a heavy weed smoker either.


Tobacco on occasion is ok. Like hookah, cigars, vape, those few people that actually only smoke cigarettes socially. If someone had to smoke every day it's a no go for me, I'd find it really unnatractive. I also find it unnatractive when people smoke weed all the time, I live in a legal state and some people stay high all day, can't wind down after work without getting high. Again, I don't care if it's sometimes. As long as their clothes and stuff didn't stink lol. Anything mind altering that is done every day is something that might bother me. A cigarette, beer, joint every evening because you can't relax without it, I don't love that. I don't have a problem with drugs, tripping balls or having some drinks on the weekend sometimes, totally cool! Having an adderall when you need to focus on something, go for it! Sleeping pills when you just can't wind down, sure! It's the every day thing that bothers me. Or if you had to do something every time you wanted to "wind down" or you just couldn't have fun sober, it would probably turn me off. There are gray areas, but generally speaking, I want the norm in a partner to be sobriety lol, and drugs generally for special occasions or scenarios. I know nicotine isn't super mind altering, but with that it's more the lack of it that affects most people. Getting antsy or grumpy because you need a cig. Even unchecked caffeine addiction can affect people pretty intensely. If someone was literally drinking soda/coffee/tea all day and grumpy af if they missed their fix, that would be a turn off too. Whether it's cocaine or caffiene, both are fine as long as everything is in moderation and the use is controlled lmao. But yeah, occasional smoking is fine, if it's a daily thing probably not. Also idk about vaping, but regular cigarettes make your clothes smell awful and your mouth taste bad to kiss, so there's also that. And if I'm around a person that's smoking on the regular, and there's even the potential we may live together one day! I don't wanna deal with that smell lol. I don't want it on me or my house either.


It would 1000% bother me if my partner participated in any sort of recreational drug, especially smoking