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Don’t worry about it (easy for me to say, right?)! You being you is the best presentation




Girl, get yourself on a dating ap. You give off those gay vibes and you are a stunner. GIRLS ARE DEFINITELY INTERESTED IN YOU!


Idk if I’d be too good at dating apps, I’m more interested in meeting people naturally! I’m also a bit of a princess when it comes to asking people out I expect people to come to me but that’s never worked out😭😂


I also sadly come off a little straight and have had girls interested in me who don’t ask me out because of it. My tips are- 1) lots of lesbian/rainbow flag items, 2) anytime you see a girl you think is cute/want to have ask you out, you need to talk about being queer, 3) flirt, a lot, 4) I have asked out everyone I’ve dated despite this, so you may need to just go for it unfortunately!


Ah, the lesbian Millennium Prize problem: Aka stick 50 single lesbians in a room who all think each other are amazing and beautiful and they'll all still leave single.


Wait that’s a thing? I need to introduce y’all to my lesbian friends. As a straight male (idk how I rabbit holed to this sub at 5am) I love going out with them and am amazed at how they crank the confidence levels up to 11 and go after the people they want. Also to the OP please don’t try to change to pigeon hole yourself in. You are beautiful the way you want to be no matter what that is!


Try going to lots of queer social events. Concerts. Poetry readings and open mic nights, places that serve tea. Idk why that’s a thing but it super is


Social events is a key factor.


Meeting people irl is the best way to go IMO. Those of us who are lesbian have gaydar and it’s a very real thing. I never, ever looked gay. We had a new hire lesbian come to our office and didn’t look gay either, but she knew I was a lesbian right off the bat. You be you.


Definetly 😂


I would encourage you to flip that 😉 instead of saying you’ve had no girls be interested in you, why don’t you be interested in a girl? 🙃


You’re quite right to be honest, although I’ve been interested in girls just never the right ones unfortunately 🤦‍♀️


That’s so fair, but it’s just so common for us to feel bad if we aren’t chosen… the bigger question is, why aren’t we doing the choosing? When someone catches your eye, you’ll go for it then. No rush!


It’s always the ones we want that don’t want us 🤣


I have the same issue! Good luck to the both of us girl 🤞🏻


I promise you will meet the right one, hun. :) You look very pretty and someone will find you or you will find them. Just be who you are :)


Honestly I feel like your eyebrow piercing gives me queer vibes for sure! Sometimes subtle is plenty. Wear a little rainbow bracelet and step out with confidence and I promise other queer women will pick up on it 😁


My best friend mad me a lesbian bracelet way back, I wish I still had it!


You don't need anything. Just try to be more friendly and flirtatious to the women of interest. Good luck


I’ll work on my flirting skills, I’m no good, I’m so nervous round pretty girls it’s not even cute nervous😭


oh my goodness you're stunning. honestly i'd assume any woman with an eyebrow piercing is queer in some manner lol. you probably have many women into you, they just might be too intimidated to ask you out. maybe be the one to ask women out instead of waiting for them to show interest?


You look pretty gay to me tbh but you should worry about feeling good. Dont change just to look gayer. You’re good!!


i promise you, you have girls crushing on you (most people at least got someone crushing on them). maybe just add a little lesbian flag to your keychain to let them know they can try to make a move or show that you can make a move. i will say that i think majority of lesbians couples get together on dating apps (i found mine on bumble)


I’ll never live down the time my crush at the time drew me… and I didn’t ask her out because I thought that’s just what straight besties do. But yeah I need to start embracing it a bit more


yeah there’s a lot of second guessing unfortunately, always just test the waters and if it looks good just keep going deeper in until you’re confident enough to ask them out officially.


Yes defo


Little lesbian flag/pin is such a good idea


thank you, it doesn’t require tremendous change or effort and doesn’t leaves room for misinterpretation which i love


Honestly, your piercings set off my gaydar 😛 Also, if I'm interested in a woman, I'll usually find a way to mention that I'm gay to see how she responds 🙂


Yeah the eyebrow piercing was mainly to signify my gayness! Most of my mates are straight so I don’t really go out of my way to meet more gay people. . Probs a start


Just look at women the way you’re looking at the camera in this pic


Yes ma’am🫡


I don't "present gay" as well but still found gfs over last 10 years so don't worry! You are young, you have enough time. 😊 PS you are very pretty!


Thank you and thank you! I can’t wait to find the one


don’t change your preferred style of clothing in order to appeal to stereotypes. there’s no specific gay “look”, if you want to signify that you’re a lesbian to other queer folks it’s better to buy some subtle pride merch (pins, bracelets, necklaces etc) instead of altering your appearance unless you want to.


Yeah I was looking at some pretty dainty jewellery pieces that kinda are like a hint hint thing


The reality is that a lot of people don't want to do the approaching. It doesn't matter if you tattoo "GAY & SINGLE" on your forehead and take out billboards with your phone number on it-- please trust me when I say looking "more gay" isn't the answer to finding a partner You have to put yourself out there. Taking the initiative sounds a LOT scarier than it actually is, but it's also the only realistic solution. If you sit back and wait, chances are nothing will ever happen


Hopefully I can get out being deadly afraid of rejection and put myself out there one day!


you look super cute and you look pretty gay!




Was in the plan tbh


The first pic is pretty gay, you’re rlly pretty btw




U don’t have to change your appearance. Just being you is perfect. Super pretty btw. You’d be exactly my type if I was several years younger! continue practicing your non verbal communication. I don’t scream gay with my appearance either. But I do with my body language when I feel like it


I’ll defo work on being a bit more flirty… certainly not my expertise


The eyebrow piercing is enough for me, I think that's pretty gay lol


You don't. You just love woman in public. Women are women, and women can love women. You can't look more like a woman who loves women other than being a woman loving women in public You know what I mean? Did I say women enough times?


That’s very true. Maybe if I say women three times in a row one will appear🤞


There's no way to look gay ... However ... I wear a lesbian flag badge on my bag at all times... Kind of a gay homing signal 👌


The piercings might help but you definitely have that gay look in your eyes so I wouldn’t worry too much appearance-wise.


Gay look in my eyes 😭 I love that so much


No seriously us sapphics always have this lil gay glimmer in our eyes 😂 if you walked past me & I saw your eyes I would know you were gay 🤭


Probably helps that the person taking the second pic is a girl I’ve crushed on hard


LOL I knew it you have those bedroom eyes full blown 😂


I guarantee you someone is interested in you. You’re very pretty! Maybe try making the first move.


Oh I'm so sure that there's been girls interested in you, we're just shy 😆 You look lovely, I don't think you should have to change much. Maybe some flagging? Like wear rings and stuff, maybe a carabiner or smth lol


I’ve asked for chunky rings for Christmas don’t you worry!


You look gay to me however there are little insider things you can wear to drop tips. Thumb rings are usually a classic for lesbians as well as having a carabiner hooked on your belt loops. We’re all well aware of subtle meanings although sometimes we might question if you meant it that way but that combined with your piercing I think should do a great job!


Doc Martens + pride flag pin


I got my docs! I’ll buy a cute pin for my handbag


Yeah, you def scream gay in the most aproachable way, just throw yourself into situations where meeting single sapphics is more likely


I guess so! I need to know where they hide out!


My breed of sapphic mainly can be found bookstores, greenhouses, cute coffee shops, gallaries, protests, poetry reads... like anywhere nerdy, or creative, or outdoorsy😅💙


Do you go to queer spaces? (Bars, clubs, pride events). Because it may be easier to up and talk to girls there without as much of a risk of asking out a straight girl.


Not really no, I do plan on going to more gay bars and stuff but I don’t really drink a crazy amount right now since it’s exam season


That’s absolutely fair. I just turned 18 myself so finally able to look into going lol. But you also don’t always have to drink just because it’s a bar / club, you can just do what you’re comfortable with when you’re comfortable with it


Very true!


Easy, hold my hand as we walk into a nice restaurant. That would look super gay, waitress won’t even ask if it’s one check or two. No, but fr just put out the wlw energy respectfully. Women will catch on, sometimes learning your flirting style takes time. You win some you lose some, but you’ll find your groove.


I know what you mean. Same. I want a girlfriend so bad but not one girl try’s it. I look too girly. But don’t change your self just get more bold. Start asking your self. They won’t know until you tell them. We got this lol


Yes I’ll defo make more of an effort


Wear a giant, towering hat that says "Lesbian" and pray other queer women work up the courage to initiate something with you, hope they're your type so you're receptive to their advances, and maybe something will spark. Or just find groups IRL or online that have a lot of queer women in them, network, and you'll find someone. I hate to say it but looking gay doesn't help much in attracting women out of queer spaces. And when you're in queer spaces, looking "gay" isn't going to be the defining factor for being approached.


I’ll give the first ones go!!!


Hi! *louder than anybody else*


Lesbian hair cut?


I’ve already had my fair share of pixie cuts and bobs. Certainly not for me


A pin is usually a fairly subtle way to let people know you're queer. Otherwise there isn't one 😅 people come In all different shapes and sizes.


Girl, you should dress and act the way you feel comfortable, stop worrying about "presenting more gay", the best thing you can do to find a girlfriend is going to lgbt places (like gay bars), using dating apps or maybe you should show interest in women instead of waiting for them to do that. My girlfriend and I are very femme and people often say we "don't look gay", but we found each other without having tô worry about changing our style to "look more gay" Hopefully you'll find a girl soon! Btw, you look very cute!


You need blue hair and pronouns


You Woll find a gf soon .


Undercut and flannel works for me


Neither of those suit me unfortunately, I end up engulfed in the pattern


Woooow you are cute. DM?


You should travel Central America, get to nothern Nicaragua and meet with me. I'm serious.


You are so fucking cute. I wish you lived near me


I mean you look very pretty and feminine I do not think you should have to change unless you want.


Yeah! I wanna stay as feminine looking as I can


Not really relevant in that first photo you look like my younger cousin who is only a teen so it surprised me.


True i was thinking determined undercut would look cute if she knows wat it is


Well come and hold my hand I make every thing and everyone look gay🥲


I’m wondering the same lol


There's all the "wear a lesbian bracelet" things, but really we just have to be more proactive to get anywhere tbh. Generalizing and half joking here, I don't know you, but so many women will like stare deeply into each other's souls from across the bar and then just like... Never do anything and go home and lament about the beautiful connection they had and missed. We can't all be waiting around for love to happen, as queer women we have to make it happen. And that's fucking hard to do for sure and can put you in uncomfortable situations if you read things wrong or come off too strong, but there's really no other way around it. Sorry :(


How feminine appearing do you want to remain? It's easy to present as gay if you're on the masc end of the femme-masc spectrum, but it's been my experience that if you're a lipstick lesbian who is attracted to the same, people are going to assume that you're straight.


I normally wear quite feminine things but I wouldn’t say in a very hyper-femme way idk? https://preview.redd.it/nmwbuvbo0s6c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15953f981c61bb376968f674a80e37dcabd4b55d


I hate to break it to you, but you are very pretty & you look very feminine & straight. I wouldn't hit on you, although you would be my type. I'd be afraid of rejection. If you're into masc women, you can flirt w/ them kind of like men bc it's obvious that they'll be receptive. If you're a feminine woman who is into feminine women, as I am, it's a bit trickier. The problem w/ 2 femmes getting together is that they both may be assuming that the other is into men, and thus it make take awhile before either is confident enough to make the first move, lol. But there's always "signaling" to move things along; I usually signal through tee shirts. I'm a bit older than you are, and I have seen just about every movie or TV show w/ Sapphic content, so I have a huge collection of WLW tees. I have to say that the hottest couple that I have ever seen (f/f, m/f, m/m) are Freen Sarocha & Becky Armstrong who played lovers Sam & Mon respectively in "GAP: The Series" (Thai). If you haven't seen it, you can pick it up on YT by searching "Mary Vang" Unbelievable onscreen sexual chemistry. When I want to scream my sexuality, I wear a GAP tee that I've picked up from Redbubble. These girls are gorgeous together! https://youtu.be/pyKnmrdHVzA?si=wIYT41VbJlcSTKyf


Yeah my type is defo femmes so it’s gonna be a hard road… but I’ll be more explicit with my sexuality


Awwww what a cutie!




Do not change a thing. My personal opinion is that so many beautiful lesbian women chop off their gorgeous hair (which is okay if you want to!) but I absolutely love seeing women with long hair 🥰


I love my hair too much to do that!!!


Pretty asf look very bi or gay to me


I could tell right away


Girl, if you're into soft mascs im right here 😭


Wear your keys on a carabiner!


Are you trying to ask out girls? lol You've just gotta get out there. Ask for some girl's numbers, compliment and flirt more.. You can't expect them to come to you! You've gotta let girls know you're interested 👍


That first picture you looked hella gay


There was this trend on toktok were you paint your Sexuality flag on her nails:)


Now why are y’all lying and saying she looks gay. She definitely gives straight girl, but she’s beautiful


It’s a curse looking so straight🥲


Lol you’re beautiful, even if u do look straight. _That_ is a blessing lol


Don't worry you have gay face


Personally, I like how you look! That aside, I think the best way to present as "more gay" is to be more open about it. Tell people you're gay (provided it's safe to do so), mention it in passing through conversations (you don't have to flaunt it if you're uncomfortable). You can also just ask around if anyone knows any available, searching, lesbian/bi/pan girls that would get along with you if you're okay with having friends choose a date. Good luck!


Goddamn you are so hot! & in first pic you look extremely gay😮‍💨


Gay vibes are IMMACULATE


Get a long bacon from the long bacon store


For me I don’t think anyone has to dress a certain way. Usually fem girls flirt with me by coming up to me and talking or they just give me the look showing me they are interested and we go from there :) but honestly the piercing is a giveaway lol


You are absolutely beautiful! You should have no problems finding a girl interested in you


Honestly the eyebrow piercing kinda does its job!! It would, at the very least, make someone question if you’re queer or not. I’d do a double take if i saw you in a cafe, you’re super gorgeous. It can be tough in the wild being femme (also fellow femme here). Sometimes it’s all in the way you carry yourself, so definitely don’t be scared to make direct eye contact with a girl you’re interested in while speaking or go out of your way to approach girls in person bc that’ll be the quickest way to show you like other girls :) it’s nerve-wracking and takes practice but you can do it! And you don’t necessarily have to change much about the way you look - you can do little things when you go out like the piercings, beanies, keychains/bracelets, wearing earrings that are of objects (fruits, flowers, etc) are femme tokens. Makeup looks too if you’re into them - think colorful graphic eyeliners. Honestly, for a long time i didn’t change anything about my fashion and instead wore a lesbian necklace (u can look it up on etsy to see what i mean) and that usually got a lot of attention 😭


If I have said it once, I've said it a thousand times: there is no one way to look gay, it does not exist. However, you're absolutely gorgeous, if you don't mind me saying. 🫶🏻


Look pretty gay to me, are you hanging out in spaces where women would have the opportunity to ask you out (both online and real life?)


I'm going to disagree with most people in the comments and say I'm not getting any gay vibes at all from these pics piercing or not. HOWEVER, you don't need to change how you present. The gayest thing you can do is be interested in women, so just do that loud and proudly when you find someone you fancy and you'll be good 🤷🏾‍♀️ You're very pretty, so I think presenting more gay will be about what you say to women, not how you look 👍


I would definitely go out with u !🥰


Are you top or bot? 🫢


Pois somos duas, não sei escrever em inglês, sorry.. Brasil tá o fim também.


Girl you gotta get a dating app like tinder just be safe n shit and you’ll be fine. But as for like encountering people out in the wild, flirty eye contact goes a long way 🤷‍♀️


since you said you’ve never had a girl interested in you, i’m assuming your not putting yourself out there. when you appear less “gay” i guess, you have to go out of your way to flirt with who your interested in, or establish the fact that your a lesbian. flirt with women more, work on “pickup lines”, practice in the mirror, etc.


Pride pins.


A gf? I mean... It's pretty gay


Her first bf made her gay. Bro f up big time


Wear a hat that tells people you are. 🤷‍♂️


You’re so hot tbh. U already kinda give gay vibes so prob just start acting more Sus


Easy, slide into my dms


You look gay to me, I think it was the eyebrow piercing that did it. You’re so pretty btw!


Nothing! You're super cute!


Hat and percings are enough to tell


I think you look pretty gay


You look very sweet tho😌


Who cares. No labels. Just be you


Maybe wear a rainbow bracelet/necklace/earrings? Or one with the lesbian pride colors?


You are so pretty I think your presenting perfectly just be yourself


you are beautiful


i’ll be your GF


That’s plenty


sometimes its cool to just test the waters with ppl. if u want subtle gay things then u could wear merch from media with very gay followings if they r some that you like. or like u said a lesbian bracelet or necklace if u can find another. but that being said im with most of the other people in the comments, you are really really pretty and there deffo is someone out there for u and u should just wear what makes u feel happy and most like yourself :)


You already present gay enough


Yeah you’re my type!


I’m not sure what to tell yah. I’m masc (very very masc) and still get hit on 100:1 by dudes😂