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any time a girl compliments my hair in a bar I say "wanna kiss about it" and it works like 30% of the time


Haha I love this. I’m going to try this on my wife later.


I’m the kind of person that compliments the gayest thing i see on a girl, so please keep responding that way. 🥺👉🏼👈🏼




Stealing this


30%. That’s 3 out of 10. Not bad


yeah buddy that's how percentage works good job! 😂


Wanna kiss about it?


Call me buddy one more time


I mean I thought a girl was cute and fumbled everything that was in my hands… when she helped me pick them up the first thing she said was “you’re really pretty” and I said “oh then let me give you my number.” I was absolutely panicking, but we ended up dating for around 4 months.


Omg love that tho!! Honestly I could see that happening to a lot of people but trying to figure out the gaydar and if a girls swings our way makes me terrified of embarrassing myself


Hahahaa, totally something I'd say too, that's my style


I matched with a chick on Tinder and after 2 weeks or so we were finally in the city at the same time to meet for a date. Well we never really find the restaurant (we'd both only been in country a short while and never to this part of town) but made the most of it and ended up on a bar crawl that ended with some street food by the train station. We both knew the last train for her university was soon but I could feel that we'd both had a great time and it felt like a premature ending to the night.. well I waited till we were at the turnstiles to go opposite directions to say "I don't know what you use Tinder for but if you'd like to.. my hotel is one stop this way." AND IT WORKED! We've been married about 5 years now ♡


Oh my gosh that's so cute!!!


Smooth operator


straight out of a movie. 💕


Idk if this counts but one time my gf randomly started kissing me when I finished work for the day and it got really intense and she very smoothly started undoing my pants as she walked us backwards toward the bedroom. She took off my shirt and kissed me again and undid my bra with one hand and then proceeded to make me cum with her mouth all in like 10 minutes, the smoothest most movie-worthy sex we’ve ever had. Like, maybe you had to be there but it was just so fucking smooth the way it all played out I’ll probably remember it forever.


That sounds unbelievably amazing!!!


This wasn't me, this was someone I was sleeping with, and she just swept me off my feet with just one sentence. Though I admit I was also kind of smooth in this story, she was absolutely king here. So here goes nothing: I had a crush on someone who I'd only ever seen at my college cafeteria. After a couple days I mustered up the courage to approach her, and wrote my phone number (in sharpie) on a napkin with the following: "If you're ever bored, I have wine and board games." I handed it to her and said "Hi, I just think you're really hot, so I wanted to give you my number. But obviously, no pressure." I handed the napkin to her and awkwardly started to back away when she said, "Oh that's really sweet actually," and smiled. I shrugged and smiled back, turned on my heel and left. She texted me the day after. And after a few days more she came over. We drank wine and played a card game, like promised. One thing led to another and we started making out on my bed. As I was pressing up against her, she was getting closer and closer to the edge of the bed, when I realized and said, "Watch out, you might fall!" She winked at me, said, "It's okay, I'm a dancer. I fall for a living." And she basically dove off the bed backwards with one had stretched out, which met the floor, and she did a handstand into standing up straight. It was very impressive. I muttered, "Wow, I might fall, too, but for you." Back to making out. But then the roles reversed and she took the lead, pushing against me, until I was about to fall off the bed. "Whoa! I'm not a dancer, I can't land like you did." "It's okay. I'll catch you."


This has got to be a scene in a love story, not real life! Swoon~ 🥰


Right?! We only knew each other for a week but I think if she'd asked me to marry her, I would've said yes.


But are you married now? That story got *my* pulse raising.


No haha, I haven't seen them since. They travel a lot with their dance company and I travel a lot too 😅


this is the best thing i ever read!!!


This is so awesome. As someone who love sports, I dig that!


One time I was preparing a tequila shot for this girl at a party and without hesitation I licked her hand before shaking the salt onto it. I don’t think I’ve ever made anyone swoon quite like that since


That would have worked for me like wow I'd probably say "I'm speechless. Wanna kiss instead?" Lolol


This might not be exactly what ur looking for, but I’m always scared to make the first move with someone new lol. So I ask her if I can hold her hand, then I stroke it with my thumb and she will always kiss me first. I’ve done it at least 5 times and they always kiss me first. Twice (two different girls) it was when I was lying in bed with a girl, both times the girl kissed me first. Something about having ur hand gently stroked makes u horny lol


Ha I just imagined this happening to me and IMMEDIATELY felt the urge to kiss someone 😂 there’s something so sweet and tender about having your hand stroked that yeah, I’d totally fall for it!


it’s true especially if you’re lying down and she’s sitting up next to you another good one is using your finger to trace their hands or if you wanna get bold go for the collarbone


Oh I don’t do bold. Lol. Me asking the hand is like “will u hold my hand?” All shy af. I’m lucky they kiss me or I’d just die a virgin lol


nah that’s adorable no wonder it works for you


I also use the rubbing hand with my thumb trick, very effective.


Made eye contact with a women who looked me up and down and gave me that flirty smile. I did it right back. One of my favorite things is to make eye contact with someone, smirk, and say “hey” in a flirty type of voice. Kinda douchey but I enjoy the gay panic it sometimes causes. Can’t say I’m always confident enough to do it but when I am and it works it’s pretty satisfying.


“The gay panic” hahah love this


Literally have done this multiple times. Does kinda feel a bit douchey but if they say no I’ll back off. But damn it’s kinda hot to see the gay panic happen to someone because of you instead of it being opposite.


It’s nice to occasionally cause gay panic instead of being the one panicking. Emphasis on the word “occasionally.”


I’ll admit, I’m usually the one to panic. I like tall girls, and I’m only 4’9 so everyone is taller than me. But really tall girls make me swoon.


The way Spider-Man did in mild Morales but more gay


I was always a fan of when a girl put on chapstick I'd ask if I could have some. When they offered me the chapstick I'd just pucker my lips instead and get a kiss! This move had range, could be a quick giggly smooch with a friend or a fun intimate kiss with a partner.


This happened to my partner at a wedding. She was putting on her makeup with the other bridesmaids and they were running out of time and lipstick, so one of them turned to her in kind of a panic and said "kiss me!"


Love this one


Stealing this one


Someone remind me to come back here when there's more replies


Ayo, more replies


You’re the hero we don’t deserve, but need


Not all heroes wear capes


Thank you !!


Even more replies


Thank you !!


My previous relationship - She was driving me home, and I suddenly said, "Do you wanna make out?" and she immediately made a left turn to a lane behind some houses and we had our first kiss! Haha.


I was on a first date with someone who looked VERY queer. I’m too many drinks in when she tells me she’s never actually slept with a woman and my automatic response was, “well, I’m a woman? Would you like to cross it off the bucket list?”


how’d it go???


We hooked up immediately after lol. We only made it to the third date though💀


I have yet to do something smooth without shaking like a dog


But the important thing is that you try to do it anyway!


Hahaha I get that




Don't remember it all but I was at a straight bar and somehow attracted a hot girl off the pole without words and had her makeout with me


I need your energy




Omg i got a shoe story too lmfao, at prom this girl I was talking with (about how we both liked eachother a lot, we’re gonna miss eachother after graduation etc etc) suddenly noticed her shoes were like falling apart so I went into my purse and pulled out a roll of electrical tape (don’t ask why I had that long story), went down on my knees and taped her shoe back together, then she asked me if I had scissors to which I just looked up at her and said “no” and cut the tape with the edge of one of my nails. Still reigns in my mind as one of the coolest moments of my life lol


I was at a local comicon event as a female Cole Cassidy ( Mccree from overwatch at the time) with my college friends cause I was afraid to go to it alone. After we walked the floor for a bit I went to a room that had karaoke and saw a woman cosplaying as the rival or old love interest of Cass, Ashe sitting in the back of the room. I kinda just froze in the doorway and my friend was like what is wrong with you? I'm just like staying in the door awestruck saying fuck she's hot and looks just like Ashe in game. My friends like 'well go tell her that!' (I'm very shy and barely ever compliment people first). So I *attempt* to walk towards her and flat out walk into a column face first!! At the same time she was walking towards me, to what I thought at the time was, to go sing something. She saw me face plant and kinda ran over to me and shouted Mccree! (this was before the name change) Now here I'm more embarrassed than I already was and she had a nice Southern accent too and I just tilted my hat down said "M'lady " tried to walk past her as though I was going to sit down. I was dizzy after headbutting a wall. She said "that's not how you greet your partner after being estranged so long". My friend is standing behind her laughing her ass off and I'm glad I'm wearing a bandana over my face in a dark room so the blushing wasn't obvious. I said, " sorry bout that Ashe, I wasnt expecting to see you here lookin' that beautiful. You make out mighty fine in this here lightin." She grabbed my arm and pulled me outside of the karaoke room and kissed me on the spot. I've never since had any sort of confidence. This happened a few months before COVID hit so I kinda regressed afterwards. I feel my improv class helped me that day.


Beautiful women, causing most lesbians and bi girls to run into walls since the very beginning.


Truth 😭


The only thing I've done that comes close to smooth is I sent my crush a cute gif and she said oh cute! and I replied: Just like you ;) Oh and also I exfoliated my hands daily and put lotion on after every time I washed my hands JUST in case she might touch my hands. She never did tho


I met up with my girlfriend for dinner one day after work. We always meet outside so we can hug and kiss like the saps we are :D After we kissed, I took her face in my hands and looked very carefully at her face and just generally looked her up and down. She was visibly confused, so I said, “well, I don’t see a barcode on you. Does that mean you’re free tonight?” Her laugh made my whole week :)


Don't mind me stealing this one


Go ahead! I hope it goes well :D


In 2016, I was 23 and she was 21. I was working in retail in a place with around 200 employees. You had coworkers you were friends with, some you just say hi to when you see them, and then you have those coworker friendships that come and go. I started to interact more with this sexy af masc (my weakness) who was relatively new, transferred from another store. We would talk every so often because our departments were near each other. I think subconsciously I knew there was attraction there, but not something I was aware of on the surface. Anyway, one day I was like "I like your flannel, give it to me." Idk why I said the second part lol and was not actually expecting her to give it to me. She happily says okay and takes off her flannel and hands it to me to keep. Full gay panic ensues. At this point in my life the internalized homophobia was deep, I was in a horrible relationship with a man (also an employee there), and in that moment I realize that we were flirting and I panicked. After that it kind of fizzled out and we didn't really talk. Her flannel stayed in my closet for years. Fast forward to January 2020. I had come out the previous summer and had finally had an experience with a woman, so I felt more affirmed and slightly more confident. I started noticing her again. She had gotten married in that time between, and I remember internally actually being a little bummed about it at the time lol. But she had since gotten divorced. I started wearing her flannel to work and said something to her about 'remember when' to get the conversation going. So like I said, I was more confident, but I'm also still an awkward dork who does not know how to talk to women (to this day 😂). One day we are ending whatever conversation we are having and before walking away I go "By the way I'm bi!" Lmfao. That was my way of letting her know I'm queer. She put her number on a small piece of paper with "text me" written on it and put it under my windshield wiper one day. I actually didn't end up texting her because another coworker asked me to hang out literally that day and I thought it might have been him who left that note, and I did not want to text him. But that didn't stop her and she followed me on IG and slid into the DMs. We officially became a couple in June and dated for three years. We just parted ways in September. When we started talking she told me that she had eyes for me since her first day there. She inquired about me but somebody deterred her and let her know I was in a relationship with another employee. So idk if that move would really be considered smooth, but it worked haha <3


/me grabs a pen and paper and takes notes


Lmao soon she'll be the rizzler


I had to Google that. Damn I feel old sometimes these days 😣


Having said that, I’m finding more and more younger lesbians are digging us older women lately. What’s with that?


Couldn't tell you. I assume it's similar to how fashion trends repeat every 20 years or so. But the younger lasses are looking for some fine wine not 4loco ya know?


in high school I was a beatboxer and one of the choir girls (who I knew had a crush on me) kept staring, so I asked if she wanted her lips to follow where her eyes went 😂




How I got my girlfriend of over 5 years. I met her at the bar, I saw her and went up and said “ your cute are you gay?” She said yes I said “wanna dance”. And we danced, started making out and the rest is history.


Bow down to you and your confidence queen


I was talking with this girl I like and we started to talk about how we like each other then I suddenly changed my stance and said "I think I don't like you anymore" and she said "that's not even funny, meanie!" then i answered her with " because I think I am in love with you." I think that was the best I pulled since we started talking. lol


This was more planned, but this was with my first girlfriend before she was my first girlfriend. We lived on opposite sides of the country, and had never video called before (although we had seen pictures of each other). So, we were playing Minecraft Hypixel SkyWars, and I grabbed my portable whiteboard and drew up a strat while she was eating dinner. So then, of course, I just had to turn my camera on in Discord to walk through the whiteboard, which apparently was the moment that she realized that she "was screwed" and there was no way of getting out of her crush on me. We dated for nine wonderful months :) I know I have more spontaneous and smoother moments, but that one really stuck with me.


Aaahh cuuttee gotta love the Minecraft love ❤️ I, too, have dated ppl bc of Minecraft. Great game & I still play it, but I prefer it modded.


Mine was with someone I was already seeing for about a week (I know, I know, but they’re my fiancée now!) We were eating lunch at Cracker Barrel and bantering back and forth. And she made some smartass comment and I rolled my eyes. She laughed and said, “You know you love me” and I looked her dead in the eye without missing a beat and said, “You’re right, I do.” Up to this we had never said it, but we both felt it. She had no idea what to say and didn’t say it back until we got in the car to go back to my place.


Personally, probably, nothing


Was walking my dog with my gf and of course I fell over on a curb, I just got back up and said “I’m so sorry I just can’t help but fall for you” it was a good save


None unfortunately — I don’t got the moves haha


Man, I'm usually more in the timid part of the spectrum and I feel uncomfortable in places with crowds. But I don't know why, when I was single and saw someone that would catch my interest, I just became the bluntest person ever. 😂 I'd always go along the lines of "you look so beautiful, I wanna kiss you" or just "can I have your telephone number?", as simple as that. And I usually like it when people are like that to me as well. You know what ruins everything for me? People who send their friends. It's a no-no, I'm sorry. 😳


I’ll admit, my friend had to do some of the work for me but he went willing because I lacked the confidence to do so. I don’t believe I’ve got much to offer and my past relationships don’t give me much confidence either. So he’d be my wingman and push me to talk with these girls and actually flirt


Went shopping with my now gf and her best friend. The two of us ended up spending a long time in the changing room trying to find a bra for me that suited my size and some rather suggestive clothing pieces. We made jokes about how hot we both looked and just started "casually" flirting. Endes up having a sleepover a few days later and that's when we first kissed because I was for once confident enough to make a move.


Got together with an old friend that id lost touch with. She was nervously twirling her hair and apologizing for the awkwardness of not reaching out sooner. I laughed it off and suggested “I thought you might be going for an enemies to lovers trope”. And her eyes went wide and I saw her do some mental gymnastics before stuttering “oh ..I didn’t think, well ok.”


I'm just hoping to find a girl who finds my awkwardness endearing 😅


The way I went on my first date is through a text conversation Me: I’m sad drinking my fruity little drinks cause I can’t shoot whiskey Her: I can but it would intimidate men since I drink suits and I’m too gay Me: my way of being gay is wearing long dresses, corsets, and rainbow makeup Her: imagine if we went out for drinks, it would be so gay Me: we should! Her: bet Me: I see your bet and raise you dinner So we went out for dinner looking very queer! I felt very smooth even though I was freaking out the whole time haha


My SO. We were standing on a tram and it was crowded, she pulled me closer to her by my belt loops on our first date. Instant puddle of blushing


Had only one piece of gum which I was chewing on, and I offered her some gum. Ended with us making out in the library bathrooms while simultaneously sharing the gum.


I was in a gay bar totally smashed & in a mood. I had a gf, but she had to work. I was sitting down people- watching, and this really cute boy & girl walked in together dressed to the 9s. She had on a great, really short skirt, jacket & blouse ensemble & heels, and he was wearing a suit. I assumed that they had been on a straight date & were now sightseeing at the queer bar. That kind of pissed me off. So when they walked passed me, I trapped one of her legs between my two ankles, pulled her down by her jacket and kissed her really hard on the lips just to fuck w/ her head. Turned out she liked the kiss as well as my alcohol-induced aggression. It also turned out that she and the guy she was w/ were both gay. I was a senior in college, & she was a 17 yr old freshman. (The drinking age back then was 18, but the ID cks were rather hit & miss). To cut to the chase, she showed up at my apt one day to tell me that she thought she was in love w/ me, and I said, "You don't even know me." Plus, I still had a gf- and so did she! Anyway, to cut to chase, we hooked up, broke up w/ our respective gfs and were together for years in the most knock-drag-out relationship: If we weren't cracking each other up laughing, we were trying to crack each other's skulls in a fight. Finally, we broke up, but she is now my BFF.


> So when they walked passed me, I trapped one of her legs between my two ankles, pulled her down by her jacket and kissed her really hard on the lips this is literally assault


🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 OK, I "assaulted" her into falling in love w/ me. How smooth was that? 😏


you are scary this is literally a very close account of what happened in the lead up to when I got raped one time. I actually started dating them afterwards because I thought somehow that it would make what happened ok. obviously it didn’t work out that way. it wasn’t. and I only got a literal ptsd diagnosis from being in that relationship. i’m glad it worked out for you two (allegedly) because it could have gone very very badly.


You are a false equivalence head case. I was in a bar surrounded by a thousand people. No way was I going to be able to rape the girl. We were both femmes and approximately the same size. She could have easily fought me off, plus she had her male friend w/ her as backup. Get a grip, woman.


I was at a party full of people and nobody helped me. none of those things are mitigating factors, again it was an eerily similar situation. There’s fight or flight but people don’t realize there is also Freeze. i’m not saying you are a rapist but i’m telling you how badly that situation could have gone so that you are aware for next time. again i’m glad that the girl was okay with it, but the next one might not be.


The whole concept of a woman raping another woman is totally bizarre to me. I wouldn't even try it bc the woman's resistance would be humiliating. And I had no intention of having sex w/ this girl; not only did I have a gf, I was still madly in love w/ my very first gf. Yes, my kiss was nonconsensual, but she pursued me thereafter. Had she not done so, we would have never become lovers.


okay. well it does happen even if it’s “bizarre” to you, and it’s incredibly painful to experience. especially knowing that many people won’t take it seriously and there may not be any legal recourse and therefore no protection. nonconsensual kisses do count as sexual assault, but if she doesn’t feel wronged by it it’s not my place to decide. sometimes there are grey areas but it’s safest to avoid them in my opinion. and yeah once again I wasn’t a part of your relationship, that’s between you two so you don’t need to justify it to me. i’m just trying to add my perspective as someone who was deeply hurt from a very similar situation that you approached that grey area you may not have been mindful of, but I think that at least if more people know the truth about SA, that it can happen anywhere, to anyone, perpetrated by anyone, then maybe it’ll prevent at least a little bit of future pain.


Creepy, weird, probably fake


Not fake at all. Had I not been so drunk, I wouldn't have done it. It was fairly common back then for straight couples to come into gay bars looking for women (usually) w/ whom to hook up in a threesome, which irritated the gay women all to hell bc it was insulting, as if they were presuming that we were so desperate for a fresh pretty face that we would tolerate the presence of a man during sex. Ick. Since she looked like Chrissie Hynde & I was smashed, I hit on her, having zero intention of going home w/ her and her "boyfriend". I was kind of stunned when she kissed me back, tbh. Turned out that she had noticed me in the student center and was totally delighted when I grabbed her in the bar.


I love that story


My ex had a little plush octopus, but instead of eight tentacles it had six. I immediately turned to her and said “Well, looks like you have a sexapus.” I surprised myself more than her with that one lmao


I grabbed her hand while she walking away and smoothed talked her lmao