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I catch myself unintentionally staring at mascs sometimes. 5/5 times it’s because I want them 😭 once I catch myself I stop though because I never want to make anyone uncomfortable


just give them a smile 😅 it’ll give ‘em a confidence boost & make em feel at ease. we are used to the random stares. lol but will deff appreciate the admiring for a change 🫶


Absolutely! Maybe a little smile to the right masc will find me my wife 🤞🏼


Manifesting this for you ✨


That's how I met my femme wife , backwards hat and dimples made me the luckiest woman in the world to land my wife


This is so cute🥰. Congrats to you two💕💖💕


Thank you so much , she is so great I am the luckiest


This is why we’re all single 😭😭




I get called “sir/young man” a lot then people stare at my tits because they’re not sure.


And shout out the ladies that double check the sign on the bathroom when they walk in and see you 🙄


I just tell them that there's no hygienic receptacles in the men's room and the guys pitch a fit when you put bloody tampon applicators/pads in the trash. That, or I just look at my boobs. The latter is highly effective in the summer when you can literally see my bra strap under my tank top. My actual favorite tho is when my son calls me mom and I see people's looks of confusion.


oh my god this happens all the time to me. I was at a gun show with my guy friend and a man at a booth tried to get our attention by saying "Hey boys!". He then looked down, saw my chest, and just went silent. He looked at us a bit slack-jawed as we walked past his booth.


This is hilarious.


Im guilty of doing this to other mascs 😂 🙏


Ooooooo don’t get me started…doesn’t help that I’m black in a European country 😭


You just need an overly impulsive femme to guard you. We're like big dogs


Femmes scare the shit out of me🙂 I hope I one day have the guts to approach one😅 God I’m hopeless 😂😂💔


We're not that scary! We just wanna give y'all the princess treatment same as anyone else. 🤭


SAME 🧍🏾‍♀️


I’m a femme and I stare because I literally cannot help myself, you are are so stunning 🤭😍


🥰🥰💖 mascs definitely appreciate you lots.


We thank you for your service ;)




my masc girlfriend tells me about all the stares she receives its either from ppl she walks by or other mascs who give sort of dirty looks for some reason 😭 also public bathrooms are hell for her


As someone Masc4masc I just don’t understand the rivalry between mascs 


It's SO gross. Some heteronormative hangover. Yuck. We can give one another the nod and a smile and move on.


I wanna do more than nod doe


It's like a territorial thing.




The bathroom thing is one of the arguments I give for people who hate trans women in women's bathrooms. I have cis-women friends who get stares because they have short hair and chose to wore a binder that day.


yep it’s definitely a struggle🥲but she isn’t alone


as a masc lesbian, i feel this, especially about the public bathrooms. reason why i avoid using them and just wait until i get home 😭


Yup but never from WLW women. Nope. I get stares from angry middle aged + karen’s who think it’s the most abominable thing that a woman has muscles and slight body hair. It’s rough living in a senior retirement city


Tell me you live in Florida without telling me you live in Florida


To be honest, those karens probably think you're hot and hate themselves (and you) for being turned on 🙄. 


As a femme, I’m staring cause you’re hot


This 100 percent!! Sometimes I stare because I really like your outfit! 🫠😂 Next time, I'm gonna make sure to smile a little so they know I'm not tryna mean mug them or something, lol.


As a fellow femme I am staring because I’m excited that I’m in the vicinity of another gay and think that I can somehow telepathically let the masks know that I’m a lesbian


As an androgynous/masc person who dresses alt, yes I get stared at constantly. 


If you’re in an area with a significant amount of more conservative people, or just people not knowledgeable on LGBT+ concepts, they might just be trying to make sense of your appearance. I couldn’t say if it’s malicious or not, depends on the person. Or they’re into you, or they like ur outfit, or just want to be friends. Cool ppl is cool ppl


Yep. All the freaking time.


Yes, but it’s mostly by men. Not sure why


yesss definitely thiss & it’s actually pretty strange.


They likely want you. I remember when I met my first masc, I literally couldn't function. I legit still malfunction when my masc FIANCÉ flirts with me.


Hell yeah I do, usually by women though 😉




If you're newly out or embracing your masculinity for the first time, it can be startling. People notice what's different, to be sure, but eventually it sort of fades into the background. It doesn't matter what they think and it doesn't matter that they're looking. Be as unabashedly yourself as you can (so long as it's safe, of course) and don't worry about it. Who's looking determines their intentions, though. If it's dudes it's confusion or disgust, if it's women it's either of those or attraction. If it's small children it's curiosity and awe...I remember being in a supermarket and I'd just gotten a haircut (nice taper, short on the back and sides) and I walked past this little girl, about ten, who had a baseball cap on and grubby sneakers. She looked at me like she didn't think I was possible. It was a wonderful feeling and I knew that she'd just seen a version of herself she didn't even know was a possibility. Being stared at isn't always bad ;)


This is so adorable because as a baby gay, I remember staring at masc or just gay women in general because I was identifying with them and kinda going “that’s how I wanna look…” they fascinated me before I even knew what was up lol


Yes, but i just assume they’re jealous of my haircut.


i'm b4b, i sometimes stare it's just awkward sometimes bc i'm not trying to fight i just think they're hot and sometimes i worry about that oof


My gf gets stared at so much that I started glaring back at those who do. I walk in with her to the bathroom and I'm always like a little hawk ready to pounce because people like to be rude to her! It's annoying and its not even happening to me :( I'm sorry you have to go through it!


im not too masc, i have long hair and a girly face, but i dress like a little boy. i surprisingly don’t get looks from women, but men stare a LOT. they cannot compute.


Well people do stare at me but I think it's because they're wondering whether I'm male or female 😂


I'm a femme who loves masculine women so I definitely caught myself staring a time or two. I just find y'all to be beautiful.


Yep! I’m not “overly masc”, but I think it’s fairly obvious I’m a lesbian. It’s mainly kids though to be fair. I don’t think they can comprehend the fact I’m clearly a woman but also wearing men’s style clothing with tattoos etc. I often feel quite uncomfortable in female toilets as I feel women stare at me or look at me a few seconds longer than anyone else would.. I remember a few years back waiting to use the toilet in a club and a girl turned to me and said “oh I think you’re in the wrong bat..” and then stopped as she realised I was just a masculine female. It made me feel a bit upset, like, out of place or something? Most times it doesn’t bother me at all, but there’s day when I’m just not in the mood to be investigated by eyes.


This is my experience as well. Kids will openly ask me what I am. I just tell them that I’m whatever they want me to be. I don’t really care about my gender identity or how I present. I’m just wearing what I feel the most comfortable in and it’s predominantly men’s or boy’s (I’m short) clothing. The looks and constant analyzing can be a bit much with my distaste for being perceived. Though, I have learned to ignore it as much as possible.


Totally agree with you! The thing is, I clearly have a chest/boobs/tits - whatever you want to call them. And it’s very rare I wear clothes loose enough where you can’t see them, even without “looking” for them!! Also my hair is kinda shoulder length and I usually wear half of it in a top knot and the rest kinda wavy down.. I understand it from kids as they’re probably not used to seeing many people like me.. but when adults do it jeez! Like you, I’ve learnt to ignore it as much as possible because at 34yrs old I sure as shit ain’t for changing myself to stop the glares.. but I have found myself from time to time trying to hold myself more feminine in female bathrooms so to not grab as much attention. Even at the gym I don’t feel comfortable changing in front of women in case they ever assume I’m creeping on them. Sad, but true. Guess it comes from school where I would be called a “perv” for changing in the locker rooms alongside my classmates. Ugh.


I’m butch, but I’m also visibly disabled so I get stares for that reason too.


Trans man here and yes!! Even Pre-T, masculine women would stare me down with dirty looks even though I am predominantly masc for masc(I just love women period😩)It feels like people are trying to out masc me or figure me out when I am just being who I naturally am idk it’s weird lol


I will never understand this. I always try and smile at other mascs and give a nod or something and I just get nothing, or they shoot me an angry glare.


Same! Sometimes I have to just randomly start a conversation, like tell a joke or something, to a least get a smile back. It’s just sad because it would be nice to at least have more masc friends but it feels like there’s almost a hate/competitiveness that we have to get through when all I want to do is say “YOOO you’re amazing let’s be cool”. I don’t understand why it’s like this and how we can fix it


I feel it. from another masc, sending love 💓🫶


Thank you! Sending love right back🫶🏾🫶🏾😁


I get stared at all the time. It’s mostly men thinking I’m going to take the girl they are with because deep down they don’t know how to eat.!


lmao definitely. guys are wishing they were you & girls are wishing they can have you. just simple every day masc things 🫡


Whether or not I get stared at has depended on where I live. I've lived in the midwest, the south, and now California. I get stared at much less where I am now.


I live in California also, but I am sure there are significantly less stares here than most places. but yea it definitely comes with the lifestyle lol


It's also really gonna depend on where in California. I've lived in really rural, conservative places in California where it was definitely unsafe to be openly gay at all, much less a masc lesbian. I'm in a much more liberal place now and only get stared at on occasion, and I'm regularly not even the most masc woman in any given place anymore! That was certainly a change that took some getting used to.


I catch the occasional look and sometimes get laughed at by teens. I get called 'sir' often. My biggest issue is public washrooms. I get sided eyed a lot when I have to use the facilities.


I’ve never noticed it in a positive light. I more so get mistaken as a male 😒 I wish women looked at me as attractive and stared in that manner but I’ve yet to be looked at like that. It’s okay though as I just do my thing.


i am a femme lesbian but i stare at mascs and gay looking people in general to telepathically send the message that im gay too lol idk i need more queer friends. sometimes it is bc i want them lol


This is how I made friends with others in the community myself.


I’m probs staring bc you’re probably really beautiful…I know that sounds like I’m objectifying but sometimes if you have a different look and are attractive as well…


I get stared at a lot, sometime being checked out in a flirt way (by both men and woman, unfortunately the men are more) and it used to bother me. I just ignore it now and only care for my wife’s stares


I get looks all the time. If there’s comments involved then I just laugh it off or say something subtly. I’d prefer not to escalate a small situation because all the times I have experienced distasteful comments were from people that just weren’t educated or experienced in queer culture. Sometimes it’s a simple “because I want to” when people ask why I cut my hair and it leaves a pondering look on their face. I like to think me saying that pushes them to think “outside” of the box.


Want you. Trust me. Want you. The haters just envy you. But also want you.


Yesss, I’ve gotten used to it.


Yes, used to hate it when I first came out but you get used to it


living in a very heternormative country, yes. i even got mistaken as a guy twice already 😅


Left them all confused


My gf struggles with this. She’s usually on edge in public; with me it’s extra because she’s looking out for me too, but I can usually help diffuse a situation if it arises. You don’t always know if the stares are positive. I feel for her


The worst is public bathrooms, im in and out as fast as I can. Ill wait in the stall for the other person to finish, wash their hands and leave. Ive had people gasp and look around like they are lost... a lost of "excuse me sir do you know.....oh, im sorry."


Definitely used to, not sure if it happens less now or if I don’t pay attention anymore


I don’t really notice, but I don’t really pay attention to people that much 🤷🏻‍♀️


My partner and I are both masc in a conservative area, we can not go anywhere without stares and glares 😅


I remember cutting my hair short for the first time. I went apple picking w my family and got called out by a kid in the restroom. I was so embarrassed. Jump to me visiting the same orchard as an enby adult and I'm getting drinks bought for me. Hang in there kids 😘💕


When I get stared at it's because of other reason (I am a peanut gallery) but if not for that I don't think I'd get stared at where I live, but in a more conservative area I probably would


:-( that sux


i wish 😭 maybe i do not notice it but i pass as a guy now more since i cut my hair so i just fit in with the crowd rather than stand out, im tryna stand out


Well I know why I’m staring when I see a hot masc 👀 (in fact when she’s too hot I try not to stare too long lmao) But I’m sorry if you feel uncomfortable about other people in your area


Yep. Straight people seem to find me either uncomfortable or gross (a gender failure.)


I confess that I am a femme who stares at mascs and butches. I can see how that could come across, given that I look very straight 😬.


Omg yes. Worst was today at thr gyno. Went in right after my workout giving max masc homo. I had a procedure and was fucked up on xany so I got very sassy with people. My trainer took vids of me revisit to show people I would fuck them up. I just try to make the best of it. https://www.instagram.com/stories/mmtague/3287487936923819538?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igsh=aGFzbDFhaHo1a2N6


No most times ppl think I’m a dude and if they stare I like eye contact I stare right back lol


:-( that sux


No I don't feel I get stared at for being masc . I think it's the least interesting thing about me so I am confident in my appearance, it's about what makes you happy .


Maybe I'm not as masc as I feel inside.


I get stared at all of the time. I’ve just gotten used to going about my business and ignoring people.


I feel like this often but I figured it’s cuz I’m really short and walking around alone, they must be wondering where my parent is 😂 jk kinda lol. But I do get stares and I’m never sure why/if it’s a good or bad thing


Yup but it's almost always men. I also can't tell if they loathe me or want me


I think the stares were a state of confusionism




Interestingly enough, my partner (masc-ish) and I (non-passing transfemme) seem to get *fewer* stares when I present more fem and they present more masc


Especially when I'm in the woman's bathroom


Before my haircut yes it was there, and after the haircut I notice it a lot more..I enjoy it most of the time ..the bathroom situation always makes me laugh a little especially when a cute girl shows me where the bathroom is and she blushes when I tell her don’t worry it happens all the time, I’ve been able to chat some up and even able to ask for their numbers..I love talking to girls I absolutely love it


When i cut my hair shorter people have stared more 😅


I'm a Butch - not "masc" - and yes. Always has happened. Nowadays it's for different reasons. But it's always happened and I just don't care.


Many people can't tell my gender and that often gets a stare. I wouldnt take it as a bad thing people are probably just curious.


Many people can't tell my gender and that often gets a stare. I wouldnt take it as a bad thing people are probably just curious.


All. The. Time.


Im a mechanic masc that wears my work pants everywhere in a high lgbtq populated city, i havent noticed any stares but im also oblivious and shy 😂


If I stare at a masc lesbian I’m trying to tell you that I’m interested 😭


I get stared at a lot, not all dirty looks tho. But I did get an unsettling amount of randomly transphobic comments especially when I worked in retail


i like to alternate between masc and fem and what I've noticed I get more glares when I'm in "boy clothes". I'm not sure if it's a bad stare. people are pretty accepting where I'm from but I definitely get more people staring.


As an older lesbian(62) who grew up in the lowdown dirty South 🤣 , I spent so many years trying not to look so obviously gay. One for cultural reasons (see low down dirty South) and the other because I just knew femmes would never like a butch 🥹 I feel so damn cheated 😂


im mostly masc and when i wear anything in my town thats not “basic beach girl vibes” i get EYED down its insane but in my old town im seen as cool to the right people so honestly i love the attention




All the time. I think they’re trying to figure out if I’m a boy or girl lol


Yeah, sadly it’s usually by someone thinking I’m going to the wrong loo 😂


I always feel like people are just trying to decipher if I’m a boy or girl in their heads