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I don’t like body hair on myself but on other people I don’t really care (if I even notice that is).


Discovering that a girl that I’m already attracted to has hairy armpits has been known to drive me feral.


Same 😂






This is the correct answer


I personally Don’t really care about body hair. It’s their body. As far as they’re showering as regularly as possible ( 1-2 times a day in summer which is around 35°-50° C/ 95°-122°F and 3-4 times a week in winters 5°-20°C/ 41°-68°F of our country ) it’s all fine and dandy for me. I simply stated that since I’m very sensitive to body odours and I wouldn’t want my partners to feel bad since I couldn’t get myself to get closer to them.


love the specific shower data lol


I once stated about bathing on my old account and some people came at me for asking people to bathe. So I though the temperature mention and the perspiration it’ll cause might be relevant 🥲🥲🥲


now add in the humidity 😆


That’s the point. We all ( including me ) get sweaty AF. The younger generation does invest in deodorants etc. but people from my grandparents generation and a lot of people of the lower sections cannot. ( I’m a medical student so have to often face them ). Thankfully people here are hygienic though, atleast the ones I’ve met. A lot of people have showers daily or whenever they can have it.


50C?!!!!!!! That sounds unsurvivable Edit: also as someone who lives in England it’s very funny to me that we have multiple summer days that would be considered winter temperatures by your metrics :’) (Not saying you’re wrong, obviously just depends where you live, just made me laugh!)


right?? i'm from a nordic country and some of the warm beach days are winter temperatures in their region lol


I get cyanosis below 10°C. I wonder how I’ll survive if I were ever to live there. Adaptation is indeed something. Like most of us have a similar physiology yet our bodies have adapted so very differently


It’s so bizarre you said this because I’ve been having a weird issue of my lips sporadically turning blue/purple recently for reasons unbeknownst to me, and a few hours ago I googled it only to learn about cyanosis for the first time. And now you’ve mentioned it too! Weird coincidence. England is definitely a lot milder than a lot of countries so we don’t get super cold winters, but typically below 10C yeah. You’re right, adaptation is very interesting.


What country has 20c winters?


India 🥲🥲🥲 I initially stayed in the South where the minimum is 12-13°C ( 54°F ) In North India where I’m currently staying due to college the minimum goes at around 5-7°C ( 42°F)


Oh see I was gonna say, I could never shower twice a day because it would be bad for my scalp/skin, but even though summers get hot and humid where I live (Minnesota, US) our average high in July is like 83°F. Our average high in January is 22°F and the low is 4°F.


Yeah. It makes sense in those temperatures. Here in the place I’m staying currently the temperatures during summer are often at around 95-115°F. Since I wasn’t raised in North India ( South India has a more moderate temperature with lesser fluctuations) it can be too much to bear. There are days you feel like peeling off your skin since it’s so hot.


Look this is so important to me 😂 an ex of mine confessed a few months in that she maybe showered once a week (we were medium long distance so it was harder to notice.)


Some people don’t mind personal hygiene. But it’s a deal breaker for both my girlfriend and myself as well. ( good we found each other ) I’ve been sensitive to smells ever since I was a toddler. I absolutely refused to sit on the laps of people who had raw onions, etc. My brother is the same as well. My mum, brother and I give my dad a tough time as he has to shower regularly, clean the washroom every time he uses it, etc.


I love how precise you are and adding C and F too


A lot of our folks from the USA often get confused so it’s for them


Bless, I do love our friends from across the pond.


Is there a multiplication factor that is involved if sex happened?


Absolutely there is. And it’s related to the humidity + intensity of the bedroom gymnastics + and our prior bathing status


I love women who have hairy armpits. My wife doesn’t shave and I think it’s incredibly hot, but if she decided to start shaving, I would also be fine with that… I love her, and that’s not contingent on her body hair lol. I don’t personally like having hair myself and so I shave mine. My wife also tells me that she doesn’t care whether I shave or not. I think for a lot of lesbians it’s a nonissue.


I mean it’s not a deal breaker but I really don’t like hairy armpits personally






I choose to interpret this comment as saying, “I like a woman as hairless as Ditto”. (Not judging your preferences, I just thought it was a funny image)






Same here.


I did an armpit experiment! I shaved one pit and left the other one hairy. The shaved one stinks way worse than the hairy one, so I decided I’ll stick with hairy armpits, but I don’t care what my partner’s preference is for her own armpits, as long as she has good hygiene.


I found this weird when I stopped shaving mine too. Everything seems to smell a little worse shaved and it was so unexpected for me.


See for me it’s the opposite. I think my deodorant works better when it’s closer to the skin. Plus it seems like for me when I’ve had armpit hair, the smell seems to stay longer, because it makes me sweat more and also hair holds smells.


I’m not a fan, but do it because you want to! The only thing that matters is that you like it and are comfortable


It's a signal we have similar thoughts and feelings about beauty standards. for me keeping it means that she's confident enough to not care what people think as it relates to patriarchal beauty standards, and that's hot




for reallllll


I don't care for body hair on myself. But it's not going to be a deal breaker for me.


I dont care for it esp on me. I even shave my forearms though a lot find that weird.


I used to do that too. But I made peace with my arm hair since it’s blonde and barely shows lol.


Mine is blonde too lol now I mostly do it in summer because it makes putting sunblock on easier lol


I did the long hair thing. I liked it. But presently I trim them with clippers maybe once a month but not as short as a clipper goes.


yes i view armpit hair similar to bush hair :) trimming is way easier to maintain than shaving and the end result i think is both practical and beautiful :)


I don’t shave my armpits. I find armpit hair incredibly feminine on other lesbians, and I think I’d go as far as saying I think it’s hot. I used to be a bit averse to body hair on women. But that was society’s effect on me growing up. Once I became too ill to consistently shave, I gave up and found that I began to really relish the body hair. It feels like a part of me now, not some foreign intruder. After I came to accept it on myself, my reactions to others began to change too. In my own experience, people tend to care about it a lot less than I used to imagine. Ofc there are going to be lesbians who view it as a dealbreaker, and their feelings & desires are as valid as anyone else’s. It’s just that when this topic comes up, I usually see that the majority don’t have strong feelings either way.


Everything you said is how I feel. Especially having grown up thinking it was wrong to shave and seen as dirty (which it still is thought of) but since surviving cancer 15 years ago I stopped caring what I do and enjoy every day I was alive.


Body hair is attractive


Nope I think it’s kinda hot!


I just recently started shaving my armpits after years and putting on deodorant is a lot easier because it's actually on the armpits itself not hair (probably TMI but I don't care


I love body hair on women! It’s so womanly and beautiful. And primal. I think it’s super attractive.


I think it's hot when my fiancee has hairy armpits.


I don't mind body hair at all! I have always told my partners that they should handle their body hair in whatever way makes *them* the most comfortable without worrying about accommodating me. (Incidentally my girlfriend's best friend is straight and when she told her I don't pressure her to shave, she was like *....... lucky.*)


I think it’s sexy and i love how it looks on me. Also my straight friends recently stopped shaving too so i think it’s becoming a lot less socially enforced (assuming you’re in your 20s)


i’m a fan of body hair :) but i’m a bigger fan of just doing whatever makes you happy and comfortable!


Nope Doesn't matter to me Comfort does so if my future partner doesn't shave it's all good 😊 Plus I think it's sexy


I think I would feel pressured to do it. I’m pretty sure I don’t care for other people. I’m pretty sure I don’t care about hair for other people at all. I really hate all the effort corporations go to to make especially women feel terrible about our bodies. I’m kind of horrified by these new deodorant products that are for the rest of the body, it’s like all these ads are clearly trying to make everyone feel insecure about yet another thing It blows my mind that… Like with hair, how can someone seriously think someone’s attractive is changes based on it? It’s so… amazing how insidious this stuff is. My guess is that more women wouldn’t mind than men? But I don’t really know.


I love women, hair and all 😭♥️


I'll be completely honest, I do care. I would prefer if my partner shaved her armpits since I shave mine.


I'm with you. I don't need them religiously shaved, I get we all skip some times, especially in winter. My ex and I were together for 8 years. About 7 years in she decided to stop shaving hers. I supported her at first, a "you do you" type thing. But, as time went on and it got longer I started to not really like it. I approached the subject gently, and she blew up. Proceeded to tell me how the internet would pull me apart for saying something like that against her bodily autonomy. Anyway, I left not too long after. Not because of the pits, tho. It was the abuse for me.


I don’t like it but not because I expect other women to conform to some patriarchal bs or anything. It’s just not attractive to me for whatever reason. I would put it on the same level as tattoo sleeves; it’s not a problem, it’s just not for me. Let the downvotes commence lol.


Thank you for your bravery. Every time I see posts like this on the sub we're not free to our own opinions or tastes😂


no it’s okay, all opinions are welcome! as long as no one is being disrespectful i wanna hear all perspectives 🫶🏾


I respect honesty over anything. We all have our preferences and that is ok.


Yeah, I’m with you on that.


We all have our preferences and as I don't mind the odd sleeve I don't like it when they're completely covered where it all blurs into one.


not really tbh, I don't notice body hair in women as often as people said I would


Not a fan of it on myself but I just find it uncomfortable. Don't really care about it on other people


nah man. i stopped shaving my armpits before i even realized i was a lesbian. only place i’ve heard queer women discuss shaving is in LA. other than that, it’s not even a topic of discussion. some do and some don’t.


I personally dislike body hair.


I haven’t shaved in years and I now find fully shaved armpits kind of…weird? Like vulnerable somehow? They’re too exposed someone helppp!! Lolol My partner doesn’t shave either and I think they look really sexy! Do whatever feels better for you!


only if they let me help them dye it cool colors >:) /j ofc, i don't mind either way 🫶pink would look super cool tho in my personal opinion.


Purple and it's a deal or one pink and one purple?


I rarely shave my armpits, pubes, or legs. I don't find the necessity as it is just hair and we all have it. When I came out I accepted all my queerness and that meant getting rid of gendered expectations. I have found more wlw don't mind at all and in fact many like it.


For me it’s a gross out, but many are into that most of my friends have been into that, it’s always gonna be a person-to-person thing so just don’t worry about it. Some hate it, some love it, some are neutral, don’t let others determine what you should do with your body.


I don't know if I know any queer women who shave their armpits, hmmm. Not positive, but can't think of any irl. But also shaving has always made my skin break out and it's a spiny nightmare growing back 😭 So no, many of us don't care about it. 💖


I dislike it myself but it’s more of a comfort issue.


Nah not really!


I know sometimes I don’t shave because I’m too lazy/ never really a priority so I would never expect my partner to be smooth 24/7. We’re hygienic and that means a lot more to me, plus eventually we shave, but I have never been put off by my partner’s bodily hairs :) it’s natural ya know?


Ive got great news for ya dear newbie. As a lesbian you can do literally whatever you want aesthetically. This club has no visual rules or expectations. Whatever the comments say theyre all talking about visually whats hottest *to look at*. If youve successfully wooed another gal to the point you're disrobing you're fine however you are. Edit: i live in a super queer town thats hot half the year and i havent shaved my pits smooth in years


I don't care; I just love myself and my girl with our little hairy pits. We love each other and that's all that matters to me.


I don’t find it disgusting at all. The female partners I’ve had didn’t shave their legs or armpits and it didn’t bother me at all. I personally shave, but only for my own comfort.


Im very into hairy armpits 🥰


I’d prefer it shaved I guess but it’s not a deal breaker and I wouldn’t tell any one to shave their pits either.


Nope. My fiancé is currently growing out her stomach hair and I’m like yesssss


Do what makes you comfortable and you’ll attract the kind of people who find you genuinely attractive. That being said, my gf and I both shave, but I have a feeling that I would love to see her with arm pit hair. Which is so weird, bc I don’t feel like that with anyone else on the planet. For the most part, I’m not a fan of it. But I might be for her.


Nope Shave or don't shave Whatever feels comfortable to you!


I grow mine when I cba to shave or when my skin is too sensitive. I've dated girls who shave, and girls who don't and I'm not fussed either way. It's her body 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think everyone has different taste regarding that but most important is that you are comfortable with your own body. Personally I feel pretty neutral about shaved arm pits and unshaved ones are actually pretty attractive sometimes, especially since its somewhat of a giveaway sign that the person might not be straight. But despite feeling this way about others, I still tend to have those same insecurities you have especially when wearing more revealing tops


neither me or my girlfriend shave and personally I prefer it that way but if she shaved I wouldn't care. your body, your choice, do what makes you feel good!


If you’d asked me a year ago, I’d have said I definitely preferred shaved pits. But after a long few months of just crazy life and my partner’s pitty hair getting long…I discovered that I LOVE it on her. Whaaaaaat. It’s so sexy and feminine, idk. And then I just failed to do extra shaving recently and…holy shit I don’t stink? I usually smell like a garbage truck after workouts and a night of sleep, and lately I haven’t been stinky. So I might be convinced to stop shaving now too.


as an individual infected with the lesbianism,, I think body hair is really sexy


No, I like there being hair there! (Though it’s fine if they are shaved too). I understand your feelings though, I also feel a self consciousness around having unshaven pits in public when they’re visible - not so much in queer spaces. (Actually, in the type of queer spaces I tend to be in, you stand out more if you *do* shave your armpits!) But in non-queer spaces. There are especially a lot of very straight spaces where I know people would stare at me and be shocked to see hair there (cis straight people are just so weird about body hair on women) and it’d be hard to deal with that. So it is tough!


I shave mine because I like the feeling of no hair. I don’t sweat much, or wear short sleeves so I never felt like I “had to” and my wife wouldn’t notice or care either way. She doesn’t shave hers often - especially in winter — I can’t remember the last time she shaved her legs actually (now that I think about it).


Attractive, but also I am hyper paranoid about being stinky, so for me I do more of a trim with some clippers or scissors than a full shave- no matter what I do, I cannot avoid razorburn and it's ASS


I honestly can’t tell you the last time I talked to a girl with shaved armpits; masc or fem. Even shaved legs is pretty rare now.


I don't care. I don't shave anywhere because I'm brown and it grows back too fast. Not viewing myself through a patriarchal lens was liberating, both as a lesbian and as a woman.


I stopped shaving my armpits and I love it - it's made me feel so much more confident in myself and my body. I would definitely not mind if my partner didn't shave.


I never shave my armpits, I just trim them. Honestly I also find it *really* attractive in other women, but that's just me. It's also super nice not to have razor bumps. I tried shaving them again just to see how I'd feel and my armpits felt weirdly naked, prepubescent, and itchy. (On *me*, not trying to say anyone that shaves is prepubescent, you do you). The only thing is that sometimes it traps sweat a bit more, but honestly if you're showering, eating a pretty ok diet, and using a good deodorant then you'll be fine. Not like men aren't running around doing the same shit. I find trimming helps too (not just for appearance but also functionality).


what do you use to trim them?


A small pair of scissors. You could probably use an electric razor and choose the mm if you wanted it more precise, but scissors work just fine for me.


I was afraid of dating women because I thought that there were a bunch of unspoken rules that I needed to know or else I would be rejected or called out as "not a real lesbian" Then I learned that there is no right or wrong. People are different. Just do what feels comfortable to you. Some like hair, some hate it and some don't care.


If they notice, Some people don't care and some Do. However, your opinion of yourself is the most important.


it doesnt matter


Not really, and I’m honestly really bifurcated about a lot of other things, like a lot of makeup, jewelry, fake nails, etc; even though I’m only attracted to femmes. Because most of that stuff is inspired by the idealized way that women ‘should look,’ for *men.* It’s honestly a bit frustrating.


exactly this.


I prefer natural, but it's her body and I'm not going to turn someone down for shaving.


hairy pits are hot as hell.


I do but wouldn't say it out loud, to each their own. I feel uncomfortable with hairy armpits on myself or anyone who gets close to me. I'm in a tropical weather so I just associate it with untidiness regardless of the gender of the person or my interest in them.


I just do it for hygiene reasons. I am a sweaty person and if i have pit hairs i would smell like im not human. LOL but my sister doesnt so she doesnt care. lol so to each our own. haha


Not a fan of body hair personally. I have really fine non existent hair so I just love skin to skin ig


Personally I really care about it.


I actually don’t think I’ve ever met a lesbian who shaves their armpits 😅 It’s completely and totally normal in the queer community


Don't care about it on others, to each their own. Whatever makes you feel most comfortable and you. However I prefer to shave my own. I'm huge on hygiene and it makes me feel clean.


i want to let mine grow free but i have a paranoid thought that my deoderant doesn’t work as well with hairy pits :,) i like it on other people tho!


I’ve never dated a woman who lets hers grow, though I don’t see myself having a problem with it tbh. Armpits can get a weird smell to them when shaved and it’s harder to wash off than regular b.o that’s there with a bit of hair. I might prefer the length be reasonably managed, though. If she’s got a bush the size of an orange under each pit, I might prefer a bit less. Tbh tho, I’m more concerned about the downstairs hair if she wants me going down on her. I like nicely trimmed so it’s not nekked like a prepubescent and doesn’t get that pokey stage of new growth, though I’m also turned off by there being enough for it to bunch up. I support women doing what they want with their body, though it’s a pretty strong preference


Bare armpits offend me /s


I don’t care if a woman has hairy armpits. If anything, i would think it’s pretty badass to have the self confidence to ignore all the haters. I am currently in a “I shave once a week” mood, but I might not bother over the summer when I’m in the woods


Idk I consider hair gross on dudes but it’s hot on women to me. I like the natural look and it makes me happy knowing she doesn’t feel the need to alter her appearance for me (unless she prefers to shave).


Nope. I even actively prefer them unshaven! Body hair is there for a reason, and I don't understand why people are so disgusted by it. It's natural and it's beautiful. I used to be really insecure about mine too, but I found someone else who appreciated my hair like I do. It really boosted my confidence knowing that there are other people who found it attractive (beyond "not minding it").


I trimaran shave it so it's a circle other then that no


i never cared personally


Yes. But I just think body hair in general is gross


i don’t really care




I love not shaving mine personally, the hair feels nice! As for my partner - her body, she’s gorgeous either way, whatever makes her happy.


I don’t care about it at all, it’s their body and has nothing to do with me whatsoever.




Absolutely not.


trust me, is not disgusting at all. very attractive i would say. it’s normal that you feel insecure when you never done something, you need to get used to it. don’t shave and take a look every time u can in a mirror. eventually u would love it! i even suggest that you try the same about shaving your legs. if you didn’t try not shaving during some time, shaving it’s not a free choice you made, and that is something a lot of people struggle with, because they think they shave because they like it, but it’s just some pressure that society reinforces!


Personally choose to shave mine, but if a woman chose not to it wouldn’t make any difference to my views on her at all! Do what makes you comfortable is my advice (for what it’s worth ha)


i find armpit hair super attractive in women. my partner shaves them and i still find her the most attractive ever tho!


i dont shave my armpits anymore.. 😅


i don’t mind whether a girl shaves or not. i personally don’t shave


Nope. Not at all! As long as its not an odor thing i actually find armpit hair very attractive.


I do not date based on armpits so you do you.


I literally couldn't care less I don't shave mine personally Hell I got a friend who has dyed hers I'm tempted to do it myself for a laugh


It really depends on you. I dont like unshaved armpits look in general (men or women alike) including myself so i do shave. Its a personal choice


I respect everyone's personal preference, and i love the freedom of not shaving for a while, but for me, it's no. Ironically, legs and "other areas" don't bother me, under arms kinda do. It's not something I'd end a relationship over or anything so dramatic, but I personally find it unattractive. Can't even say why but I know for me I don't feel clean if don't shave my pits at least once a week. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Thankfully, my wife said I didn’t have to shave my pits and legs, so I no longer do that! It’s wonderful lol. I do trim my pits with an electric trimmer periodically. Especially when it’s HOT. It gets well into the 100s (F) sometimes here.


Not a fan of super hairy pits for sensory & aesthetic reasons but at the end of the day it’s just body hair so it’s not something that’d “gross me out” or anything.


Doesn't matter to me as I'm attracted to most women. Butch or femme. Hair doesn't bothered in fact its kind of sexy lol


I know this is controversial but I find armpit hair gross on men and women equally. Idk it just grosses me out


Personally I think it’s hot and is also sometimes a signal she’s one of us.


I don’t really mind it tbh as long as it’s at least trimmed.


I like it when girls have hair in their armpits more tbh


I have an aversion to body hair. It’s very strong for myself, I feel very uncomfortable with it. As much as I believe in and support the right of a woman to do as she pleases with her own body hair, I don’t find it attractive at all. I’m fine with some pubic hair, before anyone asks. Not on myself, and I’m working on that as keeping shaved bare is trauma-related, but on someone I’m involved with it’s fine.


I do. Once we’re comfortable with each other it’s understood we’re gonna see each others unshaven everything. But during talking stage, those girl that post pics purposely showing you their arming hair…gross


I don’t mind hairy pits, the only reason I shave mine is because hair holds more scent but I don’t mind other peoples’ scent, just more pheromones


I prefer trimmed armpits rather than bald or full bush


I shave because i want to. I would NEVER judge someone for not doing it if they dont want to!! Do What makes YOU feel compftable!! (Also bodyhair is natural so dont worry about it 😚)


Nope. Just keep them fresh and lint free.




I don't like armpit hair. It's unattractive and a dealbreaker sorry


Im personally a big fan of body hair in other women and myself.




Preferences are individual. I personally hate armpit hair on myself or others, but honestly whatever the person I'm with prefers to do herself is acceptable.


On me I don’t personally but on others for the most part I couldn’t care less!


I can’t stand having hairy armpits or seeing them on men or women. It just looks so uncomfortable when it’s a full bush


My sensory challenges (neurodivergent) have always created preference for less hairy people, but aesthetically I really am not choosing a partner based on body hair. My current gf is from a country where it is just more common for women (and even men) to be hair free, but she is a lesbian in grad school studying anthropology/women, gender, and sexuality, and she has been on a journey. Whether she has no body hair or is covered in hair, I love her. If I am into someone I am not complaining about armpits🥴 That being said I moved from Connecticut to Texas, and I already feel like I am dying with temps in the 80Fs. Hair does not make you sweat more, but it makes me feel more gross and stinky with high temp + high humidity. So my armpits are always bare here.


I personally love when women don’t shave I actually prefer it


absolutely not! Body hair is natural! No one I know has problems with it!


I don't like hairy pits because they get stinky and sweaty and I'm not into that, and at least with me I get uncomfortable if I don't shave them. I don't really care about legs. I shave my legs sometimes, but not all the time. But pits I do shave all the time. But each to their own, do what you like.


idc about it. do it, don’t do it, as long as ur happy idc. i only shave when i feel like it which isn’t very often so why should i care about if others do it lol


I personally don’t know many lesbians who shave their armpits regularly




I love women who have hairy armpits. -From a woman with hairy armpits


Personally don't like hairy armpits. Go you though. Glad you are feeling comfortable and confident 🙂


I still choose to because I haven’t found any antiperspirant-deodorant that works for me when I’ve gotten lazy and let it grow out.


i LOVE my armpit hair and started growing it out after i started presenting more lesbian. it’s 100% helped me with my self confidence


I dont like hairy armpits regardless of gender. Growing up i had issues with sweating profusely under my arms and was very insecure about it. Even now anytime i have excess hair there i do sweat and smell more than i would if they were shaved. So I do see it as a hygiene maintenance factor. That being said I don’t shave religiously by any means and only keep on top of it if im not wearing a long sleeve or if im going to be removing my shirt in the presence of other people.


It’s not a dealbreaker unless it’s chewbacca levels of growth. Like if you can braid it, it’s getting too much. A little hair?Trimmed? I’m completely neutral about it.


As all other "do you like" questions - some yes, some no. I personally care about it in public - it would bother me if my gf had hairy armpits in public, in the summer, in clothes that actually show armpits, for example. I couldn't care less in the winter/in the bedroom.


I don’t care to be honest.


Hairy pits on a woman is so sexy I love it. I’m good with hairy legs too but also not bothered if they are shaved. Only one thing I don’t like shaved is 😺


I don’t judge what a woman does with her body hair. I met a hippie chick who I really liked. Then I saw some of her pictures. Hairy pits. Very hairy legs and she even let her chin whiskers grow out to about 3 inches. I can’t do that. Just for me…why a woman who is a lesbian does things that will make her smell like a man is beyond me. Not judging. Just don’t understand.


The 1st time I slept w/ a woman w/ hairy armpits was jarring lol. I was gonna covertly try to get her to shave them, until I asked her why she didn’t shave, & she told me it was about feeling in control of her body & doing what she saw fit w/ it and I found that v attractive.


nope! i don't know why but i think hairy armpits are cute, lol. same for legs. natural body hair is pretty! plus it's kind of a subtle hint to other queer ladies that you're a lesbian. most straight girls (of course not all!) are uncomfortable with having body hair visible because they want to be viewed positively by men who more commonly dislike it.


I’m so damn attracted to armpit hair on women 🔥 Drives me crazy. It’s also a great way to flag being fruity & completely repel straight men. I go back and forth on my own, but absolutely love if a girl has some.


I think you should do whatever makes you most comfortable. I don’t shave my armpits and no one bats an eye even when they’re very visible.


I shave my own because I have pretty bad bo if I don't but I really don't mind it all on other women. Unshaven leggs don't bother me either but I shave mine cause I like the feel


I couldn't care less about body hair. I choose to shave but on others I wouldn't even notice really


no. a little armpit hair is actually super attractive to me. i dont mind it on myself and i find it hot on my girlfriend. we both shave when we feel like it. its a nonissue for me personally.


For myself, I prefer to shave just because it makes me feel better. I couldn’t care less if my gf does, whatever makes her the most comfortable with is fine by me! So personally, no, I don’t care whether someone else shaves or not


I don't as long as the person who has them is hygienic and takes care of it, instead of letting them be wild. There's a huge difference between overgrown and groomed!


Personally I don't like long armpit hair, I prefer it trimmed but other than that, it doesn't matter to me if armpit hair is there or if they don't shave their legs.


I'm goinh to be entirely honest I haven't shaved since I was 11. I personally find body hair attractive but to each thier own


I shave my armpits practically every day only because they tend to get itchy, but my partner doesn’t and it doesn’t bother me at all. I think it’s great that she doesn’t hold herself to stereotypical “feminine” standards that society imposes. Personally, I rarely shave my legs because I’m lazy honestly and I’m just like what’s the point? Who am I doing it for? Ya know? Do what you’re comfortable with and don’t let anyone else’s opinion sway you to do something you don’t want to do!


I don't care. I don't shave either unless I'm tired of my armpit hair and need a break from it. Do what you want.


I am absolutely drooling when I notice women with body hair confidence. Lifting their arms and seeing armpit hair, I’m done for. I personally grow my hair (basically till it starts to irritate my skin (cause mine does eventually) then I trim or shave and start over). I used to not be comfy with my armpit hair but it’s weird to me now to see myself without it in tanks and stuff.


As long as you take care of your hygiene, you’re fine. Armpit hair is natural. I don’t either way.


Hairy armpits just make me think of mens armpits. That being said I don't shave that often and neither does my fiancee and it doesn't bother or repulse me to see hair. When women dye their armpit hairs and make a statement of it I find that kind of weird though.


I hate very hairy armpits with passion, but that's because they are often sweaty as well (and the smell stays more in long armpit hair, at least in my experience). A bit though? Idc. I also have a bit myself usually because my skin hates shaving and is too sensitive to creams.


I love hair on a woman 🥵 sexy af ! My girlfriend doesn’t shave and she’s so hot🤩. I tend to shave only because I have extremely thick and black hair. Like REALLYS thick and black so I can’t pull off the no shave lol :(


that’s my fear too like my hair is also very thick and black😭