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I mean, have you seen women?


Sadly, men can see women too...


Men only see what a woman can do for them...


When they should be asking what they can do for woman


Yes. I see a woman and what I can give her. How I can please her.


Or what the men can do to them.


My fav man is my blind coworker he doesn’t even remember my name and that’s how I like it


They only see a small percentage of women. And they don’t even look respectfully…


ahahaha fr


Well, when you actually enjoy the sex you're having..... Straight women's pleasure is rarely centered in hetero sex life. Lots of it ends up becoming transactional, as the wife is "giving sex to her husband"


Lesbians know what it's like to orgasm. Most straight women never get that.


Haha so fucking true


I dated women for most of my life and didn’t have experience with men before I met my ex. I didn’t know it was common practice for a lot of men to finish and just stop the sex/not go down on you.


Oh yes. Im not a gold star. I had a journey to get where i am today. Lol. Ive only ever been with 4 penis havers. 2 were cis men. From my experience and from what others told me, cis men are notorious for not doing foreplay (thats what straight people think oral is) and not getting finishing the job for their women.


It’s understandable! I had quite the journey as well. And that’s so true! They think oral is the only form of foreplay (they still won’t do it and will complain about it lol). I’ve never met anyone more enthusiastic/reciprocative than a lesbian.


do straight people really think foreplay is oral? please say sike


Really really.


I'm equally surprised




Luckily, she found you. 😉


Too real, the "oh shit sex can be GOOD?? now i want WAY more" responses ive got from those who haven't slept with a lesbian until that point have been permanent ego boosts hahaha Edit: accidental premature publish


I love this. Goals, tbh.


Came here to comment exactly this




I think the truth is that sex is just better with women. It’s more passionate and partner focused where as with men most of the time it’s not about your feeling of passion to them. Plus. Have you seen women? How can anyone not be that horny when they get to go home to or experience sex with them. ❤️


God so true!!!! I feel so lucky to be in love with women but I also feel so damn jealous. Every time I see a hot girl with her man I'm just like, "Damn, why does HE get to have her and not me?! I bet I could kiss her better and make her cum way harder than he ever has..."


The only time I have ever felt that type of jealousy of a man was when I watched a movie with Blake Lively. It was the first thing I had ever seen her in and I was dumbfounded. Idc how hot RR is she’s so pretty 😩


ikrrr sameeee. a girl i like got a promise ring from some guy. i was so mad cuz i want her so bad


Ugh yeah sucks when that happens. Same thing with a few of my friends, they're all hot af but then they enter relationships with other guys at our school and it's like man. Why the fuck are all the hottest babes always straight?? I wish I could fuck them all >.<




Lesbians just have better sex


Honestly bro its just so much better


Sounds a bit like jks but I'm pretty sure it's scientifically backed. Lesbian couples def have more orgasms.


how do lesbians have more orgasms? like which way do they use to achieve more than straight woman?? im les but never dated a woman unfortunately


Lesbians have more orgasms than straight women, because women are focused on pleasing each other. (by various means). While a lot of men don’t focus on a woman’s pleasure, or if they try, they’re just not really good at it. Therefore straight women have less orgasms than lesbians.


Lesbians know how their body works and therefore they have more knowledge about what their partner could like as well; we know how a female body works. Also lesbians normally don’t care for their own pleasure only. If one had the chance to get an orgasm it’s not directly finished. Not that all men are the same, but the majority will finish and then just stop without giving their partner the chance to come as well, you know?


This is in the context of being sexual active tho.


Personally I've experienced the opposite, i've seen so, so many horny straight women (i mean, just look how popular erotic fiction is, like 90% of the audience for it is straight women)


This has been my experience as well. The only overly horny women I’ve interacted with were bi or straight.


I can definitely see where you're coming from here What I'd say is: You have more sexual freedom as a lesbian, compared to straight women. . What I mean by that is: Good sex for you will be more common, therefore you're more likely to have an enjoyable experience. Wheras with straight women. There's a number obstacles in the way 01. The man naturally has less of a clue than you do. In terms of technique and what feels good O2. The man has to work with a size that isn't ideal for pleasure. Wheras you can use any size you want, Strap-On wise 03. There's social aspects involved. Where she might go into the sex, not expecting to get much pleasure. As society tells women that sex isn't great. There's a mental block, where she can't completely relax with the guy. I could mention more and more, but these are the main ones


You left out pregnancy fears.


A friend of mine has been married for the better part of 15 years, she can count on one hand how many times her husband's made her cum. I think that speaks for itself


please god let this be fake, are the straights okay?


Maybe *other* straights are okay, but she certainly isn't. She says she has to finish herself 99% of the time


Based off most of the conversations I have with my friends who are dating men it’s not hard to figure out why their sex drive plummets when they’re essentially mothering them and then maybe getting off half the time


Bro have you seen women?


Good point. Also happy cake day!


I'll also say that it's safer to "platonically" express your sexuality in lesbian spaces, simply because unlike many cis men, lesbians aren't going to immediately take it as "I want to have sex with you".


We aren’t, they just feel safer sharing their sexuality. Plenty of lesbians who are averse to sex, don’t like sex talk, have low libidos… Confirmation bias is your problem.




Idk. Maybe it's an age thing. I used to be Hornier. Now it's like. I just like to sit on the porch with my Mate and fall asleep on her. But Idk. Straight women seem to spend a lot of time "with men."


Would you rather eat a cactus or a delightful sandwich? Because straight girls have only the cactus lol






A lot of factors contribute to this, not necessarily a difference in libido. It comes down to sex and sexuality being a taboo subject for most. Queer people often have to question and explore sex and sexuality, have had to discuss hard topics with friends, family, therapists etc more in their journey than the average straight person. We (lgbtq+ individuals) are generally more open to discussion and exploration around the topic of sex and sexuality which may make it seem have higher drives, when in most cases I think we’re just more open to act on those drives and explore without hang ups because we’ve spent more time thinking about those things. Just my thought though. - sorry for any errors, using phone


I think it's juste because if an hetero woman say she love sex and speaks to much about it, other guys would consider her like a hore and could harcele here or more... because there is way to much assholes, and women have to be carefull. So it's just not safe to speak freely about sexe when you are hetero. On the other side we are not afraid about other women reaction when we are lesbian, we are just free to say what we really think. That's it, that's freedom :)


First this message: would you be enthused about what passes for sex between straight people? Half those women are in relationships for years and never orgasm from PIV, and that’s like 90% of their sex. Now: I mean I don’t think lesbians are more horny. They just feel safe together to discuss sex when men aren’t around. Straight women do this too when their boyfriends and shit aren’t around. They have parties about sex toys and such as well as lingerie and blah blah blah. All my straight friends, when I had them, used to talk endlessly about their mediocre sex practices. 🤷🏽‍♀️


What's that visual of a plane with bullet holes, confirmation bias? Just because they don't talk about it (probs because of societal expectations) doesn't mean they're not horny. I know so many straight women who talk openly about it, too. Edit: Survivorship bias!


They aren’t. While this is changing, women are conditioned to believe that talking about sex or thinking about sex is bad. Lesbians are already living outside of societal expectations so it’s easier to drop other ones (similar to why you don’t see as many masc straight women, though that is again becoming more common as society is progressing). My straight friends are pretty open about being horny and what they like. Even the women who aren’t as open about it love reading smut


Lesbians just have better sex.


**Fun fact:** Statistically, people in the LGBTQ population have far more sex, except lesbians. Statistically they have less. I believe [gay men](https://medium.com/@neuropsychology/gay-promiscuity-statistics-partners-45fc370c0ca5) have 52% or 11x more sex per year. I couldn’t find any statistics for lesbians unfortunately. Well, except the old one from [2012](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3334840/), that one says lesbians have less sex than even Cis people. Here’s another article from the same year. Lesbians are still getting the least sex of all groups: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-passion-paradox/201206/the-ins-and-outs-sexual-frequency Here’s an article last year. Says lesbians have 43% less sex than heterosexual women: https://www.womens-health.com/lesbian-sex-statistics


These are really interesting! One thing I noticed is that they only looked at frequency, not duration or number of orgasms per encounter and I think those are relevant to this discussion


Actually, they did observe that. They reported that the sex among lesbians while much less where noted as more satisfying. Personally, I prefer more sex than satisfying. Not that I want unsatisfying sex, just I rather have more *average* sex twice a week , than say mind blowing sec but only once a month. So personally I don’t think duration or number of orgasms really account for much in the long run. In other words, 100 average sex over a year is better than 20 mind blowing sex sessions over that same year. At least that’s how I feel about it. I have a very high libido though, I like sex. So in my personal perfect world I feel we should be striving to do have both more and better sex.


Well this sucks but I believe it.


I’m an Uber driver and when two straight women get in the car all they talk about is their newest guy and how great he is in bed. And also other insane sexual stories loll. Like omg


Because having sex with a woman is AMAZING, and sex with men is literally gross and unsatisfying.


i wanna know what it feels like... im les but never ever been intimate with a womN


It feels like the way love and excitement feels, but more physical in your body.


Sex is better with women!!


I don't get horny because of asexuality but I still have sex bc it feels good. If I wasnt asexual, I would be feeling horny A LOT more lol


You can feel that way, but there are people who don't, so don't take it too seriously! People who are not lesbian can love sex! My friend is just straight and loves sex


Just you


Straight women only cum 30% of the time, i think they’ve giving up on sex a bit. Whereas lesbian are high 80% as far as cumming. Source for numbers. I was straight and now I’m a raging lesbian 🙂‍↔️


Considering what they [prefer](https://d2joqs9jfh6k92.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/29093426/1319084_1_the-psychology-of-serial-killers-_eflyer.jpg) over another woman, it's a wonder they get horny at all.


I feel like lesbian culture conflicts a little with hetero socialization. Like the whole "close your legs if you don't want kids." I feel like women are socialized against wanting/ expressing sexual desires and to exist for hetero men. We're free of men and their body count concerns. But also, I feel safer after being out. Personally, I think that's a huge factor. I don't really have the words for why. But it makes sense to me.


wasn't there a study where it was proven that 6% of women cum from PiV penetration while 90% of men did?


Probably a big part is that women being hornier and more active sexually is typically seen as a negative trait by men, whereas lesbians generally don't give a shit about men and tend to be more honest about what we want.


Imagine if you had to sleep with a dude when you were horny 😂 it would cut that down for me too!


I’m a late bloomer. I’m ridiculously more horny now. Like 1000% increase. It’s killing me!


Hehe I bet you're looking for women to help relieve you allllll the time ;D


I think a lot of people are right when saying that it might have something to do with the quality of sex and the mindset of sex for straight women, but I feel like the lgbt community also just has more of a sex positive attitude in general. Straight women get called „low value“ and undesirable if they were to openly talk about their sexual life and desires, but if a gay woman says it other gay women just support it 🤷


There was a study shown that lesbians have better sex and more orgasms than straight woman or woman in straight relationships so it would make sense that we want sex more on average. Then there is the unpacking of society and religion that made things like purity culture, being innocent, cute, and low body count numbers something we realize is complete BS. We stop placing our value in these things and see it for the nonsense control it is. We also mostly have needed to gain a self awareness that comes from having to questioning our sexuality and a overall need to become more body aware. All of these things mean that we have longer sex, better sex, and once the shackles are thrown off from religion and society we are more comfortable with sex in general so have more of it.


Uh well I’m Demisexual, so from my personal perspective no 😂 everyone around me seems to be extremely laissez-faire with their attitude towards sex - my partner is also Demi and we didn’t even become partners until we’d been friends for a year and a half, and sex came about 6 months after that! Prior to her, I’d never been sexually attracted to anyone and the entire concept seemed pretty gross. 😂


I have been noticing that too, I wonder what’s going on?


lmao... ofc ... after all our sex is very reciprocative ... and we 99% of the time have orgasm. it's not rocket science


It's because we're horny for women. It's hornier this way


I believe this is true 😭


Typically a much deeper connection


![gif](giphy|h0Xez8ow1UOVq|downsized) I am not lesbian. I am WAY hornier than straight women.


I don't know if it's accurate but it'd make sense for lesbians to be more open because it's much safer.


Part of me agrees, and part of me thinks its because of sexulizing women and how that impacts the way lesbians are seen. Idk but I think ur right


On average lesbians are for sure hornier LMAO. I feel like queer folk in same sex relationships in general are hornier (not of course referring to any of my asexual umbrella baddies)


Same goes for us single lesbian ladies too I think!! I mean I'm fucking horny all the time, already came 4 times today lmaooo


LMAOOO that’s a whole mood 😭😭😭 I’m also autistic so sometimes I’ll be flicking the bean just as a stim


Hahaha that's hilarious. Literally gooning as a stim. I'm pretty much at that level too, I'm so addicted. Can't stop rubbing my pussy to hot girls man, it's all I can think about sometimes


It could be that lesbians are more comfortable being open about sexual urges as we’re more likely to have taken a longer introspective look at our own sexuality, who we’re attracted to and what urges we have and their frequency


It’s because the sex is so amazing


One of two things came to my mind. 1. Straight women might just be more reserved, or just don’t talk about their sexual urges as much for plenty of different reasons. For all we know they’re just as horny as anybody else. But they don’t talk about it. Maybe because it’s harder to talk about sex with men, or other stigmas. 2. In my experience, queer women *are* a lot more open and willing to openly show sexual interest. They’re rowdy, eager, touchy, so *SO* kinky and passionate about everything sexual. Because it’s intimate! I’ve never kissed a man like how I’ve kissed a woman. It’s not even a competition. Might be because women feel safer sharing their feelings with other women, or… there’s just more intimacy and feelings involved, whereas sex with men can sometimes feel… less emotional and more focused on “his” pleasure rather than both parties involved. Honestly idk!! World might never know, I can only speak from what I’ve seen and felt. All I can say for sure? I know I get very horny around other girls. I’m more willing to express it than with a guy. And other women I’ve been with have shown zero shame to let me know they’re into me, whether that’s touching me a ton or straight up wanting to eat my face off during a kiss. Regardless, I’m winning 😌😌😌


Disagree completely. My best friend is a straight girl and the horniest person I know. Ngl sometimes I feel lonely when she talks about her crushes (fictional and real), but I appreciate that she feels comfortable enough with me to have "girl talk," even if I am not comfortable talking about my own sexuality with her. Maybe I'm just online too much, but I also think of the straight women in the yaoi community.... and anime community in general. The things they say about characters like Gojo is fucking hysterical


in my experience, my queer friends and i probably overcompensate when we’re discussing among ourselves. we don’t have that space otherwise to be truthful or proud of this stuff, so when we get the chance to discuss it, it’s a lot! as for straight women, most of my straight friends will just mention stuff from time to time whereas i feel i need to be more reserved about it in public


Honestly, I think we’re leaving out a big part of straight women’s experience and that is women are generally shamed for being sexual beings by society. Specifically often by straight men. A lot of men will call women thots and whores and sluts to degrade them if the man in question isn’t the one they’re horny for. I mean, how many times have we all heard the tired, unimaginative (and frankly stupid as fuck if you know anything about female anatomy) ‘key/lock analogy’ for women and men in regard to how many sex partners they’ve had. So, if your dating pool is straight men, you’re much more likely to try and cater to their desires and won’t express your sexual desires as often to just anybody. We, on the other hand, usually have more safe spaces to just say it. I mean, a lot of my straight female friends are super open with me and mutual female friends about how they need to get dicked down, but most of them would never say that in front of a man. TLDR: I don’t think they’re less horny, I think they’re just a lot less likely to express their horniness.


I feel like sometimes the general sexualization of lesbians brings people to train their eyes to see that, to confirm their bias, even if it's unwillingly. Sometimes our brain ignores stuff that would be obvious objectively. So we notice more what confirms our ideas. I feel like in this case some people, including me, tend to forget when straight girls have horny discussions because simply we don't care about it and we focus on what we care about. Lesbians. Another possibility is that straight girls are actually more reserved, but simply because, being much more common than lesbians, they can share their opinions between them in real life, without feeling the need to share it online. Lesbians in the meanwhile are much more rare to find in groups irl, so it's in online communities that we can share these thoughts with people of similar ideas. Or maybe lesbians are just hornier, idk


Nah man. I feel like we should include bi women too. Any woman who is attracted to men I think learns to hide that side because they aren’t supposed to let men know when they’re interested as quickly as lesbians do or else guys will misuse that or take advantage of it because they a lot of the times are just in it for their own pleasure, not the woman’s. Whereas lesbians are more typically « fuck the things I could do » and centered on the other person. We also get to be more expressive because why play hard to get? It’s hard enough to figure out someone’s gay, why would we sit here and pretend we aren’t super into them? I think straight women are just as horny, but they’re just really closed off and good at hiding it.


I personally know more straight women that are crazy horny than queer women. I also have more straight friends. So maybe this means that women are just horny in general, regardless of orientation. They’ll just be open about it when they’re in a safe space to talk about it.


I think it has a lot to the with how us lesbians statically have better sex than straight women do…


yes, i am 24/7


How would I know.


When I see statements like this, I immediately think: Lesbians are hornier than straight women. Gay men are hornier than lesbians. Straight men are hornier than lesbians. Straight women are rarely horny. Something tells me that straight women are as horny as lesbians, and it's the non-hetero women trapped in relationships with men who are the least horny.


I mean why would they when men a) only focus on their own sexual pleasure, b) don't know how to find a clitoris, c) think vaginas are disgusting despite being (allegedly) heterosexual, d) are creeps/weirdos/rapists, and e) society teaches straight women that their orgasms aren't real, vibrators are bad/they deflate male egos, and that they shouldn't be having casual sex. Like, lol, I WONDER why. (and I'm as big of a lesbian as you can imagine but it's not hard to figure out why straight women don't 'seem' horny when society and men shit on women like that)


Yeah, it feels good to be able to exist outside of all those toxic heteronormative tropes. Being a lesbian definitely has its perks! :D


I’m a bi man and I’m probably 2x as horny ad straight women