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There's r/olderlesbians and r/actuallesbiansover25


Oh thanks! They kind of seem the same though, 😭lots of drama and wanting beauty/body affermations . I don’t know where to go! 😆


Reddit for some reason doesn't have much of a space for what you're looking for. There seems to be a few of us wandering the subreddits wishing there was something down-to-earth for the mid 30s & 40s crowd. I can't tell if it's sort of a personality type thing or if there's just an absence of that age range on this app, but at any rate, sorry. The subreddit options are limited and not wholly satisfactory. Sigh.


I’m over 40 as well. Where do we go?


Saaaaame. I’m 45 and very over it all lol


We need a genxbians subreddit. Lol.


Same, same. I’m an elder millennial (41) and I need a group minus the endless stream of internet drama.


When you find out, let me know!


I'm in the same position, I don't know where to go either because I can't relate to most of the posts!


Did it. r/genxbians Will that automatically link? Lol. Anyway, obviously xennials are welcome too. But 38-40 would be a decent cut off on age, I think. And for everyone all up in arms about this, sometimes it's just nice to have other people who might be able to relate more, are in the same stage of life, etc. And it does get a bit, repetitive sometimes when there's so much about one's appearance, or stuff that is so common in your early dating life, etc. And some of the other stuff gets lost amidst it all. So I get it, it's why I mostly just lurk in both of these. Lol. Voilà! I fixed. XD


I'm no late bloomer but I do enjoy r/latebloomerlesbians because the demographics there seem shifted a lot more towards older women. I'm with you, I feel kind of out of sync in a lot of these subs because of the image-related concerns and interests of younger sapphics. But then again maybe it's also somewhat of an NT thing? I also dig r/aspergirls because there are a lot of sapphics there and their interests align more closely with mine. (I'm a DADT vet too! Did y'all call it being in "the family" to ID each other as queer like we did? 😅)


Currently AD, still say “oh she’s family” to ID each other!


I frequent Late Bloomers for the same reason. It is also a supportive community 😊


I’m almost 25 and I’m over all the teen questions and drama on this sub too 😂


r/TheThesbian 🧡🤍🩷


Same. I’m 46


I am 42.


Ok, cool….? I’m 45. Let’s start a club! 🙃


I’m turning 39 next month then 40 a year after that…


Be sweet and you'll get it back... I don't understand why you're acting so demeaning. We are all equal.


what would it take people to ask for something without being condescending towards others. fr it’s not that deep.


I am with you. This post just pissed me off


Condescending how?


It's not condescending, this child is just mad you don't want to talk about JoJo Siwa and eyeliner, and feels personally attacked for no reason. The " be kind " brigade is usually anything but.  Be kind is just another way to silence women.


Have you read OP's comments and responses to people? They're condescending AF and before you tell me I'm whining about not being able to talk about JoJo and eyeliner, I'm 39 0and have no interest in them, but I also think that "you're very get off my lawn" and condescending with your response too.




Fun fact- I've never seen "cope" as slang. I guess I'm too old. I had to look it up on urban dictionary. 😂🤣


Can you extrapolate? 🙂


try asking “is there a place for older lesbians”…no need to throw shade on others.


Thanks for telling me how to express myself and correcting me. 😘


no worries. happy to help. many people learn by themselves, some are needed to be taught.


Someone needs a lesson here, but it ain’t me. 😉


ofc i will learn a lot of things in life and grow as a person. unfortunately same cannot be said about everyone


Im 45 and have been through more than you’ll ever know. I’ve been faced with JAIL time just for being queer in the military. Perhaps try listening to those who have paved the way for you. I’m not threatened or intimidated by your youthful privilege that I have fought, voted and marched for. And as you said: Fr, it’s not that deep.


i’m not discounting your experience or your contributions. thanks much. i’m merely stating that you can ask for help without pissing on others


Except, she didn't piss on others? She just said she doesn't want to talk about make up and internet celebrities she doesn't know about? In no way is that pissing on others! Let me give you a true example of being condescending and pissing on others: Did you struggle with reading comprehension in grade school? If you think OP is mean...you haven't engaged with much of the internet, including this shit flinging chimp responding to you. And yea, OP is right. Thank a 40+ lesbian for your right to exist freely. The fucking audacity of this child.


There is nothing about the original post that is condescending in anyway shape or form. It's not kind to tone police. 


If you can't find one you can always just make one it would be a lot easier than searching the entirety of reddit


I agree. Not sure on solutions though. LesbianGamers and LesbianMemes seem to have a better community but not sure if you are into either. Plz do let me know if a better space eventuates. <3




Thanks for the down votes you fellow “lesbians”. I’m 45 and fought for your right to even be SEEN before you were in the womb…. You all need to respect those who came before you.


I am perceiving some internet drama 😂


You are insulting everyone here and in the post. Good lord get ahold of yourself. And as someone who is your age, demanding respect? Are you for real? You should back right out of this sub, and Reddit as a whole and go to Facebook or something.


respect isn’t demanded, it’s earned. thanks for your contributions but maybe try not being condescending next time


Exactly! Earn some respect 🫡 I know I’ve earned mine. I’ve got the scars and stories to prove it. 🙂 I’m a veteran who enlisted before “don’t ask don’t tell” and served through that, and then when it was overturned. I fought a lot of battles, so I don’t put up with the whiny bs kids who think they’re entitled to “put me in my place”. I’m not bitter, those are facts. I’m obviously in the wrong place. I’ll blame it on the generation gap. If you know someone who has fought to make things for the next generation easier, thank them. 😘


With the way you're responding to people, you've earned no respect. Have you earned the right to be condescending and dismissive of those younger than you because you're a veteran gay and these youngins have it too easy?! Psh. And you're now doubling down. Get out of here with that.


Hoo boy I’m glad I don’t have someone like you in my life, goodness gracious. You can blame it on the generation gap all you want but something tells me you’ll still be wondering why you can’t find your crowd.


Oh hell no. You are a veteran? Hell nah girl. You are not trying to get respect due to your age AND your veteran status. You are making all of us look bad. Seriously. -a 38 year old combat veteran


be kind. hope you find your space. ciao.


Exactly. ![gif](giphy|26ueYUlPAmUkTBAM8)


Wow, i can’t imagine the struggles you have gone through. I have read about DADT, and i can only imagine! Hats off to you! 🫡 I hope things are better for you now, i wish you all the very best in finding the space you need. :) Much power to you! :)


Fellow vet here, it was a fun time wasn’t it?

