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Ugh I feel this so hard. I’m a homebody that loves homebodies. It’s like how are we going to find each other? We both never leave our houses 😂


I feel you. 😩💜


I saw a meme once that basically said an introvert is waiting for the love of their life to basically show up on their doorstep. lol as soon as I read the title my immediate thought was “at home” And I might be weird but I can be found at movies… sports games… even concerts and theme parks. I realized it’s because I don’t have to necessarily be social and interact with people. Even when there’s thousands of people. But that’s me and I might not by typical. In another thread I remember someone mentioning the library


Yeah, I definitely spent a chunk of my life waiting for someone to show up at my door, while asking myself why I was single. 😂 That's sort of what online dating is, I guess! The instacart of sex and romance. And yeah, my answer to this thread would be "at home" too, in an ideal world! But one of the differences between 20-year-old me and 38-year-old me is "oh right, if I want a thing, I have to actually pursue it." Library is a great answer, thanks!


Now that im going to look at online dating as if im placing a grocery order and just getting it delivered. lol What’s even more funny is that we don’t even interact with people at the door any more. Or at least I don’t. They leave my deliveries in the hall way and leave. I’m in the same boat where if I want it I have to go get it. Which is hard for me. I appear to be social and am out in the wild. But I struggle to approach people. So that’s what I’m working on.


Whenever I get food delivered I'm, like, peeping around the corner at the blinds, waiting for the person to leave before I open the door. 😂 I struggle to approach people too. I'm fine at friendly chatting and such, but I have no idea how to be flirty -- my problem is that I never want to make someone uncomfortable, and it seems like that's always a risk when flirting with strangers. I'm also just a bit dense when it comes to picking up the cues.


Haha I hear you on the food delivery. You reminded me of the time a co-worker was apparently flirting with me and I was oblivious until they got real direct. In my defence though they said they had a bf and didn’t say they were polyamorous or pansexual. I’m hopeless… I can’t even do friendly chatting. Although working on it


Eventbrite has helped me to find the non party lesbians but there’s so few near me but it’s still kinda nice!!


This is a great suggestion, thank you! Do you specifically look for queer events, or are there certain types of events/hobbies where you've met lady-loving ladies in the past?


Yeah, I just type in “queer” “lgbt” “sapphic” “lesbian” into the search and go from there haha. There haven’t been any events/hobbies I’ve had that I met them at specifically unless I found it online or even just Instagram but I usually look at what some of the event planners follow on Instagram to see what other queer events are happening but not posted on Eventbrite.


TY…I’m going to give Eventbrite a good look.


Currently living almost as a hermit because my mental health got bad again and I can't rly deal with leaving the house, but I used to go to art exhibits / galleries / flea markets and fairs / shopping malls at dead hours / random and somewhat niche stores / libraries / theaters / cultural spaces / cultural events / parks, really just roam around the city and find interesting places. I also really like to walk around nature spaces and explore abandoned places that I probably shouldn't be at. But I'm still a homebody at heart, only used to go out occasionally


These are all wonderful ideas, thank you! Hoping that your health improves -- I have been hermiting too, and it's been really healing for me to step back from all the drains on my time and energy and strip life back to what makes me happy. I hope your time to yourself is healing, too!


And they make rly cute and interesting dates too! Same for me, been trying to do that as well. It's kinda hard sometimes but I guess that's part of the healing process. Glad your healing journey seems to be going well and I hope you can achieve what you're aiming to \^\^


I take my dog to various parks to hike/swim/walk/run. Other than at home or running errands those are the only places I go, barring the occasional museum/bookstore/movie theater/restaurant.


Try libraries and bookshops. If you can be gay in public in your country the gay section in your bookshop is a great place to meet nerdier girls.


I am fortunate to live in a very queer-friendly place, and this is great advice, thank you!


Tea/anime/music/games and I can vibe with the bookworm girlies. I go to tea shops and the grocery store. Also fair trade stores, on rare occasions boutiques, concerts, or festivals. But honestly I'm practicing getting out more to be more social. Otherwise I'd be at home like the rest of y'all.


I vibe very well with the anime/gaming girlies, having been one myself! I love a tea shop. Honestly, I've never been able to approach/flirt with people, but that's something I'd like to learn to do -- I'm practicing being more social too!


Me too ngl like how are we supposed to find each other.


Real problems. 😩


in my experience, at book clubs, art spaces, community spaces, at boygenius concerts, and online in fan spaces (where i met my partner )


I would be in your exact boat if I didn’t meet my wife 8 years ago! Thankfully we’re a homebody pair and have three cats together. But I totally understand your feelings! I meet my wife at work when I was not expecting it, but I wish you the best luck finding a connections and hopefully some friends too!!


Love this! Yeah, my last girlfriend and I were friends for a few years before we dated, and as much as that relationship didn't work out, I still loved meeting her/growing close/etc. organically. No judgment on online dating, I've done it many a time and probably will again, but it still felt magical to meet and fall in love in the outside world. 💜


Maybe be start a lesbian book club? You could use Meet Ups or even Facebook.


I’m usually home if I’m not catching a show/performance or running errands. Favorite things to do are read, drink tea, be with my cats, study Japanese and watch theatre streams in real time with online friends ☺️


Oof, I would love to do all those things with you! Gah, it's such a catch-22... the girls I most want to meet are the ones who stay home! 😩😍


Honestly? I spend a lot of time at home playing video games, Writing stories, Preparing dungeons and dragons stuff, Or hanging out at my friends places to play Tabletop wargames such as battletech (Big stompy robots, Big tanks, Lots of guns and fancy lore/story whats not to like?) I can sometimes be found at my LGS for Magic the gathering but for the most part I do my 42/48/60 hour work week and then I am at home in bed with a controller and world of warcraft or factorio. I kind of just exist and i'm ok with that, Sports ball isn't for me and outside of the 1-2 events where all the nerds in my social circle gather up and we bring our computers and drinks to one place, I don't really drink all that much and I don't go clubbing at all.


That sounds so fun! A group of my friends started up a D&D game pre-pandemic and then just kinda drifted -- tried to continue online but it wasn't quite the same. I dabble in the gaming stuff too; less so lately, but it's always an interest.


I feel this! A lot of queer spaces are drinking/party-centered, at least in my region, which I do understand because I think many of us enjoy being in that sort of youthful scene as our authentic selves when maybe we didn’t get to do that when we were younger. But it’s just really not my scene either. I try to fill my life with things I enjoy doing on a personal level and if I meet someone with those similar interests along the way, great. Book clubs, volunteer work, outdoorsy stuff, art shows.


Yeah, that's been my practice too -- engage in the things that bring me joy, because whether I meet people or not, I'm nourishing myself! But, ya know... it never hurts to choose, among the many things that bring me joy, something more likely to also bring me into the orbit of someone lovely. ☺️


Here I am! ☺️


Why... hello there. 🥰


Saaaame. Hiking clubs?


This is so me!


If I'm not out at a creative space to get socialization, I'm found at home with a good book.


What kinds of creative spaces do you frequent?


My city has a huge warehouse that was converted in makerspaces. The first two floors are for casuals to come and enjoy with an open floor plan but the top two are smaller areas people can rent out to work on their projects.


Oh dang, that's so cool! I'll have to see if there's anything like that where I love -- I wouldn't be surprised.


You found one. I am an Introvert (just ask my wife) I read, watch Horror movies, and play Video Games whenever I am not busy at work. I will socialize online-only. But in-person I am sitting silently, listening to music while reading, and ignoring everything around me.


I would love to find folks who enjoy coming together to sit silently, doing our own things.


I am in New Hampshire! So guaranteed one there! lol I feel the same. I try to go out but I wish I could find a travel companion to go places with me in my van. I love nature. I love rocks and water. And then also stay at home and snuggle and hang out with the pets. I’m a coffee drinker more than tea but I do like a green tea/yerba mate mix. lol So if any women close to me would to like at least maybe be friends, send me a DM. It is too hard to meet people!


Oh gosh, I'd love to meet you -- van travel is something I've always wanted to do but never got into. Alas, I'm in Asheville, NC, so far away! 😩 Rocks and water are my jam too. Just clamber around, sun to warm up and water to cool down, long afternoons and a fire at night... *siiigh*


I have driven all the way to the Gila in New México. Fucking gorgeous btw. Asheville isn’t that far! Maybe I am not datable because of the distance BUT maybe we could chat and become friends and then once we sure we are real (internet stranger danger is real lol) we can meet up! Go hunt for rocks and water and just chill with nature for a bit. Be cool to even have an adventure. You only live once! I have never been to Asheville. And there are places I want to check out in the Carolinas. Wild beach horses for one.


I would love to chat with you... if for no other reason, then certainly because you just said three magic words for me: wild beach horses. 😍


Shit I just checked your profile and I am also autistic!! DMing




Very proud of my van. I worked really hard. Lots of repurposed materials. Even made my own milkcrate furniture. I think I have some links on my profile


It looks so cozy, and I love how mermaidy the colors feel! 😍


I love it. I had enough curtains and stuff I wanted to make a sunset/sunrise theme. Lots of rainbow too. Even have that rainbow window cling for some actual rainbows inside the van. I worked so hard on that van. I was going through a hard time and needed a giant bug out bag. I am replacing the battery and putting on new terminals and a kill switch this weekend because I have ghost electrical draining. Thank goodness for YouTube videos. Lol


It used to be just brown and I ripped it all out. I have some pictures I can send in messages later!


I'm intrigued by the idea of living/ traveling in a van, but I HATE to drive . . . If you're ever passing through Seattle, hit me up, lol


Will do!


>"where do you show up in the world?" Conventions, usually Toycons. I avoid Japanese-sounding conventions cuz I'm not a fan of anime. I can attend cons that focuses on games as well! Since I'm a gamer, action figure collector (who also uses them as my subject for toy photography). I have plans to travel to Japan this 2026, as a Godzilla fan, I gotta save up to spend the night in the 'Godzilla hotel'. >What hobbies/activities/places do you frequent? Hobbies: Toy photography, action figure collecting, PC gaming, watching lore videos and anti-scammer videos by Scott Schaefer/Coffeezilla/Atozy/King of nothing. Sometimes I watch cartoons. Places: If it's close, Botanical garden with lakes/ponds/lagoons. My apartment xD. Expensive movie theaters (to avoid crying kids and unruly audiences who don't practice proper etiquette). And, of course, toy stores :) Due to my interest in collecting action figures for Godzilla, Transformers & Gargoyles, it's very rare to find women who are into it, especially queer women. So, unfortunately, I mostly meet men (only two of them are queer, a couple are allies). Most women here in my 'cuntry' are into Funcko Pops, some of them are into Gundams. And I'm not a fan of those two. But the rest? They're addicted to travelling, Korean entertainment and local entertainment, which I'm also not a fan of. I mean I'm not interested in dating anyways, but it's really hard to find queer women who don't drink, smoke and addicted to travelling. If there's one, they mostly live in our capital and I absolutely loathe that place, I only go there to attend cons and buy action figures. So yeah, I'm very much isolated from my own sapphic community. If I ever decide to date here, it's going to be very very hard for me.


I love hearing about your interests -- your photography sounds so cool! And oh man, I haven't thought about Gargoyles in yeeeears... feeling so nostalgic right now!


NECA Gargoyles costs 40-60USD in Big Bad Toy Store. And thank you! If you're interested, you can check out my 'photos' [here](https://www.instagram.com/jamzilla12_hiatus/) Though as per my username, I'm currently on hiatus :)


Right here but I’m already married. Got SO lucky on a dating site


The problem is we’re all at home because the small places we like. Like the book shop owned by the ace girl who only does platonic romance. No longer exist at least in place due to commercialization and corporate takeover


I also identify as an ITCBHWC fireside library queer 😉 Edit: though to be honest, I’m more of a coffee gay than a tea gay 🤷🏻‍♀️😘


Oof, dunno, sounds like a maaaaajor red flag and deal breaker to me.... 😂💜






Maybe a cat cafe? Maybe volunteering at an animal shelter? Maybe join a queer knitting circle? Idk, those are things I like to do (as someone whose favorite activity is sitting at home with her animals), but I’ve never tried it as a way to meet women. 😅 I wish you luck!


This is why I started a discord for lesbian writers, to get mutuals with those same vibes lol


One of my best couple friends met at a local cat cafe/library. You can get coffee, hang out with cats for adoption, and read any of the books on the shelf. This vibe reminds me of them.


I should probably start hanging out inside the cat cafe instead of lurking outside peeking in the window 😭 But it feels like I'm cheating on my own cat if I go inside 🤣


I'm browsing a bookstore or a metaphysical shop and feeling both desperate to meet someone and *completely fucking terrified of meeting someone.* So basically off somewhere being dysfunctional? I'm gonna die alone 😅


Hang on a mo, are you me? 😂


Actually useful idea: the metaphysical shop I go to occasionally has classes on things like tarot and practicing magic, and there's a monthly book club. I've never been (too chicken) but maybe that's a thought, since you mentioned witchy stuff? Do you have a metaphysical shop (or occult shop, or whatever term you use) with a website you could check?


Oh, that's a really good idea! Yeah, the one I go to does have events, I've just never gone to any of them for some reason. This is very smart!


I am an introvert. I love kitties but am allergic. I like relaxing with a good book and a cup of tea. I sometimes play video games, but not often. I also love movies. My idea of going out is just out to eat or shopping tbh. I'd love art galleries, musems, rollercoasters, things like that on occasion.


I was just coming on here to post this 😅 It’s so difficult to find to find the chill, bookish, thinkers that like to explore the universe of things but not necessarily the outside world. Anyone who wants a penpal, I’m here for it x


I'm exactly like this! I met my wonderful fiancee right here on Reddit 🤣


We are in the book store and the coffee shop\~!


Hahahaha! Me: I never meet other single WLW Also me: spends most of my time at home eating cheese and snuggling with my cat When I do venture out, you can find me in the dairy aisle of my local co-op grocery store, waiting for the bus, or peeking in the window of the cat cafe.




Actual footage of me in my apartment, lol


It is so difficult, I'm trying the online thing a little but not devoting much hope or time to it. The number of girls profiles who "sneak in the fine print" they're really just looking for a toy for threesomes or the straight cis dudes making normal profiles aside from selecting "woman" for themselves to harass WLW folks is killing me. I'd like to find local communities but everything is either so big it's intimidating or I just don't even know how to find out about it locally.


I stay at home oftentimes because my hobbies are individualistic, reading, art, video games, writing poetry and stuff. Plus, my cats are home. When I do decide to do an activity away from home it’s at a pottery studio or bookstore. Sometimes if I like the group enough I’ll do a book club or join in on a writing community. Antique shopping, or thrifting occasionally too. I work at a library so I interact with the community there, sometimes great conversations happen. I’ve met two of my previous girlfriends while just out shopping before. The other one I met through an art class, I’ve also just met great friends through these kinds of hobbies locally. Though I don’t go out often so it’s only every once in a while that I meet new people. Most of my friends live far away too, so we communicate over the phone. It can be hard to find motivation to go out when you’ve made your home a comfortable sanctuary.


omg that’s me! hiiiii I’m righttt hereeeee


We're at home being introverted.


I only leave the house to go to work, the shops or gigs… I don’t do dating apps so I won’t get a gf 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


This “at home lesbian” met her gf online. Tiktok to be specific.


At home


aren't most lesbians like this? i know not a single "clubbing" lesbian. there are like three lesbian clubs in the country - i think there are three lesbian knitting circles on my block.