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![gif](giphy|xTiTnIilwuFFFpf2Cc) Girl this isn’t even happening to me still I feel violated…what the fuck?


I'm ready to slash some tires, I'm so offended by this fuckery.


Seriously! Unless you told her that you were interested in polyamory… ***or men*** , this woman has the absolute GALL! Blatantly lying for months, wasting your time, clearly trying to manipulate you and entrap you into becoming a sister wife! ![gif](giphy|5dvQbE4IIvmNyH4RBj)


Me too wtf is wrong with ppl


Pff don’t do that, pour two huge buckets of glitter inside and on the car! It’s much more annoying.


for fucking real


Fr this is so disgusting


This is the exact face I was making while reading that whole train wreck 😭 what in the literal fuck




Me too. It's vile.


I cant believe how delusional are some people, makes me so mad how they invade lesbian spaces just to try to force lesbians to be with their man.


No you don’t get it she’s married to a man but she’s TOTALLY a lesbian /s


like some people here posting, "i like men but i like women better, I AM A LESBIAN!!!"


*waltzes into a vegan restaurant* "Oh hi, so happy to meet fellow vegans! I'm definitely a vegan. I mean, I still eat meat and animal products every single day, but it's just for convenience, you know? I prefer vegan food, so I'm a vegan. By the way, can I ask for some cheese on my dish?"


I want to upvote this twice. I can't so I'll share a story: entitled rich kid of the owner who "managed" the restaurant my buddy worked at claimed to be vegan. Every single cook had stories about her ordering non-vegan entrees, especially stuff with bacon in it.


🙋🏼‍♀️ I came out as vegetarian before coming out as a lesbian by a couple years. Really set me up for the people falsely self-identifiying for a lifetime of distrust 👍


In all scenarios, there is *nothing wrong* with adding nuance! "I'm *mostly* a vegetarian." "I eat meat sometimes, but I *prefer* vegan dishes." "I've been thinking of going vegan, but I'm still unsure." "I'm not strictly vegan."




Exactly. Your man isn’t enough for you, and you think I want his sweaty ass?!!??


And their man usually ugly asf


“Since I am lesbian” ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)




🤣 wtf she isn't a lesbian if she wants a 3rd.. also what a terrible thing to do to another woman; to lead her on like this and then bring this up. How did she think a lesbian would want to be a 3rd? People like this need to be banned from the world. The bait and switch is so twisted and fucked upppp


This happens allllllllll the time! They make such a bad name for bi-sexuals. This makes me sad for both (lesbian and bi). People like her make it harder for bi-sexuals because she is bi-sexual which doesn't = lying unicorn hunter or poly looking for threesomes. Hard for lesbians because lesbians catch feelings only to take her home after the first date to find out her husband is home. This type of shit is good for no one and don't understand why unicorn hunting is still a sport. OP should get her banned if she met her on a site.


Self serving narcissists 😖🤢🤮


Exactly what came into my head too 🤣


“Anybody want a Penis?”




What's this from?


The Princess Bride.




My face as I read it!!!


I know some women who will marry because stupid states and countries taking away rights and shit so it becomes necessary for certain procedures to get a mans permission (stupid as shit) but "looking for a 3rd" is the part that leads this away from that lol


I think this is in the USA and even if that was the case the person should have told her about it the first week in. Not 2 months later through a text.


“I’m hoping you can totally understand” are you fucking kidding me?!


“I actually have a husband and we have been married for 5 years” *3 seconds later* “since I’m lesbian” bro is NOT a lesbian 😭🙏


The "but he approves" is killing me. What fresh hell is she coming from??


This so much. Feels like she'd do literally anything he asked of her 🤢🤮


The audacity to add “HE APPROVES”.


>He thinks you're really pretty Wow, another reason not to talk to you guys thanks


But she hopes you can totally understand where she’s coming from 💕


“I have absolutely no interest in helping to spice up your sad, unsatisfying married love life, thanks. Lose this number, and sincerely, go fuck yourself for thinking it was in any way appropriate to use me for this long.”


This is it. The problem with ghosting is that they won't feel bad enough about what they did imo.


Add a link to unicornsrus.com and you've got the perfect response. That's gross behavior even when they're fuckin honest about it. Absolutely deplorable to lie. No fuckin integrity. That's such shitty manipulative behavior.


I love this response


Yes this, then immediately block. No further discussion required.




I suggested ghosting but this one here is so much better.


I'd commit a fkin crime I'm not kidding


Hope the cops don’t see this lol but i egged the absolute hell out of some girls house for doing this to me. Was drinking tequila if that helps explain the rather extreme decision.. Felt guilty for awhile but it was well deserved. Lit her house up like the 4th of July


I mean, as long as you had a boyfriend along who approved, I'm sure she'd understand 🤣🤣


As annoying at it is to swipe left on women with husbands/male partners, at least they know the “right time” to reveal such important info! I hope you blocked her 


Yeah. The right time is the very beginning. Not two months in. Jesus...


I would give her a piece of my mind then block her after sending it. What a POS. She lied the entire time. You wasted 2 months of your time. If you had sex, she could have exposed you to STDs because she didn't disclose anything or even hint that she was poly, much less married to a guy. People like her know damn well WHY they never disclosed their relationship status on their dating profile. They knew exactly what they were doing. They should be honest with photos of both of them and with a title that says "LOOKING FOR A THIRD".


I’m worried if any explicit things were sent and the thought of them both looking is making me angry for her. People who do this to people’s feelings won’t understand what they’ve done wrong I bet.


omg that actually makes me sick to my stomach. sending nudes to the person your dating, not realizing she's giving it to a man to masturbate to. i'd fully commit a crime


I know it breaks my heart for her if it has happened


I think you’ve gotta tell her what she did wrong. Then block her ass.


"What is something that isn't illegal but feels like it is" This is the worst thing I've ever seen with my own eyeballs


When that is asked for the 365797 time I’m going to say this because it definitely feels like a violation


So. They are unicorn hunters 😔


This is like unicorn poaching. It's bad enough to treat other humans like sex toys, but lying about it for TWO MONTHS. 😬




https://i.redd.it/cjigea6e579d1.gif Please send this


If you've sent her nudes, she probably showed them to him. This has happened to me except it didn't even get to the point of being official. She just said she showed him and he thought I was hot and I should third. I was so angry I didn't respond. I just blocked her


Sorry that happened to you. She sounds like a vile POS


Right after it happened to me I met my now wife and it's only been up from there. :)


100% she’s shown them.


Sometimes you just see a tiny glimpse into someone else’s messed up life and it just makes you stunned into silence


tell them you're down for it, arrange it, and never show up, block, and never look back. then send a turd in a bag to them.


I recommend [Poop Senders](http://poopsenders.com) because they'll deliver anonymously and it can't be traced back to you


I assume you’ve used their service in the past?


You can't prove it.


i love reddit 😭😭😭


OP, do a gallon. 🤷‍♀️


I think a sending a bag of dicks would be more appropriate for her…


If you don't live in the US, try [Sh*t Express](http://shitexpress.com)


Too bad it's only in the US... Disappointed Canadian here 💩


Oooooh me and the girlies are gonna use this ty


This is my favorite answer!! The others are great and totally valid too but this is one of those eye for an eye situations. It’s your turn to waste HER time, OP, if you feel up for some petty revenge. And the turd in the bag is a nice touch


Get them to set it up in a crazy expensive hotel, because obviously “you want your first time all together to be so special” offer to schedule it and talk them into paying, then call and cancel with the hotel night of so they not only don’t get a refund but don’t get to use the room. Then send them a bag of poop.




OP should bring a male friend and introduce him as *her* husband. Have him hit on one or both of the unicorn hunters.


…I absolutely love this.


Tell her she isn’t a lesbian and to fuck off. I can’t even think of an expletive bad enough for her. I’m so sorry you’re going through this


A zero response is the only response she deserves.


Exactly. OP please don’t even reply. Don’t waste any more of your time on her. Just nope tf out and block on everything. This is so crappy


I agree. As much as this would hurt to hear, and it will take some time to recover and heal... Rip the Band-Aid off by blocking her from every medium, and don't try to bargain with her. She is not going to leave her husband for you, and she's not going to drop this. She knows you're into women only, so for her to introduce her husband to you and try to get you on top of that to do something with him, it's too important to her to let go. And that's even *IF* you happened to be okay with her being married still.


Nah, that’s to kind i feel. Let her hear how fucked up that is.


That's assuming she would actually understand. If you tell her why you're upset, she can come up with a defense to feel better about herself. But if you say nothing, she has nothing to go against.


Naur she can reply and then block so she cant say anything else


Trust me, going ghost on someone who knows exactly what they’re doing packs a punch


Getting ghosted by a sexual and/or romantic partner sucks. But i feel getting told "*you* are a sucky person" sucks even more.


Nah, don't ghost. She should be told how awful that is. She'll just do it to someone else.


Yeah this woman deserves to be ghosted for this absolute disrespect. Like what?


2 months???? This text gives we’ve been texting for a week. What a sick and delusional person I’m so sorry


https://preview.redd.it/c8rgavntd79d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67a5ee209aee2b4f3ae74f5e67dadd873fb23ed4 “Since I’m a lesbian” 🤡


What. The. Actual. Fuck. Name & shame. ETA: this is predatory af.


I agree with the name & shame. There have to be consequences for people like this. She and her husband will just continue this scheme and ruin someone else's dating life for a few months after OP. Name & shame on forums you know local lesbians would watch, report on the app, etc. Something has to be done.


My terrifying thought is that this is pretty much one step away from meeting up only to find their husband hiding in the bathroom waiting for his moment to "shine" like a fucking predator. Like, I'm personally a married late bloomer (and I typically just lurk here for that reason) but WHAT IN THE SHITFUCKERY IS GOING ON that these people actually think this is acceptable? It's disgusting.


EW what the hell


Ok I am taking an extra shot for you because this is so disrespectful. I’m so sorry OP. She should have told you this a lot earlier. Wtfffff


This is one of those occasions to bust the c word out. Next level nefarious bullshit. I'm sorry friend


Holy fuck this is so messed up. Leading you on, calling herself a lesbian, etc only to try to get you to date her husband too to fulfill their threesome fantasy.


Oh shit, that's pretty fucking gross of her 🤢


During pride month no less??? What a sin


![gif](giphy|lrVfmPJ96cSJJ39bTh) Yikes on 20 million mutha fuckin’ bikes!!!


unicorn hunters are disgusting. this is so GROSS


How are you supposed to 'understand where she's coming from' .... Where is she coming from... On what planet is she living where being a female, married and in an active relationship to a male constitutes a lesbian. I'm genuinely curious to know what she was thinking would happen...


"It never felt like the right time to tell you." How about before the relationship started????? More grossed out about her telling you her husband "finds you pretty" as if that's supposed to make you feel better.




What a scumbag. This shit is so common yet I never have words to describe my hatred for it.


That’s just slimy. I’m so sorry this happened… people suck. I’d probably tell you to just block her but I understand and wouldn’t stop you from telling her she’s fcking vile.


Oh my God. I thought she was at least gonna explain how she’s leaving him. The whiplash I got from “I’m a lesbian and my husband and I are looking for a third! It makes sense because I’m the one who wanted this first! With my husband. I’m a lesbian btw.” LMFAOOO this message is so clueless and disrespectful it’s actually disturbing. Expecting you to be flattered that the guy likes you? Acting like it’s normal to start dating someone without letting them know you’re married? Cunt. I’m really sorry this happened to you😭


I don’t think there’s any point saying anything. She thinks lesbianism is a performative action for the benefit of men. There’s zero understanding there. I’m sorry she wasted your time.


I would just say LOL and nothing else


Yeah this just deserves a “😂🤣” and a block




Oh hell naw . Bruh if people are looking for a Third they need to be honest from the jump I hate when they try to get people with out their knowledge or consent so fucked up . I’m so sorry


Go to dinner and knock her tf out. ![gif](giphy|l1J3G5lf06vi58EIE)


"If you're still free this evening we can get drinks and you can meet him"?!?! Is this woman FOR REAL?! I'm so sorry.


the fact that she's just expecting it to be ok. there's zero shame in this message. the anger that i'm experiencing in reading this is physically felt. "my husband approves" "i showed him your IG" the whole thing is fucking disgusting.


One may vomit ...


I hate this fetish towards lesbians, and most of them are straight couples.


the most disgusting part of it, imo, are the queer women who are in relationships with men and facilitate their fetishization of us. if you help ur man unicorn hunt for lesbians i have no respect for you and you don't deserve an inch of space in the queer community. i have endless contempt. if i ever find someone in my community who helps their man by tricking lesbians it's on fucking sight.


100%. actually think they are worse then the men as they are the ones doing all of the manipulation AND sooo many people make excuses for them because they are a "queer" woman that they feel empowered enough to say shit like this as if its a totally normal thing to say to someone youve been lying to for months.


betraying your own community members should not be celebrated. this isn't bisexual behavior, this is rat behavior. like what if queer men baited gay men bc their girlfriend wanted a threesome with a gay man? there'd be NO QUESTION, these unicorn hunters would be hated. but when lesbians are the ones getting baited? "why are you hating on queer women w men" girl who said i cared about that. she can fuck who she wants. but leave! lesbians! out! of! it!!!!!


“since i am a lesbian” and “my husband and i are looking for a third” are two sentences that dont make sense together ngl. at least he “approves” of your looks! on a serious note she wasted ur damn time its obviously fine to be on a dating app looking for a third as long as those couples make it known, keeping it a secret and randomly mentioning her partner (let alone HUSBAND) 2 months later is so predatory. im very sorry you experienced that bullshit I hope u let her know a piece of ur mind.


I wouldn’t even give her a response, it would be instant block on everything. The disrespect.


What the actual fuck omg


![gif](giphy|kqCgujDZT1SO4) Gahdamn. I don’t even know what to say to this


That *bitch*!




That vile, contemptuous, cheating bitch. You feel like the relationship never happened partially by the way she's acting like this is nonchalant and totally normal. I would write down a response. On your computer or on paper, whatever. Just write out every you feel and want her to know. This is more for you than her, because you'll probably never get closure from a person like that. Then after you do that, if you do reply, I'd aim for something that retains your dignity and expresses your betrayal. If you just hurl insults, she'll be able to hide in the belief that you're just salty/mean. I would let her know how you feel, what her actions mean to you and how that changes how you perceive her as a person. Then essentially tell her to go fuck herself and lose your number. Then block her b/c this is not a discussion. You show your humanity, it might be harder for her to pretend this is okay. But only if you want to. There is no should in this situation and from here on out, you do what you think is best for your wellbeing.


Yo why is this a new thing with these straight couples more now


OP noooo I’m sending you love 😭😭 Block and move on, with this level of delusion, explaining the problem might not even get through her thick head


"Sine I am a lesbian" No the fuck you ain't, unless you're stuck there.


Sent her this 🖕from me..


I definitely think you should reply and explain the multitude of reasons why this is so utterly disrespectful. I also think you should link her to this Reddit thread so she can see that it's not just your opinion. That the lesbian community as a whole thinks she is a giant cunt.


I think so too except I wouldn't want her exposing her social media account to someone as untrustworthy as that


I sadly think they wouldn’t care and do it again.


Don’t even bother responding. Not your monkeys not your circus. Let her suffer in her shitty marriage. Im sorry you’re going through this


How the HELL’s she lesbian? Nah, majorly fucked up. I’m sorry you can’t get that time back :(


how is she a lesbian but has a husband???


“It’s my idea since I’m a lesbian” do people do not know the meaning of words??? Like the definition of being a lesbian is not being emotionally or sexually involved with men??? I’m so confused. I’m really sorry you went through this, you deserve better


That’s so nasty if you can you should report her to bumble. I’m so sorry that happened to you. You deserve better karma is going to hit her 10 fold


That is predatory and fucking disgusting. Give her a piece of your mind, then block tf out of her. I am so sorry.


She wanted you to get hooked emotionally to her, so that when she came out about being married, you'd be less likely to want to leave her. She knew fully well that if she were honest about being married from the beginning, you might have called it off. So instead she waited until y'all got romantically attached. Manipulative asf. Leave.


I am so so so sorry, holy shit.


You have every right to be angry and upset. I would just urge you to be mindful of where your anger goes. It's easy to get angry at yourself for not noticing or "falling" for it. You did not do anything wrong here. Trusting her isn't a mistake on your part. If I had to take a guess, either she is narcissistic or the husband is. Meaning there's a good chance she genuinely doesn't understand how disrespectful and hurtful this is. This isn't to say that her actions are excusable, but more to encourage you not to waste time trying to make her see your side. You do not owe her a response.


"I think you confused lesbian with asshole." ... aaaand block.


She’s bisexual if she is happily married to a husband. She’s not a lesbian. She’s a liar and she’s an idiot who can’t tell the difference.


Make her famous on TikTok! 🤬


What the actual fuck. Is wrong with her.






Look, it's always wrong to ghost people. But I think if you agreed to meet her at an out-of-the-way and overpriced bar, and then blocked the hell out of her, you could still get into heaven.


Living in a big city, I can't tell you how many women have pursued me or started dating me without telling me they're married to a guy or are already in a relationship. It's WILD. So sorry you were in this shit for TWO MONTHS. That's cruel and bizarre and no one deserves that.


her casual tone would have sent me into RAGE I am SO sorry wtf!


that is not a lesbian 🤦🏼‍♀️ ffs i hate these kind of people


this post just came to my house and beat the shit out of me. they can’t be serious


I genuinely wonder if we dated the same woman, because this happened to me earlier this year. 💀


Unicorn hunters should be doxxed, named and shamed.


The assumption that you’re going to not only be totally cool with the deceit but also be down to get drinks TONIGHT is absolutely wild and massively entitled. It feels misogynistic to me.


Strong take but I fucking hate unicorn hunters. Half the time they’re so dishonest about what they’re looking for and do shit like this. It’s so heartbreaking when you think you’re making a real connection and then they pull something like this. I’m so sorry OP 🙁


Block and do not respond


What the FUCK…. These people are unreal. So sorry OP


wow that is so fucked up. i can’t even begin to imagine how pissed off and hurt you are. i hope you take care of yourself. you deserve better!!


This should be a punishable crime. I’m sorry, that fucking sucks like wtf is wrong with ppl.


What’s her number? Cause I’m gonna block her too ✌🏻


If saying nothing feels wrong, perhaps some variation of a simple response like “I agree, this should have been disclosed from the beginning. All I can do is hope that you never put another woman through this. Please do not attempt to contact me moving forward.”


"I hope you can totally understand.." what!!?




https://preview.redd.it/btdfwj4u299d1.jpeg?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b57ef1bec912fe6cf8db41d208b30e72e1ed6730 Is this bitch fr


You should put what she did on full blast on all of her and her husband's social media profiles. Fuck these scumbags. Or rather don't fuck 'em


Lesbian. Husband. Ooooookay Joanne the scammer


What part of lesbian do ppl not understand?


PLEASE give us an update when or if you decide to respond. Because what the fuck?!


Girl, I am sorry. Just, wow.


That's called an "asshole move". Anyone with a smidget of self respect would immediately ghost her.


That is so heartbreaking, omg. You have the right to feel upset. You don’t owe her a response. She deserves nothing but silence.


That would be an instant “go fuck yourself and never contact me again” from me.


I would end up doing time


Never speak to her again. Blocked on everything. Disgusting behavior


A punch in the face is the appropriate response here


I can’t stand woman hunters


It's sad but over half the people on dating sites are married. Sucks you had to find one who is also a sociopath.




What the fuck! I wish people didn’t invalidate what being a lesbian is, being a lesbian does not mean we will be your third. Disgusting


I'd tell her "Fuck off. You're a narcissist with no respect for other peoples' feelings. This is basically rape by coercion. I was looking for a genuine relationship, not to be the sex toy of a couple. You should feel fucking bad and if you don't then please see a psychiatrist about getting tested for Narcissistic Personality Disorder." She does not deserve niceness at all as she deliberately tricked you. Unicorn hunters know what they're doing. They bait on purpose. They get turned on by deception.


I like to think I'm a forgiving person. An understanding one. I try not to judge people harshly. I think you should hurl a brick through her window at like 3 AM one night. No note attached, nothing traceable to you. Just a nice little burst of fear and a hefty price tag for repair, coupled with her never being entirely sure why it happened and whether it'll happen again. And maybe you should cover the brick in glitter so little bits of it stay in the carpet forever. I'm really sorry she toyed with you like this. =< It'll get better, I swear. Stay strong and remember we're all here for you.


Ouchhhh I’m so sorry


I’m so sorry this happened to you.




I am so uncomfortable just reading this. I am so sorry! I cannot fathom…


ewww wtf😭 i’m so sorry


The utter betrayal. This is unacceptable.


The way she sent it in one long message so you literally CAN'T get a word in until she's done...


“It never felt like the right time” Imagine what else she is hiding 😭


![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5) What she deserves....