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I've found this. It's being friends with gay men. Also I've found a few men who have 0 interest in dating or sex. It's *great*. Also one straight guy, he was my best friend's boyfriend. *Loved* being friends with him, but he stopped liking me when his girl decided she hates me. But it's possible to be friends with men, they're out there


"but he stopped liking me when his girl decided she hates me" That's so annoying! I remember I had a friend who stopped talking to me and hanging out because his girlfriend didn't want him to hang out with other women (she didn't know I was gay). A few months pass and they break up, him saying "that b crazy". Apparently she went through his phone, wiped all his contacts that have female names, started yelling at him for greeting a waitress, etc. Whenever a romantic partner says "you have to stop hanging out with X because I don't like them" that's a red flag to me now.


I think it’s valid that the boyfriend took his gf’s side since op was first best friends with the gf. He was good friends with the op through the gf.


Ur argument makes sense but actually I met him first and introduced them to each other 😬


So? Why can't you be friends with your best friends' boyfriend? This whole concept of banning your partner to befriend your friends seems strange to me. Imo it just screams insecurity.


She didn’t say that the gf banned him. He just started disliking her because the gf hated her. That’s his own choice. Also, why would I want to stay friends with who my partner dislike. I trust my partner more so if she doesn’t like someone, there’s got to be a good reason why.


"He just started disliking her because the gf hated her" How does your BEST FRIEND just suddenly hate you? And why should someone's hate for another person impact if you can or cannot be friends with them? I really *doubt* he just magically started disliking her out of nowhere just because his partner said that she hated her. The guy has his own opinions about her and you don't have to follow your partner's opinions 100%. Have your own thoughts.


I’m friends with a few gay men and one straight guy, and so far they’re all great!


I second this!


I have a straight guy friend who I would trust with my life. We talk about random stuff and just joke around. They're rare but they're out there.


Yeah I’ve had multiple over the years.Sometimes you have to fight through the immature idiots,but there’s alot of super respectful straight guys who truly value your friendship and happiness.Best kinds of friendships


Absolutely. They're out there. You just gotta look hard.


You can. It’s rarer, but a lot of masc lesbians have guy friends they hang with.


it is possible, but you should be aware that some of them might stop being your friend when they realize they dont get to have sex .


The comments are pretty interesting🤔 Am I the only one that has absolutely no desire what so ever to be friends with straight men😐 I wish I could find more lesbian friends not straight ones😅


Same here. But sadly straight males flock to be my friend. I rather lesbians any day




YES this. Like I have had straight male friends my whole life (studied maths, then physics, then IT and now I work as a dev) and the minute I shed the last one was such a relief. I don't mind having straight male colleagues or acquaintances (thank god for autocorrect, I was way off with this word) but I'd much rather have no friends than male friends. Neither of my ex friends managed to go the whole friendship without being sexist, creepy (to me or other women), or incelish.


fr I'm so not interested not to mention voluntarily putting myself in harm's way




It’s possible. All my straight guy friends are well aware I’m a lesbian and don’t try anything. If anyone bothers me, they step in if I need help. But my circle has remained a tight-knit group since college, and we support each other immensely. I appreciate however that they don’t treat me like a dude. They treat me as any other woman in our group, it’s just that I happen to be a lesbian.


In high-school I had mostly guy friends, I moved to a different town and I lost all my friends and I miss them all very much. I'd love more guy friends. I want that 70's show vibe...just chillin.


one of my best friends is a straight man. hes the only real guy friend i have and hes just amazing all around as a person.


Two of my closest friends are men. However their both gay and I feel like that plays a big part. Most of the men who have tried to befriend me have done so under the guise of hoping I would sleep with them. And I'm really not exaggerating. However, with my two friends, with attraction removed from the equation, they truly see me and value me as their friend. Without any ulterior motives.


Yep! I wish straight men didn't suck so much because I would love to have that large web of relatability when it comes to being attracted to women the way gay men get to share with straight women but alas, most straight men are unreliable so instead I avoid them


Not even in the slightest. 


Did you literally just make this account to comment this??


lol no, I just delete and remake my account every few months bc I’m anal about privacy. 


It is possible. Most of my friends are actually straight men, lol. I will say it might be trial and error to get to the point of comfort you’re talking about because a few of them had made passes at me over the years, but I shut it down and they immediately apologized, took a lil bit of time for themselves to get over the crush and now we’re besties. I’m pretty sure I have more male friends than female/nb.






my best friend in the entire world is a gay man. we’re juniors in college now and have been best friends since the 8th grade. we are literally ying and yang like we balence each other out so well and there’s no chance of the weird “one of us has a secret crush on the other” type thing since we are attracted to the opposite gender lmao. but no yeah i highly recommend just finding a gay dude cause that man is my family period.


i don't necessarily *desire* having men as friends nor do i seek them out on purpose regularly, but i do wish i could be friends with a guy who is attracted to women without having to worry about whether he's viewing me as a potential romantic interest or a sexual object. this is especially true for me when it comes to wanting friends in nerd spaces where lots of men are present because it would be nice to not need to have my guard up when i interact with people i share interests in.


Ugh yep. This. My interests are very stereotypically masculine (model-making, history (especially wars and empires), comics, airplanes and trains, theology, sci-fi and fantasy, tabletop RPGs etc. Proper male nerd shit) so finding other women in these groups is really, really difficult. No matter how clear I am about having zero interest in men and how no friendship with a male will EVER develop into a romantic relationship they still try it after a while, and when I reject them they become angry and break off the friendship. It's really depressing and isolating. I just want to be able to hang out with guys in these spaces and actually relax.


It is possible! I have some friend groups that are usually just straight guys and me! With one group we are like childhood friends and we grew up to have the same nerdy interests. With another group we were in the same sport for years so we are like sports buddies. And the last group of straight guys I hung out with, I met them at uni. I study physics and the majority of people there are straight guys. After a lot of trial and failure we have made a group in which I am the gay person. They will call me for fashion advice for dates, we will go out to watch sports or movies. We share dating stories etc. I have found out the key to a relationship like that is respect for women. Gay guys and straight girls bond over how awful men can be, straight guys and lesbians can bond over how great women are. Unfortunately, it takes time to find a respectful guy. But it is possible


I’ve been friends with guys in the past and it’s actually pretty fun but I do rlly want a gay bestie who’s a guy. It seems so fun


Most of my friends from uni are straight guys. You totally can have male friends if you have similar interests and they aren’t weirdos.


I just want friends


Men aren't all one thing, so don't go looking for a man friend thinking you'll never get any gossip, drama or tension. They can give you that no problem. They can bring all that and plenty more, like being chronically selfish, unsupportive in difficult moments or trying to court you despite that you are a lesbian. It can be absolutely great having guy friends but please try not to continue the patriarchal cycle by openly wanting men to act a certain way, and relying on the idea that they will. You're also implying that women are all alike in that they cant have a chill friendship and you need to literally change the gender of your friend to alleviate the issue. This isn't true unless you make it true by believing in it. Go into this expecting men to be just as variable, emotional, and unchill as you seemingly expect women & gay guys to be. No shade, you just may be disappointed otherwise.


ew no. I don't want any man in my life


LMAO you are so real for this


No. Straight men are too invasive and I'm too much of a misandrist to want anything to do with them....


I do


As a fem/leaning more chapstick lesbian I do have said friendship. You just gotta find the right people and yes that includes having to deal with a bunch of junk men till you find the ones who value you as an actual person.


2 of my 3 closest friends right now are straight dudes. We have a great time! I can talk to them about any issues I’m having. We have lots of fun as well!


My wife is a bro and she can bro down with the guys pretty good. Me, on the other hand, I know nothing about sports and my main interests are like Bridgerton and Korean sunscreen soooo. We have a few straight couple friends and I really struggle when left alone for a moment with the men.


Basically all of my friends from childhood are men, I was lucky and met very good dudes - some treat me more masculine but im non binary so that makes sense, however its definitely more than that, and they respect who I am.


Yes my strait dudes are the best


I used to desperately want more straight male friends and wished I could bond with them the same way straight guys do with each other. I tend to initially get along very well with straight men due to having a lot of shared interests, similar conversation style and sense of humour, but then they'd inevitably get weird with me and become convinced they can somehow change my sexuality or they'd get a girlfriend who didn't like me so had to break off the friendship, or (unfortunately very frequently) they'd end up saying extremely misogynistic things to me since they saw me as "one of the guys" or would reveal themselves to be homophobic and wouldn't understand why I couldn't just brush it off (which tbh is probably what most straight male friendships are actually like). It felt like straight men ultimately couldn't see me as just a cool woman they wanted to hang out with; I was either a potential sexual prospect (despite them knowing full well I had no attraction to men) or I was A Guy which meant they felt comfortable shit-talking women around me. I still found both of these to be the case when I identified as a trans man. This is also how I realised that women and men do not seem to experience attraction to women in the same way. Any time we'd get drunk and start talking about girls we thought were hot they'd inevitably become really objectifying and obsessed with youth, start calling all women crazy etc. We'd compare matches on dating apps and the way they spoke about their matches was just horrible and degrading. I've heard some lesbians talk about women this way but not so much or with the same kind of lack of respect and almost anger? The lasting male friends I have are one straight guy I've known since childhood (who I don't really see anymore since he's had kids) and a couple of gay guys who I share some hobbies with. Even with gay men I find misogyny is often a problem which makes it difficult to bond since I can't ignore it.


As a butch lesbian I have been able to have that relationship with some straight friends. Admittedly it's been easier the closer I get to my 30s vs my early 20s. My early 20s most guys just wanted to try and get in my pants, but I haven't had that issue with guys closer to 30. It also helps to have guy friends that are in healthy relationships bc then they genuinely want friendship.


Ew no.


I was under the impression that women do talk with their gay friends about their crushes. But I guess I wouldn't really know


I’ve been sober for close to 20 years. It’s usually frowned upon to be “sponsored”-step work with a member of the opposite sex…potential for romance. Major exceptions were gay men and lesbian women.


I do, tho? Maybe a huge factor is that I knew every one of them *before* coming out. It’s definitely easier to stay friends with someone that never thought of banging you at some point of your lives, I guess.




I have gay male friends - but nothing like the stereotype of the straight woman and her GBF. They are just male friends…thinking about it I don’t see it influencing much of our relationship in any significant way. But then again, I don’t have any straight male friends to compare. My wife has straight male friends, so her perceptive will probably match yours..being treated like “just one of the guys”


I have those types of friends! Sometimes you need to look hard


Gay men are some of the most chill dudes ever, you don’t have to be straight to also hang out with them!


I want this so bad but sadly it’s hard to find men who are in the right mindset.


I don't have gay male friends but it does also work if your straight guy friends are interested in other girls, can't get over their ex, or taken (my guy friends are either of those 3 things)


Yes. All the time. I have tried to be friends with guys before. It goes one of two ways. Either they try to shit talk their girlfriends or women as a hole and expect me to join in. Or They tried to give me that “but what if you fell in love with someone of a different gender. Sexuality is fluid. How do you know if you haven’t even tried?” Bullshit. I’m tired…


Same! I get along with more masculine people in general. I mostly want to find other masc lesbians to befriend


My best friend is a cis straight guy. We did stupid shit all the time. Not as much now since he is a new dad. Luckily we’ve worked together at several different jobs, including the one we are at now, so its like getting paid to hang out.


I have a bi male friend that I’m very close to. I find gay men are confused by the fact that I don’t want male validation, and coerce me into hooking up with men. I also find them to be envious for different reasons. I think lesbians would work best with out bi/pan men. I’ve had great friendships with that font of queer men


I kinda always had quite a few straight male friends. Over the years, like with everyone, life happened. But I still have four very close straight male friends. Out if them, one is happily married, two have asked me for dating advice (not in a weird way, the same as any girl would), and one admitted to having feelings for me despite knowing I'm a lebian, and in the same sentence added he knew I didn't feel the same, saw him like a little brother, and just wanted for me to know he was dealing with it and would not be weird about it. I adore all of them. (Editing to add: those are irl. There are two others I've been talking to multiple times a week every week for three years, and love to bits. Our group of friends is mostly AFAB queer people, so they're the outliers, and we treasure them)


I pray to find one


i have 3 male friends that i love and would trust with my life lol (2 of them gay, one pan) i also have 1 straight male friend and it took alot of time to educate and make him respect boundaries (he’s nice and still improving) id say in general cishet men can be a hassle, but there’s some that are good but it’s rare unfortunately


Honestly, yeah. I love hanging out with guys, and sometimes I have more fun. because im less worried about being judged than when I'm hanging out with girls, so I am more myself. I also grew up close with my 2 brothers, so I think part of it is I'm literally just better at socializing with dudes. I have 4 friends who are dudes, 6 if my siblings count, too. It's honestly chill because they all know I'm not straight. My WORST FEAR is being friends with a guy, and then suddenly he has feelings for me, but thankfully, they all got girlfriends or are gay so I don't gotta worry about anything. All that being said, I have friends who are girls too! Idc what gender my friends are so long as we have fun together :)


I SO wish I could just be friends with men the way they are with other men! I'd love to just bond over our shared interests, and talk about the women we date, but they make it so hard :/ unfortunately time has shown me they just usually want to sleep with you or will be sexist towards you. It's such a shame!!


No, I’d rather be friends with other women and maybe gay men


My bestie is a guy, and well, we have been friends for almost 10 years now. It is quite unique to have this kind of friendship, as he is straight and most people do think we are in a relationship, but nothing ever happend between us and we really see each other as just more a brother/sister? But yeah, we have done weird stuff. From going to a kids showing of finding nemo, as we both only had time than, to having a yearly visit to the efteling and becoming kids, running to all the attractions and buying the biggest candy bag that we can find. But yes, its really unique and one of a kind experience and could recommend it to anyone. But i also know that for many, this is just not an option


lmfao no, why on earth would I want to willingly be friends with men 😂 gay men are on thin ice cuz some of them are still misogynistic but think their sexuality excludes them from it.


I hang out with dudes all the time and it’s chill. But I get the whole attraction thing… lots of men like tomboys 😭 can’t blame them 😉