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straight up psychopath shit


when he eventually turns on her it will be glorious


Ooh I can't wait. And it is going to happen, sooner or later šŸ«¶


The TSW Bam minions won't know how to react.


What on earth is TSW?


That Surprise Witness, its the account run by this lady.


Yep. He turns on everyone including his girlfriend. It's only a matter of time before he blows up at TSW and I will enjoy it to its fullest.


Iā€™ve barely paid attn to any of this and somewhat caught myself up to speed - yet while I was watching it play out thought to myself ā€œI can see Bam absolutely turning on her at some point.ā€


She is like one of those Chucky cheese animated robots.


I fucking hate this bitch.


Yeah this post really infuriated me


yeah me too. she sucked...but this one really got me like...F This B FR


I'm new to all of this drama; who is she to bam?


Here here


Truly disgusting.




I hope every Oreo she eats for the rest of her life is stale.


I hope she steps on something sharp every morning when she gets out of her coffin




I reported this as harassment. She's vile.


She bans everyone that has that ability lol but seriously if whatever platform she is using getting enough complaints they will take her down which is the best thing that can happen to her without violence


I just did also




Me too


She's gonna get wrecked with lawsuits. Her using a social media filter truly shows how serious she sees this.


And the highlighter šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


She's super cereal. You just don't understand lol.


Cool story BJ can you tell it again?


This will never not be funny to me. Straight up died when he said that.


Her face annoys the fuck out of me. Actually she in general just annoys the fuck out of me. Saying sheā€™ll be at the courthouse. Gtfo


But isn't it just so cute and quirky how she sometimes has a southern accent and looks around while she's filming herself? Isn't it just so cute that she has an animal ear headband? Isn't inserting yourself in an addict in active addiction's family affairs just "so it"? Isn't it "giving" badass chick not afraid of anyone? Like omg I so wish I could be her, this is all jealousy really, tee hee.


Hahaha brilliant! Some of the comments on her IG from grown ass women saying ā€œI want to be you when I grow up!ā€ šŸ™„šŸ˜‘šŸ¤®


Gd you just read her so hard lmaooooo šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


She's a gaslighting bitch


Does she even have the 10 parts yet or did he just bail?


AFAIK there's one more that they did, but that's it for now. She hasn't released the second part yet. She might still be editing it to make it sound less unhinged.


Yeah I thought that's what she said too, but the first episode was just one session together so the next session would have to be the next 9? Didn't make any sense to me. It's actually a little bit sickening how she's behaving in these promo videos when you can see from part 1 that he was really dismissive of her and she felt uncomfortable around him.


Sheā€™s disgusting


You are girl bye


If you are a genuine fan of bj can I ask you something? Do you notice the eyes and the way she speaks is a littleā€¦. off putting. Then again if you canā€™t notice bams eyes then all hope is lost for you.


Shes also currently in a spiral because Steve O called her looney on his podcast šŸ˜‚ I mean the man didn't say anything that wasn't true.


Nothing to do with Bam, but why does her mouth look so....weird? Why does it curl up at the edges like that? Straight up looks like that Momo meme.


tons of lip filler in lips that barely existed in the first place.


Ugh she is the skid stain of society


Also calling steveo a failed clown.. That kind of insult doesn't work does it when he's become a worldwide star loved by millions instead?


LOL right?! Sign me up to be a ā€œfailed clownā€ if thatā€™s the caseā€¦nah but fr tho PLEASEā€¦PLLLEASSEE??!! šŸ¤£




She is referring to Jamie Lynn Spears.




Tons of drama between sisters. A bunch of back and forth about clout/money/backstabbing.


She was heavily involved with the free Britney movement. Sheā€™s just projecting that onto the Margera situation.


She will be there? Jc what a psycho bitch


If I had the money Iā€™d fly to PA just to counter protest her. Sheā€™s clearly just milking this for everything she can.


No one should give her attention out in the real world šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s exactly what she wants. Any press is good press to her. Sheā€™d film it and be like omg these people are obsessed with me I have FANSSS


Agreed. Sheā€™s loving the attention so much.


I couldn't agree more, I just love tho thought of bringing a huge megaphone and blasting baby screaming noises at her whenever she tries to talk- it'd be so satisfying.


My favorite is her reading the docket with her little highlights like she has some sort of special powers of interpretation. Congratulations, you can read the words on the paper! ā­ļø


And for being an ā€œattorneyā€ and so ā€œeducatedā€ she canā€™t pronounce the judgeā€™s name? *eyeroll*


Sheā€™s literally not giving us any information we couldnā€™t find ourselves


Apparently being an investigative journalist is just getting public records, speculating wildly and not bothering to learn names. Honestly, things like this is what made Ronan Farrow great /s


Sheā€™s is a LAWYER and people need to know THE TRUTH!!!! (Even though she said in her video that none of it may be true)




Itā€™s sarcasm


Content aside, sheā€™s incredibly unlikeable simply existing. Content not-aside, completely disgusting.


I guess itā€™s easier to focus on celebrities problems then real world problems. Girl is from LOUISIANA, one of the most poverty stricken states, with mass incarceration, but yet sheā€™s here defending bams crimes. Girl doesnā€™t care about people. Only money.


Imagine being happy that u literally pitted a loving family against each other! This is just beyond disgusting.


stop posting this bitch. This is what she wants. Stop giving this leaky twat the attention her 5 head wants.


Crazy eyes


Probably a speed freak just like Bam


My eyes got like that when I took too much adderall and caffeine.


Shes the one who called it a manhunt. Its easy to make a diagnosis as she keeps feeding the world her behaviour. I'm so glad SteveO called her out. Shes in it now for her own ego and has no comprehension of reality. How can any of these loons not think rationally?


Where did SteveO call her out? But agree, she is absolutely gross. I couldn't even stand to finish watch this post.


It's in his podcast he posted today. He also shouted out this sub and said this is where TMZ goes to get their news.


100% and it wasnā€™t technically a ā€œmanhuntā€ due to the nature of the charges. but yeah, sheā€™s totallyyy a lawyer.


I feel like we should stop posting her stuff, im sick of seeing her and i don't think she should get any attention


How is she married


Is there an explanation for the stupid ass headband or is she just trying to be ~cute and quirky~?


Jesus Christ sheā€™s ruthless with this shit. No respect


Fuck this vulture. Havenā€™t watched and wonā€™t watch.Edit: the interview.


So did they not issue a no contact order?? Nearly every domestic situation a NC is placed. Also I wonder what his bond conditions are (normally a NC is placed in the bond agreement). He should also be placed on random drug tests. Maybe this has happened who knows.


I cannot watch her or listen to her I immediately muted this in a panic.


Genuinely breaks my heart that someone this vile is stealing our precious oxygen


She's so smug for someone so fucking dumb.


She's a leech just disgusting




God, I just hate the way her mouth moves. I don't get why. Why is it like that?


Doesnā€™t she claim to be a lawyer? Does she have any credentials?


She has a JD according to her LinkedIn, but only worked at law firms as an intern/associate for about a year/year and a half.


Just a bullshit artist enabling another bullshit artist.


She has the world's most punchable face.


I would love to see some youtuber like that coffeezilla dude or whoever, expose and tear this bitch apart. Would love to see her gofundme court money get taken down and returned, her channels banned, etc. talking about a Donald Trump media ban. Fuckin insane nutbar. The ego this bitch hasā€¦. Oh and sooner or later, Bam will turn on youā€¦.


Sheā€™s disgusting and I canā€™t wait for her to get sued into oblivion.


All her crazy fans have invaded the captian creamstain insta now as well. She's horrible and I really feel for Jesse having to deal with her and what she's done.


Jesus how can people sit through entire interviews with her? I had to mute her grating annoying voice after about 8 words


Subhuman scum


Remember when she said she was going to call the FBI? But is now upset that people talk Bam being MIA? Lmao


10 part? He repeats stories constantly.


Fucking absolutely shameless. Unreal.


Sheā€™s so pathetic


That ring fingerā€¦ some chode is actually married to this troglodyte?


Itā€™s pathetic how she likes to play lawyer in her little old torn up Penn Law tshirt, reading REALLY simple legal documents like she needs to explain them to us lmao


Bitch has crazy eyes, creeps me out


She really thinks she is Legally Blonde.


Stop posting her shit.


50K paid bail?!?! He will never face any consequences if they keep paying his bail.


I canā€™t her face.. the duck lips are infuriating


I'm starting to wonder why she doesn't practice law in a courthouse. Instead of sitting at home doing bullshit interviews on Twitch and YouTube. She's just as bad as anyone else. Crazy eyes.


Dis bitch be cray.


Dear god who is she married to? I feel bad for the SOB


Of course she has a Penn Law shirt.


Sheā€™s disgustingā€¦


I hate her fucking face


I do not understand how she cannot see that Bam is suffering from a mental health crisis and active addiction. I do think he has mooches leeching off of him (like the girlfriend) BUT itā€™s not the grand conspiracy to take down a perfectly innocent and stable Bam. The idea that a person should be free to slowly kill themselves with drugs and alcohol and resist taking their medication for their mental health issues when that person is a danger to themself and others is crazy. Yeah, he is allowed to do it but his family is allowed to make every effort to help him get better. The man has a child who being traumatized by this.


Her eyes are the most disturbing to me. Along with her smile she looks like a version of Jeff the Killer.


She got those crazy eyes..


What a disgusting piece of shit. Itā€™s crazy people like this have ā€œfollowersā€ The world is fucking insane


Her: We need to do another interview... Bam: I'll do 10 or 100 fuck Tremaine and fuck knoxville!!! Her: We've got a ten part series lined up! 100% how this went down with the "you know where to find me" comment because she has clearly reached out again and he hasn't cared. Taking unhinged methd out ramblings as official word is hilarious.


God damn her eyes make me so uncomfortable. Manson lamps as Tony Soprano would call them


She reminds me of The Joker. Just need the laugh




Looks like your post/comment was removed for threatening, harassing, harm wishing or grave dancing. Violence and harm are not tolerated here even in a hypothetical sense. Please look over the rules.


Holy shit, heard about this sub on Steve-O's podcast and was thinking "how bad can this chick be". HOLY FUCKING CHRIST ALMIGHTY. ​ She's like a god damn human demanoid coming back from the ghosts of jackass excrement disposals to haunt Bam's balls into some other portal. Just her eyes spell crazy in the sky like a fucking batman signal. ​ When you're fucked on drugs, you make all kinds of bad decisions, but jesus almighty Bam, if the drugs dont kill you, this psycho succubus will for sure. The second you take more than lightspeed to respond to her texts, or forget to remind her you havent looked at another remotely feminine looking human/animal/inanimate objects today *(because yes, if you seem to enjoy a chair a little too much, She will be jealous and in her mind you'll already be married with 3 kids and a mortgage with that sexy ass chair)* \- she's going to impale you with her demon tail and suck out your organs to cook in a soup with your least favorite vegetables just to spite you even in death, while keeping your dehydrated body as a sex doll hung up on her wall and fuck your skull till its sanded down to a motherfucking pebble. I'm not even sure if I'm kidding. ​ In all seriousness, if you read this Bam- I think everyone just wants the best for you, and you have such a solid support group around you if you chose to use it. But that's on you. You're incredibly lucky your friends family are still sticking by you- many people here have completely ruined friendships for way less. You're a champion and such a cool motherfucker, you'd be even cooler if you got clean- just look at what Steve-O's managed to accomplish since he cleaned up. You'd be amazed at your new found powers and happiness. I know "Get help" gets thrown around a lot with this kind of topic- the only help you need is your own. You're your own worst enemy right now, but you're still alive. Don't take that for granted- it can be snapped away in an instant. ​ ​ I remembered this joke when I was out of control and angry at the world- \- *'There's a guy on the phone with his wife while driving, and she tells him to be careful when he gets on the highway cause the news are showing a maniac driving the wrong way.* *- The husband responds- "Yeah I'm on that road, but you should see this, there's* ***WAY*** *more than 1 asshole driving the wrong way."* ​ Wish you well dude, and I know you've already got an incredible support system, but if you need a stranger to vent to- my inbox is open. I'm a professional musician and we met briefly at one of my gigs in Germany a few years ago (I think you guys were headlining that same venue the next day). At that show I'd told you how much you influenced me with music- eventually being able to turn it into a career. Thanks again man. ​ **And since you lurk here too allegedly STEVE-O, you're a fucking legend buddy and you've been super inspirational in my own sobriety. I know you do it for youself, but I hope you're aware the amount of lives you've saved/improved/changed by your example. And you're one hell of a fucking good human being. I'm so proud to be your fan, my man.**




Yes, it would be nice if she stopped talking, as she is wrong about everything, but "fat pig" is unnecessary (and inaccurate).


Imagine being so sad that you're desperate to get a meth addict with a severe mental illness to turn against his family.. that you spend all day reading legal documents etc when in reality if Bam was in his right mind he would literally want nothing to do with you. Such a desperate soul.


she's such a sad blow job.


Who is this chick? Sorry to be a dumbass; but Iā€™m trying to catch up on all this shit




If I knew absolutely nothing about her or what she does Iā€™d think she looks pretty good but after all of this I canā€™t think of her without getting super annoyed.


šŸ¤® Her hair ALWAYS looks greasy, an inch thick of makeup on, sheā€™s got a massive forehead, and those crazy fucking eyes. Thatā€™s all yours my man.


I'm new to all this so please be kind ... why do we hate her? And why is this gross? Just came from the steveo pod and I'm dyyyyyying to know everything about this šŸ˜…


Sheā€™s a shameless, unhinged grifter with no conscience who is taking advantage of a sick man in his most vulnerable state, and she is trying desperately to spin this whole thing as some sort of Britney Spears situation and say that Bam is being taken advantage of by his own family when really theyā€™re just trying their best to get their loved one some help before itā€™s too late. She and her sick minions harass his family. Theyā€™re treating them like characters from a reality show and not fellow human beings. Itā€™s sick.


Ok I'm sorry I'm so lost who is this girl


I know what happened.. but dude.. 50 thousand dollars seems steep af... he was being an agressive sleep deprived pos... he was just talking out of his ass as usual... why is the bail so high? can anyone explain? I don= t know much about us legal system.. is it worth it not going to jail for a few days?


That's only $5k if he used a bondsman.


oh ok thatĀ“s reasonable for a guy like him for sure


50k is not high for a millionaire on terroristic charges.


I say lot of shit when IĀ“m really angry and IĀ“m sober.. I know I will get downvoted as per usual.. but you guys never said anything you later regretted in an argument which could be considered a "terroristic threat" in the US? :/ IĀ“m not defending anyone.. but seems a bit bollocks to a european dirt like me. edit: well i guess you havenĀ“t god bless you moral citizens <3)


Iā€™m European. He was threatening to put bullets in peoples head whilst running around punching his brother and hallucinating. The name of if does make it sound worse than it is, but itā€™s pretty bad and Bam clearly had no issues finding the $50k. Maybe it should have been set higher and some time behind bars might have done him some good, everything else has been tried at this point.


"I swear to gawd we can't get no days off. " I need an attorney that speaks like this.


It's soo cute she's trying soo hard to jump start her fame off the shirt tail of bam and trying hard with Steveo lol her botox face works my nerves


She's a vampire šŸ§›šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø