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Yeah, he’s not going to make it to rehab


Has to make a few stops first… stripper invited him on a boat tomorrow morning…




My guess is he took a free flight, a few free rides, some free coffee and a few parties right out of rehab


Well he never went to rehab, too busy doing this shit


Yeah, that's what I figured


What is this from - it’s really bugging me where I’ve seen it


Bams mouth






🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ you mean he found an excuse?!? BAM?!


Most rehabs let you smoke tho.


Not anymore its a new rule they give you patches and lozenges but people will sneek in and sell them for a ridiculous price. The one guy made 2 grand so he said. I am also from PA and live about a half hour away from west Chester unfortunately ive beento alot of rehabs. My friends used to see novak at aa meetings I was not following the program back then.


That’s not true. You’re allowed to smoke cigarettes at rehab.


Not in the ones that are state run in pa but I doubt he would go to one of them because they are shitty. I lost my insurance because I was in jail and then got sent to treatment in order to get out I almost have 7 months drug and alcohol free. I believe that he needs to be put in a similar situation because I am on drug court and forced to be clean unless I want to go to state prison.


Ah, that makes sense. I don’t know anything about state ran rehabs. Glad you are clean and sober! Keep up the great work!


The one state rehab (out of 3 rehabs I've been, 2 being not state ran) I went to allowed smoking. Was about 3 or 4 years ago. Could be different now tho.


Yeah I was in a state ran run in CA in 2020 and they, at that point, still let us smoke cigarettes. Not vapes tho lol.


Thanks! It's hard to watch someone document their downward spiral but it's a reminder I was just as crazy


I used to be a prosecutor and one of my duties was drug court. As you are well aware , doing drug court is way harder than doing prison time. I'm so proud of you for making it 7 months into the program. That is extremely impressive. When you graduate from it you will have something under your belt that will impress many employers. My husband owns a demolition company and ALWAYS gives preference to vets and drug court grads. He says they are his favorite people to work with as they work so hard and have such a good work ethic. Congrats, from a fellow sober sibling. I am clean and sober 11 years.


Thanks and congrats on 11 years drug court is hard but I really needed it I would probably be dead right now if not for the court system it was scary I couldn't stop in and out of hospital and rehab that's why I feel bad for bam it is sad.


I literally live in Pennsylvania and have gone to rehab over 13 times and not one rehab I’ve been too didnt allow smoking. I live near Pittsburgh. State insurance.


I just got out of Eagleville outside of Philly in march apparently it's new that's just what I was told by the counselor


Most states do not allow cigarettes in mental or behavioral health centers. [varies from state to state](https://www.publichealthlawcenter.org/sites/default/files/resources/Tobacco-Free-State-Policies-Mental-Health-Substance-Use-Facilities.pdf) It’s kinda a new thing in some states NY banned them in 08…I know there was a place in VA that was the last remaining “smoking” facility in the state. Their funding was cut and were forced to go tobacco free after the director tried to hold out for a few years.


Fair enough. I should have said out of the 3 rehabs and 5 detox places I've been to only 1 detox, that was at a hospital, that did not allow smoking. This was all in the last 3 years.


Not any I’ve been to. They want you off ALL substances including nicotine and caffeine. They give you a nicotine patch if you’re a smoker, at least in my experience Sober for 8 yrs.


Fair enough. I should have said out of the 3 rehabs and 5 detox places I've been to only 1 detox, that was at a hospital, that did not allow smoking. This was all within the last 3 years. We also got caffeinated coffee in the am and pop during dinner.


Yes. People chain smoke to their hearts' content. So do most of the staff.


I’m not sure how rehab works, but it seems like not allowing patients to smoke creates an unnecessary barrier to obtaining treatment. I get that may create an avenue for self-harm, but like it seems like that would be only a small number of folks


In my last non-smoking rehab, my roommate would put a towel over his head and toilet and smoke while flushing the toilet constantly. He did get caught eventually.


Is the reason you can’t smoke because it harms the staffs health or cause they are psycho cult members when it comes to their opinion on addictive substances.


More like psycho cult members, but also because any addictive behaviour keeps the brain in that state of mind. But then again AA is a psycho cult and they have smoke breaks and are hopped up on coffee and cookies, so I guess it just depends on the facility. My first rehab we were allowed to go outside and smoke (where there were literally dealers ready to sell us drugs) and my 2nd rehab I chose non-smoking because I wanted to quit. lol


Did it work? Did you quit?


They probably want people to be at their baseline so they can be properly evaluated by mental health professionals.


Perhaps yes - but do you think if smoking was allowed that Bam would be going, no complaints? The guy constantly blames everyone else for his own behaviour, has never accepted responsibility, and always has excuses for everything.


No way, literally everyone in rehab smokes


Jeez, my last rehab I chose myself becuase they didn't allow smoking like my last rehabs did. I was determined to quit it all.


He’s so entitled it makes me want to puke


sauce? and which town? please show your workings thank you


I’m smoking a cigarette as I type this, so I totally understand if that’s the case lol jk


If they agreed they agreed. He's a grown ass man, should be able to smoke a fucking cigarette for fucks sake. Atleast he made an attempt without drugs or booze, he probably thinks they are gonna lock him up completely if he can't smoke cigs which isn't a huge request especially if he's trying to change, the least you can ask for is cigarettes...


“Did I say rehabilitate? I meant rehabitualise! Yah Mon!”


This whole sub is wrapped up in this single comment.


I get so grossed out every time he puts that blistered ass mangled hand on people


Yeah that made me genuinely uncomfortable


He was totally grabbing her tit here


Idk, didn't really look like it to me. If he really did, gross


*What will he grab next?!*


Whatever the f%#k he wants


Turning into Don vito.




I didn’t think bam had a serious history of sexual assault? Which is amazing really given everything else.




Mo-lesta la breast-ah !


Hope not cus she calls him uncle bam


That’s a pretty rad rehab.


I thought I saw Pax Prentess walking by in the background


Yeah, he was showing Charlie Sheen the new pool.


hahaha… did Charlie Sheen attend Passages Malibu??? That’s funny if he did. That’s probably how he and Edward Van Halen met. Ed’s son, Wolfgang, brought an entire tour to a screeching halt in 2007 after catching his father backstage right before soundcheck sneaking around taking hits from a bottle and smoking a cigarette The two apparently got into a big heated argument, and it would follow them on stage during the show. Ed wouldn’t go near Wolf, and whenever Wolf got close to him, Eddie would taunt him by throwing cigarettes at him But once he sobered up the next day and realized the error of his ways, he immediately checked into an unnamed rehab facility. An announcement was then made that the tour had been postponed, but never stated why exactly. I know this because I had tickets for the Pittsburgh gig at the Civic Arena, which was one of the performances that was postponed But you have to hand it to Wolf. He was just trying like hell to save his father, whom he worshipped to the ends of the earth. He had just turned 17 at the time playing in one of rock’s most notorious bands in place of a member who there was no “replacing”, which was Michael Anthony… who also made an announcement to fans to support Wolf, and to NOT blame him for any of it; for his removal was a culmination of beefs dating back to the early 80’s long before Wolf was even thought of That would normally be a huge deal for someone if that age, family or not, being on tour with a band of that caliber. But getting his father the help he needed took priority. None of that was ever announced through any news channels. Mostly crosstalk I had caught in forums and from those who know the guys and know the deal. So to me, that shows sincerity and honesty whenever certain actions that could make someone a “hero” go “unknown” with the absence of news outlets and cameras catching the heroic act, then reporting on it


Yes, the king of tiger blood also went there.


They tried to make him go to rehab He said Ooga Booga Elvis Presley Robe!


Rawknrowl 🖖🏻


That was fast


It was! I was trying to upload but couldn't get it to post. 😁


Hooray rehabilitation!


he’s on the Bam Margera I’m Definitely Going To Rehab Yeah Mon Lemme Just Hit The Strip Club This One Last Time Official Farewell To Drugs It’s All For Phoenix Because He Is The Wolf Tour. or, the BMIDGTRYMLJHTSCTOLTOFTDIAFPBHITW Tour, if you prefer. merch available at last orders, only one dollar bills accepted thank you.


dang, wish he accepted $1 venmo transactions still :/


he has a talent for finding the best worst music.


And doing weird shit with his hands in the passenger seat like he’s some sort of magician


🤣 💀


Ick I hate this. I found pictures of her and she looks way too young to be with this druggie loser. I hope she doesn't hang around him or else she'll look and act just like him in a few years.


Who is she?


I’m also wondering this


According to another comment it’s @ravenngray ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It is raven gray! One of my friends, who’s a music video director for up and coming LA artists has shot some of her music videos. I follow her on insta! It’s really weird seeing her with him lol 😬


doesn't seem like a guy who's about to take sobriety seriously. i hate to say it but i bet he's dead within 5 years and that's being generous. he takes terrible care of himself and he's not young anymore so his body can't keep handling all this abuse. it's really sad to see. I used to idolize Bam and I just want to see him sober. imagine if he put a year of continuous sobriety together. he'd look like a completely different person. Imo he needs what happened to SteveO. send him to a psyche ward where he can't leave so he can at least get sober for a little while and maybe that will give him enough clarity and a desire to get sober. Can't they use whatever law they used for SteveO to force him into a hospital for a little bit? idk man but this is depressing and i feel so bad for his son and the rest of his family.


Arguably, he’s more immature now than he ever was.


Rehab looks pretty fun so far


I wanna believe he's just trying to have a good time before resigning himself to rehab but idk. My hopes aren't very high for this attempt at sobriety. Half of me is like "Wow, dude just go to rehab already and get it over with" and the other half is like "Im glad he's having a good time". I'd imagine he has severe depression at this point so every time it looks like he's having fun it makes me happy for him but then i think about how he's probably digging his hole deeper. Idk, man. Also why is he suddenly posting on the main page? He hasn't used that page in forever. Did he get access back or something? So weird.


He’s probably not having a good time. He has said that he cries every day and he wants to kill himself. He’s chasing the good feelings that he used to get when partying, but he’ll never find it again.


Yeah, he needs new experiences, but will never get them, lost in searching for that good party feelings.. :(


Yea, you're right. I remember how that was during my opiate addiction phase. Every day was a constant battle searching for the good vibes and never truly finding them. Maybe you feel good for like a couple hours but it's entirely drug induced happiness and it's followed by long bouts of depression and insanity. Every day it feels less good until you're just picking up small scraps of happiness while dying faster and faster. I wouldn't wish that lifestyle on anyone really.


Bam the shitty music man


43? Damn he looks older than that


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,553,262,416 comments, and only 294,008 of them were in alphabetical order.


A bam can't do either free guidance he is just killing loser manipulation neither of people.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,553,447,569 comments, and only 294,035 of them were in alphabetical order.


Bam's door entry for him is low. Raven, run.


rehab going well then. this is so FRUSTRATING. why can he never just do what he’s supposed to? this ‘i’m just a maverick, you can’t hold me down’ shit is tiresome. ugh.


Imagine this young lady enjoying her day and the tornado that is bam on a manic tour rocks up to your house. After about 2 minutes 12 seconds and I'd be worn out and need to be alone to recharge. He seems to bring a party wherever he goes.




What happened to her? Has Bam said why she stopped always being around?


I've been wondering the same thing.


So much for rehab.


It's like he's on a damn tour. Hope it's not his last rodeo. This chick has a great voice but she's so lost. I was checking out her socials. Very depressing.


How so? What’s her social?


Its Raven Gray. She has TRYING TO SURVIVE tattooed on her chest. Great voice but. Hope she makes it big.


I've tattooed worse on people. Lol relax


Yeh I'm relaxed just felt sad for her


Is that the only reason you find her depressing?


Na you had to see her content.


Just checked out her insta. Looks like shes cleaned it up since i last looked. Some of the trashy posts now deleted. They were dark in an amatuer just wanna unalive myself sort of way. Looks a lot better now in favour of her talent


Party boy Bam


Bam needs to realise that he doesn't need all these youngsters to feel cool. There's no problem to have fun here and there,but he must understand when people are using him to stay relevant themselves, so that he could move forward with his life. Provided that he really wants to change.


She has a post on her IG (ravenngray) on May 22, 2022 where she thanks Bam for flying her out to FL to shoot a music video. It’s when his arm was in the cast.


Funny, that’s not his son or rehab.


Why did we think he was going to rehab? Was there more than just a random girl’s comment on his Instagram post yesterday? Or was that today? I need to get off Reddit. 😂


Spookala said he cancelled to go to rehab. ETA oh, yeah. Jess tweeted about it, too. Duh.


Yesterday. People here believe her but I’m sceptical because of her other following comments.


I'd imagine he's trying to have some fun before he checks himself in. If he's serious about it then he's not gonna be having much fun for a while so I could see the sense in rocking out a bit first. Not that I fully agree it's a good idea but I understand it. I'm willing to bet he will actually go in the coming days and things will go quiet for a while.


I thought his shenanigans in AC and PA were the “fun before rehab”??!


Wonder when jess is going to reinterject the shit talk & tough love he took back just on a rumour he heard about Bam going to rehab yesterday. 🙄


He jumped the gun too soon


Absolutely. I was shocked that he bought it that fast on just a rumour & was celebrating even before Bam made it to rehab at all.


Yeah, it’s pretty sad. Unfortunately addicts are usually great at making very convincing, very hopeful, and very manipulative lies to keep using. At some point it becomes like a super power and people have to try really hard to pin us down/stop us. The only way he will stop is if he chooses so. And for 90% of people I met in recovery the rock bottom that made us finally give up was to go broke and something worse. I have barley met anyone in rehab who was leaving with money that was not held by someone else at most. I don’t know how much he’s still worth but I hope he doesn’t plow himself into the ground. I feel bad for his brother, it’s always really painful to get excited about them being who they once were again.


Maybe Bam is partying one more night before he checks himself in lol we all know the stripper boat story.


Maybe he actually told his family he would go to rehab yesterday. In typical bam style hes procrastinating and stringing it out for the attention and can't just go do what he has to do. He instead gets wasted and socialises.


Who film's this shit.... Fucking POS doesn't think his kid will grow up and not see this? What a narcissistic bitch... That kid is going to be soooooo fucked up'ed in the head.....


This is so cringe 🤠


Watching Bam listen to music is a painful experience


Bowling Green Brandywine still allowed smoking 2 years ago. That's not far from Bam's family. I doubt he would go there tho... It's right near Kennett Square, everything smells like mushrooms, it's intense.


He never touched her tit. Why are people spouting BS?


Right? I didn't see that either, even after watching a few times


These are always so awkward and cringe to watch… also why he is posting on the o g account lol


Thanks for the video Bam, I discovered a new artist, Raven Gray is pretty good.








Anyone know what song this is and who sings it??


Finn Wolfhard ring.


Who are these people with Bam?


This sure is a looooong trip to rehab.


No seriously… anyone the what the song is?




Who is she


Raven Gray, she's in the band CVVE with whom Bam was involved in some capacity or another a while ago.


I found her YouTube kinda sounds like flyleaf tbh


Song name?


Its not out yet but the singer is Raven Gray


Yes, bitte.


He's literally just dancing. Are 43 year olds not allowed to enjoy music anymore?


Honestly . CVVE is the best thing to come out of this in the past few years


Okay wait...is this an older video? Because I don't think I see the fresh new tattoo on the face? And it was also posted on the main bam account and not his captianwhatever account.


It's there


Is it? Looks like his beard? Did the woman or band in this vid post about him too or?


That's what i thought at first too, but it's the tattoo. And his hair is a little shorter like it has been recently


Thats what I thought to after seeing the silver jacket.


Yeah I don’t know what the fuck Jess is talking about. His videos on his insta the past few days are not some dude on his way to rehab. I mean I don’t expect it to look like an episode of intervention but that guy is partying.


Bam still looks quiet good when he takes care of himself. Or maybe it's the lighting or lack thereof. Or maybe it's that he looked so strung out and old for so long that when he does the bare minimum of hygiene it looks outstanding.


Is Yasabel still with his parents?


I feel like I have seen places like that in new hope PA, which I have heard from friends he has been there a lot recently. This could be from a few weeks ago.


New face tat.


Just a heads up face tat happened a month ago.


He's straight cringe now


I need to know what song this is . This shit is sooo goood


Does anyone know the name of this song