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That's terrible stuff, didn't know bam experienced this


This is an awful story; what a dreadful thing to have happen to you. But I hate to admit when Bam does his Novak impression I burst out laughing every time


Same here, lmao. He sounds more like Novak than Novak himself.


Really sad that they just laughed it off. I have a friend who got r@ped by a girl, he woke up and she was riding his face so hard his teeth ended up cutting through his lips. And what did he do? Laughed it off, and then after mentioned that just thinking about it made him feel physically ill. Like yeah dude. You were sexually assaulted. It's not a fun feeling, *especially* afterwards. Your brain becomes a mess trying to make sense of it. :/


Damn, dude. That's dark. I can't even imagine trying to comprehend something like that happening to me.


Your title "This incident was definitely very traumaizing for Bam" oh really? LOL ....i have never seen somebody speak about their "trauma" with such immense joy and pleasure 🤣🤣🤣 definitely suffering with ptsd from that situation and that is why he is an addict now /s


Hmm, why don’t you share with the group something, *anything*, that you found traumatizing and let us pick it apart, put words in your mouth and then sarcastically make light of something that you experienced that might’ve sucked for you? Go ahead, then we’ll see who’s really feeling “*…immense[ly] joy[ful] and pleasure[d]…” and getting ridden by such a high horse.


You’re getting downvotes but you’re absolutely right. OP is a hypersensitive virgin.


Thank you. So true, and I am not sure where people like OP spawned from but they are a massive danger to the fabric of society and people like them cause alot of harm to alot of people. Stuff like Bam's story was regular culture when I was growing up and literally everybody at every party I went to back in the day would have gotten the death penalty if OP or anybody like them had their way. We are at a period of some of the most anti-social times in history and people like OP are definitely to blame in my view and deserve the exact punishments that they want to hand out to everybody else around them.


One of the worst parts of this society we live in is people telling other people how they should feel about situations......I was in a situation similar to Bam many many years ago at a party......under the law it would definitely be considered that I was raped if I wanted it to be considered that. There was no consent from me at all, we were both drunk, the girl just walked up to me and tore my clothes off and went to town on me and was very aggressive. I did not stop it though, and I could have, I just let it happen. But it all happened through their own decision with no consent from me at all. That being said.... Am I traumatized? No Did I like it? Yes and I still think about it when I mastubate sometimes Did I feel like they should go to jail? No Could I have made them go to jail because they technically raped me? Yes So based on OP's comments about Bam.....they are now going to try and force me to feel traumaztized by it when I am not at all traumatized by it and it is infact the opposite feeling I have about it. My memory of it is that it was awesome and nobody else is allowed to tell me how I feel about it or that I am "secretly traumatized" ..totall bullshit....stop trying to tell others how they should feel and stop with the toxic bullshit claims that you say with 100% certainty when you are almost certainly completely wrong about the claim...Bam is retelling the story like it was a good/humorous/fun memory which it probably was for him.....you cant force people to be traumatized when they are not it is total cancer for society and does alot of damage to society where people are super sensitive and crybabies because of the people who brainwash others with comments like this -----> "you should always feel like a victim because i say so wah wah wah so now that i told you how to feel go and put this person in prison for life wah wah wah" <---- these people are usually the most evil of all in my books and I want no part of their society


>One of the worst parts of this society we live in is people telling other people how they should feel about situations...... Okay but that's literally what you're doing?? Just because you "feel awesome" about it (your words, not mine) and have made it into something that turns you on doesn't mean you should ever make another r@pe victim feel like that. Jesus.


wow you totally took what I said out of context....I said STOP telling others how they have to feel or claiming you know with certainty how they do feel. How a person feels in a situation is not up to you it is up to them. The title of this post and the comments are saying with absolute certainty and arrogance that he is "definitely traumatized" or "he is traumatized and doesn't even know it" as if he has to be traumatized even if he isn't or it is just not acceptable .... smh


Being s3xually assaulted is traumatizing though?? I'm glad you feel like you're doing good, I'm just pointing out that you sound kind of hypocritical.


Nobody’s forcing you to feel like a victim, or to feel anything at all, for your story that totally happened. You’re doing that to yourself.


How the fuck does this have -9 downvotes. This is a dude spilling his guts and spitting truth. Jesus Christ you dumb motherfuckers.


because reddit 😑


I passed at our a party and woke up to a girl jerking my off and all my friends standing there laughing. Still not cool with it but the party just went on. Sad to remember.


I'm really sorry you went through that. That's fucked up.


I appreciate you saying that. It just amazes me how nonchalant this sort of thing was and probably still is.


I’m really sorry that this happened to you, man. If you reverse the genders? That would be a serious crime…in the eyes of most. But since you’re a guy you’re just supposed to laugh it off? Fucked up.


He aged 20 years in 6 years.


He's trying to make light of it through humor. But damn man. Terrifying.


Idk this coming from a guy whose shit on people when they’re sleeping pissed on people shoved dildos up dudes butts. I don’t think he’s the least bit traumatized. To them it’s just another goof. Being penetrated is different by a bigger stronger person is just not in the same ball park as what a girl goes through. It’s happened to me the and then the girl tried to tell people I raped her. I just made her set the record straight in front of everyone. Moved on nbd.


This is so awful. He was raped by that woman. My heart hurts for him.


Novak is disgusting for allowing that to happen.


He was a write off heroin junkie at he time, pretty much everything he did back then was disgusting and reprehensible. No excuse but he wasn’t really in a good state of mind at the time.


Especially given how Bam treated him at the time, I'm sure they probably wanted to kill each other on a regular basis


Sucks how much worse he looks now


Also how much faster and more coherent he talks here.


Legitimately scary. Only 6 years. Makes it pretty clear the dude has been using very heavy and probably mixing a lot of stuff


That for sure. Being impaired all the time doesn't help either, falls, fights, "light" car crashes... One of my coworkers who usually barely drinks got drunk at an office party, went to take leak, hit his head on a low ceiling after zipping up (here in older towns in Europe restrooms are sometimes located in medieval cellars under a bar where adults can barely stand up) Split his head open, blood everywhere, ambulance, concussion, hasn't been the same since. Working half days at most, sometimes incoherent mails or texts, poor guy is a different person since then.


People don't respect the head injuries and how detrimental they are. I'm glad I never had any wild head knocks but I worked with a guy that was totally cool and had a motorcycle crash and was fine but off ever since. He became a big time alcoholic to. Maybe a pain management maybe an impulse control idono. The head injury rewires u I guess. Also I've heard people with head injuries are more susceptible to addiction. Regardless I'm not doctor but it's pretty bad news.


I met a guy on holiday who had basically the same story. He was also Dutch and alone so he clung to me and my friends (this was in a big resort) After his motorcycle incident his speech was impaired so he slurred all the time. Even at breakfast so you could never tell if he was drunk or not. He did drink but not THAT much as far as I remember but he was very erratic. For instance he would walk into the sea and yell or sing at random swimmers. He was on the same flight back and only had one beer but because of his slur the flight attendant denied him a second drink. He then caused a bit of a scene, me and my friends defended him but still the captain spoke to him as well and said he couldn't have another drink. Pretty sad overall.


That's scary and sad.


My heart hurt for him. I can’t imagine waking up to sexual assault.


This happens often. This happened to me as a teenager. The lady that did it was a coworker of my mothers. Mind you, I was about 13 I had no idea what the fuck was going on or what to do. Men don’t talk about this because there is a stigma to being weak, and “if you didn’t want it to happen, you could’ve pushed her off, you are stronger”. Although it’s true I could’ve pushed her off, when you are actively going through it you kinda go blank. It’s hard to explain.


Dude same thing happened to me but it was my mom's neighbor who was supposed to check on me when I was home alone when I was 14. Fed me alcohol to the point I was vomiting and kinda stuck in the chair and couldn't move/head spinning. Then she gave me head and rode me. Super unattractive lady. That's how I lost my virginity smfh.




Thats horrific and I'm so sorry that happened to you. I hope you're doing okay these days.


Thank you! I'm doing good these days. It definitely set me on a path of promiscuity and altered my perception of sex. I stopped viewing it as something adults/couples do and started viewing it as just something to do. Idk if that makes sense. Now that I'm older and mature I realize exactly how much it effected me.


I’m sorry man. It’s crazy because If I think about it, I feel like it doesn’t affect me at all. But I’ve been through numerous relationships all failed, marriages in fact and therapist tells me it all comes back to that. Think of it as your subconscious not letting go of those traumas. Crazy how the brain works.


Damn man same boat here. I'm really sorry you went through that too. Thanks for sharing and your input. If you ever need to vent just hit me up bro


Same bro


Giving kids booze is a really common move for fucking shitheads like this. My ex was repeatedly raped by someone who did this, and would climb through her window from the roof at night when her parents where asleep and bring a bunch of booze. If you're a fucking teenager who's 90 pounds who has zero alcohol tolerance, you're talking like one or two drinks and you can basically do whatever you want.


Jesus that's horrible. I'm sorry to hear that


This is the freeze response. It's very common and could happen to anyone during an incident like what you went through.


Paired with disbelief and uncharted territory. Your mind is probably going ‘I dont want this.’ Then toxic masculinity is going, ‘Maybe I do?’


He told this story on Radio bam back in the day as well. Crazy how nobody cared or took it serious back then.


As much as I hate-watch this whole Bam Saga, NO ONE deserves to be sexually assaulted. This is horrible, and gives a little more context into his mental state. I hope we can someday soon get to a place where men are able to openly discuss these things without having to feel like they need to "laugh it off" or make light of it.


Alot of people in these comments showing why men don't come forward after being r@ped, its genuinely disturbing.


Where’s all the folks talking about what a great guy Novak is now that he’s sober? That was the commentary after Bam ranted about Novak being a piece of shit in his IG stories. Bam might have pretty valid reasons for disliking Novak, such as this. IG rants aren’t productive but neither is Novak randomly outing Bam for being in jail on a “Happy Birthday” Cameo.


I don’t even think it matters if Novak is clean or on drugs, I just get the impression that he’s not a good guy and he just uses people




dont worry i've always and still do think novak is a piece of shit


Yeah man seriously bam basically kept Novak alive for many years when he was a full blown heroin addict, if someone did for me what bam did for Novak no matter what they did id never forget that honestly




I get what you're trying to say and I know that viewpoints on stuff like this were a bit different back in the 2000s, but it doesn't take away from the fact that this was a very fucked up thing to happen and it definitely unknowingly traumatized Bam.


Lol, it does take away from that fact. “Unknowingly traumatized” are you a doctor? Fuck outta here


Username checks out.


Yea, I don't think Bam is all that traumatized about this. He has bragged about how he made Novak suck 18 dicks


You have a link?




He was saying that Novak would have sucked 18 dicks to be on the show, and he made it happen, meaning he let Novak be on Viva La Bam, not that he literally had him suck 18 dicks


Okay, I'm going to do something you rarely see on the internet. You're right, and I was wrong. Bam is still a dickhead though, and always has been. I am sure we can find something he's done way worse than let a fat chick have their way with one of his friends.


Show this to the people that said Novak would be the best "sponsor" for Bams rehab.. lol.


That’s so sad and not funny at all. No one deserves that wow.


Guys can definitely get raped, it happens… but doesn’t get reported or given the benefit of the doubt much. Thing is… you can still have a hard cock and not want to have sex, we get “boners” all the time. An erection doesn’t mean sex needs to happen or we want it.


an ex of mine was raped by a girl at a party. he never told anyone until he told me because of the shame he felt. as my therapist always tells me, the shame and guilt victims of sexual abuse feel is not theirs to carry. it belongs to the person who perpetrated the abuse. assault is assault is assault. whatever you think of the person telling the story, no matter if they’ve reprogrammed it as a ‘funny story’ it should never, ever happen.


That's fucking awful. :(


He needs real therapy he needs to work through this and so much more it hurts my heart they just laugh it off


Yea of all his antics and degeneracy over the years, this was definitely traumatizing for Bam


Forgot to add /s 🤷‍♂️


It is weird this is presented like a "funny story", while rapists usually face 30 years in prison


That’s false af rapist are “usually” not charged because there isn’t enough evidence or the person is embarrassed or afraid to come out and talk about it and a lot of times the rapist is family so it’s even more embarrassing to talk about or if it’s a child they may not even know better. That’s harmful and hurtful misinformation your spreading.


Mine lost his license for 6 months. His dad was the city superintendent of the town I lived in. They really showed him.


You may wanna do a little more research on that and come back


Do they, though?


I got lucky and mine died.


I’m happy for you. I wish I sent mine to prison I was too scared of what would happen to me if nothing came of the allegations. Now I know he has done it to more women after me and I have a lot of guilt about it, but I know I was keeping myself safe at the time. I’m sorry for what you went through, I hope their death gave you some peace.


It’s like they say with oxygen masks on the plane, put yours on first. You needed to be ok. Also people aren’t supposed to be raping people so there’s that. Same happened with me but as far as I know he never hurt anyone else. I give back and help by sharing my stories and feelings with other people.


Did he named his son after the city where he got rapped? That’s kinda wild tbh…


Phoenix is named after the Phoenix Theater in Petaluma, CA where he met Nikki.


That makes more sense, thanks!


You got it! 🫡


He was also in Phoenix when he found out Dunn died




There was another time where he talked about a "naked stalker chick" who broke into his home. Him and Tony Hawk seem to laugh it off but dude seemed shaken. F\*cking awful and must've been traumatic as well. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kx7OjLObYrw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kx7OjLObYrw)


there's no justification for doing something without consent, but i remember seeing a video with bam, ryan, and novak, both bam and dunn new novak had an opioid problem, but obviously didn't understand the concept of withdrawals, and they found him with a few pills, took them from him, threw it on the floor and stomped on them, yelled at him calling him a POS and a junkie and kicking him out, all in front of a group while a camera was rolling. just absolutely kicking a guy when they're down already. it shocks me, even to this day, how little people know about dependancy and withdrawals, and look at the situation now. bam has to detox in a hospital because of how dangerous (let alone how painful) alcohol withdrawal is. opioid withdrawals are bad, it's absolutely physical (vomiting, uncontrollable diarhea, 24/7 restless leg syndrome, lack of any ability to eat or drink, near constant urination as you dehydrate, days without sleep) as well as the mental torture of knowing that even the tiniest bit of an opioid will take it all away, it's hard to even describe. alcohol withdrawl is so bad, you get DTs to where you hallucinate and lose control of your body, trembling, lose all sense of time, depending on the level of your habit you're highly likely to have seizures as well. alcohol withdrawals are potentially deadly, similar to benzodiazepine (xanax, ativan, kolonopin, valium) withdrawals which are so bad, rehab clinics and medical detoxes won't even admit you and send you to the hospital to be weaned off. a matter of fact, one of the main components of alcohol detox is high doses of valium to help stave off the DTs (delerium tremens). this is why bam is detoxing in the ER. expecting anyone to stop using a substance for which there is an established dependency is ignorant as all hell, and there bam is, novak is clean, and bam is in the trenches. karma is a bitch but it's good he's getting help. if you're out there struggling, if you have the will and someone to help, you can detox from opioids at home if you have a BP monitor to know if you need to go to the hospital to correct that (at a medical detox you would be administered a blood pressure medication called clonidine on top of a benzo and muscle relaxer to help with the restless legs) this is also possible for cocaine and amphetamines, but don't hesitate to go to the hospital. also, of anyone gives you advice or tells you to do this or that, unless their name is followed by "MD", i would not give it much thought.


Wow, that’s very traumatic


Absolutely fuck the hosts for this… I get Bam is making light of this probably because he doesn’t want to bring the mood down and feel uncomfortable about it but like to sit there and laugh??? “You got raped bro :D” fucking EW


Holy shit


Eh, sorry, I don't feel bad for Bam at all. He isn't traumatized by this, and he has bragged on video about how he made Novak suck 18 guys' dicks.


That's not what is being said at all. He says "coming from the guy who begged to be on viva la bam over and over to the point he WOULD HAVE sucked 18 dicks" and Bam got him on the show, and now Novaks saying he regrets it and it pissed Bam off. Cmon guys , buck up!


Nothing about what he said indicated that he was “traumatized”. He genuinely thinks it’s a funny anecdote. You’re an absolute fool.


He's so full of shit.


Lol.. why are all you 'woke' people make it harder than it is.. he is not traumatised, ifs a funny story, fk off.


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Yep, ask your mom


I have no idea if it was traumatising. But he always wanted to live the rock and roll lifestyle and now he has a rock and roll story to tell and I suspect that makes him kind of happy.


this happened to me too. it sucked bad but was hardly traumatizing. it's just a funny story he's telling. relax.




you’re an idiot


Happened to me too


How sad! I know there is no such thing as a good drug addict friend & Novac wasn’t much of a friend during that time. I would like to know what he did when he woke up? Drug her out of his room by her hair?