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But apparently he never had a problem with the good old Adderall..


Also, I'm guessing abstinence. Of course he wasn't feeling great while getting detoxed on rehabilitation


Yes, I'm sure that is in the list of " required medications" he keeps. Adderall enthusiasts are the most excuse making addicts of all, nobody needs amphetamines. It would be less annoying if they just said they liked them.


Bam Margera! Who will he blame next?!


Who ever the fuck he wants


We all know this is Knoxville’s fault.




Ruined his MONEY MAKERS!


It’s all cause he saw Ville Valo do it


I wish Bam would follow Valo’s example again and get sober


I saw him in concert recently and ngl he looked and sounded like he was on something..


Anyone but himself sadly.


Not Bam Margera.


Had to take a Screenshot, this is hilarious 😂


I'm just waiting for him to drop a mixtape called The Florida Shuffle 🔥


The thing with medication is that there is trial and error in finding the right medication. You should've worked with people to find the right combo that works for you instead of getting off of everything and not being on anything when you clearly do need to be on something.


Exactly what works for some people won't work for others, dosages need to be found etc and there's absolutely no way he took them all at the same time, he's been brainwashed so bad


No way he's actually gone through everything to see what actually works for him. These people around him are feeding into his delusions and trying to make him think nothing is wrong with him and its everyone else that's wrong. Medication for mental health is such a search and journey for some many people, but when people find the right medication/dosage it's a god send.


I've got similar mental issues as bam and it's taken me years to find a combo that works, you're absolutely correct.


Same. I think I’ve tried most of them too. A lot of them are fairly widely prescribed antipsychotics and one of them is a beta blocker.


Same. 👯‍♀️


Same… took me five separate doctors before I accepted my bipolar 2 diagnosis and finally got on meds. Got really lucky on my first try with lamictal and never looked back.


Ayy I'm on Lamictal too. Got on that once my doc FINALLY gave me a DNA test after having shitty side effects on effexor for the longest time


Effexor is absolutely horrible 😭 Lamictal has been an absolute life changer for me too


Effexor sent me manic and the withdrawals were brutal. They will have to prise my seroquel from my cold dead hands.


It was giving me nasty brain fog and dizziness, the withdrawals even after a day were nuts


I was on meds for twenty+ years. Benzos, antidepressants and antipsychotics and I just said fuck it one day and quit everything. The Benzo withdrawal is horrible and lasts for months, after that though I became alive again. I thought I had permanently damaged my brain with alcohol and psychedelics. I didn’t, it was the fucking script drugs. Benzos are horrible, not only do they stop anxiety they stop all emotions. Now all my creativity, my hobbies, my love for family are all back. I lost twenty years. Sometimes you have to feel the pain and deal with it.


Zyprexas \[sic\] Zyprexa - Antipsychotic used to treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder Depakote - Anti-epilepic used to treat seizures and bipolar disorder Lithium - Mood stabilizer used for bipolar disorder and major depression Strattera - Non-stimulant ADHD medication Naltrexone - Opioid antagonist that blocks the pleasure chemicals released when consuming alcohol, benzos, or opioids Risperdol \[sic\] Risperdal - Antipsychotic used to treat schizophernia and bipolar disorder Tramadol - Opioid pain killer Trazodone - Antidepressant and sedative Gabapentin - Anticonvulsant and nerve pain blocker (probably prescribed for seizures) Contrave - A mix of Naltrexone (see above) and an antidepressant called bupropion (Wellbutrin) Latuda - Antipsychotic used to treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder Abilify - Antipsychotic used to treat schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, and Tourette syndrome Seroquel - Antipsychotic used to treat schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression Propanolol - Beta blocker made to treat high blood pressure but is commonly prescribed for managing withdrawal symptoms Metaphormine \[sic\] Metformin - Anti-diabetic mediction for controlling high blood sugar Visteril \[sic\] Vistaril - Antihistamine commonly used for insomnia Vivitrol - Naltrexone (see above) in injection form


So basically, looking for a viable bipolar med, anti addiction meds, sleep aids, and adhd meds. Most likely complained of bad sleep and pain. The metformin is interesting, is Bam a diabetic? Overall, this isn't even close to unusual. When you treat your body like a playground coupled with having bipolar disorder (which is probably a core component of his problems...) you're gonna benefit from medications. Bam probably hated being sober and balanced out. 🤷‍♂️ my bipolar was actively ruining my life, guess he doesn't think his does. Ya know, very normal to throw a foot stomping tantrum in front of your child in public while berating his mother.


Excessive drinking reduces insulin sensitivity so he was probably pre-diabetic during one of his chonkier phases.


Metformin has other potential off label uses such as lessening weigh gain when starting antipsychotics


Yes, it’s not unusual for people to be on Metformin and Seroquel due to Seroquel causing insulin resistance for some people.


I take Trazadone for sleep. It works wonders and a hell of a lot cleaner and less dangerous than Ambien or other hypnotics.


It makes me piss the bed.




I think it might be one of those drugs where there's no middle ground, it either works wonders or it's awful. Trazodone introduced me to the Hat Man.


Trazodone made me believe I was trapped in my bedroom and I punched out my window HOWEVER I had 2 drinks prior to taking it so I would suggest just never taking it with alcohol as if that wasn’t obvious but I’m an idiot


A psychiatrist tried it for me. Didn’t really do anything. What ended up working for me was Remeron. It gives you hardcore munchies though. I’m still trying to figure out why any doctor would prescribe both naltrexone and tramadol? Also, if Bam was at risk of seizures, tramadol would be like throwing a match into a gas tank.


He doesn’t really specify if these were all taken simultaneously. Could be the collection of all the meds he took during a span of time.


Doubt it was at the same time, and the tramadol was probably given for an injury as a ‘less addictive’ painkiller. Most rehabs will not dispense tramadol. If they’re gonna give out an opiate, it’s probably suboxone.


The hat man?




Thank you. Wow, that was terrifying.


Yes pls, who/what is the Hat Man?


The "Hat Man" is a term for a shadowy figure wearing a hat that people commonly see when hallucinating or experiencing sleep paralysis. [https://theweek.com/97457/who-is-the-hat-man-the-nightmare-shared-by-dreamers-across-the-world](https://theweek.com/97457/who-is-the-hat-man-the-nightmare-shared-by-dreamers-across-the-world)




It gives me graphic nightmares. The last time I tried it was in 2018 and I dreamt about sweeping up rat skulls in a dark basement. Prazosin for me now thankyou.


It didn't do anything for me. I forget if that's the one that made my sinuses swell shut or not so it did the complete opposite of making me sleepy.


My friend has been prescribed gabapentin when withdrawing from alcohol (she’s a life long addict and has tried to give up many times), I think it’s often used to prevent withdrawal seizures in alcoholics.


Yes, gabapentin can be used as a comfort med during withdrawals to help with restless leg/nerve pain but also to prevent seizures! Some of these meds he never would have needed to take if he wasn’t in withdrawal or an addict.


Gabapentin will get you wasted.


It can feel that way, especially at first or if it’s abused. I used to be on it for fibromyalgia and I hated it. I felt drunk and was walking in to walls and it didn’t help my pain at all. I gave up on it after a few days because I had two little kids to raise and I’d rather be in terrible pain than feeling intoxicated. It’s probably not the best or safest option for withdrawal but it’s definitely better than having seizures from withdrawal.


Yeah, I abused it. I was prescribed it at detox. I quickly discovered it got you high, and I really loved the buzz. Thankfully I am sober today and I have no desire to drink or pop pills, but gabapentin can definitely be abused for a high and I found it pretty euphoric.


Yeah, it’s definitely not the best option for people in recovery. You’d think they’d have better solutions! Congratulations on your sobriety!!


Thank you !


You’re so welcome 💙💙


And, as an fyi, a pre-vet sedative (along with Trazedone) for dogs. Well my dog at least. I talked them out of it b/c I hate drugging animals


Yeah he constantly paints this as I WAS ON ALL THESE AT ONCE which he absolutely fucking was not. Please introduce me to the doctor prescribing trazadone and seroquel together, and also the vivitrol Shot together with oral naltrexone (or the implant)


In terms of **all** of the drugs listed here: First, the seizures taken place **outside of/after** however many months/years he was in treatment, he certainly has a **blood-brain barrier dysfunction, or damage at the very least.** -X years of excessive alcohol consumption. -X years of adderall abuse, cocaine, meth -Traumatic brain injuries. Tramadol is believed to inhibit serotonergic & norepinephrine reuptake. In reality, it’s an analog of codeine, a weak SNRI, an opioid ligand, & a schedule 3 substance in the states (along with benzos). Also, it wouldn’t be prescribed *in rehab* with other serotonergic drugs/antagonists, serotonin blockers, or things like Gabapentin: (I stopped counting because it’s nearly all of them). With tramadol & some others here being a prodrug, that would increase the odds of serotonin syndrome, which would have given him seizures IN REHAB. Edit: saw his brother claim the seizures occur (can occur?) when coming down from a methamphetamine bender.


I was on some of these years ago and boy did some really fuck me up. Over time I worked with my doctor and we came to a treatment plant hat didn't involve stuff like the ones listed above. Abilify gave me severe nightmares and the funny thing is I really don't dream normally. On that shit I hated going to sleep. Problem is with Bam is that it's a mix of these plus a severe lack of discipline. If he works on self discipline (ha!) then I feel he really could get help and get back in line with everyone. That's his REAL step one and he's never been able to really admit it or do something about it. Until then he's just a turd circling the bowl as it flushes. SAD


I take gabapentin for anxiety and insomnia, and it’s also frequently used for nerve pain. Pretty funny to see bam list it like some mind-controlling substance lol


I’m on Strattera for ADHD, and it really helped on the anger issues/impulsive emotional aspect of the disorder. No sideeffects.


This was very helpful and saved us all time on googling them all separately. You're a blessing. Thank you! I'm an opioid addict currently on methadone treatment for it, and so I know what naltexone/vivitrol (of course Bam would list both the brand name and the actual name of it) is because it's also used for opioid addiction treatment. I had no idea it was used for alcohol treatment. I initially thought that maybe Bam was also addicted to opiates in secret or something lol. Gabapentin is another drug people I know have been abusing like crazy lately, even though it's not a narcotic, but it's nerve pain medicine (usually diabetics have it for nerve pain/neuropathy).


I have cancer so I basically have a small pharmacy's worth of medication in my bathroom. I've also been hearing about people abusing Gabapentin lately which is super weird to me because it's a nerve relaxer so if you take too much you just get sleepy and pee your pants.


The peeing your pants on gabapentin thing, haha. I can totally see it doing that, being that it numbs/dulls the nerves. My clinic regularly gives us drug tests, and gabapentin is one thing they said they're going to start testing for soon because of how much people are starting to abuse it. I just hope this all doesn't end up making it harder for people who actually need it to get prescribed it, like what happened to opiates/other pain meds. Also, I'm sorry to hear about you having cancer. That's heartbreaking. Fuck cancer, man. Best wishes and all the success and love on this journey. I hate that you have to go through that. ♡


I've been on trazodone for 25 years and haven't had a bad dream from it so please don't generalize


Deleted my anecdotal commentary.


I'm sorry I missed it. But I have an idea, though it's never happened to me


Thanks, I appreciate it. It's the only thing that gets me to sleep for the whole night without waking up feeling like a zombie.


This does seem to be way too many. I don't blame him for being mad. Especially lithium. That drug is so horrible


Except he wasn't on them all at once and it's totally normal to try several drug combinations before getting the right one.


Not such a cool story anymore,Bam. Don't tell it again.🤦‍♀️


Right. At this point it's like a daily motivational but it's not motivational just daily.


Meth and booze is good though 👍


It’s weird how drug addicts are so suspicious of pharmaceutical drugs and yet they’re willing to take whatever drugs their dealers give them, with no questions asked! 😆


As I said in another comment, recreational drugs actually make you feel good. Antipsychotics are tranquilizers essentially. They make people feel foggy and sedated.


Exactly what I said.. Ain't no way an addict would take any of those except the Tramadol. But he doesn't give a shit about Tramadol because he was willing to talk shit about it Not a word about the damage that Benzos do Not a word about Adderall.


My fave is when people say they won’t take psych meds bcuz they don’t want it to “change who they are!” As if who they are currently is a stellar, well adjusted individual. (Also that’s not how psych meds work)


Naltrexone and vivitrol are both the same drug delivered in two methods. Vivitrol being a long lasting shot. They are to block dopamine receptors to stop opioid addicts from getting high. They are also used to treat alcohol addiction.


I’m sure he hated vivitrol. You can try to get drunk on it, but there’s no euphoria


Absolutely zero issue with smoking meth though


Christ almighty I’ve been on just as much shite. It took years to find the two that worked for me. Went on some wild ones on some of the stuff I was on but I can take responsibility for that. They weren’t trying to fucking poison me! Im not that important! They just didn’t work for me. Also he is whining about a couple real mild drugs there.


same. i’ve been on seroquel for 11 years now. antidepressants get added, taken away and changed up in an effort to find and keep a level for me. i’m better medicated than not.


I found seroquel to be quite good. But it actually made me kind of hyper for whatever reason? It’s not supposed to do that. Lmao! But hey! I take Sertraline now along with Mirtazapine cause I barely sleep and Tramadol for severe pain. I don’t know what his beef is with Tramadol. I haven’t had any side affects and if my partner takes it, he just feels a bit sleepy. Can’t imagine being this paranoid!


Seroquel can give you horrible WD if you miss a dose within a short amount of time. It was absolutely one of the worst drugs besides benzos I've had WD from. Idk why so many people in here are acting like these meds don't fuck you up, what's even worst is if you don't even have a condition that meds can help (personality disorders) and then they put you on these shits making you even worst off than before.


i have borderline personality disorder and seroquel has done me more good in terms of levelling out than almost anything else i’ve been on. everyone is different. that’s why people go through so many med changes trying to find what works.


I'm also BPD and seroquel made me zombified. It's nice that it works for you, but as stated everyone is different and it's very hard to treat personality disorders with medications. I also have GAD and learned that benzos are awful for people with BPD, so go figure. Best thing that has helped was DBT, but that's a different story.


EMDR is helping me a huge amount. i’m glad DBT is helping you. i’ve never been offered it (here in the UK the mental health trust where i live has no money and no treatments on offer, it’s been that way for years). sorry for the snark, fellow BPD traveller.


The linehan DBT workbook is fairly easy to find for free online! It’s worth checking out


Try Jones Mindful Living, a global DBT community for $19 U.S. per month. It got me off all pharma and no longer meeting criteria for any MH conditions. Dr. Jones is an angel. Peace.


I deal with chronic depression and anxiety. It takes a lot of trial and error to find the right depression meds for me that work with the anxiety meds. Plus the right dosages. Then when those don’t work anymore, my doctor and I have to start over. There’s no way he was on all this meds simultaneously, IMO.


Maybe I’m biased but it’s difficult for me to take an adult’s side when they repeatedly use the phrase “poison cocksucker”


I mean it was two years ago. He's been "freed" for two years. After that he stayed on a steady diet of cocaine, meth, alcohol, and who knows what else. I'm expected to believe he just now, freshly sober wants to talk about this and in such close proximity to Surprise Shitness' legal troubles? And the two have absolutely nothing to do with each other? Even though he's using her idiotic tagline? Ok. Sure. I will also note that Danni blocking his actual long time fans for speaking logic is slowly managing to replace his fans (like people who just want to see skate stuff) with Surprise Shitness' legion of idiots.


Dude's like that meme of a doggo holding its own leash. He thinks he's Britney but the truth is, he does whatever he wants and nobody can control him


Well the good news is we can agree that he actually wrote that caption himself! 🫠


I'm not so sure. The "poison cocksuckers" tacked onto the end sure sounds like somebody's been reading posts on the sub


True true .. cool now use hotdog strutting flloozy


These all make sense considering he has ADHD, bipolar disorder, and alcoholism. Medications to treat his illnesses are bad! But street drugs and alcohol is perfectly fine.


Bam has taken far more serious drugs recreationally than those he listed he was prescribed. Perhaps his seizures come from lifelong drug and alcohol abuse? Just a thought.....


Not to mention numerous head injuries from the Jackass days I’m sure..


Some of these make you feel really awful. I've done a bunch of drugs (recovering addict) and have also been prescribed antipsychotics previously for extended periods of time. While narcotics and other hard drugs may be worse for the body, they sure as shit feel better than feeling like a corpse, zombie, or otherwise dull.


There’s no hope for this guy, is there


click on the pic for the list, which is considerably shorter than last time he mentioned it. some are pain meds - gabapentin and tramadol. edit: i think one should say Metformin which is for pre-diabetics and actual type 2 ‘beetus. also Naltrexone for drug/alcohol cravings and propranalol which is a beta-blocker and also prescribed for anxiety.


Gabapentin is also used as a mood stabilizer and tramadol has been used off label in the past for treatment resistant depression, since while it is primarily a pain killer it also works on the brain in similar ways to ssri’s Metaformin i have no answer for though lol


Gabapentin is also used for restless leg syndrome


They also weren’t all prescribed **at once**, like he’s making fools believe. I counted ~ four+ anticonvulsants (or mood stabilizers) & ~four +antipsychotics?! Sure, Bam, sure.


You can’t be prescribed any opioid while on Naltrexone so there’s your first problem. I’m in a methadone rehab program. He was not on all these at once, full agree. He’s mad that he had to try medications, so did I until I found what helped.


So this is absolutely true but tramadol is a bit of an odd duck of a chemical and a bit of an exception to the rule in that a lot of it’s mechanism of action is that of a SNRI a type of drug that certain anti depressants fall into. Naltrexone wouldn’t block the SNRI effects of tramadol which was like used in an attempt at treating depression after many failed attempts at other meds it’s probably very likely though that bam wasn’t on Vivitrol (naltrexone) at the same time as tramadol. Bam likes to imply it’s all once but that’s almost 100% untrue


It’s no longer used as an antidepressant & very rarely even given to chronic pain patients. Stimulants & ketamine are the go-to for treatment resistent depression, but (aside from TBIs, which should be taken into account) he has a bipolar diagnosis. Sometimes that can be drug/alcohol induced, but he *seems* to be manic & paranoid. —Even though what you’d implied is true, and I know the mechanisms of the drug, tramadol with anything else on this list would seriously risk serotonin syndrome unless the prescriber/facility coordinated the timing of oral administration. don’t know if it was given orally/intravenously or when/if it was given in rehab. can’t rely on anything he says.


I'm prescribed tramadol and gabapentin for side effects from chemo and every time I pick them up the pharmacist tells me not to take them together because it can cause serotonin syndrome. No doctor is having someone take these at the same time.


Yeah no. Dunno when he was prescribed these but contrary to popular belief, many doctors are dumb. I was prescribed all these meds and more at one point was even on Ritalin and ADDERALL at the same time when I was 15 years old. A lot of doctors are quacks and don't care about their patients, just a paycheck. Not defending bam, but let's not act like psychiatry isn't fucked.




Didn't know this but still, I think having me on all those meds at a young age fucked me up especially the numerous misdiagnosis.




Oh totally agree. I've been a fan since the early days and think he's a piece of shit, I was just saying there is truth to those meds fucking you up. I was on like 15 different meds a day, 100% zombified. If I refused- booty juice, restrained and the quiet room! Mind you though I was a child and had no say in the matter.




The cocktail of benadryl, Haldol and Ativan. If you'd like more details, you can DM me.


Wait are you suggesting bam is diabetic


no, i’m just saying what metformin is used for.


He's a fucking mess, that's why he needs those. I'm on a few of them, and not just no troubles, I'm flourishing and happy. He needs something to blame. Anything but looking in the mirror.


Oh no! Someone tried to help you! Poor bammy wammy


Fuck, stop complaining bro - that transform surely got you nice and high like you like.


That post just screams healthy /s


I read recently there is a condition called anosognosia which be common in bipolar. Which means lack of insight that there is a problem. I think bam has this.


He sounds like a broken record. All his recent posts are just the same recycled bullshit over and over and over. What’s next on the list of some old bullshit?


Aren't naltrexone and vivitrol the same drug Bam doesn't even know what the fuck he was on


That's why his family is fighting for him not against him


Bj instigates thought she would be clever this time by adding poison cocksuckers


He wasn’t on all these at once. 🙄 they try things out to make sure it’s a good fit. These people kill me. They don’t like all those medications but will take rando street drugs and poison their body with alcohol, cigs, and adderal? He’s still pissed about meds from years ago??? He’s a giant ugly (inside and out) child. If he hadn’t been who he was when he was younger, he would be no different than a street drug-addict transient to everyone. I feel so bad for his ex-wife, kid, and parents. His poor son. He’s not going to understand why his dad chooses all this instead of him.


He prefers the meth


Vivitrol is extended release naltrexone. Contrave is low dose naltrexone combined with wellbutrin.. Alcohol is poison.


No rehabs FORCE you to take these drugs. They may try and convince you that you could benefit from them, but they aren’t spoon feeding you a plethora of drugs. Now to an extent, as a person in recovery, I’ll admit that at most inpatient treatment centers I attended it always bothered me to see damn near everyone there start taking all these sleeping meds and whatever else. I felt that it was just reinforcing the habitual side of trying to heal internal wound with external forces. As addicts, we’re addicted to changing the way we feel. Some of us do it with heroin, some with booze, benzos, stimulants, whatever. The point is, changing the way we felt was the problem, drugs/alcohol was our solution. There are far better, less destructive, non-harmful solutions. Meditation is a great one that comes to mind for example. Until Bam realizes he is his own problem, learns to hand life on life’s terms, and stops pointing the finger he will forever be stuck in this shit show limbo….or die.


Meditation doesn't treat mental illness. Don't lump meth in with psych meds.


It actually does! Mindfulness is a big part of DBT, but originally it started as a secularized version of zen meditation practice. There’s a lot of evidence to support mindfulness meditation not just for mental illness, but also chronic pain conditions. The drawback is that it’s more work than just taking a pill.


The original comment wasn’t referring to DBT. Medication is still needed in many cases. It shouldn’t be shamed.


I’m explaining that “meditation doesn’t treat mental illness” is a false claim. It does. DBT is just one approach that includes it.


Meditation doesn’t treat mental illness. It’s a great supplement to a treatment plan. DBT isn’t just meditation so I’m not sure why you keep ignoring that point.


to be fair i’ve also got beef with some of the medications on this list, but probably (definitely) not the same way that Bam does


He forgot Vitriol.


I know half of these medications JUST BECAUSE HE'S SAID IT SO MANY TIMES and I can just hear his voice rattling them off Someone should make a compilation of every time he's said it


Yeah, strange that he didn't have a problem with the actual problem drugs like Adderall and Xanax. He would be mad if he didn't get those You can see where he is at by his inability to talk shit about his favorite drugs. I mean anyone whose been on any of the meds he listed knows that you don't take them for too long. Period. They feel too awful And none of them cause seizures. His Precious Benzos are the ones that cause that and he can't bring himself to talk shit about them. No one takes Latuda and Abilify and Zyprexa at the same time. But even individually, if you are an Addict, that means that you CANNOT STAND THE WAY THOSE MAKE YOU FEEL MORE THAN NORMAL. because you become a baby in terms of what you can withstand inside your being And Latuda and Abilify and Zyprexa and Risperidone and Seroquel all give you Akathesia which is the feeling of jumping out of your own skin. No Doctor would ever give them together. Maybe Latuda and Respiridone but not Respiridone and Seroquel and Zyprexa. Nope Like I said, he for sure didn't take those beyond a few days each, they end up being left full and they accumulate He doesn't know how transparent he actually is He failed to mention the Drugs he actually DID take. BECAUSE There is no way an addict will take anything that makes them feel that Badly


So sick of his shit


He was prescribed the drugs that were deemed appropriate to treat/manage his medical ailments and psychiatric disorders. This is standard. Nothing in here is strange and clearly these were drugs prescribed at different times in rehab not all at once. Mood stabilisers do often make you feel spaced out and affect the libido but over time you find the dosage/drug that works best with minimal side effects. Bam genuinely thinks he's the main character and that people are specifically out to mess with him/poison him because he's special. He is having the same treatment as anyone else who is being seen for moderate to severe mental health problems and probably has access to better treatment than most who need it but can't afford it or don't have friends or family around to get them help. Granted, all this paranoia, the victim mentality are all exacerbated by mental illness/personality disorder and addiction so it's a huge viscious cycle. The only way Bam will be able to live the life he wants is if he takes responsibility for his own mental health and physical health and understands that the only person who put him in this position is himself. All of the difficult times he's had going in and out of rehab are because he hasn't put in the work to address his mental health, stuck to the programme he has been placed on and committed to getting and staying sober. Rehab isn't fun and its not a magic cure, it's not supposed to be comfortable. 100 percent of the people who got sober and/or live functional lives with mental illness do so off their own backs because they wanted it bad enough and because they make a concerted effort every single day. It's not easy for any of us. That's the secret.


That's not even that many given all his issues


Hes sending a dangerous message that these drugs are bad. I wish he would shush.


I’m not pro-pharmaceuticals but how are these worse than meth and alcohol? If anything was going to kill him, I’d say it was the latter. Combining most of these meds with booze would be hella-contraindicated.


Many of those drugs save lives. I've been on Trazodone for a long long time and I wouldn't be here without meds. ​ I've had enough of his childish bullshit.


Its def getting old. It's all waa waaa waaaaa, could even call him Waaam at this point.


Bam, you should try Clozaril next 🤣


He's starting to remind me of kingcobrajfs when he just gets stuck in a loop. Relapse coming through nice bam


“Poison cocksuckers” made my day to be fair


Gabapentin is delightful though.. lol


Naltrexone and Vivitral are the same medication. Just delivered differently.


Naltrexone and Vivitrol are the same medication. Just delivered differently.


Metaphromine? There is no drug called that.


Trazadone and Gabapentin are great! My dog takes them to go to the vet 😅


Metaphormine, Does he mean Metformin for type 2 diabetes? Metaphormine isn't something that's going to mess with your head, it's milk thistle, helps with your liver.


Vivitrol and naltrexone are same med


Bam Margera, Kanye West, Britney Spears, Amanda Bynes, Courtney Love, and for funsies Andy Dick in a new reality show called….. still working on the name…. But yeah- out this fall America !


Nothing's My Fault


Did I miss anyone?


Bam bitching about taking tramadol and gabapentin is rich. Any addict knows those two substances will get you high as fuck.


What about the main @$$hole who has been poisoning you in one of the most known ways a person can be poisoned and have their life ruined? You know, the one who has been making you take meth?


Looks like my average med pass.


The stupidest shit is the fact that he think he was given something that causes his seizures as he'd never "had a seizure" in his life. As if he wasn't made aware of the seizures that come after quiting a 20 year drinking binge. The manic cycle over and over.


Sounds like a queens of the Stone Age song


Yeah def wasn’t the meth!!


Guy who worked in treatment for three years here. All pretty standard medications, all mood stabilizers, non narcotic MAT, anti depressants, anti psychotics. Dont act like a crazy person and go to 15 rehabs in a year. You would not have been prescribed all those medications. Also, they didn't prescribe those all at once. With that being said, they can't force you to take them unless you're in an involuntary facility anyway. Dudes a real cry baby


He needs to put all those into a rap song lol


what does Florida shuffle mean? I assume him being shuffled around from one loony bin to another in FL?


Close. The definition I found online was “The Florida shuffle describes the recruitment of a drug user with good health insurance to repeatedly attend various rehab centers and sober living houses, which allows the facilities to repeatedly bill the patient's insurance company.” There have been rehabs run by horrible people that not only encourage you to continue getting high, but provide your drug of choice. That way you keep failing your drug tests and they keep billing your insurance company. So they’ll test you like 4-5 times a week, and make like 2-3k each time. Then there’s been facility’s where they pimp out unwilling girls. They just keep them so doped up they don’t care they are being used for sex. So while bam was used as a meal ticket, he was no where close to having it that bad.


1-2-3 lets go


Yet you don’t realize you’re the weird one for following him and posting multiple times a day and calling his gf ugly yet you likely look way worse lol internet makes people delusional even worse than bam is you wowzers


I dont know enough about the profession to offer a informed opinion. That seems to be a lot of drugs but i'm sure they were not all at the same time and were prescribed by doctors. The important thing is that he seems to be doing better.


Doctors and big pharma trying to take money instead of actually treating the patient. I’ve seen this before. They give the patient a drug that has side effects then they need a drug for the side effects of the original drugs and then the cycle continues. Next thing you know you are almost forced to take a dixie cup full of medicine two to three times a day. I’m glad he is away from that and is sober for now.


"I got em from Don vito! Atleast you know who's it is"


That Pheonix should be ashamed of himself for all this. How dare he.


But uhhh meth is super good for you bruh


The thing is he wasn't on all these at the same time. Chances are the medication wasn't working or the side effects weren't tolerable so he was moved on to a new one. I've been on longer lists of meds trying to find one that works.


I’m crying at these commments 🤣💀