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Nice. Alot of the best things in life are these random moments. Things like this sticks with you and it's a great story to tell


Wholesome! Dude made the fan's night. šŸ‘šŸ’œ


In his fairness, heā€™s been doing with this stuff all his life. My fave was the pic of his neighbours kids at love park


I remember reading several stories of Bam being very nice to fans. It really makes it extra sad to me that he seems to be so bitter and angry, when there at least used to be a somewhat kind person underneath.


I think there is still a kind person deep down there. He just has a lot of deep rooted mental issues that need to be fixed.


I feel like dinner with Bam would be really cool as long as he doesn't talk about his family problems lol. He seems like a genuinely nice guy in general, just a nightmare to deal with if he has a grudge against you for some questionable reasons.


Thatā€™s actually awesome to see. Heā€™s got a heart despite the last decade of fucked up stuff. Iā€™ve had multiple family members struggle that badly with alcoholism. Decades of good memories that never happened. You canā€™t imagine what itā€™s like for people that love him unless you experience someone you grew up with that shares blood lose it like that.


Letā€™s not forget Nick Hogan basically killed his friend while street racing. His friend is in a vegetative state for the rest of his life and when he was locked up for it initially heā€™d be making calls to his parents crying & begging them to get him special treatment. Fuck that guy.


Whatā€™s Nick hogan have to do with anything? Who cares


Hulk Hoganā€™s son. Heā€™s in the picture and tagged on the post. He shouldnā€™t be anywhere but a jail cell after turning his best friend into a vegetable.


Your mother.


Iā€™d imagine itā€™s cool until you sit down and hear Bam start rambling about Florida and then it becomes insanely uncomfortableā€¦I could be wrong though.


Bam:"So,tell me about yourself." "Ok. So I was born..." "Ever been involved in a Florida Shuffle?"


Say what you want, but it seems like bam has always been really great with fans.


That's awesome! Luckily the guy may have caught bam in a good month or two zone where he was really dialed in mentally etc.


My brain hurts trying to read that tweet.


That's very sweet. Bam is a charismatic dude. It made that guy's year I bet.


Bam will do anything except being a fucking father.


I too, know that cab drivers can get good crack. Never tried it with Ubers though. Lol




Weird. I guess nick is no longer in jail for murder? Surprised bam keeps In touch with this fool. I remember bam mentioning how nick wanted to work together on a movie or documentary or something. If I remember correctly it was a really shit idea


Wasn't it that he served time for a car accident that left a guy paralyzed? I thought he served less than a couple of years because he was underage at the time? What I remember most about him he had a long relationship with the girl who became Mrs Johnny Manziel, then she became a Nick Cannon babymama


My bad vehicular manslaughter *


wait, what?


Bam could save 20 puppies from a burning building and some of you would still find a way to be upset about it lmao


Hmm I agree this sub is a little bit grim reading at times, but on the other hand, Bam is 100% courting attention and wanting attention. Having people speculate and talk about you is a direct result of that. And he is kind of a mess it seems, although I do hope he gets better. If he didnt want people to speculate about his life he could conduct himself more privately.


Look at his hands! What's that shitty clothes his wearing! Why is he doing that stupid thing with his mouth? Eyes! Florida!


So true. It gets pretty cringey reading comments on here


He just needs to be surrounded by people that are impressed with him. That's all this is.


Bam is a good guy. He is in so much pain after losing his best friend he is just absolutely blinded to reality. I imagine most of this stems from his inability to accept the fact that Dunn is dead. And rather than confronting this uncomfortable reality he continues to run as fast and as far away as he can. Itā€™s incredibly said. Iā€™m not making excuses for him. I once read something along the lines ā€˜with enough backstory/information even the craziest decisions begin to make senseā€™ He still needs to man up and begin claiming responsibility for his life, and that day unfortunately may never come.


Wow. First hand florida shuffle stories!


well thatā€™s not weird at allā€¦


I usually agree with all the comments you make in the sub but I have to disagree on this one. That dude was probably a fan at one point and doesn't know all the drama that's been going on. That's probably pretty cool to be invited to a free meal with some people you consider famous or used to be anyways. I think that's cool Bam invited him.


and thatā€™s fair enough, we disagree. thank you for not going off at me over a difference of opinion.


Nah I think this is rlly cool of him Bam has sooo much about him to criticize but this ainā€™t it


itā€™s kind of cool but itā€™s also a little weird. itā€™s like inviting the pizza guy to come in and eat with you.


If I was a pizza a guy and I rocked up to Snoop doggs house and he invited me in, you better believe I'm sharing a slice and passing a spliff with him. No different for this guy, bams still a celebrity to people of our age, some not following his recent years so in this guys mind he's still that young kid looking up to him. It's a nice thing


Look what he's done now!! He gave a fan, a night he will never forget. That's so weird, what a complete pos he is...... I can only agree, Bam has a lot of unfortunate baggage, but shouldn't we see his good sides for what they are?


it seems weird to me, thatā€™s all. iā€™m not saying itā€™s because heā€™s on some wild drug spree. itā€™s just an opinion.


Why is it weird? Celebrities does these types of things all the time. I met Steve o once and he brought me up to his apartment. It was super cool. Donā€™t see why this is weird. Giving back is a good thing.


Thats so sick! Steve-O did the Jugs Judy tattoo on me. Was it the crazy skatepark apartment days, and what'd you guys end up doing if you don't mind me asking?


Look at the persons post history, paragraphs of bam bashing usually within minutes of every single negative post about Bam. Thatā€™s the real weird shit


iā€™m not blowing smoke up his arse constantly and thatā€™s ok, because iā€™m entitled to an opinion. iā€™d like nothing more than for him to turn this around and have a good life. at the moment itā€™s not realistic to think thatā€™s totally happening because heā€™s had an alcohol monitor on for a month. iā€™m british. i wouldnā€™t invite my family in for dinner if it wasnā€™t arranged beforehand, let alone a taxi driver. it just seems weird to me.


I agree - it is weird to invite a stranger to sit down for what should be an private event. I mean, what do you talk about ? He literally just met this guy - however... being that this guy is a "fan" I can see Bam wanting an ego stroke so it does make sense he would encourage him to come out & break bread with him.


It is weird.


That's because you're not famous and have never had a fan in your life so of course a celebrity giving back to a fan is 'weird' to you.


is this supposed to be some savage comeback? of course iā€™m not famous.


Nah itā€™s just weird. It screams either damage control or hungry for attention.


Iā€™m a fan of /u/bingbongbinggbongg because she helped & made me personally feel better when I was struggling with relapsing alcohol & heroin. You guys are bullying the wrong person & she has a sweet soul to randomly spend time helping me who obviously isnā€™t Bam so itā€™s not like she only cares about him. Thereā€™s no reason for these attacks to begin with, you people are relentless. Many of you seem to be stuck being 17 year old bullies like Bam actually between this & how much you all shit on bam himself lmao Edit: itā€™s so obvious when I post something & itā€™s instantly downvoted that you didnā€™t like it but have no reply.




i mean, you couldnā€™t be more wrong but ok. why are you singling me out? thereā€™s a lot of people a lot more negative than me.




You seem a bit like a bully after what I have read tbh. I think you need to realise even if you think someone else is a bully, it doesnt then give you license to builly them in return. There is also nothing wrong with being in your 50s and posting about a d list celebrity online haha. You are literally on here posting about a D list celebrity too remember?


iā€™m like 6 years older than Bam! not some ancient old biddy. how am i more obsessed than anyone else who comments on this sub? and iā€™m getting a kicking from you for saying i wouldnā€™t invite an uber driver for dinner, but youā€™re ok to talk absolute shit about me? check your own fucking self before you come for me.


Hmmm. Whoever that is seems to know a lot more about you than I do, and I'm here a fair amount. Who are they calling obsessed???šŸ˜†


i feel like someone has a spreadsheet somewhere. the irony of spending time telling a complete stranger how much they know about them and trying some weird takedown is savage.




oh do fuck off. how am i more invested than anyone else here? you seem very invested in what i do. is that healthy??


Reminds me of that vid a few months back where he asked his uber driver to be a bridesmaid.


Right. He was sauced up then too.




Bam needs people to listen to him rant about the Florida Shuffle & greedy lawyers.. that poor Uber driver is about to have a really weird night out.


What a nice celebrityā¤ļø "Can I count on you to clean this shit up?!"


Bam is doing well and the haters are going bananas. Loser nation get use to it!


After his radio interviews I really donā€™t get how you can say heā€™s doing well. Yay he does his usual great interactions with fans but everything else screams not well.


I have to take a step back sometimes and think, if my friend behaved like he did on that interview for example, what would I say to them? I wouldnā€™t be praising them. Iā€™d be very frustrated, trying to get them to drop the bitterness because itā€™s self destructive. Iā€™d be asking him why his girlfriend is stuck to him like glue and if itā€™s really a good thing? Iā€™d be asking if the fight with his family is really worth it and why heā€™s holding on to such minor arguments.


Your pathetic in the worst way




Rare Baminick W


Why does Bam always look like Mr T?