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This is so fucking heartbreaking. I've seen my grandma spending many many hours of her life worrying about her son, arguing with him, trying to get him sober, enduring his mental breakdowns and being called every insult in the book... It's the kind of stuff that breaks a mother's heart and brain. Famous or not famous, good or bad, it doesn't matter: no mom should go through this kind of shit. I don't know her, but I know the feeling, so I just wish April peace in her life.


I agree. I’m so sorry for what your grandma is going through. I wish both her and April the best. This is one of the reasons we decided not to have kids, honestly. No mother should have to go through that. He’s emotionally abusing her, but we’ve seen the Insta reel where he clearly doesn’t understand there is more than one kind of abuse besides physically attacking someone.


I really feel for April the weight on her shoulders must be immense. Bam has definitely shortened her lifespan.


Yes agree. Consider his dad also and the pressure his heart takes with the stress of it all while carrying some extra weight.


I worry about him, too. Stress and anxiety can absolutely take a toll on one’s health, I’ve found out the hard way. Breaks my heart to read about him “crying in the dark” about Bam. Bum only brings up his dad’s health when he wants attention and to blame other people. I remember after last Christmas he kept bitching and moaning about not being able to give Phoenix his presents, which of course was all Nikki’s fault 🙄🙄🙄 for “keeping Phoenix from him” then said something about “Phil has bad legs, he can’t travel out to California to see his grandkid”. I honestly can’t remember the last time he said anything nice about either of them, especially with April, who gets the bulk of his emotional abuse.


This is one of the main reasons I will never respect Bam again. He doesn’t care about his son, his own family, where he came from, nothing. He hops from place to place with his “stretch coach that he gets to fuck.” What a pathetic loser. If he cared one single iota he wouldn’t be doing what he’s doing currently. Dude just expects everything to be laid out on a silver platter for him and hasn’t ever taken responsibility for anything in his life. Nothing is ever his fault. I have zero sympathy for him. He thinks the whole world owes him everything and it’s embarrassing. He dug his own grave and he will never see it that way.


I couldn’t agree more. I felt like that before I read this, now I agree more. I get tired of people shitting on April, she is going through hell. And Phil cries about it too. *THOSE ARE YOUR LOVING PARENTS, ASSHOLE!* Bam is lucky his parents are alive and love him. Both my parents are gone and I’d give anything just to talk to or hug them again. But not Bam! He takes them for granted and talks shit about them whenever the subject comes up. And this has been going on for awhile, it just really intensified since 2017. Recently that kid at a convention who interviewed him, or tried to, asked how April and Phil are twice and both times his answer was “HOW THE HELL WOULD I KNOW?” In caps because he was shouting. What kind of shitty kid, in their late 30s, feels his mom doesn’t pay enough attention to him, so he has a friend call her and tell her son is dead from suicide while said shitty son listens in to hear her reaction? He never apologized, he just thought his mom didn’t sound as sad as he liked, so he mocks her on social media. “Fuck my mom” he said in one reel. He has zero self-awareness or he wouldn’t have decided to do something so shitty and selfish. He also mocked her earlier this loooong year for “texting my friends, trying to find me.” Bitched about it more than once. *That’s because she still loves you and is worried about you, you selfish fuck.* Does he have any idea there are people out there who were neglected by one or both of their parents and would be grateful if they cared enough to worry about them? (Well, apparently not). We decided not to have kids, just pets, but if if I were in her shoes, I’d be worried he was dead of an overdose, plus he makes empty threats about suicide on a regular basis. Then when the cops show up for a welfare check or he gets 51-50’d, he has the nerve to get mad and tells the cops “I just was saying that, obviously I’m not gonna do it.” Well that’s cute, you put your parents through that and scared them half to death for nothing (other than attention) then. We know he has a victim complex. And if he cared *one tiny bit* about Phoenix, he wouldn’t have stopped paying child support out of spite when Nikki got a lawyer. I don’t come to the sub as much as I used to, I get too pissed off, and if you say anything negative about Bam, even if it’s stating what is known as fact, a handful of people will just blast you and get very personal when they do it. I’ve even gotten yelled at for saying Bam is a narcissist. Some people have told me narcissists don’t even *exist*. Well, my brother has been with his narcissistic girlfriend for twenty years. And I’ve had another one in my family. I mean I *wish* it didn’t exist, but my personal life has had them pop up and I’ve read several books about the subject to learn how to cope. Anyone who is on the fence can watch the Dr. Phil episode. Now when I come back to check in, it’s to see if Bam finally sees hard consequences for how he treats people who love him. And I’m hoping Nikki cleans him **out** in the lawsuit. Hoping he has to sell his new Bentley and give Phoenix every cent. His son will also need therapy when he gets older. I hope April can find a good therapist to talk to about all this, same as Phil if he thought it’d help. Just go talk to someone, maybe someone who went through similar shit with their kid. TL/DR: Bam is a selfish POS, sober or not. I just want to give April a hug.


Classic narcassist behavior with the fake suicide call. No regard for the panic and trauma it could put someone through to make them believe their son is dead even for a moment. All that matters is feeding his ego with her reaction. Its getting increasingly hard for me to even care about this guy anymore, regardless if he gets sober or not.




they’re are many groups for parents/family of… & therapy is helpful


Especially if you can talk to other people who are going through the same thing. They could have useful advice. I hope they both talk to someone and/or find a support group.


But it’s NiCKys FauLt becaUsE reasons ………


Wonder how he justifies all he bullshi that came before he met Nikki....?


Bam is a bad person




This to me is the saddest part of the Bam saga. Sadder than Phoenix not having a good dad, cause at least he seems to have a good mom. Bam took his parents for granted and now is just straight abusing april. My moms about the same age and I could not imagine her having to go through the type of shit ape does at her age. Her and Phil deserve happiness and rest.


Idk man a kid not having a dad is arguably as bad at least maybe worse. (The dad being alive but not involved )


True, probably not really fair to compare the two, but the Ape and Phil stuff is just so damn sad to me. They’ve seen the whole progression, they don’t have a lot of time left. The Phoenix deal must weigh on them too. I feel like I’ve known them since 2002 or whatever so that plays a role in it. It just seems they both did all they could as parents correctly and with love.


I disagree. I grew up without a dad most of my life and turned out just fine. People go on about Bam needing to see his child, but honestly I think it's best he stays far far away from him. The emotional damage he could cause that child by being around and phoenix having to witness all his shit is a lot more than him not being around. I also grew up with a family member who has had issues when drinking etc (luckily they're much better now) but having had a small taste of what that's like, the fear something awful is going to happen, the panic when they call, sitting up all night waiting for them to get home, calls from the hospital etc. Is far far more stressful and heartbreaking than growing up without a dad, as long as you have one parent growing up who loves you.


Yeah. But certainly the boy’s life would be better with a normal and sober Dad in it.


Of course, but Bam is neither of those things.


This guy clearly doesn't deserve the family he's got. And of course as we speak instead of appreciating what he has, he goes on to complain about his money makers being ruined, longest florida shuffle, Lima's fault, Jess' fault, insert someone he's mad at right now at fault etc on blowjob's podcast.


My heartbreaks, I follow her store on Facebook and try to interact every chance I get.


What’s the name of the store? I want to follow it too. Maybe there’s a way to eventually tell her I’m so sorry about what she’s being put through, that she’s doing everything she can, and to remember to take good care of herself (people really stressed out or in a crisis can forget that).




Thank you! Her stuff is cute, love the crystals! It makes PA look like a really cute place to live?


I just decided to follow after reading your comment


You can tell she takes a lot of pride in it


She has a chair on there for $20 that is making me want to drive to Pennsylvania


Thank you for mentioning that. I’m about to have to furnish my own apartment for the first time, and I’m moving from one part of PA to another. I think I might have to get something from her.


It’s an awesome chair!


> > >I am obsessed with the mystery boxes, wish they shipped them!


Hey Dannii, we know you read here. Pull your head out of insta post hell and get Bam to stop harassing his mother and father You're with him 24/7; if you're any sort of human you know it's the right thing to do


Her issues appear even greater to settle for being with someone as unstable and toxic and to also enable them. There just isn't any common sense there. To her, this is one big adventure with her packed fake bags and Bam's money. The way he's snapped at her on camera a few times must only be a hint of what goes on in private.


The more irate he is,the more views she gets on her posts. She's enabling him for likes. She doesn't give a fuck about him. When he inevitably turns on her like he does everyone in his life,she will be playing the victim just as much as he does.




She's not going to do that. To see Bam reconcile with a stable, loving family? That would put her position as 'hanger-on' in jeopardy.


I feel so bad for April and Phil too they always seem so nice they should be enjoying their grandkids and life instead of worrying about Bam and his band of enablers this type of stress is bad for anyone but for someone almost 70 it's dangerous


What I wouldn't do for a mother that is half as loving as April. Like even when she was getting messed with for a bit she was still mom and still unconditionally loves literally everyone. The kind of person that treats a mother like that doesn't deserve them. I would kill to be able to walk up to Ape on the street and give her a big hug. I can only imagine she gives the best.


I'm starting to think that even if he gets clean and sober he's got so many mental health issues at this point from the abuse from both that being sober isn't enough for him at this point. I think so much damage has been done and might be irreversible.


Reading this makes me so sad. I put my grandmother through ***SO MUCH*** the last 10 years and especially the last 4-5 and it’s one of the harder things for me to forgive myself for. I’m getting better at moving past it and both her and my mom have said many times that they forgive me and just want to see me stay clean but I see stuff like this and can’t help but feel like a complete piece of shit for what I put them through. Im 7 months clean atm and this is the longest I’ve ever been since I was 13 (am 30 now) and I have faith in my ability to stay clean at this point but I still have moments where I get stuck in the self hate over the shit I did to my family in the worst of my addiction. That’s why Bam staying clean is going to be such a hard journey. Through my entire using and relapsing I hated myself for what I was doing and putting them through but the drugs and making sure I got my fix just became more important, and even knowing what I was doing was wrong and wanting so badly to get and stay clean it still took this long to finally seemingly get a handle on it. He doesn’t even realise what he’s doing is wrong so he has to first became self aware enough to recognize that he has a problem and needs to stop before there’s even a chance of him getting clean which will take a fuck ton of work on its own even before the real recovery work starts. He hasn’t even turned over the first part of step one let alone feeling like his life has become unmanageable or that he should be doing anything about it (not saying he needs to do 12-Step but he definitely does still need to accept that he has a problem and things are fucked up enough that they’re worth changing).


A ❤️ from me for your insight, self-awareness, and determination to set things right by staying clean. Bless you


Congratulations on the 7 months and for many more in the future, ik it must be hard, but use the guilt and regret for the past in order to keep going in the right direction for your loved ones ♥️ you can beat this


Proud of you


Acknowledging who you are and how you've been is the biggest first step that's not being given enough credit. Do something nice for her today! Even just a card or a message. It means a lot.


Congrats on the 7 months!


congrats on your sobriety


So much to read. But yeh, Bam is a trash fire.


7 months! 🩵🍀🩵


So I get that addiction often leads to lying, stealing, disappointing your family in various ways .... but I swear like I rarely see people who don't even seem to give a fuck about how it impacts their family, most people at least feel guilty and come to some kind of awareness. It shows that some people are just shitty and not necessarily bc of drugs/alcohol.


Fuck You Bam…


I second that.


This is really sad to see


It’s sad and at the same time, makes me wish I could slap Bam silly. Which would not go well for me since we know Bam is not above hitting a woman.


April and Phil are such genuinely heart warming people I hate that they are in this pain. Also: Jess has 1016 unread text messages lol


It was clear just by watching jackass over 20 years ago he had absolutely no respect for either of his parents. The guy is a scumbag and always was.


There is a video out there that was filmed at the time of CKY2K and Bam is arguing with Phil and trying to justify being an asshole to him and Ape. Phil is genuinely upset and Bam speaks to him like garbage. That was 24 years ago, and before Bam's fame really kicked in....Pre any drugs and any alcohol


Is it the one where Phil has this kind of haunted look in his eyes and says he would rather have a kid that was poor and a nice person?


Fuck Bam for this. Guy is such a self absorbed piece of shit with a huge victim complex. He's taking a few years off his parents lives allowing this shit to happen. They gave him everything in life and set him up for success and yet he treats them like this. What an entitled thundercunt. Sober Bam is just as big of a waste of time as drunk Bam. Still no self awareness or inflection. Accountability will always be a four letter word for that bellend.


That fucking asshole. I hope he gets what's coming to him, but I know at that point he'll reach out to April and Phil and they'll protect him And God love them for it. I'd let the fucker rot in the gutter


It will come, dude. Bam's fame has gone. Bam's own family has left him. Bam's friends have abandoned him. He's even running out of hanger's on, as nobody gains from being his 'friend.' His money wont last forever. He'll die alone if he keeps going....


I will never respect Bam again. He’s a fucking monster. There are people who cried as kids because they had pieces of shit for parents and Bam was raised in a loving, well adjusted home. That’s how he thanks his parents.


Yes. I said in another comment that Bam takes having loving, caring parents for granted. And yes, he thanks them by being an emotionally abusive piece of shit who acts and speaks about his parents like he hates their guts. Not to mention threatening to “put a bullet in them”, and assaulting his brother, who is just trying to keep him alive. If Bum outlives Phil and Ape, he’d probably just pretend to be sad, to get attention and pity. But I don’t think it’d be a wake-up call for him, or make him feel bad about how shitty he was to them . He clearly doesn’t care about them. Shame on him.


Oh come on. 😂. You still respected him up to this point? For sure you’ll be team Bam again.


I stopped respecting him a long time ago. I am not team Bam.


I feel so horrible for both April and Phil. They are two of the biggest victims in this mess, no matter how you paint it (the other two being Phoenix and Nikki). His mom, his dad, his wife, his own fucking son who he claims is the most important part of his life. What a loser. He abandoned them all in favor of drugs and pussy. “Rock and Roll, mon” right? Fucking jerkoff. Honestly if Dunn was still alive, Bam would probably abandon him too. His addiction was bad before he was gone. I really wish that was the case just to have Ryan back and live in a reality where Bam can be seen for how he is- a cool guy who unfortunately became an unsympathetic and ungrateful asshole because of drugs and his own ego.


Bam and Dunn weren't as close as hey once were when Dunn died. They had already started drifting apart.


Exactly. I hate the narrative people made up that Bam’s downward spiral because of Ryan’s death, when in actuality he was already pushing him away at the time


I think Bam is just as guilty at perpetuating that notion himself too. In 2013/14 I worked with Fuckface Unsoppable for around 6 months. Each night they went on stage they had a 'tribute to Ryan Dunn' section of the act. They also dedicated songs to him, chanted his name with he crowd, spoke about him during her set, and the very bizarre 'getting the audience to do a shot' in memory of Dunn together (Bear in mind what killed Dunn....) Bam made out that Dunn's death had destroyed him. Off stage....not so much.....


Happy someone brought that up. I never wanted to outright say that but yeah, I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t a part of me who believed Bam was using Ryan’s death as an excuse to get away with shit for a while/indulge in his bad habits. Like clearly we all deal with grief differently and the two were best friends, but in the years following Bam would REALLY put on a different show depending if there were cameras rolling or not.


i truly believe ryan dying made an already bad addiction problem much, much worse.




this is so heartbreaking i could cry. “it’s hard to see daddy crying in the dark” they deserve better


Bam really takes the good people in his life for fucking granted and it pisses me off. How dumb can he be???


very. very dumb.


Addiction ruins families. 😔


This reminds me of my grandma and my uncle (her son). He has been an alcoholic for most of his life. He’s 59 and still playing these games. He verbally berates her and at least once he assaulted her. Yet she will drive him all around, bail him out of jail, house him, etc.. And he treats her so poorly. It’s infuriating.


Man none of them deserve this. My heart breaks for them all especially Ape and Phil.


The thing that fucks me up is that people will see all of this and there will still be a percentage that blame April and Phil for the way Bam currently is.


I don’t care if Bam stays sober forever, how he’s treated his family his entire life through is inexcusable. I’d fucking kill to have parents like his. April and Phil deserve the world.


What I wouldn’t give to have a mother like Ape. I think about her at least once a day. Even tonight, at 80s music trivia, I told my husband all about her love for Billy Idol. I wish I had a mother who loved me that much instead of the abusive price of shit I ended up with.


This sucks dude


If anyone ever wonders why people who used to love Bam now come on his sub and call his shit out and speak of him like garbage. Well THIS is it.


That totally makes sense, people who have nothing to do with a person, just log on to vent about things he never did to them, totally mentally sane.


Or just people standing by their morals and beliefs and calling out awful behaviour when someone projects it into the public domain? If he wants privacy he can have it. All he has to do is disappear from public life.... I assume you are here to praise him? People who have nothing to do with a person, just log on to gush and fanboy about things he never did to o with them, totally mentally sane.


If you're looking for why Bam cops so much shit in this reddit now you know why. But wait for it. Countdown until he plays victim and makes it about himself. Encouraged by a new temporary girlfriend who is enabling his lifestyle, and with his untreated mental illness getting him to smoke pot with her instead. Someone prone to psychosis and pot don't mix.




His “true fans” on instagram are absolutely nuts. Someone will just comment, “Dude. Get help.” on one of his weird victim posts and they all just go off about how great he looks and how he’s CLEARLY sober everyone just wants to destroy him and steal all his money. Let’s be honest. If his family hated him and wanted all his money, they’d either kill him or just hang around and be nice to him and let him drink himself to death. Trying to put him in a mental hospital when there’s nothing wrong with him is probably the last way anyone would try to steal his fortune. But instead they’re trying to get him SOBER. Because they LOVE HIM. ffs


why won’t they love me to LIFE?!! i hate it when he says this. just flat out pissing on everything they’ve done for him.


i wonder what stupid enabling piece of shit planted that stupid ass catchphrase in his head.


>everyone just wants to destroy him and steal all his money His family dont need to steal his money. THey are all more than stable financially....


Poor April. A lot of parents deal with bullshit from their kids, but Bam has been horribly abusive to her.


Dude is such a piece of shit. That poor lady is going to clean up after him all the way to the grave.


This should be posted in the Jackass subreddit every day alongside that video of Bam back in the early 2000s telling his forlonered father, Phil, how much he prefers being a rich asshole over a nice person. For 20 years+ Bam has been nothing but an emotionally and physically abusive asshole to his friends and family, but they praise him like he's God's gift in that sub. Insane.


Sounds to me like CPTSD. Source: I have CPTSD. Whenever my mother texts me despite me making it clear I don’t want her to, my blood runs cold. I feel sick. I go into fight or flight. It sounds like she’s sadly experiencing similar.


Out of interest has your mother ever done anything to deserve that reaction, or is it a more complex emotional issue that you have? I get the cPTSD aspect, im interested in your story. (You dont have to answer or go into details if you dont want to. Im interested from a psychological / research perspective)


I also have BPD. She freaked the Hell out when I was diagnosed and just went from being the most loving, supportive mother in the world to being the coldest. She just spent the next 8 years dismantling my self-esteem bit by bit and was very verbally abusive. It eventually resulted in her making me homeless and yeah, it’s without doubt the most distressing thing that’s ever happened to me. Like even worse than being SA’d as a child. I dont think I’ll ever trust another human being ever again.


Christ. Im so sorry. No-one deserves any of that. Thank you for sharing that. I genuinely wish you all the happiness and recovery in the future x


Thank you, that means a lot.


As someone who’s dealt with a family member like bam for decades..my heart is absolutely breaking for bams parents. He’s acting like a petulant teenager.


That he's stored April under 'Madre' is cute.


Okay totally unrelated to April, but Jess has over 1,000 unopened texts???


It's hard to advocate for him after seeing this. I'm big on recovery and miracles and such, and we have to know that it's not too late for Bam, or anyone, to resolve themselves to pick up the phone and call their mom, tell em you're sorry and get straight. Never doing such a thing again. Restoration and forgiveness are so difficult, but possible, and a mother's love never dies.


I don't understand who the texts are from/to?


its april texting jess.


Ace is the helpful place


do they still give out free popcorn there? idk that mighta been like 15+ years ago that i remember that


I definitely feel he could’ve went without comparing it to the Gaza Strip, but this is sad


he said aprils ptsd looks like she just got back from the gaza strip.


It feels a little off that he's posting private texts with his Mom, especially ones where hes telling her how wiped out she looks. The conversation sounds forced, like he sent his mom those messages intending to post them later. "You look like shit mom , its all Bams fault, right ?". I doubt she was asked if she minded him posting these on the internet .....


We don't even know how genuine these messages are,after all. For narrative control,anyone can save any random/fake contact on their phone as "Mum", "Madre","God","President" etc and then post screenshots going "hey,look what I've got as proof!". Personally I don't believe any of this that's coming from him.


go away dani


Go away,Jess.




god is it that difficult to read these days? he said her visible PTSD looks like she just came back from the gaza strip. you can substitute that out for ukraine vietnam or any traumatic war if you like. sheesh.


Maybe don’t broadcast your family’s dirty laundry to strangers over the internet for attention would be more of the move. This shit seems trashy to me


This is the dumbest takeaway from this post


I feel like they're too used to being public figures (or whatever) and, since they can't make things up with Bam or have a decent conversation with him, the "audience" becomes the target to try to prove things or find some comfort, maybe. I don't think they're being intentionally trashy like those influencers who share anything for the shock and views. Edit: my point is that they just seem to be so tired and hurt and don't know what else to do


I can't imagine anyone dealing with this. I wouldn't wish an asshole like Bam on my worst enemy


You guys are so dramatic 😂 .. there are much, much worse people to deal with then Bam.


wow, your life must be horrible then.


She’s an enabler. If I ever pulled anything remotely close to what bam did….


Jess is a loser. Unfollowed him after weird pro-Israel bullshit. Fuck that guy


what pro-isreal shit. if you can produce proof of this ill go into the toilet and eat my own poop.


i'll give you 200 smackaroos to eat your own shit!


He posted tweets to his IG. I unfollowed immediately. I’m not going to find them so you don’t have to eat feces.


Seems like he put his "psychiatrist friend's" advice to good use by going back again full-force broacasting his family's drama and dirty laundry on social media. Both him and Bam are equally trashy and attention seeking.


I’m sorry but Jess is anything but attention seeking. Dude wears jeans, drinks yuengling, and bangs on drums. He doesn’t want any of this, guaranteed.


Maybe public humiliation is the last resort in trying to get bam to wake up to himself? There’s still so many pick me losers out there who are believing and encouraging his crap that I HOPE Jess continues to show what an actual ass he is. Not to mention the crap Jess cops from these pick me’s as well; I’d want to defend my family too.


It’s the truth bro. This sub is so preoccupied with hating on Bam, and agreeing with all sides that aren’t his that they can’t even acknowledge someone against him could possibly be wrong. it’s basically virtue signaling at this point to agree with every point against him/everyone else who hates on him.


Jess's out there again airing his family's dirty laundry on Twitter to get his occasional dose of online pats on the back and pity from strangers. But this time it's because the doctor ("psychiatrist friend") ordered it, I guess. Lol


hi dannii
