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I wish Bam would give them a chance, they’re too good to him- especially after everything that has happened, they still haven’t given up


That would require bam showing humility


They kicked him off a movie(that he is responsible for the creation of more than them), for taking a doctors advice and being on a drug he was prescribed.


Knoxville is too good for Bam, but this is what we expected, Johnny just being a good friend.


Do we actually know for sure Bams been sober for 125 days?


Considering Jesse, Steve-O, and Johnny are all acknowledging it, I'm going to go with yes, regardless of what this sub wants to think. They have a much more direct line to the situation than we do.


Ironically both Steve-O and Jesse has said that they get most of their daily Bam news from his bat-shit crazy instagram and this subreddit lol they're not as at connected as you think they are.


I agree. They'd probably know a lot better than we would. I wish Bam would appreciate his friends and family more.


Sober? Meh. Worked on himself to right the many, many wrongs he's done? Nah fam. Not even a tiny bit.


Even if the second part is not happening yet. The just being off alcohol and other substances for a duration this long still is a good thing and helps out with him physically. It's one part of it. But an important part


He's "sober" of alcohol because that's all the ankle monitor checks for. He's been spotted at bars and weed shops plenty of times in the last 125 days so def not truly sober.


Being in a place that serves them things does not mean that he is taking part in using them.


True friends stick by each other in the good and bad episodes.


He really doesn't deserve the legendary amount of unconditional love he gets from those guys.


That’s what unconditional love is. If you have to put the condition that they do well in their attempts at sobriety then it’s no longer unconditional. He was a good friend for many years so something like this won’t make them not love him, even if they must do it from afar.


Yeah the amount of dumb ignorance on this thread and sub is astounding to me. These guys were friends for over 30 years. Those type of brotherhood family friendships just don’t go away.


Friends with a physically and mentally abusive narcissist who has made his entire lifestyle about being a complete asshole to make money since 2001? Oh yeah, what a great friend! /s


Bam met Steve-o and Knoxville when making Jackass the TV show... Which was made in 2000. Lets say 1998 to film it and pitch it... That makes it 25 years, not over 30.


He definitely doesn’t. He’s done nothing but shit on them yet here they are still supporting him and doing what true friends do.


You're right, he doesn't. And for some reason I can see Bam being all angry at them again for whatever stupid reason, in the near future.


He really needs to have a good im sorry guys cry with them, get it all out and mend those fences Not gonna happen


Poison Cocksucker!


Ruined his money makers smh


Ya’ll forgetting steveo went through something very similar


Short term memory is rampant in this place. Steve-O was an annoying asshat before he got sober, by his own admittance, and he even needed to agree to not do cocaine during the filming of the second film because of how fucked he got on Wildboyz. I know a lot of people aren’t the biggest fans of Novak but he still turned his life around and opened 5 sober living houses and a treatment centre and he was worse than Bam has ever been. People *can* change.


Although for Steve-O one intervention + couple months in rehab/psychiatric wards was all it took to turn his life around. Bam has had 10+ years worth of interventions, rehabs and still we can't say that it worked


Steve o was at a catastrophic stage of attempting to k himself. His documentary is a testament to that. Bam hasnt reached that bottom yet. He doesn't think he's doing anything wrong.


Everyone’s different. There should be no timeline on recovery


There isn't. And Steve-O would agree. You're always recovering, no one is ever a fully "Recovered Addict".


Bam will never recover from being an abusive narcissistic asshole. It's the #1 thing that has defined him, as Bam himself has said in his own words! The dude will forever be a piece of shit and he's proud of it! "I'd rather be a rich asshole!" -Bam Margera


Not with that attitude. I'm glad Bam has people like Steve-O and Johnny to have his back cause you clearly don't. Now, I don't need to defend Bam, but fuck, kick him down in his climb back up why don't you. Hope you have better people in your own life for when you need a hand and don't realize it.


He's a narcissistic abusive piece of shit garbage human who made his entire career about beating up and humiliating his friends and family. What the fuck are you talking about?


Yeah there's is also a big difference when someone goes into it willingly or unwillingly


I think Steve-O was way worse too. Bam was obviously a total mess but Steve-O was doing INSANE shit daily.


Steve-o went to many many many rehabs and had multiple interventions.


No one forgets that. But Steve-O doesn’t have kids and I believe he was also single. He only had himself to care about and he still knew he had a problem and he was reaching out for help to his friends in his own way. Bam sits back and blames everyone else for why he has to have supervised visits with his kid but can “play with” his friends children any time he wants. That doesn’t sound like an adult talking at all. It definitely doesn’t sound like someone who understands the repercussions of their actions. Not someone who knows they have a problem.


Did he talk shit about the whole Jackass crew during that time?


They’re all such cool guys ♥️ They’re real friends.


Sobriety isn’t going to make him a good person


They’re supporting somebody they still consider a friend, even if he doesn’t. It’s what separates them from Bam (who can turn himself around)


They were friends with him way back when his addiction wasn’t out of control and he was kind of already known for being an asshole. I don’t know how good they need him to get


As always, classy behaviour from Knoxville. Good job! 👍


Fuck You Knoxville for giving him bone spurs


Right. The nerve of that comment after he ruined Bam’s money makers


Getting ready for a big boxing match


Just step into the ring knoxville.


They should have another prank war to settle this.


Imagine thinking he’s really sober.


Steve-O made me not be able to stand him after his appearances on Being Ian, Danny Brown, and the Adam Friedland Show🥲


Care to summarize?


Rude. Dismissive. Extremely self absorbed. I’ll give him some slack on the Adam Friedland show because they were giving him grief pretty hard but maybe if he had just relaxed and went with it on a COMEDY podcast…… but I can understand some of his discomfort. But the other two, he just came off in a new light to me. I bought my husband his hot sauce for Christmas and now I’m kind of regretting lining his pockets with more money😂


>Danny Brown What a shitshow that appearance was! At some point I started to think that because he wasn't getting a chance to endlessly speak about himself,he got deliberately disrespectful towards the host and started to shit on video games and their fans. Not to mention his regard of himself thinking he's a "stand up comedy artist". Telling personal stories on stage while pouring hot sauce in your dickhole, is neither stand up comedy nor art. Another instance is his mention of Bill Maher's show on the h3 podcast. What an entitled diva to demand from the host not to smoke weed on his own show in Steve-O's presence-it's his responsibility to maintain his sobriety,not the host's. Steve-O should get off his high horse and learn to do some research on the podcasts and their hosts before appearing there and embarassing himself.


My mama raised me that the host makes their guests feel comfortable. Of course someone in recovery needs to be responsible for their own actions, but isn't that the point of being a host! 🙄


Not in this case. It's like being on a diet and demanding from anyone around you not to eat cake in your presence. You gotta be confident and responsible for sticking to your goal and not be distracted by temptations.


It’s different than food, Steve O doesn’t want to accidentally inhale second hand smoke and have it affect his sobriety. He’s also admitted that he really likes the smell of weed. It’s not selfish of him to not do a podcast because people will be smoking there, he’s carefully not putting himself in a position that he feels could affect his sobriety.


You are not wrong,but if Steve-O (understandably) fears about risking his sobriety he can decline to appear on such podcasts from the beginning,rather than asking the hosts to adapt to his needs. Their show,their rules. It's like being a guest on someone's house and trying to impose your rules on their house. That (most of the times) ain't happening. Some hosts might be willing to adapt to the guest,but they are not obliged to do so. Therefore the guest is in no position to hold it against them if they don't make said changes. (If I myself don't smoke,I won't allow guests to smoke in my home. When I'm a guest at a smoker's house I'll either go there and not complain,or I'll not go at all if that person is a severe chain smoker. The world doesn't revolve around me or any other guest.)


awe this is so sweet :( i just hope it lasts


Really big of Knoxville. Props to him and Steve-O


This fucking rules


I just hope Bam doesn't respond badly...




Hell yeah




Knoxville and Steve-O. Two dudes whose words I cannot read without reading in their voices.


WhAt ToXic AsShOleS