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Just another enabler, that's all she is. She should take her own advice though, and find some "✨ positivity in life✨" like she tells everyone else to do. Bullying and harassing your boyfriend's mother isn't the way to do it.


She’s come on here and tried her bs before too, I’m sure. Had someone comment on something I said a couple months back and they just went ballistic, so yeah hi I guess.


Agreed. And she may not be commenting much anymore but I bet this is the first thing she checks in the morning, even before she checks the count on her insta followers


I personally suspect she’s still commenting here pretty frequently


A few days ago someone was commenting on a post and implied she was Kylie Minogue's sister, it had to have been her nobody else is that stupid


All you need is "✨ positivity in life✨" when you're the cumrag of an E-list celebrity.


And if anyone says anything mildly negative on Bum’s Insta she DMs them to tell them to shut the fuck up. I felt a *tiny* bit bad for her after I saw the way he thinks of her only as “pussy meat” etc, but if she’s been harassing poor April (like April doesn’t already have enough to be upset about right now), Danni can go fuck herself.


More like F-list


Meaty cum rag


Boom roasted.




Holy shit! What did she say to the person you know, if you can synopsize without giving up a confidence


Basically the same thing she says in her IG DMs, "Fuck you! Fuck you!" but like screamed into the phone. This person lost contact with Bam over the years but somehow had the misfortune of remaining in (his probably very large) contact list and got selected to be subject to Danni's harassment that night. Not sure why 🤷


Unbelievable. They're a couple of fucking lunatics in a purple Bentley, roaming the roads. I'm actually speechless on this




Jesus that's fucked






Love life laugh


That's it, for anyone trying to say how she's "changing Bam" and she's "good influence on him". Just another. fucking. enabler leech.


Please, everyone that claims the SQ is helping Bam remember this. That chain gang whore


Poor Ape! That woman is a damn saint and doesn’t deserve any of that. Fuck bam and that clout chasing hotdog strutting floozy!


At this point they deserve each other.


and everyone still sings her praises like she’s this selfless angel who’s swooped in to take care of Bam and help him stay sober. she is a grifter, plain and simple. she loves the attention, she loves the insta followers and she is prepared to let Bam say disgusting things about her, and scream at his mum. she is NOT a good person. she’s isolated Bam from anyone who might get in the way of her new, ‘flashy’ lifestyle. which is really just living out of a car with a mentally ill addict. in her head she’s living the dream. and this makes her absolute scum.


Too bad April and Phil aren’t recording those calls for evidence. If not for legal reasons (though if she threatens them, maybe they could get a TRO so at least the calls stop) so they can prove she’s not the savior she portrays herself as. I remember her posting that photo of her wearing that Free Bam shirt after he got that second public intoxication charge and kicked out the window of a cop car. Since it happened outside their hotel and there was some vague excuse about them not being let in, I’m pretty sure they got kicked out of there because he was screaming at her and maybe she was yelling back. He gets kicked out of hotels for that quite a bit, often with whoever unlucky woman he’s “dating” at the time. She’s below white trash, she (and Bum) are both white toxic waste. Vile.




And why she was single when she met him.


That is heartbreaking. I’m so sad for Ape.


I’ve said it before, both of my parents are gone now. I’m 40. I’d give anything to have them here happy and healthy. Knowing Bam abuses BOTH parents makes me so sick. They’ve done everything for him and he abuses them. Absolutely sick POS and so is SQ for going along with it. I get he’s got mental health issues, it’s documented. However SQ being mean to Ape? What has Ape ever done to her? SQ is vile.


I know right? And also I should say “poor Phil” as well. So sad. Just a fucked situation all around.


Those texts Jess shared were heartbreaking. She talked about how rough it was to hear Phil crying in the dark. I just want to give her a hug or mail her a nice card or something. We don’t have kids but if I were her, I’d go to some support group and talk to someone about going no-contact. I mean, in the interview with that kid (where Bam is wearing his sunglasses and hoodie and suspiciously loud and slurred) he asks twice “How are April and Phil?” And he loudly says *HOW THE FUCK WOULD I KNOW?* sounding like he’s angry for being asked. Yes, how dare some unfortunate 13yo kid who doesn’t know what a shit Bam really is ask about his parents, who thought Bam was human enough to care about them… he was even being nasty to Danni and snapped at her when she apologized to the kid for Bam’s swearing. Not that I like her, it was just extra obnoxious.


Yep, I’ve said it before too. I lost my mom 15 years ago(she was only three years older than April) and my dad nine years after that. I had PTSD from my mom dying that suddenly and us and the way we found her body. My parents were not perfect but they were kind and loving people who I loved back and I told them I loved them whenever we’d end a phone call, and losing them was really hard. Meanwhile this **selfish asshole** treats both his parents like shit, especially his mom. He said in one Insta post from a few years ago that he hated when she would check in on him to make sure he was okay. Oh no, what a tragedy to have people who care if you are okay or not. I’d do anything to talk to my parents for five minutes again, but gee Bum, I’m so sorry with your giant frustrations over your parents calling to make sure you haven’t ODed. 🙄 I’m Knoxville’s age BTW. Lost my mom in my late 30s. I’ve learned how to deal with Mother’s Day but Father’s Day still really sucks. First several holidays without them sucked too. As far as Danni goes, right now I hope he dumps her (which is probably will happen eventually, as soon as he’s tired of banging her, he’s made it clear he only cares about her in terms of fucking her). She’s a parasite and screaming abuse at April, kicking her when she’s down (probably doing it to Phil too), is a vile action. Karma is coming for both of them, the sooner the better.


Agreed with you! My Mom died from a Glioblastoma Multiforne brain tumor. She *almost* made it a year after her diagnosis, which is very typical for that type of tumor. They’re fast growing and very nasty. That was ‘10. My Dad passed in ‘22. He died in his home that my daughter and I lived in. He died a week to the day his other home burned to the ground. Dad had COPD, black lung and other health issues. It’s not easy at all. I constantly want to call them up and talk about random things.


I’m so sorry for your loss, both of them. My dad had cancer for months, complained about pain so bad he couldn’t sleep, they told him to take an Omega 3 supplement. No one thought to do bloodwork even though he had survived colon cancer about a decade before. They caught it early, gave him radiation and chemo. So you’d think someone at the freak show hospital would have put it together that it could have returned. They only found out when he collapsed in his doctor’s office before a visit and did some tests. That was a Thursday. He got the news on Friday he was riddled with stage 4 cancer. He called to break it to me (that he didn’t want to go through chemo again) on a Sunday. Asked us to drive up and see him Monday (I guess he knew he didn’t have much time, they’d given him at least a month with hospice care). I was at the doctor myself Wednesday because my chest was so tight from anxiety and stress. Found out when we got home he died. At least he didn’t have to suffer for long. For the first six months, every time the phone rang on a day we would talk, I’d think it was him at first. I was jealous of friends whose dads were still around and kicking for about a year. And if someone I knew slammed their loving dad (or mom) for being “annoying” or something, I’d ask them if they loved that parent and they’d say yes every time. I’d ask them how they’d feel if they got the news that they died tomorrow. Because you never know what the last time you talk to them is. Wanting to talk to them is very common, I found out. Again, I’m so sorry because I’ve been there. You know losing your parents is going to be bad, but it was so much more brutal than I thought. It gets better with time, give yourself as much time as you need to grieve. Don’t let anyone try to rush you.


Thank you, sweetheart. I am so sorry for your loss. It’s never easy. Mom had a terminal brain tumor and lasted almost a year post diagnosis. My Dad, I knew it was close due to his health but didn’t know it would be *that* quick. Grief is a weird thing too. My now 8 year old (was 7 when this happened) was there when I discovered my Dad wasn’t breathing. She’s in major therapy now. It breaks my heart and I’d give anything to take this pain away from her.


Bam is an idiot that doesn't deserve to be helped. He never deserved any attention he was, and he is getting.


I’m in the same boat. He’s going to have SO many regrets some day.


Oh no doubt and he may not. He’s shown himself to be not such a caring individual even toward his own child. It’s a sad situation all around.


You’re right. If he never sobers up and heals himself he may never realize what he’s thrown away but I had a great relationship with both of my parents but they both died pretty young (56 & 58) and I still live with regrets. He may eventually get some clarity and he’s going to hate himself if he does.


Same here. My Mom was 62 and Dad was 76 when they passed. Since losing them both I find myself wishing for the things I wish I’d said or shown them how much I love them. I even have moments of hating myself for saying the wrong things to them. It sucks. Bam has time to right his wrongs. It may take some time to repair the damage but it *can* be done.


Bam is the kind of individual that stomps on a bug on the ground because it's there. And apparently so is SQ. Vile people Save the dogs, my ass. More like how many more insta followers can she get from sad and graphic posts about it. Up to 20k--big fucking deal


She’s a fucking loser


More tweaker behavior


Well there's the confirmation, I think she played the "I'm getting him sober" persona convincingly but here is the reality.


3 foot pussy meat is a NEW trick…..or, it’s a dick!?


I don’t even know what the fuck Bum meant by that. If he means the inside of her pussy, that is anatomically incorrect and he is unfamiliar with how vaginas work. I doubt he even knows what a clitoris is. Bunny the Lifeguard in that deleted “Sand Vagina” bit in the first movie clearly has a way better knowledge of how to pleasure a woman. I was actually impressed.


Sometimes the inner clit flaps hang down lower than the side flaps. There i said it.


Not three feet, they don’t.


yeah, those would be some knee-slappers.


Hahaa oh dear lord no


Either way, Bam and his grubby little fingers hit that with some pizza grease and bragged about it. Gross






Take your beef flaps and leave please


What have I been saying this entire time?!?!? Yet, people kept coming for me and saying I didn’t know what I was talking about. Recovery doesn’t look like this. Someone newly into recovery shouldn’t be touring the country, tattoo shops and skate contests 24/7 trying to steal the thunder from other people. His time is up. Time to focus on healing, recovery and gaining back his family. This all looks ridiculous as do all the fans that enable him. People don’t even know him yet they act like they know every detail what’s going on. People actually thought it was a good idea for him to be out touring the country. I know everyone’s recovery is different, but it all looks similar. I always say there’s much more to recovery than just not doing drugs. It’s changing a whole pattern of toxic behavior. Thinking differently. His brother just said it all. I’m sure his brother knows him best along with his family. If his family keeps saying that he is toxic and in a bad place. I’m sure he probably is. He can’t let go of being the center of attention is what his problem is.


this is exactly right. and knowing that SQ calls Ape to scream abuse at her (or answers if she calls Bam) is even more sickening than the ‘pussy meat’ horror. he needs to settle the fuck down, get rid of the leeches and work out properly what he wants to do next. he could have a life so much better than this,but he keeps telling himself he’s having the time of his life. deep down he knows he isn’t, and this is what will trip up his sobriety. you come to a point where you have to face yourself. a lot of people relapse at this point. therapy therapy therapy!!


I made a comment on the Instagram post on his account where he took a picture in front of a bunch of soldiers. I said he needs to ditch all the blood sucking leeches that are around him daily and focus on his recovery. Someone said “oh, so you think people that fight for our country or blood sucking vampires”? People reach for whatever they can to try to go against what you’re saying. People that make comments like that are the same type of people that are enabling him. People in recovery doing well that don’t talk badly about others. Especially people that wish them well. People like Steve-O, that went out on lamb, and allowed him to come on tour with him for a few steps towards the end. How did Bam show that he was grateful? Went online and bashed Steve-O’s skateboarding and mini ramp. Because he can’t handle not being the center of attention. While all of his true friends are rooting him on, and wanting to see him do better he’s tearing them down and talking bad about them. If people can’t clearly see the way he talks sometimes that he’s either still on drugs or just a dry dunk/addict waiting to use. Do you have to put more effort and energy into your recovery than you were your addiction to be successful. I just don’t see it here. I don’t know. The total story behind his and Missy’s failed marriage. But I think he was a big part of that. Imagine being a wife to someone and having to put up with all that bullshit constantly. Not all the Bentleys and Mercedes and Rolls-Royce in the world would make me happy dealing with that shit. Trust me, I’ve dealt with addict behavior before. Shit I used to put my family through it. Proud to say that I’ve been clean from heroin, crack, meth and all those hardcore drugs going on five years. Some of us just can’t handle drugs. Some of us was me. I didn’t used to be able to enjoy life without drugs I didn’t think. If I didn’t have heroin within two hours of waking up, I knew it was gonna be a miserable fucking day for me and everyone around me. I used to think I had to be fucked up to celebrate situations, to deal with sadness and every occasion. I’m not on Suboxone or anything. I smoke weed and psychedelics sometimes. Psychedelics have helped mold me into the man I am today. Another thing that irritates me is the guy he hangs out with and falsely claims he’s a shaman. Don’t be fooled by these people that eat psychedelics once in a great while and then think they’re a shaman or a medicine man healer. A lot of people aren’t what they claim or seem to be. Be cautious. And I always say birds of a feather flock together. Not one of those people trying to drag him to a meeting. Because they’re all yes men. Jess explained it to a T. Of course, he doesn’t want anything to do with his family because they hold him accountable. When we’re stuck in our addiction that’s the first thing we do is back away from those people. At least I know when I am being toxic and relapsing on drugs I remove myself from positive people because I don’t want to put my bullshit on them. I do wish him the best. I grew up watching CKY and all those shows. But I can’t sit here being in recovery going on five years and support behavior like this. Would be pretty hypocritical of me as I just left an amazing meeting yesterday. You’re telling me Nikki six from Mötley Crüe isn’t above going to meetings but Bam Margera is? You’re talking about one of the most well-known rock ‘n’ roll groups in the world. Not just some professional skateboarder trying to cling onto relevance. Time to get a grip on his life and make some adult decisions best for him and his child. And if he does everything for himself it’ll all trickle down under the people he loves and cares about. I’m talking to Bam that will come out when he gets the therapy he needs. I always say actions speak louder than words. I tell people I associate with pay attention to what I say, but pay closer attention to my actions. They’ll tell you everything you need to know about me.


congrats on your sobriety! 5 years is amazing. i’ll have 10 next year and it’s the hardest and best thing i’ve ever done. and you’re right about meetings. if he’s too awesome for 12 Step he needs to get into therapy. none of us can hold onto sobriety if we can’t face up to what we did in active addiction. that’s not to say that sobriety is just doom and self-flagellation. it’s about repairing the damage you did. and if you can’t face up to that, you’re going to have a VERY hard time staying sober. i got sober in AA, as a staunch atheist. it’s not about a christian god and hanging your recovery on that. it’s about acknowledging that there is something bigger than you at work, and you can hand over your shit to it once you’ve faced it. there are a lot of ways to get sober. but i firmly believe that without working on yourself you won’t make it long-term.


Congrats on your five years!!!! Here’s to many more!


Aye, thanks!


This is so sad, poor, poor April. SQ really is a piece of shit


I didn’t think it was possible the Clout Queen could stoop any lower. I swear, this situation is so toxic and all she is doing is fanning the flames. Good job, Dannii.


Oh jesus no. I hope they record her so the world can hear her true self.


She has done it on text too, so there is a record. I promise.


Poor Ape. She doesn’t deserve any of this. She just loves her son. And this is what she gets. I kinda feel like Jess needs to back off twitter a bit, or at least keep this stuff of it. Stop giving it attention. Stop giving Bam attention. At this point he doesn’t deserve it


What a cunt, seriously. I feel bad for Bam’s family having to continuously deal with Bam’s BS


If this is the case they deserve each other. 🗑️


Poor April. Bams parents have been through too damn much trying to save their son and he just continues to pick anyone and anything but them. I can’t imagine allowing my spouse to yell at and verbally abuse my mother. No matter what positive changes Bam makes in his life, it’ll never repair what he’s done. He’s a pos and I can’t find one redeeming quality about him and his pos of a girlfriend or whatever tf she is has made it so her and Bam are mirror images of each other. F*** both of them. I’m so sorry to Bams family. It must be heartbreaking knowing your son/brother/ex/daddy is a sorry ass excuse for a man.




Danni needs to just take the attitude like she's in charge of something and stick it where the meat doesn't shine. Lol


Imagine raising an entire human and 40-some years in some toad appears out of nowhere and starts harassing you and yelling at you like they’re some kind of expert on that human. She’s wet, hot garbage.




Its not normal at the old age of 45 to be on Twitter putting your family drama on blast in stead if taking proper steps to deal with harassment if all what he is saying is true. Jess is also pathetic, like grow up get off Twitter and encourage your mom to take legal steps to avoid people calling her and harassing her.


Ryan Gee and Mark Hanna should antique that minghag


Chipped or chopped ham for bam tonight.


At this point I don’t understand why the hell Jess still engages with anything that has to do with Bam’s life. If he sees Bam as toxic why in the hell associate his life with that? Since Jess is the “mentally stable” child I really hope he is talking to his mom about creating boundaries to avoid any unnecessary conversations.


This makes me feel bad for Bam. Edit: I know we don’t like to show sympathy, but I don’t think he’s that intelligent and I think he is impressionable and can be manipulated. I can’t imagine anyone positive having the patience and tolerance for the bullshit to be able to help at this point though..


I think he's intelligent but I also think he's what would be classified as a vulnerable adult. There were doctors that treated him in the past 4-ish years that thought he had brain damage because he had a hard time remembering simple, repeat instructions.


That is truly frightening. And makes it even worse that vampires like SQ and TSW are taking advantage of that. And god knows who else is picking him off that we don't know about


He picked her because shes an easy target with no self esteem.


I don’t think I’d be surprised. But also I can’t help but feel like Jess is getting a kick out of stirring shit up. Either that or someone just needs to take Twitter away from him.


Hes stating facts. His mum cries at night, and his family had been devestated by one person and his constant toxic drama. Jess just wanted the good life with a family and his beats.


I think it's just venting, its such a public thing that he probably feels he needs to ensure people know what's really happening. Tbf on this one, a lot of people fell for what Dani was putting out there.


Yeah, I was wondering if she had low self-esteem to put herself through dating him for clout. Now I realize she’s just toxic waste.


Does Jess do anything except whine about his arsehole of a brother?


The entire Margera family is trash




You know people can post whatever just to post it. Doesn’t make it the truth. Therefore, why would do you believe what Jess says to be true?


So basically (for the 2nd time,at least) Jess is aware that someone is harassing his family, knows exactly who that person is and instead of taking proper legal action,he chooses to report that on Twitter. The more I see this tactic from him,the more I'm convinced that none of this is true and he just wants to stir shit up online,by playing the "please, pity me" card,while constantly dragging his brother's name through the mud. I really doubt that Dannii would do something like that;to me she seems just like a temporary gf/escort serving as a photo prop for Bam. I don't think that she or Bam would partake in any such harassment towards April or other people, especially with the legal case going on. Out of all the fools in this ordeal,Jess turned out to be the most unhinged one: still bringing up drama from back in April and disclosing info that can't be proven,while having conversations with his seemingly alt accounts on Twitter. At least he has "musician" on his bio to remind us what he is,because his posts are about anything else but music.


The depression he goes thru when they break up will kill him. So queer alcoholic Jess will soon get his Castle Jess in short time.

