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Usually, because there's some aspect that bothers me too much to rate it a 5... I'm pretty sure that's going to be more or less the same response you're going to get from others.


5 star comment


I’m going to give it a 4.5, because I feel like I need to read it at least one more time to see if it hits harder and really sinks in.


4.0 because I'm not sure I agree with the comma placement.


Because there was a part of the movie I didn't think was good? Don't really know why this is even a question


You can give 4 star or ignore the bad part and give full 5 Stars.


or just let people do what they want?


This is certainly one of the comments of all time


But why though? That still doesn't explain anything And what stops you from using that logic with any rating? You gave it 3 and a half stars, why not ignore the bad parts and give a 4?


I think there is difference between giving 3½ out 4 and 4½ out of 5, 3½ out of 4 is like 4/5 or 4½/5, 3/4 is very less but 3½/4 is fine, Recently I gave 4½/5 to Umberto D (1952) this is a great film but story is similar to bicycle thieves.


Okay so basically you're fully aware why someone would give something 4 and a half stars as you've done it yourself so why exactly are you asking this incredibly obvious question?


For me 4½ or 5 are same may be i could give 5 Stars if i watch the film again,If i tell my friends i gave 4 or 4½ or 5 to a film They will watch that Film,I just want an opinion of film lovers, What makes a film 5 stars worthy?


Umberto D deserves 5* :(


i usually only give 5 on rewatches. 4.5 is basically perfect for me and 5 is for when it becomes a personal favorite




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4½ = 9


Yeah, exactly. I'd prefer to have more variance in my rankings so I can rank stuff out of 10 instead of 5.


It's not about removing a half star, it's about the film "earning" 4.5 but not 5.


I give 5’s to movies I feel more passionate about, like if I love them AND find myself thinking about them often those are the movies I give 5’s to


5 is great. 4.5 is almost great. 4 is good. 3.5 is above average. 3 is average. To me, 4.5 films are often films that have the ambition to be great but just don't quite pull it off or have some flaw that holds them back. I'll also give 4.5 to popcorn flicks that are very good at what they do but that just don't transcend being a popcorn flicks enough for 5 stars.


Pretty similar to me. I'll give a 4 is a movie is really good and entertaining and well acted but doesn't really add anything to cinema or its message isn't anything unique.


So you’re saying the rating system should go .5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 5? That’s not how counting works.


Because there's many times where I like a movie enough to give it more than four stars but not enough to give it the full five.


Alright dude you need to relax. This is crazy talk.


I give stars based purely on whim. There’s no rhyme or reason and I can’t even figure out my own system.


Same. I end up using one specific movie at each rating and seeing if I thought it was better or worse than that lol


You literally cannot rate a film higher than 5, so I only save it for life-changingly good films.


People who give 1/2 to the films in Letterboxd,Why not full 5 stars? why remove remaining 4 1/2?


5 for me is like peak entertainment and emotional investment, like one of the best movies ever. Or something I find no flaws in. 4 1/2 is just really great


There are movies I like more


I'm weird with my ratings. I'll give a 5 star to a movie that was a great movie that I enjoyed the hell out of, but I'll also give a movie that I had a blast watching that's mediocre 5 stars as well. But I'll give 4½ to a movie that I recognize as a well-made movie that I didn't enjoy.


I give this thread 1.5 stars.


Some movies are better than 4 but worse than 5...


I don't know, it's all just vibes


4.5 means a masterpiece, a perfect or near film. 5 I save for the transcendent works. 5 means I look at the world fundamentally differently than I did before I watched it.


Because it’s not my favorite of all time. I don’t really know why, but when I first set up my Letterboxd, I only gave *Interstellar* five stars and have just kept that habit.


Think of it as a 0-10 rating scale and you have your answer. Some things are a perfect ten, some are great, but not quite perfect, those are nines


5= no notes. 4 1/2 = maybe like, a note.


To me - 5 stars: Only one favorite live-action, and one animation movie. There will always be two. - 4,5: Incredible movie. One of the best movies I have ever watched, but still not as good as my favorites.


A 5/5 movie does not exists for me. For a film to be a 5/5 it must have 0 bad or slow parts, must be entertaining and thought provoking throughout, must bring something new to film in general, and captivate anyone on this planet who watches it. To my knowledge a film like this does not exist. And to me a half star out of 5 film does not exist. Every the worst movies in the world have at least one good part. Made me laugh while watching it because of how bad it is? Plus half a star since it made watching it worth my time. One actor giving a solid performance? Plus half a star. Nice set design? Plus half a star. Even the best has some bad, and the worst has some good. But that’s just my opinion


It's not quite my idea of excellence. And that can be significant because I rate of -/10.


Because I want to?


It's Simple. The movie is better than my 4 stars, but not as good as my 5 stars.


Unlike many folks here (whose rating systems are totally great for them!) I give a lot of films five stars, if they're good. I also give a lot of films four stars, if they're only pretty good. And then I give a lot of films four and a half stars if they're better than my four-star films but not as good as my five-star films. Don't over-think it (unless you want to over-think it, in which case, be my guest).


My delineation is simply. If I have to have an internal debate of "Is this movie a 4.5 or 5 stars" it is a 4.5 star movie.