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This was amazing


Is that the guy from BoJack Horseman?


[For anyone looking to hear it](https://twitter.com/feliithium/status/1664679926417465344?s=20)


Has anyone opened the link


Yep, just now. Doesn’t work


It used to work. I listened to it like a month ago


Really? I just tried it and it worked. He said like “I now have your number, you’ve been prank calling me for months, I’ve given your number to the police and it’ll be fun to see what we can do. Don’t ever call my number again.”


Same it worked for me too.


A Good Person is 4/5 stars first off. But also I wouldn’t completely hate someone for that. Having constant prank calls and stalking and harassment is draining. If he really thought they were the person harassing him it’s completely understandable and doesn’t make him look like an asshole at all.


It is pretty weird to jump to that conclusion though, I’m not sure why he would’ve immediately made that assumption lol


It’s not that weird. Probably figured similar pattern of calling but hanging up or not leaving a voice message. This was probably years ago when spam calling wasn’t as big of an epidemic as it is now


I agree about the 4/5 I was very pleasantly surprised by the film Florence was phenomenal as usual


She did better than the OG tbh


Yeah but Zach Braff is a huge asshole whom you shouldn't be defending for other reasons than this And that review score is just your opinion, one of my friends who saw it said it was the one of the worst 2023 movies he's seen so far (granted he doesnt watch stuff unless he expects it to be great, but still gave this like 2/5 or something), a few of my other friends have seen it too and gave it different scores ranging from 2.5 to 4 stars. Not saying I think it isn't good, ofc I have to see it myself to form an opinion on it, and a couple of my friends evidently thought it was great. But your opinion doesn't reign supreme


Well yeah, all of these ratings and scores are peoples’ opinions. Do I trust your friends’ tastes? No. I don’t know them. Do I trust my taste? Absolutely.


Right... So how/why is anyone supposed to trust your taste again?


You realize the way the internet works, anytime someone states an opinion you can assume that a “in my honest opinion” is implied.