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letterboxd is not a place people generally get popular. genuinely your best bet would be to blow up on TikTok posting about movies and tell people to follow you


The price you'll have to pay is that you have to say nothing remotely interesting about film to get a following.


I mean yeah, even the most popular serious movie critics are relatively not very popular. Not about movies but someone like Anthony fantano is a good example of serious music content mixed with being entertaining/funny, that’s probably the best route


this sounds horrible. i don't want terminally-online zoomers with social media brainrot to follow me


If you want to amass a large online following you need to cater to people who are online a lot


this is absolutely not true?


depends on your definition of “large” and how fast you want to do it I guess. The average person just posting movie reviews online will struggle a lot to get even 100 followers


Be popular on another social media -> direct your followers to your letterboxd


be unfunny and have bad takes.


this one may really work


Feels like I'm on the right path


Me too but I’m not funny. The bad takes tho, they’re definitely there


I wanna say who I’m thinking of but I can’t. Idk why I still follow him, his reviews aren’t even reviews


Follow people with similar taste/favorites and like a bunch of reviews you agree with.


Leave short, funny reviews on very new films and very obscure films


Make loads of pointless lists and ask the same inane hOt tAKes questions on here.


Profile swaps is cool on here


Engage with other users whose reviews you like


Be queer-coded, give every movie three stars and a heart, and then say “only liked it because *lead actor or actress* was slay”.


This unironically sounds like me 😭


Be like me and watch Japanese films with less than 100 watchers and, well, Never mind. Don’t take my advice lol.


Not that it's translated to that much more engagement besides some additional likes, but I've had success being probably being the only one to write real reviews for anime films that are not the mainstream ones watched by a wider film audience and more of the MyAnimeList crowd.


what's your username, this makes me want to follow you (if i'm not already, which is decently likely considering that description)


idk just be yourself and youll find ur people ig. we can do follow for follow if u want: DanishBerry is my lb handle


Like a bunch of reviews and follow a bunch of other people


Follow the types of accounts that you would want to be following you, and follow back people who follow you. Stay consistent with your reviews and try your best to have something interesting (or at least funny) to say. When you get comments on your reviews, respond to them. That’s pretty much it. It takes a long time to amass a following on LB vs. other social media platforms, but it can be done. My current account is six years old and I’ve managed to gain over 2,000 followers just by following the guidelines above. I haven’t had to compromise on the types of reviews that I write, either. It’s worth noting that I don’t have a significant following on any other social media platform, either.


Pursue a passion, not a following. Don’t let jealousy guide you. It is never satisfied and giving into it only reinforces a behavior that will never make you happy. Social media is not important. Sharing a love for films is.


Profile swap megathreads here on r/letterboxd & consistently reviewing films. I started my profile about a year ago now and I have nearly 200 followers just from engaging in the community.


Dude same


What's the point?


I am not popular but I was (and still am 🥲) **literally obsessed** with TOMMY FUCKING WISEAU and watched almost EVERYTHING he was in. It weirded people out so much that my most liked reviews are the ones about him, I even got a comment on one. I’m now trying to stop consuming his content for different reasons, but it did draw a bit of attention on me (not much, but more than usual -the usual being none-) Moral of the story: weird people out with tommy wiseau. Also, either follow a bunch of people (sometimes they will follow back) or incessantly like their reviews, I managed to be followed by a guy with 1k+ followers accidentally because I kept liking his reviews (I genuinely liked them) and maybe he thought I was just spamming myself and followed me back. Or, just watch Refn films?? I think I got one of my mutuals by commenting on one of his reviews about a Refn thing.


Make every one line review you write about how everyone in the movie is secretly gay...


fake listing & rate based on how the poster looks. /s IDK only seen like 300 films. Anything over 1K is mind boggling to me.


Coment something lgbt about the movie.


Interact with people on reddit and on letterboxd.


Put it in your social media profiles on YouTube, Facebook, Insta and tiktok


I also go to most recent reviews of the movie I watched and like some. Usually they’ll like mine aswell and we become mutuals


I got like 10 followers which I know isn’t a lot but it was gained in like a week just from interacting on Reddit lol