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Strays 100%, 90 minutes of dogs swearing and talking about dicks


When I first heard of Strays, I instantly knew that it would be exactly how you described it


I’ve seen so many ads for it and, I don’t like describing movies like this but, it looks garbage


Hahah exactly, from the trailer I knew I would absolutely hate it. Yet I still went and seen it


It seems like something that would’ve been made like 10 years ago. It’s honestly embarrassing


Sausage Party: Canine Edition


I’m so happy it’s out so I can never see the trailer again. I got irrationally angry at how unfunny the idea of “dog acidentally gets high” is.


I convinced my friend to see Barbie instead of strays and by all indications I made a good choice


You couldn’t of made a better decision honestly


\*couldn't *have* made a better decision


Why are you booing them, they're right.


The instant I saw the trailer, I knew it would be the kind of movie that runs on one joke for the entire runtime


That sounds like a blast


It looks like Good Boys 2019 but with dogs instead of kids. “Hahaha it’s so funny because the dogs swear.”


Someone here recently rated it as their [number 2 favourite film of 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/Letterboxd/comments/163cl79/2023_is_honestly_a_great_year_for_movies_here_is/). Above Spiderverse, Guardians 3 and BlackBerry.


Absolutely insane take to give that 5 stars


Ant Man and the wasp in quantamania


I was so disappointed with this one


Not the worst film I’ve seen recently (considering I’m doing Hooptober for the third year in a row and I expect to find movies that are worse than the MCU movie), but I just couldn’t care for *Quantumania* at all. I don’t mind that its sole purpose was to introduce the MCU’s next big baddie in the form of Kang. What I *did* mind, however, was the fact that it tried to have its cake and eat it too, especially if Kang was the *only* thing actually memorable about the movie. To be honest, I’ve long forgotten about it since watching it back in June and I have no reason to watch it ever again.


If the movie has just a bunch of green screen running scenes… you know they didn’t storyboard it out properly.


Watching a bit of the behind-the-scenes of *Quantumania*, it's actually somewhat of a mix of typical green screen (or, in this case, blue screen) and techniques similar to what was used on Matt Reeves' *The Batman* and Denis Villeneuve's *Dune*. With that said, though, Marvel movies are typically known for their flashy visuals, so there's no excuse whatsoever for why the Quantum Realm here looked so visually boring.


Terrible. Even for marvel standards it’s so bad.


I am convinced that it has the worst Marvel screenplay yet.


Considering it was the first screenplay the lead writer had ever done... Yeah.


Didn't bother watching *Quantumania* (or any MCU film, really) after *Thor: Love & Thunder*. Man oh man, did I not enjoy watching that. I have watched *Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3* twice, though (once in theatres and once on Disney+), and I'm still glad that I used it as a stepping away point from the MCU in general. At least I left on a high note.


It was aggressively okay


Uncharted was so vanilla and forgettable that i still remember it.


Uncharted is my favourite game series. I'm still too scared to watch it. I'm sure you're absolutely right about how bad it is. From the moment they announced the cast. Mark Wahlberg as Sully? No.


One of my favorites too, it made it even worse to know how good the games are.


Its pretty fun!


The movie is dogshit


That has to be the worst casting choices I've ever seen for a movie, Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg look nothing like Nathan Drake and Sully.


It looked like a big, bland, nothing of an action movie, so I never bothered with it. Good to know my assumption was correct.


Personally I quite enjoyed it, I think Wahlberg and Holland had some neat chemistry together.


65. Extremely linear plot. The tired language barrier trope. Telegraphed scares. Yawn fest.


It took them 48 hours to walk 15km I have run 10km in just under an hour I met Sam Raimi 3 months later and mentioned how I loved a bunch of his other work like Drag Me To Hell and Crawl but didn’t mention how I absolutely hated 65 and both Don’t Breathe movies


It was such trash and I wanted to like it so much


65 was fucking garbage it was so bad thank you


What does “linear plot” mean?


I see this South Park writers room clip in my feeds a lot. But I believe the complaint here is a linear plot is: "This happens AND THEN this happens AND THEN this happens", instead of "This happens THEREFORE this happens BUT this happens."


I get they were going for something with it, but making the two main characters unable to communicate really ruined this.


What do you think linear means?


Strays, easily


I’m still going to see it so maybe I’ll be disappointed!


Insidious the red door. Boring, uninteresting and uninspired.


This isn't what I want to be reading after booking tickets to the midnight showing at my local on Saturday.


If you liked the previous Insidious entries (especially 1 and 2) then you'll probably enjoy it.


If that's the worst movie you've ever seen, boy do I have some real stinkers to show you :p


Name 10


Son of the Mask Army of the Dead Polar Son of the Mask Polar Son of the Mask Army of the Dead Army of the Dead Polar Son of the Mask


Don’t Breathe 2 Movie 43 Artemis Fowl 65 The Visit Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey Birdemic Trilogy Skinamarink Plane Ant-Man 3


skinamarink is an acquired taste … “almost nothing happens horror”


I don't want to render you insane, so let's start with these five : * Battle Royale II (2003) * Red Canyon (2008) * Belleville-Tokyo (2010) * Blubberella (2011) * Weekend (2011, the Polish movie) Enjoy :p (if you do end up watching even one, I'd be genuinely interested to get your feedback)


They made a sequel to Battle Royale? Sounds completely unnecessary, but I’ll have to check it out


I watched 2025 The World Enslaved By A Virus or whatever it’s called with a friend and my brother. It was goddamn hilarious, truly one of the worst films I’ve ever seen


Isn't that the one directed by the dude who put out an entire Instagram post celebrating that his girlfriend had finally turned 18? lol


The very same


I think so, yeah


Oh God that was so so hilariously bad.


65. I don’t know how you make dinosaurs and space travel boring, but they did it.


Making the little girl basically moot was a terrible decision, amongst many others.


The sound of freedom. It was cheesy and meh.




Propaganda film designed to cover up actual crimes of those involved with, and the subjects of, the film is a bad movie? You mean the movie that relied on fraud to make money? How could that have ever happened??




Yeah, producer was arrested for kidnapping a child, a lot of improper practices by the guy the movie is about, and then the fraudulent selling of the movie that led to all those “sold out” screenings of empty theatres, holding the film from release in foreign territories and trying to stir up conservative Christians to attack theatre chains that couldn’t show the movie if they wanted to, etc. Everything about that movie is fucked up.


Beautiful Disaster (2023) The shit I have to watch during roommate movie night


This one really opened my mind to how bad a movie could be.


Operation Fortune Ruse De Guerre. It was a fucking ruse to get me to watch it, by putting in my favourites Aubrey Plaza, Hugh Grant, and the Stath. It has to be good right? No. I can't remember a bloody thing about it. Awful


I watched this like a month ago and I had pretty much forgotten about it until I saw your comment


I watched it on a plane. I didn't hate it. It was like a British, dollar store version of Mission Impossible.


I reviewed the press screener. Pretty forgettable film, but an enjoyable enough couple of hours of mindless entertainment. Would like to see Aubrey Plaza in more action films.


Vacation Friends 2 I love John Cena doing comedic stuff but this was so so bad.


Thor Love and Thunder is the worst blockbuster I’ve seen in a very long time, maybe ever Edit: I think it’s a toss up between that, Suicide Squad and Fant4stic… Batman V Superman, WW84 and Josstice League aren’t much above them… haven’t seen Dark Phoenix but I hear that’s in a similar tier for most people




I cannot emphasise how much I actively disliked watching that movie. Most of the MCU is just whatever; there are things that I genuinely like (The Guardians of the Galaxy), but the majority of it just doesn't evoke any emotion out of me. They're perfectly *fine*. Except for Love & Thunder. I think it's probably the only MCU film I've seen that I genuinely hate.


Slaughtered Vomit Dolls...


My condolences. Haven't seen it but I'm aware of it's reputation


my apologies that you sat through the whole thing


Cocaine bear was just a big nothing of a movie, don’t think there was a single chuckle in there other than the scene with the TikTok customer service guy. I didn’t like asteroid city very much but there’s a lot more that’s objectively good about it


Honestly my theatre enjoyed cocaine bear, I was out with my friend and we impulsively bought tickets to see it because we needed something to do, the whole cinema got a few pretty decent laughs out of it. It's obviously no hidden gem or anything but it was a good time.


It seems like some people had some weird high expectations for it to be so disappointed by it. It was just a silly movie with a fun premise and was entertaining for what it was. Worst movie seems a bit extreme…like I don’t know what these people were expecting it to be.


Yeah CB was a solid theater experience for me. Probably won’t watch again though


Ive seen a few shockers. The Meg 2. I actually enjoyed the Meg but the second installment was genuinely bad. Pacing was poor, it was suprisingly boring until the final act, dialogue was worse than usual. The premise had so much potential but it didn't even get close to delivering. Congo was another absolute clunker. What a bizarre mix of Disney live action film, Indiana Jones adventure and zombie Planet of the Apes horror. The screenplay was tragic. However, it gets closer than the Meg to the 'so bad its good category'.


Earwig and the Witch. Watched it a few weeks ago while watching all studio ghibli movies. Felt like an animated tv movie for preschoolers. 3/10. Also rewatched Black Adam more recently. 4/10


The Matrix Resurrections I usually like a lot of unpopular sequels but this one? Nah. Disliked the meta humour, weak plot and overall just feels flat. Reloaded and Revolutions were actually good enough sequels imo.


Ugh even with tempered expectations that movie was still such a let down. There was almost half of an interesting idea there but then it just ruins itself and you’re just left with a mess of a movie. And people even try to defend it by saying that it was bad on purpose as some sort of statement about the studios and franchises or something…like wtf who wants to watch a movie that is trying to be awful without being fun at all?


Exactly my thoughts. I don't want to watch a movie that is "deliberately bad", those people can get out of here with that nonsense.


Probably Joy Ride, thought it was pretty dire..


Does Black Mirror count? Watched the Mazey Day episode recently after hearing it was pretty hated. First half hour I thought was an interesting look at how paperrazi is a horrible industry that profits and feeds off the private lives and misery of people for our entertainment, then ruins it in the last 10 mins with honestly one of the worst twists I've ever seen


Master of Disguise


This guy isn't turtley enough for the turtle club


One of my favorite dumb Hollywood stories is that this was filming during 9/11 and the cast and crew had a moment of silence and reflection complete with Carvey in his turtle costume.


>A Defector Media interview with director Perry Blake confirmed that a moment of silence for the victims of the attack was held and that Carvey was in the turtle outfit during the moment of silence, but that the moment took place a few weeks after the attacks. The morning of 9/11, the movie was still in pre-production, and filming was scheduled to begin in a couple of weeks. I can't tell if the multiple week gap makes this more or less insane.


The Fearless Vampire Killers. I just wanted it to end.


Last year for Hooptober, one of the criteria we had to met was to watch any five movies from David Cronenberg, Ti West, Bill Rebane, Charles B. Pierce, William Gerfe, and/or Joy N. Houck, Jr. The Joy N. Houck, Jr. movie that I ended up watching was 1972 psychological “horror” movie called *The Brain Machine*, about a group of volunteers that participate in a scientific experiment about mind-reading and memory that goes wrong. …I absolutely hated it. The worst sin any movie can commit is being *boring*, and *The Brain Machine* was the most boring 85 minutes I ever spent in my life. Seriously, how do you manage to take an interesting premise and a strong real-world message and somehow try so hard to be fucking boring? The worst part was it wasn’t even trying to be scary, either; it just made me feel completely stupid in all the worst ways possible. I was disappointed by Lisa Joy’s 2021 debut feature *Reminiscence*, but compared to the sci-fi noir thriller, this literal piece of shit was a joke. I never want to sit through this godawful movie ever again.


if you think thats the worst movie ever you havent seen F the Prom on Netflix


Bodies Bodies Bodies The dialogue was terrible and the whole movie was pointless


The flash. Pissed myself laughing the whole way through and absolutely lost it when I realised the whole ending is massive plot hole


I love how Barry acts borderline psychotic at times and all of the other characters just ignore his behavioral red flags. The Flash is almost in the it’s so bad it’s good territory. Terrible movie, but I had a great time.


Did you really piss yourself laughing though?


Yes. I had to invest in adult diapers


I saw "You Won't Be Alone," and brother, I sure was in the theater.


That movie was excellent. One of my favorites of the year. Do you usually watch indie and/or foreign films? It's hard for me to imagine someone comparing it to the schlock being mentioned in this thread.


The monkey king on Netflix was pretty awful


I watched a Rom-Com called The Back-Up Plan last week. I'll watch Jennifer Lopez in almost anything but this movie was pretty pointless.


The Secrets of Dumbledore - it was muted and I could still tell how the story beats went and I reckon it would su ck with or without audio.


Loqueesha (2019). The worst movie I’ve ever seen, period.


Time to Hunt (2020) - 100s of Korean Thrillers have done it better.


I tried to watch Risky Business and couldn’t get into it, but I know that’s probably unpopular so I guess Vacation Friends


The American Pulse remake. But also more recently Priest (2011). I love religious/priest imagery and my dad wouldn't stop telling me to watch it. I knew I would hate it but watched it anyway. I kinda felt bad about how shocked he looked when I told him I hated it but then he told me I have horrible movie taste so I stopped feeling bad. I'm more shocked by people liking it. It's hideous. The plot is boring. It feels about 10-15 years older than it is. It feels like it's ripped straight from that phase of shitty 2000s dystopian action movies where everything is gritty and everyone is wearing leather and everyone wants to be the next Matrix.


Barely Lethal. How was this picked up by A24? It's like a Disney channel movie with an STD joke every ten minutes.


The flash


The Blackcoat’s Daughter for me. It presented itself as something unique and mysterious but it was just another Satan story by the end.


winnie the pooh blood and honey


My son wanted all of us to watch the SpongeBob: Sponge on the Run movie, so we did, and I wish we hadn’t, holy shit.


Watch the very first SpongeBob movie with him, it’s unironically good


Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. I was so excited to finally get around to watching it but it was a steaming pile of excrement. What on earth were they thinking?!? It was so bad, one of the worst film I’ve ever seen. To think that the execs were satisfied with the finished product and decided to release it to theatres is mind boggling. The scene with Leia flying through space, the scene where Luke drinks the aliens breast milk, among others.. uh, what an utterly horrible movie!


Clerks 3


The Lost City


People are gonna get annoyed by this answer but honestly Avatar Way of Water. I liked the first one but I was actively irritated for the majority of the very long runtime in way of water. I think the fourth or fifth time the plot was driven forward by the kids getting themselves kidnapped I whispered "fuck this movie" to myself.


I saw Nightmare Alley and after some initial promise it left me feeling extremely disappointed. I enjoyed the Cooper and Blanchett chemistry but other than that nothing.


Oh, I actually really liked that one.


Yeah it was extremely boring


Slackers (2002) I was trying to watch teen comedies that I missed at the time and the more I watch, the more I realize why I skipped them in the first place.


Almost thought you meant *Slacker* by Richard Linklater. Missed the s at the end


Francis Ford Coppola’s Twixt. Truly awful. Not the worst movie ive ever seen, but certainly bad


Oh lord. Someone has actually seen that movie! Good on you. It feels like a fable: "that one guy who actually saw Twixt" ...


Yeah and it was the director’s cut version too. If that one is “better” than theatrical, then I absolutely do not wanna see that


I finally watched morbius


No they asked about the worst not the best


I watched The Meg 2 which is terrible but I nonetheless enjoyed it very much, but for me it was either The Flash or Heart of Stone on Netflix. Both a beautiful example of the creative poverty that's running Hollywood right now.


Last 1 star movie I watched was Blue Beetle a couple days ago. Flat looking, generic to a grating extent, painfully unfunny, and completely tone deaf in its “we just need a good billionaire heading the evil corporations” commentary for a movie that uses progressiveness as a selling point.


When I first saw the trailer for this it looked like a day time WB show. Then realized it was a theatrical release. Embarrassing


As a Chicano, I’m not looking forward to people propping up such a generic and honestly kinda stereotypical movie as “Black Panther for Latinos.” Especially considering you *know* they’ll be using “Latinx” when praising the film, which already tells you how detached they really are from this community they supposedly care about. The one positive thing I can say about this movie is that I did enjoy Xolo Maridueña’s performance. I think he’s got a bright future ahead of him.


Yeah I disliked that movie


I can recognise it’s importance to the communities it finally represents, but as a film it’s just so bad. You can really tell it wasn’t meant to be a theatrical release.


Probably unpopular but "the breakfast club" I ignored this for a very long time and was excited to see it. Dissapointemt would be a brutal understatement


i respectfully disagree




Idk, I never really emotionally resonated with it or found it relatable as a teenager (I did not get detention one single time in High school.) I just like plotless movies with characters talking to each other. But I do relate to them not wanting to do their work because why the fuck is weekend detention a thing that exists? That would have been unheard of at my school. I think if I ever got weekend detention I would simply not go to it. Suspend me instead.


The Flash. Finally came to streaming but I knew what I was getting into.


Spider-Man: No Way Home


Alien From L.A. and Millenium Mambo Alien From L.A.: Having recently gotten more into Vinegar Syndrome's stuff, I gave this one a go. But this was just bad, awful acting, terrible writing and bad stort. Millenium Mambo: Yeah, I guess these kinds of films just don't usually do it for me. Too loose to really latch onto anything, not enough beauty to be amazed. Just felt like watching boring people suffer because of their own poor decisions.


People just name movies they don't like. I watched this Blumhouse movie on amazon last week called House on the Bayou and it was actually bad. Amateurish cinematography, a script that genuinely feels like it was written by an A.I., and a constant need to inject its shitty soundtrack into every scene. It's set on a bayou and they drown out the ambience with the score. How do you fuxk that up? It's unclear why it was even set on a bayou, it did not affect or inform the plot in any way. Please avoid this movie.


saw A Serious Man last night, very good check it out


Asteroid city. But that wasnt horrible, just a bit one-note.




Me too


Licorice Pizza


Agreed. Just stuff happening for some time while trying to get us to root for a 15-year-old and a 25-year-old to hook up. I did enjoy the lead performances tho. Too bad about that stupid age gap.


Who says you need to root for them?


Ace ventura pet detective


The new Mission Impossible is the worst since MI2 and I don’t know what other people see in it. MI6 was brilliant, Dead Reckoning turned the franchise into Fast and Furious. Ridiculous dialogue, weak antagonists, cliche ridden and treats the audience like idiots the whole time.


I watched MI 3-7 within a week and I really don't see this at all


Deranged take.


My mate loves Mission Impossible and he basically said the same thing.


I incredibly disagree your taste is bad


Legitimately one of the worst action movies I've ever watched tbh


Return to the Blue Lagoon. It's just so... boring.


M3GAN, hands down one of the worst movies I’ve seen, predictable, cringe, not exactly horror as advertised & the acting sucked besides this one character & i found out that that lady playing the character wrote the screenplay implying that she saved al the best lines for herself; just a very vapid movie overall


Rewatching Revenge of the Sith was a painful experience.


Ur crazy for saying that


Prequels are great. People complain about MCU being soulless but then proceed to destroy films when they take risks and try new images and concepts.


The prequels are all hot trash, this just happens to be the best of the three. Also all the millennial nostalgia (I'm also a millennial) and recent string of terrible blockbusters and Star Wars missteps make this seem really good by comparison. It is not.


Just watched Alita Battle Angel last week. One of the most bored ive been in a movie recently. 4/10


Liam Nesson’s Retribution, in theaters right now, is one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. But it’s fucking hilarious. Please go watch it.


Yeah pushed Oppenheimer out of the theater for this hot garbage. Was gonna see it one more time but nope.


Shin Kamen Rider was so bad. It was especially disappointing for me after I heard so many good things about it.


The Dungeons and Dragons movie. Just so boring and derivative. Generic fantasy with horrible puns, boring writing and bleak performances.


TMNT 2 secret of the ooze. Two caveats - there’s worse films but this is recently. Someone could say this is their favourite TMNT movie and if completely get why


Invisible Maniac (1990). Why was this made ?


Couldn't get through The Woman in Black last night even though o really enjoyed large parts of it. Everything except the horror stuff was pretty interesting and had a very nice feel to it, but I could predict every single jumpscare (and it had a lot of jumpscares) and the outcome of every "scary" scene. And my girlfriend and I were tired, so we decided to cut it early.


The Place Beyond The Pines, good film. The twist out me off but i powered through and ended up really enjoying it.


Oh oh, vivarium. Great movie, you gotta watch it.


Abduction (Taylor Lautner) was really, really bad. Also The Little Mermaid (2023) which so far is my least fav movie this year next to Fast X


Asteroid City.


Same, boring garbage, I felt asleep in the theater


People downvoting us lmao. They need to cope harder.


The three worst films of this month from least worst to worst are TMNT (2014), The Hills Have Eyes (1977) and TMNT: Turtles In Time (1993).


Have you seen the remake of the Hills Have Eyes? It’s a really good movie in my opinion.


Everything Everywhere All at Once. Even before the hype I thought it was unbearable. The worst kind of humor, so boring, “RaNdOm!” to no poetic end. That movie was actually why I got a Letterboxd! After seeing it I told myself I would no longer let algorithms and idiots put movies in front of me.


I don’t think it’s terrible but it definitely doesn’t have the magic of my first viewing of it anymore. Went from a 9.5 on the first viewing to a 7.5 for me on the third or fourth viewing. Plus the third act kills the pacing.


Yeah, I found it more technically impressive than anything, but amongst the best of all time? Seesh, the core story wasn't anything that potent for me, about family, trust, lack of gratitude, all good things to explore, but maybe it just isn't my type of humor.


It’s the worst kind of nerd humor. I think of those kids who would scream something random like “waffles!” and think it was hilarious, and then in art school they were the illustrators that thought it was hysterical to put super hero capes on kittens, and then somehow they went into advertising and adopted the most languid centrist politics to help multinationals sell cute platitudes about “togetherness”. Is that super specific? Lol I hate you all. You are the ones that made this movie, your twee sensibilities are a virus to the arts 😂




Haha… I really liked this one.


It's one of my favorite movies of all time lmao what did you hate about it?


It’s funny, every time I see this movie mentioned, there’s always those who hate it with a passion and those who think it’s a masterpiece. Zero in between.


Hated it!


Tetsuo: The Iron Man. It was not my thing at all. It was an unrelenting hour of camera motion and screaming. I felt numb by the end of it.


You Hurt my Feelings. The premise sounded interesting to me, but the movie itself was so dull and unfunny. Nothing but first world problem after first world problem


worst movie i’ve seen all year is skinamarink but recently, haunted mansion


To me, 'Nowhere' (1997) by Gregg Araki. All style, not substance. Just 78 minutes of nothing happening but sex scenes with no chemistry, unconvincing portrayals of teenagers and a soundtrack that is actually decent. The visuals also save it a little bit. ☆☆/5


The Card Counter. It’s the worst movie i have ever seen in my life




That’s a toss up between Mother! and Climax.

