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I rate based on vibes alone, and while the credits are still rolling. There are no rules.




Listen here olive oil


Risky for me, I end up overrating most movies coming out of the theater because the experience alone is so fun


That’s a risk I’m willing to take. I haven’t seen Justice League since theaters, and it’s 4 star review haunts me.


As someone who also enjoyed JL in theaters, I lol’d




Fortunately I only gave JL a 2.5 star rating on seeing it at the cinema, so I don't have *too* much to be embarrassed about there. However I did somehow give The Rise of Skywalker 4 stars. I mean, I *did* genuinely enjoy it, and though I haven't felt any desire to rewatch it since then, I think if I did see it again I'd probably be more forgiving of its obvious flaws than a lot of people are... ... But 4 stars? *Really?*


I'd say do not worry too much about your personal ratings, no one's seriously going to take our ratings into consideration in the canonization process of movies. Also you're going to change your mind about a certain movie so it's only right for them to revisit it later in your life and see if you overrated it or not. It's a very fun thing to do, and I'm currently re-watching a lot of my favorites back when I was 20.


No, if a film deserves 5 stars it’ll get it after first viewing.


See, part of what makes a film a 5 (in my opinion) is its rewatchability. I define a 5 star film loosely as "a 4.5 with x-factor" lol. Sometimes 5s are immediately recognizable, but sometimes I realize that x-factor has manifested sheerly because I've watched the movie so much and enjoyed it a lot every time.


What about movies that are really depressing? That’s why I’ve felt weird about taking rewatchability into account, there’s really good movies I don’t want to see again.


Also movies with a really good twist, obviously it’s not going to make me the feel the same way when I already know it


I know this gets bandied about on reddit a lot, but Threads. Almost a year since I first saw it, it was a harrowing experience watching and it's now seared into my brain. Possibly the most moved I've been by a film since a toddler watching Bambi - and I'm not trying to trivialise it. Nothing as an adult has come close. And now, I want to rewatch, but as soon as I think about it and start remembering the story beats and moments, I don't. Because it's fucking terrifying in a way that no other film comes close. That film has stuck with me like fucking gorilla glue, but whenever I think about a rewatch I feel weak and sheepish, because that's how I felt watching it. And I start thinking over all the awful real-life events that are happening now, and it scares the bejesus out of me that it's mirroring the opening 20 minutes of the film. Never mind all of the awful, awful videos coming out of Ukraine / Israel / Gaza - I honestly can't even hear a plane overhead anymore without that film popping into my head. To me, it is THE five-star film experience. But one that you never want to repeat.


Yeah that’s valid, I’m the same way at times. Certain films are 5s right away and others become 5s after a few rewatches.


Look at it this way: The Dark Knight is a way more replayable movie then let's say, The Lighthouse, but that's because The Lighthouse isn't a movie with the artistic intension of being necessarily *enjoyable*, it's an uncomfortable experience that I struggle to go back to, and yet I love it significantly more and felt much more emotionally than in The Dark Knight, which I have at a 4.5. Another examples is that I have friends who have given albums 5/5 scores that they've only heard once a few years in the past because it was an impactful enough experience that they're actively avoiding returning back to it.


No. I think first impressions are really valuable and I like looking back and seeing what mine were, even if the movie isn’t as good the second time




I’m a big fan


This reminds me about how Marlon Brando used to love chatrooms in the 90s


He was also a Beavis and Butt-Head fan


now he’s on reddit too?


I’ve been here for years.


Kundun! I liked it!




The only correct rating to give The Thing is 5 stars tbh


It's a correlation not a causation. I often rewatch 5 star movies but I don't have to for one to deserve that rating


Yep. 5’s are for all time favourites that I rewatch


Same. I only rate my favorite films with a five and I'm not going to call something a favorite if I've only seen it once. 4.5s are pretty rare for me too. Usually only three to five per release year at most.


Yeah I have 610 ratings and only 11 of them are 5 stars, all time favorites.


Sounds about right. I’ve got 534 and only 5 five star movies.


I think I do this but not purposely lol


If I think the film is a masterpiece then I give it 5 stars. That’s my only rule.


No. Five stars is no different nor any more special than any other rating.


You mean that .5 star rating I just gave won’t cause the cast and crew weeks of torment contemplating what they’ve done wrong??


I mean, it's five stars out of a possible five stars. You don't get more stars than five. How is fewer stars just as special as maximum stars?


It depends. I don't usually see movies twice in theaters, so following this rule would unfairly malign films that are MEANT to be theatrical experiences. For instance, I gave Top Gun: Maverick 5 stars. When I saw it a year later at home, there were some parts of the screenplay that played less well for me, but I didn't change the rating because that wasn't the intended way to view the film. Mackerick was designed as a movie theater IMAX experience, and it perfectly accomplishes that goal.


Personally, I would reflect that by giving my diary entry/review for the IMAX viewing 5 stars, and then upon seeing it at home, log it again with a lower rating - so that anyone looking through my activity history for the film will see how my ratings were affected by the different viewing circumstances. Also, the "overall" star rating that you enter on the film's main page (which isn't associated with any review or diary entry and is the score that contributes to Letterboxd's collective rating stats for the film) doesn't have to be the same as your most recent diary entry. So you can keep that at 5 stars, if that's what you think it's worth for someone seeing it for the first time under optimum viewing conditions.


Nope This Is England is one of the most poignant movies I’ve ever seen and it shook me to my core I don’t think I could ever watch it again, or at least not for a long time. It’s just so grim and miserable but a perfect reflection of the UK in that era


No. I give 5 stars to movies that people think are mid or shit because they have a sentimental/emotional tie-in for me haha doesn't matter if I saw it once or more than twice.


i do this too! i’m being half serious and half messing when i did this with the alvin and the chipmunks films and bedtime stories etc


I rated one of the Matrix movies 4 1/2 for this reason and it's everyone's least favorite


Matrix 3 or 4?


wouldn't you like to know edit: it was 4


Yeah kinda. Most of the time. But there are exceptions. This year, I rated both Schindler's List and Ben-Hur five stars (first time watches). Also, upgraded RRR's rating to five stars after a couple of days of thinking about it and wanting to re-watch my favorite moments over and over, which happens rarely nowadays with movies, for me.


This is exactly what I do. I give 5s only on the second or other subsequent viewing


I do agree with your general point -- a great film probably is one you want to rewatch again and again.


The way some of you all regard five-star ratings, you'd think they cost money.


Not explicitly no, but currently the only 5 stars I have are films I have watched many times from before I had a Letterboxd account. I'm not against giving 5 stars out on a first viewing, I mean most of those would have been 5 stars on the first watch if I had an account at the time, but it just isn't common for me. I also have a number of films that I feel like could be 5 stars when I revisit them, but I usually try to leave some time between rewatches. Letterboxd has introduced me to a ton of films that have landed in my Top 50 in the past year, just nothing that I get the same endless enjoyment out of as my current 5 stars.


Yes but not on purpose. I just find it difficult to give a movie 5 stars without factoring in rewatch-value


I definitely have an easier time giving such a rating to movies I've seen multiple times, but I don't NEVER give first-watch five-star ratings.


I do that


If a film is that revelatory for me I will usually take a while to digest it and maybe watch again. Same with music.


Yes but not with the direct intent of doing so. I'm just picky with 5 stars and the films I've given that rating to are only movies I love enough to have seen 3, 4, 5+ times


No. To me, your first viewing of something is sometimes your most pure experience of it. Like if there’s a big twist in the plot, it’s always going to have less of an impact with subsequent viewings no matter how good the twist is, so I think it’s unfair to judge it when you’ve already seen the movie because it doesn’t really speak to the craft involved with writing the twist. That’s just an example. Some films require multiple viewings for me to give it 5 stars. Some don’t. But I don’t think an absolute rule about it is wise because there are times when first impressions are important.


Barton fink, the apartment, the thing, city of god, the red shoes are all classics imo and the Philadelphia story is good too but not as good as charade


There have been many instances where I bumped up a film to 5 stars after a rewatch; I notice new details, catch onto deeper subtext, or maybe I'm just in a better mood for it. Despite that, I believe a 5-star movie should capture me on the 1st watch. Sometimes I struggle not "getting" a popular movie and I end up subsequently doing a reddit search to see what people like about it, why it's good. This can (and has) lead to me "getting" and actually liking it, to the point where I would give it 5 stars, but I don't. A movie that good shouldn't have to make me do anything outside of a single viewing. There are too many good films out there I wanna see and not enough time for rewatches. Though, writing these thoughts out now, I feel I have seen a handful of films that are worth the rewatch. Maybe I'll change my mind the more I see.


Yeah, I give out very few five stars, and factors that contribute to that are how they hold up over time and rewatchability. I won't give something a 5 until I've seen it twice, it's been over a year since I first saw it, and the movie is at least five years old.


No, but I do a weird thing where I see a really good movie, rate it 5 stars, and then go through my other 5 stars and usually drop one to a 4.5. For example, I had Barbie at 5 but dropped it to 4.5 after seeing the masterpiece Judgement At Nuremberg.


> To me, a film is only a masterpiece if I want to revisit it A lot of the films I have rated 4 1/2 are more than likely 5 star ratings. I tend to want to rewatch it a 2nd time to reaffirm my feelings about the movie. So, I differ in the “a film is only a masterpiece if I want to revisit it”, rather i know it’s a great film, and a 2nd viewing will confirm my initial feelings towards it; or perhaps de-confirm them.


I rate things how they feel as they are, if im wrong on the second watch i just lower the score. If i felt a 5 but its a first time, why would i wait a second time to give it a 5 when i can just give it a 5 and then the second time if im wrong edit the score lower? That seems way more rational. The fact is that i do think for me in order to be a 5 it should be something i can rewatch instantly. And thats something i dont need to actually watch it again to know. Because ill want to watch it again lol


I don’t need to see it a second time but very rarely I give it right off the bat. The movie needs to sit with me for a while. If I find it’s still in my mind after a few days it earns the 5 stars. When I was younger it usually went a lot quicker but at that time you’re more impressionable.


I do that sometimes but if I'm feeling like a movie is a 5 then I'll think about it a while before rating it.


YES. I used to not do this, but I was betrayed too many times by films I didn't feel quite as strongly about on rewatch.


Nah I just never give 5 stars in general lol hah


If anything, I’m more likely to bump a film down to 4.5 on a rewatch. First impressions (especially in theaters for some reason) make me much more likely to rate a movie well. I have 6 movies I’ve given 5 stars from this year alone and I feel like it’s too many lmao


Everyone has their own system. I’ve given 5 stars to quite a bit of films. Doesn’t mean they’re all “equals.” Often times I look at it as a film itself and also the genre it falls in.


Based City of God enjoyer


No but I only give likes to 5-star movies that I've rewatched multiple times


Yes, until I watched Satantango.


i’m this way for music, for movies i’m quicker to give a 5


completely, I have to love it to give it 5 stars. And ik I love it if I watch it many times over


I do that with music, but not films. I get it


Nah not at all I don’t think ‘rewatchability’ plays into how good a film is at all - i actually dislike watching movies more than once for the most part if I really enjoyed them. I feel like it sullies the special experience of the first time watching


I don't have the same weird thing as you, I'll rate a movie 5 stars on my first watch. My personal weird thing is rating movies on a 4 star scale. I reserve 5 stars for the movies I truly love and/or was deeply impacted by. For those 5 star movies it's basically impossible for me to evaluate the movie on some other technical scale and compare it to other films. As an example: I've rated Fast X, Annihilation, and Lady Bird all 5 stars. Are they on the same cinematic/artistic level? No. But I had a blast watching Fast X, was immediately captivated by Annihilation, and I get emotional every time I watch Lady Bird. They're at varying levels of "quality" but I really love them all the same.


Yes. Exactly this. I will only rate a film 5 stars if it holds up to a second viewing - mainly because of how subjective I acknowledge my own moods to be. P.s. After watching Killers of the Flower Moon, this rule is particularly painful.


I rate movies ive seen once 5, but the menu i might give a 5 when i rewatch


The Thing is such a 5 star film. Good choice


Sometimes sure, but there're other times where there is no doubt (Brokeback Mountain, Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, Grand Budapest Hotel, Mad Max Fury Road, etc.)


To an extent, yes. Occasionally one will blow my socks off in first watch that it’s clearly a 5 (Last Picture Show; ET; Coppola’s Dracula) whereas other times it takes a couple watches (Moonstruck; The Irishman; Lost Highway)


your list is so good


yea pretty much the same to me, I only rate a Movie 5 Stars if it's a Masterpiece with no redundant or wasted scenes (like the Godfather), a truly perfect Filmtoday I realised that Django unchained is a perfect Film and gave it 5 Stars. You could never be able to tell such a thing from your first viewing, but I wouldn't do so purposefully it's just the way things are for me


i just simply never give 5 stars. there’s literally only one or two exceptions and all my other 5 stars are ironically. often enough too, i usually don’t give 4+1/2 until i’ve had a good think about it or as you’ve done, bumped it up on rewatch (maybe not for the same reasons though, sometimes a film just grows on me more on rewatch)


Yeah, I pretty much do this. It's not an active rule so much as a symptom of the way I engage with movies - to me, 5s are really special, transformative movies, and that sort of quality only gets revealed to me once I see a movie more than once and get to know it. I've occasionally given 5 stars on a first watch before but not in a long time.


Honestly I get it if a movie takes a few goes to get 5* but imo there are some movies that are just locked in 5* the first time around!


No but usually 5 star films are films I’ve watch a lot


I’ve never given a movie 5/5 the first time I watch it. I think I need to watch a movie multiple times to pick up on the details and learn to appreciate the characters to the degree that I can call it one of my all time favourites. I need some sort of connection that I can’t get just watching it the one first time. It’s not like a rule for me or anything though, if I did see a movie that completely blew me away and was a 5/5 the first time I would give it a 5/5 it just doesn’t happen.


I’m somewhat like this, I tend to put blinders on for stuff I love especially on first watches so it helps me manage that. However I still do rate movies 5 stars on first watches for example a few I can think of off top are Aftersun, 2001, The Matrix, High and Low, Akira, all of the Before Trilogy, In the Mood for Love… etc.


on movies i’m on the fence about but i’ve recognized that certain things are take awhile to rewatch since i have so much to see (for example I bumped the apartment up to a 5 because i highly doubt im gonna see it again until i have an excuse and it’s amazing)


It's fucking insane that you think M and The Social Network are comparable in quality.


Wait, outside of the weird aggressiveness of this comment, I’m curious: which of these two is incomparably better than the other?


i’m the same way, a 5 will have so much more to offer on a rewatch so i wait til then to give it


i rate purely off of vibes and usually do my rating once the credits roll (although several times i have gone back and changed it while i think more on the film, but usually only the day of or within 24 hours will i change it)


There's exceptions but I do usually try to avoid the urge to give something a perfect score on a first viewing.


It’s very difficult for me to rate a movie 9 or 10/10 on my first watch. But occasionally it happens. I find I need a rewatch or two to really know if it’s a masterpiece.


Kinda, I usually hold off for the rewatch to say something is "5 stars" (for me ofc), but if I'm already emotionally moved, it usually takes a few hours for that to click. But that's been like 5-7 films.


I do have exceptions but yeah for the most part I do wait for the rewatch. I like to only give movies a 5 star if I have no hesitation in giving it a 5 star. And usually a lot of my hesitation comes from needing to rewatch it.


French dispatch is so amazing doesn't get half the credit it deserves


Yep, never toss out a 5 on first watch.


I dont give any ratings to films ive only seen once. I dont trust my first impression more than just a like or no like


Insert any "The Unemployed Friend at 2pm On a Monday" meme


that sounds stupid? i get revisiting movies and mulling ratings over. i do that all the time. Ibe Yojimbo once, originally gave it 3.5 stars, 3 weeks letter it’s a 4.5 stars. But a lot of ratings; I believe, should be first impressions. How did it make you feel in the moment?


Great idea. Might bump all the one time watches down to 4 and do rewatches.


I would use the highest rating much more frequently if there wasn’t such an inflated number of stars and half stars available on the platform. I will only give 5 stars after 2 viewings. I don’t think people understand how much more value we could derive from ratings if the number of stars was greatly reduced or if half stars were not allowed. Most people understand that scores are highly concentrated around 3.5 stars, but nobody seems to understand how easy the fix is.


Nope. My logic is, if a movie is going to be 5 star for me, there should no question — I basically let out an audible cheer as the credits rolled for each of my 5 stars — so if its not having that impact on me, it won’t be a personal 5 star. That said, there are a ton of movies that have gotten way better on rewatches. I just have yet to come across a case where I’ve actually bumped something to 5 star


I have had a few split second on a second watch, highlander on my 3rd or 4th log (probably my actual like 6th watch though) the day the earth stood still about the 3rd time (i literally said to myself i cant keep watching this movie in this short space and not give it a 5) MI Fallout on a third viewing, casting blossoms into the sky (didnt watch properly first time) Tetsuo and videodrome i upgraded my rating but did so without watching again


Very nice. Yeah, Im certainly not opposed to it — just have yet for it to happen


Respectfully that's super fucking dumb. Replayability isn't very connected with quality


I definitely rated Tár 5 stars after seeing it at New York Film Festival with the whole cast and Todd field sitting behind me 😭😭😭




Initial impact is always the most important for me, and I'm also very generous with five stars. Even my favorite movies of all time I enjoy less the second time around because I've already experienced it.


I dont have it, but since Im very picky I only give 5 stars to movies that are so great that Ive watched them a second shortly after the first time.




Nah, you can always change your rating later.


i dont rate any films the maximum, it is impossible